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HOMEWORK: SUMMARY / pros vs cons

Clues to world cultures

Viajar por el mundo es una de las experiencias ms hermosas en la vida, sin

embargo, tiene sus defectos. Hubo una ocasin donde una mujer irlandesa
estaba paseando por latino Amrica, de pronto tubo un dolor de cabeza lo que
la orillo a trasladarse a una farmacia pues ella ya saba la medicina que deba
tomar. Ya en la farmacia, el hombre que la atendera prestaba sus servicios a
otra persona, por lo que ella decidi esperar pacientemente a su turno. De
pronto ms personas entraban a la farmacia dejndola a ella sin la atencin que
necesitaba del farmacutico, despus de 20 minutos ya no soportaba el dolor
hey, he estado aqu por mucho tiempo Por qu todo el mundo me
ignora?(Grito desesperadamente).

En otra ocasin, un hombre de negocios de Oriente Medio y su hermano

invitaron a un estadounidense a su casa para una cena, disfrutaron de una
buena conversacin y te. El tiempo transcurra el invitado estaba hambriento
disculpe, pero vamos a cenar? "Por supuesto!", Respondi su anfitrin. Los
anfitriones acostumbraban a servir la cena a las 9:00 y disfrutar de una buena
conversacin antes de ella. En la mesa todo era delicioso el invitado comi
rpidamente le sirvieron la otra ronda - "Por favor, por favor, por
favor- No me dan ms comida", les rog. "Termin la comida en esta
placa, pero no puedo comer otro bocado!". Retiraron los platos de la mesa
siguieron conversando y tomando te. Decidi agradecer a los anfitriones para
retirarse estaba cansado.

Un grupo de estudiantes internacionales asistan a una universidad en Europa.

Durante su descanso podan viajar a otros pases, tuvieron xito en algunos,
pidiendo ra (enseando sus pulgares) viajaban de un lugar a otro, teniendo
experiencias buenas y malas, personas siendo amables con ellos y en otros
casos siendo groseras. Queriendo ahorrarse un poco de dinero siguieron
viajando con los pulgares arriba.

Por otro lado, en Grecia y Turqua, los visitantes no tuvieron tanta

suerte. Pocos conductores se detuvieron para darles un aventn; la mayora
de las personas no les hizo caso. Unos conductores gritaron terribles palabras
a los viajeros; incluso llegaron a bajarse de su camioneta para comenzar una
pelea. Los estudiantes pensaron que los conductores eran muy grosero. Se
HOMEWORK: SUMMARY / pros vs cons

sentan confundidos, temerosos, y no deseado. Despus de

unos das los estudiantes tomaron el autobs de regreso a Europa.

Travelling the world is one of the most beautiful experiences in life, however,
has its flaws. There was one occasion where an Irish woman was walking in
Latin America, suddenly a headache tube so the selvage to move to a pharmacy
because she already knew the medicine to take. Already in the pharmacy, the
man who would serve was serving someone else, so she decided to wait
patiently for their turn. Suddenly more people entered the pharmacy leaving
her without the care they need pharmacist, after 20 minutes could not stand
the pain - "hey, I've been here a long time ..." "Why does everyone ignores me?
"(Cry desperately).

On another occasion, a businessman from the Middle East and his brother
invited an American home for dinner, enjoyed good conversation and you. Time
passed the guest was hungry - "Excuse me, but come to dinner?" "Of course,"
he replied his host!. "The hosts were accustomed to serving dinner at 9:00 and
enjoy a good conversation before it. In the table all were delicious guest
quickly ate was served another round - "Please, please, please-give me no more
food," he begged. "I finished the food on this plate, but I can not eat another
bite!". They removed the plates from the table they continued talking and
drinking tea. He decided to thank the hosts to retire was tired.

A group of international students attending a university in Europe. During

their break they could travel to other countries, they succeeded in some,
asking Rai (showing their thumbs) traveled from one place to another, having
good and bad experiences, people being nice to them and in some cases being
rude. Wanting to save a little money continued traveling with thumbs up.

On the other hand, Greece and Turkey, the visitors were not so lucky. Few
drivers stopped to give a lift; Most people ignored them. Some drivers
shouted terrible words to travelers; they even get out of his truck to pick a
fight. Students thought the drivers were very rude. They were confused,
fearful, and unwanted. After a few days the students took the bus back to
HOMEWORK: SUMMARY / pros vs cons

Meeting the perfect mate, part 2

Cul es la mejor manera de conocer el marido perfecto o esposa?
Citas en linea
Pros Cons
Encontrar personas con los mismos Llenar mal los formularios

Mismos antecedentes (cultura, religin, Puede que sea mentira

valores, etc.).

Misma edad. Tal vez no hay sinceridad o se

exageren las cosas

Preferencias sobre el estilo de vida, la Puede que nadie te escoja, ni si quiera

educacin, comida, deportes, pelculas y para platicar.

Puede ser cualquier persona,

profesores, cientficos,
administradores, etc.

Video chat
Pros Cons
Filmarce asi mismo describiendose. Puede que no sea quien dice que es.
Hablar sobre lo que nos interesa. No todo lo que brilla es oro.
Mucha gente puede verlo. Hay gente loca, y solo podra
perjudicar a quien sea contactado.

Las personas interesadas pueden El uso de redes sociales es realmente

entrar en contacto para socializar. una trampa, siempre ser mejor
conocer a la persona e interactuar
frente a frente con l/ella.

Usar redes sociales para interactuar.

HOMEWORK: SUMMARY / pros vs cons

Meeting the perfect mate, part 2

What is the best way to meet the perfect husband or wife?
Online dating
Pros Cons
Find people with the same tastes. Fill evil forms

Same background (culture, religion, It may be a lie.

values, etc.).

Same age. Perhaps there is no sincerity or

exaggerate things.

Preferences about lifestyle, education, You can choose anyone, not even to
food, sports, movies and more. talk.

Can be anyone, teachers, scientists,

managers, etc.

Video chat
Pros Cons
He is describing himself so Filmarce. It may not be who he says he is.
Talk about what interests us. Not all that glitters is gold.
Many people can see it. There are crazy people, and could only
harm whoever contacted.

Those interested can contact to The use of social networks is really a

socialize. trap, it is always better to know the
person and interact face to face with
him / her.

Use social networks to interact.

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