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The milkmaid and her pail

Patty the Milkmaid was going to market carrying her milk in a pail on her head.
As she went along, she began calculating what she would do with the money she would get for the milk.
- I'll buy some fowls from Farmer Brown, said she, and they will lay eggs each morning, which I will sell
to the parson's wife.
- With the money that I get from the sale of these eggs, I'll buy myself a new dimity frock and a chip hat;
and when I go to market, won't all the young men come up and speak to me!
- Polly Shaw will be so jealous; but I don't care. I shall just look at her and toss my head like this.
As she spoke that, she tossed her head back and the pail fell off it, and all the milk was spilt!

The wolf in sheep's clothing

A Wolf found great difficulty in getting at the sheep owing to the vigilance of the shepherd and his dogs.
But one day it found the skin of a sheep that had been flayed and thrown aside, so it put it on over its
own pelt and strolled down among the sheep.
The Lamb that belonged to the sheep, whose skin the Wolf was wearing, began to follow the Wolf in the
Sheep’s clothing; so, leading the Lamb a little apart, he soon made a meal off her, and for some time
he succeeded in deceiving the sheep, and enjoying hearty meals.

The Snowman
It was nearly Christmas. Katie woke up and found that the world was white and magical.
- Snow,she shouted, snow for Christmas.

She ran outside and danced in the snow. Her brother Eddie came out too.
They made a big round snowball and a small one. They put them together and made a huge snowman.
On Christmas Eve they looked at the snowman. He waved at them. He was alive!
-Hello, he said, it’s Christmas. Would you like a present?
-Yes please! The snowman waved his arms. Silver crystal snowflakes filled the sky. It was so beautiful.

We must give you a present too, said Katie. They gave the snowman a carrot for a nose, a scarf for his
neck, and a hat for his head.
-Happy Christmas! they said.
The snow stopped and the sun came out. The snowman started to melt.
-Goodbye, he said. Build me again next year!

The hare and the turtle

In the world of the animals, there was a very arrogant hare because she said to everyone she was
the fastest. That’s why she was always laughing at the slow turtle.
-Look at the turtle! Hey turtle, don’t run so much that you’re going to get tired of going so fast!- The hare
used to say laughing at the turtle.

One day, they were talking and it occurred to the turtle to make a strange bet with the hare.
-I’m sure I can win you a race- she said.
- To me?- asked the hare astonished.
-Yes, to you. Let’s put our bet on that stone and let’s see who wins the race.

The hare, very amused, accepted. All the animals met to watch the race. The road and the finishing line
were marked. Once it was ready, the race started among big applauses.
Relying on her speed, the hare left the turtle go and she remained lazing about. She had time enough
to win such a slow creature!
Then she start running, she run fast as the wind while the turtle went slow but without stopping. At once
she went ahead. She stopped next to the road and she sat to rest.
When the turtle passed by her side, the hare made fun of her once more. She left her advantage and
set out her quick walk. She did the same several times but, in spite of her mocks, the turtle kept her way
until she arrived to the finishing line. When the hare woke up, she ran with all her might but it was too
late, the turtle had won the race.
That day was very sad for the hare and she learnt a lesson she would never forget: you must never
mock of the others.
The ghostly village
The night was rainy; a big storm was falling on the sea. The waves were enormous and the fog was
thick. The ships rocked one side to the other as marionettes.
Suddenly, an awful creaking was heard in the darkness. A big cloud of smoke was seen in the distance
and an intense odour could be noticed in the air. Everybody was wondering what had happened.
A ship had run aground near the shore and had split part of the petrol it carried. A big black
stain spreaded on the water, as a big black cloack which had the sea gone into mourning. The smell of
petrol was each time stronger and mixed with the freshness of the breeze each sunset near the beach.
Charles and Anne used to go watching the stars. When they felt that freedom that only those who have
not betrayed their ideals feel. They were the children of a fisher and lived in a humble white house very
near from the cliff.
The fishers had recently had problems to fish, fishing was not very good. Now, it would be worse, there
would not be anything in many time. Fishers will not be seen carrying fish to the harbour. They could
not be said goodbye as it was usual. Now they will have to go far, to be able to live.
The village became a village without people. A ghostly village. Just a few women and children
remained there. Men and young people went to look for a job and came back once in a while to see
their families. At nightfall, a few lights, brought the village back to existence.
But from the cliff the view was not the same, it seemed that even the breeze had changed of place. The
air smell of petrol and the sea’s calm had turned to a terrible anguished seeing how all the sea life was
being destroyed. Dead fishes floated and all was devastating. The few people who remained, started to
rebuild and clean all that had been damaged.
Some years passed until the village returned to normal. Some of who had left returned and the boats
returned to the harbour. Hope was born again with the fear that the story would repeat.

The Ugly Duckling

Once upon a time down on an old farm, lived a duck family, and Mother Duck had been sitting on a
clutch of new eggs. One nice morning, the eggs hatched and out popped six chirpy ducklings.
But one egg was bigger than the rest, and it didn´t hatch. Before she had time to think about it, the last
egg hatched.
A strange looking duckling with gray feathers that should have been yellow gazed at a worried mother.
The ducklings grew quickly, but Mother Duck had a secret worry.
- "I can´t understand how this ugly duckling can be one of mine!" she said to herself
Well, the gray duckling certainly wasn´t pretty. As the days went by, the poor ugly duckling became
more and more unhappy because his brothers didn´t want to play with him.
He felt sad and lonely. He secretly wept at night. He felt nobody wanted him.
-"Nobody loves me, they all tease me! Why am I different from my brothers?"
Then one day, at sunrise, he ran away from the farmyard. He stopped at a pond and began to question
all the other birds.
-"Do you know of any ducklings with grey feathers like mine?"
But everyone shook their heads in scorn.
- "We don´t know anyone as ugly as you."
The ugly duckling did not lose heart, however, and kept on making inquiries.
He fled as far away as he could, and at dawn, he found himself in a thick bed of reeds.
-"If nobody wants me, I´ll hid here forever."
There was plenty a food, and the duckling began to feel a little happier, though he was lonely.
One day at sunrise, he saw on a pond a group of beautiful birds. White, with long slender necks, yellow
beaks and large wings.
- "If only I could look like them, just for a day!" said the duckling, admiringly.
Finally he got the courage to fly to the pond, where the beautiful birds were swimming. That was when
the duckling saw himself mirrored in the water.
- "Goodness! How I´ve changed! I hardly recognize myself!"
When the beautilf birds saw him, they realized he was one of their kind, and soon made friends.
-"We´re swans like you!" they said, warmly.
-"Where have you been hiding?"
-"It´s a long story," replied the young swan, still astounded.
Now, he swam majestically with his fellow swans.
One day, he heard children on the river bank exclaim: "Look at that young swan! He´s the finest of them
all!" And he almost burst with happiness.
La Bella Durmiente
Once upon a time lived a king and queen, who said wanted to have a baby more than anything in the
world. Finally the queen bore a daughter so beautiful that the king could not contain himself for joy, and
he ordained a great feast. Not only did he bid to it his relations, friends, and acquaintances, but also the
wise women, that they might be kind and favourable to the child. There were thirteen of them in his
kingdom, but as he had only provided twelve golden plates for them to eat from, one of them had to be
left out.
However, the feast was celebrated with all splendour; and as it drew to an end, the wise women stood
forward to present to the child their wonderful gifts: one bestowed virtue, one beauty, a third riches, and
so on, whatever there is in the world to wish for. And when eleven of them had said their say, in came
the uninvited thirteenth, burning to revenge herself, and without greeting or respect, she cried with a
loud voice,
-In the fifteenth year of her age the princess shall prick herself with a spindle and shall fall down dead.
And without speaking one more word she turned away and left the hall.
Every one was terrified at her saying, when the twelfth came forward, for she had not yet bestowed her
gift, and though she could not do away with the evil prophecy, yet she could soften it, so she said,
-The princess shall not die, but fall into a deep sleep for a hundred years.
Now the king, being desirous of saving his child even from this misfortune, gave commandment that all
the spindles in his kingdom should be burnt up. The maiden grew up, adorned with all the gifts of the
wise women; and she was so lovely, modest, sweet, and kind and clever, that no one who saw her could
help loving her.
One day shue was wandering about into all the nooks and corners, till at last she came to an old tower.
She climbed the narrow winding stair which led to a little door; she turned the key, and the door opened,
and there in the little room sat an old woman with a spindle, diligently spinning her flax.
-Good day, mother- said the princess, - what are you doing?
-I am spinning- answered the old woman, nodding her head.
-What thing is that that twists round so briskly ?- asked the maiden, and taking the spindle into her hand
she began to spin; but no sooner had she touched it than the evil prophecy was fulfilled, and she pricked
her finger with it.
In that very moment she fell back upon the bed that stood there, and lay in a deep sleep. And this sleep
fell upon the whole castle; the king and queen, who had returned and were in the great hall, fell fast
asleep, and with them the whole court. And the wind ceased, and not a leaf fell from the trees about the
castle. Round about that place there grew a hedge of thorns thicker every year, until at last the whole
castle was hidden from view, and nothing of it could be seen but the vane on the roof.
Years afterwards came a king's son into that country, because he wanted to try to see the beautifull
sleeping princess. When the prince drew near the hedge of thorns, it was changed into a hedge of
beautiful large flowers, which parted and bent aside to let him pass, and then closed behind him in a
thick hedge.
He came into the castle and saw in the hall the whole court lying asleep, and above them, on their
thrones, slept the king and the queen. And still he went further, and all was so quiet that he could hear
his own breathing; and at last he came to the tower, and went up the winding stair, and opened the door
of the little room where the princess was still sleeping.
When he saw her looking so lovely in her sleep, he could not turn away his eyes; and presently he
stooped and kissed her. And she awaked, and opened her eyes, and looked very kindly on him. And
she rose, and they went forth together, and the king and the queen and whole court waked up. Then
the wedding of the Prince and the Sleeping Beauty was held with all splendour, and they lived very
happily ever after.

Greedy boy
There lived a twin brother called Sam and Tom! They were identical twins, even their mother found it
too hard to differentiate between them during the initial months of birth. However, they were like two
poles when it comes to everything other than their appearance. They neither agree with anything nor do
they share even one single trait!
Sam had no friends, whereas for Tom the world was friendship. Sam loved sweets and Tom loved to
eat spicy foods. Sam was mommy’s pet and Tom was daddy’s pet. While Sam was generous, Tom
was greedy!

As they grew up, their father wanted to share his fortune equally. However, Tom did not agree and he
argued that whoever is more intelligent and strong, will gain higher share of wealth than other.
Sam agreed. Their father decided to organize a competition between the two. And they ordered the
two sons to walk as long as they can in and they should return home before the sunset. Whoever covers
the longer distance and returns home before sunset will get huge amount of wealth proportionate to the
distance they covered. They don’t carry watch to calculate time.
Both started to walk a long way during a sunny day. Sam walked slowly and steadily, while Tom
urged to win over Sam started to run instantly.

The distance they cover until mid-noon will be equal to the distance they would reach home before
sunset. It was mid-noon and Sam decided to return back as he could reach home on time.
However, Tom, with his greediness to earn more wealth, did not turn his way back home even
after mid-noon. He walked two times longer distance that what Sam was covered and decided to return
back before the sunset. He urged to return home as the Sun turned orange in the evening. Unfortunately,
he could not even make half way to home and the moon rises.
He lost the race and was defeated because of greediness!

Merlin the Wizard

Many years ago, when England was just a handful of kingdoms which battled between them, Arthur,
son of king Uther, was born.
The child’s mother, died few after giving birth and the father gave him to the wizard Merlin in order to
educate him. Merlin decided to bring the baby to the castle of a noble man who had a son of few years
called Kay. To guarantee prince Arthur’s security, Merlin did not give his origins away.

Each day, Merlin taught little Arthur all the known sciences and, as he was a wizard, he even taught him
something of the future sciences and certain magical formulae.
Years went by and king Uther died apparently without issue. Noble men went to Merlin to find the
sucesor. Merlin made appear on a stone a sword firmly stuck on an iron anvil with a legend which read
“This is Excalibur Sword. Whoever pulls it out of this anvil will be king of England”.

Noble men tried fortune but, despite all their efforts, they could not move the sword not even a millimetre.
Arthur and Kay, who were already two handsome boys, had gone to the city to attend a tournament in
which Kay wanted to participate. As the hour was approaching, Arthur realised that he had forgotten
Kay’s sword in the inn. He went running, but when he arrived there, the door was closed.

Arthur did not know what to do. Without sword, Kay could not take part in the tournament. In his
desperation, he looked around and discover the Excalibur swoerd.

He came close to the stone and pulled the weapon. At that moment a ray of white light descended above
him and Arthur took it out without finding resistente.
He ran to Kay and offered it to him. Kay was surprised that it was not his sword. Arthur explained what
had happened. Kay saw the “Excalibur” legend in the sword and told his father. This one, ordered Arthur
to put it in its place again.

All the noble men tried to pull it out again, but nobody managed it. Then Arthur took the handle between
his hands. A ray of white light descended above his head again and Arthur took out the sword without
Everybody admitted that that boy, without any recognized title, should wear the English crown and
marched before his throne swearing him loyalty.

Merlin, thinking that Arthur did not need him, retired to his dwelling.
But soon after some noble men took up arms against king Arthur. Merlin proclaimed that Arthur was
king Uther’s soon, so he was the legitimate king. But noblemen were still in war until they were finally
defeated thanks to Arthur’s courage, helped by Merlin’s magic.

To avoid that the history would repeat, Arthur created the Round Table which was formed by all the
noblemen loyal to the kingdom. Then he married princess Geneivre, and years of prosperity and apiñes
followed both for England and King Arthur.

-You can keep on reigning without my advices- said Merlin to Arthur- Keep on being a fair king and the
future will talk about you.
Alice in Wonderland
It was a warm summer day and Alice was getting bored sitting beside her sister, who had her nose
buried in a book. Suddenly, a little White Rabbit with pink eyes ran in front of her shouting:
-"On dear, oh dear, I´m late."
The Rabbit pulled a watch out of his pocket to check the time. He shook his head, then disappeared
down a rabbit´s hole.
-"I must find out why he´s in such a hurry!" cried Alice.
Filled with curiosity, she ran to the rabbit´s hole and peeped through the entrance. The hole dropped
suddenly and Alice fell.
-"When will I ever reach the bottom of this dreadful hole?" she shouted, while falling helplessly
Finally she landed in a long, narrow hallway with doors of many sizes.
On a three- legged table, Alice found a tiny gold key and a green bottle that said "DRINK ME".
-"This key must fit one of the doors," she said. "It´s the one behind the table," she cried, "but I´m too big
to fit through such a little door. May be the potion in that bottle will help me," she decided.
And she drank it. Alice began to shrink until she was no bigger than a doll. She opened the door and
quickly ran through it.
-"What a splendid garden!" -she exclaimed. - "Why, I´m no bigger than the insects that crawl on these
But the excitement soon wore off. Alice grew bored with her tiny size.
-"I want to be big again," she shouted.
Her shouts startled the White Rabbit, who ran past her again. Mistaking her for his maid, he ordered,
"Go to my cottage and fetch my gloves and fan."
Alice was confused by the Rabbit´s behaviour.
-"May be I´ll find something at the cottage to help me," she said hopefully.
A piece of chocolate cake was kept on a table by the doorway. Next to the cake was a note that read
-"I´m so hungry," Alice said as she ate the cake. "I feel strange. Oh no! I´ve grown larger than this
house!" she cried.
-"Get out of my way! You´re blocking thedoor !" shouted the White Rabbit.
Alice managed to pick up his fan. Immediately, she began to shrink. -
"Oh, I´ll never get back to the right size," Alice cried.
She went looking for help. Soon, she saw a green caterpillar dressed in a pink jacket. He was sitting
on the top of a large mushroom, smoking a bubble pipe.
-"One side makes you big, the other side makes you small," he said to Alice before slithering away.
-"One side of what?" Alice called after him.
-"The mushroom, silly," he answered.
Alice ate a piece of the mushroom.
-"Thank goodness, I´m growing!" she cried, "But which way do I go?"
-"That path leads to the Mad Hatter. The other way leads to Lae March Hare," said a voice.
Alice turned to find a smiling Cheshire Cat in a tree. "I´ll see you later at the Queen´s croquet game,"
he said before disappearing.
Alice walked down a path:
-"How lovely ! A tea party," she thought.
-"There´s no room for you !" shouted the Mad Hatter, "You may stay if you answer my riddle."
Alice smiled. She loved riddles. After several riddles, Alice became confused.
-"Every time I answer, you ask a question," she told the Mad Hatter.
-"We don´t know any answers," he giggled.
-"This is a waste of time," scolded Alice.
The others ignored her. They were trying to wake the Dormouse.
Alice continued her walk. She found herself in the middle of a field where the Queen of Hearts was
playing croquet. Her guards and gardeners were shaped like cards. One gardener had planted white
roses by mistake and then painted them red
-"Off with their heads!" shrieked the Queen. "I hate white roses!" "Have you ever played croquet?" the
Queen asked Alice.
"Yes," Alice timidly answered. "But I´ve never used a flamingo or a hedgehog."
-"Play with me!" ordered the Queen. "And let me win or I´ll have your head!"
Alice tried her best to play we, l, but she had trouble with her flamingo.
-"Off with her head!" cried the Queen.
Just then a trumpet sounded at the distance calling court to session. Everyone rushed into the
-"Court is now in session," announced the White Rabbit, "Will Alice please come to the stand?"
Alice took the stand and looked at the jury box, where the March Hare and the Mad Hatter were making
noise. The Dormouse slept and the Cheshire Cat smiled at her.
-"What´s going on?" asked Alice.
-"You are guilty of stealing the delicious heart-shaped tarts! " accused the Queen, "And now you must
be punished. Off with her head Off with her head!" yelled the Queen.
-"How silly," replied Alice. "I did not have the slightest idea what you were talking about! I was only
playing croquet."
Alice felt someone touch her shoulder
-"Wake up. You´ve been sleeping for too long," said her sister softly.
-"I had a strange dream," said Alice.
She told her sister about the White Rabbit, the mad tea party, the Queen of Hearts and the trial. But her
sister wasn´t paying attention.
-"You´re reading again," mumbled Alice. As she stretched, Alice saw a little White Rabbit with pink eyes
scurry behind a tree.

The Frog Prince

There was once a handsome young prince who had the misfortune to offend a wicked fairy.
To avenge herself she turned him into an ugly frog and put him into a well. Now it happened that the
well was in the courtyard of a king´s palace and on fine days, when the sun shone warmly, the king´s
youngest daughter sometimes came there to amuse herself by tossing a golden ball high into the air
and catching it as it fell.
The poor frog watched her running to and fro in the sunshine. He thought she was the prettiest princess
he had ever seen.
One day, the princess threw the ball up so high that when she stretched out her hand to catch it the ball
bounced on the stones and fell with a splash into the water. She ran to the edge of the well and gazed
down. But the golden ball had sunk far, far out of sight.
Only a little ring of bubbles showed her where it had disappeared. She began to cry bitterly. The frog
popped his head out of the water.
"Don´t cry, Princess!" he said.
"What will you give me if I bring your ball from the bottom of the well?"
"Oh, I will give you anything I have," replied the princess. "My pretty pearls, my diamonds—even my
crown. Only please bring my ball back to me!"
"I do not want your pearls or your diamonds or your crown," said the frog. "But if you will promise to love
me, and let me eat from your plate, and drink out of your cup, and sleep on your bed, I will bring
your ball safely back to you."
And the princess promised. For she said to herself, "What a silly frog! As if he could ever get out of the
well and walk all the way to the palace! He will never find me."
The frog dove to the bottom of the well and presently came up with the golden ball in his mouth. The
princess had no sooner snatched it from him than she forgot all about her promise and ran back to the
palace laughing with joy.
The next day, as she sat at dinner with the king and his courtiers, something came flopping up the great
staircase—flip flap, flip flap! And a voice said:
"From the deep and mossy well, Little princess, where I dwell, When you wept in grief and pain I brought
your golden ball again."
The princess dropped her spoon with a clatter on her plate, for she knew it was the frog who had come
to claim her promise.
"What is the matter, daughter?" asked the king.
"There is someone knocking at the door and your rosy cheeks are quite pale."
Then the princess had to tell her father all that had happened the day before how she had dropped her
golden ball into the well, and how the frog had brought it up for her, and of the promises she had given
him. The king frowned and said,
"People who make promises must keep them. Open the door and let the frog come in."
The princess opened the door very unwillingly and the poor frog hopped into the room, looking up into
her face with his ugly little eyes.
"Lift me up beside you," he cried, "that I may eat from your plate and drink out of your cup."
The princess did as he asked her and was obliged to finish her dinner with the frog beside her, for the
king sat by to see that she fulfilled her promise.
When they had finished, the frog said,
"I have had enough to eat. Now I am tired. Take me up and lay me on your pillow, that I may go to
Then the princess began to cry. It was so dreadful to think that an ugly frog, all cold and damp from the
well, should sleep in her pretty white bed. But her father frowned again and said,
"People who make promises must keep them. He gave you back your golden ball and you must do as
he asks."
So the princess picked the frog up between her thumb and finger, not touching him more than she could
help, and carried him upstairs and put him on the pillow on her bed. There he slept all night long. As
soon as it was light he jumped up, hopped downstairs, and went out of the palace.
"Now", thought the princess, "he is gone and I shall be troubled with him no more".
But she was mistaken, for when night came again she heard tapping at the door of her bedroom. When
she opened it, the frog came in and slept upon her pillow as before until the morning broke.
The third night he did the same. But when the princess awoke the following morning, she was astonished
to see, instead of the frog, a handsome prince standing at the head of her bed.
He was gazing at her with the most beautiful eyes that ever were seen. He told her that he had been
enchanted by a wicked fairy, who had changed him into the form of a frog, in which he was fated to
remain until a princess let him sleep upon her bed for three nights.

"You," said the prince, "have broken this cruel spell and now I have nothing to wish for but that you
should go with me to my father´s kingdom, where I will marry you and love you as long as you live."
The princess took him to her father and he gave his consent for them to marry. As they spoke a splendid
carriage drove up with eight beautiful horses decked with plumes of feathers and golden harness.
Behind rode the prince´s servant, who had bewailed the misfortune of his dear master so long and so
bitterly that his heart had almost burst. Then all set out full of joy for the prince´s kingdom. There they
arrived safely and lived happily ever after.

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

Long long time ago, something very strange happened in the prosper town of Hamelin.
One morning, when his fat and satisfied inhabitants came out of their houses, they found the streets
invaded by thousands of mice. They were prowling everywhere, devouring insatiably the grain of their
barns and the food of their pantries.

Nobody could understand the cause of such an invasion and, even worse, nobody knew what to do to
end with such a disturbing plague. No matter how they tried to exterminate them, or at least frighten
them off, it seemed that each time more and more mice went to the city.
It was such the amount of mice that, day after day, dominated the streets and houses that even the cats
fled frightened.
In view of the seriousness of the situation that the distinguished men of the town, who were seeing their
fortunes in danger, called the Council and said:

- “We’ll give one hundred golden coins to the person who gets out of the mice”.

Few time after, a taciturn, tall and gangling flutist introduced to them. Nobody had seen him before and
he told them.

- “The reward will be mine. By this night, there won’t be a single mouse in Hamelin”.

After that, he started walking through the streets playing with his flute a wonderful melody which
enchanted the mice. They went out of their hidden places following spellbound the steps of the flutist
who was playing his flute tirelessly.
This way, walking and playing, he took them to a very far place, so far that the walls of the town could
not be seen. In that place, there was a large river where all the mice died drowned when they tried to
cross it to follow the flutist.

The people from Hamelin, breathed relieved when they saw themselves free from the voracious troops
of mice.
Calmed and satisfied, they returned to them prosper business and they were so happy that they
organized a big party to celebrate the happy ending eating excellent food and dancing until night.

The next morning, the flutist went to the Council and claimed the distinguished men of the town the one
hundred golden coins promised as a reward. But they, free from their problem and, blind by their avarice,
replied him
“Go out of our town! Or do you think that we’ll pay you for such a little thing as playing the flute?”

After they had said that, the fat members of the Council turn their back laughing. Furious by the avarice
and ingratitude of the people from Hamelin, the flautist played a sweet melody insistently.

But this time, there were not the mice who followed him, but the children of the town. Hand in hand and
smiling, they were making a long row, deaf to the pleas and cries from their parents who weeping with
desperation were trying to prevent them from following the flutist.
They did not get anything and the flutist took them far away, so far away that nobody knew where and
the children, as the mice, never returned.

In the city, there only remained their fat inhabitants and their full barns and well provided pantries,
protected by their solid walls and an immense cloak of silence and sadness
And that’s what happened many years ago in this desert and empty town of Hamelin where, no matter
how you look for, you will never find nor a mouse neither a child.

The Three Little Pigs

Once upon a time there were three little pigs.
One day they set out from the farm where they had been born. They were going out into the world to
start new lives and enjoy any adventures that might come their way.
The first little pig met a man carrying some straw, and he asked him if he might have some to build
himself a house.

-"Of course, little pig," said the man.

He gave the little pig a big bundle of straw, and the little pig built himself a lovely house of golden straw.
A big bad wolf lived nearby. He came along and saw the new house and, feeling rather hungry and
thinking he would like to eat a little pig for supper, he called out:

-"Little pig, little pig, let me come in." To which the little pig replied,

-"No, no, by the hair of my chinny chin chin, I´ll not let you in!"

So the wolf shouted very crossly,

-"Then I´ll huff and I´ll puff, Till I blow your house in!"

And he huffed and he puffed, and he HUFFED and he PUFFED until the house of straw fell in, and the
wolf ate the little pig for his supper that evening.
The second little pig was walking along the road when he met a man with a load of wood.

-"Please Sir," he said, "can you let me have some of that wood so that I can build a house?"

-"Of course," said the man, and he gave him a big pile of wood.

In no time at all, the little pig had built himself a lovely house.
The next evening, along came the same wolf. When he saw another little pig, this time in a wooden
house, he called out,

-"Little pig, little pig, let me come in."

To which the pig replied,

-"No, no, by the hair of my chinny chin chin, I´ll not let you in!"

So the wolf shouted,

-"Then I´ll huff and I´ll puff, Till I blow your house in!"
And he huffed and he puffed and he HUFFED and he PUFFED until the house fell in and the wolf
gobbled up the little pig for his supper.
The third little pig met a man with a cartload of bricks.

-"Please Sir, can I have some bricks to build myself a house?" he asked, and when the man had given
him some, he built himself a lovely house with the bricks.

The big bad wolf came along, and licked his lips as he thought about the third little pig. He called out,

-"Little pig, little pig, let me come in!"

And the little pig called back,

-"No, no, by the hair of my chinny chin chin, I´ll not let you in!"

So the wolf shouted,

-"Then I´ll huff and I´ll puff, Till I blow your house in!"

And the wolf huffed and he puffed, and he HUFFED and he PUFFED, and he HUFFED again and
PUFFED again, but still the house, which had been so well built with bricks, did The Three Little Pigs
not blow in, no matter how hard the wolf tried.
The wolf went away to think how he could trick the little pig, and he came back and called through the
window of the brick house,

-"Little pig, there are some marvellous turnips in the farmer´s field. Shall we go there tomorrow morning
at six o´clock and get some?"

The little pig thought this was a very good idea, as he was very fond of turnips, but he went at five
o´clock, not six o´clock, and collected all the turnips he needed before the wolf arrived.
The wolf was furious, but he thought he would try another trick. He told the little pig about the apples in
the farmer´s orchard, and suggested they both went to get some at five o´clock the next morning.

The little pig agreed, and went as before, an hour earlier. But this time the wolf came early too, and
arrived while the little pig was still in the apple tree. The little pig pretended to be pleased to see him
and threw an apple down to the wolf.
While the wolf was picking it up, the little pig jumped down the tree and got into a barrel. He rolled quickly
clown the hill inside this barrel to his house of bricks and rushed in and bolted the door.

The wolf was very angry that the little pig had got the better of him again, and chased him in the barrel
back to his house.
When he got there he climbed on to the roof, intending to come down the chimney and catch the little
pig that way. The little pig was waiting for him, however, with a large cauldron of boiling water on the

The wolf came down the chimney and fell into the cauldron with a big SPLASH, and the little pig quickly
put the lid on it.
The wicked wolf was never seen again, and the little pig lived happily in his brick house for many many

Little Rabbit
Rufus was a mischievous little rabbit who lived with his mum in the country. His mum was very good
with him. She made all the possible for him to have everything he needed. If the little rabbit was hungry,
her mum went to look for a carrot. If he was thirsty, his mum went to the river and looked for water. In
the morning, when Rufus had to go to school, his mum woke him up, prepared him the clothes and
made him the breakfast.

One day, Mum Rabbit had to go on a trip and Rufus was left alone. He was hungry and he did not know
where to look for food. He was thirsty but he did not know where was the water. A bit sad, he went to
bed because the following day he had to go very early to school. He slept a lot and while he was
dreaming, he woke up because he felt that the rays of the sun were illuminating his face. While he
looked the clock. it was 11 o’clock in the morning! He had to go early to school and he had fallen asleep
because his mum was not at home to wake him up. Neither had anyone prepared him breakfast.
Rufus started crying. He felt very sad because if his mother was not there, he did not know how to do
anything. He cried for a long time and then he thought “That has happened to me because I leave my
mum to do all the things that I, at my age, can do by my own. When mum returns I’ll ask her to teach
me to do what she does so I will know how to do it next time she goes on a trip”

In the afternoon Mum Rabbit arrived from her trip and Rufus was very happy. He went running to say
her hello and give her a kiss.
During the week, Rufus started to investigate and learn the things that her mum used to do and that he
could also do. When he was hungry and her mum brought him a carrot, he asked her where she had
taken it from, what he had to do to get one. When he was thirsty and her mother brought him water, he
asked her to teach her how to get it.
So, one day, when Mum Rabbit went to look for the carrot for her son, Rufus said her:
- “No, mum. I can do it by my own. Let me go to look for my own carrot”.

Then, Rufus made what his mother had taught him and got his carrot. When he arrived home, Mum
Rabbit got very happy and said:
- “Congratulations, son. You are a big rabbit now and you can do your things by your own. You’ve grown
up and it isn’t necessary that I do everything that you have to do”
Rufus was very happy. He knew that the next time that his mother went on a trip, he would not be hungry
nor thirsty. He knew how to do his things by his own and did not need to depend on anyone to live.

The enchanted forest

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful forest, with a lot of trees and flowers of all the colours which
gladden the sight to all the people who went there. Every afternoon, the animals of the forest meet there
to play.
The rabbits had a race to see who was the first to arrive to the finishing line. The ants made a long line
to go to their nest. The colourful birds and bright butterflies land among the bushes.
Everything was peace and tranquillity. Until that… One day, the animals heard noises, strange steps
and they got very frightened because the land started to shake.
Suddenly, a very ugly and bad warlock appeared in the forest. He was lived in an abandoned house
and was very solitary, that is why he did not have any family nor friends. He was old and crooked, his
face was sad and anguished. He did not want anyone to be happy so when he heard the children’s
laughter he got so angry that he cried very loud and went running to look for them. Quickly he touched
the tree with his wand and after a few minutes all its leaves fell and it lost its colour. He did the same
with the flowers, the grass, the animals and the children.
After doing this great and terrible evil deed, he went on laughing and repeating
-Nobody will have life while I am alive!
Many years weny by since nobody treaded that dark and horrible place, until a dove arrived flying and
singing cheerfully, but she was very astonished to see that forest that had been beautiful once, full of
children, turned into a horrifying forest.
What happened here? All of them lost their colour and movement… It is so gloomy. As if it was nighr! I
have to do something for this forest be what it was before with its colour, bright and life… Let’s see,
what can I do?”
And after thinking for a while she said.
-“I got it!
The dove landed in the dried branch of a tree that, as if by magic, started to recover its natural colour
and moving slowly.
Then she posed in the back of the rabbit and his soft ears started to stand up and little by little, his bright
grey colour could be noticed.
And that was how she got all the inhabitants of the forest back to life. The children played and laughed
again. They, with the animals, thanked the dove because thanks to her they had gone back to life. The
dove was very happy and she went singing.
And the wind came and took the warlock and the tale!

The gingerbread man

An old woman was baking one day, and she made some gingerbread. She had some dough left over,
so she made the shape of a little man. She made eyes for him, a nose and a smiling mouth all of
currants, and placed more currants down his front to look like buttons.
Then she laid him on a baking tray and put him into the oven to bake.
After a little while, she heard something rattling at the oven door. She opened it and to her surprise out
jumped the little gingerbread man she had made. She tried to catch him as he ran across the kitchen,
but he slipped past her, calling as he ran:
-"Run, run, as fast as you can, you can´t catch me, I´m the gingerbread man!"
She chased after him into the garden where her husband was digging. He put down his spade and tried
to catch him too, but as the gingerbread man sped past him he called over his shoulder:
- "Run, run, as fast as you can, you can´t catch me, I´m the gingerbread man!"
As he ran down the road he passed a cow. The cow called out,
-"Stop, gingerbread man! You look good to eat!"
But the gingerbread man laughed and shouted over his shoulder:
- "I´ve run from an old woman and an old man. Run, run, as fast as you can, you can´t catch me, I´m
the gingerbread man!"
The cow ran after the old woman and the old man, and soon they all passed a horse.
-"Stop!" called out the horse, "I´d like to eat you."
But the gingerbread man called out:
"I´ve run from an old woman and an old man, And a cow! Run, run, as fast as you can, you can´t catch
me, I´m the gingerbread man!"
He ran on, with the old woman and the old man and the cow and the horse following, and he went past
a party of people haymaking. They all looked up as they saw the gingerbread man, and as he passed
them he called out:
- "I´ve run from an old woman, And from an old man, And a cow and a horse. Run, run, as fast as you
can, you can´t catch me, I´m the gingerbread man!"
The haymakers joined in the chase behind the old woman and the old man, the cow and the horse, and
they all followed,him as he ran through the fields.
There he met a fox, so he called out to the fox:
"Run, run, as fast as you can, you can´t catch me, I´m the gingerbread man!"
But the sly fox said,
-"Why should I bother to catch you?" although he thought to himself, "That gingerbread man would be
good to eat."
Just after he had run past the fox the gingerbread man had to stop because he came to a wide, deep,
swift-flowing river. The fox saw the old woman and the old man, the cow, the horse and the haymakers
all chasing the gingerbread man so he said,
-"Jump on my back, and I´ll take you across the river!"
The gingerbread man jumped on the fox´s back and the fox began to swim. As they reached the middle
of the river, where the water was deep, the fox said,
- "Can you stand on my head, Gingerbread Man, or you will get wet."
So the gingerbread man pulled himself up and stood on the fox´s head. As the current flowed more
swiftly, the fox said, "
- Can you move on to my nose, Gingerbread Man, so that I can carry you more safely? I would not like
you to drown."
The gingerbread man slid on to the fox´s nose. But when they reached the bank of the river, the fox
suddenly went snap! The gingerbread man disappeared into the fox´s mouth, and was never seen again.

Peter and the Wolf

Once upon a time, there was a little shepherd who took care of his sheep in the field of a small village.
Every morning, very early, he always did the same. He used to go to the meadow with his flock and that
was how he spent his time.
Since many times he used to get bored, one day, while he was resting under a tree, he had an idea. He
decided that he would spend a good time amusing himself at the people from the village's expense. He
started to cry:
- Help, the wolf! The wolf is coming!
The village's people took anything they had at hand and went to help the poor shepherd but when they
arrived there, they discovered that everything had been a practical joke from Peter, who was cracking
up laughing. The villagers got angry and decided to go back to their homes. When they had gone, the
shepherd had found the joke so funny that he repeated it. And when he saw people far enough he
started crying
- Help, the wolf! The wolf is coming!
The people from the village, hearing it again, started to run quickly thinking that this time the fierce wolf
had appeared and that the shepherd really needed their help. But when they arrived where the shepherd
was, they found him in the ground laughing at seeing how the villagers had come back to help him. This
time the villagers got angrier and they left terribly angry with Peter's bad attitude and upset with the
The next morning, while the shepherd was grazing with his sheep in the same place, he did not notice
that a wolf was approaching. When he turned and saw it, the fear invaded his body. Seeing that the
animal was getting nearer and nearer, he started crying desperately.
- Help, the wolf! The wolf is coming! He is going to eat all my sheep! Help!
But his cries were in vain. It was too late to convince the villagers that what he was saying was true.
The villagers, having learnt the lies of the shepherd, turned a deaf ear this time. And what happened?
The shepherd saw how the wolf leaped on his sheep while he tried to ask for help one more time.
- Help, the wolf! The wolf!
But the villagers kept ignoring him, while the shepherd saw how the wolf ate some sheep and took
others for his dinner, without being able to do anything. And so, Peter recognized that he had been very
unfair with the people of the village and, even though it was late, he regretted it and he never lied to
people any more.

A long time ago, a husband and wife lived happily in a cottage at the edge of a wood. But one day the
wife fell ill. She could eat nothing and grew thinner and thinner. The only thing that could cure her, was
a strange herb called rapunzel, that grew in the beautiful garden next to their cottage. This garden
belonged to a wicked witch, who used it to grow herbs for her spells.
The husband went to the garden to steal the herb, but the witch caught him. The witch agreed to give
him the herb, but she made him promise to give her their first-born child in return. The husband agreed,
thinking that the witch would soon forget the promise. He took the rapunzel back to his wife, who felt
better as soon as she had eaten it.
A year later, a baby girl was born and the witch did come and take her away. The witch called her
Rapunzel after the plant, and she locked up the girl in a high tower in case she tried to run away. The
tower had no door or staircase, but Rapunzel was quite happy up there as she could sit at the window
watching the life of the forest and talking to the birds.
Each day, the witch came to see her, bringing fresh food. She would stand at the bottom of the tower
and call out,
-"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your long hair."
Rapunzel, whose long golden hair was plaited, would twist it round one of the bars and drop it out of the
window, and the witch would climb up it.
One day, the king's son was riding through the forest when he heard Rapunzel singing. Mystified, he
rode to the tower, but could see no door, so could not understand how anyone could be there. He
decided to stay and watch the tower and listen to the singing. After a while the witch came along and
the prince watched her carefully. his amazement, as she called out,
-"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your long hair," a long golden plait of hair fell almost to the ground. The
prince saw the witch climb up the hair and disappear through the window, and he made up his mind he
would wait until she had gone and see if he could do the same. So after the witch had gone, he stood
where the witch had been and called,
-"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your long hair."
When the golden plait came tumbling down, he climbed up as the witch had done and found to his
astonishment the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.
They talked for a long time and then the prince left, promising to come again. Rapunzel looked forward
to his visits, for she had been lonely. He told her all about the world outside her tower, and they fell
deeply in love.
But one day the witch dicovered them, she cut off Rapunzel's hair and left her in the forest. When the
prince came as usual, she threw down the plait of golden hair and tricked the prince, who jumped out of
the high window. His face, was badly scratched and his eyes hurt so that he could not see, and he
stumbled off blindly into the forest.
After several days of wandering and suffering, he heard a voice singing. Following the sound. he drew
closer and realized he had found Rapunzel. He ran towards her, calling her name, and she came and
kissed him. As she did so, his eyes were healed and he could see again. The prince took Rapunzel to
his father´s palace. where he told his story. Rapunzel was reunited with her parentsand she married the
Once upon a time lived a wood carver named Geppetto. He made puppets from pieces of wood, and he
called his favorite puppet Pinocchio.
- I would love to be a father to a real boy like Pinocchio- he wished.
That night, the blue fairy, who knew Geppetto was a good man, cost a magic spell over Pinocchio. The
very next day, Gappetto awake and was very happy to find that Pinocchio could walk, sit and talk like a
real boy.
Geppetto wanted to send Pinocchio to school. He sold his only coat for a spelling book.
- Now you can go to school like a real boy -s aid Gappetto as we waved goodbye to Pinocchio.
On the way to school, Pinocchio stopped to wacth a puppet shows in a town.
- How would you like to join my puppet show? - asked the evil puppet master.
Pinocchio happily agreed. He was locked inside the evil puppet master’s caravan. He wished he was
safe with Geppetto. The blue fairy suddenly appeared. She had heard Pinocchio’s wish and set him
free. Pinocchio is happy to be free.
- I’m going straight to school- he said.
But he met an evil fox who told him all about a wonderful place called fun island. Pinocchio forgot all
about school and gave the fox his spelling book in return for a ticket to Fun island.
- Where are you going, Pinocchio? - asked the b fairy.
- I’m on the way to school - lied Pinocchio.

Pinocchio ‘s nose grew very, very long. He wished he hadn’t told a lie. The fairy called a bird to peck of
his long nose because Pinocchio was very sorry. Pinocchio promised never to be naughty ever again
and went straight to school.
At school, Pinocchio told his friend all about fun island. His friend wanted to go with him. Pinocchio and
his hurriedly climbed aboard a ship that was going to Fun Island. On the island they didn’t know that
little boys were turned into donkeys and used for very hard work.
Pinocchio cried and wished he hadn’t come the island. He also wished didn’t look like a silly donkey.
The blue fairy had heard his wish and with a wave of her magic wand his donkey ears and tail
disappeared. Pinocchio sad on the shore, sadly looking out to the sea. He wondered if he would ever
see Geppetto again.
Suddenly, he saw Geppetto who had sailed out to the sea in search of Pinocchio. Geppetto didn’t see
the huge whale behind him. The whale swallowed Geppetto and his boat. Pinocchio knew he had to
save Geppetto. He jumped into the water and swam with all his might. As he got closer, the whale open
his mouth and Pinocchio swam right in. Deep inside the whale’s belly, Pinocchio and Geppetto hugged
each other, happy to be together again.
- We must find a way out- said Geppetto - we will make a fire from the wood of my boat.
The smoke made the whale sneeze. They shot out of the whale’s mouth and back into the sea. Pinocchio
and Geppetto swam safely to shore. They were both tired. They laid on the sand and fell asleep. When
Geppetto awoke, he saw that the blue fairy, as a reward for being so brave, had turned Pinocchio into
a real boy.
- At last my wish has come true! - cried Geppetto.

Once upon a time, a king and a queen had a baby daughter, and when she saw her black hair, snowy
white skin and red red lips she decided to call her Snow White. Snow White grew up to be a pretty child,
but sadly, after a few years, her mother died and her father married again. The new queen, Snow White's
stepmother, was a beautiful woman too, but she was very vain. More than anything else she wanted to
be certain that she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

She had a magic mirror, and she used to look at herself in it each clay and say:

-Mirror, mirror on the wall, Who is the fairest one of all?

And the mirror would always reply,

-You, oh Queen, are the fairest one of all.

The queen would smile when she heard this for she knew the mirror never failed to speak the truth. The
years passed. Each year Snow White grew prettier and prettier, until one day, her stepmother looked in
the magic mirror and said,

-Mirror, mirror on the wall, Who is the fairest one of all?

-You, oh Queen, are fair, but Snow White is fairer than you now.

The queen was angry and jealous. In a terrible rage she decided that Snow White should be killed. She
called for a hunter and told him to take Snow White far into the forest and to kill her there. In order to
prove that Snow White was indeed dead, she commanded him to cut out Snow White´s heart and bring
it back to her.

The hunter was very sad, because he loved Snow White very much, but he knew he must obey his
orders. He took her deep into the forest and, as he drew his knife, but he couldn't kill her. He told her
never to come back to the castle, then he killed a young deer and cut out its heart and took this to the
queen, pretending it was Snow White's heart.

Poor Snow White was tired, lonely and hungry in the forest. She wandered through the trees, until she
came to a clearing and found a little house. She opened it and went inside. There she saw a room with
a long table laid with seven places with food, and she ate a little from each one. Beyond the table were
seven little beds. She tried out some of them, and when she found one that was comfortable, she fell
into a deep sleep, for she was exhausted by her long journey through the forest.

The cottage was the home of seven dwarfs. All day long they worked in a nearby mine digging diamonds
from deep inside the mountain. When they returned home that evening, they were amazed to see that
someone had been into their cottage and had taken some food and drink from each place at their table.
They were also surprised to find their beds disturbed, until one dwarf called out that he had found a
lovely girl asleep on his bed.

The next morning Snow White awoke and met the dwarfs, and she told them her story. When she
explained how she now had no home, the dwarfs immediately asked her whether she would like to stay
with them.

Back at the palace the queen welcomed the hunter when he returned with the deer´s heart. She was
happy that now she was once more the most beautiful woman in the world. As soon as she was alone,
she looked n her magic mirror and said, confidently,

-Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?

To her horror, the mirror replied,

-You, oh Queen, are fair, ´tis true, But Snow White is fairer still than you.

The queen trembled with anger as she realized that the hunter had tricked her. She decided that she
would now find Snow White and kill her herself. The queen disguised herself as an old pedlar woman
with a basket of apples, and one of them was poisoned. When she knocked at the cottage door, the
queen offered Snow White an apple as a present. Snow White stretched out her hand for the apple and
also took a bite. At once Snow White was affected by the poison and fell down as though dead.

That evening when the dwarfs returned they were quite unable to revive her. They watched over her
through the night, but when morning came she still lay without any sign of life, and they decided she
must be dead. Weeping bitterly, they laid herein a coffin and placed a glass lid over the top so that all
could admire her beauty, even though she was dead. Then they carried the coffin to the top of a hill
where they took turns to stand guard.

Not long after this a prince came riding through the forest and came to the hill where Snow White lay in
her glass-topped coffin. She looked so beautiful that he loved her at once and he asked the dwarfs if he
could kiss her. As the prince kissed Snow White gently, he moved her head. The piece of poisoned
apple fell from her lips. Slowly she came back to life. Snow White saw the handsome prince kneeling
on the ground beside her, and fell in love with him straight away.

Then the queen far away in the palace heard from the mirror,
-You, oh Oueen, are fair, tis true, But Snow White is fairer still than you.

She was furious that Snow White had escaped death once more. And now the king discovered what
mischief she had been up to, and banished her from his land. No one ever saw her or her mirror again.
As for Snow White, she said farewell to her kind friends the dwarfs, and rode away on the back of the
prince's horse. At his castle they were married and they both lived happily forever afterwards.

The Princess and the pea

Once there was a prince who was looking for a princess. But she must be a real princess. The prince
went right round the world, and although he found several once upon a time the beautiful princesses,
there was always something not quite right about them. In the end he came home, very disappointed.
One night, there was the most terrible storm. It thundered, it lightninged and the rain poured down in
sheets. The king and queen and prince sat round the fire toasting crumpets. Suddenly there was a
ringing of the bell at the palace gates. Putting on his mackintosh, the king went to see who could be
outside on such a dreadful night. When he opened the gates a princess was standing there. But what a
sight she was! Water streamed off the ends of her long hair, ran down her clothes and into her shoes.
-"You´d better come in," said the king, leading the princess into the palace where she stood, dripping,
and not looking at all like a princess.

- "Yes, I am a princess," she assured them.

The old queen was doubtful. "We´ll soon see about that," she said to herself. And she went to prepare
the spare bed for their young visitor.

First she took off all the bedding and then she laid a pea at the very bottom. On top of the pea she
put twenty mattresses and on top of the mattresses she put twenty feather beds.
The next morning the princess was asked how she had slept.

-"I hardly slept a wink all night," she said. "The bed was desperately uncomfortable. There was
something hard at the bottom of it and I´m sure I am bruised all over."

Now they knew she was a real princess. For no one but a princess would be able to feel a pea
through twenty mattresses and twenty feather beds! The prince was thrilled to bits for he had already
fallen in love with her. And they decided to be married.

As for the pea, well it was put into a museum where it may still be seen if no one has stolen it.

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