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Sabe un versculo de la Visita a sus alumnos

Tiene ms de tres hijos.
Biblia de maestro. semanalmente.

Es maestro de Escuela
Dominical por ms de Le gusta cocinar. Sabe un chiste.
cinco aos.

Tiene ms de treinta Tiene ms de 10 aos de

Le gusta cantar.
aos. casada / casado.

Se escap del colegio. Sabe saltar en un pie. Dios le hizo un milagro.

Da de mam


presente progresivo
Necesito estar en Londres el viernes.

I am invited to a very important party.

Estoy invitado (invitada) a una fiesta muy importante.

My sisters are invited too.

Mis hermanas estan invitadas tambien.

Prince Phillip is so interesting, he will be in the party.

El principe Phillip es muy interesante, el estara en la fiesta.

I am very lucky to be able to go.

Tengo mucha suerte en que me sea posible ir.

My sisters are in love with the prince, but of course he is an impossible prospect and that makes me laugh.

Mis hermanas estan enamoradas del principe, pero por supuesto el es un prospecto imposible y eso me
hace reir.

The party is an annual event of charity for the poor.

La fiesta es un evento anual de caridad para los pobres.

Everyone is very exited with the invitation.

Todos estan muy entusiasmados con la invitacion.

I am very happy to know that I will wear a new blue suit.

Yo estoy muy contento (contenta) de saber que voy a ponerme un traje nuevo azul.

The party is the most important thing I ever been invited to.

La fiesta es lo mas importante a lo que he sido invitado (invitada).

Cuento con el Present Progressive (presente progresivo) 3

Quines son? Dnde estn? Qu estn haciendo?

Now the children are at school. Amy is sewing. She is practicing. She is sitting on a bench. She
is sitting near Timmy.
(Ahora los nios estn en la escuela. Amy est cosiendo. Est practicando. Est sentada en un
banco. Est sentada cerca de Timmy.)

Timmy is at school too. Timmy is studying. He is sitting behind his desk. He wishes he could
play with the other children.
(Timmy tambin est en la escuela. Timmy est estudiando. Est sentado detrs de su
escritorio. Desea poder estar jugando con los otros nios.)

John and Susan are also at school. They are playing outside. They are picking flowers for their
teacher. John is carrying his hat. Susan is wearing a bonnet.
(John y Susan tambin estn en la escuela. Estn jugando afuera. Estn recogiendo flores para
su maestra. John est llevando su sombrero en la mano. Susan est usando un sombrerito.)

At this moment, Sarah is walking by the door. She is helping the teacher. She is carrying
textbooks to the shelf.
(En este momento, Sarah est pasando al lado de la puerta. Est ayudando a la maestra. Est
llevando los libros a la biblioteca.)

Our mother is the sweetest and You are the sunlight in my day
Most delicate of all. You are the moon I see far away
She knows more of paradise You are the one I lean upon
Than angels can recall. You are the one who makes my troubles gone
You are the one who taught me life
She's not only beautiful
how not to fight and the difference between right and
But passionately young,
Playful as a kid, yet wise wrong
As one who has lived long. You are the words within my song
You are my wonderful MOM
Her love is like the rush of life,
A bubbling, laughing spring You are the one who cares for me
That runs through all like liquid light You are the eyes that help me see
And makes the mountains sing. You are the one who knows me best
You are my favorite from east to west
And makes the meadows turn to flower You are the one who helped me dream
And trees to choicest fruit. You hear my heart
She is at once the field and bower You hear me scream
In which our hearts take root. I'm afraid of life but looking for love
I'm blessed that God sent me you from above
She is at once the sea and shore,
You are my friend, my heart, and soul
Our freedom and our past.
You are the greatest MOM I know
With her we launch our daring ships
Yet keep the things that last. Dana Wheeler
Published on April 2011
(Nicholas Gordon) Source:

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