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 Realizar el video donde aparezca usted hablando sobre el

trabajo soñado.
 El párrafo en color azul es para una ayuda en la pronunciación
de ser necesaria esa ayuda.
 Importante realizar el video, montarlo a YouTube y hacer
llegar el link del video al encargado de la materia de Ingles B1.
 Plazo hasta el 18 de noviembre en la noche.

Greetings, my name is (NOMBRE) and I will talk about my ideal job.
My ideal job would be one in which I can develop all my professional skills, in that job I can be
myself and I can be an important part of the company so that the company grows and I do too,
the salary of course that should be good , enough for you to live well without economic

Gritings, mai neim is (Nombre), and ai will talk abaut mai aidial yob.

Mai aidial yob would bi uan in which ai can develop all mai profeshional esquils, in dat yob ai
can bi maiself and ai can bi an important part of de compani so dat de compani grows and ai
du tu, de salary of cors dats shuld bi gud, enof for yu tu liv well wit-aut economic problems.

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