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Good evening friends and tutor.

Continuando con el presente foro, tenemos como foco principal el debatir la

pregunta How CSR can contribute to the vision and profit view, prevailing in the
current context of business?

Una vez evaluado el propio entorno y a la competencia, deducimos o no que la

competencia es relevante estableciendo el grado de logro que la misma estrategia
alcanza la poltica de negocios. Posteriormente debemos medir de una manera
apropiada los objetivos a los cuales la empresa est dispuesta a llegar, y tambin
de la mano de la sociedad, las leyes, reglas que le permitan llegar a los diferentes
estratos. Desde luego tambin es importante el tiempo establecido en la ejecucin
de todas y cada una de las diferentes estrategias.

Para llevar a cabo las diversas acciones estratgicas es necesario asignar un

responsable de cada proceso que es muy probable que establezca
procedimientos, las funciones y los planes de contingencia que se pueden poner
en prctica. Con este hecho encontramos sentido de pertenencia y compromiso
con el desarrollo de las actividades propuestas en el tiempo dado.

Thank you very much for your attention and stay tuned for comments.

Good evening friends and tutor.

Continuing with this forum, have as its focus the debate the question: How CSR can Contribute to
the vision and profit view, prevailing in the current context of business?

Once assessed their own environment and competition, we deduce or not competition is relevant
setting the level of achievement that the same strategy achieves business policy. Then we
measure in a manner appropriate objectives to which the company is willing to come, and also the
hand of society, laws, rules that allow you to reach different strata. Of course it is also important
the time set in the execution of each and every one of the different strategies.

To carry out the various strategic actions must be assigned a supervisor for each process that is
likely to establish procedures, functions and contingency plans that can be put into practice. This
actually found sense of belonging and commitment to the development of the proposed activities
in the given time.

Thank you very much for your attention and stay tuned for comments.

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