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Unit 10 sección 1:

Affordable housing: Vivienda asequible.

Clean streets: Calles limpias.

Friendly neighbors: Vecinos amistosos.

Good nightlife: Buena vida nocturna

Green space: Espacios verdes

Heavy traffic: Tráfico pesado

High crime: Alta criminalidad

Reliable public transportation: Transporte público confiable

Vacant buildings: Edificios vacíos

Theaters: Teatros
Nightclubs: Clubes nocturnos
Has a lot: Tiene muchos
On time: A tiempo
Commuters: Viajeros
Tidy: Ordenado
No barbage: Sin basura
Roads: Carreteras
Sidewalks: Aceras
Safe: Seguro
Be too: Ser demasiado- Will be too expensive: Será demasiado caro
I'm so glad: Estoy tan contenta, me alegro…
Care about: Se preocupan por
Leaves: Hojas
Due to: Debido a
Declining: Disminuyendo
Pollution: Contaminación
Development: Desarrollo
Less: Menos
Workshops: Talleres
Improve: Mejorar
Air quality: Calidad del aire
get know each other: Se conocen entre sí
through: A través
Outdoors: Al aire libre
Who: Que
Enough: Suficiente
Pretty soon: Muy pronto
Far: Lejos
Woodlands: Bosque
Should: Debería
Underground pipes: Tuberías subterráneas
Sorted: Clasificado
Recycled: Reciclado
So: Así que
Cans: Basureros
Trucks: Camiones
Handle: Manejar
Whole: Todo
Close: Cerca
no high-speed train: No hay tren de alta velocidad
Miles: Millas
Subway: Metro
Ride: Viaje
Time Will tell: El tiempo lo dirá
Still: todavia, aun
Over: sobre-ove one hour: sobre una hora
Decline: Descenso, disminución
Fix: Arreglar
Renovate: Reformar, renovar, remodelar
I´m thirsty: Tengo sed
Aim: Objetivo
Hope: Esperar
Another: Otro
Stage: Escenario
Stage plays: Obras de teatro

Vocabulary neighborhoods:
 Safety and low crime: Seguridad y baja criminalidad
 Green spaces and Parks: Espacios verdes y parques
 Availability of Jobs: Disponibilidad de empleos
 Air quality: Calidad del aire
 Entertainment and Good nightlife: Entretenimiento y Buena vida nocturna
 Water quality: Calidad del agua
 Good roads: Buenas aceras
 Good school: Buenas escuelas


How about: ¿Qué tal si….?

Why do´nt?: ¿Por qué no…?

Maybe we can: Tal vez podamos…

One thing we could do: Una cosa que podríamos hacer es….

You should: Tu deberías…

What shoud: Qué debería…?

Could: Podría…

Let´s: Vamos

Where should we go?: A donde deberiamos ir?


Single room: Habitación individual

Shared bathroom: Baño compartido

Shared room: Habitación compartido

Flat: Piso

Smoker: Fumador

Be able to: Ser capaz de

To mach: Para que coincida con…

Join: Unirse, participar

Train: Entrenar

Would: Sería, “iría” Por ejemplo: I would travel (viajaría)

Will: Será

Who: Quien

Non-meat eaters: No comedores de carne

Form: Formulario

Clearly: Claramente
Handwriting: Escritura

Clear: Clara

Instead of: En lugar de…

Full: Completo

Want: Quiere

Non-smoking: No fumador

Provide: Proporcionar

Early: Temprano

Late: Tarde

Healthily: Saludablemente

Only: Sólo

Kind: Tipo

Not always posible: No siempre es posible

Surname: Apellido

Gender: Género

Male: Masculino

Flatmates: Compañeros de piso

Meet: Conocer

Mind: Importa

Facilities: Instalaciones

Request: Solicitar

Try: Intentar, probar

Endure: Soportar

Awkward: Incómodo

Hate: Odia

Willing: Dispuesto

Spare time: Tiempo libre

Stand: Soportar

to get along: Llevarse bien

Foreigner: Extranjero

clean freak: Fanatico de la limpieza

So on: Así sucesivamente

Bright: Brillante

pleasant atmosphere: Ambiente ameno

uncomfortable: Incómodo

Stresfull: Estresante

Felt: Se siente

Smell: Olor

Hallucinogenic substances: Sustancias alucinógenas.

Greatly: En gran medida, enormemente, en gran parte, mucho.

it would be: Sería

Could: Pude, podría

Could not: No pude, no podría

Turn: Cambia

Whenever: Siempre

Every time: Cada vez

Need not: No tener que…

Don´t have to: No tendrías que…

Have to: Tener que…

Unless: A menos que…

Into account: En cuenta

Neither, nor, either: Tampoco

Could be: Se podría

Premises: Locales

Personally: Personalmente

Believe: Creer

Nowadays: Actualmente

As an: Como una…

Fullest: Máximo

Ultimately: Finalmente

Brief: Breve

Clarifying: Clarificar

Keep: Mantener

Although: Aunque

Therefore: Por lo tanto

As long as: Siempre y cuando

Whereas: mientras que…

Ice cream parlour: Heladería

Even if: Pero

Wait: Esperar


Reglas gramaticales:
 Se usa “to” después de adjetivos
 Cuando se utiliza “can” el verbo no lleva “s” ni se pone “to”
 Se usa “ing” después de preposiciones como of, etc. Y cuando el verbo actúa como sujeto.
Ejemplo: Smoking is bad for your health
 At: se usa para tiempos específicos, holiday period.
 On: se usa para días y fechas.
 In: se usa para meses, años, décadas, centurias, estados del año (Verano, etc), períodos de
tiempo como en 10 minutos, en 3 horas…
 Tercera persona (she, he, it) al verbo siguiente siempre se le agrega “s” o “es”.
 En la oración nunca puede faltar el verbo.
 Se utiliza “did” para pasado y el verbo se conjuga en presente.
 Was es para 1 y 3 persona (I, he, she, it) y were es para you, we they.
 Do y does siempre se pone en oraciones negativas y afirmativas en presente.

The video I chose was "Before I die I want to..."

In the video Candy Shang talk about how in New Orleans the wall of an abandoned house was
transformed into very constructive space, into a giant blackboard where people´s dreams, hopes,
fears and stories are expressed. It all started as an experiment and became something big because
many people started to imitate it, making walls in countries all over the world, showing the power
of public spaces as an opportunity to express and share with each other.

Thansk to this, I was able to learn that we must constantly reflect on our lives and our personal
aspirations. Also, to understand our neighbors in new ways; to remember what is most important
to us as we grow and change because ultimately two of the most valuable things are time and our
relationships with other people. Therefore, we must avoid distractions of the life, keep what really
matters, always remember that life is too short to value to the fullest. For this reason, we must be
clarifying our lifes.

It is important to always keep in mind that the people around us can help us improve our lifes.

Finally, I liked very much the teaching that she transmitted to me because it seems to me that it is
really necessary to have moments of reflection for personal growth.

Also, I liked that through such a brief experiment in a public space, it is possible to transform
people´s lifes by having just a moment of reflextion and answeing a simple question on a mural. I
found it vey interesting how from an abandoned space you can create striking, impressive and
constructive spaces for the people´s life.
Unit 11
Vocabulary Sección A:
Background: Fondo (área detrás de un objeto) Ejemplo: Hay un castillo al fondo de la
Landscape: Campo o paisaje
Lens: Lente (pedazo de vidrio que forma una imagen con la luz)
Perspective: Ángulo o vista de algo
Portrait: Retrato (fotografía o pintura)
Shape: Forma
Shot: Disparo, captura (de una fotografía)
Strange: Raro, extraño--- Weird: Raro, extraño
Stunning: Impresionante, asombroso, despampanante, fantástico, hermoso, fascinante,
Wildlife: Vida silvestre

Break: Romper
Housekeeper: Ama de casa
Hat: Gorro, sombrero
Kittens: Gatitos
Paintings: Pinturas
Century: Siglo
Mailbox: Buzón de correo
Wrong: Equivocado
Overrated: Sobrevalorado
Kind: Poco
Cardboard: Cartón
Vocabulary sección C:
Amateur: Novato, principiante
Dawn: Amanecer
Enhance: Aumentar o hacer más fuerte
Shadow: Sombra
Light: Luz
Middle: Mitad, medio
Digitally altered: Digitalmente alterada

UNIT 12: Healthy habits

Brush your teeth: Cepillar sus dientes
Ride a bike: Montar bicicleta
Go to the gym: Ir al gimnasio
Do yoga: Hacer yoga
Use mouthwash: Usa enjuague bucal
Get eight hours of sleep: Duerme 8 horas
Skip breakfast:
Wash your hands: Lávate tus manos
Drink sugar-free soda: Bebe soda sin azúcar
Avoid red meat: Evitar la carne roja
Take vitamins: Toma vitaminas
Eat snacks: Comer aperitivos
My routine: Every morning on vacations when I wake up at 8 o’clock or 9:00 o’clock, I
breakfast with my mother and my grandmother. Then, I brush my teeth, I do the
housework to help my mom because she is very busy.
Then I take a bath and get myself organized. At 12 o'clock I watch the news on TV until at
1:00 p.m because at that time I have lunch to be ready for the intersemester English class
which is from 2 p.m until 6 p.m. In the break that the teacher gives me from 3:30 until 4
o’clock I eat fruit.
When the class is over I take a break and rest a little chatting with my boyfriend and my
friends or talking to my mom and grandmother, explaining how I did in the class I just
finished. I watch news on tv and between 8 and 9 at night I dinner, then I brush my teeth
and I do exercise. I take a shower, get ready for bed, but before I go to sleep I chat with
my boyfriend and go to bed at 12 a.m.

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