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“The world will be a better place to live if we have more plants”

What would make the world a better place?

Si todos plantáramos árboles, si hubiera más asociaciones o grupos que ayudar a lo
mismo. Que el gobierno prohibiera la tala de árboles y con esto hubiera más aire puro y el
mundo sería mejor
Why would it make a difference?
2. habría menos contaminación, ya que la gente se preocuparía más por el aire que
respiramos. Hoy en día Monterrey es una de las ciudades más contaminadas en América
Latina y en cuanto a México, es el país que menos áreas verdes tiene para que la gente
pueda ir a pasar un rato.
3. What should we do to accomplish it?
Primero que nada, crear conciencia con los jóvenes, dando platicas en las escuelas y
haciéndoles entender que es un problema actual que vivimos. Después crear grupos
pequeños para plantar árboles, combatir la tala de árboles.
4. How can we do it?
Primero, pidiendo apoyo a las preparatorias o universidades para que nos dejen platicar
con los jóvenes. Después pedir ayuda al gobierno explicándoles la situación y lo que
queremos lograr. Por último y si todo sigue saliendo bien, realizar anuncios en la
televisión para que el mensaje llegue a más personas.
5. An example
TREEfriends es una asociación que se encarga de plantar árboles consecutivamente.
Todo comenzó hace 2 años cuando un grupo de jóvenes (amigos) se plantearon la
situación de que no existen áreas verdes para descansar, además del problema de la
contaminación y la falta de respirar aire puro. Juntos comenzaron este proyecto y ya han
logrado plantar miles de árboles en la ciudad de México, en Guanajuato y su próximo
proyecto es Merida Yucatan. Están buscando jóvenes que quieran ayudar al proyecto y
espero un día poder unirme a él.

Tree by tree
1. - What would make the world a better place?
The world would be better if we all plant trees or if more associations or groups do the
same. If the government prohibit the logging of trees in the forest. This would help to have
more pure air and less pollution so the world would be a better place to live in.

2. - Why would it make a difference?

There would be less pollution. People would care more about the air we breathe.
Monterrey is one of the most polluted cities in Mexico and Latin America. And it is the city
with less green areas and parks where the people can walk and exercise outdoors.
3. What should we do to accomplish it?
First of all, young people must be aware. How? By giving them talks in schools and
making them understand what the real problem is. Then creating small groups for planting
trees, and combating deforestation.
4. How can we do it?
First, we need to look for resources, because we are going to need money, and trees. We
are going to ask the government for help, we are going to make campaigns to raise money
and look for sponsors so we can have enough plants and trees. Then we are going start
our campaign at high schools and universities so we can talk to the students and make
them understand the importance of the plants and trees for the environment and our
health. And finally plant the trees with the students.
5. An example
TREEfriends is an association that is in charge of planting trees frequently. It all started 2
years ago when a group of young people (friends) noticed that there were no green areas
to take a walk, and that the air was polluted and they couldn't breath fresh air. Together
they started this project and have already managed to plant thousands of trees in Mexico
City, Guanajuato and their next project is in Merida Yucatan. They are looking for young
people who want to help with the project and I hope that one day I can joint them.

Living in a fresh

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