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El gran desafío que encuentro en la predicación de King para mi propia predicación radica en la

estructuración de sus sermones. Siempre permanece en el tema propuesto y utiliza todos los
argumentos que son pertinentes para llevar a su audiencia a una profunda conexión con el
objetivo que se propone. El desafío es a la profunda preparación, diría yo, exhaustiva y apasionada
del tema que presenta.

El éxito de King consiste en que vivió en un momento que para él fue trascendental, porque creía
firmemente que podría cambiar el curso de la historia por medio de su predicación. King no solo
predicaba un sermón argumentativo, sino que traía un mensaje con el que estaba profundamente
identificado, porque él mismo había vivido en carne propia lo que significaba la segregación racial.
El desafío que me deja King es a estar alerta y atento a lo que pasa en el entorno, porque King
traía al pulpito de una manera directa lo que ocurría no solo a la comunidad específica que él
representaba, sino también las realidades de la desigualdad y la injusticia social producida por el
colonialismo de la época. Su éxito como predicador consistió en estar plenamente conectado con
su audiencia y su audiencia con él, debido a la contextualización de su mensaje y a la temática que
planteaba, el problema de la segregación racial, que se hacía presente incluso dentro de la misma

Alguien dijo que nadie puede predicar algo que uno no vive, pero en realidad sí se puede hacer,
pero sin un impacto significativo. Por eso la gran inspiración y el desafío será realmente tener
arraigado en el corazón un mensaje por el cual podamos vivir, o incluso morir. De otra manera
nuestra falta de convicción lo único que logrará es aburrir o entretener a nuestras iglesias y no
generar cambios significativos y duraderos. Por esto considero que el desafío es intelectual,
espiritual, y vivencial.

The great challenge I find in King's preaching for my own preaching lies in the structuring of his
sermons. He always remains on the proposed topic and uses all the arguments that are pertinent
to bring his audience into a deep connection with the proposed goal. The challenge is to the deep
preparation, I would say, exhaustive and passionate about the subject it presents.

King's success is that he lived at a time that was transcendental for him, because he firmly believed
that he could change the course of history through his preaching. King not only preached an
argumentative sermon, but also brought a message with which he was deeply identified, because
he himself had lived in his own flesh what racial segregation meant. The challenge that King leaves
me is to be alert and attentive to what is happening in the world of our days, because King directly
brought to the pulpit what happened, not only to the specific community he represented, but also
the realities of inequality and the social injustice produced by the colonialism of his time. His
success as a preacher consisted in being fully connected with his audience and his audience with
him, due to the contextualization of his message and the theme he raised, the problem of racial
segregation, which was present even within the church itself.
His success as a preacher was to be fully connected with his audience and his audience with him,
due to the contextualization of his message and the theme he posed, the problem of racial
segregation, which became present even within the church itself.

Someone said that no one can preach something that one does not live, but in reality it can be
done, but without a significant impact. That is why the great inspiration and challenge will really
be to have ingrained in our hearts a message by which we can live, or even die. Otherwise our lack
of conviction will only manage to bore or entertain our churches and not to bring about
meaningful and lasting changes. This is why I consider the challenge to be intellectual, spiritual,
and experiential.

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