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I wont be able to go tonight. No voy a poder ir esta noche.

Can you say that again? Puedes decirlo de nuevo?

All of the houses are brown. Todas las casas son de color marrn.
I almost dropped the plate. Casi se me cae el plato.
That guy is bad. Ese tipo es malo.

I went because you were there. Fui porque estabas all.

Is that your bed? Esa es tu cama?
That building is huge! Ese edificio es enorme!
I need to change my shirt. Necesito cambiarme de camisa.

Look at that dark cloud. Mira esa nube oscura.

I need a cup of ice. Necesito un vaso de hielo. My daughter is at school now. Mi hija est
en la escuela ahora. I need to make my decision today. Necesito tomar una decisin hoy.
You shouldnt ever doubt me. Nunca deberas dudar de m. Is the towel dry yet? Ya est
seca la toalla? It is too early to wake up. Es demasiado temprano para despertarse. We
need to take care of the earth. Tenemos que cuidar la tierra. I have had enough to eat. He
tenido suficiente para comer. That was an amazing experience! Esa fue una experiencia
increble! That cat is too fat. Ese gato es demasiado gordo. What do you fear? Qu temes?
I saw a fight at the bar. Vi una pelea en el bar. I got a free ticket to the concert. Tengo un
boleto gratis para el concierto. He wants to go to Germany in the future. l quiere ir a
Alemania en el futuro. Give her your phone number. Dale tu nmero de telfono a ella. The
grass looks so green. El csped se ve muy verde. The movie was great! La pelcula fue
genial! That man is the tour guide. Ese hombre es el gua turstico. I need a hammer to fix
this. Necesito un martillo para arreglar esto. My heart is beating too fast. Mi corazn est
latiendo demasiado rpido. I hope you can come. Espero que puedas venir. How can I find
her? Cmo puedo encontrarla? This is an important day. Este es un da importante. The
insect is climbing up the wall. El insecto est subiendo por la pared. Do you have car
insurance? Tienes seguro de auto? Did you see his invention? Viste su invento? I am going
to join the team. Voy a unirme al equipo. They are taking a journey across the world. Estn
tomando un viaje a travs del mundo. Dont judge other people. No juzgues a otras
personas. The rabbit likes to jump. Al conejo le gusta saltar. Do you have the key to the
house? Tienes la llave de la casa? What kind of animal is that? Qu tipo de animal es ese?
What month is your birthday? En qu mes es tu cumpleaos? The mountain is behind our
house. La montaa est detrs de nuestra casa. The nail on my thumb just broke. La ua
en mi pulgar se acaba de romper. He hurt his neck while sleeping last night. Se lastim el
cuello mientras dorma anoche. Those birds are making so much noise! Esos pjaros estn
haciendo mucho ruido! She does not seem happy. Ella no parece feliz. What kind of bread
do you want? Qu tipo de pan quieres? I will offer you $12,000 for your car. Te ofrecer
$12.000 por tu auto. That is the other place we can go to. Ese es el otro lugar donde
podemos ir. Benny is the owner of the grocery store. Benny es el dueo del supermercado.
Would you mind to take a picture of me? Le importara tomar una foto de m? Where is the
public restroom? Dnde est el bao pblico? What is the purpose of this meeting? Cul
es el propsito de esta reunin? Can I ask you a question? Puedo hacerte una pregunta?
You can take a quick break. Puedes tomar un pequeo descanso. It is always quiet in the
library. Siempre es tranquilo en la biblioteca. You are quite a smart kid! Eres un chico muy
inteligente! My mom loves reading novels. A mi mam le encanta leer novelas. Would you
like a receipt? Te gustara un recibo? He is not a very responsible guy. l no es un tipo
muy responsable. You have to follow the rule too. Tienes que seguir la regla tambin. Is it
safe in this part of the city? Es seguro en esta parte de la ciudad? Cover your mouth when
you sneeze. Cbrete la boca cuando estornudes. Your sister is always so sweet to me. Tu
hermana siempre es tan linda conmigo. Can we sit at this table? Podemos sentarnos en
esta mesa? That sandwich is so thick! Ese sndwich es muy grueso! What time should we
come back? A qu hora debemos volver? You know that what I said was true. Sabes que
lo que dije era cierto. We need an umbrella; its raining. Necesitamos un paraguas; est
lloviendo. The cat likes to sleep under the bed. Al gato le gusta dormir debajo de la cama.
They are climbing up the wall. Ellos estn subiendo por la pared. You have to use this key
to open the door. Tienes que utilizar esta llave para abrir la puerta. He was very hungry
when he got home. l tena mucha hambre al llegar a casa. The view of the city from here
is amazing! La vista de la ciudad desde aqu es increble! The dog becomes violent when
he cant find the bone. El perro se vuelve violento cuando no puede encontrar el hueso.
You have a beautiful voice when you sing. Tienes una hermosa voz cuando cantas. I am
waiting for the lawyer to call me. Estoy esperando que el abogado me llame. Lets take a
walk through town. Demos un paseo por la ciudad. He said that he wasnt feeling well
today. l dijo que no se senta bien hoy. The lake is too wide to swim across. El lago es
demasiado ancho para cruzarlo nadando. Do you think she will do it tomorrow? Crees que
ella lo har maana? Come with me to the movies tonight. Ven conmigo al cine esta
noche. I am sorry but that is the wrong answer. Lo siento, pero esa es la respuesta
equivocada. She will leave the tip for the waitress. Ella dejar la propina para la camarera.
Let me ask him what he thinks we should do now. Djame preguntarle que piensa que
deberamos hacer ahora. I am going to leave the decision up to you. Voy a dejar que tu
decidas. Lets let the subject drop and talk about something else. Dejemos el tema y
hablemos de otra cosa. My father left me with enough money to buy a house when he
passed away. Mi padre me dej con suficiente dinero para comprar una casa cuando
falleci. We finished the work, will you let us have our dinner now? Terminamos el trabajo,
nos dejars comer nuestra cena ahora? I dont understand why they leave their trash and
dont throw it away. No entiendo por qu dejan su basura y no la botan. The captain left the
ship in the harbor and evacuated the crew. El capitn dej el barco en el puerto y evacu la
tripulacin. Will you let me use your car for tonight? Me dejars usar tu auto esta noche?
The man likes to leave his footprints in the sand at the beach. A ese hombre le gusta dejar
sus huellas en la arena en la playa. If you let me tell you this secret, you will be surprised.
Si me dejas decirte este secreto, te sorprenders.

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