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Advanced Audio Blog S3

Comida de la Sierra: Food of the Highlands

9 Spanish
Cultural Insight
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Comida de la sierra

Esta semana les voy a hablar sobre la comida típica de la sierra. En esta parte del país
caracterizado por sus alturas y distintos relieves es el lugar de origen de muchos alimentos
consumidos mundialmente en la actualidad como la papa, el camote, entre otros. En la sierra,
los principales alimentos siguen siendo la papa, el maíz y otras variedades de tubérculos
aunque también son consumidos productos introducidos como el pan, las pastas y el arroz. Es
también común el consumo de carnes de llama, alpaca y animales silvestres.
Entre las entradas podemos encontrar choclo con queso andino, mote con chicharrón, papa a
la huancaína, etc. Entre los platos principales, la cocina andina cuenta con la pachamanca
(blog anterior), patasca (sopa de mote), cuy chactado (cuy frito en abundante aceite con
presión de una piedra), olluco con carne entre otros. De postres podemos encontrar a la
chapana (dulce de harina de yuca) y en licores andinos tenemos a la chicha de maíz, maíz
blanco y de jora, entre otros.
A muchos les puede resultar extraño el consumo de carne de cuy, sin embargo en el Perú el
consumo de carne de cuy es muy común en las zonas andinas. El cuy suele ser criado por las
familias en sus casas y ha sido parte de la cultura peruana desde hace muchos años atrás.

Hasta la próxima semana!

2 English
Food of the Highlands

This week I will talk about the typical food of the highlands. This part of the country
characterized by its heights and different reliefs is the birthplace of many foods consumed
worldwide today, such as potato and sweet potato, among others. In the highlands, the main
foods consumed are still potatoes, corn, and other varieties of tubers but products such as
bread, pasta, and rice have also been introduced. It is also common to consume llama, alpaca,
and wild animals' meat.

Among the starters, corn with Andean cheese, boiled corn with crackling, "huancaina"
potatoes, etc. can be found. Among the main dishes, the Andean cuisine counts the
"pachamanca" (previous blog), "patasca" (boiled corn soup), "cuy chactado" (guinea pig fried
in plenty of oil with the pressure of a stone), and "olluco" with meat, among others. For
dessert, we can find the "chapanas" (sweet cassava flour) and for Andean liquor we have the

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"chicha" corn, white corn, and "jora," among others.

To many, the consumption of guinea pig meat may seem strange; however, in the Andean
region of Peru, guinea pig meat consumption is very common. The guinea pig is often raised
by families in their homes and has been part of Peruvian culture for many years.

Until next week!

Spanish English Class
relieve relief
consumir to consume, to use verb
tubérculo  tuber, root vegetable
silvestre wild
choclo unshelled maize/corn masc. noun
mote boiled corn, maize
chicharrón  dish made with fried pork
yuca cassava
criar to bring up, to raise
extraño strange, odd

Vocabulary Sample Sentences
Necesito comprar un mapa del relieve de Perú. "I need to buy a relief map of Peru."
Tienes que consumir más verduras y frutas. "You have to consume more vegetables and fruits."
En el Perú se preparan muchas comidas a base de "In Peru many meals are prepared with root
tubérculos. vegetables."
Hay muchas plantas silvestres por aquí. "There are many wild plants around here."
Me encanta comer choclo con queso. "I love to eat corn with cheese."
Mi plato favorito es la sopa de mote. "My favorite dish is boiled corn soup."
Todos los domingos comemos pan con chicharrón. "Every Sunday we eat bread with fried pork rinds."
Quiero comer yuca frita para el almuerzo. "I want to eat fried cassava for lunch."
Mi abuela me crió desde pequeña. "My grandmother raised me since I was little."
Pedro estuvo actuando muy extraño hoy día. "Pedro was acting very strange today."

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Cultural Insight
An Update to Traditional Peruvian cuisine

Novo Andean cuisine is the relatively new Peruvian cuisine (born in the '80s) where chefs apply the
fine techniques and skills learned in international culinary training to prepare exquisite dishes using
traditional Peruvian ingredients and cooking, such as quinoa and alpaca meat. Some examples of this
delicious cuisine are fresh salad of snails with quinoa, grilled alpaca, and maca sour.

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