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Juan Simó. Médico de familia. Centro de salud Rochapea. Pamplona. Navarra. España.

"Su corazón no sentía nostalgia, ni dudas ni aprensión. Para él las cosas aún eran enteras e
indiscutibles". El Vizconde demediado. Italo Calvino.

"El Gerente de Mediado” es un espacio de observación sobre la gestión sanitaria, región fantástica
poblada de diversas especies, donde a menudo los monstruos son imaginarios.
Este blog está en cierta forma inspirado en la novela de Calvino que narra las aventuras de Medardo
de Torralba, quien quedó horriblemente partido en dos mitades tras una descarga de artillería en las
llanuras de Bohemia.
La gestión sanitaria abunda de ejemplos de caballeros demediados, en lucha permanente entre sus
mitades: la política y la gestión, la gestión y la clínica, la lucha por la eficiencia y los compromisos
éticos. En este blog solo se pretende generar preguntas, ayudado del foco de la publicación científica
y del candil de la literatura.
Su autor es Sergio Minué, médico, especialista en Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria, que trabaja
actualmente de profesor en la Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública de Granada

3. A BETTER NHS: Exploring the relationships between doctors and patients and health policy

I am Jonathon Tomlinson. I am an NHS GP working in Hackney, London. I originally set up this blog to
inform people about the great scandal going on with the NHS, which is its conversion into a pre-1948
(start of the NHS) market economy as a result of steady lobbying from UK and US private health
insurers and a prevailing neoliberal political ideology. For more about neoliberal politics and
healthcare reform please see Dr Clive Peedell’s blog. I believe, like Virchow that,
“Medicine is a social science and politics is nothing else but medicine on a large scale. Medicine as a
social science, as the science of human beings, has the obligation to point out problems and to attempt
their theoretical solution; the politician, the practical anthropologist, must find the means for their
actual solution”.
Most of my posts are about the relationships between GPs and patients and how health policy impacts
on that. I am also a NIHR (National Institute for Health Research) In Practice Research Fellow studying
moral development in medical education and clinical practice and I use the blog to test my ideas which
will be used to inform my research. My main interest is in the use of narrative to illuminate patient
and professional values. Ed Piele on Value Based Medicine and Havi Carel on Epistemic Justice are
good starting points.
As well as criticising present reforms I’ll be adding suggestions for alternative reforms, which are most
definitely needed to improve the quality, efficiency and humanity of care in the NHS.
I’ve been most recently inspired by US Surgeon and writer Atul Gawande, Dutch Philosopher Anne-
Marie Mol, British GP and writer Julian Tudor Hart, Academics Colin Leys and Allyson Pollock and
British campaigner and retired doctor Wendy Savage.

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