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Institución Educativa María Auxiliadora PGF-GA-03-R03

Lema: “Somos Colmauxi formando generaciones que dejan huellas de paz y bien”


y cultura Inglés Lic. Katherin Casas Sevilla

FECHA DE INICIO: 05/ FECHA DE FINAL: PERIODO : 2 Datos contacto docente

abril /2021 Cel. 3022664233

Mensaje de Dios para ti


En esta oportunidad, se describen las actividades de inglés, para grado 7º que debes desarrollar durante la SEMANA escolar,
deben ser desarrolladas en el cuaderno para así poder enviar tu evidencia al docente, de igual forma, se tendrá en cuenta tu
organización y grafía al momento de elabóralas, así mismo se hace necesario que dedique un horario pertinente para una
mayor comprensión de esta. Si tienes alguna duda o pregunta, comunícate con el

Pre saberes

Daily Routine – Present simple – frequency adverbs

Tu rutina diaria, es lo que haces todos los días, las cosas que haces en tu diario vivir


I take the bus to school.

Como escribir sobre tu rutina diaria

1. Use the present simple tense.

Forming the present simple tense is simple – use the base form of the verb.

I play…
You work…

They swim…

Remember – si estas usando tercera persona (he/she/it) necesitas agregarle al verbo “s”.

He plays…

She jumps…

It kicks…

Example sentences with the simple present tense:

I clean my teeth at 7:00.

I go to sleep at 11:00.

2. Use adverbs of frequency.

100% 0%

always, usually, often, sometimes, occasionally, hardly ever, rarely, never

Por lo general se utilizan después del sujeto y antes del verbo


I always clean my teeth before I go to school.

I sometimes have hot chocolate in the evening.

Example Daily Routine:

Lisa is a student at university. Here is her daily routine.

I always wake up at 7:00 in the morning.

I usually have breakfast at 7:30.

I catch the bus to university at 8:00.

I usually start studying at 8:30.

I always have lunch at noon.

I finish university at 4:15 in the afternoon.

I sometimes go to the cinema with my friends in the evening.

I usually have dinner with my family at about 7:00 in the evening.

I never go to bed before 11 o’clock.

I often go to bed at midnight.


Mira las siguientes palabras y coloca en orden la rutina diaria que sucede durante el dia

Get dressed Wake up Study Take a shower

Go Home Brush your hair Do homework Go to school

Eat breakfast Get up Eat dinner Eat Lunch

Go to the bathroom Brush your teeth Make your bed Play soccer


Situaciones que promueven el aprendizaje

What is your favorite sport?

What sport do you like and dislike?

What sport can you play?

Why are sports important?

Actividades de Conceptualización

What is your favorite sport?

Section: Vocabulary
Estos son algunos de los desportes mas frecuente en Ingles
My favorite sport
is ……

Busca en la siguiente sopa de letra el anterior vocabulario


1. ______________ 6. _______________
2. ______________ 7. _______________
3. ______________ 8. _______________
4. _______________ 9. _______________
5. ______________ 10. ________________

Investiga otros tipos de deportes, escríbelos en tu libreta de apuntes

What sport do you like and dislike?

Section: Grammar “Like and Dislike”

Like es gustar en español y Dislike es cuando algo no te gusta

Para hablar de los deportes que nos gustan o no nos gustan utilizamos el presente simple

Presente Simple

I like playing Soccer

They like playing Tennis

She Likes playing Football


Clasifica los siguientes deportes en el cuadro, teniendo en cuenta cuales te gustan y cuales no




2. Escribe oraciones en presente simple utilizando Like and Dislike para cada uno de los deportes
que clasificaste anteriormente.

Example: I like playing Soccer

____________________________________ _____________________________

____________________________________ ______________________________

____________________________________ ______________________________
___________________________________ _______________________________

___________________________________ ________________________________

___________________________________ ________________________________

___________________________________ ________________________________

___________________________________ ________________________________


3. Pregunta a tus familiars o amigos donde vives “what sport do they like and dislike? Anota
las respuestas en tu libreta; no olvides usar las oraciones en presente simple con Like and

Interrogative sentences

Existen dos formas en presente simple para hacer preguntas:

1. Yes/No question Sentences

Se utiliza primero el auxiliar, luego el sujeto o pronombre, por último el deporte

Do you like Tennis?

Yes, I do No, I don’t

Se responde de la siguiente forma:

2. Wh-Question

Preguntas de Información personal

What Where Who How When What
often time?


Verbos que se utilizan con los deportes o actividades que se realizan en el tiempo libre.

Go Play Do

✓ Bowling ✓ Baseball ✓ Aerobics

✓ Cycling ✓ Basketball ✓ Archery
✓ Dancing ✓ Board game ✓ Athletics
✓ Fishing ✓ Chess ✓ Ballet
✓ Jogging ✓ Cricket ✓ Exercise
✓ Riding ✓ Football ✓ Gymnastic
✓ Running ✓ Soccer ✓ Judo
✓ Sailing ✓ Hockey ✓ Karate
✓ Skating ✓ Rugby ✓ Taekwondo
✓ Skiing ✓ Table tennis ✓ Yoga
✓ Swimming ✓ Volleyball
✓ Hiking ✓ Squash
Frequency adverbs
Los adverbios de frecuencia sirven para indicar que tan frecuente realizas una

Actividades de conceptualización

1. Complete the sentences with “Go – Play – Do”

o I usually ___________ baseball on Saturday

o My brother always ______________ soccer in Siempre

the afternoon Usualmente

o Sara and Lisa never _________________ Frecuentemente

Algunas veces
o My mother sometimes _______________
Rara vez
o They often _____________ hiking

o She occasionally ____________ gymnastic Nunca

o My father usually _______ swimming

o Charles always ________ hockey


2. Realiza las siguientes preguntas a un miembro de tu familia y anota las respuestas en

tu libreta.

*What sport do you like? *Who do you play with? *Where do you play? *When do

you play? *How often do you play? *What time do you play?

Can / Can’t


El verbo can se utiliza para decir que se puede hacer algo, en este caso poder hacer
cualquier actividad o deporte y can’t, es lo contrario, que no se puede hacer esa actividad.
Oraciones afirmativas/negativas
Preguntas de Yes/No question Preguntas wh- question

I can swim
I can dance
I can’t play hockey
She can jump Can you swim?
She can’t go fishing
He can play soccer Yes, I can
My mom can’t dance
They can do exercise No I can’t

Sujeto + Can /Can’t + Verb Or Can + Sujeto + verb or sport?


What sport can you do, play, go?

What sport can your classmates do, play, go?

Question for can with wh-question

Se utilizan para pedir información a las personas; su estructura es la siguiente

W-h question + Can + Subject + rest of the sentence + ?

What Where Who How When What
often time?


✓ What sport can you play?

I can play soccer

✓ Where can you play soccer?

I can play soccer at the park

✓ Who can you play soccer?

I can play soccer with my friends

✓ How often can you play soccer?

I sometimes play soccer on the weekend

✓ When can you play soccer?

I play soccer on Saturday

✓ What time can you play soccer?

I play soccer at four o’clock

1. Usa Can/can’t y el deporte que aparece en la imagen para completar oraciones

a. b. c. d. e.

Example: She can Go camping

a. ________________________________
b. ________________________________
c. ________________________________
d. ________________________________
e. ________________________________

2. Observa las siguientes imágenes y escribe Can or Can’t de acuerdo a los deportes

1. We ____ skateboard. We ______ play tennis

2. They _____ play tennis. They _____ play soccer

3. She _____ skate. She ______ skateboard

4. Realiza 6 oraciones con can and can’t más deportes que puedes o no puedes hacer



5. Observa las siguientes imágenes y responde preguntas de yes/no question

Example: Can he play tennis? No, he can’t

a. Can he play basketball? _______________
b. Can he go skating? _________________
c. Can he play soccer? _______________
d. Can he play baseball? ________________
e. Can he do karate? ________________
f. Can he ride a bike? _______________

6. Organiza las siguientes oraciones, debes tener en cuenta su estructura para cada tipo de oración
(Afirmativa, negativas, yes/no question, wh-question)

a. Can/ Mary/ play soccer/ very well Mary can play soccer very well.

b. They/ Can/ what/ play? ___________________________________________

c. Do aerobics/ We/ can’t ______________________________________

d. He/Can/ swim/ at the beach? ________________________________

e. Can/ you/ do/ exercise ______________________________________

f. Where/ Charlie/ play tennis/ can? ______________________________

g. My mom/ swimming/ go/ can’t ________________________________

h. My brother/ can/ go cycling? _________________________________

7. Utilizar el adverbio de frecuencia en su lugar correspondiente

a. Mary ______ _____ (sometimes, go) Skiing

b. I _______ ________ (Never, play) volleyball, I don’t like it

c. My father ______ ________ (occasionally, do) exercise.

d. My friends ______ _________ (Always, Do) Karate

e. We ______ _________ (Usually, Go) Hiking in the afternoon

f. You ______ _________(often, play) Hockey with your sister.

8. Leer el siguiente texto y responder las preguntas



My favorite sport is scuba diving, I like practicing it in

summer. I go to my grandmother house, she lives near
the sea, and my sister and I catch the grandma's
small boat and we go far away from the beach. In the
water we can see different colored fish, corals,
turtles and sea horses.

Beside we can play volleyball with some neighbors, we can play baseball and
we can play soccer on the beach too, the only sport that we can’t do is
cycling, because there are a lot of sand.

When I am in my grandmother’s house, my sister and me do exercise every

morning, we can run by the beach and we can walk too.

I also like basketball, I play in a team called "wildcats", we win almost all of
the matches. I usually play basketball, because we practice five times a week
in the afternoon at five o’clock. Our coach is really god and he motivate us a

What about you? What is your favorite sport?

a. What is his favorite sport?
b. When does he practice scuba diving?
c. What sport does he play?
d. How often does he practice basketball?
e. What time does he practice basketball?
f. What sport can he play at the beach?
g. What activities he can do in the morning?
h. What’s the name of basketball team?
i. Where does the grandmother live?

9. Ahora es tu turno, escribe sobre tu deporte favorito, debes decir, donde lo practicas, cada cuanto,
a que hora y con quien los practicas. (puedes tomar como referencia el anterior texto)


What sport do you play/ practice?

Where do you practice?

When do you practice?

How often do you practice?

What time do you practice?

What sport can you practice in your house or where you live?

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