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Planilla de Gastos estimados

Valor 3 1=Max / 2=Min / 3=Promedio AUD/USD 0.75

Alquiler/Hospedaje Electricidad Gas Agua Internet Celular

Feb-18 2,000.0 56.0
Mar-18 1,733.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 56.0
Apr-18 1,733.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 56.0
May-18 1,733.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 56.0
Jun-18 1,733.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 56.0
Jul-18 1,733.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 56.0
Aug-18 1,733.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 56.0
Sep-18 1,733.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 56.0
Oct-18 1,733.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 56.0
Nov-18 1,733.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 56.0
Dec-18 1,733.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 56.0
Jan-19 1,733.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 56.0
Feb-19 1,733.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 56.0
Mar-19 1,733.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 56.0
Apr-19 1,733.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 56.0
May-19 1,733.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 56.0
Jun-19 1,733.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 56.0
Jul-19 1,733.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 56.0
Aug-19 1,733.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 56.0
Sep-19 1,733.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 56.0
Oct-19 1,733.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 56.0
Nov-19 1,733.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 56.0
Dec-19 1,733.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 56.0
ARS/USD 25 Transferencia inicial 20,100 24,441

Transporte Otros servicios Resto Gasto real TotalUniversidad TOTAL AUD TOTAL USD TOTAL ARS
212.8 0.0 2,827.5 2,828 2,262 46,371
212.8 35.0 3,112.2 4,392.0 4,392 3,514 72,029
212.8 35.0 1,299.8 2,598.0 2,598 2,078 42,607
212.8 35.0 1,299.8 6,318.9 6,319 4,739 118,478
212.8 35.0 1,299.8 16,000.0 19,387 14,540 363,498
212.8 35.0 1,299.8 3,387 2,540 63,498
212.8 35.0 1,299.8 3,387 2,540 63,498
212.8 35.0 1,299.8 3,387 2,540 63,498
212.8 35.0 1,299.8 3,387 2,540 63,498
212.8 35.0 1,299.8 3,387 2,540 63,498
212.8 35.0 1,299.8 16,640.0 20,027 15,020 375,498
212.8 35.0 1,299.8 3,387 2,540 63,498
212.8 35.0 1,299.8 3,387 2,540 63,498
212.8 35.0 1,299.8 3,387 2,540 63,498
212.8 35.0 1,299.8 3,387 2,540 63,498
212.8 35.0 1,299.8 3,387 2,540 63,498
212.8 35.0 1,299.8 16,640.0 20,027 15,020 375,498
212.8 35.0 1,299.8 3,387 2,540 63,498
212.8 35.0 1,299.8 3,387 2,540 63,498
212.8 35.0 1,299.8 3,387 2,540 63,498
212.8 35.0 1,299.8 3,387 2,540 63,498
212.8 35.0 1,299.8 3,387 2,540 63,498
212.8 35.0 1,299.8 3,387 2,540 63,498
Consumo anual
Max Min Promedio max min
Vivienda 2064.0 1520.8 1733.0 475 350
Electricidad 63.4 51.4 0.0 2000 1200
Gas 68.1 50.6 0.0 31200 19500
Agua 134.1 83.9 0.0 160600 73000
Internet+telefono 80 55 50.0
Celular 100 60 56.0 1738.09524
Transporte 266.7 159.0 212.8
Otros servicios 50 20 35.0
Gastos iniciales 10000 4000 0.0
Comida y otros 100% 50% 75%
Nota Fuente

Semanal +28 días anual
6.14 5.18 4.61

pasaje max
día de semana 4.3 8.6
fin de semana 4.3 6.3

Semanal 4.59
días semana 3
finde 1
Gastos de cada cuenta Gastos Transferencias
Mes Concepto Gastos Comunes (AUD)
Ñoñaca Ñoñito Lindo Totales Ñoñaca
2/11/2018 Airbnb 1050.925 bbva
sky bus 39 bbva
myki card 95 bbva
super 26 bbva
cena tai 20 bbva
2/12/2018 comida 11.95 anz
vodafone 10 bbva
sushi 9.6 comm
13-Feb fish 12 anz
super 23.48 anz
14-Feb hambur 13.7 anz
café 4.6 comm
15-Feb h&m 80.94 anz
coles 26.29 comm
comida 9.3 comm
super 25.74 anz
17-Feb super 21.32 comm
18-Feb super 18.29 comm
19-Feb super 11 anz
20-Feb myki card 106 comm anz
22-Feb super 11.65 comm
super 21.81 comm
24-Feb aldi 16.83 comm
hamburguesa 40.7 comm
25-Feb comida 15.8 comm
super 5.35 anz
26-Feb optus 56 anz
hotel claremo 958 bbva
27-Feb mc donald 4 anz
super 10.09 anz
2.27 anz
myki card 10 anz
super 25.44 comm
28-Feb super 18.55 anz
comida 15.8 comm
1-Mar super 17 anz
super 7.3 comm
2-Mar super 7 anz
super 8.7 anz
3-Mar super 2.6 anz
myki card 10 anz
4-Mar super 11.6 anz
super 18.67 anz
5-Mar super 10.65 anz
6-Mar super 20.4 anz
super 14.66 anz
super 7.5 comm
7-Mar super 10.24 anz
8-Mar super 6.4 anz
myki card 20 comm anz
comida 13.8 anz
termo 15 comm
9-Mar super 15 anz
comida 15 anz
myki card 20 comm anz
10-Mar super 18.64 anz
11-Mar te 12 anz
super 35.04 anz
comida 9 anz
super 11.85 anz
12-Mar bigw 52.5 anz
super 75 anz
myki card 10 anz
super 12.94 comm
13-Mar super 11.73 anz otros gastos feb/mar
super 6.38 anz 959.1
Trasnferencia 3333 anz
14-Mar super 25.42 anz
15-Mar Mercado 37 efectivo 38.2
myki card 20 comm anz
comida 8.7 anz
comida 4.5 comm
super 8.19 anz
16-Mar cerveza 13 anz
17-Mar super 14.43 anz
myki card 20 comm anz
thai 15 efectivo
19-Mar copias 5 anz
20-Mar comida 7 anz
22-Mar myki card 40 comm anz
mercado 30 efectivo
23-Mar super 25.66 anz
comida 8.9 comm
26-Mar myki card 20 anz
super 21.29 anz
28-Mar myki card 40 comm anz
29-Mar super 59.52 anz
comida 9 anz
Mercado 20 efectivo
30-Mar coro 100.3 comm
3-Apr myki card 20 anz
comida 9 anz
super 59.53 anz
comida 57.5 anz
4-Apr farmacia 25.96 anz
aldi 34.28 anz
myki card 20 comm
5-Apr mercado 11 efectivo
optus 58.19 anz
6-Apr super 13.19 anz
comida 34 efectivo
myki card 10 comm
café 6 comm
8-Apr super 17.22 anz
10-Apr comida 10 anz
myki card 20 comm
11-Apr aldi 27.77 anz
myki card 10 anz
papas fritas 5 efectivo
alquiler 1733 anz
12-Apr carne 24 anz
Mercado 25 efectivo
comida 9 comm
13-Apr super 10.43 anz
super 13 anz
15-Apr aldi 9.66 anz
aldi 36.8 anz
18-Apr myki card 20 comm
coro 6.3 comm
19-Apr Mercado 11 efectivo
22-Apr h&m 30 comm
comida 15.8 comm
myki card 40 comm anz
23-Apr charla 5g 15 comm
24-Apr café y clips 5.24 comm
comida 9 anz
25-Apr super 51.2 anz
26-Apr myki card 30 comm anz
café 3.8 comm
mercado 25 efectivo
super 10 anz
30-Apr aldi 16.14 anz
1-May myki card 20 comm anz
3-May myki card 10 comm
super 28.45 anz
4-May myki card 10 comm
Mercado 25 efectivo
7-May optus 65.32 anz
8-Apr comida 8.2 anz
myki card 10 anz
9-May myki card 10 comm
h&m 15 comm
officeworks 4.47
10-May coles 26.04 comm
myki card 10 comm
11-May café 4 comm
alquiler 800 efectivo
Mercado 20 efectivo
12-May myki card 20 comm anz
super 16 anz
sopa 14 efectivo
13-May asado 25 efectivo
super 16 anz
14-May super 41.02 anz
15-May myki card 20 anz
16-May aldi 18.39 comm
17-May myki card 20 comm
Mercado 27 efectivo
Mercado 10 comm
19-May comida 56 comm anz
café 3.5 comm
21-May super 41.72 anz
22-May myki card 15 efectivo
galletitas 7.9 anz
23-May comida 6.5 comm
myki card 10 comm
aldi 11.91 anz
Trasnferencia 4667 comm
24-May comida 15 comm
myki card 10 anz
25-May aldi 21.06 anz
26-May regalo 21.21 comm
zapatos 60 comm
coles 8.6 comm
27-May super 20.78 comm
28-May bigw 10.63 anz
29-May ikea 1.99 comm
myki card 10 anz
Mercado 16 efectivo
31-May aldi 10.16 anz
2-Jun super 19.5 comm
pinturas 16 comm
comida 16.9 comm
3-Jun comida 25 comm
comida 13 anz
myki card 53 comm anz
4-Jun aldi 12.84 anz
6-Jun h&m 45 comm
7-Jun bigw 2.5 anz
super 58.03 anz
8-Jun h&m 35 comm
comida 14.38 comm
comida 9.18 comm
9-Jun comida 13.5 comm
mercado 35 efectivo
myki card 10 anz
10-Jun aldi 10.15 anz
11-Jun comida 52.25 comm
myki card 43 anz
12-Jun challenge comm 1141.55
12-Jun kmart 28
aldi 25 anz
16-Jun car park 6.14 comm
kmart 7 comm
17-Jun comida 20.8 comm
18-Jun myki card 145.04 comm
super 30.91 comm
chemist 6.5 comm
20-Jun kmart 7 comm
chemist 15.38 comm
20-Jun biarri comm 2212.79
Ñoñito Lindo
ros gastos feb/mar
Cuentas 13-Mar
BBVA ñoño 130,000
BBVA ñoña 328,500
ICBC ñoña 216,290
Inversiones 553,216
Australia 319,440
Concepto precio tarjeta descripcion
BIGW - Acolchado/almohadas 66.75 comm
Heladera 657 VISA
lavarropas 290 anz
vaporera 20 comm
sillon 200 comm
kmart 220 comm
ikea 1800 VISA 1370usd
tele+celular 638 comm

bed frame 219 ASKVOLL Bed frame, white
ASKVOLL Chest of 2 drawers, white
bedside table 138 stained oak effect, white
VOLFGANG Chair, chrome-plated,
chairs 280 Gunnared medium grey
fold chairs 32 GUNDE Folding chair, black
table 299 GLIVARP Extendable table, white
cookware set 69 OUMBÄRLIG 7-piece cookware set
tv bench 199 BYÅS TV bench, high-gloss white

IKEA 365+ Cook's knife, stainless steel

cuchillos 45
VATTENMYNTA Quilt cover and 4
quilt cover 17 pillowcases, white, blue
matress protector 15 ÄNGSVIDE Mattress protector
MITTBIT Place mat, pink turquoise, light
place mat 12 green
dish drainer 10 KVOT Dish drainer, galvanised
LUZ+LAMPARA 23 INGARED Table lamp, beige
shoe organizer
Flannelette Sheet Set 28 Otis Flannelette Sheet Set - Queen Bed
plates 27 Spliced Plate - Blue & White
aspiradora 75 2200W Bagless Vacuum
tostadora 20 2 Slice Toaster Stainless Steel
pava 20 1.7 Litre Kettle Stainless Steel - Silver
mat de baño
door mat
utensillos de cocina
tabla de cortar

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