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Buenos das querida licenciada y muchachos.

Me dirijo a ustedes para dar un resumen de lo que avanzamos la ltima clase.

Pero antes, quiero informarles que tenemos una tarea que presentar para la prxima clase, sobre
Que hicimos en Carnaval.

En nuestra ltima clase repasamos los comparativos y los superlativos.

Reglas de los comparativos.- para hacer Reglas de los Superlativos.- para hacer el
el comparativo de superioridad se aade superlativo se aade EST al adjetivo de una
ER al adjetivo de una o dos slabas; pero o dos slabas, pero si tiene tres o ms slabas
s tiene tres o ms slabas se coloca la se pone MOST delante del adjetivo.
palabra MORE delante. Si el adjetivo de
dos slabas termina en Y se cambia por I
latina + ER.

Sabiendo estas reglas veamos cmo se trabajan los adjetivos.

Adjetivos de 1 o dos slabas Adjetivos de 3 o ms slabas

adjetivo comparativo superlativo adjetivo Comparativo superlativo

expensive more expensive the most
tall taller the tallest interesting more the most
interesting interesting
dark darker the darkest
intelligent more intelligent the most
pretty prettier the prettiest intelligent
beautiful more beautiful the most
happy happier the happiest beautiful


adjetivo comparativo Superlativo

good better The best
bad worse The worst

Oraciones comparativos de 1 o dos silabas Oraciones comparativos de 3 o ms slabas

He is older than my friend. His car is more expensive than my car.

His house is bigger than mine. She is more elegant than my aunt.
Tea is cheaper than champagne. He is more intelligent than you.
Oraciones superlativos de 1 o dos slabas Oraciones superlativos de 3 o ms slabas

She is the youngest in her family. This car is the most expensive he has bougth.
I read the most important newspaper every
He is the oldest man i now. morning.
He is the tallest in the class. She is the most intelligent student in the

Despus de todo este repaso, recordamos los verbos regulares e irregulares.

(OJO, no son todos los verbos, son los que logramos ver en la clase).

Verbos regulares Verbos irregulares


1. ask asked asked 1. be Was/were Been
2. break broke Broken
2. believe believed Believed
3. bring brought brought
3. burn burned Burned
4. buy bougth bougth
4. Cancel canceled Canceled 5. cut cut Cut

5. clean Cleaned cleaned 6. do did Done

6. close closed Closed 7. drive drove driven
7. cook cooked Cooked 8. eat ate eaten
8. finish finished finished 9. feel felt Felt
9. hate hated hated 10. find found Found
10. help helped helped 11. have had had
11. jump jumped jumped 12. keep kept kept
12. learn learned learned
13. know knew known
13. look looked looked
14. make made made
14. open opened opened
15. say said said
15. play played played
16. speak spoke spoken
16. sign signed signed
17. take took tooken
17. study studied Studied
18. talk talked Talked 18. teach taught taught

19. want wanted Wanted 19. think thougth thougth

20. work worked worked 20. write wrote written
Luego de repasar algunos de los verbos regulares e irregulares, recordamos el presente simple (TO
BE), oraciones con el verbo TO BE, oraciones interrogativas y oraciones afirmativas.

TO BE/ oraciones completas utilizando is/isnt/ are/arent:

My father is journalist.
Her car is red
Her children are in school today.

INTERROGATIVAS/ oraciones con el presente simple:

Is your ofice near?

Are you interesent in football?
Are you hungry?

AFIRMATIVAS/ utilizando los verbos de base:

I love my husband very much.

The post office closes at eigth oclock.
Her job is quite interesting. She travels a lot.

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