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Canciones para aprender

1. Introducción: mejor con música 3

2. ¿Por qué aprender con canciones? 3

a. Inglés natural y útil 4
b. Acentos diferentes 4
c. Ritmo, rimas y repetición 4
d. Una meta concreta 4
d. Un repaso entretenido 5

3. Cómo empezar 5
a. Elige 6
b. Escucha 6
c. Lee 11
d. Busca 16
d. Repite 9
b. Memoriza 9
c. Canta 10
d. Para canciones que ya conoces 10

4. Ejercicios 6
a. Para empezar 6
b. Subiendo el nivel 11
c. Un poco más difícil 16
d. Cantar a dúo 20
e. Ejercicios grupales 22
f. Canciones para rellenar 22

5. Recursos 28
e. Completar canciones 29
f. Karaoke 29
g. Ejercicios 29
f. Letras 29
g. Otros 29

6. Bonus track: A Song of Ice and Fire 29

7. Soluciones 32
1. Introducción: mejor
con música
Sea cual sea tu nivel de inglés, una cosa es segura: algunas de las palabras y
expresiones que conoces han salido de una canción. La música en inglés está
por todas partes, y hay para todos los gustos, así que lo más probable es que
entre tus canciones favoritas haya varias en este idioma.

A la hora de aprender inglés, esto es una ventaja increíble. Cada día tienes la
‘‘La repetición y la
oportunidad de aprender una expresión nueva casi sin darte cuenta, con esa
melodía que se te queda rondando en la cabeza aunque no quieras después de imitación
escucharla en la radio. te ayudan a asimilar
Si quieres aprovechar este recurso al máximo, no te pierdas estos trucos y estructuras de
ejercicios que te facilitarán el proceso de entender y aprender de una canción forma mucho más
en inglés.

2. ¿Por qué aprender

con canciones?
Aprender inglés con música es una aproximación un poco diferente a la forma
tradicional de aprendizaje del inglés. No estudias gramática, no memorizas
tablas de verbos, no aprendes fórmulas para formar frases... ¿cómo funciona
esto entonces?

Los métodos basados en la práctica, que han ganado popularidad en el mun-

do de la enseñanza en los últimos años, no se preocupan tanto por esto, y se
centran más en que aprendas frases útiles en contexto. Y aquí está el secreto:
aprendes inglés como los niños, sin darte cuenta. Las canciones son una ex-
celente forma de aprender a través de la práctica. La repetición y la imitación
te ayudan a asimilar estructuras de forma mucho más natural que aprenderte
una fórmula de memoria. Además, las canciones tienen otras muchas ventajas.

Inglés natural y útil

No todas las canciones te dan frases que vayas a usar en tu día a día (sería
divertido encajar Champagne Supernova, de Oasis, en una conversación), pero
muchas de ellas contienen estructuras y frases que necesitas si vas a mantener
una conversación. Aunque no lo parezca a primera vista, casi cualquier
canción de más de dos estrofas tiene algo que enseñarte. Puede que no todas
las palabras de una canción te sean útiles, pero hay frases que te ayudarán a
interiorizar reglas gramaticales. Por ejemplo, Hello, de Adele, puede ayudarte
a recordar los comparativos («When were were younger») o el uso de verbos
modales con el presente perfecto («I must’ve called a thousand times»). ¿Te
cuesta acordarte de que el verbo «depend» va con la preposición «on»? Ya
verás cómo te ayuda escuchar Jolene, de Dolly Parton («My happiness depends
on you»). Hasta canciones tan peculiares como Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
tienen frases útiles.

Acentos diferentes
Hay grupos que cantan en inglés de todo el mundo. Puedes familiarizarte con
acentos de la India, de Estados Unidos, de Australia... solo tienes que buscar
grupos de ese país que canten en inglés. También puedes buscar las ban-
das sonoras de tus películas favoritas, si alguna de las canciones tiene letra.
Si quieres escuchar variedad de acentos sin ponerte a buscar mucho, echa
un vistazo a ediciones pasadas de Eurovisión. Escuchar acentos diferentes
te ayudará a estar más preparado cuando hables con alguien que tenga un
acento fuerte, y a acostumbrarte a las diferentes formas de hablar de cada

Ritmo, rimas y repetición

Aunque tengas que empezar murmurando toda la línea para decir solo la úl-
tima sílaba, las rimas te ayudan a captar e imitar sonidos. Cuando cantas en
inglés, repites sonidos, lo que te permite perfeccionarlos poco a poco. Puede
que lo que cantes no sea comprensible a la primera, pero con suficiente prác-
tica, acaba saliendo. Además, la estructura de la mayoría de las canciones,
basadas en estrofa-estribillo-estrofa, da sensación de familiaridad y ayuda a
atreverse poco a poco a imitar sonidos. Además, la melodía y el ritmo hacen
que la frase sea más fácil de memorizar.

Una meta concreta

A veces, estudiar inglés por tu cuenta puede hacerse pesado, sobre todo cuan-
do no ves progreso, o no te motiva mucho el temario. Pero cuando estudias
con música, tienes un objetivo: aprenderte una canción completa y cantarla.

Además del avance en tus estudios que esto supone, después puedes lucirte
con tus amistades. Son todo ventajas.

Un repaso entretenido
Estudiar de forma divertida es la mejor forma de no olvidar el contenido. Si en
lugar de obligarte a pasar horas estudiando dedicas un rato de tu tiempo libre
a hacer algo que te gusta (como escuchar música) en inglés, aprenderás casi
sin darte cuenta. Estudiar inglés no tiene por qué ser aburrido.

3. Cómo empezar
Si quieres probar a estudiar con canciones por tu cuenta, puedes seguir estos
• Elige: Busca una canción, mejor si es una nueva o, al menos, que no te
sepas. Intenta elegir algo que se adapte a tu nivel: si no tienes mucha
práctica, puedes empezar con canciones infantiles o populares, y si te
sientes con confianza, puedes buscar entre los últimos éxitos musicales
a ver si encuentras alguna canción que te guste. "Asegúrate de
• Escucha: Cuando hayas elegido, busca el videoclip de la canción. Si lo que entiendes
tiene, puede ofrecer pistas interesantes acerca del tema que te ayudarán
si te cuesta comprender la letra. Presta atención, pero no hace falta que
bien las palabras
entiendas cada palabra. Basta con que te hagas una idea general del y el contexto de la
tema. Repite esto tantas veces como te haga falta. ¿Entiendes de qué canción"
trata la canción? ¿Entiendes frases completas? Escribe lo que entiendas,
así luego, cuando mires la letra, podrás comprobar si has acertado.
• Lee: Busca la letra de la canción y escúchala de nuevo, esta vez mientras
lees. Comprueba si habías entendido algo mal al escucharla sin letra, y
apúntate las correcciones. Escúchala entera, sin pararla, al menos una
• Busca: Seguramente haya varias palabras que no conozcas, así que busca
en un buen diccionario la definición, y asegúrate de que la entiendes
en contexto. Si te apuntas todo el vocabulario nuevo en un solo sitio,
podrás recurrir a una lista que repasar de vez en cuando.
• Repite: Divide la letra en partes que te sean cómodas. Pueden incluir un
par de estrofas, o una sola, como prefieras. En la sección de ejercicios
puedes ver algunos ejemplos. Escucha cada parte con la letra delante.
Al final de cada parte, para la música y prueba a repetir lo que has
escuchado. Haz esto todas las veces que necesites o te apetezca con
cada parte, no hay prisa. Si quieres corregir tu pronunciación, presta
atención a la canción original y compárala con lo que estás cantando
tú. También puedes pedirle a alguien que te escuche, o incluso grabarte.
• Memoriza: Ya tienes prácticamente todo lo que necesitas, ahora solo
te falta cantarla de memoria. La forma más fácil de aprenderte una
canción entera es hacerlo por partes, así que proponte memorizar una
estrofa, o incluso dos, al día. En una semana puedes aprenderte una
canción larga sin demasiado esfuerzo.

• Canta: Y ya estás listo para pasar a la acción. Si te gustan los karaokes,
puedes probar a pedir la canción e interpretarla en público, que le añade
un punto interesante. Y si no, puedes buscar la versión karaoke por
internet y cantarla solo o con amigos. Si aún te cuesta, también puedes
practicar con la canción original hasta que la domines por completo.
• Para canciones que ya conoces: Si la canción que has elegido es una
que más o menos te sabías, puedes saltarte algunos pasos, pero es
recomendable que al menos busques la letra completa, compruebes si
había algo que no habías entendido o habías malinterpretado, busques
las palabras de las que no estés seguro en el diccionario, y corrijas
los fallos de pronunciación, comparando lo que cantas con la canción
original. Puede que te lleves alguna sorpresa, como le pasa a mucha
gente cuando ve la letra de I Love Rock ‘n’ Roll, de Joan Jett.
Puedes empezar con la canción que quieras, pero a continuación te
ofrecemos unos cuantos ejercicios para que vayas practicando.

4. Ejercicios
Aquí tienes las letras de varias canciones, divididas en partes y con las pala-
bras más difíciles resaltadas. Puedes elegir entre tres canciones de cada nivel.
Al final, también podrás encontrar otros ejercicios para hacer en grupo, y un
ejercicio de rellenar espacios con letras de canciones. Encontrarás las solu-
ciones al final.
Let’s rock it! "¡Es hora de
Para empezar practicar!"
Sigue los pasos que has visto antes con estas letras. Por si no te acuerdas:

• Busca el videoclip. Escucha con atención, sin necesidad de entenderlo

• Mira la letra y vuelve a escuchar la canción con ella delante.
• Busca el significado de las palabras en negrita.
• Pon la primera parte de la canción y prueba a cantarla cuando la pares.
Repite con las demás partes.
• Apréndete una estrofa, o las que quieras, al día.
• Canta.

How Far I’ll Go — Auli’i Cravalho
Part 1:

I’ve been staring at the edge of the water

Long as I can remember, never really knowing why

I wish I could be the perfect daughter

But I come back to the water, no matter how hard I try

Part 2:

Every turn I take, every trail I track

Every path I make, every road leads back

To the place I know where I cannot go

Where I long to be

See the line where the sky meets the sea.

It calls me

And no one knows, how far it goes

If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me

One day I’ll know

If I go there’s just no telling how far I’ll go

Part 3:

I know everybody on this island seems so happy, on this island

Everything is by design

I know everybody on this island has a role, on this island

So maybe I can roll with mine

Part 4:

I can lead with pride, I can make us strong

I’ll be satisfied if I play along

But the voice inside sings a different song

What is wrong with me?

See the light as it shines on the sea.

It’s blinding

But no one knows, how deep it goes

And it seems like it’s calling out to me, so come find me

And let me know

What’s beyond that line, will I cross that line?

The line where the sky meets the sea.

It calls me

And no one knows, how far it goes

If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me

One day I’ll know

How far I’ll go

Our House — Madness

Part 1:

Father wears his Sunday best

Mother’s tired she needs a rest

The kids are playing out downstairs

Sister’s sighing in her sleep

Brother’s got a date to keep

He can’t hang around

Our house, in the middle of our street

Our house, in the middle of our

Part 2:

Our house it has a crowd

There’s always something happening

And it’s usually quite loud

Our mum she’s so house-proud

Nothing ever slows her down

And a mess is not allowed

Our house...

(Something tells you

That you’ve got to get away from it)

Part 3:

Father gets up late for work

Mother has to iron his shirt

Then she sends the kids to school

Sees them off with a small kiss

She’s the one they’re going to miss

In lots of ways

Part 4:

Our house...

I remember way back then when

Everything was true and when

We would have such a very good time

Such a fine time

Such a happy time

And I remember how we’d play

Simply waste the day away

Then we’d say

Nothing would come between us

Two dreamers

Part 5:

Father wears his Sunday best

Mother’s tired she needs a rest

The kids are playing out downstairs

Sister’s sighing in her sleep

Brother’s got a date to keep

He can’t hang around

Our house...

Our house, was our castle and our keep

Our house, in the middle of our street

Our house, that was where we used to sleep

Our house, in the middle of our street

Penny Lane — The Beatles

Part 1:

In Penny Lane there is a barber showing photographs

Of every head he’s had the pleasure to have known

And all the people that come and go

Stop and say hello

On the corner is a banker with a motorcar

The little children laugh at him behind his back

And the banker never wears a mac

In the pouring rain, very strange

Part 2:

Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes

There beneath the blue suburban skies

I sit, and meanwhile back

In Penny Lane there is a fireman with an hourglass

And in his pocket is a portrait of the queen

He likes to keep his fire engine clean

It’s a clean machine

Part 3:

Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes

A four of fish and finger pies

In summer, meanwhile back

Behind the shelter in the middle of a roundabout

The pretty nurse is selling poppies from a tray

And though she feels as if she’s in a play

She is anyway

Part 4:

In Penny Lane the barber shaves another customer

We see the banker sitting waiting for a trim

And then the fireman rushes in

From the pouring rain, very strange

Penny lane is in my ears and in my eyes

There beneath the blue suburban skies

I sit, and meanwhile back

Penny lane is in my ears and in my eyes

There beneath the blue suburban skies

Penny Lane

Subiendo el nivel
Vamos con canciones un poco más difíciles. Puedes seguir con los mismos
pasos que antes.

Stronger — Kelly Clarkson

Part 1:

You know the bed feels warmer

Sleeping here alone

You know I dream in colour

And do the things I want

You think you got the best of me

Think you’ve had the last laugh

Bet you think that everything good is gone

Think you left me broken down

Think that I’d come running back

Baby you don’t know me, cause you’re dead wrong

Part 2:

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

Stand a little taller

Doesn’t mean I’m lonely when I’m alone

What doesn’t kill you makes a fighter

Footsteps even lighter

Doesn’t mean I’m over cause you’re gone

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, stronger

Just me, myself and I

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

Stand a little taller

Doesn’t mean I’m lonely when I’m alone

Part 3:

You heard that I was starting over with someone new

They told you I was moving on over you

You didn’t think that I’d come back

I’d come back swinging

You try to break me, but you see

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger...

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, stronger...

Part 4:

Thanks to you I got a new thing started

Thanks to you I’m not the broken-hearted

Thanks to you I’m finally thinking about me

You know in the end the day you left was just my beginning

In the end...

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger...

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, stronger...

Hotel California — Eagles

Part 1:

On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair

Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air

Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light

My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim

I had to stop for the night

There she stood in the doorway;

I heard the mission bell

And I was thinking to myself,

“This could be Heaven or this could be Hell”

Part 2:

Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way

There were voices down the corridor,

I thought I heard them say...

Welcome to the Hotel California

Such a lovely place

Such a lovely face

Plenty of room at the Hotel California

Any time of year

You can find it here

Part 3:

Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes bends

She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys she calls friends

How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.

Some dance to remember, some dance to forget

So I called up the Captain,

“Please bring me my wine”

He said, “We haven’t had that spirit here since nineteen sixty-nine”

Part 4:

And still those voices are calling from far away,

Wake you up in the middle of the night

Just to hear them say...

Welcome to the Hotel California

Such a lovely place

Such a lovely face

They living it up at the Hotel California

What a nice surprise

Bring your alibis

Part 5:

Mirrors on the ceiling,

The pink champagne on ice

And she said “We are all just prisoners here, of our own device”

And in the master’s chambers,

They gathered for the feast

But they just can’t kill the beast

They stab it with their steely knives,

Last thing I remember, I was

Running for the door

I had to find the passage back

To the place I was before

“Relax, “ said the night man,

“We are programmed to receive.

You can check-out any time you like,

But you can never leave!”

Summercat - Billie the Vision & The Dancers

Part 1:

I kissed you goodbye at the airport.

I held you so close to me.

I said “So here we are now and I can’t stop from crying Lilly”

And you said “Hey hey ho, you know this is the way to go

You will forget about me when I’m on that plane

Forget about me when I’m on that plane”

Tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight

I wanna be with you tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight

I wanna be with you tonight


Part 2:

The plane took off and my love went with it

The chilly wind whipped my both cheeks hard

And the man next to me said “Everything is gonna be all right”

I said “Nothing is gonna be all right, but thank you anyway”

And then I saw your face in the airplane window

I waved my hands and I shouted to you


Part 3:

I wore a T-shirt and my worn-out hat.

Abandoned as a summer cat.

And as I stood there as a broken-hearted I realized you got the car keys still.

So I broke into my own old car. Los phrasal

I fell asleep on the passenger seat. verbs son
I dreamed of summer sex with you and you whispered in my ear: imprescindibles
Tonight... para entender
a los nativos y
Part 4: sonar como ellos.
Why can’t you leave me tomorrow instead?

And above the clouds she said to herself “I can’t believe how naive a man can be.

That’s why I love you so and that’s why I can’t be with you...”

Un poco más difícil

Un último desafío: estas canciones son más difíciles de comprender, ya sea
por el acento, la velocidad a la que cantan o las expresiones que usan.

This is the Life — Amy Macdonald

Part 1:

Oh the wind whistles down

The cold dark street tonight

And the people they were dancing

To the music vibe

And the boys chase the girls with the curls in their hair

While the shy tormented youth sit way over there

And the songs get louder, each one better than before

Part 2:

And you’re singing the songs, thinking this is the life

And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size

Where you gonna go, where you gonna go, where you gonna sleep tonight?

Part 3:

So you’re heading down the road in your taxi for four

And you’re waiting outside Jimmy’s front door

But nobody’s in and nobody’s home ‘til four

So you’re sitting there with nothing to do

Talking about Robert Riger and his motley crew

And where you gonna go, where you gonna sleep tonight?

Part 4:

And you’re singing the songs thinking this is the life

And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size

Where you gonna go, where you gonna go, where you gonna sleep tonight?

Valerie — Amy Winehouse

Part 1:

Well sometimes I go out by myself

And I look across the water

And I think of all the things, what you’re doing

And in my head I paint a picture

Since I’ve come home,

Well my body’s been a mess

And I’ve missed your ginger hair

And the way you like to dress

Won’t you come on over

Stop making a fool out of me

Why don’t you come on over, Valerie?

Part 2:

Did you have to go to jail,

Put your house up for sale, did you get a good lawyer?

I hope you didn’t catch a tan,

I hope you find the right man who’ll fix it for ya

Are you shopping anywhere,

Changed the colour of your hair, are you busy?

And did you have to pay that fine

That you were dodging all the time, are you still dizzy?

Since I’ve come on home,

Well my body’s been a mess

And I’ve missed your ginger hair

And the way you like to dress

Won’t you come on over?

Stop making a fool out of me

Why don’t you come on over, Valerie?


Part 3:

Well sometimes I go out by myself

And I look across the water

And I think of all the things, what you’re doing

And in my head I paint a picture

Since I’ve come on home,

Well my body’s been a mess

And I’ve missed your ginger hair

And the way you like to dress

Won’t you come on over?

Stop making a fool out of me

Why don’t you come on over, Valerie?


Why don’t you come on over, Valerie?

Unstoppable — Sia
Part 1:

I’ll smile, I know what it takes to fool this town

I’ll do it ‘til the sun goes down

And all through the night time, oh yeah

Oh, yeah, I’ll tell you what you want to hear

Keep my sunglasses on while I shed a tear

It’s never the right time, yeah, yeah

Part 2:

I’ll put my armour on,

Show you how strong I am

I’ll put my armour on,

I’ll show you that I am

I’m unstoppable

I’m a Porsche with no brakes

I’m invincible

Yeah, I win every single game

I’m so powerful

I don’t need batteries to play

I’m so confident

I’m unstoppable today

Unstoppable today

I’m unstoppable today

Part 3:

I break down, only alone I will cry out loud

You’ll never see what’s hiding out

Hiding out deep down, yeah, yeah

I know I’ve heard that to let your feelings show

Is the only way to make friendships grow

But I’m too afraid now, yeah, yeah

I’ll put my armour on...

I’m unstoppable...

Unstoppable today...

I’m unstoppable today

Cantar a dúo
Si te apetece probar algo divertido por parejas, no te pierdas este ejercicio.

Busca a alguien a quien le apetezca practicar inglés y proponle un dúo musical.

Podéis incluso acompañarlo de una pequeña performance, grabaros, compar-
tirlo con amistades... si le ponéis ingenio, pueden salir vídeos fantásticos.

Elegid una canción juntos, preferiblemente una que tenga dos o más voces
y que canten más o menos las mismas estrofas. También podéis dividir una
canción cantada por una sola persona en partes iguales, y cantar el estribillo
a la vez.

Seguid los mismos pasos que para las canciones anteriores, y fijaos fechas
concretas para aprenderos la canción. Cuando estéis listos, juntaos a practi-
car. Si os atrevéis, podéis ir a un karaoke juntos, o hacerlo en casa.

Aquí tienes unas cuantas ideas de canciones que podéis cantar:

• Animadas: canciones con ritmo con las que podrás pasártelo en grande
mientras preparas tu dúo.
Bill Medley/Jennifer Warnes — The Time of My Life

Marvin Gaye/Tammi Terrel — Ain’t No Mountain High Enough

Billy Joel — Piano Man

• Lentas: canciones tiernas y dulces para expresarte mientras aprendes.

Ariana Grande/John Legend — Beauty and the Beast

Civil Wars — Dust to Dust

Phil Collins — You’ll Be in My Heart

• Para practicar slang: ¿te apetece conocer expresiones coloquiales un

poco más «callejeras»? No te pierdas estas dos.
Jay-Z / Beyoncé — ‘03 Bonnie & Clyde

Outkast — Hey, Ya!

Ejercicios grupales
¿Queréis practicar entre más de dos? Aquí tienes unas ideas de ejercicios para
tres o más personas:

Esta actividad es ideal para grupos grandes de gente. Consiste sencillamente
en dividir el grupo entre cantantes y público y hacer un concierto. El públi-
co puede evaluar la actuación, apuntar errores para corregirlos después, o

simplemente dedicarse a animar y aplaudir. ¡Podéis incluso convertirlo en un
concurso de talentos! Si añadís otros elementos como maquillaje, disfraces
o accesorios, será aún más divertido. Si contáis con algún videojuego de ka-
raoke o similar, podéis usarlo también.

La patata caliente
Una versión del tradicional juego para niños. Consiste en sentarse en círculo y
elegir una canción que todo el mundo conozca. Si no hay ninguna, podéis ele-
gir una cualquiera y daros unos minutos para aprendérosla antes de empezar.

Una persona al azar tendrá que cantar el primer verso y después dar paso a
la siguiente. Cada persona canta, en orden, un verso, hasta que alguien falle.
Esa persona queda eliminada y se continúa la ronda hasta acabar la canción.
Es preferible elegir canciones cortas para hacer el ejercicio más dinámico y
entretenido. Con este juego desarrollarás tu capacidad de escuchar y reaccio-
nar, además de aprenderte canciones.

Este ejercicio parece sencillo, pero puede suponer un reto si eliges las can-
ciones adecuadas. Cada persona elige, en su turno, una canción en inglés me-
dianamente conocida y la recita en vez de cantarla, entonando de forma que
el ritmo original quede oculto. El resto de jugadores intentará acertar qué
canción es. Si utilizáis algún tipo de pulsador, será más fácil decidir a quién
le toca adivinar. Con esta actividad, practicarás entonación y pronunciación,
además de desarrollar tus habilidades de escucha.

Canciones para rellenar

Por último, aquí tienes las letras de cinco canciones, con espacios en blanco
para rellenar. Pon la canción e intenta escribir la palabra o frase correspon-
diente en cada espacio. Recuerda, la frase puede tener cualquier longitud.

Encontrarás las respuestas al final.

Fire and Rain - James Taylor

Just yesterday morning they let me know you were gone

Suzanne, the plans they made put an end to you
I walked out this morning and I _____________________
I just can’t remember who to send it to

I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain

I’ve seen sunny days that I thought would never end
I’ve seen lonely times when I could not find a friend
But I always thought that I’d see you ________

Won’t you look down upon me, Jesus, you’ve got to ______________________
You’ve just got to see me through _______________
My body’s aching and my time is at hand
And I won’t make it any other way

Oh, I’ve seen _______ and I’ve seen _______

I’ve seen ________________ that I thought ________________
I’ve seen lonely times when I ________________
But I always thought __________________

Been walking my mind to an easy time, my back turned towards the sun
Lord knows _____________________ it’ll turn _____________________
Well, there’s hours of time on the telephone line to talk about ______________
______________ and flying machines in pieces ______________

Oh, _________________________
I’ve seen ______________________________
But ________________________________ baby
One more time again, now

Thought I’d ____________________________

There’s just a few things _____________________ this time around, now

Thought I’d see you, thought I’d see you, fire and rain, now

Stand - REM

Stand in the place where you live

Now face north
Think about direction
Wonder why you haven’t before
Now __________________ where you work
______________ west
Think about the place where you live
Wonder _________________

If you are confused, check with the sun

Carry a compass to help you along
Your feet are going to be ___________
Your head is there _______________________

So stand _______________________

Think about _____________

Now _______________________
Wonder why you haven’t before

Your feet _______________________

______________ to move you around
If wishes were trees, the trees ______________
Listen to reason, season is calling

Now face ________
Think about ________

Now stand in the place where you work

Now face west
Think about the place where you live
Wonder why you haven’t before
If wishes ___________, the trees _______________
Listen to reason, ________________
Your feet are going to be on the ground
Your head is there to move you around

Let Her Go - Passenger

Well you only need the light when it’s burning low
Only miss the sun when ________________
Only know you love her when you let her go

Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling ______

Only hate the road when you’re _________________
And you let her go

Staring at the bottom of your ___________
Hoping one day you’ll make a ___________ last
But dreams ___________ and they ___________

You see her when you ______________

Maybe one day you’ll ______________ why
Everything ______________ surely dies

But you only ______________ when it’s burning low

Only ________________________________

Only know _______________________ when you’re feeling low



____________ at the ceiling in the dark

Same old empty feeling ____________

Cause love _______________________

Well you see her when __________________

But never to __________and never to __________

Cause you ________________ and you dived too deep



And you let her go

Ohhh, oh no
And you let her go
Ohhh, oh no
Well you let her go

I Like Me Better - Lauv

To be young and in love in New York City

To not know who I am but still know that I’m good long as you’re _____________
Midnight into morning coffee
Burning through the hours talking


I like me better when I’m with you

I knew from the first time, I’d stay _______________
‘Cause I like me better when—

I don’t know what it is but I _________________

___________________________ swear the room—yeah—it got no _________
If we lay, let the day just pass us by
I might get to too much talking, _______________________________


I like me better when I’m with you

I like me better when I’m with you

‘Cause I like me better when—


Stay a while, stay a while

Stay here with me
Stay a while, stay a while, oh
Yeah, yeah

‘Cause I like me better when—
I like me better when I’m with you

Shape of You - Ed Sheeran

The club isn’t the _____________ to find a _____________

So the __________ is where I go
Me and my friends __________ doing shots
__________ fast and then __________
And you come over and start up a __________ with just me
And trust me I’ll give it a __________ now

______________, stop, put Van The Man on the jukebox
And now I’m singing like

Girl, you know _____________________

Your love was handmade for _____________________
Come on now, follow my lead
I may be crazy, _____________________
Say, boy, let’s not talk _______________
Grab on my waist and put that body on me
Come on now, follow my lead
Come, come on now, _______________

We push and pull like a magnet do
Although _____________ is falling too
Last night _________________
And now my bedsheets smell like you
Every day discovering something ____________

Oh I oh I oh I oh I
Oh I oh I oh I oh I
________________________Oh I oh I oh I oh I
Every day ________________________

One week in we let the story begin

We’re ______________ on our ______________
You and me are thrifty, so go ______________
Fill up your ________and I fill up a ________
We talk _________________ about the sweet and the sour
And how your _________________
And leave and _________________, then kiss in the backseat
_________________ make the radio play
And I’m singing like

Your love was handmade for ______________
Say, boy, _________________
Grab on my waist and put that body on me
Come on now, follow my lead
Come, come on now, _______________

I’m in love with the shape of you

I’m in love with your body
And now my bedsheets smell like you

I’m in love with your body
_______________, don’t mind me
Say, boy, _________________
Grab on my waist and put that body on me
Come on now, follow my lead
Come, come on now, _______________

I’m in love with the shape of you

I’m in love with your body
And now my bedsheets smell like you
I’m in love with your body

Oh I oh I oh I oh I
I’m in love with your body
Every day discovering something brand new
I’m in love with the shape of you

Come on, be my baby, come on



Come on, be my baby, come on

I’m in love with your body

Completar canciones
Si te ha gustado el ejercicio de completar letras de canciones, puedes encon-
trar más en internet.

Lyricsgap te permite practicar a tu ritmo, pero si te apetece algo más compli-
cado, Lyricstraining tiene ejercicios por tiempo muy útiles, con varios niveles
de dificultad.

Puedes buscar versiones de karaoke de las canciones que quieras en canales
de YouTube. También te serán útiles las Sing along songs de Disney, y puede
que te interesen también otras canciones fáciles con letra.

Puedes encontrar muchísimas páginas en internet con ejercicios, algunas de
ellas gratuitas. ESOL tiene ejercicios variados basados en canciones, al igual
que Lyric Lab, de English Class 101, o los ejercicios con canciones de Isabel

¿Buscas un sitio fiable de donde sacar letras de canciones? Lo mejor es ver si
los propios artistas tienen sus letras subidas a la web, pero si no es el caso,
Metrolyrics y Azlyrics suelen tener buenas transcripciones. Recuerda, la gran
mayoría son escritas y corregidas por fans, así que puedes encontrarte con

Utilizar la música para aprender inglés no se limita a escuchar canciones. En
YouTube hay varios canales de aprendizaje de inglés que utilizan el ritmo y
la melodía para repasar cualquier cosa, desde gramática hasta vocabulario.
Fluency MC es seguramente el más conocido por este tipo de vídeos.

Bonus track: A Song of

Ice and Fire
Seguro que has oído hablar de la famosísima serie Game of Thrones, basada
en las novelas de George R. R. Martin. Si no la has visto, puede ser una gran
oportunidad para aprender inglés. Además, varios músicos han colaborado
para dar vida en la serie a las canciones populares de Westeros que aparecen
en el libro.

Te proponemos un reto adicional: busca las canciones que aparecen a con-

tinuación, ya sea en los propios capítulos de la serie o en plataformas como
YouTube, y apréndete alguna.

El inglés de la serie tiene un toque medieval, así que te encontrarás palabras

que ya no se usan, y otras muy poco comunes en el lenguaje coloquial.

Si no conoces la serie o aún te faltan capítulos por ver, recuerda que si buscas
los vídeos de las canciones, pueden contener spoilers.

The Rains of Castamere

And who are you, the proud lord said,
that I must bow so low?
Only a cat of a different coat,
that’s all the truth I know.

In a coat of gold or a coat of red,

a lion still has claws,
And mine are long and sharp, my lord,
as long and sharp as yours.

And so he spoke, and so he spoke,

that Lord of Castamere,
But now the rains weep o’er his hall,
with no one there to hear.

Yes, now the rains weep o’er his hall,

and not a soul to hear.

Hands of Gold
He rode through the streets of the city,
Down from his hill on high.
O’er the wynds and the steps and the cobbles,
He rode to a woman’s sigh.

For she was his secret treasure,

She was his shame and his bliss.
And a chain and a keep are nothing,

Compared to a woman’s kiss.

For hands of gold are always cold,

But a woman’s hands are warm!

The Bear and the Maiden Fair
From there, to here. From here! To there!
All black and brown and covered in hair!
He smelled that girl on the summer air!

The bear! The bear!

The maiden fair!

Oh, I’m a maid, and I’m pure and fair!

I’ll never dance with a hairy bear!
I called a knight, but you’re a bear!
All black and brown and covered in hair!
He lifted her high in the air!
He sniffed and roared and he smelled her there!
She kicked and wailed, the maid so fair!
He licked the honey all up in her hair!
From there to here. From here! To there!
All black and brown and covered in hair!
He smelled that girl on the summer air!

The bear! The bear!

The maiden fair!
She sighed and she squealed and she kicked the air!
Then she sang: My bear! My bear so fair!
And off they went into the summer air!

The bear, the bear,

And the maiden fair!
The Dornishman’s Wife
The Dornishman’s wife was as fair as the sun
And her kisses were warmer than spring
The Dornishman’s blade was made of black steel
And its kiss was a terrible thing

The Dornishman’s wife would sing as she bathed

In a voice that was sweet as a peach

Brothers, oh brothers, my days here are done

The Dornishman’s taken my life

But what does it matter? For all men must die
And I’ve tasted the Dornishman’s wife

It’s Always Summer Under the Sea

It’s always summer, under the sea
I know, I know, oh, oh, oh

The birds have scales, and the fish take wing

I know, I know, oh, oh, oh

The rain is dry, and the snow falls up

I know, I know, oh, oh, oh

The stones crack open, the water burns

The shadows come to dance, my love

The shadows come to play
The shadows come to dance, my love
The shadows come to stay

Fire and Rain - James Taylor
Just yesterday morning they let me know you were gone
Suzanne, the plans they made put an end to you

I walked out this morning and I wrote down this song
I just can’t remember who to send it to

I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain

I’ve seen sunny days that I thought would never end
I’ve seen lonely times when I could not find a friend
But I always thought that I’d see you again

Won’t you look down upon me, Jesus, you’ve got to help me make a stand
You’ve just got to see me through another day
My body’s aching and my time is at hand
And I won’t make it any other way

Oh, I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain

I’ve seen sunny days that I thought would never end
I’ve seen lonely times when I could not find a friend
But I always thought that I’d see you again

Been walking my mind to an easy time, my back turned towards the sun
Lord knows when the cold wind blows it’ll turn your head around
Well, there’s hours of time on the telephone line to talk about things to come
Sweet dreams and flying machines in pieces on the ground

Oh, I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain

I’ve seen sunny days that I thought would never end
I’ve seen lonely times when I could not find a friend
But I always thought that I’d see you baby
One more time again, now

Thought I’d see you one more time again

There’s just a few things coming my way this time around, now
Thought I’d see you, thought I’d see you, fire and rain, now

Stand - REM
Stand in the place where you live
Now face north
Think about direction
Wonder why you haven’t before

Now stand in the place where you work
Now face west
Think about the place where you live
Wonder why you haven’t before

If you are confused, check with the sun

Carry a compass to help you along
Your feet are going to be on the ground
Your head is there to move you around

So stand in the place where you live

Now face north
Think about direction
Wonder why you haven’t before

Now stand in the place where you work

Now face west
Think about the place where you live
Wonder why you haven’t before

Your feet are going to be on the ground

Your head is there to move you around
If wishes were trees, the trees would be falling
Listen to reason, season is calling

Stand in the place where you live

Now face north
Think about direction
Wonder why you haven’t before

Now stand in the place where you work

Now face west
Think about the place where you live
Wonder why you haven’t before

If wishes were trees, the trees would be falling

Listen to reason, season is calling
Your feet are going to be on the ground
Your head is there to move you around

Let Her Go - Passenger
Well you only need the light when it’s burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go

Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low

Only hate the road when you’re missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go
And you let her go

Staring at the bottom of your glass

Hoping one day you’ll make a dream last
But dreams come slow and they go so fast

You see her when you close your eyes

Maybe one day you’ll understand why
Everything you touch surely dies

But you only need the light when it’s burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go

Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low

Only hate the road when you’re missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go

Staring at the ceiling in the dark

Same old empty feeling in your heart
Cause love comes slow and it goes so fast

Well you see her when you fall asleep

But never to touch and never to keep
Cause you loved her too much and you dived too deep

Well you only need the light when it’s burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go

Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low

Only hate the road when you’re missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go

And you let her go
Ohhh, oh no
And you let her go
Ohhh, oh no
Well you let her go

I Like Me Better - Lauv

To be young and in love in New York City
To not know who I am but still know that I’m good long as you’re here with me
To be drunk and in love in New York City
Midnight into morning coffee
Burning through the hours talking


I like me better when I’m with you

I like me better when I’m with you
I knew from the first time, I’d stay for a long time
‘Cause I like me better when—
I like me better when I’m with you

I don’t know what it is but I got that feeling

Waking up in this bed next to you, swear the room—yeah—it got no ceiling
If we lay, let the day just pass us by
I might get to too much talking, I might have to tell you something


I like me better when I’m with you

I like me better when I’m with you
I knew from the first time, I’d stay for a long time
‘Cause I like me better when—
I like me better when I’m with you

Stay a while, stay a while

Stay here with me
Stay a while, stay a while, oh
Stay a while, stay a while
Stay here with me

Right here with me
Yeah, yeah

I like me better when I’m with you

I knew from the first time
I’d stay for a long time
‘Cause I like me better when—
I like me better when I’m with you

Shape of You - Ed Sheeran

The club isn’t the best place to find a lover
So the bar is where I go
Me and my friends at the table doing shots
Drinking fast and then we talk slow
And you come over and start up a conversation with just me
And trust me I’ll give it a chance now
Take my hand, stop, put Van The Man on the jukebox
And then we start to dance
And now I’m singing like

Girl, you know I want your love

Your love was handmade for somebody like me
Come on now, follow my lead
I may be crazy, don’t mind me
Say, boy, let’s not talk too much
Grab on my waist and put that body on me
Come on now, follow my lead
Come, come on now, follow my lead

I’m in love with the shape of you

We push and pull like a magnet do
Although my heart is falling too
I’m in love with your body
Last night you were in my room
And now my bedsheets smell like you
Every day discovering something brand new
I’m in love with your body

Oh I oh I oh I oh I
I’m in love with your body

Oh I oh I oh I oh I
I’m in love with your body
Oh I oh I oh I oh I
I’m in love with your body
Every day discovering something brand new
I’m in love with the shape of you

One week in we let the story begin

We’re going out on our first date
You and me are thrifty, so go all you can eat
Fill up your bag and I fill up a plate
We talk for hours and hours about the sweet and the sour
And how your family is doing okay
And leave and get in a taxi, then kiss in the backseat
Tell the driver make the radio play
And I’m singing like

Girl, you know I want your love

Your love was handmade for somebody like me
Come on now, follow my lead
I may be crazy, don’t mind me
Say, boy, let’s not talk too much
Grab on my waist and put that body on me
Come on now, follow my lead
Come, come on now, follow my lead

I’m in love with the shape of you

We push and pull like a magnet do
Although my heart is falling too
I’m in love with your body
Last night you were in my room
And now my bedsheets smell like you
Every day discovering something brand new
I’m in love with your body

Oh I oh I oh I oh I
I’m in love with your body
Every day discovering something brand new
I’m in love with the shape of you

Come on, be my baby, come on

I’m in love with the shape of you
We push and pull like a magnet do
Although my heart is falling too
I’m in love with your body
Last night you were in my room
And now my bedsheets smell like you
Every day discovering something brand new
I’m in love with your body

Come on, be my baby, come on

I’m in love with your body

Welcome to the English Revolution

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WelcomeMadrid e
to the English Revolution Sabadell y
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