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1. Compound nouns (captulo I, puntos 1.4 y 1.4.1., pg. 30-33)

If you pay by credit card, you have to sign the Si pagas con tarjeta de crdito, tienes que firmar el recibo.
My brother is the head teacher of this high school. Mi hermano es el director de este instituto
I love swimming pool. Me encanta nadar en la piscina.
The underground has become an alternative El metro se ha convertido en una galera alternativa para
gallery for painters. los pintores.
A hanger-on is someone who depends on another Un parsito es una persona que depende del apoyo de
person for support. otra.
Dry-cleaning uses chemical solvents with little or El lavado en seco usa disolventes qumicos con poca o sin
no water to remove stains. agua para quitar manchas.
Learners acquire a language by receiving Los aprendices adquieren una lengua al recibir input
comprehensible input. comprensible.
The US government was accused of a cover-up El gobierno de EE.UU fue acusado del encubrimiento del
over the Watergate case. caso Watergate.
He put his empty cofee cup down on the table. Puso su taza de caf vaca en la mesa.
Would you like to join me for a cup of coffee? Te gustara acompaarme a tomar una taza de caf?
I put the flowers in a milk bottle on the table. Puse las flores en una botella de leche encima de la mesa.
There was a half-full bottle of milk in the fridge. Haba media botella de leche en el frigorfico.
Sports facilities include a swimming Las instalaciones deportivas incluyen una piscina, tres
pool/swimming-pool, three tennis courts and a pistas de tenis y un gimnasio.
They have been saving up for a washing- Han estado ahorrando para una lavadora.
I do not understand these modern washing- No entiendo estas lavadoras modernas.
She works as a T-shisrt designer. Trabaja como diseadora de camisetas.
These T-shirts are made of cotton. Estas camisetas estn hechas de algodn.
I have just met your daughters-in-law. Acabo de conocer a tus nueras.
There are more women nurses than men nurses in En Inglaterra hay ms enfermeras que enfermeros.
The policeman was talking on his walkie-talkie El polica estaba hablando por el walkie-talkie.
The place is a complete hotch-potch of El lugar es una mezcolanza de estilos arquitctnicos.
architectural styles.

2. Preposition + verb + -ing(captulo I, punto 4.6. adjetivos + preposicin, pg. 109-110)

I am pretty bad at playing chess. Soy muy malo jugando al ajedrez.
My sister is brilliant at music. Mi hermana es brillante para la msica.
She is very good at teaching children. A ella se le da muy bien ensear a nios.
I was surprised at my own courage. Me sorprendi mi propio coraje.
I was quite surprised by how they met. Me sorprendi mucho cmo se conocieron.
I am anxious about my fathers health. Estoy inquieto/preocupado por la salud de mi padre
I am worried about the possible toxic effects of Estoy preocupado por los posibles efectos txicos de la
pollution. contaminacin.
Sorry Im late for dinner. Perdn por haber llegado tarde para la cena.
The Madrid Zoo is famous for its pandas. El Zoo de Madrid es famoso por sus osos panda.
I would have never thought he was capable of Nunca hubiera pensado que sera capaz de dar un discurso
giving a speech in public. en pblico.
My elder son is fond of all types of pets. A mi hijo mayor le encantan todo tipo de mascotas.
Nowadays, many children are allergic to cows Hoy en da, muchos nios son alrgicos a la leche de vaca.
This variety of vegetable is resistant to cold Esta variedad de verduras es resistente a condiciones
weather conditions. climticas fras.
I am satisfied with the decision I have made. Estoy satisfecha con la decisin que he tomado.
Hes very busy with moving to London. Est muy ocupado con la mudanza a Londres.

3. Words and expressions of French origin (captulo I, formacin del nmero en los sustantivos,, punto 7, pg. 20-23; adjetivos compuestos, punto 4.4.3., pg. 107-108)
Ein Gedi is a large oasis along the western shore Ein Guedi es un gran oasis a lo largo de la orilla occidental
of the Dead Sea. del Mar Muerto.
Oases are areas of vegetation in a desert. Los oasis son reas de vegetacin en un desierto.
Where did you buy that cactus? Dnde compraste ese cactus?
Cacti store water in their leaves. Los cactus almacenan agua en sus hojas.
The El Nio phenomenon dramatically affects the El fenmeno El Nio afecta dramticamente al clima en
weather in many parts of the world. muchas partes del mundo.
On Earth there are different types of weather En la Tierra existen distintos tipos de fenmenos
phenomena including wind, rain, snow and fog. meteorolgicos como el viento, la lluvia, la nieve y la niebla.
Come and have a look at this tiny alga. Ven y mira esta pequea alga.
The water in my aquarium has turned green El agua de mi acuario se ha puesto verde a causa de las
because of the algae. algas.
The new edition includes a bibliographical La nueva edicin incluye una adenda bibliogrfica.
The addenda comprise some appendices, Las adendas contienen algunos apndices, diagramas y
diagrams and tables. tablas.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is an La Oficina Federal de Investigacin (FBI) es una agencia
agency of the United States Department of del Departamento de Justicia de los Estados Unidos.
Urban bureaux workers experience a higher level Los trabajadores de las oficinas urbanas sufren un nivel
of stress than the ones in rural areas. ms alto de estrs que los de las reas rurales.
The Library of Congress computerised index helps El ndice informatizado de la Biblioteca del Congreso ayuda
students find books and other types of printed a los estudiantes a encontrar libros y otros tipos de material
material. impreso.
The indeces are in alphabetical order. Los ndices estn en orden alfabtico.
What was the criterion you used when writing the Cul fue el criterio que usaste al escribir la lista de
word list? palabras?
The employment criteria/criterions at Johns Los criterios de contratacin en la empresa de John son
company are much more flexible this year than mucho ms flexibles este ao que el ao pasado.
last year.
The paparazzi are chasing them. Los estn persiguiendo los paparazzi.
Spaghetti is made from wheat. Los espaguetis se hacen con trigo.
According to this Italian chef, broccoli is the finest Segn este chef italiano, los brcoli son la mejor verdura
vegetable you can eat. que puedes comer.
She is wearing black trousers and Brown boots. Lleva puestos pantalones negros y botas marrones.
Tweezers are used to remove hair. Las pinzas se usan para quitar el vello.
While he was walking home, he found a pair of Mientras caminaba a su casa, encontr unas gafas en la
glasses in the street. calle.
Compound Adjectives
Workers are considered to be part-time if they Cuando los trabajadores trabajan menos de 30 35 horas
work fewer than 30 or 35 hours a week. a la semana, se los considera empleados de media
I hope you have a long-lasting career as a dancer. Espero que tengas una larga carrera como bailarina.
I am feeling homesick, but I have found a new job Echo de menos mi casa, pero he encontrado un nuevo
which is keeping me busy. trabajo que me mantiene ocupado.
He was always hard-working at university. l siempre fue muy trabajador en la universidad.
They are law-abiding citizens. Son ciudadanos respetuosos con la ley.
A study revealed that eight out of ten companies Un estudio ha revelado que ocho de cada diez compaas
are publishing out-of-date information on their web estn publicando informacin no actualizada en sus
sites. pginas web.
A de facto government is one which has seized Un gobierno de facto es aquel que ha tomado el poder a la
power by force or by any other unconstitutional fuerza o con cualquier otro mtodo inconstitucional.
Cases which are sub judice cannot be published. Los casos que estn pendientes de resolucin judicial no
pueden ser publicados.

4. Words of Latin origin (prstamos, captulo I, formacin plural, punto 7, pg. 20-23;prefijacin y
sufijacin, punto y pg. 33-44; formacin del adjetivo, captuloI, punto 4.4., pg. 97-
106; formacin del verbo, captulo II, punto 7., apartado 235-236.),apartados 4 y 5,
pg. 261-264)
An exhibition to mark the bicentenary of the artists Una exposicin para celebrar el bicentenario de la
death will be held next month. muerte del artista se organizar el mes que viene.
One of the most important functions of the biceps is to Una de las funciones ms importantes del bceps es
flex the elbow. flexionar el codo.
Biotechnology is having an increasingly important La biotecnologa est teniendo un impacto cada vez
impact on industry. mayor en la industria.
A possible disadvantage of buying the books via Una posible desventaja de comprar los libros a travs
Internet is that you must pay in advance. de Internet es que debes pagar por adelantado.
I read her letter in disbelief. Le su carta con incredulidad.
The hotel offers a five percent discount for guests over El hotel ofrece un descuento de un cinco por ciento
60. para clientes de ms de 60 aos.
The discovery of penicillin in 1928 changed the world En 1928, el descubrimiento de la penicilina cambi el
of modern medicine. mundo de la medicina moderna.
Mary had experienced learning difficulties since she Mary haba experimentado dificultades en el
was five, but doctors failed to spot her dyslexia until aprendizaje desde que tena cinco aos, pero los
she was 10. mdicos no descubrieron su dislexia hasta que
cumpli los 10 aos.
Their baby had a 50 percent chance of having Su beb tena un 50 por ciento de posibilidades de
muscular dystrophy. tener distrofia muscular.
She remarried her ex-husband after 20 years. Despus de 20 aos, se cas de nuevo con su ex
The ex-president of Manchester United gave a press El ex presidente del Manchester United dio una rueda
conference last Friday. de prensa el viernes pasado.
The illiteracy rate in some parts of Africa is over 50 La tasa de analfabetismo en algunas partes de frica
per cent. es ms del 50 por ciento.
It was an act of irresponsibility to leave the oven on Fue un acto de irresponsabilidad dejar el horno
while she was on holidays. encendido mientras estaba de vacaciones.
This village has always a large influx of tourists in the Este pueblo siempre tiene una gran afluencia de
summer. turistas en verano.
They had less money than they needed for the trip Por culpa de sus malos clculos, tenan menos dinero
because of his miscalculation. de lo que necesitaban para el viaje.
She had the misfortune of losing her suitcases during Ella tuvo la desgracia de perder sus maletas durante
her trip. el viaje.
He is a postgraduate at Yale. El es un estudiante de postgrado en Yale.
Postmodernism is a reaction against the rationalism El Posmodernismo es una reaccin contra el
and objectivity of modernism. Racionalismo y la objetividad del Modernismo.
The jury felt there had been no premeditation before El jurado crey que no haba habido premeditacin
the robbery. antes de robo.
The period of human history before writing is known El periodo de la historia de la humanidad anterior a la
as prehistory. escritura se conoce como prehistoria.
A pronoun is a word that substitutes a noun or noun Un pronombre es una palabra que sustituye a un
phrase. sustantivo o aun sintagma nominal.
Publius luventus Celsus became proconsul of Asia in Publius luventus Celsus se convirti en procnsul de
129 AD. Asia en el ao 129 d.C.
In the earthquake stricken areas, the priority has now En las zones afectadas por el terremoto, la prioridad
shifted from humanitarian needs to recontruction ha pasado de las necesidades humanitarias a la
The government is committed to a programme of El gobierno se ha comprometido a llevar a cabo un
forest regeneration throughout the country. programa de regeneracin forestal por todo el pas.
Historical Linguistics is a sub-discipline of Linguistics La Lingstica Histrica es una subdisciplina de la
which studies language change. Lingstica que estudia el cambio lingstico.
There are three sub-species of the Spotted Owl. Existen tres subspecies del bho manchado.
A small submarine went down to explore the Un submarino pequeo baj a explorar los restos del
wreckage of English ship. barco ingls.
The book portrays Eva Pern as a kind of El libro retrata a Eva Pern como una especie de
superwoman. supermujer.
She was considered a superstar after her death. Fue considerada una super estrella despus de su
Nadia is editing the Russian translation of the book. Nadia est editando la traduccin rusa del libro.
The driver is in intensive care and needs a blood El conductor est en cuidados intensivos y necesita
transfusin urgently. una transfusin de sangre urgentemente.
The doctor will use ultrasound to monitor the baby. El medico usar una ecografa para monitorizar al
An ultramicroscope is a type of microscope used to Un ultramicroscopio es un tipo de microscopio
study particles that are too small to see with an utilizado para estudiar partculas que son demasiado
ordinary microscope. pequeas para verlas con un microscopio corriente.
Some say that unhappiness is a state of mind. Algunos dicen que la infelicidad es un estado mental.
Do you understand her unwillingness to co-operate Entiendes su poca voluntad para cooperar con
with us? nosotros?
To say that he is very intelligent is somewhat of an Decir que l es muy inteligente es quedarse corto.
Diabetes is caused by underproduction of insulin. La diabetes es causada por la produccin insuficiente
de insulina.
These walls will probably need two undercoats of Estas paredes probablemente necesitarn dos capas
paint. de pintura.
There were some ancient walls hidden in thick Haba unas murallas antiguas escondidas entre las
undergrowth espesa maleza.
She was under-manager at the firm Ella era subadministradora en la empresa.
It is well known that there is a shortage of nurses in Es bien sabido que hay escasez de enfermeras en
Great Britain. Gran Bretaa.
In Spain television coverage of the Champions En Espaa, la cobertura televisiva de la Liga de
League will probably be shared between the two main Campeones ser probablemente compartida por las
private channels. dos principales cadenas privadas.
Entrance to the zoo is 15 euros and includes a lunch La entrada al zoo cuesta 15 euros e incluye un
pack almuerzo.
This organization offers assintance for those looking Esta organizacin ofrece ayuda a aquellos que buscan
for career guidance. orientacin laboral.
My grandmother used to dress with great elgance. Mi abuela sola vestir con gran elegancia.
If you fell bad when you drink milk, then you may have Si te sientes mal cuando bebes leche, entonces puede
lactose intolerance. que tengas intolerancia a la lactosa.
He belongs to the third generation of Pakistani El pertenece a la tercera generacin de inmigrantes
immigrants in Oslo. pakistanes en Oslo.
This company produces disinfectants that are Esta empresa fabrica desinfectantes que no daan el
environmentally friendly and safe to use. medio ambiente y cuyo uso es seguro.
Food contaminants, if present above certain levels, Los contaminantes alimentarios, si se encuentran por
can pose a threat to human health. encima de ciertos niveles, pueden suponer una
amenaza para la salud.
Rafael Nadal was beaten by his old adversary and Rafael Nadal fue batido por su viejo adversario y
friend, Roger Federer. amigo, Roger Federer.
The police negotiated with the kidnapper through an La policia negoci con el secuestrador a travs de un
intermediary. intermediario.
The accuracy of the images is better than expected. La precisin de las imgenes es mejor de que se
A new law has been voted to protect people`s privacy. Se ha votado una nueva ley para proteger la
privacidad de la gente.
The Spanish Presidency of the Council of the La Presidencia Espaola del Consejo de la Unin
European Union will focus on economic recovery Europea se centrar en la recuperacin econmica.
If it hadn`t been for her, I think we both would have Si no hubiera sido por ella, creo que ambos nos
died of boredom. habramos muerto del aburrimiento.
If it hadn`t been for her, I think we both would have Si no hubiera sido por ella, creo que ambos nos
died of boredom. habramos muerto del aburrimiento.
The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew is a painting by the El Martirio de San Mateo es un cuadro del maestro
Italian master Caravaggio. italiano Caravaggio.
According to a report, the average employee spends Segn un informe, el empleado medio pasa la mayora
most of the day using a computer. del da usando un ordenador.
This wa the hardest question for all the examinees. Esta fue la pregunta ms dificil para todos los
Their team is known for its hard defence. Su equipo es conocido por su dura defensa
I have a preference for savoury food over sweet. Prefiero la comida salada a la dulce.
I work with Peter, in whom I have full confidence. Trabajo con Peter, en quien confo plenamente.
She looked away with an air of indifference. Mir hacia otro lado con un aire de indiferencia.
Working as a war correspondent can be very Trabajar como corresponsal de guerra puede ser muy
dangerous. peligroso.
In this course students are expected to gain En esta asignatura, se espera que los estudiantes
competence in reading and writing skills. desarrollen competencias en las destrezas de lectura
y escritura.
Most runners in the New York Marathon do not run to La mayora de los corredores en la Maraton de Nueva
win but to improve their personal record. York no lo hacen para ganar sino para mejorar su
rcord personal.
The winner of the show will get over 1,000,000 euros. El ganador del programa obtendr ms de 1.000.000
de euros.
If we order in larger quantities we will save on delivery Si pedimos en mayores cantidades ahorraremos en
costs. costes de envo.
Tom`s car was used in a robbery. El coche de Tom fue usado en un robo.
People admire his bravery and his commitment to civil La gente admira su valentia y su compromiso con los
rights. derechos civiles.
Freya is the Scandinavian goddess of love and Freya es la diosa escandinava del amor y la belleza.
My daughter lovers tales about princesses castles and A mi hija le encantan los cuentos de princesas,
dragons. castillos y dragones.
Stir rice into the onion, add water, a stock cube and Sofrie el arroz con la cebolla, aade agua, un cubito
half a spoonful of black pepper. de caldo y media cucharada de pimienta negra.
Mike had a mouthful of coke from my bottle and ate Mike tom un trago de mi coca-cola de mi botella y se
the whole chocolate cake. comi todo el pastel de chocolate.
-Would you like some more soup? -Quieres un poco ms de sopa?
-No, thanks. I'm already full -No, gracias. Ya estoy llena.
In many societies, the transition from childhood to En muchas sociedades la transicin de la infancia a la
adulthood is very quick. edad adulta es muy rpida.
For Jane, coping with her work and with motherhood Para Jane, lidiar con su trabajo y su maternidad era
was simply too much. simplemente demasiado.
Electricians install and maintain electrical and power Los electricististas instalan y mantienen los sistemas
systems. elctricos y de energia.
A report made public yesterday warns that the Un informe publicado ayer advierte que la credibilidad
government`s credibility is currently at stake. del gobierno est actualmente en juego.
The visibility was so bad that we could not see the La visibilidad era tan mala que no podamos ver la
road front of us. carretera.
Do you know who the spokesperson for the Spanish Sabes quin es el portavoz de la Federacin
Athletics Federation is? Espaola de Atletismo?
For thos unfamiliar with genetics, this documentary Para aquellos que no estn familiarizados con la
may prove difficult to undertand. gentica, este documental puede resultar dificil de
You owe me an explanation Me debes una explicacin.
He was driving in the wrong direction. El estaba conduciendo en la direccin equivocada.
My brother-in-law is currently writing his doctoral Mi cuado est escribiendo su tesis doctoral sobre la
dissertation on the collapse of Communism in Eastern cada del comunismo en Europa del Este.
Two men suspected of terrorism have been arrested Dos hombres sospechosos de terrorismo han sido
at the border. arrestados en la frontera.
Archaeologist learn about the past by studying Los arquelogos apreden sobre el pasado estudiando
remains such as bones and coins. restos tales como huesos y monedas.
Try to assess the psychological and physical Intenta evaluar la superioridad psicolgica y fisica de
superiority of your opponent. tu adversario.
Thank you for your hospitality and generosity. Gracias por vuestra hospitalidad y generosidad.
If I am not mistaken, you are Detective Inspector Si no me equivoco, usted es el detective inspector
Brown, aren`t you? Brown,no?
I`d like to get your perspective on this. Me gustara saber tu punto de vista sobre esto.
One visible improvement in the appearance of the Una mejora visible en la calidad de vida del vecindario
neighbourhood was the construction of a new park. fue la construccin de un nuevo parque.
I am happy because I have already saved enough for Estoy contenta porque ya he ahorrado suficiente para
my retirement. mi jubilacin.
After losing the match, all the players were full of Tras perder el partido, todos los jugadores estaban
bitterness. llenos de amargura.
Few animals, like the naked mole rat, are famous for Pocos animales, como la rata topo desnuda, son
their ugliness. famosos por su fealdad.
About 3,000 visitors visit the cave every year. Unos 3.000 visitantes visitan la cueva todos los aos.
She works as a driving instructor. Trabaja como profesora de autoescuela.
The government will introduce new laws which will El gobierno introducir nuevas leyer que restaurarn el
restore the right to citizenship for every child born in derecho a la ciudadana para cada nio que nazca en
the country. el pas.
They kept their friendship secret for over a decade. Mantuvieron su amistad en secreto durante ms de
una dcada.
She shares her fathers amoral values. Ella comparte los valores amorales de su padre.
20 patients had atypical pneumonia cause by a 20 pacientes tuvieron una neumona atpica causada
strange virus. por un extrao virus.
I recommend you to use antibacterial soap. Te recomiendo usar jabn antibacteriano.
Omega-3 has been proved to be a natural anti- Se ha comprobado que el omega-3 es un agente
cholesterol agent. natural contra el colesterol.
The company needs bilingual people on the staff. La empresa necesita gente bilinge en su personal.
Spain and France have signed a bilateral agreement Espaa y Francia han firmado un acuerdo bilateral
to help prevent terrorism. para ayudar a evitar el terrorismo.
The exhibition shows the biochemical evolution of the La exhibicin muestra la evolucin bioqumica de la
Earth. Tierra.
Biochemical researchers are developing Los investigadores bioqumicos estn desarrollando
biodegradable plastics that are made from renewable plsticos biodegradables que estn hechos de
resources. recursos renovables.
Did you feel you were being disloyal to your boss? Sentiste que estabas siendo desleal a tu jefe?
The new building is not dissimilar to the old one El nuevo edificio no es distinto al viejo excepto en que
except that it is larger. es ms grande.
Dyslexic children can have difficulties with reading and Los nios dislxicos pueden tener dificultades con la
writing. lectura y la escritura-
He is an expert on dysfunctional adolescent El es un experto en el comportamiento disfuncional de
behaviour. los adolescentes.
The number of illiterate people stayed close to 900 El nmero de analfabetos permaneci cercano a los
million throughout the 90s. 900 millones en los 90.
Her handwriting is totally illegible Su escritura es totalmente ilegible
Immature teenagers are vulnerable Los adolescentes inmaduros son vulnerables.
The sound she made was almost imperceptible to my El sonido que ella produjo fue casi imperceptible a mis
ears. odos.
She was incapable of singing the song without Fue incapaz de cantar la cancin sin rerse.
Brazil is an independent sovereign nation. Brasil es una nacin independiente y soberana.
She refused to answer the question because it was Ell rechaz responder a la pregunta porque era
irrelevant. irrelevante.
He's a lovely person, even though his pre-adolescent Es una persona maravillosa, aunque su
behaviour was dreadful! comportamiento pre-adolescente fue horrible!
All the meals during the conference had been pre- Todas ls comidas durante la conferencia fueron
arranged. programadas de antemano.
That's the most unbelievable story I've ever heard! Es la historia ms increble que he escuchado en mi
They argued that it was an unacceptable price to pay Argumentaron que era un precio inaceptable por una
for visiting the zoo. visita al zoo!
There are some unwritten rules of behaviour that Existen algunas reglas de comportamiento no escritas
everybody should follow. que todos deberan seguir.
Real Madrid, unbeaten at home, have won in El Real Madrid, invicto en casa, ha ganado en
Barcelona an Seville. Barcelona y Sevilla.
The ending of the film was very predictable. El final de la pelcula era muy predecible.
After a year in her new position, she became an Despus de un ao en su nuevo puesto, se volvi una
irritable an unhappy person. persona irritable e infeliz.
Noticeable advances are being made in Se estn llevando a cabo notables avances en la
nanotechnology research. investigacin sobre nanotecnologia.
This bag is so handy because its washable. Este bolso es muy prctico porque es lavable.
He runs a business that involves exporting electric Dirige un negocio que implica la exportacin de
power equipment to continental Europe. equipos elctricos a la Europa continental.
If I was a cynical person, which I am not, I would have Si fuera una persona cnica, que no lo soy, habra
said her main intention was to cause trouble. dicho que su intencin principal era causar problemas.
The presidents discussed possible responses to Los presidentes debatieron posibles respuestas a los
global climate changes. cambios climticos globales.
Some of the greatest discoveries in history were Algunos de los descubrimientos ms importantes de la
accidental. historia fueron accidentales.
His book deals with the history of authoritarian Su libro trata de la historia de los regmenes
regimes around the world. autoritarios en el mundo.
His book deals with the history of authoritarian Su libro trata de la historia de los regmenes
regimes around the world. autoritarios en el mundo.
My mother teaches Humanitarian Law at Cornell Mi madre ensea Derecho Humanitario en al
University. Universidad de Cornell.
The school is going to take disciplinary measures El colegia va a tomar medidas disciplinarias contra los
against the students who misbehaved so badly. estudiantes que se comportaron tan mal.
Her husband was the legendary pianist Dove Su marido era el legendario pianista Dove Williams.
The President admitted that he was puzzled by the El Presidente admiti que estaba perplejo ante la
opposition to his proposal. oposicin a su propuesta.
He wa very disappointed when he failed his driving Se decepcion mucho cuando no aprob su carnet de
licence. conducir.
Most new-born babies are blue-eyed. La mayora de los recin nacidos tienen los ojos
Flowered skirts are in fashin this summer. Las faldas floreadas estn de moda este verano.
You should be ashamed of your behaviour. Deberas avergonzarte de tu comportamiento.
Despite the preservation techniques for tinned food, A pesar de las tcnicas de conservacin de la comida
there are concerns about the metal use for teh tins. enlatada, preocupan los metales de los que estn
hechas las mismas.
He is a handsome man with his mother's silken skin. l es un hombre guapo con la piel de seda de su
The Golden Horn is an inlet of the Bosphorus. El Cuernos de Oro es un estuario del Bsforo.
This interesting article discusses how parents can Este interesane artculo habla de cmo pueden tratar
deal with a disobedient child los padres a un nio desobediente.
My sister is still finncially dependent on my parents. Mi hermana todava depende econmicamente de mis
It was a deceitful and irresponsible act. Fue un acto engaoso e irresponsable.
After such a hard term, we were thankful when the Despus de un semestre tan duro, agradecimos
holidays started and we could relax. cuando llegaron las vacaciones y pudimos relajarnos.
In this book, there are pictures of costumes and En este libro, hay fotos de trajes y mscaras
masks worn during the Elizabethan period. empleados en el perodo isabelino.
Amphibian animals live both on land and in water. Los animales anfibios viven tanto en la tierra como en
el agua.
Learners acquire a particular language by receiving Los aprendices adquieren una lengua al recibir input
comprehensible input. comprensible.
The poem is divisible into two parts. El poema se puede dividir en dos partes.
Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport inwhich competitors La ginmasia ritmica es un deporte en el que los
have to manipulate one or several of the following competidores tienen que manipular uno ovarios de los
apparatus: ropes, balls, hoops, clubs and ribbons. siguientes instrumentos: la cuerda, la pelota, el aro,
las mazas y la cinta.
These colourful mangnetic stickers will stick to your Estas coloridas pegatinas magnticcas se pegarn en
fridge. tu nevera.
I have no compelling reason to keep on working for No tengo ninguna buena razn para seguir trabajando
this firm. en esta empresa.
An ageing population is a burden for any country. Una poblacin envejecida es una carga para cualquier
This book refutes the prevailing view that capitalism Este libro rebate la opinin imperante de que el
can lead democracy. capitalismo puede conducir a la democracia.
Stanislaw Lemion was a Polish science fiction writer. Stanislaw Lem fue un escritor de ciencia ficcin
Yesterday I could not use the tap water at home Ayer no pude usar el agua del grifo porque de repente
because it suddenly turned brownish se puso marrn.
Peter was holding a bottle with some darkish liquid in Peter sostena una botella con un lquido oscuro en el
the bottom. fondo.
'You look feversih and ill', my mother said as soon as 'Parece que ests febril y enfermo', dijo mi madre tan
she saw me. pronto como me vio.
Sit down and don't be so childish. Sientate y no seas tan infantil.
She felt foolish an guilty about her remark. Ella se sinti ridcula y culpable por su comentario.
We tend to tell our children that it is babyish to cry. Solemos decirles a nuestros hijos que llorar es de
The result was less effective than expected. El resultado fue menos efectivo de lo esperado.
I received a negative answer to my request. Obtuve una respuesta negativa a mi peticin.
The Great Gatsby, a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a El Gran Gatsby, una novela de F. Scott Fitzgerald, es
timeless classic. un eterno clsico.
I was so surprised to see him that I was speechless Me sorprendi tanto verle que me qued sin habla por
for a moment. un momento.
The range of possibilities is endless, and with this El abanico de posibilidades es infinito, y con esta
traves agency you have plenty of accommodation agencia de viajes tienes mchas opciones de
options. alojamiento.
My lawyer just wanted to warn me how hopeless my Mi abogado slo quera advertirme de lo poco
case was. esperanzador que era mi caso.
He had such a childlike curiosity. Tena una curiosidad de nio.
Plcido Domingo is known for his strong and Plcido Domingo es conocido por su voz potente y de
dreamlike voice. ensueo.
Saintly Mother Teresa of Calcutta was born on August Santa Madre Teresa de Calcuta naci el 27 de agosto
27th, 1910, de 1910,
All my motherly instincts returned when I saw my little Todos mis instintos maternales brotaron cuando vi a
niece. mi sobrina pequea.
Unfortunately, the treatment was too costly, and we Desgraciadamente, el tratamiento era demasiado
coul not afford it. costoso y no nos lo pudimos permitir.
Students may hire the campus sport facilities hourly or Los estudiantes pueden alquilar las instalaciones
daily. deportivas del campus por horas o por das.
My husband is very superstitious and he keeps a Mi marido es muy supersticioso y tiene una herradura
horseshoe hanging on our front door. colgada en la puerta principal.
The hotel bedrooms are well-furnished, spacious, and Las habitaciones del hotel estn bien amuebladas, son
all have a private bathroom. espaciosas y todas tiene bao privado.
Did you see or hear anything which may have been Viste u oste algo que pudiera haber sido
suspicious? sospechoso ?
His actions were planned. They weren't spontaneous. Sus acciones fueron calculadas. No fueron
From the top of the Cliffs of Moher, the views are Desde lo alto de los Acantilados de Moher las vistas
awesome. son impresionantes.
I must confess, I find working in the afternoons very Debo confesar que trabajar por las tardes me parece
tiresome. muy pesado.
Listen! Can you hear the sound of the sea crashing Escucha!Oyes el sonido del mar golpeando en la
over the stony beach? playa pedregosa?
Leafy vegetables are low in calories and high in Las verduras de hoja verde son bajas en calorias y
protein fibre, iron and calcium. altas en protena, fibra, hierro y calcio.
My room is so dirty! I need to clean it. Mi habitacin est tan sucia! Tengo que limpiarla.
Don't be cheeky to your father! No seas un fresco con tu padre!
Promise me you will behave when w get to my friends Promteme que te portars bien cuando lleguemos a
house. casa de mis amigos.
Are they going to decontaminate the area? Van a descontaminar la zona?
They have to disinfect the public toilets every day. Tienen que desinfectar los servicios pblicos todos los
Be careful not to do anything that could endanger Ten cuidado de no hacer nada que pueda poner vidas
lives. en peligro.
My grandfather often misplaces his glasses. Mi abuelo a menudo pierde sus gafas.
She outlived all her siblings. Vivi ms que todos sus hermanos.
Make sure you dont overcook the fish. Asegrate de no cocinar demasiado el pescado.
You can undress in the changing room Te puedes desvestir en el vestuario.

5. Imperative (captulo II, punto 1.1., pg. 111-114)

If the dog is thirsty, let it drink. Si el perro tiene sed, que beba.
If she wants to join the team, let her join it. Si ella quiere unirse al equipo, que lo haga.
Let them sing their song! Que canten su cancin!
Do tell her! Dselo!
Please, tell me the truth. Dime la verdad, por favor.
Make a complaint! Reclama!/Qujate!
Fire your attorney! Despide a tu bogado!
Come and see me whenever you want. Ven a verme siempre que quieras.
Take another biscuit. Theyre really good. Coge otra galleta. Estn muy buenas.
Mix the eggs, two tablespoons of oil and the flour En un cuenco grande, mezcla los huevos, dos cucharadas
in a large bowl. soperas de aceite y la harina.
Go out of the front door and then turn left. Salga por la puerta principal y luego gire a la izquierda.
Turn off the lights before you go to bed. Apaga las luces antes de irte a la cama.
Give up TV and do some sport! Deja de ver tanta televisin y haz un poco de deporte!
Tidy your room now or Ill tell your father! Ordena tu habitacin ahora o se lo digo a tu padre!
Go out without permission and youre asking for Vete sin pedir permiso y te meters en los.

6. Reflexive pronouns (captulo I, punto 2.3., pg. 50-51)

Enjoy yourselves, my mother shouted from the Divertios, grit mi madre desde la entrada.
front door.
We should take care of ourselves more. Deberamos cuidarnos ms.
The owner blamed himself for the unfortunate El dueo se culp por el desafortunado error.
I myself am not sure if I understand what you No estoy seguro de entender lo que quieres decir.
His point of view changed as he himself changed. Su punto de vista cambi al cambiar l mismo.

7. Relative pronouns (captulo I, punto 2.7., pg. 54-58) and relative clauses (captulo III, punto 2.2.2.,
pg. 265-269)
There were, of course, people who didnt think it was Haba, por supuesto, gente que no crea que fuera buena
a good idea. idea.
De Bekker will replace Lpez, who broke his arm last De Bekker sustituir a Lpez, quien se rompi el brazo la
week. semana pasada.
My father had no idea whom to ask, or whom to see. Mi padre no tena idea de a quin preguntar, o a quin
Jane arrived at the airport with her husband, whom Jane lleg al aeropuerto con su marido con quien se
she had married two weeks before. haba casado haca dos semanas.
To whom in the group are they referring? A quin del grupo se refieren?
She is the girl whom we saw in the park not long
She is the girl who we saw in the park not long ago. Ella es la chica que vimos en el parque no hace mucho.
She is the girl that we saw in the park not long ago.
She is the girl we saw in the park not long ago.
None of the people to whom I talked to in Paris
agreed with the idea.
None of the people who I talked to in Paris agreed
with the idea.
None of the people that I talked to in Paris agreed
with the idea.
None of the people I talked to in Paris agreed with Ninguna de las personas con las que habl en Pars
the idea. estaba de acuerdo con la idea.
That is John, whose wife and children come to our l es John, cuya esposa e hijos vienen a nuestra casa a
house regularly. menudo.
There are some words whose meaning changes Hay algunas palabras cuyo significado cambia
depending on the context. dependiendo del contexto.
For years we worked on a project which had road Durante aos trabajamos en un proyecto cuyo tema
safety as its main theme. principal era la seguridad vial.
You need the kind of help which my company offers. Necesitas el tipo de ayuda que mi compaa ofrece.
The local Trekking Association, of which my La Asociacin de Senderismo, de la cul mi marido es
husband is a member, publishes a monthly journal. miembro, publica una revista mensual.
The teacher that taught us Science is now retired. El profesor que nos ense ciencias est ya jubilado.
What was in the bottle that you dropped? Qu haba en la botella que se te cay?
The monkeys that we saw in the zoo were funny. Los monos que vimos en el zoo eran graciosos.
Who is the person that you are looking at? Quin es la persona a la que miras?
Who is the person you are looking at?
Those who/that earn less than 40 euros a week can Aquellos que ganan menos de 40 euros a la semana,
apply for a supplementary allowance. pueden solicitar una ayuda complementaria.
When I go to New York, I will visit the museums Cuando vaya a Nueva York visitar los museos que me
which/that you suggested. has sugerido.
Its the strangest thing that I have ever heard. Es la cosa ms extraa que he odo nunca.
What she loves is cycling in the countryside. Lo que le encanta es pasear con la bici por el campo.
If you want to know what she wants for her birthday, Si quieres saber lo que quiere por su cumpleaos,
ask her. pregtntale.
Thats the school where my daughter studies. se es el colegio donde estudia mi hija.
That was the day when we got married. se fue el da en que nos casamos.
Thats why she loves him. Es por eso por lo que lo quiere.
(1) The shoes which/that I bought yesterday are very
The shoes I bought yesterday are very comfortable. Los zapatos que compr ayer son muy cmodos
(2) The woman with whom you were talking is my
The woman you were talking is my mother-in-law. La mujer con la que estabas hablando es mi suegra.
(3) The children who/that are playing in the park are
my students.
The children playing in the park are my students. Los nios que estn jugando en el parque son mis
(3) The park which is in front of the church is the
biggest one in the city.
The park in front of the church is the biggest one in El parque que est en frente de la iglesia es el ms
the city. grande de la ciudad.
She can invite whoever/whomever she pleases. Ella puede invitar a quien quiera.
Whoever leaves last should turn off the computers. Quienquiera que se marche el ltimo, que apague los
Do whatever you want, but be careful. Haz lo que quieras, pero ten cuidado.
Dont worry! I will feel comfortable with whatever you No te preocupes! Me sentir cmoda con cualquier cosa
decide. que decidas.
Choose whichever you like. Elige el que te guste.
The story made no sense whatever/whatsoever. La historia no tena ningn sentido.
Whatever their differences, they had something in Cualesquiera que fueran sus diferencias, tenan algo en
common; they were both good-hearted people. comn; ambos eran buenas personas.
You can visit us whenever you want. Nos puedes visitar cuando quieras.
Come whenever it suits you. Ven siempre que/cuando te venga bien.
They are always cheerful wherever we go. Siempre estn alegres dondequiera que vayamos.
I am going to find them wherever they are. Voy a encontrarlos dondequiera que estn.
Hannah like the biscuits that/which you brought to A Hannah le gustaron las galletas que trajiste a la fiesta.
the party.
I like travelling to places that/which are far away. Me gusta viajar a lugares que estn lejos.
The police officer who/that/whom you saw on the El polica que viste en la carretera es mi vecino.
road is my neighbour.
That is the man that/who lent me his mobile phone. Ese es el hombre que me prest su telfono mvil.
I like the film that/which they are showing on TV Me gusta la pelcula que ponen en televisin esta noche.
This is the writer whose novel I enjoyed so much. Este es el escritor cuya novela me gust tanto.
She came across a distant relative whom she hadnt Ella se encontr con un pariente lejano al que no haba
seen for years. visto en aos.
This is the lawyer from who I have learnt so much.
Infomal: ste es el abogado del que he aprendido tanto.
This is the lawyer who I have learnt so much from.
The university to which you applied is a very good La universidad para la que has hecho la solicitud es muy
one. buena.
The university which you applied to is a very good La universidad a la que solicitaste admisin es muy
one. buena.
The postman, who usually comes early every day, El cartero, que normalmente viene temprano todos los
has not arrived yet. das, an no ha llegado.
These books, which were originally written in Latin, Estos libros, que fueron escritos inicialmente en latn,
have been translated into several languages. han sido traducidos a muchas lenguas.
th th
Leonardo Da Vinci, who lived in the 15 and 16, Leonardo Da Vinci, que vivi en los siglos XV y XVI, con
centuries, has often been described as the archetype frecuencia ha sido descrito como el arquetipo del
of Renaissance man. hombre renacentista.
This painting, which I bought from an art dealer, is Este cuadro, que compr a un marchante de arte, es
very valuable. muy valioso.
Samantha, whose family lives in Oklahoma, often Samantha, cuya familia vive en Oklahoma, a menudo
travels to the US. viaja a los EE.UU.
I hope you like my new motorbike, which was not Espero que te guste mi nueva motocicleta, que no ha
expensive at all. sido nada cara.
The headmaster is the man who is sitting by my wife. El director del colegio es el hombre que est sentado
junto a mi mujer.
The boy, who was waiting for his parents outside the
Sports Pavilion, started to cry.
The boy, waiting for his parents outside the Sports El nio que estaba esperando a sus padres fuera del
Pavilion, started to cry pabelln de deportes empez a llorar.
Madrid is the city where I have been living for the
last 10 years.
Madrid is the city in which I have been living for the Madrid es la ciudad en la que ha vivido los ltimos 10
last 10 years. aos.
He was born in Nottingham, where he has lived ever El naci en Nottingham, donde ha vivido desde
since. entonces.
This is the year when our situation will change. Este es el ao en el que nuestra situacin cambiar.
There was a time when we were Young. Hubo un tiempo en el que ramos jvenes.
I will never forget the year 2007, when my son was Nunca olvidar el ao 2007, cuando naci mi hijo.
We can meet at nine oclock, when we get to the Podemos reunirnos a las nueve, cuando lleguemos a la
office. oficina.
I dont approve of what he did to get the job. No apruebo lo que hizo para conseguir el trabajo.
He said what he was expected to say. Dijo lo que se esperaba que dijera.
The reason why we cannot predict human behavior La razn por la que no podemos predecir el
is that it is too complex comportamiento humano es que ste es demasiado

8. Comparative and superlative (captulo I, punto 4.3., pg. 86-97)

My grandfather was as strong as a horse. Mi abuelo era tan fuerte como un caballo.
She is as intelligent as her father was. Es tan inteligente como lo era su padre.
The information is not as straightforward as it may La informacin no es tan sencilla como parece.
I am not as young as I used to be, he said. No soy tan joven como antes, dijo l.
My dog is as big as horse! Mi perro es tan grande como un caballo!
He is not as tall as I thought. l no es tan alto como pensaba.
She is as quiet as he. Es tan callada como l.
She is as quiet as him. Es tan callada como l.
She is as quiet as he is. Es tan callada como l.
Susan was not as intelligent as she appeared to Susan no era tan inteligente como pareca.
Without your help, this would be 10 times as Sin tu ayuda, esto sera 10 veces ms difcil de lo que es.
difficult as it is.
Women doctors are just as good as men doctors. Las doctoras son tan buenas como los doctores.
He was almost as hard-working as Peter. l era casi tan trabajador como Peter.
I havent always been as good a friend as I should No siempre he sido tan Buena amiga como debiera.
have been.
Im in just as good a shape as I have always been. Me encuentro en el mismo buen estado fsico en el que he
estado siempre.
The meteorite was the size of a small rock. El meteorito tena el tamao de una roca pequea.
The World Expo in Shanghai is twice the size of La Expo Universal de Shanghi es dos veces mayor que
Monaco. Mnaco.
This palm tree is over twice the height of the Esta palmera es el doble de alta de lo normal.
average palm tree.

She looked like a profesional. Ella pareca una profesional.
It sounded like a fantastic idea. Pareca una idea fantstica.
Sometimes I feel like a stranger in this place. Algunas veces me siento como un extrao en este lugar.
He looks exactly like an actor. Se parece a un actor.
I feel just like a child. Me siento igual que un nio.
The prices in China are the same as in Korea. Los precios en China son los mismos que en Corea.
My friends say I look the same as my sister. Mis amigas dicen que me parezco a mi hermana.
He has the same car as you. Tiene el mismo coche que t.
The procedure in the study carried out in Germany El procedimiento en el estudio llevado a cabo en Alemania
was the same as that employed in the US, with the fue el mismo que el usado en EE.UU., con la excepcin de
exception of phase three. la fase tres.
He said that I look just the same as my father. Me dijo que me pareca muchsimo a mi padre
Michael was less dramatic about the exam than Michael era menos dramtico sobre el examen que su
his brother. hermano.
In some countries, political power is less important En algunos pases el poder poltico es menos importante
than religious power. que el poder religioso.
Unfortunately, I am less optimistic than you. Desafortunadamente, soy menos optimista que t.
About 2.5 million people make the annual Hajj to Unos 2.5 millones de personas hacen el Hajj anual a la
Mecca, Saudi Arabia which is one of the most Meca en Arabia Saud, que es una de la peregrinaciones
popular pilgrimages in the world. ms populares en todo el mundo.
Costa Rican coffee tends to be sweeter in flavour El caf costarricense tiende a ser de sabor ms dulce que
than Colombian coffee. el caf colombiano.
Colombian coffee is the strongest in flavour. El caf colombiano es el ms fuerte de sabor.
His sister is 3,5 years younger than him. Su hermana es 3,5 ms joven que l.
The newest building in the city centre was built in El edificio ms Nuevo en el centro de la ciudad se
1940. construy en 1940.
It is strange, but the painting seems more real Es extrao, pero el cuadro parece ms real que la
than the photograph. fotografa.
Harrys dog is noisier than usual! El perro de Harry est ms ruidoso de lo normal.
My grandmother thinks Jim is the noisiest of all her Mi abuela cree que Jim es el ms ruidoso de todos sus
grandchildren. nietos.
The company has created a new version of the La compaa ha creado una nueva versin del navegador
web browser with a more simple/simpler design. web con un diseo ms sencillo.
Heres a recipe for the most simple/simplest bread Aqu tienes una receta para el pan ms sencilla en cuanto
in terms of ingredients. a ingredientes.
She was sick and appeared more fragile than Estaba enferma y pareca ms frgil que de costumbre.
What is the most fragile bone in the human body? Cul es el hueso ms frgil en el cuerpo humano?
If you want to make banana muffins, you need to Si quieres hacer magdalenas de pltano, necesitas
buy riper bananas. comprar pltanos ms maduros.
We need to pick the ripest apples on the tree. Necesitamos coger las manzanas ms maduras del rbol.
Skin becomes drier as we grow older. La piel se vuelve ms seca al hacernos mayores.
July and August are the driest months in the South Julio y Agosto son los meses ms secos en el Sur de
of Spain. Espaa.
He is now spryer than when he was 50. Est ms gil ahora que cuando tena 50 aos.
My grandfather is the spryest 90-year-old man I Mi abuelo es el hombre de 90 aos ms activo que he
have ever met. conocido nunca.
When I finally met her, I realized that she was Cuando finalmente la conoc, me di cuenta de que era ms
shier/shyer than I had thought. tmida de lo que pensaba.
He is one of the shiest/shyest people Ive ever les una de las personas ms tmidas que he conocido
known. nunca.
In general, the north-west of Spain is wetter than En general, el noroeste de Espaa es ms hmedo que el
the north-east. noreste.
This must have been the wettest winter on record. ste debe de haber sido el invierno ms lluvioso registrado.
She is more generous with people she doesnt Ella es ms generosa con gente a la que no conoce que
know than with her own friends. con sus propias amigas.
My brother is one of the most generous people in Mi hermano es una de las personas ms generosas en mi
my family. familia.
Im more thankful for that than anything else. Estoy ms agradecido por eso que por cualquier otra cosa.
Thats the most thankful gesture Ive ever seen. Es el mayor gesto de agradecimiento que yo haya visto.
The weather in Winter is worse than in summer. El tiempo en invierno es peor que en verano.
The worst thing about getting old is that we cannot Lo peor de envejecer es que no podemos hacer las cosas
do things as quickly as before. tan rpido como antes.
Dont worry! You can catch a later train. No te preocupes! Puedes coger un tren ms tarde.
During his latter years, he lived in the countryside. Durante sus ltimos aos, vivi en el campo.
She offered me either a biscuit or a cake and I Me ofreci una galleta o un pastel y eleg lo segundo.
chose the latter.
My elder sister is working as a nurse in a public Mi hermana mayor est trabajando como enfermera en un
hospital. hospital pblico.
She is a year or two older than me. Ella es un ao o dos mayor que yo.
The lake was farther than I remembered. El lago estaba ms lejos de lo que recordaba.
If you require any further information about any of Si necesita cualquier otra informacin sobre los cursos
the courses available, please, do not hesitate to disponibles, por favor, no dude en contactar con nosotros.
contact us.
In Japan, beer is among the least favourite drinks. En Japn la cerveza est entre las bebidas menos
He is considered the least important man in Est considerado como el hombre menos importante del
government. gobierno.
The book is much better than the movie. El libro es mucho mejor que la pelcula.
Brussels is a lot more interesting than many other Bruselas es mucho ms interesante que muchos otros
places in Belgium. lugares de Blgica.
Prices are likely to become even more prohibitive Es probable que los precios sean incluso ms prohibitivos
in the coming months. en los prximos meses.
Perhaps still more impressive is Hagia Sophia in Quizs ms impresionante an sea Santa Sofa en
Istanbul. Estambul.
He seemed rather happier than usual. Pareca bastante ms feliz que de costumbre.
This is a slightly more complicated situation now sta es una situacin un poco ms complicada ahora que
that she is unemployed. ella est en paro.
We have just moved to a bigger house. Acabamos de mudarnos a una casa ms grande.
If you smoke, there is a higher risk of getting lung Si fumas, hay mayor riesgo de tener cncer de pulmn.
Do not worry, I am feeling much better now. No te preocupes, me encuentro mucho mejor ahora.
I dont like saccharin because it tastes sweeter No me gusta el edulcorante porque sabe ms dulce que el
than sugar. azcar.
I bought the thinnest laptop they had in the shop. Compr el porttil ms fino que tenan en la tienda.
The worlds heaviest diamond was found in South El diamante ms pesado del mundo fue descubierto en
Africa in 1909. Sudfrica en 1909.
They had six children and Anna was the eldest. Tenan seis hijos y Anna era la mayor.
We are all tall, but my brother is the tallest. Todos somos altos, pero mi hermano es el ms alto.
This beach his probably the best in the world. Esta playa es probablemente la mejor del mundo.
Peter is the strongest of the group. Peter es el ms fuerte del grupo.
This is the worst novel I have ever read. Esta es la peor novela que he ledo nunca.
Wooden houses tend to be cheapest. Las casas de madera suelen ser las ms baratas.
Amanda is my eldest sister. Amanda es mi hermana mayor.
Birmigham is the second largest city in England. Birmingham es la segunda ciudad ms grande de
The Indian Ocean is the third largest ocean in the El Ocano ndico es el tercero ms extenso del mundo.
Of all the men I know, he is by far the most De los hombres que conozco, l es con diferencia el que
successful in his career. tiene ms xito en su trabajo.
It was quite the most gorgeous and elegant dress Fue el vestido ms bonito y elegante que se llev en la
worn at the party. fiesta.
The riper the tomatoes, the better. Cuanto ms maduros estn los tomates, mejor.
The smaller the perfume bottles, the better. Cuanto ms pequeos sean los botes de perfume, mejor.
I saw the yacht getting smaller and smaller as it Vi que el yate se haca cada vez ms pequeo a medida
sailed out to sea. que se alejaba hacia el mar.
As we looked behind us, the queue to buy the Cuando miramos hacia atrs, la cola para comprar las
concert tickets was getting bigger and bigger. entradas del concierto se haca cada vez ms grande.

9. Words and expressions of French origin (captulo I, formacin del nmero en los sustantivos,, punto 7, pg. 20-23; adjetivos compuestos, punto 4.4.3., pg. 107-108)
Ein Gedi is a large oasis along the western shore Ein Guedi es un gran oasis a lo largo de la orilla occidental
of the Dead Sea. del Mar Muerto.
Oases are areas of vegetation in a desert. Los oasis son reas de vegetacin en un desierto.
Where did you buy that cactus? Dnde compraste ese cactus?
Cacti store water in their leaves. Los cactus almacenan agua en sus hojas.
The El Nio phenomenon dramatically affects the El fenmeno El Nio afecta dramticamente al clima en
weather in many parts of the world. muchas partes del mundo.
On Earth there are different types of weather En la Tierra existen distintos tipos de fenmenos
phenomena including wind, rain, snow and fog. meteorolgicos como el viento, la lluvia, la nieve y la niebla.
Come and have a look at this tiny alga. Ven y mira esta pequea alga.
The water in my aquarium has turned green El agua de mi acuario se ha puesto verde a causa de las
because of the algae. algas.
The new edition includes a bibliographical La nueva edicin incluye una adenda bibliogrfica.
The addenda comprise some appendices, Las adendas contienen algunos apndices, diagramas y
diagrams and tables. tablas.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is an La Oficina Federal de Investigacin (FBI) es una agencia
agency of the United States Department of del Departamento de Justicia de los Estados Unidos.
Urban bureaux workers experience a higher level Los trabajadores de las oficinas urbanas sufren un nivel
of stress than the ones in rural areas. ms alto de estrs que los de las reas rurales.
The Library of Congress computerised index helps El ndice informatizado de la Biblioteca del Congreso ayuda
students find books and other types of printed a los estudiantes a encontrar libros y otros tipos de material
material. impreso.
The indeces are in alphabetical order. Los ndices estn en orden alfabtico.
What was the criterion you used when writing the Cul fue el criterio que usaste al escribir la lista de
word list? palabras?
The employment criteria/criterions at Johns Los criterios de contratacin en la empresa de John son
company are much more flexible this year than mucho ms flexibles este ao que el ao pasado.
last year.
The paparazzi are chasing them. Los estn persiguiendo los paparazzi.
Spaghetti is made from wheat. Los espaguetis se hacen con trigo.
According to this Italian chef, broccoli is the finest Segn este chef italiano, los brcoli son la mejor verdura
vegetable you can eat. que puedes comer.
She is wearing black trousers and Brown boots. Lleva puestos pantalones negros y botas marrones.
Tweezers are used to remove hair. Las pinzas se usan para quitar el vello.
While he was walking home, he found a pair of Mientras caminaba a su casa, encontr unas gafas en la
glasses in the street. calle.
Workers are considered to be part-time if they Cuando los trabajadores trabajan menos de 30 35 horas
work fewer than 30 or 35 hours a week. a la semana, se los considera empleados de media
I hope you have a long-lasting career as a dancer. Espero que tengas una larga carrera como bailarina.
I am feeling homesick, but I have found a new job Echo de menos mi casa, pero he encontrado un nuevo

which is keeping me busy. trabajo que me mantiene ocupado.
He was always hard-working at university. l siempre fue muy trabajador en la universidad.
They are law-abiding citizens. Son ciudadanos respetuosos con la ley.
A study revealed that eight out of ten companies Un estudio ha revelado que ocho de cada diez compaas
are publishing out-of-date information on their web estn publicando informacin no actualizada en sus
sites. pginas web.
A de facto government is one which has seized Un gobierno de facto es aquel que ha tomado el poder a la
power by force or by any other unconstitutional fuerza o con cualquier otro mtodo inconstitucional.
Cases which are sub judice cannot be published. Los casos que estn pendientes de resolucin judicial no
pueden ser publicados.

10.The subjunctive (captulo II, punto 1.2., pg. 114-115)

La compaa necesita que los programadores The company requires that computer programmers develop
desarrollen un Nuevo software antivirus. new antivirus software.
La situacin requiere que l se disculpe The situation demands that he publicly apologise for his
pblicamente por su error. mistake.
La compaa necesita que los programadores The company requires that computer programmers should
desarrollen un Nuevo software antivirus. develop new antivirus software.
Dios salve a la Reina! God save the Queen!
Qu Dios nos ayude a todos! God help us all.
Ojal ella sintiera por m lo mismo que yo siento I wish she had the same feelings for me as I have for her.
por ella.
Si al menos no me hubiera tomado esa ltima If only I hadnt had that last cup of hot chocolate.
taza de chocolate.
Yo que t, le comprara unas flores. If I were you, I would buy her some flowers.
Si yo estuviera en tu lugar, tampoco sabra qu If I was in your positions I wouldnt know what to say either.

14. Past perfect (captulo II, punto 2.7., pg. 138-141)

After they had lived there for a year, they started Despus de haber vivido all durante un ao, empezaron a
to meet up with some neighbours. quedar con algunos vecinos.
Before becoming famous, he had worked as a Antes de hacerse famoso haba trabajado de albail.
Hen Barbara got to the station, the rain had left. Cuando Brbara lleg a la estacin, el tren se haba
After he had sewed the button back on his shirt, Despus de haber cosido el botn en la camisa, la planch.
he ironed it.
Robert had met his new boss on his previous visit. Robert haba conocido a su Nuevo jefe en la visita anterior.
She found her mobile phone after she had Ella encontr su mvil despus de haberlo buscado por
searched the whole house. toda la casa.
We had not studied English before we joined this No habamos estudiado ingls antes de asistir a esta clase.
Jeff had examined the lawnmower thoroughly Jeff haba revisado el cortacsped minuciosamente antes
before he bought it. de comprarlo.
Chloe said that when I arrived at the birthday Chloe dijo que cuando llegu a la fiesta de cumpleaos , mi
party, my sister had just left. hermana se acababa de marchar.
When he got to the hospital, his wife had already Cuando l lleg al hospital, su esposa ya haba dado a luz.
given birth.
By the time she arrived, we had dome all the work. Para cuando ella lleg, habamos hecho todo el trabajo.
The wasp stung the boy after he had tried to La avispa pic al chico despus de que l hubiese
destroy the nest. intentado destruir el nido.
She had sketched the scene in charcoal before Ella haba hecho un bosquejo de la escena en carboncillo
she painted it. antes de pintarla.
During the shipwreck, the captain stayed on board Durante el naufragio, el capitn se qued a bordo hasta
until the last passenger had abandoned the boat. que el ltimo pasajero hubo abandonado el barco.
As soon as he realised he had made a mistake, he Tan pronto como se dio cuenta de que haba cometido un
tried to get his exam paper back. error, intent recuperar su examen.
By the time the police got there, the burglars had Para cuando lleg la polica, los ladrones haban
disappeared. desaparecido
If you had phoned him earlier, he would have Si le hubieras llamado antes, te habra ayudado.
helped you.
If Sara hadnt eaten all the chocolates, she would Si Sara no se hubiera comido todos los bombones, no
not be ill now. estara enferma ahora.
-I enjoyed the garden party, Diane said. -Me gusto la fiesta en el jardn, dijo Diane.
-Diane said that she had enjoyed the garden party. -Diane dijo que le haba gustado la fiesta en el jardn.
-I loved pets, said Sean. -Siempre me han gustado las mascotas,dijo Sean.
- Sean said that he had always loved pets. - Sean dijo que siempre le haban gustado los animales de
Jeff had left before we arrived Jeff se haba marchado antes de que llegramos.
Jeff left before we arrived. Jeff se marcho antes de que llegramos.
After the guest had left, we cleaned everything up. Despus de que se hubieran marchado los invitados, lo
limpiamos todo.
After the guests left, we cleaned everything up. Despus de que se marcharan los invitados, lo limpiamos

15. Simple future (captulo II, punto 2.9, pg. 144-149)

I have just checked the weather forecast. We will Acabo de mirar el pronstico del tiempo. Tendremos mal
have bad weather all this week. tiempo toda esta semana.
Youll be careful and you wont hurt anyone! Tendris cuidado y no haris dao a nadie!
Will you clear the snow from the window? Yes, I Quitars la nieve de la ventana? S, lo har.
Shall I close the window? Cierro la venta? (Quieres que cierre la ventana?)
Shall we go out for dinner? Salimos a cenar? (Quieres que salgamos a cenar?)
As son as the boat is ready, well start sailing. Tan pronto como el barco est listo empezaremos a
When I see him, I will offer him my condolences. Cuando lo vea, le dar el psame.
Well start sailing as son as the boat is ready. Empezaremos a navegar tan pronto como el barco est
I will offer him my condolences when I see him. Le dar el psame cuando lo vea.
If it keeps on snowing, well spend the night here. Si sigue navegando, pasaremos la noche aqu.
If theres no other solution, we will sell the house. Si no hay otra solucin, venderemos la casa.
My brother has an appointment with his doctor. He Mi hermano tiene una cita con su mdico. Le ver maana.
is seeing him tomorrow.
Jane is arriving at five oclock today. Jane llega hoy a las cinco.
The ship is going to sink. El barco se va a hundir.
There isnt a cloud in the sky. Its going to be a No hay ni una nube en el cielo. Va a hacer una tarde
lovely afternoon. estupenda.
He is playing really well. He is going to win the l est jugando muy bien. Va a ganar el partido.
We have an important meeting with the manager Tenemos una reunin importante con el director el 26 de
on January 26th. enero.
Sorry, but I cant stop. My train leaves in 15 Lo siento, pero no puedo parar. Mi tren sale en 15 minutos.
I checked the weather forecast on the Internet and
it will be sunny tomorrow.
I checked the weather forecast on the Internet and He comprobado el pronstico del tiempo en Internet y
it is going to be sunny tomorrow. maana estar soleado/va a estar soleado.
Yes, Susan and Sara are going to meet at the S, Susan y Sara se van a encontrar en el centro comercial

shopping centre at six. a las seis.
If you cant read French, I will translate the letter Si no sabes leer francs, yo te traducir la carta.
for you.
They are to leave today. Se irn hoy.
We are to clean the garage today. Tenemos que limpiar el garaje hoy.
She is about to be promoted. Est a punto de ser ascendida.
The shuttle bus to the airport is about to leave. El autobus que lleva al aeropuerto est a punto de
The plant is due to be opened by the Prime La fbrica sera inaugurada por el Jefe de Gobierno.
Bob and Catherine are due to be back tomorrow. Boy y Catherine vuelven maana.
She intends visiting Morocco this spring. Ella tiene la intencin de viajar a Marruecos esta primavera.
Do you intend to help me? Tienes la intencin de ayudarme?

17. Future perfect (captulo II, punto 2.11, pg. 151-152) and future continuous (captulo II, punto 2.10,
pg. 149-151)
I will have finished the task. Habr terminado la tarea.
She will have read the newspaper. Habr ledo el peridico.
He will have come back. Habremos regresado.
The construction company will have finished the La constructora habr acabado el nuevo edificio antes del
new building before the end of the next month. mes que viene.
We will have finished our dinner by the time they Habremos acabado de cenar para cuando lleguen aqu.
get here.
By the time I see you, I will have graduated. La prxima vez que te vea / Para cuando te vuelva a ver,
habr acabado la carrera.
They left two hours ago. They will have arrived at Se marcharon hace dos horas. Ya habrn llegado a su
their hotel by now. hotel
I will be sitting on a chair. Estar sentada en una silla.
He will be cooking for us. Estar cocinando para nosotros.
You will be feeding the animals. Estars dando de comer a los animales.
This time tomorrow, she will be flying to the US. Maana, a esta hora, estar volando a los EE.UU.
Next year at this time, I will be doing exactly what I El ao que viene, por estas fechas, estar haciendo
am doing now. exactamente lo mismo que estoy haciendo ahora.
Will you be working late tomorrow? Estars trabajando hasta tarde maana?
Will you be picking up the children from school? Vas a recoger a los nios del colegio?
I will not be in town next Saturday because I will No estar en la ciudad el prximo sbado porque estar
be viviting my uncle in Glasgow. visitando a mi to en Glasgow.
The health inspector will be visiting the factory this El inspector de sanidad visitar la fbrica esta tarde.
Dont get impatient. Charles will come soon. No seas impaciente. Charles vendr pronto.
Dont get impatient. Charles will be coming soon.

18. Passive voice (captulo II, 3, pg. 157-170)

A new pair of shoes was bought by Amy. Un par de zapatos nuevos fue comprado por Amy.
The father drove the children home. El padre llev a los nios a casa en coche.
The children were driven home by the father. Los nios fueron llevados a casa en coche por su padre.
The plants were watered by the gardener. (SI BY)
My father drinks one glass of this juice every day. Mi padre bebe un vaso de ese zumo cada maana.
One glass of this juice is drunk by my father every Un vaso de ese zumo es bebido por mi padre cada
day. maana.

In remote places of Colombia coffee is transported En remotos lugares de Colombia el caf es transportado en
on donkeys. burros.
Radioactive waste is safely stored in that large Los residuos radioactivos son almacenados de forma
building. segura en ese edificio grande.
Emily is reading one of the novels. Emily esta leyendo una de las novelas.
One of the novels is being reading by Emily. Una de las novelas est siendo leda por Emily.
The factory is being built by an important La fbrica est siendo construida por una importante
construction company. constructora.
The plans are being prepared by well-known Los planos estn siendo preparados por arquitectos
architects. conocidos.
My grandmother baked that apple pie yesterday. Mi abuela hizo ese pastel de manzana ayer.
That apple pie was baked by my grandmother Ese pastel de manzana fue hecho por mi abuela ayer.
Everything possible was done to get the situation Se hizo todo lo posible para que la situacin volviera a la
back to normal after the earthquake. normalidad despus del terremoto.
The local team was beaten by the visiting team in El equipo local fue derrotado por el equipo visitante en un
an exciting match. partido emocionante.
My sister was saving the money to go to Egypt. Mi hermana estaba ahorrando dinero par ir a Egipto.
The money was being saved by my sister to go to El dinero estaba siendo ahorrado por mi hermana para ira a
Egypt. Egipto
His PhD thesis was being supervised by one of Su tesis doctoral estaba siendo supervisada por uno de los
the best known experts in the field. expertos ms reconocidos en el campo.
The kitten was being raised with loving care. El gatito estaba siendo criado con mucho amor y cuidado.
The security guard has warned us. El guardia de seguridad nos ha avisado.
We have been warned by the security guard. Nosotros hemos sido avisados por el guardia de seguridad.
A new sports center has been opened in my Un nuevo polideportivo ha sido abierto en mi barrio.
So far, a solution to the problem has not been Hasta ahora, no ha sido encontrada una solucin al
found. problema.
My neighbour had bought a new pet. Mi vecino haba comprado un nuevo animal de compaa.
A new pet had been bought by my neighbour. Un nuevo animal de compaa haba sido comprado por mi
The yearly meeting had been cancelled before the La reunin anual haba sido cancelada antes de que los
delegates arrived in Madrid. delegados llegaran a Madrid.
The novel came out in a paperback edition after it La novela se public en edicin rstica despus de haber
had been published in hardback for 10 years. estado publicada en tapa durante 10 aos.
Phil will read that detective novel. Phil leer aquella novela policaca.
That detective novel will be read by Phil. Aquella novela policaca ser leda por Phil.
The front door will be locked at 11.00 pm. La puerta delantera ser cerrada con llave a las 11 de la
The casualties will be taken straight to hospital. Las vctimas sern llevadas directamente al hospital.
Bob will have repaired it by now. Bob ya lo habr arreglado a estas alturas.
It will have been repaired by Bob by now. Ya habr sido reparado por Bob a estas alturas.
If the devastation continuous at this rate, much of Si la devastacin contina a este ritmo, la mayor parte de la
the Amazon rainforest will have been destroyed by selva amaznica habr sido destruida antes de final de
the end of the century. siglo.
Its hoped that the first phase of the project will Se espera que la primera fase del proyecto haya sido
have been completed by 2012. completada antes del 2012.
He was terrified that the police would catch him. Le daba pnico que la polica lo atrapara.
He was terrified that he would be caught by the Le daba pnico ser atrapado por la polica.
If we renovated our house completely, it would be Si renovsemos la casa por completo sera vendida en un
sold within a year. ao.
It was expected that the budget would be Se esperaba que el presupuesto fuera aprobado por el
approved by the committee. comit.

They would all have studied it carefully if they had Todos ellos lo habran estudiado detenidamente si
had time. hubiesen tenido tiempo.
It would have been studied carefully by them if Habra sido estudiado detenidamente por todos si hubieran
they had had time. tenido tiempo.
America would have been discovered even if Amrica habra sido descubierto incluso si Coln nunca
Columbus had never existed. hubiera existido.
The book would have been sold in Canada if they El libro habra sido vendido en Canad si lo hubieran
had translated it into English. traducido al ingls.
Jessica is going to help Rebecca. Jessica va a ayudar a Rebecca.
Rebecca is going to be helped by Jessica. Rebecca va a ser ayudada por Jessica.
An art gallery is going to be opened near my Una galera de arte va a ser inaugurada cerca de mi casa.
A peace conference is going to be organized by Una conferencia de Paz va a ser organizada por la
the United Nations. Naciones Unidas.
The boss can find a solution. El jefe puede encontrar una solucin.
A solution can be found by the boss. Una solucin puede ser encontrada por el jefe.
The child could water the plants. La nia pudo regar las plantas.
The plants could be watered by the child. Las plantas pudieron ser regadas por la nia.
The police should have called the firefighters. La polica debera haber llamado a los bomberos.
The firefighters should have been called by the Los bomberos deberan haber sido llamados por la polica.
My mother made this bedspread. Mi madre hizo esta colcha.
This bedspread was made by my mother. Esta colcha fue hecha por mi madre.
Westminster Abbey was built in the 18 century by La abada de Westminster fue construida en el siglo XVIII
Christopher Wren. por Christopher Wren.
America was discovered by Christopher Amrica fue descubierta por Cristbal Coln.
Taxes were increase Se subieron los impuestos.
Corn is grown in Kansas. Se cultiva maz en Kansas
My purse was stolen. Mi monedero fue robado.
The teacher said that my request would be passed El profesor dijo que mi peticin sera transmitida al director.
on to the headmaster.
He was told to mind his manners. Le dijeron que cuidara sus modales.
The glass has been broken. Se ha roto el vaso.
The headmaster gave an award to my brother-in- El director le dio un premio a mi cuado.
An award was given to my brother in law by the Un premio fue dado a mi cuado por el director.
The workers were promised a salary rise. Le prometieron un aumento de sueldo a los trabajadores
The three best junior chess-players will be Se conceder una medalla a los tres mejores jugadores de
awarded a medal. ajedrez.
They believe that she has finished her studies. Ellos creen que ella ha terminado sus estudios.
Its believed that she has finished her studies. Se cree que ella ha terminado sus estudios.
She is believed to have finished her studies. Se cree que ella ha terminado sus estudios.
Tim is supposed to be a good student. Se supone que Tim es un buen estudiante.
He is supposed to clean the Kitchen. Se supone que l limpiar la cocina.
You are not supposed to bring dogs into this shop. Se supone que no debes traer perros a esta tienda.
Its said (that) the next meeting will take place in Se dice que la siguiente reunin tendr lugar en
Cambridge. Cambridge.
Its thought (that) he will marry her. Se cree que l se casar con ella.
Its well known (that) all children do not learn in the Es bien sabido que todos los nios no aprenden de la
same way. misma forma.
(activa) Historians believe that the Vikings arrived Los historiadores creen que los vikingos llegaron a Amrica
in America before Christopher Columbus. antes que Cristbal Coln.

It is believed that the Vikings arrived in America Se cree que los vikingos llegaron a Amrica antes que
before Christopher Columbus. Cristbal Coln.
The Vikings are believed to have arrived in Se cree que los vikingos llegaron a Amrica antes que
America before Christopher Columbus. Cristbal Coln.
The police were thought to have been called by Se pens que alguien haba llamado a la polica./Se pens
someone. que la polica haba sido llamada.
They thought that someone had called the police. Ellos pensaron que alguien haba llamado a la polica.
The police were thought to have been called by Se pens que alguien haba llamado a la polica./Se pens
someone. que la polica haba sido llamada.
The plot of this play lacks originality. El argumento de esta obra carece de originalidad.
That red hat doesnt suit you in my opinion. En mi opinin, ese sombrero rojo no te queda bien.
The first meeting with the partners was held in La primera reunin con los socios se celebr en vila.
Our front door was fitted with a new lock. Se instal una nueva cerradura en nuestra puerta
(A) The teacher thought that it would be a good El profesor pens que sera buena idea repasar para el
idea to revise for the exam. examen.
The computer expert estimated that he would fix El experto en ordenadores calcul que reparara el sistema
the system quickly. rpido.
(B) He cut himself with the Swiss army knife. Se cort con la navaja suiza.
(C) They hit each others head while trying to pick Se golpearon la cabeza al tratar de recoger las llaves del
the keys up from the floor. suelo.
(D) The waved his hand to say goodbye. Ted dijo adis con la mano.
Im going to get my roof repaired. Voy a arreglar el tejado/Me van a arreglar el tejado.
This marble floor is scratched. Este suelo de mrmol est rayado.
I think you should get it polished. Creo que deberas pulirlo.
Anne got her Passport renewed after queuing for Anne consigui renovar su pasaporte despus de hacer
three hours. cola durante tres horas.
Ill get all this mess cleaned up. Voy a limpiar todo este desastre.
I had/got my hair cut. Me han cortado el pelo.
She had/got her house painted. Le han pintado la casa.
You cant leave the plane now; the doors are No se puede abandonar el avin ahora; las puestas estn
closed! cerradas!
The plane cant be left now, the doors are closed.
You can cross the bridge now; the toll barrier is Ahora se puede cruzar el puente; las barreras de peaje
up. estn levantadas.
The bridge can be crossed now, the toll barrier is
They say he is a good lawyer. Dicen que es un buen abogado.
He is said to be a good lawyer.
They said that the Mediterranean diet is very Dicen que la dieta mediterrnea es muy saludable.
The Mediterranean diet is said to be very healthy.
One chooses how to spend ones free time. Cada uno decide cmo pasar su tiempo libre.
One should clean ones teeth. Cada uno debera cepillarse los dientes.
Someone has taken it/It has been taken. Alguien se lo ha llevado.
Something has disturbed the lion in the cage. Algo ha molestado al len en la jaula.
The lion in the cage has been disturbed.
My father stopped the car. Mi padre par el coche.
The car stopped. El coche se par.
Mary is cooking rice. Mary est cocinando arroz.
The rice is cooking. El arroz se est cocinando.
Suddenly the window opened. De pronto, se abri la ventana.
The lobster is boiling. La langosta est hirviendo.
My son was born on September 29th Mi hijo naci el 29 de septiembre.
The sign says you can be fined 100 pounds. La seal dice que te pueden multar con 100 libras.
Unknown quantities of oil will be shipped abroad. Cantidades indeterminadas de petrleo se enviarn al
About 50 people were wounded in the attack. Hubo alrededor de 50 heridos en el ataque.
The book was illustrated with colorful images. El libro fue ilustrado con imgenes coloridas.
The hose was decorated with beautiful lamps. La casa estaba decorada con bonitas lmparas.
The corpse was covered by a blanket. El cadver fue cubierto con una manta.
The Project presentation was overshadowed by a La presentacin del proyecto fue eclipsada por un
technical problem. problema tcnico.

19. Too and enough with adjectives (captulo II, punto, apartado c: adjetivo + infinitivo con to,
pg. 179-180)
Charles was reluctant to leave. Charles no quera marcharse.
He report was concise and interesting to read. Su informe fue conciso e interesante de leer.
The suitcase was too heavy for him to lift. La maleta era demasiado pesada para que l la pudiera
I am strong enough to lift it. Soy lo bastante fuerte como para levantarla.
I am afraid he is now too old to become a Me temo que ya es demasiado mayor para convertirse en
professional jockey. jinete profesional.
The boy is old enough to ride a motorbike. El nio es lo bastante mayor como para conducir una
When we got there, we realised that the tent was Cuando llegamos all nos dimos cuenta de que la tienda no
not big enough to accommodate six people. era suficientemente grande como para albergar a seis
I have enough strength to lift this suitcase. Tengo la suficiente fuerza para levantar esta maleta.

20. Verbs followed by infinitive or ing forms (captulo II, punto 4.3., pg. 195-199)
ATTEMPT I attempted making the gateaux but it was a disaster!

Mis compaeros de trabajo siempre han intentado My colleagues at work have always attempted to help me in
ayudarme de todas las formas posibles. every possible way.
BEGIN The boy began to feel dizzy as soon as he got into the car.
El nio empez a sentirse mareado tan pronto
como entr en el coche.
Empec a hacer deporte porque me lo recomend I began doing sport because my doctor recommended it.
el mdico.
CONTINUE I am afraid he continues to be the main suspect in this case
Me temo que contina siendo el principal of fraud.
sospechoso en este caso de fraude.
Tania continu trabajando en el proyecto de Tania continued working on the research Project for two
investigacin durante dos aos despus de que years after I resigned.
yo me marchara.
INTEND What do you intend to do with the rest of your life?
Qu piensas hacer con el esto de tu vida?
Pienso escribir una carta de reclamacin y I intend writing a letter of complaint and sending it to the
enviarla a la Oficina del Consumidor Citizens Advice Bureau.
PREFER I prefer walking rather than riding a bike.
Prefiero caminar a montar en bicicleta.
Ella dijo que prefera quedarse en casa. She said she would prefer to stay at home.
Ella preferira jugar al tenis que ir a dar un paseo. She would prefer to play tennis rather than go for a walk.
She would prefer to play tennis rather than going for a walk.

STAR I had just started to cook dinner when the oven broke down.
Acababa de empezar a preparar la cena cuando el
horno dej de funcionar.
Empezamos a salir juntos poco despus de que We started going out together soon after we first met at a
nos conociramos en una fiesta. party.
HATE I hate to tell my son off in public places.
Odio regaar a mi hijo en lugares pblicos.
Odio ir a lugares ruidosos. I hate going to noisy places.
LIKE He likes cleaning his house every week.
Le gusta limpiar su casa todas las semanas.
Les gusta ver pelculas en versin original. They like to watch original version films.
Me gusta leer literatura clsica. I like Reading classic literature.
Me gusta ser honesto. I like to be honest.
En esta empresa nos gusta cooperar ms que In this company we like to co-operate rather than compete.
LOVE I love to eat meat, but only in moderate amounts.
Me encanta comer carne pero slo en cantidades
Me encantara tocar el piano I love playing the piano.
Estaba empezando a llover cuando te llam It was beginning to rain when I called you.
La nube volcnica estaba empezando a cubrir el The volcanic cloud was starting to cover the sun.
ADVISE, ALLOW, FORBID The doctor advised her to take regular exercise.
El doctor le recomend que hiciera ejercicio
El polica no me permiti acceder al rea The policeman didnt allow me to go into the restricted area.
No te olvides de contactar con tu compaa de Dont forget to contact your car insurance company and tell
seguros del coche y contarles lo que pas. them what happened.
Lo haban pasado tan bien que dijeron que nunca They had such a great time that they said they would never
olvidaran haber estado en nuestra casa. forget staying at our house.
GO ON Jeremy went on to talk about his adventures in the
Jeremy pas a hablar sobre sus aventuras en el Himalayas.
A pesar de que gan la lotera continu trabajando Even though she won the lottery she went on working at the
en el restaurante. restaurant.
MEAN Scott apologised and said that he didnt mean to be rude.
Sott se disculp y dijo que no quera ser grosero.
Unas buenas vacaciones no implica A good holiday does not necessarily mean spending a great
necesariamente gastar una gran cantidad de deal of money.
PROPOSE I do not propose to get into trouble for anybody.
No tengo la intencin de meterme en los por
Cmo propuso el jefe que se abordara el How did the boss propose tacking the problem?
REGRET I regret to tell you that your application to study at this
Lamento tener que informarle de que su solicitud university has not been successful.
para estudiar en esta Universidad no ha tenido
Se arrepinti de haberse marchado de la fiesta y He regretted leaving the party and going to the football
haberse ido al partido de ftbol con sus amigos. match with his friends.
REMEMBER Enjoy your trip and remember to but a bottle of water.
Disfruta de la excursin y recuerda comprar una
botella de agua.
No recuerdo haberle comprado ese jersey que I dont remember buying her that sweater shes wearing
lleva puesto ahora. right now.
Rachel haba estado conduciendo muchas millas Rachel had been driving for miles when she stopped to buy
cuando se par para echar gasolina. some petrol.
Deja de mirarme de ese modo! No soy Stop looking at me like that! Im not responsible for what
responsable de lo que pas. happened.
En tiempos de crisis econmica debemos intentar During times of economic crisis, we must try to spend less
gastar menos dinero. money.
Deberas intentar probar un champ diferente. You should try using a different shampoo.

21. Modal verbs (captulo II, punto 5, 199-216)

We should meet every Thursday for lunch. Deberamos vernos todos los jueves para almorzar.
It must be live by the sea. Debe ser maravilloso vivir cerca del mar.
I should attend the meeting. Debera asistir a la reunin.
Sally may be at the library. Puede que Sally est en la biblioteca.
That couldnt be true. Eso no poda ser cierto.
You ought to take an English course. Deberas hacer un curso de ingls.
Can I ask you a question? Puedo hacerte una pregunta?
Would you do me a favor? Me haras un favor?
May I use your bathroom? Puedo usar el cuarto de bao?
Ought you to take some notes while he speaks? Deberas tomar notas mientras l habla?
She cant cook Indian food, but I can. Ella no sabe cocinar comida hind, pero yo s.
My friends wont go on holiday next summer, but I Mis amigos no irn de vacaciones el prximo verano pero
will. nosotros s.
I must go. Yes I suppose you must. Debo irme. S supongo que s.
I shouldnt leave a tip, should I? No debera dejar propina, verdad?
You cant go out tonight, can you? No puedes salir esta noche, verdad?
You wont forget to bring your own sleeping bag, No olvidars traer tu propio saco de dormir, verdad?
will you?
Might/may/could/ I have your full name and home Podra darme su nombre y domicilio completes?
Might I suggest selling your old car? Podra sugerirle que vendiese su coche antiguo?
May I help you? Puedo ayudarle?
Could we have a word now? Podramos hablar ahora?
Can you stop by for a chat tomorrow? Puedes pasarte por aqu para charlar un rato?
Would you do me a favor? Me haras un favor?
Will you help me with my project, please? Me ayudars con mi proyecto, por favor?
Could you pass me the notebook? Podras acercarme ese cuaderno?
Could you tell me when youve finished? Me podras avisar cuando hayas acabado?
Would you really do that for me? De verdad que haras eso por mi?
Could you clarify that point, please? Podras aclarar ese punto, por favor?
Can you come here a moment? Puedes venir aqu un momento?
You can leave now Puedes marcharte ahora.
You can use my bicycle tomorrow. Puedes usar mi bicicleta maana.
You may speak to them if you wish. Usted puede hablar con ellos si quiere.
You may leave the room. Puede marcharse.
She could choose whatever she liked. Ella pudo elegir lo que quisiera.

She said I could use her car whenever I wanted. Me dijo que poda usar su coche siempre que quisiera.
Tomorrow they will be able to get more weather Maana podrn conseguir ms informacin sobre el
information. tiempo.
Ill take the job and I think Ill be able to help you Coger el trabajo y creo que podr ayudarte todava ms
even more in the future. en el futuro.
You will go to bed right away! Vete a la cama inmediatamente!
You will give me the t-shirt now! Dame esa camiseta ahora mismo!
Will you please pick her up? Puedes recogerla t, por favor?
Will you help me with this? Me ayudas con esto?
Would you tell her that her husband phoned? Podras decirle que su marido ha llamado?
Would you bring me those files? Me podras traer esos archivos?
Jack is in such good shape that he can run for two Jack est en tan Buena forma fsica que puede correr dos
hours without getting tired. horas sin cansarse.
I am not sure I can finish the work on time. No estoy seguro de que pueda acabar el trabajo a tiempo.
Sally was so affected by what shed seen that she Sally estaba tan afectada por lo que haba visto que
could barely speak. apenas poda hablar.
He could run fast when he was a child, but he Poda correr rpido cuando era un nio, pero ahora no
cant now. puede.
Jeremy could read when he was four. Jeremy saba leer cuando tena cuatro aos.
He was able to pass his driving test after only for Consigui aprobar el carn de conducir despus de slo 4
lessons. clases.
Owls can see in the dark. Los bhos pueden ver en la oscuridad.
I can smell the sea breeze from my hotel room. Puedo oler la brisa marina desde la habitacin de mi hotel.
She was so scared that she could feel her heart Estaba tan asustada que poda sentir su corazn palpitar.
I couldnt hear you from the garden. No poda orte desde el jardn.
After a couple of weeks of hard training he will be Despus de un par de semanas de entrenamiento duro
able to run 20 miles a day. ser capaz de correr 20 millas al da.
It will be possible to see the castle from the top of Ser posible ver el Castillo desde la cima de la montaa.
the mountain.
Matt and Michael will be here in a few minutes. Matt y Michael llegarn en unos minutos.
They say the next Eurovision Song Contest will Dicen que el prximo festival de Eurovisin no ser
not be televised. televisado.
You would agree that we have a right to request Estar de acuerdo en que tenemos derecho a solicitar esta
this personal information. informacin personal.
I was almost certain they wouldnt accept the offer. Estaba casi segura de que no iban a aceptar la oferta.
Nobody would understand them if they spoke Nadie les entendera si hablasen en griego, excepto Anna.
Greek, except Anna.
I have studied very hard and I should do well in He estudiado mucho y debera irme bien en el examen.
the test.
This must be our hotel. Its the only one in the Este debe ser nuestro hotel. Es el nico en la calle.
This museum must have been built in the 70s. Este museo debe haber sido construido en los aos
This sweater cannot be yours, its too big. Este suter no puede ser tuyo, es demasiado grande.
You cant have forgotten when we first met. No puedes haber olvidado la primera vez que nos
Wheres Jane? She could be at home/She might Dnde est Jane? Podra estar en casa.
be at home.
The production costs may be higher than Los costes de produccin pueden ser ms elevados de lo
expected. esperado.
This could well be correct. Seguramente, esto podra ser cierto.
She might well be older than my mother. Seguramente sea mayor que mi madre.
Lying in the sun for so long may well be bad for Estar tumbado tanto tiempo al sol seguramente sea malo
your skin. para la piel.

Spicy food may not be tasty for everyone. Puede que la comida picante no sea Buena para todo el
He is going on an expedition and we might not see Se marcha a una expedicin y podramos no verle durante
him for eight weeks. ocho semanas.
He cannot be serious. Es imposible que est en serio.
What she told us couldnt be true. Lo que nos cont no poda ser cierto.
They will have a great time on their beach today. Hoy se lo pasarn bien en la playa.
The prices will continue to go up and salaries will Los precios continuarn subiendo y los salarios continuarn
continue to go down. bajando.
I shall be back in 10 minutes. Volver en 10 minutos.
Since you have been such a good boy, you shall Ya que has sido tan buen chico, tendrs un helado.
have an ice-cream.
Henry is not in class today. He never misses a Henry no est en clase hoy. l nunca falta a clase por lo
class so he must be sick. que debe estar enfermo.
It is such an important problem! They must be Es un problema de gran trascendencia! Se deben estar
addressing it at the board meeting today. ocupando de ello en la reunin de los directivos de hoy.
This company cannot hope to expand in Asia Esta compaa no puede esperar expandirse en Asia sin
without first consolidating its presence in Europe. consolidar antes su presencia en Europa.
It was just a stroke of luck and it cant last forever. Fue solo un golpe de suerte y no puede durar para
He should/ought to do well in his driving test. Debera irle bien en su examen de conducir.
We should/ought to get to the Summit before Deberamos llegara la cumbre antes del medioda.
Wheres Ron? He could / might be at home. Donde est Ron? Podra estar en casa.
He may be at home. Puede que est en casa.
He should have done well in his driving test. Debera haberle ido bien en su examen de conducir.
They ought to have got to the Summit before the Deberan haber llegado a la cumbre antes del medioda.
She should have started work before the summer. Ella debera haber empezado a trabajar antes del verano.
Jeff ought to have finished his PhD last year. Jeff debera haber acabado su doctorado el ao pasado.
I ought to have accepted his invitation to go the Haba aceptado su invitacin para ir al teatro.
I would have accepted his invitation to go to the Habra aceptado su invitacin para ir al teatro.
It could have been a nightmare. Pudo haber sido una pesadilla.
They might have found it difficult to find our Poda haberles sido difcil encontrar nuestra casa de
country house without a GPS. campo sin un GPS.
It could have been worse. Podra haber sido peor.
Someone might have heard him talking in the pub Alguien podra haberle odo hablar en el bar del dinero que
about money he won in the lottery and decided to gan en la lotera y haber decidido robarle.
mug him.
I may have been over-enthusiastic. Puede que yo haya sido demasiado entusiasta.
That couldnt have been true! Eso no poda haber sido cierto!
He never could have done in Spain what he did in l nunca podra haber hecho en Espaa lo que hizo en
Guatemala. Guatemala.
Foreigners cannot enter the US without a valid Los extranjeros no pueden entrar en los EE.UU. sin un
visa or a return ticket. visado en vigor o un billete de ida y vuelta.
Im sorry but you cant park here. Lo siento pero no puedes aparcar aqu.
This material may not be copied or distributed in Este material no puede ser copiado o distribuido bajo
any way. ningn concepto.
Visitors may not use their cameras on approach Los visitantes no pueden usar sus cmaras fotogrficas ni
dangerous animals. acercarse a los animales peligrosos.
You havent passed your exams and you will not No has aprobado los exmenes y no jugars al ftbol en el
play football over the summer! verano!
As far I am concerned you wont get permission to Por lo que a m respecta, no conseguirs permiso para salir

go out tonight. esta noche.
You shall not go to the ball, Cinderella! No irs al baile, Cenicienta!
You shouldnt be so rude to her. No deberas ser tan grosero con ella.

The batteries should not be exposed to direct Las pilas no deberan exponerse a la luz directa del sol ni a
sunlight or excessive heat. una temperatura excesiva.
You must not open that door. No debes abrir esa puerta.
You mustnt say a Word about the accident to my No debes decirle nada sobre el accidente a mi madre..
Will you stay for dinner tonight? Te quedas a cenar esta noche?
Would you like another cup of tea? Le apetecera tomar otra taza de t?
Wouldnt you have another sandwich? No le apetecera tomar otro bocadillo?
Wouldnt you like to join our golf club? No le gustara unirse a nuestro club de golf
Can we help you to prepare for the birthday party? Podemos ayudarte a preparar la fiesta de cumpleaos?
Can I drive you home? Puedo llevarte en coche a casa?
Shall I open the window? Its rather hot in here. Abro la ventana? Hace bastante calor aqu.
Shall we do the dishes? It will only take us a few Lavamos los platos? Slo nos llevar unos minutos.
Should I lock the door? Quieres que cierre la puerta con llave?
I can help you with the gardening. Puedo ayudarte a arreglar el jardn.
I can take care of your dog while you are in Puedo cuidarte al perro mientras ests en el hospital.
We must play tennis sometime. Tenemos que jugar al tenis en alguna ocasin.
You must come to our New Years Eve party. Tienes que venir a nuestra fiesta de Nochevieja.
I need help in Maths. You could talk to your Necesito ayuda con las matemticas. Podas hablar con tu
teacher. profesor.
Couldnt we simply buy a new computer? No podamos simplemente comprar un ordenador nuevo?
You should call the police as soon as possible! Deberas llamar a la polica lo antes posible!
I think you ought to study tonight. Creo que deberas estudiar esta noche.
You might want to pone the hospital again. Quiz quieras llamar al hospital de Nuevo.
Perhaps you might like a Little something to eat Quiz quieras algo ligero para comer ahora.
It might be a good idea to ask to speak to the chef. Podra ser una Buena idea pedir hablar con el chef.
Shall we go to this concert? Qu tal si vamos a este concierto?
Shall we move on the lesson 10? Qu tal si pasamos a la leccin 10?
I will wait until I get an answer. Esperar hasta que reciba una respuesta.
Ill be at your house by six oclock. Estar en tu casa a las seis en punto.
We wont take the train to Madrid. We will fly, No cogeremos el tren para Madrid. En cambio volaremos.
I must cancel my attendance at the international Debo cancelar mi asistencia al congreso internacional.
I had a very nice holiday, but I must say its nice to Pas unas vacaciones muy buenas, pero he de decir que
get back to work. es agradable volver al trabajo.
We would like to travel to Greenland next summer Nos gustara viajar a Groenlandia el prximo verano para
to see some glaciers. ver algunos glaciares.
Id love to go to the park and stay there all Me encantara ir al parque y quedarme all toda la tarde.
Right now he wouldnt like to be interviewed. En este momento no le gustara ser entrevistado.
Most owners would rather sell to anyone than that La mayora delos propietarios preferan vender a cualquiera
construction company. antes que a esa constructora.
Perhaps hed rather be called by his last name. Quizs prefiera que le llamen por su apellido.
I would sooner swim in a pool with crocodiles than Preferira nadar en un estanque con cocodrilos antes que
marry you! casarme contigo!
It was the house Sean would have liked to have Era la casa en la que Sean hubiera querido crecer.
grown up in.
At that moment, I would have liked someone else En aquel momento, me habra gustado que alguna persona
to make the decision for me. hubiese tomado la decisin por m.
You must stand by her during this long and difficult Debes estar junto a ella durante esta enfermedad larga y
illness. difcil.
The bottle of champagne must be kept in the La botella de champn debe mantenerse en la nevera.
You must not worry about money. No debes preocuparte por el dinero.
The terrible events of that day mustnt be No se deben repetir los terribles sucesos de ese da.
The young will have to look after us one day. Los jvenes tendrn que cuidar de nosotros algn da.
Those chairs in the garden will need to be stored Aquellas sillas del jardn tendrn que almacenarse para el
for Winter. invierno.

Oh! I darent say anything like that! Oh! No me atrevo a decir algo as!
How dare you to speak to me like that? Cmo te atreves a hablarme as?
Mark neednt come if he does not want to. No es necesario que Mark venga si no quiere.
Need you answer that call right now? Necesitas contestar esa llamada justo ahora?
Do these plants need a lot of water? Necesitan mucho riego estas plantas?
They should tell him all he needs to know. Deberan decirle todo lo que necesita saber.
You dont need to worry about me. No hace falta que te preocupes por m.
I dare you to run all the way to the house. Te reto a correr hasta la casa.
Do you dare to jump? Te atreves a saltar?
Need you ask? /Do you need to ask? Necesitas preguntar?
Dare you to do it? /Do you dare to do it? Te atreves a hacerlo?
No one dares ask whether he was being sarcastic. Nadie se atreve a preguntar si estaba siendo sarcstico.
A decision needs to be reaches about which day Es necesario tomar una decisin sobre qu da se
to hold the event. celebrar el acontecimiento.
Donald used to run 10 kilometers every day. Donald sola correr 10 kilmetros al da.
Donald usually runs 10 kilometers every day. Donald suele correr 10 kilmetros al da.
When I was a student, I didnt used to have much Cucando era estudiante, no sola tener mucho dinero.
My mother would go out a lot when she was at Mi madre sola salir mucho cuando estaba en la
university. Universidad.
I do not read as much fiction as I used to. No leo tantos libros de ficcin como sola.
They dont go to visit their relatives as often as No van a visitar a sus parientes tan a menudo como solan.
they used to.
In the block where we lived before, we never used En el bloque en el que vivamos antes, no solamos ver a
to see our neighbours. nuestros vecinos.
When we were young, we used not to be allowed Cuando ramos jvenes no se nos sola permitir tomar
to have coffee. caf.
Harry is used to dogs. Hes had a dog since he Harry est acostumbrado a los perros. Ha tenido perro
was a child. (tambin puede significar: estar desde que era un nio.
acostumbrado a)
We werent used to eating so much fish until we No estbamos acostumbrados a comer tanto pescado
moved to Malaga. hasta que nos mudamos a Mlaga.
Ive never lived in a city as big as New York Nunca antes haba vivido en una ciudad tan grande como
before. I have to get used to the distances. Nueva York. Tengo que acostumbrarme a las distancias.
Tom will get used to studying very hard; this is his Tom se acostumbrar a estudiar mucho; ste es su primer
first year in Medical school. ao en la facultad de medicina.

22. Present/future modals of possibility (captulo II, 3.d., pg. 204; 5, pg. 205-209)

Tomorrow they will be able to get more weather Maana podrn conseguir ms informacin sobre el
information. tiempo.
Ill take the job and I think Ill be able to help you Coger el trabajo y creo que podr ayudarte todava ms
even more in the future en el futuro
Matt and Michael will be here in a few minutes. Matt y Michael llegarn en unos minutos.
They say the next Eurovision Song Contest will Dicen que el prximo festival de Eurovisin no ser
not be televised. televisado
Modals of possibility Pag. 205-209
You would agree that we have a right to request Estar de acuerdo en que tenemos derecho a solicitar esta
this personal information. informacin personal
I was almost certain they wouldnt accept the offer. Estaba casi segura de que no iban a aceptar la oferta.
Nobody would understand them if they spoke Nadie les entendera si hablasen griego, excepto Anna.
Greek, except Anna.
I have studied very hard and I should do well in He estudiado mucho y debera irme bien ene el examen
the test.
This must be our hotel Este debe de ser nuestro hotel.
Its the only one in the street. Es el nico en la calle.
This museum must have been built in the 70s. Este museo debe haberse construido en los aos setenta.
This sweater cannot be yours, its too big. Este jersey no puede ser tuyo, es demasiado grande.
You cant have forgotten when we first met. No puedes haber olvidado la primera vez que nos vimos.
Wheres Jane? She could be at home Donde esta Jane? Podra estar en casa
Wheres Jane? She might be at home Donde esta Jane? Podra estar en casa
The production costs may be higher than Los costes de produccin pueden ser ms elevados de lo
expected. esperado
This could well be correct. Seguramente, esto podra ser correcto
She might well be older than my mother. Seguramente sea mayor que mi madre.
Spicy food may not be tasty for everyone. Puede que la comida picante no sea Buena para todo el
He is going on an expedition and we might not see Se marcha a una expedicin y podramos no verle durante
him for eight weeks. ocho semanas.
He cannot be serious Es imposible que est en serio.
What she told us couldnt be true. Lo que nos cont no poda ser cierto.
They will have a great time on their beach today. Hoy se lo pasarn bien en la playa.
The prices will continue to go up an salaries will Los precios continuarn subiendo y los salarios continuarn
continue to go down. bajando.
I shall be back in 10 minutes Volver en 10 minutos.
Since you have been such a good boy, you shall Ya que has sido tan buen chico, tendrs un helado.
have an ice-cream.
Henry is not in class today. He never misses a Henry no est en clase hoy. El nunca falta a clase por lo
class so he must be sick. que debe estar enfermo.
It is such an important problem! They must be Es un problema de gran trascendencia! Se deben estar
addressing it at the board meeting today ocupando de ello en la reunin de directivos de hoy.
This Company cannot hope to expand in Asia Esta compaa no puede esperar expandirse en Asia sin
without first consolidating its presence in Europe. consolidar antes su presencia en Europa.
It was just a stroke of luck and it cant last forever. Fue solo un golpe de suerte y no puede durar para
He should/ought to do well in his driving test. Debera irle bien en su examen de conducir.
We should/ought to get to the summit before Deberamos llegar a la cumbre antes del medioda, dijo
noon Luke said, looking at his watch. Luke mirando a su reloj.
Wheres Ron? He could be at home. Donde esta Ron? Podra estar en casa
Wheres Ron? He might be at home. Donde esta Ron? Podra estar en casa.
Wheres Ron? He may be at home. Donde esta Ron? Puede que este en casa
He should have done well in his driving test. Debera haberle ido bien en su examen de conducir.
They ought to have got to the summit before noon. Deberan haber llegado a la cumbre antes del medioda.
She should have started work before the summer Ella debera haber empezado a trabajar antes del verano.
Jeff ought to have finished his PhD last year. Jeff debera haber acabado su doctorado el ao pasado.
I would have accepted his invitation to go to the Habra aceptado su invitacin para ir al teatro.
It could have been a nightmare Pudo haber sido una pesadilla.
They might have found it difficult to find our Poda haberles sido fcil encontrar nuestra casa de campo
country house without a GPS. sin un GPS.
It could have been worse Podra haber sido peor.
Someone might have heard him talking in the pub Alguien podra haberle oido hablar en el bar del dinero que
about the money he won in the lottery and decided gan en la lotera y haber decidido robarle.
to mug him.
I may have been over-enthusiastic. Puede que yo haya sido demasiado e
That couldnt have been true! Eso no podra haber sido cierto!
He never could have done in Spain what he did in El nunca podra haber hecho en Espaa lo que hizo en
Guatemala. Guatemala.

23. Conditional sentences (I and II) (captulo III, punto, apartados 1-3, pg. 259-261)
If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils. Si calientas agua a 100 grados, hierve.
If you get into the water, you get wet. Si te metes en el agua, te mojas.
If plants arent watered regularly, they dry up. Si las plantas no se riegan regularmente, se secan.
If you want, Ill go with you. Si quieres, ir contigo.
If she gets up earlier, shell be there in time. Si se levanta ms temprano, llegar a tiempo.
If you eat too much, youll have stomach ache. Si comes mucho, tendrs dolor de estmago.
If they don`t turn down the music, call the police. Si no bajan la msica, llama a la polica.
If it rains, take an umbrella. Si llueve, coge un paraguas.
If you get there ahead of time, give me a call. Si llegas antes de tiempo, llmame.
If you want to be the first in your class, you must Si quieres ser el primero de tu clase, debes estudiar un
study a lot. montn.
If you want to get fit, you have to do more Si quieres ponerte en forma, tienes que hacer ms
exercise. ejercicio.
If they are not happy at work, they should tell their Si no estn contentos en su trabajo, deberan decrselo a
boss. su jefe.
If you want, we can go fishing. Si quieres, podemos ir a pescar.
If you like Indian food, we could go to that Si te gusta la comida india, podramos ir a ese restaurante.
If I won the lottery, I would go to live in the Si me tocara la lotera, me ira a vivir al Caribe.
If you studied English, you would find a job more Si estudiaras ingls, encontraras un trabajo ms
easily. fcilmente.
If I had a boat, I would go fishing every weekend. Si tuviera un barco, ira a pescar todos los fines de
If you had some free time, we could go to the Si tuvieras tiempo libre, podramos ir al teatro.
If my friend Diane came from the US, I could Si mi amiga Diane viniera de los EE.UU., yo podra
practise my English. practicar mi ingls.
If I could go back in time, I might study something Si pudiera volver atrs en el tiempo, puede que estudiase
different at university. algo diferente en la universidad.
If I was/were a teacher, I would pass all my Si yo fuese profesor, aprobara a todos mis estudiantes.
If he was/were ill, he wouldnt come to work. Si estuviese enfermo, no vendra a trabajar.
If I were you, I wouldnt buy a second hand car. Yo que t, no comprara un coche de segunda mano.
If I were you, I would learn how to cook. Yo que t, aprender a cocinar.
Were you to win the lottery, what would you do? Si ganases la lotera, qu haras?
(If you won)
Were we to change jobs, wed be teachers. Si cambisemos de trabajo, seramos maestros.
(If we changed)
Was Pete to leave the country, hed travel to Si Pete dejara el pas, viajara a frica.
(If Pete left)

24. Conditional sentences (III) (captulo II, punto 2.13, pg. 154-155; captulo III, punto,
apartados 4 y 5, pg.261-264)
Yo me marchara ahora I would leave now
Necesitara tu ayuda She would need your help
Jugaran un partido de ftbol They would play a football match
Me encantara hablar japons Id love to speak Japanese
Viviran en Inglaterra, pero no les gusta la lluvia Theyd live in England, but they dont like rain
Les ped que se fueran, pero ellos no me hicieron I asked them to leave, but they wouldnt listen to me.
Cuando era nia sola montar en bici todos los When I was a child I would ride my bike every Sunday.
Habra cogido prestado el dinero. I would have borrowed the money
Habramos contratado un abogado. We would have hired a lawyer.
Te habra llamado, pero saba que estabas I would have called you, but I knew you were busy.
No les ofreci tarta. De todas maneras no la She didnt offer them cake. They wouldnt have eaten it
habran comido. anyway.
Si hubiera tenido la oportunidad, habra estudiado If I had had the opportunity, I would have done my degree
mi carrera en el extranjero. abroad.
Si Bob hubiese hecho caso de tus consejos, ahora If Bob had listened to your advice, he wouldnt be in trouble
no estara metido en los. now.
Si me lo hubieses dicho, les habra ayudado. If you had told me, I would have helped them.
Si hubiesen llegado ms temprano, no habran If they had arrived earlier, they wouldnt have missed the
perdido el tren. train.
Si lo hubiese sabido la habra llamado. If I had known, I would have called her.
Si hubiese estudiado ms, podra haber aprobado If she had studied harder, she could have passed all her
todos los exmenes. exams.
Si hubiese sabido que era su cumpleaos, le Had I know it was his birthday, I would have sent him a
hubieses mandado un regalo. present.
No la habran invitado a la barbacoa si les hubiese They wouldnt have invited her to the barbecue, had they
dicho que es vegetariana. been told she was a vegetarian. (if they had been told)
No te dejar pasar a menos que compres una I wont let you in unless you buy a ticket.
No te dejar pasar si no compras una entrada. I wont let you in if you dont buy a ticket.
No lo hagas a menos que no tengas ms remedio. Dont do it unless you have to.
No debis abrir la puerta de emergencia a menos You cant open the emergency door unless it is needed.
que sea necesario.
Llegars tarde al trabajo a menos que te des You will be late for work unless you hurry up.
Frank no se quedar en la empresa a menos que Frank wont stay in the company unless he is promoted.
sea ascendido.
Te puedes marchar siempre y cuando la facture You can leave as long as the bill has been paid.
se quede pagada.
No puedes quedarte aqu mientras sigas fumando You cant stay here so long as you continue smoking.
El uso de este software es gratis siempre que se The use of this software is free provided that the following
cumplan las siguientes condiciones. conditions are met.
Puedes tomar prestado mi ordenador slo en el You can borrow my computer providing that you dont use
caso de que no uses internet. the internet.
Los invitar solo si t quieres. I will invite them only if you want.
Incluso si coges un taxi, perders el avin. Even if you take a taxi, you will still miss your plane.
Si no llega a ser por ese gol, habramos perdido la But for that goal, we would have lost the World Cup.
Copa del Mundo.
Si Paul viniera, dile que volveremos a media If Paul should come, tell him we will be back at midnight.
Hazlo otra vez y te arrepentirs. Do it again and you will regret it.
Si lo haces otra vez te arrepentirs. If you do that again, you will regret it.
Date prisa o sers el ltimo en cruzar la lnea de Hurry up or you will be the last one to cross the finishing
meta! line!
Muvete y ests muerto! You move, you are dead!

25. Time clauses (captulo III, puntos 2.2,2.2.1.,, pg.250-253). Time expressions (captulo III,
punto, pg. 251-253)
The seafood that we had for dinner was not El marisco que tomamos e la cena no estaba fresco.
A bee got into the car while he was driving. Una abeja entr en el coche mientras l conduca.
You can use my pone whenever you need it. Puedes usar mi telfono siempre que lo necesites.
Unless you hurry up, you will miss the train. A menos que te des prisa, perders el tren.
When she came out of hospital, she went straight Cuando sali del hospital fue directa a comer a un buen
to eat at a good restaurant. restaurant.
Wherever you hide, we will find you. Dondequiera que te escondas, te encontraremos.
Ill come as son as I can. Vendr tan pronto como pueda.
Phil will feed the animals when he comes. Phil dar de comer a los animales cuando venga.
The gates of the city will be closed by the time we Las puertas de la ciudad estarn cerradas para cuando
arrive. lleguemos.
The moment I have finished my exams, Ill have a En cuanto haya acabado los exmenes, har una fiesta.
Every time I try to call her, she hangs up. Cada vez que intento llamarla, me cuelga el telfono
Whenever he had a chance, he sent me a Siempre que tena ocasin, me mandaba una postal.
Martha was taking notes while I was speaking. Marta tomaba notas mientras yo hablaba.
It started to rain while they were canoeing. Empez a llover mientras estaban hacienda piragismo.
Having said that, we can now move on. Una vez dicho esto, podemos continuar.
Once signed, the contract could not be broken. Una vez firmado, el contrato no se poda romper.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Donde fueres haz lo que vieres.

26. Time adverbs and adverbials (captulo IV, punto 1.1., pg. 278-280)
Please, take a seat. The doctor will be back in a Por favor, sintese. El mdico estar de vuelta en un
moment. momento.
I would like the meeting to start on time. Me gustara que la reunin empezara con puntualidad.
She now works in Paris. Ella trabaja ahora en Paris.
My brother is now living in Ireland. Mi hermano est viviendo ahora en Irlanda.
I can soon visit you. Pronto podr visitarte.
Speak quietly! The baby is still sleeping. Habla ms bajo! El beb an est durmiendo.
Are we still friends? Todava somos amigo?
I still dont understand why he is angry with me. Todava no entiendo por qu est enfadado conmigo.
Havent you studied the lesson yet? Has terminado de trabajar ya?
He is no longer my friend Ya no es mi amigo.
The apartment is no longer available. El apartamento ya no est disponible.
He has already left for the office. Ya se ha marchado a la oficina.
I have already talked to her about the matter. Ya he hablado con ella sobre el asunto.

Have you eaten already? Has comido ya?
I saw him two hours ago. Lo vi hace dos horas.
He had a car accident two months ago. Tuvo un accidente de coche hace dos meses

27. Frequency adverbs (captulo IV, punto 1.2., pg. 280-282)

In the wintertime, the bus comes regularly. Durante el invierno el autobs viene regularmente.
When we were children, we hardly ever went to Cuando ramos nios casi nunca fuimos a la playa con
the beach with our parents. nuestros padres.
She often sleeps until late in the morning. A menudo duerme hasta tarde por la maana.
My son is always happy. Mi hijo siempre est contento.
Martha has seldom complained about anything. Martha rar vez se ha quejado por nada.
We usually go to the opera three times a year. Solemos ir a la pera tres veces al ao.
Please, think twice before you talk to Magdalene. Por favor, pinsalo dos veces antes de hablar con
I usually visit my grandmother every Sunday. Suelo visitar a mi abuela todos los domingos
They met almost every week for nearly three Se reunieron casi todas las semanas durante casi tres
years. aos.
I go to the swimming-pool every Thursday. Voy a la piscina todos los jueves.
He kept calling me every five minutes for almost Me estuvo llamando cada cinco minutes durante casi una
an hour. hora.
He used to get sick every other month, but Sola enfermar cada dos meses, pero afortunadamente
fortunately he hasnt been sick for almost a year. lleva casi un ao sin estar enfermo.
Every second day I clean my bedroom. Limpio mi habitacin cada dos das.
The documentary I like most is on Mondays on El documental que ms me gusta lo ponen los lunes en el
Channel 1 at 4 pm. Canal 1 a las 4 de la tarde.
Foxes can see better than we do at night Los zorros pueden ver mejor que nosotros por la noche.


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