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Unidad 6 Sumativo Interpretativo Nombre ________________________________ Hora __

Parte I - Idea central
Watch the video on your Chromebook. Determine the main idea of the video, provide evidence from the video, and
explain your reasoning.

The video’s purpose is to (persuade,inform,entertain the reader)...

Explain why you chose that answer. Cite both visual and audible evidence.

Parte II - Palabras en contexto

Write what each word or phrase means.

1. … fuentes contaminadas (0:40-1:00) ____________________________

2. ...potabilizar el agua (1:25-1:50) ____________________________
3. ...novedoso y modernamente diseñado (1:55-2:10) ____________________________
4. ...contenedor (2:45-3:00) ____________________________
5. ...pastilla de cloro (3:00-3:15) ____________________________
6. ...garantizarán estabilidad (3:10-3:25) ____________________________

Parte III - Palabras en contexto
Based on the READING, what do these words mean?
1. Panel publicitario ____________________________
2. Diferente é innovadora ____________________________
3. Una enseñanza basada en la práctica ____________________________
4. La campaña publicitaria ____________________________
5. Se enfoca ____________________________
6. Podrá ser usado ____________________________
Parte IV - Detalles de apoyo
EACH of the following details is found in the text. HIGHLIGHT OR UNDERLINE AND THEN LABEL WITH THE LETTER
evidence from the reading. You may identify no more than fifteen words for each.

A. The system is composed of five components working together.

B. The system was installed to promote a university.
C. The panel produces water by pulling humidity from the air.
D. The goal is to show that scientists can contribute solutions to real-world problems
E. The panel provides water for everyone free of charge.

Parte V: Comparaciones y conexiones: Imagina que tú trabajas para un inversor en productos renovables. Encontraste
estas dos invenciones impresionantes y necesitas presentar las dos opciones a tus jefes.
(1.) Demuestra por lo menos dos ventajas y una desventaja por cada de las invenciones.
(2.) Al fin, elige uno de los dos como su opción preferida.
The best, 4-worthy answers will use the future tense and subjunctive mood at appropriate points.



















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