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Clase 18: Pronombres personales, objetivos, posesivos, reflexivos y adjetivos posesivos

En inglés, al igual que en español, los pronombres varían dependiendo de si están en el Sujeto
(pronombre personal) o en el predicado o complemento (pronombre objetivo) de la oración.
El pronombre personal “yo”, en inglés “I”, va siempre con mayúscula.

Ver lista a continuación:

Pronombre personal Pronombre complementos
I me
(yo) (mí, me)
you you
(Ud., tú, vos) (ti, te, a vos, a Ud.)
he him
(él) (lo, le, a él)
she her
(ella) (la, le, a ella)
it it
(él, ella, ello) Neutro (lo) Neutro
we us
(nosotros) (nos, a nosotros)
you you
(ustedes, vosotros) (los, les, os, a Uds., a vosotros)
they them
(ellos) (los, les, a ellos)

Nota: Los pronombres personales inglés deben estar siempre presentes. En español, en cambio, pueden
estar ausentes dado que, a menudo, la conjugación del verbo indica la persona que realiza la acción*.
YOU puede traducirse como TÚ, VOS, o USTED (en singular) y VOSOTROS o USTEDES (en plural),
dependiendo del contexto que se encuentre.


I love Peter. Peter loves me

*Amo a Pedro. Pedro me ama.

You love Ann. Ann loves you.

Tú amas a Ana. Ana te ama.

He loves Susan. Susan loves him.

Él ama a Susana. Susana lo ama.

She loves Tom. Tom loves her.

Ella ama a Tomás. Tomás la ama.

We love our cat. Our cat loves us.

Amamos a nuestro gato. Nuestro gato nos ama.

You love your mother. Your mother loves you.

Ustedes aman a su madre. Su madre los ama.

They love Jane. Jane loves them.

Ellos aman a Jane. Jane los ama.

Traduzca estas oraciones:

1. I want to see her but she doesn’t want to see me.

2. He’s talking to you. Please, listen to him.
3. I want those books. Please, give them to me.
4. Who is that lady? Why are you looking at her?
5. They love me and I love them.
6. Mother wants to give us a present for our anniversary.
7. It’s late. Take me to the station, please.
8. Peter is here. Tell him to start working.
9. Where are the car keys? I can’t find them.
10. They want the money. Please, give it to them.

Adjetivos y pronombres posesivos.

I  my  mine It’s my life. It’s mine

Es mi vida. Es mia.
you  your  yours That’s your car. It’s yours.
Aquel es tu auto. Es tuyo.
he  his  his This is his problem. It’s his.
Este es su problema. Es suyo.
she  her  hers This is her book. It’s hers.
Este es su libro. Es suyo.
it  its  its This is its food. It’s its.
Esta es su comida. Es suya.
we  our  ours Those are our shoes. They are ours.
Aquellos son nuestros zapatos. Son nuestros
you  your  yours This is your car. It’s yours.
Este es vuestro/ su auto. Es vuestro/ de ustedes.
they  their  theirs That’s their house. It’s theirs.
Aquella es su casa. Es suya/ de ellos.

Traduzca estas oraciones:

1. This is my book. It’s not yours.
2. Those shoes are not Peter’s. They are mine. (Aquellos zapatos no son de Pedro. Son míos.)
3. Whose is this car?
It’s ours.
4. That is Mary’s sandwich. It is hers.
5. That money is yours and this is ours.
6. Is this his shirt?
7. They know our telephone number, but we don’t know theirs.
8. Ann gave me her umbrella because I didn’t have mine.
9. This is a nice camera. Is it ours?
10. My house is smaller* than hers.
(*Ver Clase 21)
Pronombres reflexivos:
Se usan para indicar que la acción realizada recae sobre el mismo sujeto que la realiza.

I  myself I comb myself. Me peino (a mí misma*).

You  yourself You comb yourself. Tu te peinas (a ti mismo).

He  himself He combs himself. Él se peina (a sí mismo).

She  herself She combs herself. Ella se peina (a sí misma).

We  ourselves We comb ourselves. Nosotros nos peinamos (a

nosotros mismos).
You  yourselves You comb yourselves. Ustedes se peinan (a ustedes
They  themselves They comb themselves. Ellos se peinan (a sí

*Nota: “a mi/si/nosotros/ustedes mismo/a/os/as” es un refuerzo pleonástico, que en español no es

necesario y suena redundante.

Traduzca estas oraciones:

1. I cut myself with a piece of glass yesterday.
2. She looks at herself in the mirror all day.
3. He listened to himself on the radio.
4. They washed themselves in the lake.
5. The cat licks itself every day.
6. We had to commit ourselves to this cause.
7. Did they pay for themselves or did you pay for them?
8. Be careful not to burn yourself with that hot plate!
9. We enjoyed ourselves a lot at his party.
10. She fell off the horse but didn’t hurt herself.

Se usa para indicar reciprocidad, o sea, cuando las personas hacen algo entre sí.

I love him and he loves me. We love each other. Yo lo amo y él me ama. Nos amamos.
We understand each other. Nosotros nos entendemos.
Jane writes to her mother every week. Her mother writes to Jane. They write to each other. Jane le escribe
a su madre todas las semanas. Su madre le escribe a Jane. Ellas se escriben entre sí*.
We couldn’t talk to each other at the meeting. No pudimos hablarnos en la reunión.

*refuerzo pleonástico no-redundante.

Traduzca estas oraciones:

1. They spoke to each other again after their father’s burial.
2. We didn’t see each other at school yesterday.
3. They give each other presents for Saint Valentine’s day.
4. I speak English to Mary and she speaks Spanish to me. However, we understand each other when
we speak slowly.
5. Jack and I always help each other when we need it.
6. My friend in England and I send each other e-mails frequently.
7. What can they expect from each other when they are arguing all the time?
8. They made promises to each other before departing.

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