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Buen día respetados aprendices.

Mi nombre es Laura María Quintero Amézquita, Profesional en Salud Ocupacional, especialista en Ingeniería
Ambiental, diplomado HSEQ. Experiencia 15 años, en el diseño, implementación, coordinación y asesoría del
sistema de gestión y seguridad en el trabajo en diferentes empresas.

Como instructor SENA, he desarrollado todas las modalidades de formación profesional integral en el centro
de formación Agroindustrial La Angostura donde se goza de un calor humano.

Me caracterizo por ser carismática, recursiva y de buenas relaciones interpersonales, mi mayor cualidad es el
respeto y la puntualidad en el desarrollo de los proyectos, lo que me permite el logro de las metas.

Los invito a realizar su presentación en este espacio, dando clic en responder.

Buenos días.

Mi nombre es Dayana Marcela Rodríguez Góngora, profesional en psicología, tengo experiencia en

el área organizacional y educativa, actualmente trabajo en una empresa llamada Interaseo ubicada
en la ciudad de Bogotá.

Me considero una persona honesta, responsable, trabajadora me gusta cumplir con las metas que
me propongo tanto personal como en lo laboral. En mis tiempos libres aprovecho al máximo para
estar con mi familia.

Gracias, Feliz día.

Good Morning.

My name is Dayana Marcela Rodríguez Góngora, professional in psychology, I have experience in

the organizational and educational area, I currently work in a company called Interaseo located in
the city of Bogotá.

I consider myself an honest, responsible, hardworking person I like to meet the goals that I propose
both personally and in the workplace. In my spare time I take full advantage to be with my family.

Regarding the course I would like to start having better vocabulary and knowledge of the language

Thanks, good day to you.

My ideal house is in the city with my Family.There are two rooms, in the rooms there are two big
tvs,there are two closets, there are two big beds, there are two windows, there are two night
tables,there are two lamps. Next to rooms, there is a living room, in the living room there is a
carpet, there are two sofas, there is a armchair, there is dinning room, there is clock, there is a big
window. There is hall in front,there is a kitchen, in the kitchen there is a microwave oven,there is
sink, there is a refrigerator, there is a toaster, there is a stover,there is a table, behind of kitchen,
there is backyard, in the backyard there are washing machine,ropes to extend, there is the house
of mi dog. Next to backyard,there is a bathroom, in the bathroom there is a shower, there is a
mirror, there is a bath,there is a hand washes, there is a toilet, there are two taps .

this is my ideal house.

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