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Juan Guevara
Juan Guevara Yo creo que cuando milei estalla, es porque su pelo toma control de �l
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Gabriel Alejandro Rojas
Gabriel Alejandro Rojas (?
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Ra�l Hern�n

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Juli�n Hern�ndez Gal�ndez

Juli�n Hern�ndez Gal�ndez Ay por qu� lo dice tan brusco.
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Valentin Antonio Dio
Valentin Antonio Dio SORETE
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Emiliano Paz
Emiliano Paz No me grite se�or de la peluca : (
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Cristian Acosta
Cristian Acosta tambien lo habia visto
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Cristian Acosta
Cristian Acosta Creo que voy a spamear mucho esto
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Ra�l Hern�n

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Javier Milei

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Javier Milei

14 oct.
246 respuestas 1.031 retweets 3.827 Me gusta
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Javier Milei

2 hHace 2 horas
Cuando escucho/leo a los pol�ticos destacar que est�n dadas las condiciones para
una lluvia de inversiones creo que nos est�n jodiendo.
Luego, recuerdo que son par�sitos que viven del robo legalizado y que no tienen
idea de lo que es realizar una inversi�n de riesgo y ah� cierra.

33 respuestas 180 retweets 701 Me gusta

Responder 33 Retwittear 180 Me gusta 701 Mensaje directo
Javier Milei retwitte�

Dark Knight #Espert2019


11 hHace 11 horas
En respuesta a @elizabe92257600 @JMilei
Cuando @gwr_es van a evaluar pone a @JMilei como un record? Miren esto. Paso en

1 respuesta 9 retweets 38 Me gusta

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Javier Milei retwitte�

Claudia Oviedo ?

12 hHace 12 horas
?? �JAVIER MILEI EN CHILE � por @clahhhh en la UDP @udp_cl

1 respuesta 12 retweets 47 Me gusta

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Javier Milei retwitte�

Guru AFRI-K~NO !!

12 hHace 12 horas
#JuevesIntratable M�ralo a JAVIER MILEI recibido como un �DOLO de ROCK al dar una
conferencia en una prestigiosa universidad de CHILE!!!! Grande peluqu�n!!! RTRT
11 respuestas 34 retweets 115 Me gusta
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Javier Milei retwitte�

Javier Milei

12 hHace 12 horas
[VIDEO] Toman fuerza los libertarios en Chile: como todo un rockstar Javier Milei
se present� y fue ovacionado ante m�s de mil personas en Santiago
ovacionado-ante-mas-de-mil-personas-en-santiago/ � v�a @Cr�nica Chile

6 respuestas 54 retweets 214 Me gusta

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Javier Milei retwitte�


17 hHace 17 horas
Javier Milei duro con Pino Solanas por el protocolo de armas
el-protocolo-de-armas-88515.html �. @JMilei

3 respuestas 11 retweets 45 Me gusta

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Javier Milei retwitte�


17 hHace 17 horas
Violento cruce entre Javier Milei y Pino Solanas por el protocolo de armas
milei-pino-solanas-por-el-protocolo-de-armas-527964.html � @JMilei

2 respuestas 3 retweets 15 Me gusta

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Javier Milei retwitte�

Rebeli�n Fiscal

18 hHace 18 horas
�Entendiste, pedazo de oligarca ricach�n anti-derechos que osa ganar 1000 d�lares
al mes?? ?? (??)

11 respuestas 113 retweets 366 Me gusta

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Javier Milei retwitte�


6 dic.
"La presi�n impositiva formal en este pa�s es salvaje, casi socialista, se dedica a
confiscar ingresos para recaudar" @jlespert #EquipoEspert
Javier Milei, Agust�n Etchebarne, Winston Friedman y Mar�a Zald�var
11 respuestas 107 retweets 256 Me gusta
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Javier Milei retwitte�

Manuel Adorni

6 dic.
Hay m�s empleados p�blicos provinciales que: todos los autonomos + monotributistas
+ empleadas dom�sticas. Por cada aut�nomo existen cinco empleados p�blicos
provinciales. Por cada monotributista existe uno y medio. Por cada empleada
dom�stica, hay cuatro. Que pasen buena noche.

75 respuestas 878 retweets 1.655 Me gusta

Responder 75 Retwittear 878 Me gusta 1,7K Mensaje directo
Javier Milei retwitte�

Javier Milei

20 hHace 20 horas
En respuesta a @fernandosolanas
La pena de muerte ya estaba vigente en Argentina. La aplicaban los delincuentes
sobre los honestos que nos rompemos el orto d�a a d�a laburando para sostener a
par�sitos de mierda como vos la reconcha de tu puta madre SORETE.

580 respuestas 2.667 retweets 9.435 Me gusta

Responder 580 Retwittear 2,7K Gustado 9,4K Mensaje directo

Javier Milei

4 hHace 4 horas
Festejo de fin de a�o LIBERAL en New York City. Y en el medio de la escena nuestra
m�ximo referente hist�rico Alberto Benegas Lynch (h).
Un encuentro que emanaba libertad.

6 respuestas 32 retweets 211 Me gusta

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Javier Milei retwitte�

Nazareno Etchepare

11 hHace 11 horas
La uni�n hace la fuerza. Que el 2019 sea el a�o de las ideas de la libertad y el
sentido com�n. #LibertyFest
Miguel A Boggiano, Javier Milei, Guillermo Nielsen y Eliana Scialabba
15 respuestas 49 retweets 265 Me gusta
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Javier Milei retwitte�


11 hHace 11 horas
M�s Chris_ Retwitte� CONAN MILEI
tu papi, no tuvo piedad con el zurderio conan. los hizo bolsa diciendole las
verdades q hacen fracasar a los paises y q impiden la libertad del individuo.
magistral @JMilei en chile ????, sobran palabras para tremendo crack de la teoria
monetaria.??????????Chris_ agregado,


Mi Pap� la rompi� el Chile!!! @JMilei @udp_cl.
1 respuesta 10 retweets 52 Me gusta
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Javier Milei retwitte�

Santiago Ballesteros

11 hHace 11 horas
M�s Santiago Ballesteros Retwitte� Lahuen Vidal Salon
Atendiendo boludos @JMileiSantiago Ballesteros agregado,

Lahuen Vidal Salon

No hay que olvidarnos de esta joyita @JMilei.
Cr�ditos: @Rebelion_fiscal.
Link adjunto??
0 respuestas 19 retweets 94 Me gusta
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Javier Milei retwitte�

Beltr�n Briones

12 hHace 12 horas
Groso q sos @JMilei !!! No te vi decir q no a ni una foto! Viva la libertad carajo!

Javier Milei
3 respuestas 3 retweets 64 Me gusta
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Javier Milei retwitte�
Lahuen Vidal Salon

11 hHace 11 horas
No hay que olvidarnos de esta joyita @JMilei.
Cr�ditos: @Rebelion_fiscal.
Link adjunto??
2 respuestas 52 retweets 161 Me gusta
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Javier Milei retwitte�

Christian Mas

11 hHace 11 horas
En respuesta a @sdipity889 @JMilei y a 2 m�s
Es por ac�

1 respuesta 12 retweets 48 Me gusta

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Javier Milei retwitte�

Ezequiel Poli

11 hHace 11 horas
En respuesta a @JMilei @fernandosolanas
Un comentario de @JMilei tiene mas repercusi�n que ese tweet absurdo. Que grande es

0 respuestas 6 retweets 39 Me gusta

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Violento cruce entre Javier Milei y Pino Solanas por el protocolo de armas
El economista carg� contra el senador nacional, quien rechaza la nueva resoluci�n
Violento cruce entre Javier Milei y Pino Solanas por el protocolo de armas Milei,
jueves, 06 de diciembre de 2018 � 17:59
El pol�mico economista Javier Milei trat� hoy de "pelotudo" al senador de Proyecto
Sur, Fernando Pino Solanas. Lo hizo v�a redes sociales y en el marco del nuevo y
pol�mico protocolo de uso de armas de fuego para las fuerzas de seguridad federales
impulsado por la ministra de Seguridad de la Naci�n, Patricia Bullrich.

Margarita Barrientos, contra Bullrich: "La mano dura no soluciona nada"

"Bullrich autoriza a matar por la espalda"

"La doctrina Chocobar ya est� en el Bolet�n Oficial. El decreto de Bullrich
habilita la pena de muerte en Argentina. No hay ajuste sin represi�n", escribi�
este lunes el legislador en su cuenta personal de Twitter. Pasaron dos d�a para que
Milei se montara a la citada red social y cargara duro contra el tambi�n cineasta.

El economista contest� que la pena de muerte ya estaba vigente en Argentina. "La

aplicaban los delincuentes sobre los honestos que nos rompemos el orto d�a a d�a
laburando para sostener a par�sitos de mierda como vos la rec... de tu p... madre

Pino Solanas eligi� no contestarle sin embargo no dud� al seguir publicando

mensajes contra la iniciativa encabezada por la titular de la cartera de Seguridad.
"El decretazo de Bullrich es la pena de muerte", insisti� esta tarde el senador al
tiempo que sum�: "(Mauricio) Macri est� liquidando las conquistas sociales".

Siguiendo esa l�nea, subray�: "El panorama de Cambiemos es nefasto". Lo cierto es

que son muchos los referentes pol�ticos de la oposici�n que rechazan la nueva
normativa que el Gobierno oficializ� a principios de semana en torno al empleo de
las armas de fuego por parte de los miembros de la fuerzas federales de seguridad
que, entre otras cosas, permite que la polic�a dispare contra personas que huyen.

La resoluci�n 956/2018 fue publicada este lunes en el Bolet�n Oficial y la medida

tiene jurisdicci�n para la Polic�a Federal Argentina, Gendarmer�a Nacional,
Prefectura Naval Argentina y Polic�a de Seguridad Aeroportuaria. Al respecto, el
diputado del PTS-Frente de Izquierda, Nicol�s del Ca�o, se�al� ayer que la medida
ministerial "plantea claramente una inconstitucionalidad" ya que "viola leyes
vigentes, tratados internacionales con rangos constitucionales".

Acto seguido, dijo: "Est�n legalizando el gatillo f�cil". Y resalt� que actualmente
existen "estad�sticas alarmantes en nuestro pa�s" que sugieren a las claras "una
escalada represiva" por parte de la administraci�n macrista. La nueva
reglamentaci�n "convierte en ley el gatillo f�cil", denunci� por su parte la
Coordinadora Contra la Represi�n Policial e Institucional (CORREPI).

Pino Solanas
� 3 dic. 2018
La doctrina Chocobar ya est� en el Bolet�n Oficial.

El decreto de Bullrich habilita la pena de muerte en Argentina.

No hay ajuste sin represi�n.

Javier Milei
La pena de muerte ya estaba vigente en Argentina. La aplicaban los delincuentes
sobre los honestos que nos rompemos el orto d�a a d�a laburando para sostener a
par�sitos de mierda como vos la reconcha de tu puta madre SORETE.

15:59 - 6 dic. 2018
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Pino Solanas
El decretazo de Bullrich es la pena de muerte.
Macri esta liquidando las conquistas sociales.

El panorama de Cambiemos es nefasto.

13:16 - 6 dic. 2018
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600 personas est�n hablando de esto
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"El 60% de los problemas de las pymes los genera el Estado"
El ministro de Trabajo y Producci�n, Dante Sica, habl� sobre los resultados del G20
y la realidad de los empresarios.
"El 60% de los problemas de las pymes los genera el Estado"
mi�rcoles, 05 de diciembre de 2018 � 12:00:00 a.m.
"El 60% de los problemas de las pymes los genera el Estado", admiti� Dante Sica al
hablar sobre la burocracia gubernamental que, seg�n el ministro de Trabajo y
Producci�n, exist�a a la hora de que las compa��as puedan exportar. En ese sentido,
el funcionario resalt�: "Tenemos que multiplicar las empresas que exportan".

Durante una entrevista en Animales Sueltos, Sica habl� sobre su gesti�n al frente
del Ministerio de Trabajo y Producci�n y su relaci�n con los empresarios y resalt�:
"Cuando nos sentamos, saben que s� sus problemas y necesidades. Me permite tener un
contacto m�s simp�tico", al tiempo que destac�: "Mi tel�fono debe ser uno de los
m�s populares porque se lo doy a los empresarios. Nos comunicamos y cuando tienen
un problema me llaman".

"Desde mi funci�n, no soy un lobbista industrial en el Ministerio. Hay objetivos

del Presidente, que la econom�a cambie para que nos insertemos en el Mundo para que
haya m�s oportunidades de trabajo", destac� el funcionario y record� los resultados
de las reuniones bilaterales durante el G20. "Tenemos una pelea de grandes pesos
pesados, China y EEUU, lo que hizo Donald Trump fue a cuidar su mercado y lesionar
el mercado con China, pero siempre que hay una pelea entre grandes, afecta el
comercio internacional".

En ese sentido, resalt�: "Podemos empezar a agregar valor, a transformar esa soja
en alimentos, pero ahora la discusi�n es lo que tenemos que negociar. Todos
queremos vender nuestros productos" y agreg�: "Argentina tiene mucho para
abastecer, por ejemplo India y China tienen demanda alimentaria y somos muy

"Hasta este a�o exportar era muy complicado y sigue siendo complicado pero lo
estamos tratando de facilitar", destac� Sica y admiti�: "El 60% de los problemas de
las pymes los genera el Estado, porque perd�s horas y horas yendo de una oficina a
otra. En la burocracia siempre ten�s un tr�mite de m�s, que independientemente de
la corrupci�n, genera un costo innecesario".

Por lo que destac�: "En los �ltimos 6 meses hicieron sus primeras exportaciones 500
pymes que nunca lo hab�an podido hacer y tenemos que multiplicar las empresas que
exportan" y a�adi�: "En Argentina hay 900 mil empresas, el 85% son pymes, el resto
grandes empresas y el a�o pasado exportaron 9500 empresas, lo dem�s es todo mercado
interno'. 'Tenemos que tener un comercio fluido, porque para exportar tambi�n
necesitamos importar".

"Las pymes importantes son las que m�s empleo generan y el miedo es al juicio
laboral. Esa industria del Juicio a lo mejor lleva puesta a empresas chicas",
resalt� Sica, al tiempo que habl� sobre el trabajo en negro. "En los �ltimos 30
a�os generamos un 30% de trabajo informal que no lo podemos perforar, pero lo
conecto en parte a este modelo de econom�a cerrada, con alt�sima discresionalidad,
por eso tenemos que adaptar nuestro sistema de regulaciones laborales, cambio
tecnol�gico, en las f�bricas cada vez es menos esfuerzo f�sico y m�s trabajo

Por lo cual convoc� a generar un encuentro "sin prejuicios, sin ideolog�as, tienen
que entender que esto no es en contra los gremios, es a favor del empleo que viene.
Debemos generar empleo de alta calidad y preserve el empleo anterior" y resalt�:
"Los que tienen que sentarse a acordar, son los trabajadores y las empresas".

Asimismo, el funcionario habl� sobre las negociaciones salariales y asever�: "Antes

bloqueaban las empresas y luego la Justicia o el Ministerio de trabajo no actuaba.
Esa no es mi doctrina, tenemos que garantizar una negociaci�n limpia, y si las
partes no se pueden poner de acuerdo, intervenimos nosotros para conciliar".

Para finalizar, Sica advirti�: "Nuestro objetivo es llegar al 2030 negociando al

50% del PBI Mundial, hoy tenemos el 9%", por lo que se�al�: "El G20 es importante
porque empezamos a tener relaciones con 20 de los pa�ses m�s poderosos. Queremos
cerrar con la Uni�n Europea, porque eso nos permite comercial hasta con el 28% del
PBI Mundial".
"El protocolo tiene conflictos con el C�digo Penal"
El Diputado Agust�n Rossi cuestion� el Reglamento que impulsa el Ministerio que
lidera Patricia Bullrich.
"El protocolo tiene conflictos con el C�digo Penal"
jueves, 06 de diciembre de 2018 � 12:00:00 a.m.
"El protocolo tiene conflictos con el C�digo Penal", asegur� el diputado Agust�n
Rossi al referirse al Reglamento general para el empleo de las armas de fuego por
parte de los miembros de las Fuerzas Federales de Seguridad, y agreg�: "Hace tres
a�os que est�n gobernando, pero la pol�tica de Patricia Bullrich claramente ha

Durante su presencia en el programa que conduce Gustavo Sylvestre, Rossi critic� el

protocolo de uso de armas de fuego que impulsa el ministerio de Seguridad y
argument�: "La resoluci�n tiene conflictos con el c�digo penal y con la
Constituci�n Nacional. Los efectos no se resuelven poniendo esto como Ley, al
contrario se agrava".

"Hace tres a�os que est�n gobernando, pero la pol�tica de Patricia Bullrich,
claramente ha fracasado. La ministra, valentonada, sale a decir que van a empoderar
m�s a las fuerzas de seguridad", dijo el diputado y agreg�: "Probablemente ahora no
solo digan que es leg�tima defensa, sino adem�s cumplimiento del deber. Pero igual
hay una franja oscura, porque la realidad es que en tres a�os han fallado".

En ese sentido, el legislador se refiri� a las cr�ticas que realiz� la l�der de la

Coalici�n C�vica, que sentenci�: "No queremos ir al fascismo", y resalt�: "Este
recule de (Elisa) Carri� es porque el n�cleo duro de sus votantes la est�n
criticando". "En todo esto se mezcla la pol�tica y la campa�a electoral.
Seguramente un gobierno que no tiene respuestas para dar en materia econ�mica,
intentar� ubicarse en otro lugar", asever�.

"A mi me parece que lo que tenemos hoy es la admisi�n de un fracaso", asegur� Rossi
y agreg�: "Ma�ana vamos a debatir una normativa para resolver el problema de las
barras. El proyecto original penalizaba a los trapitos, mientras tanto el Rafa Di
Zeo esta viajando a ver el partido". "La ministra de Seguridad tiene como
secretario a quien fue secretario de seguridad de River, que es Burzaco", a�adi�.

Para finalizar, al referirse al proyecto, el diputado kirchnerista argument�: "El

se�or Stornelli, fue secretario de seguridad Boca. Daniel Angelici, que seg�n Elisa
Carri� maneja gran parte del poder judicial, es presidente de Boca �y no sabe nada
de las barras?", por lo que record�: "Mauricio Macri fue presidente de Boca".


Rig Rundown - Mike Stern

Premier Guitar � 97 k vistas22:49
Jorge Drexler y la asombrosa tecnolog�a que esconde una guitarra
El Futuro Es Apasionante � 245 k vistas12:22
Djent Universal � 95 k vistas6:39
LOS SECRETOS DE FENDER 1/10 Luthier Jorge Ash Zeballos
Ariel Pozzo Seredicz � 83 k vistas12:02
Bonus Lesson: TUNING - Official James Taylor Guitar Lessons
James Taylor � 395 k vistas6:10
Counterfeit Gibson Les Paul
Dave's World of Fun Stuff � 224 k vistas4:53
Test: VitrolXul Dr Boogey Distortion
Ariel Pozzo Seredicz � 9.3 K vistas6:06
Playing �Hangar 18� with Kiko Loureiro from Megadeth
Gabriel Franzese � 71 k vistas5:29
Real Vintage Fenders or our Reissues? Oh dear...
Daniel TheGigRig � 285 k vistas31:55
Chumlee Just Hit The Pawn Shop's BIGGEST JACKPOT! (Pawn Stars)
X-List � 2.2 M vistas10:26
Tree to Bar || How to Make Chocolate Every Step
Gabe Humphries � 3.1 M vistas22:10
Think you know your Single Coils from your P90s? Blindfold challenge!
Andertons Music Co � 149 k vistas33:48

7:11 / 7:11
"We all have been tuning our guitars wrong" | Can you hear the difference?
957,037 vistas

15 K





Paul Davids
Publicado el 14 feb. 2017
Follow me here:

My Android drum loop app:

In this video I am comparing a regular tuned guitar to a guitar tuned to a method

James Taylor taught us via this video:

According to Taylor this method: "Seems to adres some of the conflicts that are
part of the instrument"

Check it out or try it yourself!

2,688 comentarios
Pyro killer
Agrega un comentario p�blico�
Paul Davids
Fijado por Paul Davids
Paul Davids
Hace 1 a�o
Answer to the most asked question ever on the interwebz:
1) 1:16 Here Comes The Sun
2) 2:26 The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy)
3) 3:03 Speak Your Heart
4) 3:53 Autumn Leaves
5) 4:34 Fragile

Have fun!?


Hace 1 a�o
Interesing video, but I personally hear no difference whatsoever.?


Dara Kennedy
Dara Kennedy
Hace 1 a�o
To achieve this tuning easily just drop your guitar on the floor?


Hace 1 a�o
You are correct that the guitar, all fretted instruments actually, are imperfect.
It is in fact impossible for a fretted instrument to be perfectly in tune
everywhere on the neck at the same time. If you want to see how the frets need to
be installed in order to be in perfect tune everywhere, search "microtonal guitar".
It's nuts. There is a better way. I learned this long ago from my instructor at the
Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore. Your guitar is in tune at the fret you tune it
at. If you tune the open strings, they are in tune but the farther up the neck you
go the farther out it is. Using a tuner, tune it in the middle of what you will be
playing. If you are playing the most common chords pretty much all at the 5th fret
down, tune your strings at the 3rd fret. If you're going to be all over the neck,
tune at the 6th through 10th fret depending on where (higher or lower) the majority
of your playing will be. Instead of being in tune at one end of the neck and out of
tune at the other, you will be in tune in the middle and only a little out higher
and lower. This is especially helpful when recording on a multi-track unit. Tune
the guitar in the middle of the chords you will be playing for the rhythm track and
retune it up higher in the middle of your leads to record that track. Also be aware
that when you pick a string it is at one note and it goes slightly flat as it
sustains. You'll notice this on your tuner. If you are going to be playing short
note runs, tune at the moment you pick the string. If you are going to be playing
sustaining chords, tune it a little later, after it sustains for a second or two.
Beginners may not notice what a difference this method makes, but those with a good
ear will be astonished.?


Hace 1 a�o
Anybody else notice this trend of things we've all been "doing wrong"? I mean, it's
in everything. I've been eating food "wrong", etc. What's next? I've been breathing
"wrong"? It got me this far, so I must be doing something right somewhere.?


Hace 1 a�o
They both sound OK to my cloth ears... I was speaking to Jeff Beck the other day
and he was telling me he hardly bothers to get his guitar in tune; just bends the
frigging strings to the pitch he needs! Oh, that was of course the... 'Jeff Beck'
that runs the fish and chip shop at the end of my road. I won't talk to that other
Jeff Beck until he returns the plectrum I loaned him!?


Guitar Hack
Guitar Hack
Hace 1 a�o
It's basically the Feint Tuning System without the compensated nut.
An easier way to get better tuning is to tune each string to an 'E'.
Open low E, (Can be tuned to an A at the 5th fret if the sound bothers you)
7th fret E on the A string,
2nd fret E on the D string,
9th fret E on the G string,
5th fret E on the B string,
and open E on 1st string. (again can be tuned to A at the 5th fret)
The only chord that will sound weird is an open E chord, or worse open E7.
This tuning compensates almost the same way as Taylor's without the tedious
Standard open tuning doesn't allow for the string bending and going sharp as you
press down to fret it.?


Alvin J
Alvin J
Hace 1 a�o
I've been an Acoustician/Recording Engineer since '85, so I have a pretty good ear.
When playing with the capo on it was a no brainer. The Taylor tuning had a warmer,
fuller sound that was more pleasing to the ear. The standard tuning was crisp but a
little too crisp. An engineer would have put a filter on it, not on the taylor.
Without the capo was a lot harder to tell. At times I almost thought you didn't
change the tuning at all. There is a difference though.. It can really be heard at
certain frequencies and like you said "when the strings are hit harder....."
Great Vid! I've been playing with this idea for years, this confirms to me I'm
not crazy?

John Egan
John Egan
Hace 1 a�o
Interesting....but I prefer the tone on the standard tuning. It seems clearer, less
muddy, and brighter.?


Ola Englund
Ola Englund
Hace 1 a�o
Great video! Also we have the same IKEA TV-table?


nunya nunya
nunya nunya
Hace 1 a�o
damn... you ate all the hipsterroids didnt you??


Joe Lee
Joe Lee
Hace 1 a�o
I know what you mean, I thought the other shoes were better too.?


Casey Spaos
Casey Spaos
Hace 1 a�o (editado)
I can't hear that one is sharper or flatter, or more in tune than the other, but I
can hear that one (Taylor tuning) sounds warmer and prettier?


Ethan Oroshiba
Ethan Oroshiba
Hace 1 a�o
Most people can't hear the difference between these. It is also quite annoying for
a classical musician like me to hear the "Taylor Tuning". This is because of the
beat frequencies. When something is (more or less) perfectly in tune, you get a
nice ring and tone, as heard in the Standard tuning. Because the "Taylor Tuning" is
slightly out of tune, you can hear beat frequencies, or the small tremolo-like
sound that happens when two notes are just a couple hertz apart. The more out of
tune it is, the faster this "tremolo" will sound. The "Taylor Tuning" is just out
of tune enough to hear these and ultimately makes it less desirable for a classical


Alex Glenn
Alex Glenn
Hace 1 a�o
The Taylor Tuning sounds out of tune to me.?

Subash Music
Subash Music
Hace 2 semanas
It is very hard to notice any difference.. but for me bass notes of taylor tunning
guitar sound flat at 3:16?

Elekiehm Laiz
Elekiehm Laiz
Hace 1 a�o
Lol people who don't hear the difference x)

The other tuning has longer resonating notes.

You can tell that standard sounded better for the songs that needed a crisp and
quick attack..
The other tuning sounded better for the more mellow songs giving it way more full
resonating body of sound. Definitely a useful tuning to know depending on style.
That tuning would go great for classical pieces?

Jeffrey Ely
Jeffrey Ely
Hace 8 meses
Wow this is amazing. I closed my eyes and I knew which one was which because the
normal tuning sounds flat and boring compared to the other tuning. Not flat as in
key but in depth. The new tuning sounds so gorgeous like there's a story in there.
It's almost the difference between a real instrument and a midi instrument.?

Hace 2 meses
If anything I think I like the standard tuning better? �\_(?)_/� Seems maybe
slightly brighter, cleaner.?

Jack Edhouse
Jack Edhouse
Hace 1 a�o
can barely hear any difference tbh. Might be just me but only difference is can
hear is on the deeper notes?


David Jessee
David Jessee
Hace 11 meses
To me the one on the left seem to be a little brighter??

wally walton
wally walton
Hace 1 a�o
well I am just an average guy with average ears and below average guitar playing
ability...but I know for a fact...Joe and Mary Average sitting in an auditorium
listening to this guy here or any one of a pretty large number of very very good
guitar players WILL NOT notice any difference with such a minute change in a string
or strings why be so God damn anal about every freaking detail of how a
guitar sounds when only one out of a bazzilion people think they can actually hear
a difference. I'll tell you all something else...I'd bet the farm that the possibly
THE greatest guitar player in the world...that being Tommy Emmanuel...isn't a tenth
that anal about his guitar tuning. In fact the times I have seen him tune a guitar
he just strings it up, tunes it by ear and starts crankin'. that is good enough for
me....don't need no stinkin tuner or microtonal crap.....Lighten up Francis?

Greg Bowler
Greg Bowler
Hace 1 a�o
I like how you changed shoes, in case you forgot who's who.?

1.1 K

jose maria trueba

jose maria trueba
Hace 3 semanas (editado)
Just intonation is not possible, as Piatgoras already found out 24 centuries ago.
But any attempt to match harmonics is worth the effort, specially when the notes
are sustained long enough to be able to listen matching harmonics (in fact they are
intermodulation products of all six strings vibrating). Not that we are going to
find many sustained notes in the fast changes between notes used for modern music,
Unisons and octaves must be in tune, because simpler harmonics (1 to 1, and 2 to 1
of frequencies or wavelength ratios) sound horrible when out of tune, at least
unisons and octaves must be as perfectly matching harmoinics as we could get, next
are perfect fiths with an exact 3 to 2 ratio (unlike all those wrongly called
perfect fifths that are anything but perfect) and their related perfect fourths
with a 3 to 4 ratio, major sixths come next with a 3 to 5 ratio, and major thirds
with 4 to 5 and minor thirds with 5 to 6. Other harmonies have less impact but do
have their interests too, like minor sixths with 5 to 8, major seconds with 8 to 9,
major sevents with 8 to 15, minor seventh 9 to 16, minor seconds 15 to 16, and
diminished fith 18 to 25, that is almost the same as augmented forth with 32 to 45,
and so on.
Tuning a guitar with a spectrum analyzer allows us to match at least some perfect
unisons, octaves and fourths, �nd their corresponding fiths as seen in the famous
circle of fifths and fourths. These four harmonies sound beautyful when their
intermodulation products match perfectly. It is not possible to find many harmonics
when tuning a guitar, they are imperfect instruments no matter how well made it is,
and how well is a certain guitar calibrated with the right string gauge for each
string (string inharmonicities do depend on the type, brand and size of the
strings). With a decent guitar and proper strings and guitar settings, we should be
able to tune as good as possible our instrument, as said here. We should try to get
as many matching harmonics as possible, making special efforts on the more simple
harmonies. Fretted instruments cannot get infinite sounds like human voices, but
with a little effort, while in front of an audio analizer instead of a simple
tuner, we can do something about it finding the best tuning for a certain guitar.
Not every guitar requires the same tuning, each guitar with a certain collection of
strings and settings requires a different tuning. Differences are small very often,
but there are times like when simply hitting just two consecutive open strings
while muting the other four, that we can feel how nice those "perfect fourths" can

Hace 1 a�o
Great food for thought. So many players detune slightly anyway to create a darker
mood and I could hear some of that ambience in some of your playing. If it makes
you play slightly differently or even better, sing with your instrument
differently, perfect! This is really about what's right for your instrument and
your ear. Which I believe is the main point you make. Well done. I learned
something and have been playing for quite awhile.?

Latest Sports - Viral Sports Clips

Latest Sports - Viral Sports Clips
Hace 3 meses
Clear to me that Taylor Tuning is way better than Standard. There's all these
overtones firing off in the Standard that are just wrong and aren't harmonizing to
the rest of the tones. Thank you for this tip, I'll try this from now on!?

Hace 1 a�o
47 seconds in and I'm out = This video is nothing but a waste of time.?

Mr. Purple
Mr. Purple
Hace 1 a�o
Thank you Obi Wan Kenobi for this lesson.?


philip stien
philip stien
Hace 11 meses
All i can say is .....Can't tell any difference.....Could this be the Emperor's new

Hace 1 a�o
They sound the same lol?


Hace 1 a�o
we live in an imperfect world and our brain knows it and does its best to protect
us... I don't think if I switch to this tuning someone's gonna notice. With my
worship team once we switched to 432 and none of the singers noticed anything
different until we told them...?

Robert Emerson
Robert Emerson
Hace 1 a�o
This is a great video...the guy on the left was much better...obviously!?


Gerry Blue
Gerry Blue
Hace 1 a�o
If Obi Wan tells you to tune your guitar lower, you do it, he has the higher


Terry Jones
Terry Jones
Hace 5 meses
I can definitely hear a difference, but neither seems �better� or �more in tune�
than the other to me.?

Hace 5 meses
I'd probably notice if you were terrible at playing?

Loo Wood prodmusician

Loo Wood prodmusician
Hace 1 a�o
I think it is a great way to showcase your brilliant talents as a guitarist and an
engineer. Maximum Respect?

Joe Duke
Joe Duke
Hace 7 meses
There's right and there's wrong and anyone not the right of this binary, needs to
be killed... then our world will be a beautiful place.?

Jason Scott
Jason Scott
Hace 9 meses
I don't even think I have a guitar in standard anymore actually...I tend to tune
down. My main 3 are in D standard, Dropped C, and Dropped B. I have a fourth in B
Standard as well. I can hear the differences in your video though. As others have
said it sounds like the "taylor" tuning resonates better, and sounds a bit darker.
the standard is brighter and clearer. 99% of people won't hear the actual tuning
difference though, in my opinion, but the feeling of it is there even if people
don't know why. Very informative video, enjoyed it!?

Dave Schocker
Dave Schocker
Hace 1 a�o
If your guitar seems to go in and out of tune when you play (some chords sound OK,
others make you reach for the machine heads), use equal pressure on the strings.
The harder you squeeze the neck, the sharper the pitch. Your fingers should only
have to press hard enough to get a clear tone. Any harder and you are bending the
string. The higher up the neck, the more susceptible to squeezing an in tune string
out of tune. This is the most common tuning problem I come across.

Try this, make a D chord, and play the open D string with it. Now slide up past the
octave play it again, again striking the open D string with it. Listen to the
sustain. Hearing that oscillating? Now adjust the pressure on the strings with your
fingers until the sustain on both positions as well as the open D string create no
awkward oscillation. It should ring out as smooth as glass.

A long time ago I discovered that the human ear is more accurate that a crappy
$10.00 tuner. Develop your ear, not a reliance on a crutch. When you are able to
hear what string is out, and if it is sharp or flat, you have just made a quantum
leap in your musicianship.?

Hace 1 a�o
I can't say that the slight difference I am hearing has anything to do with the
actual tuning, both sound in tune to me, so what I assume the difference is, is the
way they were recorded, a couple of inches difference between takes, mic pointing
at a slightly different angle, position in the room with alternate reverberation,
even wearing different clothes, or shoes for that matter can effect the sound,
albeit minimally.?

Hace 1 a�o
those two guys playing look almost identical, sounds great guys!?

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