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17/3/2021 Actividad interactiva gratuita de Quantifiers

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Live worksheets > inglés > English as a Second Language (ESL) > Quantifiers > Quantifiers

students revise quantifiers

ID: 302440 Añadir a mis cuadernos (329)

Idioma: inglés Insertar en mi web o blog
Asignatura: English as a Second Language (ESL) Añadir a Google Classroom
Curso/nivel: PET
Añadir a Microsoft Teams
Edad: 13+
Tema principal: Quantifiers Compartir por Whatsapp
Otros contenidos: a few, a little, many, much, a lot of

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17/3/2021 Actividad interactiva gratuita de Quantifiers


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Últimos comentarios

gyandrass 3/5/2021
Thank you

RoxanaDDB 10/1/2020
Thanks JuanJoseCC for checking this worksheet in such detail. I've already followed your comments and correct the mistakes.

JuanJoseCC 10/1/2020
Hi, I love this worksheet, thank you for sharing it.

I have run into a couple of mistakes, it would be great if you could find the time to correct them:

In the second exercise, h) has the wrong answer marked as correct: food is uncountable.

In the text, it says "lot of deserts" is correct. I think maybe the options were supposed to be "lots of / a lot".

In the last sentence it says "can bear", but it should be "cannot bear".

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