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Cuad. herpetol.

Cuad. herpetol., (2):3737–41,
– 41, 2004
2004 (2005)
(2005) 37



N O R A R. I B A R G Ü E N G O Y T Í A 1 , P H I L I P S. B I R D 2 , F R A N C I S C O A. U Z A L 3

& A N A L. C I P O L L A 2
1 Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Unidad Postal Universidad del
Comahue, Bariloche, 8400, Río Negro, Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones científicas y técnicas.
(CONICET). Phone: 0054-2944-423374/428505. Fax: 0054-2944-422111.
n o r a i @ b a r i l o c h e . c o m . a r
2 Oral Biology and Pathology, School of Dentistry, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland
4072, Australia.
3 California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cal-

ifornia, Davis. 105 W Central Ave., San Bernardino CA 92408. USA.

4 Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria- Estación Experimental Balcarce-Area de Producción Animal-

Laboratorio de Bacteriología. Ruta Nac. 226 - Km 73,5, Balcarce (7620), Pcia Bs. As.

R E S U M E N. — Existe la creencia popular de que los lagartos del género Diplolaemus (Leio-
sauridae) de Patagonia, Argentina, son capaces de conferir mordeduras venenosas que pueden
causar inflamación e incluso la muerte de animales de granja o salvajes. No obstante, no existe
evidencia de la existencia de glándulas de veneno en estos lagartos. La inflamación y absceso pro-
vocado como resultado de las heridas de mordedura podría ser causado por agentes infecciosos.
Este es el primer estudio acerca de la microbiota oral de los lagartos del género Diplolaemus de
Argentina. Para este trabajo se analizó un espécimen de D. darwini y tres individuos de Diplolae-
mus «forma alto patagonica». Las muestras de hisopados de boca de los lagartos fueron incubados
aeróbica y anaeróbicamente, algunos de ellos fueron subcultivados en agar de sangre ovina al 5%
e incubados nuevamente. Todas las colonias representativas observadas fueron subcultivadas para
su purificación y sujetas a tests bioquímicos. La bacteria Clostridium perfigrens fue determinada
por medio de la técnica de reacción en cadena de la Polimerasa. Se identificaron cuatro especies
de bacterias: Staphylococus warneri, Clostridium bifermentans, Clostridium perfringens y Stoma-
tococcus muscilaginosus. Estas especies son conocidas como agentes etiológicos de numerosas in-
fecciones de humanos y animales. Si bien estas bacterias representan sólo un pequeño número de
las posibles bacterias aisladas de la cavidad oral de Diplolaemus, están indicando la presencia de
patógenos humanos y animales.
Palabras clave: Diplolaemus, lagartijas, microbiología, enfermedades.

A B S T R A C T. — Lizards of genus Diplolaemus (Leiosauridae) from Patagonia, Argentina are

believed to have «poisonous» bites that can cause inflammation and death of farm and wild
animals. However there is no evidence of poisonous glands in these lizards. It is proposed that the
inflammation and abscesses resulting from these bite wounds are caused by infectious agent(s).
This is the first study of the oral microbiota of Diplolaemus lizards from Argentina. One specimen
of D. darwini and three individuals of Diplolaemus «forma alto patagonica» were used for the
present work. Swabs were taken from the mouths of the lizards, subcultured onto 5% sheep blood
agar plates, incubated at 37oC for 48 hours aerobically and anaerobically. All representative colonies
observed were subcultured for purity and subjected to conventional biochemical tests. Isolates
identified as Clostridium perfringens were typed by a polymerase chain reaction technique. Four
species of bacteria were identified as Staphylococcus warneri, Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium
bifermentans and Stomatococcus muscilaginosus. These species are known etiologic agents of a
number of human and animal infections. While these bacteria represent only a small number of
possible isolates from the oral cavity of Diplolaemus species nevertheless it indicates that human
and animal pathogens are present in their oral cavity.
Key words: Diplolaemus, lizards, microbiology, diseases.
38 N. R. I BARGÜENGOYTÍA et al.: Oral Microbiota of Diplolaemus Lizards

The Diplolaemus lizards (matuastos) caused by infectious agent(s) present in

are distributed throughout Patagonia, their mouths and transmitted to their
Argentina and Chile´s southernmost re- prey by the bite of these lizards we per-
gion. The genus Diplolaemus (Leiosau- formed the present study.
ridae) consists of three species (Diplolae- Also, the oral microbial flora can be
mus darwini, Diplolaemus bibroni and involved in serious infections of several
Diplolaemus leopardinus) and two forms, captive lizards such as agamids, chame-
not yet recognized as species, which are leons, skinks and iguanas, producing
considered as hybrids of D. darwini and periodontal disease which is an impor-
D. bibroni. These two forms are call tant cause of disease and death of these
Diplolaemus «forma alto-patagónica» and animals (McCracken and Birch, 1994;
Diplolaemus «forma sudmendocina», re- McCracken et al., 1999). However, infor-
spectively (Cei, 1986, 1993). They are mation about the oral microbial flora of
very powerful and aggressive lizards lizards in their nature environment is
with a large head and strong wide jaws. scanty (Ciofi, 1999).This preliminary
They are up to 12 cm snout-vent length study was therefore designed to deter-
(Cei, 1986). mine if the lizards of the genus
At present, there is a general con- Diplolaemus carry pathogenic bacteria
sensus that the way local people per- in their oral cavity.
ceive and use their natural environment One specimen of D. darwini and
plays an important role in the conserva- three individuals of Diplolaemus «forma
tion of resources and its consequent alto patagonica» were captured in the
sustainable development. The Conven- field and transported alive to the labo-
tion of Biological Diversity recognizes ratory. The lizards were clinically exam-
that biodiversity will not be conserved ined (including the mouth) and a sam-
without understanding how humans in- ple was taken from the mouth of each
teract with the natural environment lizard using a swab moistened with
(Ladio and Lozada, 2000). Individuals sterile saline. The swabs were inoculat-
have the strongest affinities with family ed onto 5% sheep blood agar plates,
members and select the cultural vari- and incubated aerobically and anaerobi-
ants provided by them thus generating cally. Swabs were also inoculated into
a vertical transmission from parents to cooked meat broth (CMB), incubated
children. Under these circumstances, anaerobically and then subcultured onto
most ecological constraints are intimate- 5% sheep blood agar plates and incubat-
ly associated with social factors, both ed again. All incubations were carried
contributing to an adaptive solution out at 37ºC for 72 h and all representa-
(Ladio and Lozada, 2000). There are his- tive colonies observed on the agar
torical records that show there was a plates were subcultured for purity and
belief at the end of XIX century among subjected to conventional biochemical
local people in Patagonia that «matuas- tests as previously described, including
tos» were poisonous (Musters, 1997) and carbohydrate fermentation, heamolysis
this belief still continues to the present of sheep erythrocytes and lecithinase
day. Credence for this is that the liz- activity (Sterne and Batty, 1978). Iso-
ards´ bite produce abscesses with result- lates were identified as Clostridium per-
ing massive inflammation, sometimes fringens by a polymerase chain reaction
resulting in the death of dogs and (PCR) technique to amplify the alpha,
sheep (Musters, 1997). However, no poi- beta, epsilon and iota toxin genes of
sonous glands have been found in any of this microorganism, as previously re-
the «matuastos» (Cei, 1986; 1993). ported (Uzal et al., 1997).
Therefore to test the hypothesis that All the lizards used in this study were
the abscesses and inflammation are clinically normal when swabs were ob-
Cuad. herpetol., 18 (2): 37 – 41, 2004 (2005) 39

tained from their mouths. No gross ab- ism is ubiquitous and it can be found in
normalities were observed in the mouth soil and feces of clinically normal ani-
of any of the animals investigated. mals and human beings, is considered
Staphylococus warneri was isolated an opportunistic pathogen that can pro-
from D. darwini. No other aerobic or liferate and produce disease under ap-
anaerobic microorganisms were cultured propriate conditions. The detection of
from this individual. Clostridium bifer- the alpha toxin gene in the isolated
mentans, C. perfringens and Stomatococ- strain is an indicator that this was a
cus muscilaginosus were isolated from potential pathogen that carries a viru-
the three individuals of Diplolaemus «for- lence factor in its genome.
ma alto patagonica». The C. perfringens The oral cavity of the Komodo sauri-
isolated was typed as type A by PCR. an lizard, Varanus komodoensis, sup-
Bacteria isolated from the oral cavity ports a large numbers of bacteria and it
of Diplolaemus in this study are etiolog- is thought that bite wounds inflicted by
ical agents of animal and human diseas- this lizard can result in serious infec-
es. S. warneri has been associated to a tion and septicemia that may eventually
number of human and animal infec- kill the prey (Ciofi, 1999). In one study
tions, including endocarditis (Fabbri et of the oral cavity of V. komodoensis,
al., 1990), septicaemia, osteomyelitis approximately 50 different bacterial spe-
(Bryan et al., 1987) and urinary tract cies were identified and at least seven
infections (Leighton and Little, 1986). of these were highly pathogenic (Arnett,
This microorganism is also invasive in 1998). Our results, albeit from a re-
cancer patients (Eng et al., 1982) and duced number of animals and isolates,
elicits the release of a factor that show that pathogenic bacteria are found
strongly activates the human immunode- in the mouth of the Diplolaemus liz-
ficiency virus type 1 (HIV1) influencing ards, as well. Nevertheless, the number
the progression of HIV1 infection (Kle- of bacteria species found in Diplolaemus
banoff et al., 1994). S. mucilaginosus is lizards were much smaller than that
a normal inhabitant of the human oral found in the Komodo dragon. Differenc-
cavity, but it can also produce septic es in the diet (the Komodo dragon is
shock, meningitis, acute respiratory dis- carnivorous while the Diplolaemus liz-
tress syndrome, endocarditis and cathe- ards are insectivorous) and habitat (Ko-
ter-related infections in humans (Ascher modo Island is a tropical environment
et al., 1991; Gruson et al., 1998). C. bi- with a high rainfall rate, while most of
fermentans produces necrotizing pneu- Patagonia is a cold semi-desert) are
monia, empyema (Jonsson et al., 1983), probably responsible for the difference in
endocarditis (Kolander et al., 1989), liv- oral microflora between these reptiles,
er and abdominal abscess (Nachman et among others. The present results indi-
al., 1989; Rechtman and Nadler, 1991), cate that, at least potentially, the bites
septic arthritis (Nolan et al., 1972) and of the matuastos may result in trans-
osteomyelitis in human beings (Scanlan mission of infectious agent(s) causing
et al., 1994). C. perfringens type A is serious infection. More research is cur-
commonly found in the soil and intesti- rently under way to further test this
nal tract of humans and other animals hypothesis.
(Stratonova, 1969; Uzal and Marcellino,
2002); it produces gas gangrene and
food poisoning in humans (Chakrabarty ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
and Boro, 1981) and it is also responsi-
ble for enterotoxaemia and malignant I wish to express my gratitude to my
oedema in several animal species (Mc- mother, Adelina E. Pérez, and to Víctor
Clane, 1996). Although this microorgan- Cussac for their helpful comments of
40 N. R. I BARGÜENGOYTÍA et al.: Oral Microbiota of Diplolaemus Lizards

the manuscript and to Alejandro Scolaro alence of food-poisoning (entero-

to help with the systematic. I want also toxigenic) Clostridium perfringens
to express my special thanks to my type A in blood and fish meal. Ze-
daughter Manuela Delfina Martinez. ntralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Mikro-
This work was partially supported by biologie und Hygiene 172: 427-433.
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vestigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Se- sian archipelago, the world’s larg-
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titude to Víctor Cussac for his helpful ic American 280: 64-71.
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R e c i b i d o : 1 9 / 0 2 / 0 4 — A c e p t a d o : 0 1 / 1 1 / 0 4
E d . a s o c . : M a r i o C a b r e r a

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