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Paso 1: Hacer una grabación de video en la que su rostro sea visible de dos

a tres minutos de duración, y publicar el enlace al video en el foro entre el 9

de Octubre al 23 de Octubre.

En esta parte usted debe...

- Hacer una breve presentación personal incluyendo nombre, número de

grupo, edad, programa que está estudiando actualmente y cualquier
otra información que usted considere relevante.
- Describir su experiencia de viaje en una ciudad o lugar de Colombia
usando las siguientes preguntas como guía:

➢ What were you doing there? Organizar sus ideas secuencialmente

(primero, luego, finalmente).
➢ How often did you do things? Hacer uso como mínimo de tres
adverbios de frecuencia (Always, sometimes, never) ➢ How was the weather

- Cargue su video en Youtube o Vimeo o cualquier otro medio de

almacenamiento virtual (OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive) y comparta el
enlace en el foro de esta tarea, verificando que el video se pueda ver sin

Para el Paso 1 puede usar, como referencia, la Carta sobre una experiencia
de viaje que tuvo (Tarea 2 - Producto final de escritura). Para obtener el
máximo puntaje en este paso se recomienda no leer un guion, sino mas bien
expresar las ideas de forma natural.

My name is Sergio Alejandro, I am from La Plata
Huila and I am 18 years old and I live with my
parents and brothers. Currently I am studying
Economy at the university UNAD in fourth
semester, my number of group is 764.
I traveled in 2015 to Cali with my parents, we went
visit to my family and discover the city and enjoy
holidays. In the days that we were in Cali we first
visit to my aunt and after we went to see and learn
some tourist sites and traveled the city. We went
to tour for the zoo of Cali, this is very amazing and
big, it has many animals. At the end of the day we
went to eat in mall and returned to the house.
The next day we went to Cristo Rey, from there we
would see an amazing and majestic landscape,
after went back at the city and drank cholao. The
third day we finally returned to our house.
We hardly ever let's go to Cali, I went two times,
the first time I went in holidays and de second
times I went along with my grandmother to the
doctor too Because we always seek sites and cities
new for discover and know. Though in this year we
never went to holidays because the coronavirus.
When I went the weather in Cali is very warm and
they are sunny days.

Paso 2: Revise los E-books/Online contents Modulos seis (6) al nueve (9)
exhaustivamente, estos módulos se encuentran en el entorno de
Aprendizaje; en el Módulo 6 usted debe ...

Completar los ejercicios: 2. Hablar sobre planes futuros (Talking about future
plans) y 10. Usar ‘Will’ para el futuro (Using will for future). Tome capturas
de pantalla de ambas prácticas y grabe un audio .mp3 leyendo una de ellas,
compártalas en el foro.
Link de la grabación:

Opción B

Hacer una grabación de video en la que su rostro sea visible donde dé

respuesta a las siguientes preguntas:

When are you going to travel?

I’m going to travel next year, In January or February
What city/place are you going to visit?
I think go to The “Fin del Mundo”
Where are you going to stay?
I stay in a hotel near to the place
What are you going to wear?
I will wear clothes swimwear and exercise clothes
Who are you going to invite to that travel?
I’m going to my family
What activities will you do in that place?
I will take a shower in a river and walk to the mountain.
How much money will you spend there?
I will spent 500.000
Will you bring any souvenirs from your vacations?
Maybe I will bring a craftsmanship

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