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Page 1 | ENME02 Workbook

Unit 1: Técnicas de Comprensión de Lectura de
Textos Especializados en Inglés.


1.1 Practica estrategias de comprensión de 1.1.1.Identifica significado de términos nuevos
lectura de manual de la especialidad en en manual de la especialidad en lengua
lengua inglesa, a fin de utilizar inglesa, mediante uso de diccionarios
herramientas de búsqueda de significados. físicos u online.
1.1.2.Reconoce la categoría gramatical de
Uso de manual de la especialidad. palabras seleccionadas en un manual en
Uso de diccionario físico y online español, según pauta dada.
Orden alfabético 1.1.3 Registra palabras que corresponden a
Distinción entre Function Words y Content words. ingles de la especialidad en manual
Article: a, an, the técnico, a fin de diferenciar palabras
Personal pronouns: it, they estructurales de contenido.
1.2.1 identifica las ideas principales de un texto
Object pronouns: it, them
técnico de la especialidad, a fin de
Possessive adjectives: its, their
comprender el texto a partir de una
Relative pronouns: who, which, that primera lectura rápida.
Conjunctions: and , but, or 1.2.2 Reconoce la idea principal del párrafo
Wh words: what al interior de una oración con significado: lo que, lo diferenciando el todo de sus partes, a fin
cual), when, where, how, how many, how much, how long, how late, de confirmar su comprensión de las ideas
how far and the like. del texto especializado.
Adverbs of time: before, while, after 1.2.3Produce breve síntesis del texto, mediante
Adverbs of frequency: always, sometimes, often, never. el registro secuenciado de las ideas
Content words en la lectura de textos especializados. principales seleccionadas en el texto
Adjetivos: color, shapes, surface. especializado.
Nouns: nombres de piezas y similar.
Verbs: técnicos
Técnicas de skimming y scanning aplicadas en manuales CONTENTS

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Content Words vs. Function Words
Information, Meaning Word relationship, coherence,
cohesion, context.

NOUN: which object? PREPOSITIONS

VERB: which action or state? ARTICLES


ADVERBS: how? When? Where?


Noun This part of a speech refers to
words that are used to name
persons, things, animals ideas or
events. For example: pinions, pins,
Prepositions This part of the speech
sun gear, times. The pinions rotate
on pins and are meshed with the basically refers to words that
sun gear at all times. specify location or a location
in time. For example: at the
Verb: This is the most important part of
The hub is at the rear of the
a speech. This is a word that shows
torque converter housing.
an action (physical or mental) or
state of being of the subject in a
sentence. For example: moves, Articles used to indicate specific or
follows. As the fluid moves, it non – specific nouns
follows two flow paths. The electrical car is a new
Adjective This part of a speech is used to
Conjunctions The conjunction is a part of a
describe a noun or pronoun.
Adjectives can specify the quality, speech which joins words,
the size, and the number of nouns phrases, or clauses together.
or pronouns. For example: a, Examples of conjunctions:
simple, three. A simple planetary and, but, yet, but, or, etc.
gearset is made up of three Because the converter hub is
elements. part of the housing that is
bolted to the engine, the ….
Adverb: Just like adjectives, adverbs are
also used to describe words, but Pronouns refer to other nouns.
the difference is that adverbs Examples: engines – they,
describe verbs, adjectives or engine – it.
another adverb. For example:
frequently. Fluid oxidation Auxiliary verbs do, be, have
frequently causes deterioration of
frictional characteristics

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Adjectives a
Articles = Determiners Ø an
There are four articles in English:
A. Examples: a car, a filter, a turbine, a horsepower, a universal joint, a 4 –stroke engine

AN. Examples: an air filter, an aerial, an hour, an rpm, an oil filter, an element

THE. Examples: the car, the pistons, the crankshaft, the benches, the gear lever, the 4-
post lift

Ø. Examples: Ø rubber, Ø light, Ø sound,

Every noun in English requires a, an, the, or Ø (or another determiner) and for every noun
we must answer four questions:

Is the noun countable or uncountable?

We can count handbooks, spanners, vices, and bolts. We cannot count air, water, oxygen
Uncountable nouns can be made countable in several ways. For example:

A piece of information
A molecule of oxygen
A tank of fuel
A jet of water
EXERCISE 1 Decide if the following nouns are countable or uncountable and write
them in the appropriate column below.
•drill •dye •electronic equipment • factory •fault
• information •laboratory • machine • packaging • pollution
• reliability • silk • tunnel


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Is the noun definite or indefinite?
The first time a noun is mentioned in a paragraph is called first mention. The indefinite
article (a, an) is usually used for first mention, according to the following rule:
a(n) + a singular countable noun ( e.g. a car)
Ø + a plural countable noun (e.g. cars)
Ø + an uncountable noun (e.g. air)

The second time a noun with the same reference is mentioned in a paragraph is called
second mention. Second mention includes any subsequent use of a noun with the same
reference (that is, a noun that refers to the same noun). The definite article the is used for
second mention, according to the following rule:
the + a singular countable noun ( e.g. the car)
the + a plural countable noun (e.g. the cars)
the + an uncountable noun (e.g. the air)

First mention and second mention show different views of a noun in English. First mention
is similar to taking a picture of an object that is far away. Second mention is similar to using
a zoom lens on your camera to bring the object close to you. In other words, we first
identify a noun with an indefinite article a(n) or Ø and after that we keep it identified with the
definite article the.

Therefore, if you change the article back to first mention, the reader will understand that you
mean a different example of the same noun (in other words a different reference). Look at
these examples:

An old man is walking with a small boy. The man is tired, but the boy is hungry and needs
some food. The boy has not eaten for several days. He looks thin and unhealthy. Suddenly
the old man stops. A man calls out. Would you like some bread?” The man smiles.

Notice that we identify an old man (first mention) in sentence 1 and repeat the man in
sentence 2 and 5, understanding that it is the same man each time. When we see a man in
sentence 6, we immediately understand that a different man has appeared. The last
sentence is not a good sentence because we do not know which man is meant, the old
man or the bread man. How would you correct the last sentence to make it clear.

Sometimes a second mention appears not as the same noun but in the form of a synonym
or a defining phrase:

Dr. Lewis bought a New Mercedes. The car is silver with a black interior.
The chief mechanic ordered a drilling machine for the new turbine assembly. The
installation was quicker and more efficient.

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Is the noun generic or specific?
There are two major classifications of noun phrases in English:

Specific noun phrases

Generic noun phrases

Specific noun phrases refer to actual objects, people, quantities or ideas. Generic noun
phrases refer to symbolic or representative objects, people, quantities or ideas. Their
purpose is not to show a specific example but rather to show what is normal or typical for
the members a class. For this reason, definitions always use the generic article.
Let us compare some specific noun phrases with some generic ones


Singular Countable John bought a scanner yesterday. A scanner is a useful instrument.

Plural Countable John bought some tools yesterday. Tools are useful things.

Uncountable Add (some) water if necessary. Water is composed of

hydrogen and oxygen
SPECIFIC (second mention) GENERIC
Singular Countable The scanner was not expensive. The electronic device has changed
our lives
Plural Countable The tools John bought are fixing

Uncountable The water in this radiator is polluted.

Notice that the specific sentences are concerned with actual things, whereas the generic
sentences are concerned with symbolic or representative things.

EXERCISE 2 Indicate whether the underlined phrase in the following sentence

is generic (G) or specific (S).

Examples: ____ The sun is a medium size star.

__S_ The sun is a medium size star.

1._______ The computer is down today.

2. _______ CO2 in the atmosphere affects the temperature of the earth.

3. _______ The significance of the study was that it proved the existence of

pollution in most of fuel tanks.

4. _______ The mechanics are taking off the parts of the internal – combustion


5. _______ The computer is affecting the way we live.

6. _______ Alternating current is supplied by an alternating current generator

called an alternator.

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7. _______ A coil of wire is the simplest form of an alternator.

8. _______ Frequency is measured in hertz.

9. _______ Nuclear power stations use rods of uranium for fuel.

10. _______ The black cable is called neutral and this is at, or near, zero or earth


Since the generic noun phrases tell us general information about groups or classes of
things, they are usually found with simple verbs forms and not with the continuous tenses:

* Fuel tank is holding fuel for a car

Fuel tank holds fuel for a car

The generic articles can be divided into two groups: abstract generic articles and concrete
generic articles. The only way to distinguish an abstract generic from a specific second –
mention noun phrase is by context.
Abstract generic:
The neutron bomb is a devastating weapon.
Specific second mention
Please remove the neutron bomb from my car.

EXERCISE 3 Find examples of first/second mention in this text.

Is the noun common or proper?

Proper nouns are names or titles of distinct persons, places or things. Since they are
distinct, proper nouns occur only with the articles the and Ø, never with a(an). As a rule,
names require the zero article whereas titles require the.
Notice the use of the and Ø in the following texts:

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Article Exercises
EXERCISE 4 Underline a and an in the following passage. Try to make a rule
about the difference between these two articles.

Time is measured in a variety of ways. A nanosecond is one of the smallest units. An eon is
one of the largest. In our daily life we are more interested in time on a human scale: a
minute, an hour, a month, a year. An objective measurement of time is necessary for
scientific investigation. However, we also recognize subjective time. A one-hour movie can
feel like less time than sixty minutes of a boring lecture.

Notice that the sound of the word following the article controls the choice of a or an:
A + consonant sound
An + vowel sound

EXERCISE 5 . Circle the correct answer.

Our solar system, 1(a an) one – star system of nine planets, was formed
approximately 4.5 billion years ago from 2(a an) universe of cosmic gas and dust.
Life in the form of bacterial cells already existed 3(a an) billion years later. How did
life form? Did 4 (a an) X ray from space strike 5(a an) carbon atom in just the right
manner to produce the compound of life? Was it 6(a an) lightning flash? Or was it
7(a an) ultraviolet – light source. Nobody has 8(a an) exact answer.

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EXERCISE 6 Put a or an in the blanks.


(1) _______ student adviser at (2) _______ university can help (3) _______ student with (4)
_______ variety of problems. (5) _______ undergraduate adviser can help (6) _______
student to decide on (7) _______ major and (8) _______ course of study. If (9) _______
student is (10) _______ honor student, the adviser can recommend (11) _______ scholarship
or (12) _______ grant. If (13) _______ student is (14) _______ F student ((15) _______ failing
student), the adviser can help with personal problems if necessary and suggest ways to
improve study habits. (16) _______ foreign – student adviser is often (17) _______ helpful
friend to students who have come to study in (18) _______new country for the first time.

EXERCISE 7 Fill in the article A, AN or THE where necessary. Choose X where no

article is used.

1. The radiator cooling fan is ________important part of ________ cooling system

2. If ________fluid turns yellow during the test, then exhaust gasses are present in
________ radiator..
3. Where is ______oil filter I put on the workbench this morning?
4. Do you still buy spare parts from ______United States?
5. Is your father working in ________old workshop I work every weekend?
6. Carol´s father works as _______mechanic.
7. The fuel is $560 _______liter.

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EXERCISE 8 Tell the teacher about the use of articles, conjunctions and transitional
words in this text. Search and then give your conclusions about this event.

All-electric vehicles (EVs) have an electric motor instead of an internal combustion engine.
The vehicle uses a large traction battery pack to power the electric motor and must be
plugged in to a charging station or wall outlet to charge. Because it runs on electricity, the
vehicle emits no exhaust from a tailpipe and does not contain the typical liquid fuel
components, such as a fuel pump, fuel line, or fuel tank

What is the full form of ABS, a safety technology used in cars and bikes?

A. All lock Braking System

B. Anti-lock Braking System

C. Anti Braking System

D. Anti-lock Braking Solution


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“Sometimes a noun is not always named. Words that do not directly name a person, place, thing, or
idea but take the place of a word that does, are pronouns.”

EXERCISE 9 Complete the sentences with the suitable pronoun:

1. Each bearing insert is fitted to (it / its / their) respective journal.

2. Configuration of the front end of your vehicle will determine where (you / your / it) mount the
3. If fuse is disconnected or coated with white powder, replace (it / them / they)
4. Automatic transaxles differ from automatic transmissions in that (them / they / it) incorporate
the differential case and final drive into a single case with the automatic transmissions
5. As the impeller is turned by the engine, (its / their / it) vanes pick up fluid in the housing and
throw the fluid outward toward the turbine

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Personal Pronouns

it / they

EXERCISE 10 Complete the following sentences with: it, they

1. Disconnect the negative cable from the battery. _____is the black cable.
2. Remove the fuel lines from the fuel pressure regulator. _______are made of steel.
3. The fuel injectors can be pulled from the intake manifold after the removal of the fuel
rail. _________can be taken with bare hands.

Object Pronouns

it / them

EXERCISE 11 Complete the sentences with it, them.

1. Install the air flow meter bracket bolts. Turn ______clockwise.

2. Fill the cooling system. Use the brand indicated by the manufacturer to avoid damage
3. Wrap the threads. Wrap _______with Teflon tape.
4. Fit a new inner element and tighten ________with nuts.

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Possessive Adjectives

its / their

EXERCISE 12 Complete the sentences with its and their.

1. The battery has two cables. _____black cable is the negative one.
2. The module processes _______signals from sensors.
3. These are the Japanese sensors. ________functions are related to the engine
4. For easier access to the seat, the armrests pivot upwards in line with the backrests. To
adjust ________inclination in the lowered position rotate the adjuster nut. (5)

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Sentence Combining

In a definition is really two sentences that have been combined:

A thermometer is an instrument (main sentence)

+ That

An instrument measures temperature (clause sentence)

A defining relative clause is used to avoid repeating the words. In the clause sentence, the subject
of the sentence (an instrument) is replaced by the relative pronoun that. Defining relative clauses
are not only used in definitions. They are used in any sentence in which we want to give necessary
information about a noun.

A is a B that C

A thermometer is an instrument that measures temperature.

A = the species (the word or words we want to define)

B= the general group or class that includes A
C= the characteristics that make A different from other examples of B.

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Relative Clauses
We use the relative clauses to give more information about something without starting a new
sentence and repeating the words. There are two types of clauses:

I. Non - Defining Relative Clauses

Information not necessary, extra. It explains more things about a noun.

The hub at the rear of the torque converter housing, which is the back of the impeller, passes
over the stator support and through the front seal into the oil pump.


I bought a new car. extra information, between commas,

WHICH is at the back of sentence means the same without it, you
is very big.
impeller can ONLY use WHICH, WHO, WHERE.

Sometimes which gives additional information about the whole sentence instead of just the noun in
the sentence.

EXERCISE 13 Add which or who and a comma (,) in the correct place in each sentence.

1 I´m having a meeting with John knows about the problem with the powertrain.

2 It’s a device on our new model helps to prevent road accidents.

3 This company has made robots for 20 years are sold all over the world.

4 Sara is the project manager will answer all your questions.

5 I like the Toyota Land Cruiser is the most expensive car.

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EXERCISE 14 Choose the appropriate relative pronoun in each of the following

1 A load – bearing wall is a wall that / where supports a vertical load as well as its
own weight.

2.An architect is someone who / where draws up plans for buildings and other

3 An unheated building, a cellar or a basement are examples of places which /

where are often damp.

4 Manufacturing takes place in factories when / where finished products are


5 Marconi was the scientist who / whom first received signals across the Atlantic.

6 You are invited to attend the meeting on Tuesday which / when details of the project will be discussed.

7 The company has opened a new workshop where / which engineering parts will be produced.

8 The operation manager, whom / whose office is on the first floor, is dealing with the problem.

EXERCISE 15 Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets.

1 They introduced computer – guided robots because they wanted to increase efficiency. (in order to).

2 Close the valve. That way the system won’t overheat. (so that).

3 Scientist are carrying out research. They want to find a cure for AIDS. (so as to)

4 Circuit breakers have been installed because they don’t want the system to overload. (so that …not)

5 The system is sealed. They want to stop water and dust getting in. (in order to)

6 He is taking anti – malarial drugs. He doesn’t want to get malaria. (so that)

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EXERCISE 16 Make definitions like the example
An MP3 is a device, which downloads and plays music from a computer

1 An MP3 player instrument loosen and tighten nuts on wheels

2 Fiberglass system repair underwater pipes and machines
3 Artificial tool powered by electricity from a solar panel
4 GPS technician download and play music from a computer
5 A sub-sea vehicle use satellites to locate your position
6 A solar – procedure calculate driver’s depth in the water
powered car
7 A wheel wrench device use for making hulls of boats
8 A depth gauge material help athe
In defining relative clause that are not definitions, casualty
relativeto breathe
pronoun who or whom for human
9 Smog
beings are used. atmospheric caused in part by automobile exhaust


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II. Defining Relative Clauses
The information is important in specifying what is being discussed. That is, it identifies or
defines the person or object we are talking about.

Essential information.

I saw a car which (or that) was white.


a new car.
was white Necessary information, never commas
used, sentence has different meaning
It is very big. without it, you can use WHICH, THAT,

WHO, WHICH, WHERE dentro de la oración.

Uso de estos conectores: entregar

información esencial acerca de una Ejemplos Traducción
persona, cosa o lugar

Who Paul is the mechanic who Paul es el mecánico (que,
que works with me. quien) trabaja conmigo

el cual, los cuales

Which lo que, la que It’s the movement which Es el movimiento el cual
drives the rear wheels. propulsa las ruedas
la cual, las cuales

Where donde That’s the pan where oil Ese es el depósito donde se
collects. junta el aceite.

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EXERCISE 17 Complete each sentence with the most suitable “type” noun from the

device / generator / handbook / instrument / machine / person / system / system / tool / vehicle

1 An HGV is a (heavy goods) _____vehicle____. It is used to transport goods.

2 A petrol engine is a self-running ________________. It propels a car or small van.

3 The transmission is a /an _____________________. It transfers power from the crankshaft to the
4 A sensor is a/an __________________. It detects changes in the car’s opening or running systems.

5 A speedometer is a/an __________________. It displays a vehicle’s speed.

6 A jack is a/an __________________. It raises the end or side of a car for a wheel change.

7 The owner’s manual is a/an __________________. It explains how to operate the controls.

8 The alternator is a/an __________________. It generates electricity to charge the battery.

9 SATNAV is a navigation __________________. It transmits and receives information via satellite.

10 An autobody technician is a/an __________________. He / She repairs damaged bodywork.

EXERCISE 18 Answer this interesting alternative.

It is a device which compensates for the difference in wheel speeds on the driven axle during turns.

A. Crankshaft

B. Gear Box

C. Differential

D. Transfer case

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EXERCISE 19 Match the products with the sentences.

1 The Ultrasonic Distance Meter is portable; it allows you to measure large rooms.
2 The Zoomba Vacuum Cleaner is rechargeable; it cleans floors automatically.
3 The Garage Parking Sensor fits to your garage wall; it helps you to park safely.
4 The Ticko mini helicopter is radio –controlled; it flies for up to ten minutes.
5 Street Gliders are two – wheeled; they fit on the heels of your shoes.
6 The Extendable Window Cleaner extends up to 3.5 metres; it allows you to clean high windows
from the ground.

EXERCISE 20 Rewrite the sentences above using the words “that” or “which”- sensor
system tool – instrument – device – toy – robot

Example: 1 The Ultrasonic Distance Meter is a portable instrument which allows you to
measure large rooms.

2 __________________________________________________________________



5 __________________________________________________________________

6 __________________________________________________________________

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EXERCISE 21 Join the first half of the sentence with the second and rewrite them
using relative pronouns: who, which or that.

Example: 1. A sub – sea engineer is a person who repairs oil pipes under the sea.

1 A sub – sea engineer is They tighten oil

He repairs nuts on wheels.
a person. under the sea.

2 A jack is a device. It Ittransmits

lifts heavy objects.
radio waves.

3 A tunnel drill is a powerful machine. It Itcuts

holes intorocks.
into rocks.

4 The wheel – gun team are mechanics. It They tighten

lifts heavy nuts on wheels.

5 A feed horn is an antenna. HeIt repairs

oil radio
under the sea

Do you remember?

A differential is a gear train with three shafts that has the property that the rotational speed of one shaft is the average
of the speeds of the others, or a fixed multiple of that average.
A transfer case is a part of the drivetrain of four-wheel-drive, all-wheel-drive, and other multiple powered axle vehicles.
The transfer case transfers power from the transmission to the front and rear axles by means of drive shafts.
The gear box is the second element of the power train in an automobile. It is used to change the speed and torque of
vehicle according to variety of road and load condition.
The crankshaft is an engine component that converts the linear (reciprocating) motion of the piston into rotary motion

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EXERCISE 22 Read the text and label the diagram with the words in bold.

The Steering System of a Car

The steering mechanism is used to link the steering wheel to the road wheels.

Today, rack-and-pinion steering is used for most modern cars with independent front suspension.
The rack is placed in a line between one wheel and the other. The pinion is fixed to the end of the
steering column. When the steering column rotates, the pinion rotates too and engages with the
rack. When the wheel is turned, the rack is moved either to the left or to the right. The rack and
pinion is lubricated at the time of manufacture and needs no further maintenance.

At least one universal joint is fixed into the steering column, which allows it to be assembled more
easily. In addition there is a steering shaft coupling. In the event of an accident, the steering shaft
disengages from the coupling to avoid injuring the driver.

The rack acts as the centre section of a three-piece track rod. Each outer end of the track rod turns
the wheel by means of a track rod ball joint. Ball swivel joints are placed at the outer connection
point of the suspension arms.

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EXERCISE 23 Write sentences from the table that describe the corresponding part .
You can use more than one adjective in a sentence.

Name Shape Noun That Function

1 A steering column is a - shaft that allows the car wheel to be turned.

2 A safety coupling is a flat bar separates upon impact.

3 A universal joint is a round joint rotates and engages with the rack.

4 A rack is a long joint in a shaft is rotated by the steering wheel.

5 A pinion is a toothed wheel engages with the pinion and moves

in a straight line.

6 A track rod ball joint sealed allows rotation when the shaft is
is a not in a straight line.

Example: A steering column is a long round shaft that is rotated by the steering wheel.







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Safety System
EXERCISE 24 Insert one of the phrases from the box in the text where possible.
Use each phrase once only.

that are that is which is which was

Smart Adaptive Cruise Control is a car safety system invented by a team of

engineers at Central Motors. It can be found in all new cars manufactured by Central

Motors. It is an automatic impact-prevention system, designed to maintain a safe

distance between your car and the vehicle in front. It uses a laser sensor mounted on

the front of the vehicle in the upper part of the windscreen.

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Join these pairs of sentences. Use who or which

1. My computer has a DTV card. This is connected by cable to my satellite dish.


2. If your DTV card doesn’t have work, contact our technician. He will repair it.


3. The dish reflects the signal to the feed horn. This converts the signal to a lower frequency.


4. Please send any complaints to our customer service manager. She will then contact you.


5. The radio station sends signals to the satellite. This then transmits the signals to my dish.


6. My DTV card extracts the audio and video. These are then displayed on my PC monitor.

Example: 1. My computer has a DTV card, which is connected by cable to my satellite.

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ADVERBIOS: always, sometimes, often, never.
EXERCISE 25 Dadas las siguientes instrucciones, subraye ADVERBIOS o FRASES
ADVERBIALES. Luego clasifíquelos en las listas dadas a continuación.
Verifique sus respuestas con el grupo.


1. Always keep work area clean, dry and organized.
2. Equipment shall be safely parked on the ground.
3. All brake oil and anti-freezing solution shall be carefully treated to avoid
damaging the painted parts.
4. Turn the nuts clockwise.
5. Changeable parts shall be rightly used as the genuine DAEWOO parts.
6. Additionally tighten ¾ of a turn with a wrench.
7. Tighten the flywheel housing bolts to the specified torque a little at a time in the
sequence shown in the illustration.
8. Completely submerge the thermostat in water.
9. The secondary steering motor is tested every time the ignition switch is turned
to the ON position.

Adverbs or adverbial phrase for:

Never Now Here Slightly

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Adjectives and adverbs
These are grammatical units
1 Here are some typical adjective endings and adjective forms:

- ate / - ite accurate - ic scientific

- ful harmful - ous dangerous
- al / - ial artificial - ing mining
- ive active - ed finished
- able / - ible renewable - ant / - ent transparent

2 Other adjectives, particularly short ones, do not have special endings

•bad •big • good •old • small • young

3 Most adverbs are formed by adding -ly to the adjective
Adjective harmful active scientific dangerous transparent artificial
Adverb harmfully actively scientifically dangerously transparently artificially

4 Some adjectives have the same form as adverbs

•Early •fast •hard •late • straight
A cage provides fast access to the mine. (adjective)
The cage raises and lowers miners fast. (adverb)
5 Uses
We use an adjective: We use an adverb
1 To give more information about a 1 To give more information about a verb.
We carry out pure research The miners reached the surface safely
﴾adj﴿ ﴾noun﴿ ﴾verb﴿ ﴾adverb﴿
What type of research? Pure How did they reach the surface? Safely
2 After the verb Be 2 To give more information about an adjective
All research is scientific. The mine is extremely dangerous
﴾adverb﴿ ﴾adjective﴿
3 To give more information about an adverb
Miners work very hard
﴾adv﴿ ﴾adv﴿
4 To give more information about a sentence
Firstly, I’ll present the coal cutting equipment

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Advice Checklist
EXERCISE 26 Complete the advice checklist with the expressions in the box. Some
alternatives are possible.
as necessary / at recommended service intervals / before any long journey /every fortnight

fortnightly / once a year / over time / regularly

1 Tyres: Check the tyre pressures at least fortnightly using a garage air line.

2 Engine oil: Check the dipstick at least ______________________________________and


3 Engine oil: Have the oil and filter changed ________________________________________.

4 Water: Check the coolant level_____________________and top up ____________________

5 Windscreen wipers: Wipers blade become worn ____________________________________.

Replace them at least ____________________.

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Warning system
EXERCISE 27 Complete the description of a parking distance warning system with
words or phrases from the box.

approximately / at intervals / continuous / less than /

less than / more rapid / over / shortest

Parking Distance Warning System

The parking distance warning sensor uses four sensors in the rear bumper to determine the
distance between the vehicle and an obstacle. The (1) shortest distance between vehicle and
obstacle is always indicated.

The warning system is activated by selecting reverse gear. An audible signal will sound. This signal
will sound (2) ________________, at a distance of (3) ________________ 1.2 metres (the area A
in the diagram). The signal will become (4) ________________as the vehicle approaches the
obstacle. The warning signal becomes (5) ________________ when this distance is (6)
________________approximately 30 centimetres (area B in the diagram). The system is
deactivated by shifting out of reverse gear. The system does not function at speeds of (7) )
________________ approximately 15 kph.

DO keep the sensors clean and free from snow and ice.
DON’T spray the sensors with a high pressure water jet from a distance of (8) ________________
10 cm.

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Adjectives In Context
Nota: recordar que los adjetivos describen piezas, partes, repuestos, usados dentro y fuera de la
maquinaria y los vehículos motorizados.

Adjectives for color: blue, red, yellow, and the like;

Adjectives for shapes; circular, triangular, square, rectangular and the like;
Adjectives for type of surface: rough, soft, wet, dry, and the like.

Adjectives for dimensions

EXERCISE 28 Complete the table. Use your dictionary.

Adjective High Long __________ Wide

Noun _________ _________ Depth ________

EXERCISE 29 Complete the sentences with the correct word in brackets. Use your
1. This Toyota car is 1.745 ____________(wide / width).
2. It has a __________________of 4.460 mm (long / length)
3. And it is 1.490 mm _________(high / height)

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EXERCISE 30 Change these nouns into adjectives.

1 depth_________________________ 3 width _______________________

2 height ________________________ 4 length_______________________

Adjectives for materials

EXERCISE 31 Read the texts and complete the table below. (You are applying the
Scanning technique).

1 Seat covers in luxury cars are made from leather. It is made from animal skins and is strong
flexible. It doesn’t melt, but it can burn.

2 The instrument panel is placed in front of the driver’s seat. Holes are cut in the panel, and the
instruments are placed behind the holes. Some luxury cars have wooden instrument panels.
These are very expensive. The material is hard, but not flexible. You can cut it, but you can’t bend
it or stretch it. it doesn’t melt, but it burns.

3 The cheapest car in the world today has a light but strong two-cylinder petrol engine, with a
capacity of 623 cc. The engine is made of aluminum. It is placed at the rear and drives the two
rear wheels.

4 Heavy goods vehicles have special, heavy tyres. The rubber composite makes the tyre tough but
flexible. The steel cords in the tyre walls make the tyres very strong, but heavy.

5 Cars have one or two silencers. Modern cars have steel silencers. These are coated with
aluminum and are strong, rigid and corrosion – resistant.

6 Most wheels are made of steel of more expensive cars are made from a light but strong alloy.
This is more expensive than steel, but it looks better.

7 Most fuel tanks are made of steel, but the tanks of some small cars are made of plastic. Both
plastic and steel tanks are rigid, hard and water-resistant. Some of the plastic tanks have heat –
resistant steel plates fixed to them.
Part Material Properties (adjectives)
1 seat cover Leather, Strong,

4 1) Rubber composite 1) Tough, flexible

2) 2)

6 1) Steel 1) No information given

2) 2)
7 1) 1)
2) 2)

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More Adjectives
EXERCISE 32 Circle the correct adjective. Use your dictionary.

1 Polystyrene is a tough / soft material. You can’t break it easily.

2 Concrete is a rigid / tough material. It doesn’t bend easily.
3 Polycarbonate is a hard / light material. You can lift it easily.
4 This glass is brittle / fragile. You can break it very easily.
5 These plastic rulers are very flexible / rigid. They can bend them with ease.

EXERCISE 33 Complete these. Use hyphens (-). Note : Be careful with plural nouns.

1 The plane is ready for the road. It’s a road-ready plane.

2 The engine has a cycle of four strokes. It’s a _______engine.
3 The propeller has three blades. It’s a _________________propeller.
4 The cable is six metres long. It’s a __________________cable.
5 This computer is activated when you use your voice. It’s a _________________computer.
6 That ticket machine starts when you touch the screen. It’s a ___________________ticket

EXERCISE 34 Identify the material from the description. Choose from the words in the



1 Sunglasses are made of this material. It’s hard and tough plastic.

2 You can stretch this material and you can bend it, but it doesn’t break.

3 You can heat this material to a high temperature, but it doesn’t burn or melt. They use it
in spark plugs.

4 Part of aeroplanes are made of this material. It’s a strong, light, corrosion – resistant

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¿Qué función cumplen las conjunciones dentro de una oración compuesta?
Las conjunciones unen dos partes de una oración y ayudan a mostrar la conexión
entre ellas.

Ejemplos del uso de las conjunciones


AND tells you more Peter checked the oil level and the
timing belt.

BUT makes a contrast The battery is new but the engine

doesn’t run.

BECAUSE answers the question why? He stopped the car because the
warning signal sounds.

SO tells you the result The fuel reserve light comes on,
so the mechanic fills up with
petrol at once.

WHEN answers the question when or at The engine moves on flexible

what time? mountings, when it is running.

BEFORE, AFTER answers the question what Before painting, it is important to

happened first? ensure that the body is perfectly
After painting and baking, the
body moves to the trim line.

ALTHOUGH / THOUGH tells you something is surprising He drove home although /

though one front tyre was flat.

IF makes a condition If the ignition is on, the electricity

flows around the circuit.

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EXERCISE 35 Complete with the corresponding conjunction in the box:
pero y

But Or And So
o entonces

1. These days most mechanically timed injection systems are used on diesel engines,
______ there are still some units in use on gasoline engines.

2. In effect, the injection pump is a small duplicate of the engine, ______it pumps straight fuel
rather than an air/ fuel mixture.

3. The ECU “reads” operating data from sensors _______adjusts the amount of fuel delivered
to the cylinders for optimum performance.

4. The sensor is mounted in the speedometer unit, ______is made up of a reed – type switch
on indicator needle type speedometers or a LED, photo diode and shutter on digital type

5. The cold start valve is not used to supply the total fuel supply to the engine under cold
operating conditions, ______only to supplement the fuel being delivered by the fuel

6. An engine temperature sensor ______ an electrically heated bimetallic strip are used to
control the cold start valve.

7. This circuit will automatically shut the fuel pump off after a certain amount of time if the
ignition switch is ON ______the engine is not running.

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Skimming and Scanning Use:

EXERCISE 36 Aplicar cada uno de estos aspectos al sgte. párrafo:

Skimming Technique
¿De qué se trata el
¿Por qué estas
instrucciones son de
utilidad para el motor?

Scanning technique
¿Por qué hay tener cuidado con el
¿Cómo se puede estar seguro de que las
partes del motor están operativas?
Indique que se muestra en la figura 15.

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¿Qué dice la advertencia?
¿Por que hay que contactarse
con Cummins?

Relacione los 15 segundos con la

¿Qué es la sección TS?

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¿A qué se refieren los 4 puntos
de la precaución?
¿Qué se dice de la partida del
motor en tiempo frio?

What Is Scanning?

Scanning is another useful tool for

speeding up your reading. Unlike
skimming, when scanning, you look only
for a specific fact or piece of
information without reading everything.

What Is Skimming?
Ahora explique que es Skimming y
Skimming is one of the tools you can use to read more in less time. que es Scanning.
Skimming refers to looking only for the general or main ideas, and
works best with non-fiction (or factual) material. You hone in on
what is important to your purpose. Skimming takes place while
reading and allows you to look for details in addition to the main

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EXERCISE 37 solve the following test
TEST #1 NAME ___________________DATE_____________
I. Choose the correct answer.

1. Raoul works for Toyota. ______ is in charge of fixing engines and checking the electronic
parts of a car. _______do not constitute a problem for him.
a) He / They
b) Its / They
c) His / It

2. Raise the bucket and place blocking under ____.

a) they
b) it
c) their

3. Release the key to allow _______ to return automatically to OFF.

a) it
b) its
c) it’s

4. In particular, if the engine has overheated, do not abruptly stop ____ but run ____ at
medium speed to allow ____ to cool gradually.
a) it / they /it
b) he / they / it
c) it/ it / it

5. The taps are closed. Please open_______

a) its
b) them
c) they

6. These are the modules I bought. Please take one and connect______
a) it
b) its
c) them

7. The spanner is on the floor. Please pick ____up and put ____down the bench.
a) it
b) its
c) it’s

8. The headlights are gone. Please turn ______on.

a) they
b) them
c) their

9. Bring the new wheels. ________are in the workshop.

a) they
b) them
c) their

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Unit 2: Técnicas de Comprensión de Lectura
Aplicadas al Inglés Especializado.


2.1.- Aplica técnicas de comprensión de lectura de textos 2.1.1 Identifica sufijos y prefijos, a fin de comprender la
de la especialidad del idioma inglés,a fin de localizar información específica en el texto de la especialidad.
ideas principales y secundarias. 2.1.2 Diferencia significado de las preposiciones inglesas, a
fin de comprender las frases preposicionales del
texto especializado de la especialidad.
2.1.3 Clasifica ideas principales e ideas secundarias en el
texto especializado de la especialidad, según
estrategias de skimming y scanning.

Localizaciones en Descripciones De Maquinaria.

Contenido Léxico De La Preposición Inglesa
Formación De Nuevas Palabras Mediante Sufijos Y
Prefijos Ingleses.
Contents Secuenciadores : first, second, next, finally.
Uso de puntuación y grafía textual

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What’s Preposition?
A Word or group of words that is used with a noun,
pronoun, or noun phrase to show direction, location, or
time, or to introduce an object

EXERCISE 38 Do you know where are the parts under the hood ? Circle the correct
1. The sump is below / above the engine block
2. The steering wheel is up / above the steering column.
3. The suspension arms are in / below the engine.
4. The dipstick is next to / between the engine.
5. The crankshaft is in / on the engine block.
6. The exhaust pipe is under / between the body.
7. The cylinder head is between / next to the intake manifold and the exhaust manifold.
8. The starter motor is next to / among the engine block.
9. The differential is between / across the rear wheels.
10. The fuel tank is above / under the rear seat.
11. The engine is under / below the hood.

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A. Sample sentences

Let me give you a brief update about developments in the production area. On Monday,
components will be moved from the old storage area to the new one. This means that forklift
trucks will need to move components out of a warehouse 1 and into warehouse 2. You will find
more details in the email I sent last week. There are two stages to the movement of old parts. In
the new storage area, the parts will be stored on pallets on the top two shelves. From there they
will be moved to their final destination according to the plan in the email attachment.

B. Form
A preposition comes before a noun, e.g. in the production area
﴾preposition﴿ ﴿﴾nuon﴿

The most important prepositions of place are:

•at •from •in • into • on • out of • to

Oil is transported from the oil field to the terminal by pipeline.

Corrosion in the pipes is extremely dangerous

1 At
We use at to describe a place in general rather than specific terms:
In the event of a blowout at the terminal we evacuate everyone
We employ some 30 people at the pumping Twenty men sleep
in the terminal, i.e. inside
2 To
We use to describe movement of place:
Then the oil is transported to the terminal.
The roughnecks fly out to the oil rig on a Sunday evening.

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EXERCISE 39 Complete the following description of an oil rig with the correct
prepositions. Choose for those in the box. You will need to use some more than once.
•above •on •in •from •to •in between •around • close to
• of •beside •at •along •below

Surplus gas burning off

Drilling derrick
The Magnus oil rig stands (a)___________ huge steel
Helicopter legs resting (b) ___________ the seabed. To prevent
movement, a large anchor is firmly embedded (c)
Electricity generators
& water tanks
___________ the seabed. A production platform is
Reacreation area built (d) ___________ sea level. (e) ___________the
Dining area centre (f) ___________the platform. (g)
Sleeping quarters Crane
___________the well, is the drilling derrick. Oil and
helipad gas are separated (h) ___________ the bottom (i)
___________ the derrick and a pipeline takes oil (j)
___________ the platform (k) ___________ shore.
Helicopters carrying operators land (l) ___________
Supply boat
the helipad located on one side of the platform. (m)
___________ this pad there is an accommodation
Lifeboats block. The recreation area is found (n) ___________
the first level and (o) ___________ the top floor the
workers sleeping quarters are to be found. The dining
Sea area is on the floor (p) ___________. Walkways run
(q) ___________one side of the accommodation
block and (r) ___________ the outside of the
platform. Lifeboats can be found (s) ___________ the
accommodation block. Supply boats, carrying
Steel legs Pipeline supplies for the rig, can tie up (t) ___________one
side (u) ___________ the rig and goods are lifted (v)
___________the boats using a crane. Drinking water
Shore is stored (w) ___________large tanks located (x)
Rock Drill carrying gas & oil ___________the electricity generators.


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Manual Transmission
EXERCISE 40 Read the instruction manual. Write the letters (A –J) next to the names
of the controls

The diagram shows the controls of a manual, right-hand drive car. On the left of the driver’s
seat is the gear lever (1) ________ . There are five forward gears and a reverse gear. The car is
always started in ‘neutral’ with the handbrake on. The handbrake (parking brake) (2) ________
is on the floor to the left of the driver. On the floor, there are three foot – pedals; the left –hand
pedal is the clutch (3) ________, the centre pedal is the footbrake (4) ________, and the right –
hand pedal is the accelerator (5)________.

On the left of the steering wheel (6) ________ there is a lever (7) ________. This operates the
indicator lights and the headlight beam.
On the right of the steering wheel there is another lever (8) ________. This controls the front
and the rear windscreen wipers (9) ________and, the front and the rear windscreen washers (10)

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EXERCISE 41 Write intructions for the controls in exercise 42. Make full sentences
from these notes. Use when and you, and add the and punctuation.

1 push direction indicator up ◊ right – hand indicator lights flash

When you push the direction indicator up, the right hand indicator lights flash.

Coma Artículo “The” Punto Aparte

2 push the direction indicator down ◊ left-hand indicator lights flash


3 pull left-hand lever towards you ◊ headlights flash once


4 push right – hand lever up into first position ◊ wipers operate at long or short intervals

5 push right-hand lever up into second position ◊ wipers operate at normal speed

6 push right –hand lever up into third position ◊ wipers operate very fast

7 pull right-hand lever towards steering wheel ◊ front windscreen washers work

8 push right – hand lever away from steering wheel ◊ rear windscreen washers work

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EXERCISE 42 Match the operating instructions with their diagrams.

a) Pull the bonnet release handle._____ e) Turn the key to right . ______

b) Press the brake pedal.______ f) Push the gear lever to the left and up._____
c) Slide the light switch to the left. _____ g) Push the fuel tank release button._____

d) Push the lever away from the steering wheel. h) Pull the main beam lever towards the
(main headlight beam)_____ steering wheel. (dipped headlight beam)

EXERCISE 43 Complete the instructions for checking and topping up the engine oil.
Use some of the verbs more than once.
add / check / pour / pull / push / screw / top up / unscrew / wipe

A) Checking the oil level

The vehicle must be on a level surface when you (1) __check___ the oil.
(2) ________________the dipstick out and
(3) ________________it with a clean cloth.
(4) ________________ the dipstick in.
Then (5) ________________the dipstick out
again and (6) ________________the oil level.
If the oil level is in area A, you can (7)
________________ more oil. If the oil level is
in area B, you must (8) ________________the engine oil.
B) Topping up the engine oil
(9) ________________the oil filler cap. (10) ________________ in some oil. (11)
________________the oil level again, using the dipstick. (12) ________________ on
the oil filler cap and (13) ________________ it down. (14) ________________ down the
oil dipstick fully.

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EXERCISE 44 Underline the correct answers. Can or can’t?

1 When the car is lifted up by the jack, you can/can’t drive it.

2 You can/can’t open the car door when the doors are unlocked.

3 When the car is in first gear, you can/can’t drive forwards.

4 When the car is in neutral, you can/can’t reverse.

5 When the steering wheel is locked, you can/can’t turn it.

6 You can/can’t see the dipstick when the bonnet is down.

7 When the filler cap is off, you can/can’t top up the engine oil.

The arrangement of gears for low, or first, gear provides maximum power. The arrangement for second gear
serves for intermediate power. In high, or third, gear the main shaft turns at engine speed. In reverse the
idler reverses the direction in which the main shaft turns.

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Bus Manufacture
EXERCISE 45 Read the article. Write the correct headings above each section.

Body assembly line / Panel pressing / Bus chassis / Trim line /

Paint shop / Final assembly line / / Delivery area Heading #

Bus manufacture
1 Bus chassis
The bottom part of the bus is manufactured outside the factory. It includes the chassis,
the wheels, the engine, and the driveline, which turn the rear wheels. It is delivered to
the bus factory by a driver, who sits in the open on a temporary seat bolted to the

2 _________________________
Steel coils are delivered to the factory. These are lengths of sheet steel wound onto a
hollow core. From the delivery area they are taken to the panel – pressing part of the

3 _______________________________
The steel coils are unrolled in the panel – pressing shop. They are cut and pressed into
body panels. (1) Then some of the body panel are welded together.

4 ____________________________
The frame of the bus is welded together by robots on the body assembly line. Sheets
are welded to make the sides. Ribs are welded to the base to support the roof. The
front and rear ends of the bus are also assembled. (2)____________, the complete roof
is lowered onto the body and welded and riveted into place. (3)___________________,
the body is known as a “body in white.”

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(4) _________________painting, it is important to ensure that the body is clean, dry and
dust-free. So the body is sanded, then washed. In the paint-shop, the body is spray-
painted by the robots. The roof is painted white to reflect the heat of the sun. The
painted body is (5) _______________moved on two trolleys into the bake oven, where
the paint is dried at a temperature of 110°C. (6)______________________________the
body is an empty, painted shell, dry to the touch.

6 _______________________________

(7) _______________painting and baking, the body moves up to the trim line. Here the
floor covering is installed, the windows are put, and the lighting is installed. Insulation is
added to keep the bus warm in winter, (8) ___________________ it is on the trim line,
the floor, the floor level is raised. This makes it easier for workers to install high – level
fittings. (9) _________________, the floor is lowered again and the seats are bolted to
it. Seats make difficult to move around the interior. For this reason, they are installed
(10) _____________________.

7 ____________________________

(11) ________________________, the bottom part of the bus, which was kept in the
delivery area, is brought to the final assembly line. Here the body of the bus is lowered
onto the chassis. Joints re sealed, and all the electrical and heating systems are
connected up. The windscreen, is installed (12) _______________________. From here,
the bus is driven off the final assembly line. All electrical, heating, lighting and safety
system are tested. (13) ___________________, the bus is test driven on the highway

Mating the chassis with the body

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EXERCISE 46 Answer the questions.

1. Which part of the bus is assembled in the factory? Which part is assembled outside?
2. Which items are installed on the trim line?
3. In which order are the five stages of preparation and painting carried out?

EXERCISE 47 Complete the text in EXERCISE 2.7 (Bus Manufacture) with the linking
words from the box.
At the same time / While / at this point / After / Before / Last of all / Finally / Finally /
Lastly / Then / next / At the end of this process / At the end of this stage

EXERCISE 48 Match the actions with their purposes. Refer to the text in 9

Actions Purposes

1 Steel sheets are welded together a) to keep the bus warm in winter
2 The body is placed on two trolleys b) to make it easier to walk around.
3 The body is sanded before painting c) to make the floor.
4 Painting is done in a sealed room d) to allow workers to fit the ceiling panels.
5 The body is placed in a bake oven e) to move it around the factory.
6 The floor is raised f) to dry the paint.
7 Insulation is placed inside the panels g) to keep out the dust.
8 Seats are installed last h) to allow the paint to stick to the body.

A bake oven

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Prefix ROOT / BASE New Word
Re – “again” fill (verb) refill (verb)
Un – “not/opposite of” cover (noun & verb) uncover (verb)
Dis – “not” charge (noun & verb) discharge (verb)
Im – “not” possible (adjective) impossible (adjective)
Mis – “wrong” connection (noun) misconnection (noun)
Over – “too much” heat (noun & verb) overheat (verb)
Under –“ too little” weight (noun) underweight (noun)

ROOT / BASE Suffix New word

Power (noun) - full “full of” powerful (adjective)
Head (noun) - less “without” headless (adjective)
Bright (adjective) - ness “state” brightness (noun)
Convert (verb) - ible “able to” convertible (adjective)
Comfort (noun & verb) - able “able to” comfortable (adjective)
Fast (adjective) - er “more” faster (adjective)
Careful (adjective) - ly “in a___ way” carefully (adverb)
Valve (noun) - ed “having” valved (adjective)

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More Suffixes
These suffixes are frequently added to verbs to express an action that normally occurs
EXERCISE 49 Form an adjective from the following words by adding the correct
suffix: -ful, -ic, -ous, -y, -ant, -al, -able, -ent, -ed, -ial, -ive, -ible

danger rely experiment

dirt origin wash
magnet expense flex
use excel resist

EXERCISE 50 Complete the following sentences with the adjective and adverb in
bracket. Use each word once only.

1 The system will shut down _______________. There is an _______________ temperature control.
(automatic / automatically)
2 New testing methods have made the process much more _______________. Quality control now runs
more _______________. (efficient / efficiently).
3 Our aim is to ensure_______________ operation at the plant. The manufacturing process should run
_______________ . (smooth / smoothly).
4 Demand for electricity is _______________ lower in the evening. Statistics show that there is a
_______________ fall in demand after (general / generally).
5 People are becoming more interested in _______________friendly products. There is a growing interest in
_______________ issues. (environmental/ environmentally).
6 safety procedures must be _______________ observed to avoid accidents. The manager in a coal mine
must be _______________ about activities underground. (strict / strictly)

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EXERCISE 51 Read the following text . Explain the teacher about the text

Key Components of an All-Electric Car

Battery (all-electric auxiliary): In an electric drive vehicle, the auxiliary battery provides electricity
to power vehicle accessories.
Charge port: The charge port allows the vehicle to connect to an external power supply in order to
charge the traction battery pack.
DC/DC converter: This device converts higher-voltage DC power from the traction battery pack to
the lower-voltage DC power needed to run vehicle accessories and recharge the auxiliary battery.
Electric traction motor: Using power from the traction battery pack, this motor drives the vehicle's
wheels. Some vehicles use motor generators that perform both the drive and regeneration
Onboard charger: Takes the incoming AC electricity supplied via the charge port and converts it to
DC power for charging the traction battery. It monitors battery characteristics such as voltage,
current, temperature, and state of charge while charging the pack.
Power electronics controller: This unit manages the flow of electrical energy delivered by the
traction battery, controlling the speed of the electric traction motor and the torque it produces.
Thermal system (cooling): This system maintains a proper operating temperature range of the
engine, electric motor, power electronics, and other components.
Traction battery pack: Stores electricity for use by the electric traction motor.
Transmission (electric): The transmission transfers mechanical power from the electric traction
motor to drive the wheels.

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Suffix - ly
EXERCISE 52 Look at this example.
One spark plug is slightly corroded.
The other is badly corroded.

Now describe each pair of objects in the same way.

Use the words below. Use one pair of words for each

approximately poorly badly

exactly well slightly

correctly half Too

incorrectly fully not

a shaft calibrated poorly

a slot compressed badly
a tooth cracked (in)correctly
a groove labeled half
a scratch locked
a dent painted
a joint corroded
a thread covered

a pair of used

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Suffix –ed
EXERCISE 53 Make similar sentences, either like a) or like b), from these pictures .

a) The pulley fits onto the shaft.

b) The pulley is fitted onto the shaft.

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Phrases, Nouns, Prepositions
a filament a holder
Verbs a coil a loop
a washer a hook
a conductor a patch
connect an insulator a pulley
screw a mount a torch
line a contact a radio
fix a holder a pen
mix a terminal inside
a stand onto
the ceiling
Fit fitted tungsten
Slot slotted
Plug plugged
Cap capped
Pin pinned A Cap
Clip clipped
Label labelled
Rivet riveted

A Cap

A Plug

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Suffixes –er ; - est
EXERCISE 54 Match the diagrams with the descriptions of maximum dimensions .

1 The distance from the point of articulation at the front of a semitrailer to the furthest
projection must be inside a radius of 1.9 m.

2 The distance between the coupling pivot point on the drawbar of a dog trailer, and the centre
of the front single axle of the trailer, must not over 5 m.

3 A load on a vehicle must not project more than 1.2 m in front of a vehicle.

4 The distance from the point of articulation at the front of the trailer to a) the rear overhang
line must not over 9.5 m, and to b) the rear of the trailer must not over 12.3 m.

5 On a trailer carrying cars on more than one desk, the distance between the rear overhang line
and the rear of the rearmost car on the trailer must not exceed 4.9 m. A vehicle that is built to
carry cars on two or more decks must not be over 4.6 m high when laden.

6 A vehicle must not be more than 2.5 m wide. A load on a vehicle must not project more than
150 mm from the outermost part of either side of the vehicle.

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EXERCISE 55 Now read this article where both engines are compared. Which one is
Do you agree with this article? Why? Why not ?

Petrol engines versus diesel engines.

Diesel engines have (1) longer / higher cylinder pressures than petrol engines. For this reason, the
components of diesel engines have to be (2) heavier / higher and stronger. The cylinder block is
usually made of cast iron, which is (3) greater / stronger than aluminium. It is strong enough to
withstand the forces generated by the pistons, crankshaft and other reciprocating components of the
diesel engine. Diesel engine pistons are also (4) higher / longer than petrol engine pistons because the
top of the cylinder (where the fuel burns) needs to be bigger.
Compared with a petrol engine of the same capacity, a diesel engine has several advantages:

1 The fuel economy is (5) greater / longer. This results from a compression ratio that is (6) heavier
/ higher in diesel engines than in petrol engines. This means that there is an improvement in
fuel efficiency of approximately 30%.
2 There is a reduced risk of fire. Because diesel oil is (7) lower / heavier at room temperatures, it
burns easily. In an accident, a spillage of diesel fuel is less likely to cause a fire than a spillage of
However, there are some disadvantages with diesel engines.
1 The cost of manufacture is (8) higher / stronger. This is partly because the fuel injection system
is (9) more expensive / higher. In addition, the engine block is (10) greater / heavier and more
expensive too.
2 The maximum torque and power output are lower than for a petrol engine. Therefore, vehicles
with petrol engines usually have (11) longer / greater acceleration than vehicles with diesel
engines of a similar size.
3 Diesel engines have a lower power ratio: weight ratio. A heavier diesel engine produces (12)
lower / less power, while a lighter petrol engine produces (13) more / higher power.
4 The diesel engine is (14) noisier / more expensive, both inside and outside the vehicle.

EXERCISE 56 Read the text above again. Mark these sentences true (T) or false (F).

1 A petrol engine is lighter than a diesel engine of the same size.

2 A petrol engine runs further on a litre of fuel than a diesel engine of the same size.
3 Petrol burns more easily than diesel oil.
4 It is more expensive to manufacture a petrol engine than a diesel engine.
5 A petrol engine produces more power than a diesel engine of the same size.
6 Heavier engines produce more power than lighter engines.

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Mining Truck Description
EXERCISE 57 Read the text and complete the specification chart. Write the parts in

A mining truck is a very large vehicle that carries earth and rocks around mines. It does not
travel on public roads. The truck has a powerful engine at the front, with a driver’s cab
mounted about it. The body rests on the chassis, which is supported by two axles. The body is
raised to empty its load of rocks.

The largest mining truck in the world has a height of 6,494mm, a width of 7,680 mm and a
length of 12,862 mm. The wheelbase is 5,905 mm. Unloaded, the truck weighs about 116,707
kg. It can carry a load of up to 218 tonnes.

The truck has six wheels and a top speed when loaded of 54.3 kph. The maximum engine
speed is approximately 1,750 rpm. The mining truck is high enough to move over rough ground
without difficulty. It has a ground clearance of 1,005 mm. The standard fuel tank holds 4,354
litres. If the customer wishes, a bigger one can be fitted, holding 4,922 litres.

Number of wheels 6 Length

Fuel tank capacity ____ or_____ Width
Max. engine speed Height
Max. speed (loaded) Ground clearance
Number of axles Wheelbase
Weight (empty) Max. load

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EXERCISE 58 Use the phrases in the language table and the information in brackets to
complete the sentences.
~ about, approximately > more than , over ≤ up to
< less than, under > at least

1 The mining truck has a height of about 6.5 metres and a length of more than 12.8 metres.
(height ~ 6.5 m; length > 12.8m).

2 The truck ________________________________________________________________

(weight > 116 tonnes).

3 It can carry _______________________________________________________________

( load ≤ 218 tonnes)

4 The largest fuel tank _______________________________________________________

(capacity > 4,900 litres)

5 When empty, _____________________________________________________________

(front axle / carry / ~ 46% of the weight; rear axle / carry / ~ 54% of the weight.

6 When loaded, _____________________________________________________________

(front axle / carry / ~ 33% of the weight; rear axle / carry / ~ 67% of the weight)

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Car Assembly

EXERCISE 59 Read this article of a car company. Make a list with words in bold.
Translate each of them. Why are these words in this article?

Assembling a car

First, the parts are delivered by truck or rail to the delivery area of the car assembly plant. From
here, some parts are taken to the body shop, and other parts are transported to the chassis line.
The parts are carried around the plant by forklift trucks or conveyor belts. In the body shop, the
panels are welded to the frame to form the body of the car. This is done by more than 400 robots.
Then the body is taken to the paint shop. Here it is cleaned and painted by robots. Special clothing
is worn by the robots to protect the paint. After this, the body is checked by human workers to look
for faults.
Next, the painted body moves along a conveyor belt to the trim line and many parts added to it. For
example, the instrument panel, the air conditioning system, the heating system and the electrical
wiring are all installed here. The windscreen is inserted by robots using laser guides.
Meanwhile, in the chassis line, components are added to the chassis. First, the chassis is turned
upside down, to make the work easier. Then the fuel system, the transmission, the suspension, the
exhaust system, the axles and the driveshaft are installed. Next, the chassis is turned over
(rightside up).
The engine is lowered into the chassis and connected to it.
Now the chassis and the body move simultaneously to the final assembly line. Here the body is
attached to the chassis, and all the final parts are added. The tyres and the radiator are added here.
The hoses are connected, and the radiator and air conditioner are filled with fluid. The car’s central
computer is also installed here.
Lastly, the finished car and all the electrical systems are tested. The car is filled with fuel and the
engine is started for the first time. The car is put on special rollers to test the engine and the wheels.
If it passes the test, the car is finally driven out of the assembly plant.
Language: to + verb is used to talk or write about the purpose of an action. (la combinación de to + verbo se usa en Inglés
para hablar o escribir acerca del propósito u objetivo de una acción).

EXERCISE 60 Match actions with their purposes. Refer to the text above .

Action Purpose of Action

1 workers weld thin metal sheets a) to check the movement of the wheels
to a frame
2 they turn the chassis upside down b) to make the car body
3 the robots wear special clothes c) to inspect for faults in the paint
4 they turn the chassis rightside up d) to protect the wet paint from dust
5 workers put the finished car on e) to install the fuel system easily
6 workers check the car body by hand f) to lower the engine into it

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EXERCISE 61 These photos show the main stages in assembling a car, but they are in
the wrong order. Write the figure numbers in the correct boxes in the
flow chart

EXERCISE 62 Make captions for the six photos with the verbs and nouns in the box. Use verbs
ending in –ing.




Fig. 6. Welding the body panels to the body frame

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Unit 3: La Comprensión de Lectura y la Cohesión
de Elementos de Transición en el Texto de
la Especialidad.

Aprendizajes Esperados Criterios de Evaluación

3.1.- Demuestra comprensión de elementos de cohesión en el 3.1.1.- Identifica palabras o frases de transición, como elementos
texto de la especialidad, a fin de mantener el sentido de la de cohesión, a fin de avanzar en la comprensión de una
lectura del texto en inglés en una versión en español. oración siguiente.
3.1.2.- Comprende palabras de transición variadas en textos de la
especialidad, a fin de localizar información detallada.
3.1.3.- Traduce extractos de textos de la especialidad, a partir del
reconocimiento de léxico especializado y de las
palabras / frases de transición estudiadas.

Contents Cohesion – transitional words and phrases

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To compare information To add information

Again as with gasoline, diesel fuel is
subject to deposit formation
Although GM did not add test
requirement to the DEXRON, the
designation remains the same.
To give examples

To show exception
Transitional devices
are words or
phrases that help
carry a thought
For example, more torque or turning
from one sentence force is required to move a vehicle
However a fuel that is too volatile to another, from from a dead stop.
can cause vapor lock, poor fuel
economy and increased emissions. one idea to
another, or from
To summarize or
one paragraph to conclude
To emphasize another

To show sequence

When a crankshaft is
replaced, connecting rod
Mating gears always turn in bearings should be
opposite direction replaced. Therefore,
selective fitting of the
bearings is not required.

At this time, no air pressure is

directed to the air start motor or to
the air horns

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Sample sentences

Although email is a very convenient form of personal communication, most people have never sent one.
But the number of users is increasing very quickly. Despite improvements in telecoms networks,
connection speeds are often very slow; however ADSI, promises faster connections.

We can use the following language techniques to contrast ideas:
1 Clauses of contrast
These consist of two clauses: the main clause and the contrast clause.

Even though the member of mobile phones users has increased, call charges remain high.
﴾ contrast clause ) ( main clause )

The main conjunctions of contrast are:

•although •but •even though •though •whereas •while

Notice the difference in use between but and the others:

Videoconferencing is very convenient, but (it) is not as personal as face-to –face contact.
( main clause ) ( main clause )

Although videoconferencing is very convenient, it is not as personal as face-to-face contact.

( contrast clause )( main clause )

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The timetable looks like this. We will install the software on Monday afternoon. That means your system will be out of
action from 2 o´clock till about 5 o’clock. We also need to download some programs before starting the system again.
Then we’ll start testing. That will take until Wednesday. After that, we need to configure all the modules. We hope to
finish that by Wednesday evening. That means that you’ll be up and running with a brand new system on Thursday
morning. So, please inform everyone that we will need to shut down the system next Monday.
A preposition comes before a noun, e.g. on Monday
Where the preposition is followed by a verb, we use the –ing form of the verb, e.g.
We also need to download some programs before starting the system again.
The most important prepositions of time are:

• after •at •before • between • by •during • for • from …….in •on •since
• to • until / till • up to

EXERCISE 63 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.


1. _______the intruder steps on the mat, the alarm sounds.

2. _______you push the left-hand joystick up, the plane accelerates.
3. The cars are painted by the robots. __________the body is checked by factory workers.
4. Lay the bricks ____________check and adjust them so that they are level.
5. The program takes ten minutes to download. _________can you check the price list in our new

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Use of “When” and “As”
Language When often indicates that two actions happen in sequence, i.e. immediately after the other e.g.
When the spark plug ignites, the gases explode.

As often indicates that two actions happen simultaneously, i.e. both at the same time, e.g. As the piston
moves up, it compresses the fuel.

When or as can sometimes be used with the same meaning when it’s difficult to decide if two actions are
simultaneous or in rapid sequence, e.g. When/As the brake pedal is pressed, the piston pushes the oil
along the brake pipe.

EXERCISE 64 Join each group of sentences into a single sentence. Use when / as and
which. Do not use the words in italics.

Example: 1 As the piston moves up, the exhaust valve opens, which lets the burnt gases escape.

1 The piston moves up. At the same time, the exhaust valve opens. This lets the burnt gases
2 The spark plug ignites the fuel. Immediately afterwards, there is an explosion. This makes the
pistons move down with great force.
3 The camshaft rotates. Simultaneously, the cam pushes the intake valve downwards. This allows
the fuel to enter the cylinder.
4 The piston moves away from the valves. Immediately after this, it creates a vacuum in the
cylinder. This sucks the fuel in.
5 The piston moves up towards the valves. Soon afterwards, it puts the fuel under high pressure.
This helps the gases to expand rapidly after ignition.
6 The cam pushes the exhaust valve down. At the same time, the piston moves up towards it. This
forces the burnt gases out of the engine.

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Exercise 65 Study these parts

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994F Wheel Loader

EXERCISE 66 Translate the diagram and the text below.

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994F Wheel Loader

EXERCISE 67 Translate these texts. Elaboarate the appropriate glossaries of each text.

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994F Engine Cooling System
EXERCISE 68 Translate these texts

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994f Wheel Loader
EXERCISE 69 Translate the following text.

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Wankel Rotary Engine
EXERCISE 70 Complete the description of the Wankel rotary engine with the parts in
the diagrams.

A rotary engine is an internal combustion engine with a rotary (1) piston. The (2) ____________
of the rotating piston open and close the ports in the (3) ____________ wall, so no valves are
needed. The triangular piston rotates in an oval –shaped (4) ____________.

1 Intake. The rotary piston rotates. At the same time, it uncovers the (5) ___________________.
This allows the (6) ____________________________________________to flow into the

2 Compression. The (7) _______________rotates. At the same time, the (8) ______________is
compressed into a small space between the piston and the cylinder wall.

3 Ignition. The compressed fuel is ignited by the two (9) __________________________ .

Immediately afterwards, the expanding gases drive the piston round on the power stroke.

4 Exhaust. The piston rotates. Simultaneously, it uncovers the (10) _____________________.

This lets the (11) ______________________________ escape.

5 The triangular piston creates three (12) ________________. So there are three ignitions for
each rotation of the piston.

6 The rotary engine has only two moving parts, the (13) ____________ and the (14)
____________. So, higher rotation speeds are possible.

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Some linking words:  The words As a result, Therefore (at the beginning of a
So: de modo que sentence) and so, and therefore, and as a result
Since : ya que
(connecting to a previous clause) explain the result.
Therefore: por lo tanto
 The words As , because, since explain the cause of
And as a result: como resultado
Because : porque something.
As: como

Las oraciones dadas a continuación son oraciones compuestas. ¿Por qué? Porque están formadas
por una idea principal y una o más ideas secundarias.

EXERCISE 71 Replace the word(s) in italics with the word(s) in brackets. Make any
necessary changes in punctuation and word order. Use your notebook.

Example: 1 The driver left the headlights on, so the car had a flat battery.

1 The car had a flat battery because the driver left the headlights on. (so)
2 The driver tried the starter motor again and again, and as a result the battery became flat. (since)
3 Since the driver didn’t have a spare fuse, he couldn’t replace the blown fuse. (therefore)
4 The wrong fuse was used and therefore the wire in the circuit melted. (since)
5 The mechanic couldn’t repair the car as he didn’t have a wiring diagram for it. (and as a result)
6 The current in the circuit was too high and as a result the fuse blew. (because)
7 The rear windscreen heater was broken, so the driver couldn’t see out of the rear window (as)

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EXERCISE 72 Replace the word (s) in italics with the word (s) in brackets. Make any
necessary changes in punctuation and word order. Complex sentences.

Example: 1 Ben touched an earthed live wire, and as a result he got a shock.

1 Ben got a shock because he touched an earthed live wire. (and as a result).

2 Ron touched an earthed neutral wire, and as a result he was safe. (because).

3 As Bill touched an unearthed wire, he didn’t get a shock. (and so).

4 Bob touched a live wire when a tree touched a neutral wire. Therefore he got a
shock. (because)

5 Pete touched a live wire when a tree touched it. So he was safe. (since).

6 Since Tom and Del touched an unearthed wire, they got a shock. (and


To prevent electrocution, the earth

wire is connected to the casing of the

If the live wire touches the casing,

the earth wire provides a path for the
electricity to flow.

This blows the fuse and switches the

appliance off, leaving you safe.

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EXERCISE 73 Underline the correct word (s) in these sentences.

1 I was late because / as a result there was a lot of traffic.

2 The connection is rigid. Therefore / As it won’t move in an earthquake.

3 You won’t get an electric shock since / therefore it’s a neutral wire in an earthed

4 We did a crash test on the vehicle and as a result / since we’re going to improve
the design of the car.

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Electrical System Of The Car
EXERCISE 74 Read the text. Match the parts with their functions.

1 The battery a) carry electricity to different parts of the car.

2 The cables b) generates electricity for the car and charges the battery.
3 The engine c) changes AC to DC.
4 The alternator d) drives the wheels of the car and the alternator.
5 The diodes e) stores electricity for the car.
6 The rectifier pack f) allow electrical current to flow in one direction only.

EXERCISE 75 Complete the sentences with words from the box.

around / from / into / out of / through / to

1 Electricity flows_________________ the electrical cables.

2 Electriciy flows__________________ the electrical circuit.

3 Electriciy flows__________________ the alternator __________________the battery.

4 Electriciy flows__________________ the positive terminal of the battery_______the starter motor

If Clause + Result Clause

EXERCISE 76 Match an If clause with a result clause.

If clause Result clause

1 If the ignition is on, a) electricity does not flow from the battery to the starter motor.

2 If the lights switch is on, b) current flows from the battery to the lights.

3 If the ignition is off, c) electricity flows around the circuit.

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EXERCISE 77 Complete the sentences.Use the present simple, with or without NOT.

1 If the battery is charged and the lights switch is on, current flows from the battery to the lights.
(current / flow / battery / lights)

2 If the battery is charged and the radio switch is off, __________________________________

________________________________________ (current / flow / battery / radio )

3 If the battery is not charged, _____________________________________________________

________________________________________ (current / flow /starter motor / battery )

4 If the alternator is broken, ______________________________________________________

________________________________________ (current / flow / alternator / battery )

5 If no electricity flows from the alternator to the battery, ______________________________

_________________________________________( battery / become flat )

6 If the battery is flat, no _________________________________________________________

________________________________________ (electricity / flow /battery / starter motor )

7 If the ignition is off, ___________________________________________________________

________________________________________ (electricity / flow / around / electrical circuit )

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Control system
EXERCISE 78 Complete the description of a cruise control system with words or
phrases from the box above.
Above / approximately / at the speed / higher / in steps
Less than / more than / more than /the desired speed

Cruise control system

The cruise control system can maintain any speed (1) _____above___about 30 kph, but cannot
keep a constant speed when driving downhill. The system is switched on by moving the switch
A to ON.

When you have reached (2)______________________ , briefly press the switch B to SET. You
can then take your foot off the accelerator. You can increase your speed in the normal way by
means of the accelerator. When you lift your foot off the accelerator, the car will continue
driving (3)______________________ that you set before.

If you drive at (4)______________________ 10 kph higher than the set speed for a period of
(5)______________________ 5 minutes, the cruise control switches off. Then you must store a
new speed again.

If you briefly press the lower part of the rocker switch B, you reduce the speed
(6)______________________. If you press and hold it, you reduce the speed gradually. When
you release the rocker switch, the new speed is saved.

If you release the rocker switch B at a speed of (7)______________________ 30 kph, the

memory is cleared. You must then accelerate to a speed (8)______________________ than
(9)______________________30 kph in order to reset a new speed.

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Unit 4: Textos de Comprensión Lectora, la
Cohesión por Anáforas y Vocabulario

4.1.-Demuestra comprensión de 4.1.1.- Identifica referencias anafóricas, a fin de relacionar los significados de los
los elementos cohesionados elementos que cohesionan el texto.
por las anáforas, a fin de 4.1.2.- Comprende referencias anafóricas, a fin de establecer las relaciones de
interpretar los significados de significados en la lectura de textos especializados
textos especializados.
4.2.- Deduce los puntos principales 4.2.1.- Identifica tipos de párrafos, uso de puntuación y grafía, a fin de efectuar
de un texto de la especialidad mapas conceptuales.
en inglés, según la 4.2.2.- Traduce textos de la especialidad con elementos cohesionados por
organización de párrafos anáforas y léxico especializado, a fin de demostrar comprensión de su
estudiada. lectura.

Referencias Anafóricas o Mecanismos

Tipos de Párrafos: Inductivos / Deductivos.
Contents Mapas Conceptuales.
Resumen de Párrafos.

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The electrical system of a car
EXERCISE 79 Read the text and label the diagram with the words in bold.

The electrical system of a car

The battery stores electricity. When you turn the ignition key, the electricity flows from the battery
2 to the starter motor. This turns the engine. The engine drives the alternator. This acts as a
generator and produces electricity. It also charges the battery. The alternator produces alternating
4 current (AC). A rectifier pack changes AC to DC (direct current). Diodes in the rectifier pack make
sure that output from the alternator flows in one direction to the battery. But current can’t flow
6 from the battery to the alternator. Electrical current runs through the cables of the car’s electrical
circuit. The current leaves the battery through the positive terminal. It returns to the battery
8 through the negative terminal.

EXERCISE 80 Which words in the text do these words refer to?

1 This (line 2) a) starter motor b) ignition key c) battery

2 This (line 2) a) engine b) generator c) alternator

3 It (line 3) a) generator b) electricity c) alternator

4 It (line 7) a) battery b) current c) terminal

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The Braking System Of A Car
EXERCISE 81 Read the text. Label the diagrams of brake systems with the words in

1 Most light vehicles have a hydraulic brake operating system. In this system, the disk
brakes on the front wheels and the drum brakes on the rear wheels are operated by a
single-line hydraulic layout. Each of the brakes is supplied with brake fluid from a
master cylinder. The pressure of the fluid in the master cylinder is controlled by the
5 driver by means of the footbrake. There is a brake fluid reservoir above it which holds an
extra supply of brake fluid. When the pedal is depressed, this forces fluid along the pipes
to the four brakes and applies them. Greater pressure on the footbrake increases the
operating pressure in the brakes.

10 Regulations require that a separate mechanical parking brake (handbrake) must be

provided which operates on at least two wheels of the vehicle. This holds the vehicle
stationary while it is left unattended. The parking brake can also function as a handbrake
if there is a major failure with the main braking system. Normally, the handbrake
operates on the rear drum brakes and is linked to them via a cable. The handbrake
15 mechanism is operated by a lever, which is held in the ‘on’ position by a ratchet and
pawl mechanism.
EXERCISE 82 What do the words in italics refer to?

1 it (line 5) a) the brake fluid b) the master cylinder c) the footbrake

2 which (line 5) a) the brake fluid b) the master cylinder c) the brake fluid reservoir
3 this (line 6) a) the brake fluid b) the pedal is depressed c) the pedal
4 them (line 7) a) the pipes b) the brakes c) the operating pressure
5 which (line 11) a) Regulations b) the parking brake c) the vehicle
6 This (line 12) a) Regulations b) the mechanical parking brake c) two wheels
7 it (line 13) a) the handbrake b) the vehicle c) the parking brake
8 them (line 14) a) the drum brakes b) the rear c) the two wheels
9 which (line 15) a) the cable b) the handbrake c) the lever

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Drum Brakes And Disk Brakes

EXERCISE 83 Complete the description of drum brakes and disk brakes with words
from the diagram.

Drum brakes consist of two (1) ____shoes___, which are fixed to a (2) __________________, which is
fixed to an (3) _______________________. (4) _____________________are riveted to the outer faces
of each shoe. When the brake pedal is operated, this increases the hydraulic pressure in the (5)
___________________ to the hydraulic cylinder and forces the two (6) _______________________into
contact with a rotating (7) _______________________, which is fixed to the wheel hub by the wheel
nuts. When the wheel rotates freely, the brake drum rotates with it, but the brake shoes do not move.
The inner surface of the drum is ground smooth, so that the shoe linings can rub against it. This can
cause overheating, which reduces friction, and can cause the drum brakes to fade and lose braking
efficiency. Drum brakes are fitted to the rear wheels of many vehicles.

Disk brakes consist of an exposed (8) ____disk_____, which is bolted to the wheel hub and which
rotates between two (9) _______________________. When the brake pedal is operated, this increases
the hydraulic pressure in the (10) _______________________and forces the two (11)
_______________________into contact with the rotating brake (12) _______________________. An
(13) _______________________ensures that the two (14) ____________________force the friction
pads onto the rotating disk at the same time. Friction between the pads and the disks slows the rotation
of the disk. The surface of the disk is exposed to the air , which cools the disk while the car is moving.
Disk brakes are fitted to the front wheels of most vehicles, as most of the braking power is required

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EXERCISE 84 Answer the questions about the texts above.

1 In which type of brake does a friction pad rub against a disk? A disk brake_______
2 In which type of brake does a shoe rub against a drum?___________________________
3 Does passing air cool a drum brake or a disk brake better?__________________________
4 Which wheel of a vehicle usually have disk brakes?________________________________
5 Which wheels of a vehicle sometimes have drum brakes?___________________________
6 When is the pressure in a hydraulic brake system increased?_________________________

Power Train
EXERCISE 85 Label this machinery from words in the text.

 The driving power for the engine (1) is  The driving power is transmitted from the
transmitted through the flywheel to the transmission flanges (3) to the front (5) and rear (6)
converter (2). axles through the Cardan drive shafts (7 and 8).
The converter (2) uses hydraulic oil to convert  The driving power transmitted to the front (5) and
the torque transmitted by the engine (1) into rear (6) axles is reduced by the differentials and then
driving power. The converter (2) transmits transmitted to the planetary gear through the
motion to the drive shaft of the transmission differential shafts.
(3) and to the drive shaft of the hydraulic pump
 The transmission (3) has two hydraulically-
activated clutches that can be selected by an
electronically-controlled gear selector. It also
has manual gear selection (four forward gears
and four reverse gears) Page 84 | ENME02 Workbook
Quiz # 2 : Powertrain Date:
Lea el texto anterior y luego responda en español.

1. ¿Cómo se transmite la potencia al motor?

2. ¿Cuál es el uso que se le da al aceite hidráulico?
3. Señale la función del convertidor.
4. En la selección automática de la transmisión indique las piezas que intervienen y que características
tienen estas.
5. ¿Qué función tiene el eje Cardán en la transmisión?
6. ¿Los diferenciales incrementan o disminuyen la fuerza de tracción? Explique.
7. Escriba el equivalente en español de las siguientes expresiones técnicas.
a) driving power
b) drive shafts
c) planetary gear
d) four forward gears
e) flywheel

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The Fuel Supply System

EXERCISE 86 Label the diagram with words from the text.

The Fuel Supply System

A fuel supply system has a fuel tank, a fuel pipeline and a pump. Fuel moves along the
pipeline to the carburettor or the fuel injector. These supply the engine’s cylinders with a
mixture of fuel and air. The diagram shows one possible layout of a fuel supply system.

The metal or plastic fuel tank is at the rear of the vehicle. It is filled through a fuel supply
pipe, closed by a filler cap. A filter around the outlet pipe from the tank removes dirt and
water from the fuel. Fuel passes through a metal or plastic pipeline to the front of the
vehicle. This pipeline is fixed with clamps to the chassis.

When the engine is running, it moves on flexible mountings. Therefore it must have a
flexible fuel pipe. The fixed pipeline is connected to a flexible pipe, made of plastic, which
carries fuel to the pump. Both the pump and the carburetor are fixed to the engine. The
engine drives the pump, which pumps fuel into the carburetor.

EXERCISE 87 Match the words with the functions to make sentences .

1 The fuel tank a) connects the fuel tank with the flexible pipe.
2 The fuel pipeline b) sprays fuel into the airstream above the inlet port.
3 The filter c) holds the fuel (petrol or diesel).
4 The pump d) connects the fixed pipeline with the pump.
5 The carburetor e) pushes fuel along a pipe to the carburetor.
6 The fuel injector f) closes the end of the filler pipe above the fuel tank.
7 The filler cap g) mixes petrol with air for the engine.
8 The flexible pipe h) traps dirt and water.

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EXERCISE 88 Make sentences with the words. Use the Passive Voice. (be + past

1 fuel pipeline / suspend / chassis The fuel pipeline is suspended from the chassis
2 carburettor / mount / engine
3 filler cap / screw / into / end of / filler
4 fuel pump / mount / engine
5 filter / fit / around / outlet pipe / from /
fuel tank
6 fuel tank / bolt / body
7 flexible pipe / attach / fuel pipeline
8 fuel injector / fix / engine

EXERCISE 89 Match sentences halves.

1 If the fuel reserve light comes on, a) do not start the engine.

2 If a warning signal sounds, b) fill up with petrol at once.

3 If you put the wrong fuel in your fuel tank, c) replace the indicator light bulb.

4 If the indicator flashes extra fast, d) stop the car and switch off the engine

EXERCISE 90 Punctuate these sentences.

1. If you can t turn on the ignition move the steering wheel from side to side.

2. If buzzer sounds when you open the drivers door turn off the lights and indicator

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Troubleshooting Sample
EXERCISE 91 Use words from the box to complete the troubleshooting.

ask /charge /check /check /connected /protected /refill /remove/replace

How to avoid common breakdowns
Check the battery terminals are clean and (1) protected with a layer of grease. Check
that the battery clamps are firmly (2) ________________. If you don’t make regular
long journeys, (3) ________________ your battery overnight.

If a tyre looks damaged, (4) ________________a tyre dealer for advice. If the spare
tyre looks, flat (5) ________________ the pressure.

If the fuel tank warning signal comes on, (6) ________________ the tank with fuel at
If the engine overheats while you are driving, (7) ________________ at once and
check the radiator fan belt.

Water or dirt inside the distributor cap can cause problems. If the engine runs unevenly,
(8) ________________ any water or oil from the inside of the distributor cap. If the
headlights don’t shine brightly, (9) ________________the alternator. Ask your garage
to check the HT (high-tension) leads. If they look worn, (10) ________________them.

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Current, Wire And Fuses In A Car.

EXERCISE 92 Complete the text with words or phrases from the box and the diagrams .

blade connectors / blown fuse /conductor / current / fuses / higher / lower / overheat /
plastic housing / resistance / signals

Wire: some wires in a car carry very little (1) current ___. They carry (2) ________________from
switches and sensors. Other wires carry a lot of current, for example, to power the starter motor.
Each type of wire has a certain amount of (3) ________________per metre. The longer the wire,
the (4) ________________the resistance. Automotive wire is made from strands of copper. The
finer the strands, the (5) ________________ the resistance.

Fuses: if too much current goes through a wire, it can (6) ________________and melt. Then the
wire has to be replaced, which is a difficult job. To prevent this from happening, (7)
________________are included in an electrical circuit. Automotive fuses have two (8)
________________which complete the circuit. Inside the (9) ________________is the (10)
________________which carries the current. The conductor has a lower melting point than the wire
of the circuit. If the wire carries too much current, the heat of the current melts the conductor and
“blows” the fuse. A (11) ________________ must be replaced with a good one. Then the electrical
circuit will work again.

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EXERCISE 93 Read the product description of a tracked earthmover and complete the
specification table (A).

1 The aim of the design was to produce a tracked earthmover with greater power than earlier
models. The designers considered the needs of users, for example, construction sites,
quarries and landfill sites.
2 The new design has an 8.8 litre six-cylinder engine, with a top speed of 10 kph in the ‘travel’
mode. The alternative ‘work’ mode allows slower speeds. Independent power is provided to
each track, so the driver can control each track separately and turn the machine easily.
3 The earthmoving bucket has a width of 3.3 m and a capacity of 4.7 m 3.
4 The powerful engine is located at the rear, and therefore acts as a counterweight. Another
advantage is that the radiator, placed at the rear, is kept clear of earth- moving operations.
The electronic fuel injection system delivers multiple injections of fuel during the engine’s
compression stroke, which improves fuel combustion. The turbocharger, driven by the
exhaust, results in increased power, improved combustion and reduced exhaust emissions.
5 The design uses strong, rigid box-sections, which resist torsional forces. The steel frame
provides flexibility, durability and resistance to high load forces. The multi-purpose bucket
made of high strength, low alloy steel resist dents and damage.
6 The cab is designed for comfort and ease operation. AC and heating are standard features.
The dashboard has two groups of instruments: one with four gauges (fuel level, etc) and
another with indicators (low alternator output, etc).

A) Tracked earthmover B) Articulated dump truck

Design brief Greater power than earlier More power, carries increased payload (+15%)
Users Constructions sites, Quarries, landfill sites, forestry industry, construction sites
Key features 2 5.9 litre engine; top speed of 50 kph
Capacity 3 Max payload: 20 tonnes (12 m )
Parts and Powerful engine at rear 6 forward gears, 3 reverse gears (manual or automatic
functions operation); power- assisted dual braking system; twin
hydraulic system for a) steering and tipping mechanism,
b) braking and suspension.
Materials 4 Rear chassis: high tensile strength steel, with box-section
Properties 5 Increased rigidity and resistance to loading forces
Operation 6 Reduced noise and vibration; good visibility and stability; AC

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EXERCISE 94 Translate these pages. Use your dictionary only. Check the technical

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ASSEMBLY REMOVAL: …………………………………………………………

BOLTS: …………………………………………………………
CHAMFERED POSITION: …………………………………………………………
CRANKSHAFT REAR OIL SEAL: …………………………………………………………
EXHAUST CAMSHAFT SPROCKET: …………………………………………………………

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Unit 5: Estructuras Gramaticales Aplicadas al
Inglés Especializado.

5.1.- Descubre significados, a partir de la 5.1.1.- Identifica en manual de la especialidad, palabras terminadas en
correcta interpretación de palabras ING, a fin de reconocer su categoría gramatical.
terminadas en presentes en el texto 5.1.2.- Reconoce unidades de significado en estructuras gramaticales
de la especialidad, a fin de aplicar el que incluyen palabras terminadas en ING en manual de la
inglés técnico relativo a su especialidad según pauta dada.
5.2.- Demuestra comprensión de la lectura 5.2.1.- Identifica las ideas principales de un texto especializado de la
del texto de la especialidad a fin de especialidad a partir de una primera lectura rápida
interpretarlos para su aplicación. 5.2.2.- Distingue la información de pasos y procesos respecto de la
información descriptiva general, a fin de deducir las ideas del
texto especializado.
5.2.3.- Produce breve síntesis del texto mediante el registro
secuenciado de las ideas principales seleccionadas en el
texto especializado

Tipos y Usos de Gerundios en los Siguientes

1. Verbo Progresivo;
2. Sustantivo en Función de Sujeto;
3. Pre Modificando a un Sustantivo;
Contents 4.Cláusula Compacta Adjetiva;
5.Sustantivo Después de Preposición. .

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Uses Of Gerunds.

1. Subject - a
word that tells
who or what
about the verb.

2. Direct object -
receives the action
performed by the
Driving is fun. subject

I like driving.

3. Predicate nominative
A fun time is (predicate noun) - a
Gerund is driving. word that completes a
a word that linking verb and renames
ends in -ing the subject.

A fun time,
driving, takes
me a lot of
I give time. 4. Appositive - a word,
I give a lot driving a
or group of words, that
of time to lot of time.
identifies or renames the
driving. noun or pronoun that it
5. Indirect object
6. Object of the - an object that is
preposition - a really part of a
noun or noun prepositional
equivalent in a phrase in which
prepositional the preposition to
phrase. or for is not stated
but understood. It
tells to whom or
for whom
something is done.
The indirect object
always comes
between the verb
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and the direct
Progressive Verb
Esta estructura se llama Present Continuous o Present Progressive.

I am pressing the brake pedal now
You/we/they are breaking the safety rules
He/ she is turning the steering wheel
The car (it) is moving to the left

I am not pressing the accelerator
You/we/they are not following the safety rules
He/ she is not
The car (it) is not moving.

Yes / No question
Am I talking to the manager
Are you/we/they working on the same project?
Is he / she wearing a hard hat?
Is your radio (it) working?

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Gerund as subject

EXERCISE 95 Translate the following sentences.

1. The honing operation should be closely related with the fitting of pistons and rings.

2. Rotate the crankshaft after tightening each main bearing cap to ensure the crankshaft rotates

3. Disconnect the temperature sending unit wire connector.

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Adjective Clause (Post Modification)
An adjective clause is simply a
group of words with a subject
and a verb that provide a

who, when,
The clause
whom, starts with a
pronoun such where
as ……… or

EXERCISE 96 Underline only the adjective clause

1. An electric car is an automobile that is propelled by one or more electric motors.

2. The higher temperature more effectively evaporates fuels such as gasoline, which
increases the efficiency of the compression engine.

3. The sudden opening of the contact produces a spark in the combustion chamber
which ignites the fuel/air mixture.

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Mechanical skills for work
EXERCISE 97 Read the three job adverts and part of Kurt’s CV. Choose the best job for
him. Circle A, B or C
Vacant positions for operators Immediate vacancy for Milling Manufacturer of industrial
at expanding supplier to the Machine Operator to work in kitchens requires experienced
automotive industry. Duties growing company supplying Metalworker for immediate
include all types of machining components to the oilfield start. Responsibilities include
and some welding. Must have industry. Duties include setting reading technical drawings,
qualification and experience in up, operating and maintaining broaching, cutting, sawing,
setting up and operating machine tools. Must have HNC welding and polishing. Must
welding robots. ONC in in Mechanical Engineering or have ONC in Sheet Metalwork
Mechanical Engineering similar. Should have post – or equivalent. Must be skilled
(minimum) required. qualification experience of in basic welding.
basic drilling and milling.

EXERCISE 98 Complete Kurt’s CV in the previous EXERCISE with verbs from the box in
the correct form.
award /become / enclose / give /go /leave / look / start / study / work

From 2004 until 2006, I (1) worked at A&E Gearboxes as a full-time machinist. I (2) ____________ the
company in 2006 and (3) ____________ a full-time student. From 2006 to 2007, I (4) ____________
Mechanical Engineering at Glasgow Polytechnic. In 2007 I (5) ____________ my HNC in Mechanical
Engineering . Then in August 2007 I (6) ____________ work as a Milling Machine Operator at Clyde
Outboard Motors. Unfortunately, six months later the company (7) ____________ out of the
business. That is the reason, why I (8) ____________ for employment and am able to start work
immediately. I (9) ____________ my CV, which (10) ____________ full details of my training,
qualifications and work experience.


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Unit 6. Interpretación de Textos, Manuales y
Folletos Especializados


6.1.- Demuestra comprensión del vocabulario 6.1.1.- Distingue vocabulario de la especialidad, a fin de
especializado, las estructuras gramaticales clasificarlo alfabéticamente para la creación de
y la organización del texto especializado, a un glosario de la especialidad.
fin de interpretar manuales y folletos de la 6.1.2.- Comprende la información, organización de las
especialidad. ideas, el vocabulario especializado y las
estructuras gramaticales estudiadas, a fin de
lograr la lectura comprensiva de manuales y
folletos de la especialidad.
6.1.3.- Traduce extractos de manuales y folletos de la
especialidad con uso de voz pasiva, a fin de
Textos de la Especialidad. demostrar comprensión de su lectura.
Comparativos de igual grado.
Modales de Obligación y
Técnicas de Skimming y Scanning. Contents
Voz Pasiva en el Texto.
Glosario de la Especialidad.

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Gear Speed Ratio

EXERCISE 99 Read the text and complete Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
In Fig. 1 there are two gear systems. In the In the system on the right there are also 2 gears:
system on the left there are two gears: A and B. C and D. Gear D has a greater number of teeth,
Gear A has a smaller number of teeth, so it has a so it has a slower speed. C and D are a different
faster speed than Gear B. They have 36 and 45 size from A and B but they have the same size
teeth respectively, so the ratio of the number of ratio of 4:5. They therefore have the same gear
teeth on A to the number of teeth on B is 4 to 5 speed ratio as A:B. So, if the two faster gears (A
(4:5). The gear speed ratio is therefore 5:4 (i.e. it and C) have the same speed, the speeds of B
is the opposite of the ratio of gear teeth). and D are also the same.

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EXERCISE 100 Use Fig. 1 to complete the sentences.

For example : 1 D has a greater number of teeth than F.

Fig. 2

1 D has a __________number of teeth _____F.

2 B has a _________diameter _______C.

3 F has a _______speed _________ _________

4 _________has a faster speed _________F.

5 The speed of _________ is slower than the speed of _________.

6 C has a smaller ____________________ ______ A, so A has a _________speed.

7 B has a greater number of teeth than A; the speed of _________ is therefore _________.

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Comparativos De Igual Grado
EXERCISE 101 Choose a, b, c, d, e to complete sentences. Use fig. 1 and 2

Fig. 2

1 The ratio of the number of teeth is _____________the size ratio.

2 The two gear systems in Fig.1 are ________________________

3 A:C and D:F are _______________________

4 The movement of A is ___________________the movement of B.

5 The speed of B is _____________the speed of A.

6 The direction of movement of D is _________________the direction of movement of F.

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Passive Voice In Context
EXERCISE 102 Translate these sentences with the passive voice.

Diagnosing a problem

Present possibility The petrol pump may / could / might be broken.

The engine may / could / might be overheating.

Present certainty The level in the screen washer reservoir must be running low.

Past possibility The alternator may / could / might have failed.

Past certainty Water must have got into the fuel filter. (diesel engine only)

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Typical Mechanical Problems
EXERCISE 103 Match these pictures with the problems above. Write the number of the
problems next to the picture. Some sections are matched with more
than one picture.

1 Oil pressure
If the light comes on during a journey, it’s possible that the oil level is too low.
Example: if the light comes on during a journey the oil level might be too low.
2 Coolant temperature
If the light comes on during a journey, it’s possible that the coolant temperature is too
high or the coolant level is too low. If the coolant level is satisfactory, the radiator fan has
probably failed.
3 Battery charge
If the light comes on during a journey, there is definitely a fault with the charging system.
Perhaps the battery terminals are slack, or the alternator drive belt is loose or broken. It’s
also possible that the alternator has failed.
4 Brake system
If the light stays on after releasing the handbrake, the brake fluid level is probably too
5 Brake wear monitor
If the brake wear monitor lights come on, the front brake pads have definitely reached
their maximum wear level. It’s possible that the rear brake pads have also reached their
maximum wear level.
6 ABS (anti-locking brake system)
If the warning light comes on when driving, there is possibly a malfunction with the
system. If the ABS warning light comes on together with the brake system warning light,
it’s certain that both systems are defective.

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Solutions for the car problems
EXERCISE 104 Suggest solutions for the problems. Use these phrases: Try doing (tratar);
Why don’t you (do) Por que ….? / You could / should do…

Example : Try switching off the engine and checking the oil level
1 Switch off the engine and check the oil level (try)
2 First, check the coolant level (why). If the coolant level is correct, check the
radiator fan fuse and renew if necessary (could).
3 First, switch off the engine. Then check the battery terminals and alternator drive
belt (could).
4 Check the brake fluid level and top up if necessary (why). If the brake fluid level is
correct, take the vehicle to a garage for checking (could).
5 Take the vehicle to a garage (why). Ask the garage to check the rear brake pads at
the same time (could).
6 Take the vehicle to a garage as soon as possible (should).

EXERCISE 105 Rewrite the check list as a list of work done, using the past passive.
1 Top up the oil level. _________The oil level was topped up._________________
2 Renew radiator fan fuse. ______________________________________________
3 Tighten battery terminals. _____________________________________________
4 Replace alternator drive belt. ____________________________________________
5 Reset engine management system (EMS) _________________________________
6 Top up brake fluid level. ______________________________________________
7 Replace front brake pads. ______________________________________________
8 Check rear brake pads. ________________________________________________

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How To Start A Car With A Flat Battery

EXERCISE 106 Make suggestions for starting a car with a flat battery in these situations.
Use the language from above and the phrase in brackets. Use your

Example: Try freewheeling down the hill.

1 The driver is alone in a car at the top of a hill. (freewheel downhill)

2 The driver is with two passengers on a flat road. (passengers / push-start the

3 The driver is alone in her car, and there is another driver with his car.(two-
start the car)

4 The driver is alone in her car, and there is another driver with his car. (use
jumps leads)

5 The car with the flat battery has an automatic gearbox. (use jump leads)

6 The battery is old and doesn’t work. (buy a new one)

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Passive voice for instructions
EXERCISE 107 Rewrite this set of instructions as a paragraph describing a process. Use
the passive form of the verbs.

Servicing a car battery

Open the Bonnet of the car. Locate the battery

Loosen the battery cables, using a wrench. Remove
the battery cables from the posts
Always remove the negative (or earth) cable first,
then the positive.
Carefully lay the detached ends of the cables to one
Wipe away corrosion from the top of the battery,
using baking soda and water.
If corrosion is very heavy, you can clean it from the
posts using a wire brush.
Apply petroleum jelly to the inside of the terminals
and the posts.
Reattach the cables. Close the car bonnet.

Begin: First the bonnet of the car is opened and the battery is located. Then …

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Should es usado para dar una recomendación, consejo, y/o aviso.
EXERCISE 108 Read the service schedule and answer the questions below.
Every 60,000 km After 90,000 km, then every 30,000km

Replace air filter element; clean housing Check camshaft drive belt (4-cylinder petrol
engines only)

Replace spark plugs Every 2 years (i.e. for vehicles driven less than
60,000 km in 2 years)
Replace camshaft drive belt and tensioner roller
(diesel engines only)
Replace air filter element; clean housing (for
Check oil level in the final drive for automatic vehicles driven less than 60,000 km in 2 years)

1 A 4- cylinder petrol – engine car is in the grarage for its 120,000 km service. Should the
camshaft drive belt be checked or replaced?

2 A car is two years old and has done 57,000 km. Should it be serviced now? If so, what
work should be carried out?

3 An automatic car has done 120,000 km. What work should be done at this service that is
not done for manual cars?

4 A diesel car has done 120,000. What extra work should be done at this service that is not
done for petrol cars?

5 A manual car with a 4-cylinder petrol engine has done 180,000 km. What parts should be

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EXERCISE 109 Translate this text. Use the dictionary, then make a glossary.

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Taken from “Disassembly and reassembly of the
Transmission Clark T40000” manual.

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: extender

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EXERCISE 110 Write the meaning of these terms in your own language.

Phrases Verbs

Driving medium ……………………. Perform …………………….

Cooling medium …………………….. Carried …………………….

Sump oil filter ……………………. Called …………………….

Output sump pump ……………………. Provide …………………….

Driving medium ……………………. Transitional Words -

Output sump pump …………………….
As …………………….
Safety valve …………………….
Although …………………….
Regulator valve …………………….
Such as …………………….
Hydraulic controls …………………….
As listed …………………….

Brake lube signal valve …………………….


Simple Adjectives
Through …………………….

Below …………………….
Entire …………………….
Single ……………………. Compound Adjectives

CD - 500 – 3 and – 4 …………………….

Main …………………….
Cross – drive …………………….
Detailed …………………….
Input – scavenge …………………….

Big …………………….. Lock – up …………………….

Large …………………….. Input – pressure …………………….

Main – pressure …………………….

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Cab ____________________ Disk brake ____________________
Capacity ____________________ Drum brake ____________________
Earth ____________________ Ground clearance ____________________
Load ____________________ Mining truck ____________________
Mine ____________________ ADJECTIVES
Height ____________________ Powerful ____________________
Length ____________________ Rough ____________________
Width ____________________ Standard ____________________
Depth ____________________ Unloaded ____________________
Suspension ____________________ ADVERBS
Wheelbase ____________________ Approximately ____________________
VERBS Slowly ____________________
Connect ____________________ Badly ____________________
Disconnect ____________________ Poorly ____________________
Inspect ____________________ Fastly ____________________
Lubricate ____________________ Counterclockwise ____________________
Remove ____________________ downward ____________________

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Buzzer _____________________ Distributor cap _____________________
Carburettor _____________________ Filler cap _____________________
Clamp _____________________ Fuel injector _____________________
Grease _____________________ Outlet pipe _____________________
Indicator _____________________ Warning signal _____________________
Mounting _____________________ ADJECTIVES
Pump _____________________ Flexible _____________________
VERBS Heavy _____________________
Bolt _____________________ Big _____________________
Charge _____________________ High _____________________
Flash _____________________ Wide _____________________
Overheat _____________________ Long _____________________
Protect _____________________ Small _____________________
Refill _____________________ ADVERBS
Sound _____________________ Overnight _____________________
Suspend _____________________ Unevenly _____________________
Swing _____________________ CONJUNCTIONS
Change _____________________ And _____________________
Lift _____________________ But _____________________
Pull _____________________ So _____________________
bake _____________________ Or _____________________

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NOUNS Gear wheel ___________________
Blow ___________________ Post – qualification
experience ___________________
Broaching ___________________ Screw – head ___________________
Chip ___________________ VERBS
Chiselling ___________________ Broach ___________________
Crankshaft ___________________ Chisel ___________________
Drilling ___________________ Drill ___________________
Filing ___________________ File ___________________
Grinding ___________________ Go out of business ___________________
Lathe ___________________ Grind ___________________
Milling ___________________ Maintain ___________________
Piston ___________________ Mill ___________________
Planing ___________________ Set up ___________________
Polishing ___________________ Turn ___________________
Sawing ___________________ ADJECTIVES
Turning ___________________ Equivalent ___________________
Vacancy ___________________ Expanding ___________________
Welding ___________________ Rotating ___________________
Connecting rod ___________________ Smooth ___________________
Drive shaft ___________________ Vacant ___________________

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Base ________________________ Assemble ________________________
Cockpit ________________________ Board ________________________
Coil ________________________ Bolt ________________________
Core ________________________ Ensure ________________________
Differential ________________________ Install ________________________
Driveline ________________________ Minimise ________________________
Insulation ________________________ Reflect ________________________
Interior ________________________ Rivet ________________________
Ramp ________________________ Sand ________________________
Rib ________________________ Seal ________________________
Shell ________________________ Support ________________________
Trolley ________________________ Unroll ________________________
Windscreen ________________________ Wind/wound ________________________
Assembly line ________________________ Hollow ________________________
Parking brake ________________________ comfortable ________________________

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