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Complete Series



José Francisco Carrera Papaterra
Venezolano. Actualmente: Sídney, Australia

Primera Edición
Valencia – Carabobo, Venezuela
Julio, 2010

Segunda Edición
Sídney, Australia. Abril, 2016

Derechos de Autor y de Propiedad Reservados

Registrado en el Centro Nacional del Libro - Venezuela
Prohibida su venta

Copyright Notice for Australia: you are free to use information available on this
eBook provided you comply with the Copyright Act 1968.

Hoy más que nunca resulta imprescindible aprender inglés. Cada día se
emplea más en casi todas las áreas del conocimiento y desarrollo humanos.
Prácticamente puede afirmarse que se trata de la lengua del mundo actual. Es, en la
era de la globalización, la gran lengua internacional, una “lingua franca” que ha
repercutido en todos los países no-anglosajones, incluida España, y que afecta más o
menos directamente a los diversos campos y profesiones. Su posesión ya no puede
tratarse como un lujo, sino que es una necesidad evidente. Es más, incluso se dice ya
que quien no domine esa lengua estaría en una clara situación de desventaja: sería
como si fuese mudo o medio analfabeta. Y sobran las razones para decirlo. La
pretensión de esta serie de tres libros es la de hacer verla enorme importancia de
adquirir dicho idioma y enseñar a personas de todas las edades como manejar las
herramientas para que dominen en su totalidad y con eficacia las habilidades
habladas, escritas, leídas y escuchadas y logren emplearlas con facilidad en cualquier
situación, haciendo posible la comunicación clara y precisa.

En consecuencia, se trata de la herramienta que permite la comunicación con

personas de otros países, dentro del mundo globalizado en que vivimos. Es
indiscutible que el inglés se ha convertido en el idioma global de comunicación por
excelencia, uno de los de mayor uso en el mundo. Es idioma oficial, o tiene un status
especial, en unos 75 territorios en todo el mundo. Dentro de poco más de una década
lo hablarán tres mil millones de personas, es decir, la mitad de la humanidad. Las
consecuencias del avance de esta marea lingüística son inmedibles. Dentro de pocas
generaciones y por primera vez en la historia del “homo sapiens”, la mayor parte de
nuestra especie será capaz de comunicarse en una sola lengua.

Se trata del mayor golpe a la civilización, a nivel mundial, durante el último

cuarto de siglo. En casi todas las partes del mundo la mayoría habla al menos un poco
de inglés, de modo que en casi todos lados, quien lo conozca, podría sobrevivir. Esta
expansión supone un verdadero terremoto en la historia del ser humano, uno de los
hechos más importantes que le han ocurrido a la humanidad desde el nacimiento del
lenguaje. Ninguna lengua antes había alcanzado la universalidad, ni había llegado tan
lejos ni tan rápido. Es la primera vez en la historia que resulta posible señalar una
lengua como la predominante.

Por consenso mundial, el inglés ha sido elegido como el idioma de la

comunicación internacional. Es la lengua de la diplomacia, en un mundo global en el
que las relaciones entre países son cada vez de mayor importancia.

Hoy en día, cualquier investigador o profesional que quiera estar al día o
acceder a libros especializados necesita irremediablemente saber inglés para estar
informado de los rápidos avances que están teniendo lugar en su área de
conocimiento, y ello es así porque el 75% de la bibliografía científica está en inglés.
Este hecho también abarca a otros contenidos proporcionados por los distintos
medios informativos existentes como televisión, radio, periódicos, vídeos, películas,
entre otros.

Igualmente es indispensable conocer el inglés cuando se viaja o se sale de

vacaciones al extranjero: para ir de compras, para tomar un medio de transporte sin
perderse, para pedir la cuenta en un restaurante, para entrar en contacto con la gente y
su cultura de modo amplio... No importa a qué lugar se vaya, si se habla inglés se
tienen muchas probabilidades de encontrar a otra persona que también lo hable, algo
que podría sacar de apuros en más de una ocasión.

Por ello ha habido una rapidísima proliferación en el interés de personas en

dominar el idioma inglés. Cada año se conceden numerosas becas para el aprendizaje
en el extranjero. Además, habría que mencionar también todos los viajes e
intercambios que se organizan a Gran Bretaña, los Estados Unidos y Canadá,
principalmente, tanto por iniciativa estatal como privada, para la realización de cursos
de perfeccionamiento. Evidentemente, todo este despliegue no es producto de la
casualidad, sino una clara muestra de la innegable importancia del inglés.

Así pues, su dominio se ha convertido en una necesidad cada vez más

apremiante. Se trata, en definitiva, de una lengua que todos, hemos de aceptar. ¡Y
nunca es tarde para aprenderla!

José F. Carrera P.
Escritor y Autor de la serie de libros
para aprender inglés:

Personalmente, pienso que el inglés se aprende paulatinamente durante los
estudios y maduración de la persona. Constantemente ocurre que el estudiante no se
siente motivado al darse cuenta que no entiende lo que le dicen o que no puede
comunicar lo que desea, esto ocurre los primeros tres meses de estudios. Durante ese
tiempo, se ha visto cierta cantidad de gramática importante y suficiente para expresar
ideas y situaciones simples, pero el estudiante no ha aprendido a realizar las
conexiones entre diferentes partes de la gramática del idioma tan necesarias para
hablar y comunicarse con libertad. He aquí un punto muy importante que deseo
destacarles, en el presente libro, como en cualquier otro, se divide la enseñanza del
idioma en unidades, las cuales van de la más simple y necesaria a la más compleja o
no tan comunes al hablar. A medida que se cubren las unidades del libro, se va
aprendiendo diferentes partes gramaticales del inglés, pero al hablar de un idioma,
todo está conectado entre si, por lo que cada unidad está completamente relaciona con
las demás, y para lograr expresar lo que desees de cualquier manera, te ves obligado a
utilizar partes gramaticales aprendidas en el libro en diferentes momentos en una
misma oración, logrando así una conversación fluida.

Una vez que ya se esté en nivel intermedio bajo y teniendo en cuenta las
conexiones que se debe realizar entre partes gramaticales del idioma, debes
concentrarte en tu motivación y necesidad de aprenderlo, utilizando estas emociones
a tu favor para que te ayuden a dominar el inglés rápida y eficazmente. Cuando
comiences a entender la mayoría de lo que dicen en televisión, la mayor parte de lo
que dice el profesor, o de lo que leas, sin duda alguna, sentirás un regocijo contigo
mismo que te hará desear querer más, saber más, entender más, siendo esto muy
importante para sobrepasar una barrera personal imaginaria que se coloca al querer
hablar otro idioma y no entender a los hablantes nativos al principio.

De esta manera, cuando se quiere aprender nuevo vocabulario, indispensable

para comunicarte, se debe tener en cuenta que lo que se aprenda, no se debe olvidar,
por lo que hay que estudiar las palabras nuevas de una manera especial. No se debe
pensar que con sentarte y repasar las palabras una y otra vez por dos horas durante un
solo día se aprenderá todo y no se olvidará nada, porque estarían equivocados, lo que
les aconsejo es que dividan el vocabulario nuevo en situaciones o tipo de cosas y
luego repasar cierta cantidad manejable para usted diariamente durante media hora
aproximadamente. El compromiso y la clave está en que debe ser diario, todos los
días, pero por poco tiempo, de esta manera, no se aburrirán, avanzarán rápido y el
vocabulario será aprendido significativamente.

Un retraso significante que usualmente ocurre es que algunos estudiantes
tienen pena de hablar, tanto es así, que durante una clase no practican el idioma, no
tratan de decir oraciones en inglés, este es un error gravísimo, pero muy común.
Recuerden que al tener este libro en sus manos, han realizado un paso gigantesco e
importantísimo, el cual es dedicar un poco de tiempo a sus estudios, incrementar su
intelecto, dominar otra lengua, con esta adquisición, viene un compromiso con
ustedes mismos, aprender el idioma, continuar repasando y practicando para mejorar
constantemente. De esta manera, puede derrotar el miedo a equivocarse frente de
otras personas, que en este caso no son extraños, sino son compañeros de clases,
profesores, entre otros. Por consecuencia, una buena técnica de aprender el idioma es
por ensayo y error, lo que significa que sin importar cuantas veces se equivoque,
siempre seguirá intentando, ya que de cada error que cometa, ¡aprende! Será una
situación que no olvidará y que la falta en la gramática será recordada, por lo cual
ese error cometido no se repetirá nuevamente, mejorado sus habilidades.

Igualmente, se recuerda que lo más importante para dominar el idioma es la

constancia, como todo, la práctica hace al maestro, y esta no es la excepción.
Expónganse lo más que puedan al inglés y a su uso práctico, así alcanzarán su meta
con seguridad.

El presente libro está diseñado para enseñar inglés a personas de habla

española, resaltando en cada unidad los puntos clave que no se deben olvidar y el uso
de la gramática en conversaciones activas a través de diálogos y lecturas. Las partes
de cada unidad son las siguientes:
∙ “Pay attention tot his grammar”: gramática a estudiar en la unidad. ∙ “Look
for the grammar in the sentences below”: la gramática en oraciones. ∙ “Don’t
forget”: puntos claves de la unidad que siempre se deben repasar. ∙ “Let’s
read”: la gramática ya vista puesta en acción en conversaciones. ∙
“Vocabulary”: el vocabulario de la unidad que siempre se debe repasar.

Adicionalmente, los libros poseen una unidad de repaso por cada siete de
gramática donde se estudia con oraciones de repaso y escritura del estudiante las
unidades vistas, y una actividad especial después de cada diez unidades donde se
ejercita distintas habilidades en el estudiante. Al final, lista de verbos y adjetivos.

José F. Carrera P.
Escritor y Autor de la serie de libros
para aprender inglés:

La Importancia del Idioma Inglés III Claves para Dominar el Idioma V


Unit One ---------------------- Pronombres Personales, verbo To Be, 2 This, That,

Artículos “a”, “an” y “the”

Unit Two ---------------------- These / Those. Plural “-S” 4 What is your name?
What do you do?

UnitThree ---------------------- Verbos en 1ra, 2da y 3ra persona. 6 Auxiliar y verbo

Do - Does.

UnitFour ---------------------- Estructuración de Imperativos. 8 Preposiciones “in,

on, at”. Verbo “have”

Unit Five ---------------------- Wh- questions con verbo “to be” 10 y verbos de

Unit Six ---------------------- Formación de Plurales. These / Those 12 Much, many, a

lot of

Unit Seven ---------------------- There is / There are.Some / Any. 14 How much /

How many

UnitEight ---------------------- Días, Meses, Números y Horas. 16 Repaso gramatical:

Unit 1 hasta Unit 7.

UnitNine ---------------------- Pronombres Personales y Pronombres 18 Objetivos.

Preposiciones de Lugar.
Adverbios de Frecuencia.

Unit Ten ---------------------- Adjetivos Posesivos y Pronombres 21 Posesivos.

Interrogación Negativa.

SpecialPractice ------------- English Tongue Twisters 23

Unit Eleven ---------------------- Posesivo Apóstrofe –S (‘s). 24 Verbo Belong to.

Adverbios de Modo.

UnitTwelve ---------------------- Preguntar Pertenencia con “Whose”. 26 Pronombre

Personal y Objetivo.
Adjetivo y Pronombre Posesivo

UnitThirteen ------------------ Verbo “Let”. “Have” para ofrecer. 28 Auxiliares “Can
- Can’t”.
Unit Fourteen ----------------- “In, on, at” para momentos precisos. 30 Suma, resta,
multiplicación y división

UnitFifteen ---------------------- “How much” para precios. Verbos 32 “want to”,

“like to” y “would like to”.
Pronombres Indefinidos.

UnitSixteen ---------------------- Números Ordinales y sus usos. 34 Repaso

gramatical: Unit 9 hasta Unit 15.

Unit Seventeen ----------------- Pasado Simple del “to be”. 36 There was / there

Unit Eighteen ------------------ Pasado Simple de Verbos Regulares. 38 Auxiliares

Do – Does – Did

UnitNineteen ----------------- Preguntas Wh- en Pasado Simple 40 con “to be” y

Verbos de Acción.

Unit Twenty --------------------- Tag Questions. “To Take” idiomático. 42 Verbos


Special Practice ---------------- Parts of Speech 44

Unit Twenty-one -------------- Futuro “will” y “be going to”. 46 Wh- questions en

Unit Twenty-two -------------- VerbosModales 48

Unit Twenty-three ------------ Preguntas especificas con “How” 50 Segundo uso de

“Will” y “May”

UnitTwenty-four -------------- Direcciones. Verbos Preposicionales. 52 Repaso

gramatical: Unit 17 hasta Unit 23.

UnitTwenty-five --------------- Tiempo Continuo en Presente y Pasado. 54 Reglas

para Agregar “ING”

UnitTwenti-six ----------------- Tiempo Continuo con Verbos Modales. 56 Uso de

“While”. Futuro cercano “ING”.

UnitTwenty-seven -------------- Comparativo de Igualdad “as … as” 58 “Would
rather” y “prefer”
para expresar preferencia por algo.

UnitTwenty-eight -------------- Comparativos y Superlativos de 60 desigualdad de

una y dos silabas.
Auxiliar “Hadbetter”

UnitTwenty-nine -------------- Comparativos y Superlativos de 62 desigualdad de

tres silabas o más.
Excepciones “good – bad – less”

Unit Thirty ----------------------- “Also – too – as well – either” 64 Intensidad de

“must – have to – should”
Futuro con “will” y “shall”

Special Practice ----------------- Fill in the blanks 66

Unit Thirty-one ----------------- Lectura. Práctica general 68 gramatical de las

unidades 1 a la 30.

UnitThirty-two ---------------- Interacciones. Preguntas y respuestas. 70


UnitOne --------------------- Lectura, entendimiento rápido y 73 obtención de idea


UnitTwo --------------------- Pronombres reflexivos. Oraciones con 75 dos sujetos y

dos verbos.

UnitThree --------------------- Oraciones con un verbo y dos 77 complementos.

Posesivo “of”.

Unit Four --------------------- Preguntas indirectas.“Too – Enough”. 79 “Also – Too”.

Unit Five --------------------- Expresión impersonal con It. 81 “Pay vs Pay for”.
“Either – Neither”

Unit Six --------------------- Cuantificadores. “Could – Be good at” 83 “Neither –

nor”. “Either – or”
Unit Seven --------------------- “Still, not anymore, ever, never, until” 85

Unit Eight --------------------- Parts of the body. 87 Repaso gramatical: Unit 1 hasta
Unit 7.

Unit Nine --------------------- “Would” para pasado. “Used to – get 89 used to – be

used to – be supposed to”.

Unit Ten --------------------- “Be going to” para futuro y para pasado 91 irreal.

SpecialPractice ------------- Word Puzzles 93

Unit Eleven --------------------- Cláusula de Tiempo. 95 Condicionales Tipo A y B.

Unit Twelve --------------------- Perfect Tense. “Ever – never” 97 “Already – yet”

“For – since”

Unit Thirteen ------------------- Simple Past vs Present Perfect. 99 Wh- questions

with linking verbs.

Unit Fourteen ------------------ Tiempo perfecto en progresivopresente.101 How

long – How long ago.

Unit Fifteen ----------------------- Concordancia de tiempos verbales. 103

Restrictive and non-restrictive Clauses.

Unit Sixteen --------------------- Transitional Words and Phrases. 105 Repaso

gramatical: Unit 9 hasta Unit 15.

Unit Seventeen ------------------ Reported Speech. Say - Tell 107

Unit Eighteen ------------------- Have someone do something. 109 Have something

done. Agreement
(I must too – So must I)

Unit Nineteen ------------------- Unreal Past: 111 “would have - could have - should

Unit Twenty --------------------- Condicionals Type C y D. 113 Special Practice

-------------- Listening Practice 115

Unit Twenty-one -------------- Condicionals Type A, B, C, D. 117
Unit Twenty-two -------------- Verbo+gerundio / Verbo+gerundio o inf. 119
Conectivos “even though – even if”

Unit Twenty-three ------------ “Adjetive + ed --- Adjetive + ing” 121 “For - since -
already - yet - never - ever”

Unit Twenty-four ------------- Animals. Members of a Family. 123 Repaso

gramatical: Unit 17 hasta Unit 23.

Unit Twenty-five ------------ Passive Voice en todos los tiempos. 125 Unit

Twenti-six -------------- Expressions with Get. 127 Unit Twenty-seven --------------

Different uses of the –ing. 129

Unit Twenty-eight -------------- Word Order. 131 Expressions for making


Unit Twenty-nine ------------- Reading. General gramatical practice 61 from

unit 1 to 28.

Unit Thirty --------------------- Interaction with classmates. Questions 135 and

answers about the presentations.

Special Practice --------------- Writing Activity. 137


Unit One --------------------- Improving Communication Skills 139 Writing

and speaking Activity

Unit Two --------------------- Perfect Progressive Tense 141

Unit Three --------------------- Future Perfect and Future Perfect 143 Progressive

Unit Four --------------------- Simple Present; Present Progressive 145 Present

perfect; Perfect Progressive

Radio Report Practice 147

Unit Five --------------------- Simple Past; Past Progressive 148 Past perfect; Perfect

Unit Six --------------------- Defining and Non-defining 150 Relative Clauses

Unit Seven --------------------- Indefinite Pronouns with “else” 152 Whether or not.

Unit Eight --------------------- Vocabulary acquisition 154 Review of unit 1 to

unit 7

Radio Report Practice 156

Unit Nine --------------------- Review of Conditionals Type A, B, C, D 157 Purpose


Unit Ten --------------------- Review of Reported Speech 159 Using imperative.

SpecialPractice ------------- Vocabulary Acquisition 161

Unit Eleven --------------------- Review of Passive Voice 163 Connectives: although,

in spite of,
despite of, however

Unit Twelve --------------------- Expressions of Purpose 165 Radio Report Practice

167 Unit Thirteen ------------------- Asking permission 168

Unit Fourteen ------------------ Indirect Ideas. Tag Questions 170 Comparatives and

Unit Fifteen ----------------------- Small Talk 172

Unit Sixteen --------------------- Vocabulary acquisition 174 Review of unit 9 to unit

Radio Report Practice 176

Unit Seventeen ------------------ Introducing yourself to a group 177 of people

Unit Eighteen ------------------- Disagreeing with others. 178 Unit Nineteen

------------------- Accepting Criticisms 179 Unit Twenty --------------------- Getting

along with others. 180 Special Practice -------------- Vocabulary Acquisition 181

Radio Report Practice 183 Unit Twenty-one -------------- Asking for help 184

Unit Twenty-two -------------- Having a Conversation 185 Unit Twenty-three

------------ Giving and Accepting Compliments 186

Unit Twenty-four ------------- Vocabulary acquisition 188 Review of unit 17 to unit


Radio Report Practice 190 Unit Twenty-five ------------ Following Instructions

191 Unit Twenty-six -------------- Asking Permission 192 Unit Twenty-seven

-------------- Apologizing 193

Unit Twenty-eight -------------- Listening to others 194 Special Practice

-------------- Vocabulary Acquisition 195 Radio Report Practice 197

Lista de Verbos Irregulares 198 Lista de Verbos Regulares 200 Lista de verbos
Preposicionales 202 Lista de Adjetivos 208


“The future depends on what we do in the


- Mahatma Ghandi

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 1


Pay attention to this grammar:

Pronombres Personales, verbo To Be,
This, That, Artículos “a”, “an” y “the”

To be
Ser / Estar
I am I am not I’m not ----- You are you We are we are not we’re not we aren’t You
are not you’re not you aren’t He is he is are you are not you’re not you aren’t They
not he’s not he isn’t She is she is not she’s are they are not they’re not they aren’t
not she isn’t It is it is not it’s not it isn’t

Declaración afirmativa / negativa singular:

This is(n’t) a book = This + to be (is) + artículo (a, an) + comp. (cerca)

That is(n’t) an apple = That + to be (is) + artículo (a, an) + comp. (lejos)

This is(n’t) the yellow pencil

Look for the grammar in the sentences below:

- I am Frank. What is your name? My name is Susie.

- My classmates are Angy, Eduard and Rossy. They are very intelligent. - This is
my brother. He is twenty years old. How old are you? I am ________ - Frank
and I are friends. We are in the park. We are responsible. - That is an office. My
friends are in the office. They are three people. - Are you Susie? No, I am not
Susie. You aren’t in the kitchen. - Is this an interesting magazine? No, it isn’t. It
is boring.
- Is she a pretty girl? Yes, she is. She is like her mother.
- Is Rachel an efficient secretary? Yes, she is a very hard working girl.

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 2

Don’t Forget:

∙ Las conjugaciones del verbo “to be” son “am”, “is” y “are”.
∙ Para formular preguntas con verbo to be, este se coloca delante del sujeto. ∙
La edad se dice con verbo “to be”. Ejemplo: he is twenty years old. ∙ “This”
señala lo que está cerca solo en singular.
∙ “That” señala lo que está lejos solo en singular.
∙ El artículo “a” se utiliza antes de una palabra con sonido de consonante. ∙ El
artículo “an” se utiliza antes de una palabra con sonido de vocal. ∙ Los artículos
“a” y “an” son solo para identificar un objeto singular indefinido. ∙ El articulo
“the” es tanto para objetos plurales y singulares definidos. ∙ Los adjetivos van
antes del sustantivo que modifican y no tienen género, plural ni singular.

Let’s read:
Frank: Good morning. How are you guys? Is this the line to catch the bus?
Susie: Hi! Yes, this is the line to catch the morning bus.
Frank: Thank you. My name is Frank. What’s your name?
Susie: It’s nice to meet you Frank. My name is Susie and this is my friend Angy.
Angy: Good morning. How are you Frank? It’s a pleasure!
Frank: I’m fine. Thanks for asking. Is this your piece of paper? Susie: Yes, that is
my piece of paper. We are English students and that is my exam. Angy: What is that
in your hand Frank?
Frank: This is an orange. It is my breakfast for today. What’s this?
Susie: This is my English book. This is a big and interesting book.
Angy: How old are you Frank?
Frank: I am twenty-one years old and you?
Angy: I am twenty and Susie is eighteen. We are sisters.
Frank: Is that the morning bus?
Susie: No, it isn’t. That’s a truck. Is that an apple on the floor?
Angy: I am sure it is.
Frank: Is that the library?
Susie: No, it isn’t. That is the grocery store.
Angy: This is the bus we have to take.
Frank: Is it? I don’t know.
Susie: Yes, it is. Let’s go.


Apple - Classmates - Kitchen - Magazine - To be boring - Guys - To catch To

meet - Pleasure - To ask - Hand - Orange - Breakfast - Floor - Grocery store To
take - To have - To know - Let’s go

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 3
Pay attention to this

grammar: Declaración These are erasers.

These are sharpeners.
Those are rulers.
Those are markers.
afirmativa plural:

Declaración negativa plural: These

These are / aren’t, Those are / aren’t
What is your name? What do you
do? Plural “-S” aren’t erasers.
These Is this an eraser?
Are these erasers?
Those + to be (are) + comp. Is that a ruler?
Are those rulers?
aren’t rulers. Those + to be (aren’t) +
These aren’t aren’t markers. comp.
sharpeners. Those These Those

What is your name? What do you do? I am Frank. My name is Frank. I am a

teacher. I teach English.

Look for the grammar in the sentences below:

- What is this? This is a radio. Is it a radio? Yes, it is.

- What are these? These are newspapers. Are those newspapers? Yes, they are. -
What is that? That is a computer. Is it a computer? Yes, it is. - What are those?
Those are sun glasses. Are they sun glasses? Yes, they are. - What is your name?
I am Frank. Are you Frank? Yes, I am. - What do you do? I am a student. Are you
a student? Yes, I am. - Those students are very smart people. These children are
very playful. - Is your name Frank? No, it isn’t. It’s Eduard. Is your name Paul?
No, it’s not. - What do you do? I am a soldier. Are you a soldier? No, I am a
tennis player.

Don’t Forget:

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 4

∙ “These” y “those” son solo para señalar lo que esté en plural, por lo tanto, el
verbo to be que utilizan será “are” y lo que se menciona estará en plural. ∙ Los
artículos “a” y “an” se limitan a oraciones en singular, por lo tanto NO se colocan
en oraciones plurales.
∙ El articulo “the” es tanto plural como singular, este sí se puede colocar en
oraciones plurales para hacer referencia a una cosa especifica.
∙ En la oración “what do you do”, el primer “do” mencionado hace la función de
auxiliar para formular la pregunta, el segundo hace la función de verbo. ∙ Para
negar las oraciones, se utiliza el to be en su forma negada “isn’t / aren’t”. ∙ Para
realizar preguntas en donde esté presente el verbo to be, el mismo se coloca al
principio de la oración, delante del sujeto.
Let’s read:
Susie: So, Frank, is that your name?
Frank: Yes Susie. That is my name, and I am twenty-one years old. Don’t forget.
Susie: Sure. How old am I? How old is Angy?
Frank: You are twenty-four years old and Angy is eighteen.
Angy: You are almost right. Susie is twenty, not twenty-four.
Frank: Oh my god. I am sorry.
Susie: Don’t worry Frank. It’s ok. Are these your books?
Frank: Yes, they are. Those are math books. I study Engineering. What do you do?
Angy: That’s great. I study education. I want to teach chemistry. Susie: She is very
good at it. Angy is an excellent student.
Frank: Yes, I am sure she is! What do you do Susie?
Susie: I have my own store. I sell clothes of all kinds. I am a saleswoman.
Angy: The store is beautiful. It has different styles.
Frank: Good for you! That’s a great business. Where are you from? Susie:
We are from Toronto, Canada, but we live in Chicago, United States. Frank: I
am from San Diego, California. I am on vacation. I like Chicago. Angy: Are
you alone on your vacation?
Frank: No, I’m not alone. My friends are in the hotel room. They are tired.
Susie: I understand that. This is our stop Frank.
Frank: Alright. See you later girls. Have a nice day.
Angy: Bye. Take care Frank.
Frank: You too.


Eraser - Sharpener - Ruler - Marker - To Teach - Newspapers - Sun Glasses

Smart - Children - Playful - Soldier - To forget - Right - Wrong - To own - To sell
Clothes - Store - Business – To be tired - To understand - Alone - Take care

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 5

Pay attention to this grammar: I work in my office on Mondays.
Verbos en 1ra, 2da y 3ra persona.
Auxiliar y verbo Do - Does.
You drive a car to work every day.
We do the homework on Fridays.
Declaración afirmativa en Presente
He goes to the beach every week.
She does the homework.
I study English on weekends. An airplane flies fast.
Oraciones afirmativas en 2da persona:
Conjugación de verbos en 3ra Sujeto + verbo (simple) + comp.
Oraciones afirmativas en 3ra persona:
Sujeto + verbo (conjugado) + comp.
Oraciones afirmativas en 1ra persona:
Sujeto + verbo (simple) + comp.

⮚ Se le agrega al verbo -IES cuando termina en “Y” antecedida de consonante.

⮚ Se le agrega -ES cuando el verbo termina en: sh, ch, s, x, z, o. ⮚ Se le agrega
-S a los verbos que no cumplan las condiciones anteriores
week? Do we do the homework

on Fridays?

Preguntas y respuestas: Yes, he does.

study studies / drive drives / do does No, he doesn’t (does not). Yes, we do.
work works / fly flies / go goes play
plays / buy buys No, we don’t (do not).

I study --- He studies I go --- She goes

Does he go to the beach every

Look for the grammar in the sentences below:

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 6

- Angy goes to bed early. Does Angy go to bed early? Yes, she does. - I
work from Monday to Saturday.
- Do you work hard every day? Yes, I work hard every day.
- Does the dog bark a lot? No, it doesn’t.
- He does the homework. Does he do the homework? Yes, he does. - I
do the homework. Do you do the homework? Yes, I do.
- Does an airplane fly? Yes, it flies really fast.
- Do you study on Mondays? No, I don’t study on Mondays.
- Does Mario work on Tuesdays? Yes, he works on Tuesdays.
- Does Rossy eat snacks on Wednesdays? No, she doesn’t. She is on a diet. -
Does your pet eat candy on Thursdays? No, it doesn’t eat candy. - Do Frank
and I play soccer on Fridays? Yes, you play soccer on Fridays. - Do you
travel to Margarita Island on Saturday and Sunday?

Don’t Forget:

∙ De los pronombres en inglés, la 1ra persona es “I”, las 2da personas son “you,
we, they” y las 3ra personas son “he, she, it”.
∙ El “do” tiene función de auxiliar para hacer preguntas y negar y de verbo con
significado “hacer”.
∙ “Do” es utilizado por los pronombres “I, you, we, they”. El “does” es utilizado
por “he, she, it”.
∙ De la regla de conjugación para los verbos en 3ra persona se exceptúan el “to
be” y el “to have” por tener ellos mismos sus propias conjugaciones. ∙ Para dar una
declaración negativa, se utiliza el “do - does” negado, es decir, “don’t – doesn’t”,
esta contracción viene de “do not - does not”.
∙ Con los verbos que terminan en “Y” antecedida de vocal, se le agrega “-S” para
conjugarlo en 3ra persona porque no cumplen la condición de la “-IES”.

Let’s read:

Frank, Angy and Susie: It’s your turn to continue the dialog. Create sentences using
the grammar that you have learned.


To study - To work - To do - To fly - To drive - To play - To go - Fast - Beach

Homework - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday
Sunday - Early - To bark - Snacks - Candy - Soccer - To eat

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 7
Pay attention to this grammar: Eat -- Eat it
Do it -- Do it better
Go -- Go away
Estructuración de Imperativos:

Preposiciones “in, on, at”

Study -- Study more Estructuración de Imperativos.
Work -- Work hard
Preposiciones “in, on, at”. Verbo “have”
Verbo To have:

Imperativos: I have a book and a pencil.

We have telephones.
Se forma con el verbo en forma simple.
Algún complemento se podría colocar Lo que define cuando usar estas
para hacer la orden más específica, como preposiciones es el sitio o situación que se
es el caso de “more, hard, better, away” en menciona. No tienen regla definida.
estos ejemplos.

The wallet is in the drawer on the corner.

He has a new car.
Susie is in the living room at the time. The
She has a beautiful daughter.
book is on the desk at the office.
Sujeto + Verbo (have – has) + objeto +
Angy goes to school on the bus at seven.
Rossy is at the university in classroom one.
Frank and Angy are at the movies.

Look for the grammar in the sentences below:

- Make lunch. I am hungry, and don’t forget to clean after you finish. -
Come here Frank. Give this to Angy when you see her.
- Do you have a boat in Lake Michigan? Yes, I do. Frank has a car. -
See you tomorrow at eight o’clock.
- Look for the keys in the pocket. Are they in there? Yes, they are. -
Go to page fifteen. We are on page seven now.
- Is Eduard at the football game? No, he isn’t. He is at the park with Rossy.
Don’t Forget:

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 8

∙ La formación de imperativos se logra al colocar el verbo de acción en forma
simple sin la presencia de un sujeto, el “you” se sobreentiende que está
presente en la oración sin necesidad de escribirlo.
∙ De escribir el sujeto al momento de querer formar un imperativo, este no sería
tal, se convertiría en una oración en la que el sujeto realiza su acción porque lo
desea y no porque otro se lo ordena.
∙ Las preposiciones “in, on, at” para lugares se colocan de acuerdo al sitio
mencionado. Se recomienda lecturas varias para verificar la preposición que
requiere diferentes lugares.
∙ Como un significado literal, se puede decir que “in” es “dentro” y se utiliza para
mencionar meses o años; “on” es “sobre” y se utiliza para decir los días de la
semana y “at” para decir la hora.
∙ El verbo “have” se utiliza para expresar lo que se tiene. La conjugación de este
verbo en 3ra persona es “has”. El verbo mencionado no es utilizado para decir
la edad, en estos casos, se utiliza verbo “to be” (Unit One).

Let’s read:

Frank: Finally, I am back to the hotel room. I am tired. How are you guys?
Rossy: I am fine. I watch TV. What do you eat?
Frank: I eat my dinner. I eat a sandwich. What do you eat?
Rossy: I eat a peach, grapes and an orange. I am a healthy person.
Frank: Yes, you are. Are you on a diet?
Rossy: Actually, I am. Where is Eduard?
Frank: He is in the back yard. He smokes a cigarette everyday at seven thirty.
Rossy: You are right. Do you smoke?
Frank: No, I don’t and you?
Rossy: I don’t. Where do you work?
Frank: I don’t work. I study engineering at California’s University. Do you work?
Rossy: Yes, I work in town. Does Eduard work or study?
Frank: I think both. He studies Languages and works as a teacher.
Rossy: That’s great. Good for him. Do you have a laptop here?
Frank: Sorry, I don’t. Go downstairs and borrow one.
Rossy: That’s a good idea. Let’s go and find Eduard.
Frank: Wait a minute, please. Brush your teeth first.
Rossy: Sure. Let’s go now.


Wallet - Drawer - Corner - Daughter - Desk – To be hungry - To clean - To finish

To see - To watch - Dinner - Peach - Grapes - Healthy - Back yard - To smoke To
study – Both – Downstairs – To borrow – To Find – To Brush

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 9
Pay attention to this grammar: verbos de acción.
Wh- questions con verbo “to be” y
What ------------- ¿Qué?
Where ------------- ¿Dónde?
How ------------- ¿Cómo?
Why ------------- ¿Porqué?
When ------------- ¿ Cuándo?
Wh- questions Which ------------- ¿ Cuál?
Who ------------- ¿Quién?

Wh- questions con verbo “to be” Wh- questions con verbos de Acción

Who is that girl in the classroom? Who goes to the beach on Monday? What is your
name? What does he study at the university? Where are you right now? Where do
you play tennis? How is she today? How does she go to work every day? Why am I
at the football game? Why do they smoke and drink? When is she at her house?
When does the airplane depart? Which office are you in? Which airline do you take?
Who do you go to the party with?

Wh- + to be + sujeto + comp. Wh- + do / does + sujeto + verbo + comp. Who

+ verbo (3ra persona) + comp.

Look for the grammar in the sentences below:

- He works at his office on Mondays. When does he work at his office? - I

practice sports to be in shape. Why do you practice sports?
- I drive carefully on Easter. How do you drive on Easter?
- The seasons are spring, summer, fall and winter. Which season do you like? -
Is she your friend? What is her name?
- I study English in San Diego. What do you study? Where do you study? -
He is at the restaurant. He eats dinner. Where is he? What does he do? Don’t

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 10

∙ Si una oración posee verbo “to be”, se utiliza el mismo verbo “to be” como
auxiliar para formular la pregunta, cambiando la conjugación a la adecuada de
acuerdo con el pronombre que se menciona.
∙ El auxiliar “do / does” se utiliza en oraciones que sean en presente simple sin la
presencia del “to be” como verbo principal. El “do” es para 1ra y 2da persona
y el “does” es para 3ra persona.
∙ La estructura de una pregunta siempre será: auxiliar + sujeto + verbo + comp, en
la Wh- questions no varía esta fórmula, solo se le agrega el Wh- delante del
∙ Al formular Wh- questions, se debe estar pendiente que no se responda a la
pregunta en la misma oración, es decir, si se pregunta con “when”, no se debe
decir periodo de tiempo en el complemento, si se pregunta con “why”, no se
debe decir el porqué o el para qué se hizo la acción y así sucesivamente.
∙ El “who” que pregunta por el sujeto del complemento (who complemento) va
seguido del auxiliar “do / does” para formular la pregunta. El “who” que
pregunta por el sujeto principal va seguido del verbo conjugado en 3ra persona.

Let’s read:
Rossy: Hi Eduard. Do you enjoy smoking your cigar?
Eduard: Yes, I do. I think about coming back to California. I don’t want to leave.
Rossy: I agree with you but we live there. When do you begin to work? Eduard: I
begin to work in three days from now. I don’t like the idea. I want to stay. Rossy:
Why do you want to stay? Where is your family? Where are your friends? Eduard:
They are in California but it doesn’t matter. I can make new friends here. Rossy:
Listen to you. I know this is a good place but this isn’t where you belong. Eduard:
Yes, you are right. I miss my family and friends. I am happy to go home. Rossy:
What is your favorite place in Chicago?
Eduard: I like downtown a lot. That is my favorite place.
Rossy: Why do you like it?
Eduard: Because you find everything and everybody here. It’s amazing.
Rossy: Who goes downtown with you?
Eduard: Frank does. Hey, where do we go today?
Frank: I want to visit Michigan Lake. Do you agree? Would you like to go there?
Rossy: That sounds like a great idea. Let’s do it. How do we get there? Eduard: We
take the train and then we walk. What do you play there? Frank: People usually
play volleyball. Who do we play it with? Rossy: We can ask somebody there and
then play for a while.

Carefully - To practice – To be in shape - Easter - Spring - Summer - Fall - Winter
To come - To want - To stay - To know - Amazing - To walk


Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 11

Pay attention to this grammar:
Formación de Plurales. These / Those I have many pieces of paper on my desk.
She has a lot of books in her shelf.
Much, many, a lot of
The boys are in the kitchen.
Boxes are usually brown.
Declaraciones afirmativas y You cook many things with potatoes.
These watches are very expensive.
negativas en plural Armies are well trained.
Knives are sharp.
Those thieves are dangerous.
He drinks much water.

Formación de Plurales

Oraciones en plural

⮚ Se le agrega -VES al sustantivo cuando este termina en: f, fe. ⮚ Agregue al

sustantivo -IES cuando termina en “Y” antecedida de consonante. ⮚ Se le agrega
-ES cuando el sustantivo termina en: sh, ch, s, x, z, o. ⮚ Se le agrega -S al
sustantivo que no cumpla las condiciones anteriores. ⮚ Existen sustantivos
irregulares, es decir, que no aceptan esta regla.

man - men mouse - mice

woman - women goose - geese
foot - feet deer - deer tooth -
Plurales Irregulares
teeth fish - fish sheep - sheep
child - children person - people

Look for the grammar in the sentences below:

- The books are on the bed and the apples on the desk. -
You use tomatoes to make a salad.
- We breathe much oxygen and we drink much juice.
- He makes many cups of coffee. She drinks much coffee. -
She brings a lot of happiness to the house.
- He swims a lot of miles per week. I swim just one mile per month.
Don’t Forget:

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 12

∙ Aprender las reglas para la formación de plural y tenerlas siempre en cuenta. ∙ En
esta unidad, las reglas dadas le son aplicadas a sustantivos singulares en inglés
que los convierte en sustantivos plurales. Si se aplica la regla de –IES, - ES ó –S a
un verbo, el mismo cambiaria a 3ra persona.
∙ Al momento de agregar –IES ó –VES, la letra “Y” y la “F” con la cual termina
las palabras respectivamente desaparecen para agregarle lo ya mencionado y
colocarlas en plural.
∙ Los plurales irregulares no aceptan las reglas explicadas, sino que su plural es
una palabra distinta.
∙ Al tener oraciones en plural, el verbo “to be” que se utiliza es el “are”. ∙ “These”
y “those” son los plurales de “this” y “that” respectivamente. ∙ “Many” es para
decir mucho de algo contable. “Much” es para decir mucho de
algo incontable. “A lot of” es para decir mucho de algo tanto contable como
incontable .

Let’s read:
love and respect for each other. We drink
Susie: much water and we eat a lot of healthy
food. We have much sand in the back yard.
Rossy: Susie: Nice Susie. Do you have flies or mice?
We don’t have those but we have two
Are those books?
Yes, those are my English books.
Rossy: Susie: Rossy: Susie: Rossy: Are these leaves?
Susie: Rossy: Susie: Yes, they are. Angy, come and sweep the
Rossy: Susie: Rossy: Susie: Do you drink a lot of beer? Does Angy
Welcome to my house Rossy. This is the drink much coffee? We don’t drink much.
kitchen, the living room and the back We prefer fruit juice. Do you drink many
yard. We have three bedrooms and three cups of coffee?
bathrooms. It is very pretty. What do you I prefer to drink wine on weekends. Men
have here? get hangovers and they are funny. I agree
We have a bit of everything. We have a car, with you. When do I see you again?
many chairs, four tables, two ovens, one In a couple of days. Your house is very
sink, two can openers, ten pair of shoes, pretty.
many tomatoes, five watches, two Thanks. Come and see my room.
dictionaries, three wolves, many knives,
twelve boxes and so on. We have much

Desk - Shelf - Expensive - Things - Army - Knife - Sharp - Thief - To drink
Salad - To breathe - To bring - To swim - Week - Oven - Sink - Wolf Sand -
To fly - Fly - Child - To sweep - Hangover


Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 13

There is / There are. Some / Any.
Pay attention to this How much / How many

Declaraciones afirmativas y Preguntas


Do you have any money? Yes, I have some

There is a salesman at the door. money. No, I don’t have any money.
There is an orange on the street. Any: preguntas y respuestas negativas
There are four forks on the table. Some: respuestas positivas
There are people in the building.

Is there an orange on the street? How many books are there on the table?
Are there people in the building? How many cups of coffee do you want?
How much sugar would you like? How
much sand is there in the beach?
How many: contable. How much:

There is + artículo (a, an) + cosa+ incontable.

comp. There are + cosas + comp.

Look for the grammar in the sentences below:

- What is there in your room? There is a bed. There are some shoes. - Are there
any pictures in your office? Yes, there are five pictures in my office. - How many
classes do you have a day? I have three classes a day. - How much milk does he
pour in his glass?
- Does she owe you any money? No, she doesn’t but you do.
- How many telephones do you own? I own two telephones.
- Is there a cat here? No, there isn’t. There are many dogs.
- Does she want any water? No, she doesn’t want any water.
- Are there any spiders in your house? Yes, there are some spiders. -
How much money is there in your pocket?
- How many dollars are there in your pocket?
Don’t Forget:

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 14

∙ “There is” es siempre para singular y “there are” es siempre para plural. ∙ Cuando
se utiliza “there is” se tiene que colocar un artículo (a, an) y la cosa que se
menciona debe estar en singular.
∙ Cuando se utiliza “there are” no se tiene que colocar un artículo y la cosa que se
menciona debe estar en plural.
∙ “Any” se utiliza para preguntar y para decir ninguno en respuestas negativas ∙
“Some” se utiliza para decir algunos en respuestas positivas.
∙ “How much” es para preguntar cuánto de cosas incontables y “how many” para
preguntar cuánto de cosas contables.

Let’s read:
There are toys.
Susie: Rossy: Susie: Is there a carpet? Are there windows?
There isn’t a carpet but I have two
Rossy: Susie: Rossy: Susie: Rossy: windows. Much light comes in. That’s
nice. There is only one window in my
room. How much cereal do you eat for
Susie: Rossy: Susie: breakfast? Do you drink orange juice?
I eat one bowl of cereal and I drink two
Rossy: glasses of orange juice. How much cereal
does Angy eat?
Susie: Rossy: Susie: Rossy: Susie: Angy: She eats three bowls of cereal. She eats a
Rossy: Susie: Angy: lot and drinks much juice. Is there
This is my room Rossy. Do you like it? something good to watch on T.V.?
Yes, it’s very cosy. Is there a T.V. here? No, there isn’t. Today is Monday so they
Of course there is. There is a T.V. and broadcast many soap operas. You are right
there is a bed. I have many clothes and a but I don’t like soap operas and you?
lot of shoes. There is one that I like. Are you there
I can see that. The clothes are everywhere Angy?
in the room. Yes, I am in the kitchen. I am hungry. Is
I am sorry. My room is always in a mess. Rossy hungry?
Don’t worry. I am just kidding. My room Yes, but not too much. I would like a
is like this. It’s always in a mess. What’s cracker.
there in your room? Bring two crackers Angy, please! I am a
There are many things in my room. There bit hungry too.
is a desk. There is a computer. There is a Sure, but don’t take me as your waitress.
fan. There is food. There are books in the
shelf. There are pictures of my friends.

Salesman - Street - Building - To want - Sand - Spiders - Pocket - To see To be
kidding - To be hungry - To be in a mess - Things - Toys - Carpet - Light To
light - To watch - To broadcast – Waitress – Cracker - Cookie

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 15

Pay attention to this grammar:
One Eleven Twenty - one Sixty Two
Twelve Twenty - two Seventy Three
Thirteen Thirty Eighty Four Fourteen
Thirty - one Ninety Five Fifteen Thirty -
Monday two One hundred Six Sixteen Forty Two
Tuesday hundred Seven Seventeen Forty - one
Wednesday One thousand Eight Eighteen Forty - two
Días, Meses, Números y Horas. Two thousand Nine Nineteen Fifty One
million Ten Twenty Fifty - one Two
Repaso gramatical: Unit 1 hasta Unit 7. million

February 3:15 6:30
March - It is three fifteen - It is six and a half - It
April is fifteen after three - It is half past six - It
May is a quarter past three - It is half to seven
Días de la Semana Meses del Año
Thursday 3:50 12am It’s midnight - It’s three fifty
Days of the Week Months of the year - It’s ten to four 12pm It’s noon
Always Remember:
June What time is it? -- What is the time
July please?
September October
November December

Números Numbers

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 16
✔ I am Frank. I am a student. I am twenty one years old. I am tall and intelligent.
✔ He is my friend. He is Eduard. He is twenty five years old. He is in the park. ✔
They are workers. They are young people. They are in a party. They are tall. ✔
What’s this? This is a necklace and that is an earring.
✔ Who are those? Those are the members of my family and these are my sisters.
✔ I play tennis. My sister goes to the beach. Frank studies at the university. ✔
Does your sister play volley? Does Frank study at the university? ✔ I have two
radios and my nephew has three.
✔ What do you play? When do you work? How do you cook? Where do I go?
✔ These are dictionaries. Those are beautiful ladies. I have many knives. ✔
She sends many kisses. He eats many candies.
✔ There is a dog on the street. Is there an armchair in the living room? ✔
There are many people in the city today. Are there couches in your office? ✔
How many stars are there in the universe? How much coffee do you want?

Let’s Practice:

Write a short story using the grammar you have learned.


Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 17

Pay attention to this grammar: Him
Pronombres Personales
Pronombres Objetivos It
I We
You You
Pronombres Personales y Pronombres Us
Objetivos. Preposiciones de Lugar. You
Adverbios de Frecuencia.


Sustituye al sujeto Them

They principal de la
oración. Cuando se by through next to inside near
conozca de quien se on top of above outside of
habla, se le puede beneath below between among
llamar por su beside straight around under
pronombre personal. beyond against up in front of
Sustituye al sujeto que está opposite down in back of
después de un verbo o una behind
preposición. Cuando se
conozca de quien se habla, se le
puede llamar por su once a day / week ... often /
pronombre objetivo. frequently twice a day / week ...
sometimes three times a day /
week ... hardly ever daily /
weekly / monthly seldom /
rarely every day / every week
on Mondays / on weekends
Preposiciones de Lugar constantly always continuously
almost always again and again
usually / regularly every now
and then

Adverbios de Frecuencia

Look for the grammar in the sentences below:

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 18

- He is by the river with her.
- The pen is beside the eraser.
- Walk through the door.
- The computer is in front of the window.
- The picture is above the sofa.
- There is a lair among us.
- He usually goes to the gym at lunchtime.
- She sometimes sees him down the street
- I always brush my teeth. I brush them before I go to bed.
- They usually have toasts for breakfast.
- We hardly ever travel abroad.
- I occasionally visit the capital. My friend visits it on weekends. -
You rarely smoke cigars. You smoke them when you are busy. -
He often goes to the park with my dog.
- She seldom has a chance to go to the theatre.
- They never work on weekends.
- She goes to school every day.
- I take my breakfast at my office twice a week.
- He takes a shower daily.
- He gets paid monthly.
- I play soccer every now and then.

Don’t Forget:

∙ Para utilizar un pronombre, se debe haber identificado la persona o cosa de lo

que se está hablando para que el mismo haga referencia a quien se mencionó. ∙ Un
pronombre siempre hace referencia a quien ó a lo que se mencionó de último en la
∙ Los Pronombres Personales sustituyen el nombre del sujeto principal, el que está
al principio de la oración.
∙ Los Pronombres Objetivos reemplazan el nombre del sujeto que está después de
un verbo o una preposición.
∙ Una preposición une sustantivos, pronombres y frases a otras palabras en una
∙ “Always, usually, regularly, normally, often, sometimes, occasionally, rarely,
seldom, never” son Adverbios de Frecuencia cuya posición en la oración será
antes del verbo de acción o después del verbo “to be”.
∙ Adverbios de Frecuencia tales como “once a day, twice a day, weekly, everyday,
every month, on Mondays, etc” van ubicados al final de la oración.

Let’s read:

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 19

Frank: Eduard: Frank:
Eduard: Frank: Angy: Frank: Angy:
Eduard: Angy: Frank:
Eduard: Angy: What’s up Eduard? Are you with Rossy?
Eduard: Angy: Hey Frank. I am fine and you? Yes, I am
Eduard: Angy: with her. Why do you ask? Just to know. I
Eduard: want to introduce you one of my friends.
She is Angy and she is on the phone.
Angy: Sure man!
Eduard: Angy: Angy, are you there? I introduce you to
Eduard: Angy: Eduard.
Hello Eduard. How are you?
Eduard: Angy: Hi Angy, I am good. Are you with Susie?
Eduard: Yes, I am with her. She is outside of the
house, around the pool. Where are you?
I am inside my house, near the kitchen, in like to be in shape. How often does Susie
front of the computer. Are you with your swim?
friends? She sometimes swims at night. She always
No, I am not with them. They are with works so she seldom has a chance to do it.
Susie. She cleans the pool every now and then.
Are they with her along the pool? Do you clean it?
Yes, they are opposite from the back yard I clean it every day, again and again. I
window. Where are you? I am against the never let it get dirty. I hardly ever clean.
wall, behind the sofa and Frank is beside My room is always in a mess. People
the microwave, below the lamp from the constantly tell me to organize it but I
roof. rarely do it.
Good description. I know where you are! Is Frank around? I want to talk to him.
Thank you, how often do you swim in the I am here Angy. Tell me?
pool? I have to go Frank. Bye.
I swim every morning to make exercise. I Bye Angy. Enjoy your time over the pool.


Lunchtime -To brush -To travel -Abroad -To smoke - To be busy - Theater Take
a shower - To Get paid - To ask - To introduce - Pool - Microwave - Roof To
swim - To clean - To tell - To organize - To enjoy


Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 20

Pay attention to this grammar: Yours
Adjetivos Posesivos Pronombres
My Her
Your Its
His Our
Adjetivos Posesivos y Pronombres Hers Its
Posesivos. Interrogación Negativa. Ours

adjetivo, este modifica. se habla y se
Identifica a quien le siempre tiene que irYour Their sobreentiende a
pertenece el seguido de un quien le pertenece
sustantivo. Debido sustantivo que Sustituye el la cosa por ser
a que es un sustantivo del cual
pronombre. Yours Theirs

Interrogación Afirmativa Interrogación Negativa

- Don’t you like coffee?
- Do you like coffee? Yes, I do like coffee!
Yes, I like coffee. No, I don’t like coffee.
No, I don’t like coffee. - Aren’t I a swimmer?
- Is she an interpreter? Yes, you are a swimmer.
Yes, she is an interpreter. No, you aren’t a swimmer.
No, she isn’t an interpreter. - Does he not go to school today?
- Am I crazy? Yes, he does go to school today.
Yes, you are crazy. No, he doesn’t go to school today.
No, you are not crazy.

Look for the grammar in the sentences below:

- This is a blue pencil. It is my pencil. It’s mine. Hers is red and yours is brown. -
My car is fast. Your car is slow. Theirs is green and old. Mine is golden. - Isn’t
this my paper? No, it’s ours. Yours is on the table.
yY yY
- Don’t you smoke her cigarettes? No, I don’t. I have mine. Hers are strong. -
Does she not drink alcohol? Yes, she does drink alcohol. She drinks whiskey. Don’t

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 21

∙ La función de un adjetivo es calificar a un sustantivo. En inglés, a diferencia del
español, los adjetivos se colocan antes del sustantivo y los mismos no tienen
genero, singular o plural, ni tercera persona. Un adjetivo más un sustantivo
puede hacer la función de sujeto en una oración.
∙ La función de un pronombre es sustituir el sustantivo del cual se está hablando,
siempre y cuando este ya sea conocido. Un pronombre es un sujeto en una
∙ Aplicando los dos puntos mencionados anteriormente, tenemos que un Adjetivo
Posesivo será utilizado en el caso que se mencione la cosa que califica y que el
Pronombre Posesivo será utilizado para reemplazar el nombre de la cosa que se
posee y decir a quien le pertenece al mismo tiempo.
∙ Para formular una Interrogación Negativa se debe colocar el auxiliar de la
oración en su forma negada. De estar contraído, va al principio de la oración,
de no estar contraído, el auxiliar rodeará al sujeto junto a la negación (not).
∙ Si se tiene como sujeto “I”, el “to be” que le corresponde al formular la
Interrogación Negativa contraída será “are” negado (aren’t).

Let’s read:
those are. They are theirs then.
Susie: Angy: Susie: Angy: Susie: Yes, I guess they’re theirs. Is this your
Angy: Susie: Angy: Susie: Angy: pink skirt?
Susie: Angy: Susie: Angy: Susie: Yes, it is my pink skirt. Are those your
Angy: Susie: Angy: blue pants?
Hey Angy, aren’t these your purple Are they light blue or dark blue?
shoes? They are dark blue. Are they yours?
Yes, they are my purple shoes. Isn’t this No, they aren’t mine. My pants are light
your yellow blouse? No, it isn’t my blue.
blouse. Where is Frank? Is that his hat Aren’t I fat?
on the couch? Yes, I think it is his. His No, you aren’t fat Susie. Does Rossy
cap is red and orange, like that one. Do not dress well? Yes, she does dress well.
you know Eduard and Rossy? I like all her clothes.
Yes, I know them. Why do you ask? Ours is beautiful. Let’s have a costume
Aren’t these their keys? party!
Their keys are white, black and gray.
Are those the colors of the keys? Yes,


Interpreter - Crazy - Swimmer - Blouse - Keys - To guess - Skirt - Fat To

dress - Costume - Purple - Blue - Green - Yellow - Orange - Red - Black
White - Gray - Brown - Pink - Light blue - Dark Blue

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 22

English Tongue Twisters

A big black bug bit a big black bear,

it made the big black bear bleed blood

She sells sea shells by the sea shore.

The shells she sells are surely seashells.
So if she sells shells on the seashore,
I'm sure she sells seashore shells.
A flea and a fly flew up in a flue.
Said the flea, "Let us fly!"
Said the fly, "Let us flee!"
So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck

if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
He would chuck, he would, as much as he
could, and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck
would if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

Three gray geese in the green grass grazing.

Gray were the geese and green was the grass.

While we were walking, we were watching window

washers wash Washington's windows with warm washing

Grandma gathers great green grapes.


Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 23

Pay attention to this grammar:

Verbo Belong to
Posesivo Apostrofe –S (‘s) The fax machine belongs to Frank.
These bags belong to Angy.
These are Frank’s paper clips. The email address belongs to
Isn’t that Carlos’s folder? Susie. Do the batteries belong to
That is the students’ printer. him?
These are her friends’ notepads. His heart belongs to her.
The men’s stapler is on the desk. Posesivo Apóstrofe –S (‘s). Verbo
Pick up the children’s toys. Belong to. Adverbios de Modo.
Susie and Angy’s car is fast.
después del “belong to”.

Cosa + belong to + sujeto (Pro. Obj.)

La cosa le pertenece al sujeto que

posee el apostrofe –S (‘s).

Nombre + ‘s + cosa

La cosa le pertenece al sujeto que esta

Happy - Happily
Possible - Possibly
Basic - Basically Good
- Well
Adverbios de Modo
Sudden - Suddenly

Look for the grammar in the sentences below:

- This is Susie’s job. She sells clothes easily and quickly. - Frank’s
bookcase is full of dirt. He really needs to clean it. - Does the wastebasket
belong to Susie? Yes, it belongs to her. - This is the babies’ lamp. It
belongs to them. It is their lamp. It’s theirs. - She works hard every day
and he basically does nothing.

Don’t Forget:

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 24

∙ Sujeto singular que termine en cualquier letra, incluso –S, se le agrega apóstrofe
S (‘s) para el posesivo.
∙ Sujeto plural que si termine en –S, se le agrega solo apóstrofe (‘) para el
∙ Sujeto plural que no termine en –S, se le agrega apóstrofe S (‘s) para el posesivo.
∙ “Belong to” es un verbo, por lo tanto se le aplican las reglas de un verbo. Se
tiene que conjugar en tercera persona, necesita un auxiliar para formular
preguntas y el verbo queda en forma simple con la presencia del mismo.
∙ Los Adverbios de modo señalan cómo se realiza la acción indicada por el verbo
y se forman partiendo del adjetivo y agregándole –ly. Si el adjetivo termina
con "y", se cambia por "ily". Si termina en "ble", se cambia por "bly". Si
termina en "ic", se agrega "ally".
∙ Los Adverbios de Modo “Fast” y “hard” no se modifican.
∙ El equivalente de los Adverbios de Modo en español son las palabras que
terminan en “mente”. Ej. Rápidamente.

Let’s read:
Yes, I do. I have both, yours and mine. Do
Susie: Angy: Susie: Angy: Susie: Angy: you have my Friends’ camera? It’s on the
Susie: Angy: Susie: Angy: Susie: Angy: table. Look for it and take me a picture
Susie: Angy: Susie: Angy: Susie: Angy: quickly. Done! In my opinion, you look
Susie: extremely ugly. It’s not your best angle. It
Do you want to have a costume party? looks unbelievably bad. I am surely
That’s a great idea! Thanks. Let’s talk beautiful but not here. How often do you
about it later. Are these Frank’s hiking take your pictures?
boots? Yes, they are. Why are they here? I take my pictures daily but when I am on
And this is his umbrella. Those are his vacations, once a week. This is Rossy and
hiking boots. They belong to him. They Eduard’s money. Give it back to them.
are his. This is Rossy’s sweater. It belongs How often do you see them?
to her. It’s her sweater. It’s hers. Do you I see them once in a while. I cook slowly
have my bathing suit? I cannot find it. when I am with them. That’s because you
No, I don’t. That is yours. I have mine talk too much, anyhow, your food is
and Rossy’s. tasteful. Thanks. You cook well too. See,
What about my sunglasses? Do you have now I am hungry.

Stapler - Printer - To belong - Bag - Suddenly - Quickly - To need - To clean
Wastebasket - Party - Later - To hike - Umbrella - Done - Ugly - To take pictures
To give - To cook - To talk - Anyhow

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 25
Preguntar Pertenencia con “Whose”.
Pay attention to this grammar: Pronombre Personal y Objetivo.
Adjetivo y Pronombre Posesivo

“Whose” = ¿De quien?

lobby? Whose fruit do you use to make the
juice? Whose cookies and crackers are

Whose chocolate is this in the kitchen? Whose + to be + cosa(s)?

Whose ice cream do you eat in the
hallway? Whose butter do you use in the Whose + cosa + aux. + Suj. + verb + comp.
restaurant? Whose nuts are those in the

Look for the grammar in the sentences below:

- Whose stuffed animal is that on the bed? That’s Angy’s. It is hers. -

This clock belongs to Eduard. Whose is it? It’s his.
- These plates are Frank’s. Whose are those? They belong to Frank. - Whose
dolls are those on the wall? They are Rossy’s. She collects them. - Whose
postcard is this? It is from my sister. She is away on vacation. - She sees her
boyfriend very often. He leaves her with his parents to go out. - The restaurant
is amazing. Its food is great and its service too. - Is that a poster of a famous
person? Whose is it? It’s the neighbors’ poster. - He gives her a kiss in the
cheek when he sees her.
- My computer is bad. Yours is good but hers is better.

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 26

Don’t Forget:

∙ “Whose” se utiliza para preguntar a quien le pertenece alguna cosa. Mayormente

se utiliza como adjetivo, por lo tanto la cosa que se menciona debe ir después
del mismo. Para que sea utilizado como pronombre, se debe conocer la cosa
de la que se habla y es más común en el inglés hablado.
∙ El Pronombre Personal reemplaza el nombre del sujeto principal de la oración,
mientras que el Pronombre Objetivo reemplaza al sujeto que está después de
un verbo o una preposición.
∙ El Adjetivo Posesivo debe estar seguido del sustantivo al que califica. ∙ Dentro
del Pronombre Posesivo está incluido la cosa de la que se habla y a quien le
pertenece. Por ser pronombre, no puede ir seguido de un sustantivo.

Let’s read:
I don’t either. Whose picture is this?
Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: It’s mine. They are my cousins.
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: My friend’s wife has a frame just like this
Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: one and my niece’s husband too. It is a really
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: common frame. My nephew has a similar
Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: one.
My family is here to spend the weekend. I’m Does your family like winter? It is really
very happy. cold.
That’s great. Enjoy your time in family. Is No, they don’t like it. They prefer spring but
this your soccer ball? No, it isn’t. It is my I like summer, and you? I prefer fall. It’s not
uncle’s ball. He plays soccer very well. very hot and not very cold.
Whose tennis racquet is that on the floor? It’s windy and snowy right now. I don’t like
That belongs to my aunt. She plays tennis it. I like when it’s sunny and warm. What do
and she also has some tennis balls. Do you you wear in the winter season?
usually play with her? I wear a hat, a scarf, a sweater, gloves and
No, I don’t. She usually plays with her two pairs of socks. When it’s rainy, I wear a
friends. Do you know them? I don’t think I raincoat and boots and I use an umbrella. It
know them. Is this your aspirin? is very cold. It’s 32º degrees Fahrenheit. It
That’s my grandparents’. My grandmother is equals 0º degrees Celsius. This is why I
sick and my grandfather too. Do you have a prefer fall. During this season, it doesn’t get
son or a daughter? this cold.
I don’t have any children so far. Do you?


Ice cream - Butter - Nuts - Doll – To collect - To leave - Parents - Amazing

Neighbor - To kiss - To spend - To play - Family members - To think To
prefer - Winter - Spring - Summer - Fall - Season

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 27


He lets her daughter go to

Pay attention to this grammar: parties. Let me smoke a cigarette.
Let them call her.
I don’t let you do it.
Let us dance all night.
Verbo “Let” Let’s paint the wall.

“Have” para Ofrecer

Verbo “Let”. “Have” para ofrecer. Auxiliar “Can – Can’t”
Auxiliares “Can - Can’t”.
I can make you learn English.
He can sing very well.

Se ofrece lo que se menciona después del


Suj + let + suj. (Pron. Obj) + verb + comp

He cannot (can’t) bet money. We can’t burn

that building. Can they come today? It
Have a seat. Have a bite. Have a glass of can’t fly.
water. Have a smoke. Have a cup of coffee. Suj. + can – can’t + Verbo (simple) +
Have some juice. Have a soda. Have a comp.

Look for the grammar in the sentences below:

- Can you let me have the car today? No, I can’t. Let’s use it tomorrow. -
Let me have fun, please! Go outside and have some fresh air. - He can’t
fly. He is not a butterfly. Don’t let him jump.
- I can make the math problem but I can’t solve it.
- Can you read this brochure? No, I can’t read that pamphlet. -
Can’t he find his way home? I don’t know. Let’s help him. -
Can you keep it a secret? Yes, let me show you. Tell me!

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 28

Don’t Forget:

∙ “Let” se utiliza para pedir permiso y para indicar una acción que se realizará por
un grupo, para esta última función, el verbo será utilizado de esta forma:
“let’s”, lo que es la contracción de “let us”.
∙ La función del “have” para ofrecer se logra al colocarlo con estructura de
imperativo, es decir, con el verbo en forma simple y sin la presencia del sujeto.
Se puede ofrecer cualquier cosa de esta forma.
∙ El auxiliar “can” significa poder hacer algo. Por ser auxiliar, es el mismo para
todos los pronombres y los verbos quedan en forma simple. La negación es
“cannot”, con contracción sería “can’t”.

Let’s read:
sister is French and my brother is
Eduard: Rossy: Canadian. Some of my uncles are German
and some of my aunts are Spanish. What
Eduard: Rossy: about yours?
My parents are from Italy. They are Italian.
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: My uncles and aunts are Venezuelan and
some of my cousins are Chinese. They are
from China. Do you know England?
No, I don’t. Do you know Korea or Japan?
Rossy: Yes, I do. Do you know Argentina or
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Yes, I do. These are my pictures. Have a
Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: look!
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Let me see. They are beautiful. Can I take
What does your family do? one with me?
They all do different things. There is an You can surely take one with you. Let me
architect, a businessman, an artist, a see yours.
teacher, a doctor, a waiter, a cashier and so I don’t have them here. Have a drink
on in our family. Don’t you have a flight please.
attendance or a designer? Thank you. I am thirsty. Can you type my
We do have a stewardess but we don’t have letter?
a designer. What about your family? What I can but I don’t want to. I am tired. Can
do they do? you drive me home? Yes, I can. Can’t you
My sister is a singer and one of my cousins write my letter at your house?
is a baseball player. Is your family I can’t because I don’t have a computer.
American? You need to buy one. Let’s do it!
Not all of them. I have roots from Yes, I know. Can you buy it for me but you
everywhere in the world. My mother is pay.
Australian and my father is Brazilian. My


To call - To dance - To bite - To paint - To look - To sing - To bet - To burn To

come - To go - To fly - To jump - To tell - Steward - To be thirsty - To type

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 29

Momentos Precisos

Pay attention to this grammar:

“In, on, at” para momentos precisos.
Suma, resta, multiplicación y división
in 2007, in 2008…
At three o’clock, at one fifteen… In the
morning, in the afternoon, at night.

On Mondays, on Tuesdays, on Friday… In

Eventos exactos en el tiempo
January, in February, in March… In 2006,
seven and three? eight.
- Five minus four DIVISIÓN
- Seven and three is one.
is ten. MULTIPLICACIÓN 12 / 4 = 3
RESTA - Twelve divided by
SUMA 4x2=8
four equals three.
5–4=1 - Four times two
7 + 3 = 10 equals eight. How much is
- Five minus four
- Seven plus three equals one. twelve divided by
equals ten. How much is four four?
How much is five times two? Twelve divided by
How much is minus four?
- Four times two is four is three.

Look for the grammar in the sentences below:

- My boss always arrives late in the morning on Mondays.

- The students usually come to the park in the afternoons at four o’clock. -
The secretary has her vacations in august.
- I never work on Sundays but my colleague does.
- I begin to work at nine o’clock and I get off work at four o’clock. -
Frank usually sees her girlfriend at night on weekends.
- I go to school at seven o’clock on Mondays.
- Ten times ten is one hundred and ten divided by ten is one. -
How much is ten minus ten? It is zero.
- I never study math on a Friday night.
- My father usually gets up late in the morning.
- Three hundred plus one thousand equals one thousand and three hundred. -
Eduard always goes to Chicago in winter. He likes snow.

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 30

Don’t Forget:

∙ Siempre se utiliza “on” con los días de la semana. Siempre se utiliza “in” con los
meses y los años. Siempre se utiliza “at” con las horas. Siempre será “in the
morning”, “in the afternoon”, “in the evening” y “at night”.
∙ Se pueden juntar varias preposiciones en una oración para dar un momento
exacto en el tiempo.
∙ Para sumar siempre será “plus”. Para restar siempre será “minus”. Para
multiplicar siempre será “times”. Para dividir siempre será “divided by”.
Let’s read:
can’t decide what to wear and I reply all
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: my e-mails. Does Susie close her store at
Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: three o’clock on Saturdays? No, she
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: doesn’t. She closes it at four o’clock.
Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: I have a math exam tomorrow. It is difficult.
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Can you help me? Yes, I can. How can I
help you?
Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: How much is three hundred and fifty six
Does your family celebrate the holidays? divided by forty eight? It is seven point
Of course they do. We celebrate forty one.
everything! Do you? How much is one thousand five hundred
We do but not too often. What do you plus ninety seven? It’s one thousand five
celebrate? hundred and ninety seven.
We like Thanksgiving Day on the fourth How much is thirty eight times fourteen?
Thursday of November. My family gathers It’s five hundred and thirty two.
on New Year’s Day. We love it. How much is two million five hundred
I personally like Carnival in February. I eighty two thousand six hundred and
dance a lot and I see the parade. My sister twelve minus six hundred and thirteen
likes San Valentine’s Day on February 14 th. thousand?
I like it too. I get very romantic. My mother It’s one million nine hundred sixty nine
likes Easter. She is religious. My mother thousand six hundred and twelve. Thank
likes it too. She prays a lot on Good Friday. you very much Rossy!
Do you watch T.V. on weekends? You’re welcome.
Yes, I do it when I finish lunch. Do you
relax on weekends? No, I don’t because I


Plus – Add – Addition – Times – Multiply – Multiplication – Minus – Subtract

Subtraction – Divided by – Divide – Division – To arrive – To begin – To gather
To celebrate – Parade – To watch – To finish – To wear – To reply – To close

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 31

How much do the extras cost?
How much are the extras?
“How much” para precios. Verbos
Pay attention to this grammar:
“want to”, “like to” y “would like to”.
Pronombres Indefinidos.

How much does the sandwich cost?

How much is the sandwich? How much + do / does + cosa (s) + cost?
He likes her very much. He wants her to be
his partner. She’d like to have lettuce and
How much does the bottled water cost? How apples in the salad. We would like to sleep
much is the bottled water? ten hours a day.
How much + to be + cosa (s)?


Verbos “want to”, “like to” y “would

like to” Want to

He wants to play tennis every morning at Like to + verbo (simple) Would like to
eight o’clock. I want her to help me with my
I like to feel angry once in a while.
Indefinidos The others
Ones Reemplaza la cosa que se
These ha mencionado, haciéndole
Those referencia de distintas
Pronombres Others maneras.

Look for the grammar in the sentences below:

- These shoes cost fifty dollars. Those cost forty dollars. I don’t like them. -
I don’t like those t-shirts. I like others. I like blue ones.
- Do you like this car? No, I don’t. I like the others next door.
- I have a yellow pen and she has a red one but Frank has brown ones. -
Rossy wants to have a new phone because she doesn’t have any. - How much
is that stereo? That one costs seventy dollars but these are fifty. - I would like
to have cold tea and french fries, please.
- I prefer the other food at the restaurant on the corner.
- I like to play soccer. I want to play it now. I would like to play for three hours.

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 32

Don’t Forget:

∙ Para preguntar precios se puede utilizar el auxiliar “do – does” o “to be”, se debe
formular la oración de acuerdo al auxiliar utilizado.
∙ El verbo “want to” expresa querer hacer algo o querer alguien para algo. ∙
El verbo “like to” expresa gusto por alguien o gusto por algo.
∙ “Would like to” expresa lo que le gustaría hacer a alguien en algún momento. ∙
Los Pronombres Indefinidos reemplaza el nombre de la cosa de la que se está
∙ “One” hace referencia a la cosa de la que se habla en singular. “Ones” hace
referencia a las cosas de la que se habla en plural. “These” hace referencia a las
cosas de las que se habla que están cerca. “Those” hace referencia a las cosas
de las que se habla que están lejos. “Others” hace referencia a las cosas de las
que se habla de otro sitio indefinido. “The others” hace referencia a las cosas
de las que se habla que están en otro sitio definido.

Let’s read:
I don’t like that one. I like the ones in the
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: living room. Do you remember the others
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Eduard: from Susie’s store?
Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy:Yes, I do. They are very colourful but I
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: prefer others.
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Which rug would Frank like?
Would you like to be a math teacher? He would like stripped or spotted ones.
No, I wouldn’t like to be a math teacher. Do you want to have those curtains on
Would you like to be an actor? Yes, I the window?
would like it. Actors make a lot of Yes, they are pretty. How much are they?
money. They are cheap. They cost thirty five
Do you like all the attention? You don’t dollars.
have private life. On a second thought, Indeed, they are not expensive. I would
you are right. Money doesn’t buy privacy. like to take them with me. Would you
Do you like Angy? Would you like to go like to have others?
out with her? I like her to study No, I wouldn’t. One is enough.
chemistry. She is fantastic with numbers. It is indeed. Thank you.
Do you want to have this rug?


To help – To be angry – To like – To cost – To buy – To remember – Stripped

Spotted – Cheap – Expensive – Indeed - Enough

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 33

Números Ordinales y sus usos. Repaso
gramatical: Unit 9 hasta Unit 15.
Pay attention to this grammar:
One - First Two - Second siguen el mismo orden, solo
Three - Third Four - Fourth se tiene que escribir la cifra
Five - Fifth Six - Sixth Seven completa y al último
- Seventh Eight - Eighth número agregarle la
Nine - Ninth Ten - Tenth característica del ordinal, ya
Eleven - Eleventh Twelve - sea “first, second, third o
Twelfth –th”

Números Ordinales Ordinals

Numbers El resto de los números
April, 23rd May, 12th June, 9th
July, 5th

Usos de Números Ordinales

1/2 = one half – a half

1/3 = one third – a third
1/4 = one fourth – a fourth Enumeración de Situaciones Enumeration
1/10 = one tenth – a tenth of Situations
Fracciones Fechas 1/25 = one twenty fifth First, I eat. Rossy is first. Second, I sleep.
Fractions Dates 2/3 = two thirds Frank is second. Third, I wake up. Angy
is third. Fourth, I eat again. Eduard is
twel fourth. Fifth, I go out. Susie is fifth.
4/5 = four fifths
6/7 = six sevenths
1 1/2 = one and a half
16 7/9 = sixteen and seven ninths

January, 2nd February, 1st March, 10th

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 34

Always Remember:
✔ I see her everyday but she doesn’t usually see me. I avoid her.
✔ He knows them and they know him. They are friends of us.
✔ I play tennis. I love it. He swims and runs. He loves it.
✔ This is my memory card. It is mine. It’s blue. Yours is green.
✔ His speakers sound loud. Mine sound low.
✔ His pencils belong to him. My pencils belong to me.
✔ This is our classroom. It belongs to us. It’s the students’ classroom.
✔ Frank and Eduard’s cigarettes are strong. Susie’s are soft.
✔ That is the Smith’s cat. This is the Jonas’ dog.
✔ Whose dog is this? It belongs to the Jonas.
✔ These cigarettes are strong. Whose are they? They are Frank and Eduard’s.
✔ Whose classroom are the students in? They are in the Institute’s classroom.
✔ Let me stay out late, please! Ask your mother.
✔ Can I have a drink? I am very thirsty. Let me have a drink.
✔ Let’s wake up early. Tomorrow is an important day.
✔ Let’s meet at ten o’clock in the morning on Wednesday.
✔ Can’t you buy us lunch? We don’t have any money here.
✔ How much do these shoes cost? I like them. They cost thirty dollars. ✔ How
much is this shirt? It’s ten dollars. How much are these? They’re fifteen.

Let’s Practice:

Write a short story using the grammar you have learned.

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 35

grammar: Present

Pay attention to this

Pasado Simple del “to be”. There

was / there were.
I am responsible park last week.
am is They are twenty
today. I was
responsible years old. They
are were nineteen
yesterday. He is
Past was in the park now. years old.
He was in the
To be
the building this morning at nine

I You
Look for the grammar in the
He We
WAS WERE sentences below:
She You
It They

There was a salesman at the door

yesterday afternoon. There was an
orange on the street last month.
There were four forks on the table day Past.
before yesterday. There were people in

- Where is Frank? I don’t know where he is now but he was at his house at six. -
The restaurant was great in 2000, but it is awful nowadays. - Is Angy on
vacation at the moment? No, she isn’t. She was until last week. - You are very
smart now, but when you were a child you weren’t. - I wasn’t at the party last
night. I stayed in my house because I was tired. - Is there ice cream in the
refrigerator? There was on Monday. Look for it. - Were there books on the floor
in my bedroom? Yes, there were. - Weren’t there any pretty flowers to her? Yes,
there were many. - There were people in this house once but there isn’t any

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 36

Don’t Forget:

∙ El pasado del verbo “to be” es “was – were”. Los pronombres “I, he, she, it”
utiliza “was” y “you, we, they” utiliza “were”.
∙ El tiempo Pasado Simple expresa una acción o un punto en el pasado que solo
sucedió. El “to be” expresa lo que era o donde estaba una persona. ∙ Al utilizar
pasado, en el complemento de la oración puede aparecer un indicador de tiempo
que identifica el momento a que nos referimos, el cual debe estar en pasado.
∙ “There was – there were” es el pasado de “there is – there are” respectivamente.
De igual manera, en su complemento puede aparecer el indicador de tiempo
que debe hacer referencia a algún momento del pasado.
∙ Para formular preguntas, se coloca el “to be” al inicio de la oración. ∙ La
negación contraída de “was – were” es “wasn’t – weren’t” respectivamente.

Let’s read:
I am sorry. That is sad to hear.
Angy: Frank: Angy: Frank: That’s not all Angy. My chair wasn’t
comfortable. I wasn’t relaxed. My partners
were shy and nervous during the
presentation. I wasn’t kind to my
Angy: Frank: girlfriend. I wasn’t pleased with myself.
My day was nice. My teachers were
absent-minded, so we were relaxed in
Angy: class. My friends were proud of me
because I was the best at the university. I
wasn’t forgetful. People were nice to me
and I wasn’t ashamed because I was late.
Frank: Angy: Frank: Angy: Frank: I am happy for you. Was there food in the
university restaurant? Yes, there was a lot
of food. Wasn’t there in your university
Hello Frank. How was your day? restaurant? No, there wasn’t any. I was
How do you do Angy? My day was not sick, so I was very hungry.
Susie and I were at the beach last Saturday.
Why? Were you upset about something?
It was almost empty. Eduard and I were at
I was upset about everything. I was hungry
the movies day before yesterday. We were
in the morning. I was suspicious on the bus
on the stairs because there weren’t any
because there were weird men on it. I was
seats available.
embarrassed with my friends because I
You are very unlucky, Frank. Get away
was late. The teachers were rude to me. My
from me.
classmates were loud during class. I was

Smart - Pretty - To be upset - To be suspicious - Weird - To be rude - To be loud
To be sad - To be comfortable - To be relaxed - To be shy - To be kind - To forget
To be proud - To be absent-minded - To be sick - To be ashamed - To be late

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 37
Pay attention to this grammar: Auxiliares Do – Does – Did
Pasado Simple de Verbos Regulares.
He usually works every day.
- Does he usually work every day?
Declaraciones Positivas y
Negativas en Pasado I study English three times a week. - Do
you study English three times a week?
I worked hard in my house yesterday. She doesn’t permit her daughter to
He borrowed money from them last drink. - Does she permit her daughter
week. She called you many times last to drink?
night. Past
They arrived from Chicago at noon.
I closed the store early. He closed it late. He worked here last month. -
He studied a lot for the test. Did he work here last month?
We fried our meals yesterday night.
I stopped because I was tired. I studied English at the US. - Did
He controlled his blood pressure. you study English at the US?

She permitted her son to drink. -

Formulación de Preguntas Did she permit her son to drink?

Suj. + verb. (past) + Comp.


Look for the grammar in the sentences below:

- Did you open the window? No, I didn’t. It’s cold. Did you close it? Yes, I did. -
Did he purchase the necklace? Yes, he purchased it. It was cheap. - Did he save
money for the holidays? Yes, he did. He didn’t spend any. - Were you hungry at
noon? Yes, I didn’t have any breakfast. I didn’t eat. - Did you watch the movie?
Yes, I watched it. It wasn’t good.
- Does he share his snacks? No, he doesn’t but he shared some yesterday. -
Did you want to smoke a cigarette? No, I didn’t. I don’t smoke. Don’t

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 38

∙ Un verbo en pasado simple expresa una acción sencilla que ya ocurrió y está
representada como un punto en el tiempo.
∙ Existen verbos regulares e irregulares. Los regulares forman su Pasado Simple y
Pasado Participio al agregarle “ED”. Los verbos irregulares se forman con una
palabra diferente que no cumple las reglas de “ED”.
∙ Los verbos en pasado son los mismos para todos los pronombres, de igual
manera el auxiliar “did” no cambia en 1ra, 2da ni 3ra persona.
∙ Se le agrega “-D” a los verbos regulares que ya terminan en “E” por si mismos.
Se le agrega “IED” a los verbos regulares que terminen en consonante seguida
de “Y”. Se le duplica la última consonante antes de agregar “ED” a los verbos
que terminan en Consonante, Vocal, Consonante por sí mismos. Se le agrega
“ED” a los demás verbos que no cumplan ninguna de las reglas mencionadas
∙ El auxiliar “DID” es para hacer preguntas y negar oraciones en Pasado Simple.
Es el mismo auxiliar para todos los pronombres y el verbo queda en forma
simple cuando este está presente.

Let’s read:
have a headache this morning?
Angy: Frank: Angy: Frank: Angy: Yes, I did have one but it was soft. Did you
Frank: Angy: Frank: Angy: Frank: have a sore throat? Yes, I did. I screamed
Angy: Frank: Angy: Frank: Angy: yesterday afternoon. Did Rossy have a
Frank: Angy: Frank: Angy: Frank: fever? Yes, she did. Eduard hurt his leg. He
Did you buy the magazine at the wanted to fly.
newsstand? Did he again? He is not a bird! Did Susie
Yes, I bought it. Did you go to the have a cough?
convenience store? No, she didn’t. She is very healthy.
Yes, I did. I went there last week. Did you Did you sign the university documents?
get the medicine at the drugstore? No, I Yes, I signed them on Monday. I handed
didn’t go there. Did you meet with Rossy at them two days ago. Did you travel to Latin
the coffee house? No, we didn’t. We met at America last year?
the clothing store. Did you cut your hair? No, I didn’t. It was too expensive. I hope to
No, I didn’t go to the barber shop. Didn’t go this year.
you go to the hair salon? Yes, I did go there. Did you buy the tickets to go?
I dyed my hair black. Do you like it? Yes, I did but I postponed them to this year.
Yes, I like it but it looked better before. Did
you get a haircut? No, I didn’t. Didn’t you


To borrow - To stop - To control - To permit - To purchase - To save – To dye

To share - To watch - To get - To meet - To cut - To scream - To hurt - To sign
Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 39
Pay attention to this grammar:
Auxiliares para Tiempo Pasado
Preguntas Wh- en Pasado Simple con
“to be” y Verbos de Acción.


Wh- Questions did (do - does)

Who ------------- ¿Quién?
What ------------- ¿Qué?
Where ------------- ¿Dónde?
How ------------- ¿Cómo?
Why ------------- ¿Porqué?
When ------------- ¿Cuándo?
Which ------------- ¿Cuál?

was - were (to be)

Wh- + to be (was – were) + sujeto + comp.

Wh- + did + sujeto + verbo + comp.

Who + verbo (past tense) + comp.

Look for the grammar in the sentences below:

- When did you become a teacher? I became a teacher after high school. - Who
was on the sidewalk along our house yesterday? Susie was there. - Where were
you all morning? Why did you leave? I got up and went to work. - What did she
do last Wednesday? She gave a lot of presents to many people. - How did they pay
for the new house? They saved money, then, they bought it. - Why were you
angry at Frank? I wasn’t angry at him. I was rude to him. - Who did they speak to
at school? They spoke to the principal.

Don’t Forget:

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 40

∙ El auxiliar “did” es el mismo para todos los pronombres.
∙ Los verbos en pasado son los mismos para todos los pronombres, ya que estos
no son conjugados para la 3ra persona.
∙ Al formular Wh- questions, se debe estar pendiente que no se responda a la
pregunta en la misma oración, es decir, si se pregunta con “when”, no se debe
decir periodo de tiempo en el complemento, si se pregunta con “why”, no se
debe decir el porqué o el para qué se hizo la acción y así sucesivamente.
∙ El “who” que pregunta por el sujeto del complemento (who complemento) va
seguido del auxiliar “did” para formular la pregunta. El “who” que pregunta
por el sujeto principal va seguido del verbo en pasado simple.

Let’s read:
visited my parent’s house. I got a takeout at
Angy: Frank: a near restaurant for lunch.
Did you have fun with your parents? Why
did you go?
Yes, I did. We had an excellent day together.
We watched football games. We ate ice
Angy: Frank: cream and cookies. I rented four movies. I
gossiped about the neighbors with my
mom. I didn’t work late. I slept until ten
Angy: Frank: o’clock. Why didn’t you stay home? Who
were you with on Sunday? I stayed home
Angy: during weekdays. On weekends, I like to go
out. Where were you this weekend? What
Frank: Angy: Frank: Angy: Frank: did you do?
Angy: Frank: Angy: Frank: My days off were normal. I stayed home on
What did you do this weekend Frank? Saturday. On Sunday, I slept late and I met
I did many things. It was a nice weekend. I some friends at four thirty. We took pictures
went for a walk to the shore with my and joke around. Which pictures did you
girlfriend on Friday and after, we went to keep?
the movies at night. On Saturday, I ran I kept the pictures I was in. Would you like
during the sun rise for a little exercise. In to have one?
the afternoon, I met with some friends and Sure. Who took the pictures?
we went out for dinner. Sunday was calm. I
My brother-in-law took them. I was with your car?
friends all the afternoon. Where did you go? I sold it three days ago. I went shopping
Where were you guys? yesterday and I spent all the money. Why
We didn’t do anything special. We just sat did you spend it all? Well, I know. You are a
on the grass in the park. When did you sell woman.


To become - To leave - To give - To pay - To speak - To go - Sun rise - Sun set

To meet - To visit - To get - To eat - To rent - To gossip - To sleep - To stay To
take - to keep - To sit - To sell - To spend - To know
Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 41
Pay attention to this grammar:
Sentence, tag question?

Tag Questions

Tag Questions. “To Take” idiomático.

Verbos preposicionales.

Does it take courage to parachute? It

takes ten minutes to get there. Does it
take time to do the chores? What does
Frank is twenty one years old, isn’t he? it take to be an astronaut?
Eduard and Frank aren’t enemies, are “To Take” idiomático
they? They were at the beach yesterday, =
weren’t they? He wasn’t a lazy boy, was
Lo que se necesita / Lo que hace falta
Susie works a lot, doesn’t she?
We don’t study, do we?
You learn English easily, don’t you?
You did your homework, didn’t you?
Frank didn’t find his keys, did he? Verbos Preposicionales Prepositional
I am late today, aren’t I? Verbs
believe in go out take over look after go
“To Take” idiomático for turn on look for get out turn off look
out get up speak up talk about get back
Estructura: break down wait for take off come on

Look for the grammar in the sentences below:

- Angy isn’t Rossy’s sister, is she? Angy and Susie are sisters, aren’t they? -
You would like to have a million dollars, wouldn’t you?
- He liked to speak up in class, didn’t he? He wasn’t shy, was he? - It takes
achievements to be a CEO, doesn’t it? It is not easy, is it? - Mothers always look
after their sons, don’t they? They believe in them. - Your father talked about
computers to you, didn’t he? You looked for games. - It takes free time to wait
for somebody, doesn’t it?

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 42

Don’t Forget:

∙ La función del “Tag Question” es confirmar o negar la información de la oración

dicha. Es el equivalente al ¿verdad? o al ¿no? en español. ∙ Los “Tag Questions”
utilizan siempre un auxiliar que debe estar acorde al tiempo y la estructura de la
oración en forma de pregunta, es decir, auxiliar + sujeto. Con oraciones
afirmativas se coloca el “Tag Question” en negativo. Con oraciones negativas se
coloca el “Tag Question” en afirmativo.
∙ El “To Take” idiomático se utiliza con oraciones impersonales, es decir, con el
“IT” como sujeto. El equivalente al español sería “se necesita”. Se le aplican
las estructuras de un verbo.
∙ Los Verbos Preposicionales son expresiones formadas por 2 palabras, un verbo
más una preposición o adjetivo. Al variar la preposición o el adjetivo, cambiará
el significado, sin importar que el verbo no sea cambiado.

Let’s read:
good sister. You went out to have fresh air,
Angy: didn’t you? Yes, I did it twice. It took me a
Eduard: Angy: while to take over the situation. I was scared
Eduard: Angy: because I didn’t know what to do.
Susie believed in you. I am sure she gets
Eduard: Angy: better as time goes by. You are right. Why
Eduard: Angy: don’t you take off your shoes and jacket?
Eduard: Angy: It’s cold here. Don’t you think? Turn on the
Eduard: Angy: heater, please! Sure. Can you turn off the air
Eduard: Angy: conditioner?
Eduard: Angy: Does it take something special to turn it off?
Eduard: Angy: It takes the press of a button. You can do it,
Eduard: Angy: can’t you?
Hello Eduard. You finally got back from Yes, I can. Did you wait for Frank today?
work. Yes, I waited for him. He came at nine
Yes, I am finally home. You worked today, o’clock and he left at three o’clock. Did you
didn’t you? look for his keys? You found them, didn’t
No, I didn’t. I asked for a day off. I looked you?
after Susie all day. She is sick. You are a No, I didn’t. They disappeared. Do you
have your laptop here? Yes, I do but it broke left? Yes, he got up early but he didn’t turn
down last week. Where is your laptop? off the light before he left. He never does it.
Frank borrowed it this morning. He needed He doesn’t take care of our planet, does he?
it to make a presentation. Did he get up No, he doesn’t. It takes a miracle to make
early? Did he turn off the light before he him realize that.


To find - To believe - To wait - To turn - To break - To speak - To ask To

be sick - To be scared - To think - To teach - To disappear - To realize To
borrow - To lend – To turn on – To turn off

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 43


Parts of Speech

Nouns: a noun is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, and an
abstract idea. The highlighted words in the following sentences are all nouns: -
Late last year our neighbors bought a sheep.
- The bus inspector looked at all the passengers' passes.

Pronouns: a pronoun can replace a noun or another pronoun. You use pronouns
like "he," "which," "none," and "you" to make your sentences less repetitive. In the
following sentences, each of the highlighted words is a pronoun and acts as the
subject of the sentence:
- I was glad to find the bus pass at the bottom of the green knapsack.
- He told her to live with him.

Verbs: the verb is the most important part of the sentence. A verb asserts
something about the subject of the sentence and express actions, events, or states
of being. The verb is the critical element of the predicate of a sentence. The
highlighted words in the following sentences are all verbs:
- Dracula bites his victims on the neck.
- My first teacher was Miss Crawford, but I also remember the janitor.

Adjectives: an adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun by describing, identifying,

or quantifying words. An adjective usually precedes the noun or the pronoun which
it modifies. In the following examples, the highlighted words are adjectives: - The
truck-shaped balloon floated over the treetops.
- The small boat was found on the deep blue sea.

Adverb: an adverb can modify a verb, an adjective, another adverb, a phrase, or a

clause. An adverb indicates manner, time, place, cause, or degree and answers
questions such as "how," "when," "where," "how much". In the following
examples, each of the highlighted words is an adverb:
- Unfortunately, the bank closed at three today.
- The thief ran quickly to avoid the policeman.

Preposition: a preposition shows directions, time, location, using words such as of,
from, in front of. In the following examples, each of the highlighted words is a
- According to her, the book is in the room next door.

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 44

Conjunction: you can use a conjunction to link words, phrases, and clauses, as in
the following examples:
- I ate the pizza and the pasta.
- Call the movers when you are ready.

Interjection: an interjection is a word added to a sentence to give emotion. It is not

grammatically related to any other part of the sentence. Interjections are uncommon
in formal academic prose, except in direct quotations. The highlighted words in the
following sentences are interjections:
- Ouch, that hurt!
- Oh no, I forgot that the exam was today.

Articles: an article is the word that is written before a noun. It means one or
identifies something out of everything. They are a, an, the. The highlighted words in
the following sentences are articles:
- The book is on the table.
- She read a book during class.
- Did you sell an umbrella today?

Let’s Practice:

Read the sentences with a partner and decide what parts of speech the
underlined words are. Write the part of speech above the word.

1. My partner and I live in San Diego, California.

2. When did Tomas get there? He is early for the first time.
3. What a beautiful day! The sun shines and the temperature is perfect.

4. Hey! Drive carefully! This is school zone.

5. Are you feeling OK? You seem tired.

6. He walked out of the room when he saw her.

7. Running and biking are great forms of exercise.

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 45

Futuro “will” y “be going to”. Wh-
questions en Futuro.
Pay attention to this

grammar: Tiempo Futuro

Auxiliar WILL Auxiliar BE GOING TO

am going to study am not going to
I I You
will study is going to study
He He She She isn’t going to study
‘ll study
It It
We won’t study
You We They
They You They
Formulación de Preguntas
are going to study aren’t going to study
Will he study tomorrow? Am I going to study next week? Will you forget the
lesson? Are you going to travel to the US? Will she believe in you? Is he
going to leave the country? Will they catch the ball? Is she going to perform

Formulación de Wh- questions

What will he study tomorrow? Where are you going to study next week? Why
will you forget the lesson? When are you going to travel to the US? How will
she believe in you? Who is going to leave the country?

Look for the grammar in the sentences below:

- Rossy will go to Italy soon but she is going to Canada in two weeks. -
Where is she going to arrive in Canada? What is she going to do? -
Somebody knocks at the door. I’ll open it. Who will be?
- Frank’s phone rings. She’ll get it. What will the person want? - She will
paint the front of her house in December. How will she paint it? - We aren’t
going to stay in expensive hotels in Australia.

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 46

Don’t Forget:

∙ “Will” por ser auxiliar es el mismo para todos los pronombres y el verbo que se
utilice quedará en su forma infinitivo.
∙ “Be going to” al ser utilizado, se debe colocar el “to be” conjugado en presente
simple para que exprese futuro.
∙ “Will” se utiliza cuando se quiere expresar un futuro no planeado, sugerencias,
predicciones sin fundamento, deseos o promesas.
∙ “Be going to” se utiliza cuando se quiere expresar un futuro planeado,
estructurado o predicciones con fundamento.

Let’s read:

Angy: Eduard: Angy:

Eduard: Angy: Eduard: Angy:
Eduard: Eduard: Angy:
Eduard: Angy:
Eduard: Angy:
Angy: Eduard: Angy:
will do it next year. I will go with you.
Eduard: Angy: Would you like it? How will we go?
We’ll go swimming through the ocean.
Eduard: Don’t be sarcastic. I realized that that was a
Tell me Eduard. Will you visit the five dumb question. Will you go to work
continents before you are fifty? Are there tomorrow?
five continents? I didn’t know that. Which I don’t want to but I will. You will go, won’t
are they? They are Australia, Africa, you?
Europe, Asia and America. No, I won’t. I will sleep late tomorrow. I
Of course I will visit them. I am going to be don’t work. I’m a student. Are you on
in Australia by the end of this year. I am vacation? It’s cloudy. It’s going to rain.
going to travel with my family. We are Yes, I am on vacation. You know, I think
going to arrive in Sidney in December, 1st. you will marry a short blonde woman. I am
Are you going to travel with us? just predicting without a base.
I would like to do it but I won’t. I will spend I don’t think I will. I like brunettes. You will
my money on August and I will be broke get married with a tall blue eyed man. I am
by December. just predicting.
That’s too bad. Don’t worry. I’ll send you I hope you are right. I am going to meet
some pictures every day. Please, do that! I with Susie at five o’clock. I will see you
will know Australia by pictures. Where will later.
you go? We will be in Sidney the first week. Sure. I am going to surf the web to search
Then, we will drive around. That’s a good some information. Bye!
plan. I want to travel to South America. I


To forget - To catch - To leave - To perform - To knock - To ring - To stay

To tell - To spend - To be broke - To send - To drive - To swim - Dumb To
be sarcastic - To predict - To marry - To search - Blonde - Brunette

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 47

We could speak Chinese last month. He
is able to do his homework. He will be
able to lead the group. I could go
Pay attention to this grammar:
tomorrow but I don’t want to. She could
work late but she is lazy. Can he beat
his opponent?
Could he ride a bike when he was five?
Verbos Modales WOULD – MAY – MIGHT
I would go there but I’m tired.
I can ride a bike. He wouldn’t smoke but he is stressed.
He can’t beat his opponent. I may be late tomorrow morning. I
He could ride a bike when he was five. may stay until the end.
I might be late tomorrow morning. to work next month. He won’t buy
I might stay until the end. a new car next week.
Would you dance with me?
Would they go today?
Would she win the race? We
Verbos Modales: can, could, shall, will,
Shall we go now please?
would, be able to, may, might, should,
Will they feed my pets?
ought to, have to, must.

You should work hard.

SHALL – I ought to work hard.
WILL He has to work hard.
We have to work hard.
I shall open She must work hard.
the door for
you. Should you work hard?
We Does he have to work hard?
shall Must she work hard?
walk you to the door. I will drive

Look for the grammar in the sentences below:

- Will he leave your house early tomorrow? Yes, but there may be traffic. -
Can you speak English now? No, I can’t but I will be able to speak it soon. -
Shall we eat pizza tonight? Let’s eat spaghetti, shall we?
- Would you make lunch to me? I must do it because I promise. I should leave. -
I am very busy so I may not go to the movies tonight. I have to work. - I will be
able to speak four languages in three years. I ought to study a lot.

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 48

Don’t Forget:

∙ Los Verbos Modales tienen cada uno diferentes repercusiones sobre el verbo que
modifican la condición en la cual se realiza la acción. El verbo que se
mencione quedará en forma simple debido a la presencia del Verbo Modal.
∙ “Can – Could” expresan el poder hacer algo en presente y en pasado
respectivamente. “Could” también expresa una condición en el presente siendo
su significado en español “podría”.
∙ “Be able to” es el verbo que se utiliza para expresar el poder de hacer una acción
en cualquier tiempo (presente – pasado – futuro). El verbo principal es el “to
be”, siendo este el que se conjuga para expresar el tiempo que se desee.
∙ “Shall – Will” expresan tiempo futuro. “Shall” solo trabaja con los pronombres
“I” y “We” y es muy formal, por lo cual poco común su utilización. ∙ “Would”
expresa una condición. Su función equivalente en el español se forma al agregarle
“-RIA” a los verbos. Ej. He would study = Él estudiaría. ∙ “Would” también es
utilizado para pedir algo de una manera más formal. ∙ “May – Might” expresan la
posibilidad de que ocurra la acción descrita. ∙ “Should – Ought to” son utilizados
para aconsejar. No es posible utilizar “Ought to” para formular pregunta o para
∙ “Have to” expresa el deber de hacer algo. Se debe conjugar de acuerdo al
pronombre, es decir, “has to” para la tercera persona. Utiliza el auxiliar “do –
does” para formular la pregunta en presente y “did” en pasado, también puede
utilizar otros Verbos Modales como el “will, should, would, may”. ∙ “Must”
expresa obligación por algo.

Let’s read:
long hours. I ought to work as a team with
Angy: my partners. What will you do? I have to
Eduard: make a presentation. I will give it day after
tomorrow. We could meet and do it
together, couldn’t we?
Angy: We could meet at six o’clock. Before six, I
might be at work. Sure. I shall wait for you
Eduard: Angy: in my house. I will be able to make an
excellent presentation with your help.
Eduard: Angy: Yes, you will but you ought to work a lot on
it. I am not going to do it for you. You can
What will you do tomorrow at your job? begin before I arrive, so you would have
Can’t you stay home? No, I can’t and I more time. I must leave now. I’ll see you
shouldn’t. I must earn money. I will type tomorrow afternoon.
contracts. I will meet with clients. I shall
make some decisions. I will have to work


To ride - To beat - To lead - To buy - To bring - To begin - To stay - To dance To

win - To promise - To be busy - To earn - To type - To wait - To see - To leave

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 49

Pay attention to this grammar: Segundo uso de “Will” y “May”
Preguntas especificas con “How”
Preguntas con “How”

Usos del “Will” y “May” WILL MAY

The stereo doesn’t make a sound. It

How many -- ¿Cuánto? (contable) How much won’t work.
-- ¿Cuánto? (incontable) How long -- ¿Cuánto?
(tiempo / distancia) How often -- ¿Qué tan She is angry at me.
seguido? How deep -- ¿Qué tan profundo?
She won’t teach me math.
How far -- ¿Qué tan lejos? How old -- ¿Qué Can I come in? May I come in? Yes, you can.
edad? Yes, you may. No, you can’t. No, you may
How soon -- ¿Qué tan pronto? How big -- not.
¿Qué tan grande? (cosa) How tall -- ¿Qué tan
alto? (persona) How late -- ¿Qué tan tarde? Can I leave now? May I leave now?
How well -- ¿Qué tan bien? (acción)

Look for the grammar in the sentences below:

- How long is it from here to our house? It’s about thirty minutes. I won’t walk. -
How deep is the pool? It’s three meters deep. How deep can you swim in? - How far
do we have to go? We have to go all the way to Susie’s store. - How old is the car? It
is from 1998. How old is the driver? He is fifty. - How soon will you get here? I am
in a rush but I may be late. - How tall is your brother? He is 194 cm. How big is the
truck? It’s 200 cm. - How late did you arrive to the airport? I arrived an hour late. -
How well did you do this semester at school? I did well. I got good grades. Don’t

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 50

∙ Al preguntar con “how” más un adjetivo o adverbio se pregunta qué tanto hay
presente del adjetivo o adverbio que se menciona en la acción descrita. ∙ Se
necesita un auxiliar para formular la pregunta, el cual puede ser el “to be”, “do –
does - did” o algún Verbo Modal. Se debe conjugar el verbo de acuerdo a la
estructura y a la gramática utilizada en la oración.
∙ Para que el “will” tenga la función de “querer”, el contexto debe estar especifico
para que se logre, de otra manera, tiende a confusión.
∙ “May” para pedir por algo se puede utilizar en cualquier momento sin ninguna
confusión en sustitución del “can”. El “may” es más formal.

Let’s read:
away. It will take us ten minutes to get
Rossy: Frank: Rossy: Frank: there. How many napkins do we have on the
table? Do we have pepper? We have many
Rossy: Frank: napkins and much pepper. Where are the
waiters? Nobody comes here. We are the
Rossy: Frank: Rossy: Frank: costumers and they won’t take our order.
How long do we have here? When are they
Rossy: Frank: Rossy: Frank: Rossy: going to attend us? I hope they do it soon. I
Frank: Rossy: Frank: Rossy: Frank: am hungry. How late were you this
Rossy: morning? I wasn’t late. I was very proud of
Frank, how often do you come to this that. May I go to the bathroom? Go ahead
restaurant? and hurry up. The waiter will come soon.
I come here about twice a month. Order for me please! I would like to have
How much do you eat? How many dishes grill chicken with salad. How big would you
do you order? like your dish? What do you want to drink?
I am usually hungry, so I eat a lot. I I want my dish to be small. I would like to
normally order three dishes, one appetizer, have a glass of lemon juice. Sure. I will
one entrée and one dessert. order for you. You may go now. I won’t get
You do eat a lot. How big are the dishes up. I am very tired. You are always tired. I’ll
here? How well do they cook? They are be right back.
really big. Their diameter measures thirty The food was really good, wasn’t it? When
centimeters. They have cooks from all will we come again? Yes, it was. We should
around the world. Their food is great. come again tomorrow.
How far are we from our place? How long
does it take to get there? We are two blocks


Deep - Soon - To be tall - Dish - To eat - To cook - To measure - Block - Napkin

Costumer - To order - To attend - To hope - Go ahead - Small

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 51

Pay attention to this grammar: Direcciones. Verbos Preposicionales.
Repaso gramatical: Unit 17 hasta Unit


I am lost. How can I get to the main museum?

- Go straight until the Fifth Avenue.

- Turn to the left and then immediately to the right.
- Go up the stairs of a building next to a hospital.
- Go down the Seventh Avenue.
- Move through some trees and you get to the main museum.

by through next to
inside near on top of
above outside of beneath
de Lugar

Verbos Preposicionales Always

Remember: Allow for Depend on Think of Blow up
Dream about Look down Break in Happen
to Look for Break up Hear about Look into
Catch up Hear of Look up Come across
Insist on Get ahead Come into Laugh/smile
at Get along Come out Live on Get away
Come over Shout at Get in Care about
Shout to Fall behind Take care Succeed in
below between among Figure out Collide with Suffer from Make
beside along around do Make up Talk over Get rid
under beyond against
up in front of opposite down in back of

Agree with Concentrate on Think about

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 52

✔ I was in the beach last week. Rossy and Eduard were with me.
✔ My friends were great with me when I was sick.
✔ There was sand inside the car and there were many cans of beer.
✔ Were you at your house? Was there food for the weekend?
✔ Did you build the tree house for your children? Yes, I built it last week.
✔ Did he smoke three packs of cigarettes in a day? Yes, he smoked them.
✔ When did he smoke them? Why did he smoke them yesterday? ✔ What
did he do after he finished? How did he feel?
✔ Who smoked three packs of cigarettes? Who did he smoke them with?
✔ It takes ten minutes to understand the lesson, doesn’t it?
✔ It took him two months to learn how to swim.
✔ I will answer the telephone and afterwards I am going to watch a movie. ✔ He
can work. He could work. He should work. He ought to work. ✔ I may study. I
have to study. I must study. I will be able to study. I shall study. ✔ How wet are
you? How pretty is she? How small is the computer?

Let’s Practice:

Write a short story using the grammar you have learned.

NOTA: cada estudiante debe seleccionar un tema para realizar su exposición
al finalizar este libro.

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 53

Pay attention to this grammar:

Tiempo Continuo

I am watching T.V. Presente Continuo

I am taking a shower right now.
Are you learning English now? They are taking pictures of the sights. He
He is not sleeping at the is tying his shoes now.
moment. He is leaving the office. She is swimming now.
Tiempo Continuo en Presente y We are sitting in our chair.
Pasado. Reglas para Agregar “ING”
I was watching T.V. yesterday.
He was not sleeping at night.
They were taking pictures of the sights.
We were sitting in our chair during class.
Reglas Suj. + to be (was – were) + verb. (ing)
Suj. + to be + verb. (ing) + comp. To be + comp.
+ suj. + verb. (ing) + comp.

Pasado Continuo

⮚ Cuando el verbo termine en la letra “E”, esta se elimina y se agrega “ING”. ⮚

Cuando el verbo termine en las letras “IE”, estas se sustituyen por “Y” y luego
agrega “ING”.
⮚ Cuando el verbo termine en consonante-vocal-consonante, se le duplica la
ultima consonante de la palabra y luego se agrega “ING”.
⮚ Verbo que no acepte lo mencionado antes, se le agrega “ING” sin cambios.

Look for the grammar in the sentences below:

- They are reading their books and eating chocolate.

- What are you doing? Why aren't you doing your homework?
- I am studying to become a doctor. I am coming to school everyday. -
Are you working on any special projects at work? Yes, I am.
- She is always coming to class late. She never wakes up on time. -
She is dying to see her favorite actor live.
- He is selling his car today because he is traveling tomorrow to Australia.
Don’t Forget:

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 54

∙ El Presente Continuo expresa una acción que se está realizando en el momento.
Se sobreentiende que comenzó en el pasado pero no enfoca ese periodo de
∙ El Pasado Continuo expresa una acción que comenzó en el pasado, terminó en el
pasado y se realizó la acción durante ese periodo de tiempo.
∙ No realizar los cambios adecuados al tipo de verbo antes de agregar “ING” es
gramaticalmente incorrecto en el idioma.
∙ En el Presente Continuo, el periodo de tiempo que se puede colocar en el
complemento son aquellos que hagan referencia al ahora y nada más. ∙ El verbo
“to be” nunca puede faltar para formular el Tiempo Continuo y este debe estar
conjugado en el tiempo adecuado acorde a la acción.

Let’s read:
are you playing tennis with? I am playing in
Susie: Angy: Susie: Angy: Susie: Angy: the courts near my house. I am with Eduard.
Frank: I am with Susie. We were eating breakfast
Angy: Frank: Angy: Frank: Angy: this morning and now we are buying the
Frank: Angy: What are you buying? I was talking to
Rossy this morning. She is going to come
Frank: Susie: Angy: Susie: Angy: Susie: with us.
Hello sister. What are you doing? We bought a new one. I forgot the name.
I am withdrawing some money from the We are walking around the mall. I’m
cash machine. Why are you asking? I am getting tired.
being curious. Why are you doing that? I am leaving now. I am going to continue
Because I don’t have any cash. Did you talk my game. See you in a while. What is Frank
to Frank? doing right now?
No, I didn’t call him. I forgot. Call him now.He was playing tennis with Eduard. We are
Hey, Frank. How are you doing? going to meet in a couple hours. OK. Let’s
Hello Angy. I am good. Why are you go home. We are wasting much time here.
calling? We are making exercise. We are burning
I’m calling to ask you whether or not we’re calories while we are walking. You are right
going to meet to watch a movie. Sure. I am but let’s go home.
playing tennis now but I will stop in a little
while. Where are you playing tennis? Who


To learn - To sit - To sleep - To read - To die - To sell - To withdraw - To ask

To be curious - To talk - To call - To stop - To burn - To walk - To waste

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 55

Pay attention to this grammar: He might be leaving now.
Tiempo Continuo con Verbos Modales. Must I be cleaning my room?
Uso de “While”. Futuro cercano
“ING”. Futuro Cercano con “ING”

I am watching a movie tonight.

Tiempo Continuo con Verbos We are flying to Canada next month. He
Modales is getting married in two months. Are
they playing tennis this weekend?
I could be washing my clothes now. He
will be working late by then.
Uso de “While”
She would be arranging the books.
Should he be filing the receipts?
We were shaking hands while we talked.
I should be leaving while you are
Suj. + Verb. Modal + to be + Verb. coming.
(ing) + comp. He is talking to her while she is talking

Verb. Modal + suj. + to be + Verb.

(ing) + comp? to me. Look for the grammar in

the sentences below:

Se indica el tiempo futuro en el

complemento de la oración.
While = mientras

She smells the food while I am cooking

- I am not learning German, because this is an English class.

- Angy is studying hard for her exams this week. She should be resting now. -
When are you visiting your dentist? I am seeing my dentist on Wednesday. -
Are you doing anything tonight? No, I am not. We should go out to dinner. -
Susie was reading yesterday while I was listening to the radio.
- Who are you writing to? I am writing to my friends in Germany. - Where in
Germany are they living? I don’t know where they are living. - I am sending a
message to my sister by phone. I couldn’t contact her by mail. - She should be
shining her shoes tomorrow while he is dressing up. Don’t Forget:

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 56

∙ El Tiempo continuo expresa una acción que estamos haciendo en el presente,
una acción que está pasando alrededor de nosotros o acciones que pasaran en
un futuro cercano.
∙ El verbo “to be” siempre debe estar presente en la estructuración de este tiempo,
debe estar conjugado adecuadamente de acuerdo al momento de la acción. ∙ Al
formular una oración con algún Verbo Modal, el verbo “to be” queda en su forma
simple por la presencia del auxiliar. Se utiliza el verbo modal para hacer preguntas
y negar.
∙ “While” es utilizado para expresar una acción que pasa al mismo tiempo que

Let’s read:
am going home. Are you travelling tonight
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: to your parents’ house?
Yes, I am going there tonight. I am leaving
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: at eight o’clock and I am coming back
tomorrow night. Do you want to come with
Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: me?
I would like to but I am meeting with my
Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: family tonight. We are having dinner and
Eduard: then we will spend some time together.
Hello Rossy. Can you hear me? The line is That’s nice. Enjoy your time with your
very bad. family. What are you planning for
Yes, I can barely hear you. Why are you tomorrow night? We could get together and
calling me? do something. That sounds fine with me.
I am calling to see how you are. What are What are we doing?
you doing? We may go to a coffee shop to chat and
I am doing well. I am working outdoors catch up with one another. I agree with you.
now. I am watching the behavior of We could be drinking coffee while we talk.
animals. Where are you calling? Sure. I will pick you up at eight o’clock.
I am calling from my house. I am doing Wait for me.
nothing, so I was bored. What were you Don’t be late. I will be watching T.V. while
doing before you called me? I wait for you. OK. I am going to hang up.
I just told you. I was doing nothing. What See you tomorrow.
are you doing while you are talking to me?
I was working outdoors before, but now I

To behave - To smell - To fly - To shake - To talk - To learn - To rest - To visit
To contact - To listen - To shine - To dress up - To hear - To meet - To enjoy To
plan - To get together - To catch up - To pick up - To wait - To hang up UNIT

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 57

Pay attention to this grammar: She is as tall as her father.
I am as intelligent as everybody.
Comparativo de Igualdad “as … as”
“Would rather” y “prefer” para expresar
preferencia por algo.
Comparativo de Igualdad
Susie drinks as much water as Angy.
Does Frank eat as much as me?
He has as many pencils as her. Suj + would rather + verb.
(simple) + comp.

“Would rather” y “prefer” para

Suj + prefer + to + Verb. (simple) + comp.
I would rather quit my job. Do they prefer to lend or to borrow money? I
He would rather lose some weight. would prefer you didn’t go.
Would they rather lend or borrow money? Would he prefer you spoke English?
I would rather you didn’t go.
Would he rather you spoke in English?
Look for the grammar in the sentences
I prefer to quit my job.
He prefers losing some weight. Suj + prefer + Verb. (ing) + comp.
as (adj.) as = tan (adj.) como

- Would you rather be as tall as me? No, I wouldn’t.

- Do you prefer to be as short as your sister? Yes, I would rather be short as her. -
Do you throw the ball as fast as me? Yes, I do but I prefer to throw it slow. -
Would Angy rather wear a skirt or pants? She prefers to wear pants. - Does Frank
prefer to sweep the floor or the windows?
- Frank likes to sweep the floor and the windows as well.
- Would you rather steal or work to make money?
- I would much rather work than steal to earn money.
- Do you work as hard as me? Yes, I work as hard and well as you. - Did
you spill as much milk as her? Yes, I did. I spilled as much as her. Don’t

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 58

∙ El comparativo de igualdad compara adjetivos entre personas o cosas. El “as …
as” siempre rodeará al adjetivo y este no influye ni se ve influido por el verbo
o pronombre que se coloque en la oración.
∙ “Would rather” es un auxiliar, por lo tanto, se le aplica las reglas de un auxiliar,
es decir, es la misma forma para todos los pronombres y el verbo que se usa va
siempre en infinitivo. Se utiliza el mismo “would” para preguntar y negar la
∙ “Prefer” es un verbo, por lo tanto, se le aplican las reglas de un verbo, es decir, el
verbo se conjuga para pronombres en 3ra persona, el verbo que da la acción
que se prefiere va en infinitivo precedido de “to”, o con “ING” sin diferencia
en el significado. Necesita del auxiliar adecuado de acorde al tiempo para

Let’s read:
I prefer riding a bicycle. Everybody should
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: realize the pollution we are causing. We
must reduce our carbon footprints.
Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: Do people around the world contaminate as
much as we do? Yes, everybody contributes
Eduard: Rossy: to increase the level of pollution on Earth.
You made me realize what it’s happening.
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: It’s true. Skies are getting brown. Are you
Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: going to contaminate as much as you do
Eduard: Rossy: nowadays? No, I will reduce it. I am going
You will like this coffee shop, Rossy. It is as to make a change.
good as Mary’s. I hope so. I don’t know this I’m very proud of you Eduard. Would you
one. Would you rather this one than Mary’s? rather milk or black coffee? I’d like to have
I prefer Mary’s to this one, but Mary’s isn’t some tea. I don’t drink as much coffee as
as near to our house as this one. I would you do. Is your car as fast as Frank’s?
rather not to drive that far. No, it isn’t as fast as his but it is as fast as
Yes, I know. You are lazy. Would you rather yours.
walk than drive? What kind of question is Would you rather have a new one?
that? I would much rather drive than walk. Of course I do. Who wouldn’t rather have a
We have to take care of our planet. Walking new car?
doesn’t produce as much pollution as You are right. Everybody prefers having it
driving. but not paying it.
Do you prefer to walk or to drive? Do you
pollute a lot?


To quit - To lose - To be short - To throw - To wear - To sweep - To steal To earn

- To spill - To hope - To be proud - To produce - Pollution - To pollute To cause -
To reduce - Carbon footprint - To increase - To happen - To contribute

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 59

desigualdad de una y dos silabas.
Pay attention to this grammar: Auxiliar “Had better”
Comparativos y Superlativos de

Comparativos y Superlativos de desigualdad

I am taller than my father.

He eats faster than me.
Is my room cleaner than
yours? He runs slower than
Frank. Auxiliar “Had better”
She is bigger than her
boyfriend. Angy is crazier than You had better take a nap in the
Susie. afternoon.
Is English easier than Spanish? We had better not stay here until it
begins to rain. My brother had better
get here soon!
My wife had better make lunch to me.
I am the tallest in my family. You had better watch the way you talk
We are the smallest here.
Is my room the cleanest in the
house? Am I the craziest person you to me! Look for the grammar in

Adj.-er + than = más (adj) que… the sentences below:


The + Adj. + est = el (la) más…

Is English the easiest language on Suj. + had better + verb. (simple) +
Earth? comp.

- Who is the tallest among us? Frank is the tallest man here.
- Is Rossy shier than Susie? Yes, she is but Angy is the shiest among them. -
Is Frank funnier than Eduard? Yes, he is funnier but Susie is the funniest. - I
had better go now. I don’t want to make a mess here.
- Does Eduard talk faster than Frank? No, he doesn’t. Frank talks the fastest. -
I drive faster than Eduard. Do you really? I had better not go with you then. - I had
better study now because tomorrow I will leave earlier than today. Don’t

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 60

∙ El comparativo usa un adjetivo para comparar con una cosa o persona. Se forma
al agregarle “ER” al adjetivo.
∙ El superlativo usa un adjetivo para comparar con el resto. Se forma al agregarle
“the” delante del adjetivo y “-EST” al final.
∙ Los comparativos y superlativos mostrados en esta lección son para adjetivos de
una o dos silabas.
∙ “Had better” expresa lo que se quiere hacer por deseo o preferencia. No varía con
ningún pronombre y el verbo que se utilice siempre queda en infinitivo. Para
formular pregunta se debe cambiar a “should”.

Let’s read:
friends. Do you like Martinis? No, I don’t.
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: Martinis are drier than whiskey.
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: They are the driest of all drinks. Is Susie
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: ugly?
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: Yes, she is. Is she uglier than Angy?
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: No, she isn’t. Angy is the prettiest girl I
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: know. Do you like hot climate? No, I don’t.
Who has the tiniest car? I had better not go out. I had better stay in
I have the tiniest car and Frank has the my house. Yes, I agree with you. Is your
biggest one. house white?
Who wears the shiniest shoes? Yes, it is but your house is whiter than
I do when I dress formally but Susie mine. Should you order a cookie? I had
normally does. How old are you? I am better order a piece of cake. You had better
twenty-four. Am I younger than you? order some water. Is my car newer than
No, you are not. You are older. I am yours? You drank your tea faster than me.
twenty-two. How much older are you? I No, yours is the newest among our group
am two years older. How old is Frank? of friends.
He is twenty-one. He is one year younger I had better call Angy. She is alone now.
than me. Is he stronger than you? Yes, he Don’t worry. She isn’t the loneliest person
is. He is bigger and heavier, so he must be in the world.
stronger. Am I shorter than you?
Yes, you are the shortest among all our


To be crazy - To be easy - To be shy - To be funny - To make a mess - To be tiny

To be shiny - To be young - To be old - To be strong - To be short - To be fat To
be dry - To be ugly - To be pretty - To be new - To be alone - To feel lonely


Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 61

Pay attention to this grammar:
Comparativos y Superlativos de
desigualdad de tres silabas o más. Frank is the most adventurous person. My
Excepciones “good – bad – less” house is the most colorful of all. Susie is
the most elegant woman.
Fruits are the most nutritious food.
Comparativos y Superlativos de
Excepciones “good – bad – less”
Frank is more adventurous than Eduard.
My house is more colorful than yours. Comparativo
Are we more elegant than them?
He was more concerned yesterday than Superlativo:
now. Doing your chores is more important
than playing. We are more successful than The most + adj. Superlativo


More + adj. + than

Good Bad Worse than -- -- The best -- The

Less Less than worst -- The least

-- Better than --

Look for the grammar in the sentences below:

- How are you going to be better than him? I’m going to practice more. - Why
should he smoke less than you? Because he is more cautious. - Are you the worst
singer in the world? Yes, but I am the best bathroom singer. - Who has the least
money today? Frank has the least and Rossy has the most. - When will the best movie
win an Oscar? It will win one very soon. - I speak English better than you but the
teacher speaks it the best. - He is more talented when he acts in theater plays and less
talented on T.V. Don’t Forget:
Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 62
∙ Los comparativos y superlativos mostrados en esta lección son para adjetivos de
tres o más silabas.
∙ Se utiliza “more … than” para comparar un adjetivo con una persona o cosa. ∙
Se utiliza “the most” para comparar un adjetivo con el resto.
∙ “Good – bad – less” son excepciones porque sus comparativos y superlativos se
forman con palabras nuevas que no cumplen las reglas mostradas pero estos se
utilizan de la misma manera.

Let’s read:
racing. What other sport do you like? I
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: like regular ones, such as basketball and
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: football.
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: They are the most well-known sports in
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: the US.
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: Yes, they are. They make the largest
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: quantity of money. What did you think
Eduard: about the coffee shop? Did you like it? It
Who is more famous, a T.V actor, a sport is more comfortable than Mary’s and less
player or a band singer? I think a band expensive. I liked it! The waiters at
singer is the most recognized. What do Mary’s are friendlier and more helpful.
you think? I believe a sport player is more They may get paid better there. They are
recognized than the others. What is the more encouraged to work. That makes
most outstanding sport? sense. Are you the worst tennis player in
The best sport is car racing. It is the most your family? No, I am the best tennis
exciting. Don’t you think? It is more player in my family. Are you the least
exciting than baseball but less interesting smart? No, I am not the least smart in my
than tennis. I don’t agree. You are like family, but I am the most charming. Is
Frank. He loves tennis as much as his your food as delicious as Frank’s?
career. Tennis is tougher than car racing No, it isn’t. It is more delicious than his.
because you need to run a lot. You are I don’t believe that. He is the best cook I
right but car racing is much more know.
dangerous than tennis. I agree. In fact, I I am going to cook the best food you will
think it is the most dangerous sport of all. ever eat in your life.
Tennis is more competitive than car


To be concerned - To be successful - To be elegant - To be cautious - To be tough

To be talented - To be famous - To be recognized - To be outstanding To need -
To be well-known - To be friendly - To be helpful - To encourage

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 63

Pay attention to this grammar: I am a student as well. She isn’t a student
either. They eat too much as well. She
doesn’t smoke either.
“Also – too – as well – either”
Intensidad de “must – have to –
“Also – too – as well – either” - Oración + too
Intensidad de “must – have to – should”
- Suj. + also + verb. - Suj. + to be + also
- Oración + as well - Oración ( - ) +

I am a student. He eats too much. They

are students too. She eats too much too. I
am also a student. I also eat too much.
No, we mustn’t.
DEBER You should stop smoking.
Should you stop
You have to stop smoking. smoking?
Do you have to stop
OBLIGACIÓN smoking? He should do the dishes.
Should he do the
You must stop smoking. He has to do the dishes. Does dishes?
Must you stop smoking? he have to do the dishes?
We should pay our bills.
He must do the dishes. We have to pay our bills. Should we pay our
Must he do the dishes? Do we have to pay our bills?
We must pay our bills. Yes, we should.
Must we pay our bills? Yes, we have to. No, we shouldn’t.
No, we don’t have to.
Yes, we must. CONSEJO

Look for the grammar in the sentences below:

- The teacher speaks English. His students speak English too.

- You mustn’t make noise. Your friend mustn’t make noise either. - He shouldn’t
tear up the documents. Angy is doing it but she shouldn’t either. - She has to shut
the door. She should also shut the window.
- I had to cook and also set the table. Do I have to clean the kitchen as well? -
Please, hold the ladder for me. Should I mix the paint as well? Don’t Forget:

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 64

∙ “Also” es usado en oraciones afirmativas para expresar similitud. Se coloca
después del verbo “to be” y antes de los demás verbos.
∙ “Too” tiene la misma función de “also” para expresar similitud pero se coloca al
final de la oración.
∙ “Either” es usado en oraciones negativas para expresar similitud. Se coloca al
final de la oración.
∙ “Must” expresa una obligación y “should” un consejo. “Have to” expresa un
poco de ambos, es un deber.

Let’s read:
spinach. I can see that you like vegetables…
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: I like them too.
Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: They are very healthy. My friends like them
as well, but Angy doesn’t like them and
Eduard: Rossy: Susie either.
They don’t know what they are missing.
Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: I agree with you. Let’s put a date to this
Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: Eduard: Rossy: plans.
Do you cook Rossy? Sure. What about next weekend?
No, I don’t cook. Angy doesn’t cook either. No, I can’t. I must travel abroad to meet
We prefer to go out. Who knows how to some clients and Frank does too. How long
cook, besides Frank and me? will the trip last?
Susie is a good cook. My friends are also It will last one week, so we will be able to
good cooks. do this in two weeks from now. That’s a
When are we going to your house to have nice date. I’m free of my duties by then. Is
dinner? this your house? Yes, It is. Thanks for the
We will go soon. I want to go to your house evening. I had a wonderful time.
too. I did too. I hope it will repeat soon. Have a
Sure. Frank and I will cook for you girls. good night.
You must bring your friends. Ok. I will tell I hope too. I will call my friends tomorrow.
them. You have to cook something with Be in touch.
eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, lettuce,
potatoes, onions, garlic, leeks, cabbage and


To make noise - To tear up - To shut - To hold - To mix - Ladder - Besides To

know - To cook - To go - To bring - To set - To speak - To do - To miss To
agree - To put - To travel - To last - To be free - To repeat - To be in touch


Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 65

Alanis Morisette ____________________ all
What if God was one of us Lyrics alone
Nobody _______________ the phone
If God had a name what except for the Pope _______________
___________________________And Yeah Yeah God is great
would you ______________ Yeah Yeah God is good
If you were faced with him in Yeah Yeah yeah yeah
____________________ what What if God was one of us?
_______________ if you had just one

Yeah, Yeah, _________________ ____________ slob like one of us

Yeah, Yeah, _________________ Just a stranger on the bus
Yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah Trying to make his way home
Like a holly Rolling Stone
Back up to Heaven all alone Just
What if God was one of us? trying to make his way home
Just a _____________________ Nobody calling on the phone
Just a _____________________ ______________ the Pope maybe in
Trying to make ______________ Rome.

If God had a face,

What would it
_______________ And would Vocabulary:
you want to see
If __________ meant that you would
have to believe
In things like ________________ and
the saints and __________________

Yeah Yeah God is great

Yeah Yeah God is good
Yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah

What if God was one of us?

Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
_______________ his way home
Just trying to make his way home
Hey There Delilah Lyrics

Plain White T’s

Carrera’s Language Learning. Page 66

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