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Repurpose your Trivial Pursuit board game with the following learning template.

This template uses Avery Custom Print Index Cards (Product #5388)
(Of course, you can also use normal paper and cut them apart.)

4 steps to printing success

1. insert the questions and correct answers in the form below (15 questions per subject)
2. print pages 7-11 (question side of cards)
3. flip the paper over and print pages 12-16 (answer side of cards)
4. tear or cut them apart and you're ready to play!

BLUE Questions BLUE Answers

¿Es un bien algo inmaterial? No es un servicio

¿Cuáles son los factores productivos? Recursos naturales,trabajo y capital

¿Cuáles son los agentes económicos? Familia empresa y estado

¿Es schumpeter una persona innovadora? Si

Son las funciones del empresario el entorno y el factor humano No

¿Es cierto que uno de los objetivos empresariales es crecer? Si

¿En que áreas se divide una empresa? Comercial producción inversión y rrhh

Si una empresa tiene 55 trabajadores¿qué tipo sería? Mediana empresa

Según su tamaño ¿como se divide una empresa? Pequeña mediana y grande

¿Que criterios utilizan para clasificar una empresa? Económico técnico patrimonial y organiz

¿Es según su actividad una empresa pública o privada? No, según su propiedad

¿Como puede ser una empresa según su forma jurídica? Individual o de sociedad

¿Cuántos socios puede tener una sociedad civil pública? 2 o más

¿Una empresa individual por donde tributa? Por el IRPF

¿Que responsabilidad tiene una empresa individual? Ilimitada

Repurpose your Trivial Pursuit board game with the following learning template.
This template uses Avery Custom Print Index Cards (Product #5388)
(Of course, you can also use normal paper and cut them apart.)

4 steps to printing success

1. insert the questions and correct answers in the form below (15 questions per subject)
2. print pages 7-11 (question side of cards)
3. flip the paper over and print pages 12-16 (answer side of cards)
4. tear or cut them apart and you're ready to play!

PINK Questions PINK Answers

Repurpose your Trivial Pursuit board game with the following learning template.
This template uses Avery Custom Print Index Cards (Product #5388)
(Of course, you can also use normal paper and cut them apart.)

4 steps to printing success

1. insert the questions and correct answers in the form below (15 questions per subject)
2. print pages 7-11 (question side of cards)
3. flip the paper over and print pages 12-16 (answer side of cards)
4. tear or cut them apart and you're ready to play!

YELLOW Questions YELLOW Answers

Repurpose your Trivial Pursuit board game with the following learning template.
This template uses Avery Custom Print Index Cards (Product #5388)
(Of course, you can also use normal paper and cut them apart.)

4 steps to printing success

1. insert the questions and correct answers in the form below (15 questions per subject)
2. print pages 7-11 (question side of cards)
3. flip the paper over and print pages 12-16 (answer side of cards)
4. tear or cut them apart and you're ready to play!

BROWN Questions BROWN Answers

Repurpose your Trivial Pursuit board game with the following learning template.
This template uses Avery Custom Print Index Cards (Product #5388)
(Of course, you can also use normal paper and cut them apart.)

4 steps to printing success

1. insert the questions and correct answers in the form below (15 questions per subject)
2. print pages 7-11 (question side of cards)
3. flip the paper over and print pages 12-16 (answer side of cards)
4. tear or cut them apart and you're ready to play!

GREEN Questions GREEN Answers

Repurpose your Trivial Pursuit board game with the following learning template.
This template uses Avery Custom Print Index Cards (Product #5388)
(Of course, you can also use normal paper and cut them apart.)

4 steps to printing success

1. insert the questions and correct answers in the form below (15 questions per subject)
2. print pages 7-11 (question side of cards)
3. flip the paper over and print pages 12-16 (answer side of cards)
4. tear or cut them apart and you're ready to play!

ORANGE Questions ORANGE Answers

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