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IE Técnico Dámaso Zapata English

Clara Inés Amado González 1101- 1106 and 1109 July 12 -23

1. El estudiante escucha una canción relacionada con la sana
convivencia y deduce algunos derechos humanos.
ESTRATEGIAS 2. El estudiante expresa de manera escrita el mensaje dejado por la
canción UNITED.
3. El estudiante se compromete a vivir en armonía.
4. El estudiante identifica la idea principal de un texto y es capaz de
relacionarlo con el propósito de vivir en sana convivencia.
1. Palabras relacionadas con los 17 objetivos de la ONU y HUMAN
Poverty, hunger,health, education … Equality gender,
inequality … Environment, climate … Oceans, seas,
marine resources … Ecosystems, water, energy,
sanitation … Justice, peaceful, inclusión … Safety,
employment, economy, industrialization.
2. Expresiones de causa y efecto
because of … then … in spite of it was… therefore,
because A, B happened
3. Expresiones para defender puntos de vista y opiniones
CONTENIDOS in my opinion… I have the feeling that … I would say
in my family….
4. Expresiones de propósitos de acción
I suggest we…. If we did …. We could make the world a
better place … I propose… I suggest…,taking poverty
into consideration we could… the point is to help change
by improving health conditions.
 English please 3 FAST TRACK
RECURSOS  17 objetivos de sostenibilidad de la ONU
 Canción UNITED
1. El estudiante expresará en 5 líneas el mensaje de la canción
2. El estudiante con la ayuda de personas de su vivienda elabora un
EVALUACION avión de papel con una hoja blanca tamaño carta en donde el
nombre de la aerolínea es un objetivo de sostenibilidad y cada
ala del avión escribirá dos de las frases célebres relacionadas
con los derechos humanos de las 12 presentadas en la guía.
Toma la foto del paso a paso y graba un video explicando en
inglés la actividad finalizada y la envía al docente.
3. El estudiante responde los ejercicios propuestos y los envía al
TIEMPO 2 semanas
CORRELACION Ciencias Políticas, Emprendimiento y Matemáticas.



1. El estudiante es capaz de tratar temas generales, personales relacionados con la

convivencia y la unión y lo expresa en inglés.
2. El estudiante elabora aviones de papel con la ayuda de las personas que conviven con
él. En el centro del avión escribe el objetivo de sostenibilidad que a su criterio es el más
vulnerado actualmente y en cada una de las 2 alas escribe 2 frases célebres
relacionadas con los derechos humanos y/o la unidad.
3. El estudiante mediante un video evidencia el paso a paso de la elaboración de su avión
y el resultado final en acción.


1. Listen and read the song If united the world would be the better place… you Know?
98elh As ink pours from my pen, pain pours from
my heart
The next song music is written and knowin’ there’s kids somewhere that
produced by Chris Thomas, Geoff Levin and actually starve.
Hiroko Hayata. Lyrics and vocals by Charles Take the time out, close your eyes, just
Gee. Rap variation by Lai La. picture this:
WORDS TO KNOW No color, no hate, nemesis or differences.
TV is filling me with scenes of negativity
 CHORUS: a repeated part of a song, But we can control it if we cooperate
sometimes sung by all the singers willingly,
together. Example: the CHORUS is We came a long way, but got so much
repeated many times and all the further to go,
students join in. Guns kill, but hatred destroys us the most.
 NEMESIS: punishment, getting back And the problem could never be solved you
at someone because they deserve it see,
or seem to deserve it, bringing Human Rights define the Word –
someone down. Example: EQUALITY-
NEMESIS creates fuel for more If we don´t respect and love each other,
hatred and no one really wins, we’re just living a lie
especially the hater. Because –UNITED- starts with you and I.
 HAFTA: a slang pronunciation of You feel me?
have to, by meaning must or need CHORUS
to. Example: I HAFTA go to the U-N-I-T-E-D
store for some milk. A better place this world would be
We’re all in this game, can’t you see?
We’re all a part of this family tree.
(LAI LAI’S RAP) b. With the quote facing up fold the
We all are born free and equal, paper in half (quote will be hidden
Free to walk temporarily). Press flat and unfold
And free to talk again.
Free to dance c. Fold top corners into the center
Free to jump and free to prance crease line.
Know whar I’m saying? d. Fold in half
Got to keep it together e. Fold diagonal edge down to the
No matter how bad the weather bottom edge (center crease) then
It will be all right turn over and do the same on the
Keep it tight other side.
‘cause we all got our freedom rights f. Fold the new diagonal edge
Everyday from the night you’ve just made, down to the
To the broad daylight bottom edge. Turn over and do the
Don’t discriminate same on the other side. This forms
Learn to appreciate the wings. Now fold both wings
So you don’t hafta imitate uup (unfold halfway).
Don’t be the one to hate g. Pinch the bottom edge and throw!
It’s never too late (but be safe and do not throw
You got the right to life toward people). You can also add
You gotta get the education a paper clip to the bottom edge to
Don’t throw it away hold the folds together; however,
Know your Human Rights this will add weight and the plane
‘cause it can help you someday. may not soar as high and far.
A better place this world would be Read them and write them in
We’re all in this game, can’t you see? Spanish
We’re all a part of this family tree.
a. “Young firends all over the world,
2. Copy in your notebook the unknown you are the ones who must realice
vocabulary, then look for these these rights, now and for all time.
words in your dictionary and copy Their fate and future is in your
the meaning in your notebook. hands” – Kofi Annan – Former
3. After understanding the song lyric, Secretary-General, United Nations
write a message about it. b. “injustice anywhere is a threat to
4. Now you are going to make a justice everywhere” – Martin
UNITED paper plane where used as Luther King, Jr.
symbols of reaching out around the c. The only thing necessary for the
world and uniting people with a triumph of Evil is for good men to
message of HUMAN RIGHTS. You do nothing” – Edmund Burke-,
have to choose your favorite human Irish Statesman.
rights quote, write in each wing in d. “I disapprove of what you say, but
english and spanish, then fold the I will defend to the death your right
paper into a plane follow the next to say it” –Evelyn Beatrice- Hall
directions: expressing the thoughts of
a. Take a letter size white paper, e. “Racism is a grown-up disease
write your favorite human rights and we must stop using our
quote on the diagonal line. children to spread it” –Ruby
Bridges- Civil rights activist.
f. “My definition of a free society is a As a UNITED member I will:
society where it is safe to be
unpopular” –Adlai E. Stevenson-  Help my classmates on the
U.S. Ambassador to the United playground
Nations, 1960-1965.  Help my classmates with
g. “Human Rights must be made a their schoolwork
fact, not an idealistic dream” –L,  Treat other student with
Ron Hubbard- American author respect
and humanitarian.  Welcome new Friends and
h. “You cannot make yourself feel include them
something you do not feel, but you  Be polite with others
can make yourself do right in spite  Encourage others to do good
of your feelings” – Pearl S. Buck- deeds
Pulitzer Prize winning. American I promise to do my best to
autor. follow these rules at all times
i. “Fear is not the natural state of without violence.
civilized people” – Daw Aung San
Suu Kyi- 1991 Nobel Peace Prize SIGNED:
winner. ____________________________
j. “Compassion is not religious As a conclusion we can read What Mrs.
business, it is human business, it Roosevels said about HUMAN RIGHTS
is not luxury, it is esencial for our “where, after all,do universal human rights
own peace and mental stability, it begin? In small places, close to home – so
is essential for human survival” – close and so small that they cannot be seen
The Dalai Lama- on any maps of the world. Yet they are the
k. “You must be the change you wish world of the individual person; the
to see in the world” – Mahatma neighborhood he lives in; the school he
Gandhi- attends; the Factory, farm or office where he
l. “Remember, no one can make you Works. Such are the places where every
feel inferior without your consent man, woman and child seeks equal justice,
…” – Eleanor Roosevelt- U.S. equal opportunity, equal dignity without
diplomat and autor, wife of discrimantion. Unless these rights have
Franklin D. Rooselvelt. meaning there, they have Little meaning
anywhere. Without concerted citizen action
6. After finishing your paper plane with to uphold them close to home, we shall look
the name UNITED and the HUMAN in vain for progress in the larger world”
read the next PLEDGE and SIGN it. a. Explain in your notebook the next
-PLEDGE is a promise or vocabulary in english.
agreement that shows true and
honest intention to do or provide Example: ARTICLE: a section of a
something-. document that deals with a particular
point. There are 30 articles in the
Universal Declaration of Human

I hereby promise to stand UNITED Words: citizen, concerted, dignity,

with my group to handle any bullies discrimination, equal, in vain, justice,
or other people who demostrate that opportunity and seek.
they want to harm others.
b. Draw 3 geometric figures and 8. Explain what relation do the 17 ONU
explain which are the differences objectives with the human rights.
and why can we compare with the
Human Rights. Write 10 lines explaining WHAT ARE THE
7. Write an example for three objective NEEDED RULES TO BE A GOOD CITIZEN
that have relation with you, your
community or school.

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