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2012 - The Man Who Bridged the Mist, Kij Johnson

2011 - The Lifecycle of Software Objects, Ted Chiang

2010 - Palimpsest, Charles Stross
2009 - The Erdmann Nexus, Nancy Kress
2008 - All Seated on the Ground, Connie Willis
2007 - A Billion Eves, Robert Reed
2006 - Infiltrado (Inside Job), Connie Willis
2005 - The Concrete Jungle, Charles Stross
2004 - El monstruo de las galletas (The Cookie Monster), Vernor Vinge
2003 - Coraline (Coraline), Neil Gaiman
2002 - Acelerados en el Instituto Fairmont (Fast Times at Fairmont High), Vernor
2001 - Terraformar la Tierra (The Ultimate Earth), Jack Williamson
2000 - The Winds of Marble Arch, Connie Willis
1999 - Ocenico (Oceanic), Greg Egan
1998 - ...Where Angels Fear to Tread, Allen Steele
1997 - Sangre de dragn (Blood of the Dragon), George R. R. Martin
1996 - The Death of Captain Future, Allen Steele
1995 - Siete vistas de la garganta Olduvai (Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge), Mike
1994 - En las tierras del fondo (Down in the Bottomlands), Harry Turtledove
1993 - Bill Percebe, el espacial (Barnacle Bill the Spacer), Lucius Shepard
1992 - Mendigos en Espaa (Beggars in Spain), Nancy Kress
1991 - El engao Hemingway (The Hemingway Hoax), Joe Haldeman
1990 - Las montaas de la afliccin (The Mountains of Mourning), Lois McMaster
1989 - El ltimo de los Winnebago (The Last of the Winnebagos), Connie Willis
1988 - Ojo por ojo (Eye for Eye), Orson Scott Card
1987 - Gilgamesh in the Outback, Robert Silverberg
1986 - 24 vistas del monte Fuji, por Hokusai (24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by
Hokusai), Roger Zelazny
1985 - Pulse Enter (PRESS ENTER[]), John Varley
1984 - Cascade Point, Timothy Zahn
1983 - Almas (Souls), Joanna Russ
1982 - El juego de Saturno (The Saturn Game), Poul Anderson
1981 - El dorsai perdido (Lost Dorsai), Gordon R. Dickson
1980 - Enemigo mo (Enemy Mine), Barry B. Longyear
1979 - La persistencia de la visin (The Persistence of Vision), John Varley
1978 - Danza estelar (Stardance), Spider Robinson & Jeanne Robinson

1977 - (ex aequo)

Houston, Houston, me recibe? (Houston, Houston, Do You Read?), James Tiptree
Por cualquier otro nombre (By Any Other Name), Spider Robinson
1976 - El regreso del verdugo (Home Is the Hangman), Roger Zelazny
1975 - Una cancin para Lya (A Song for Lya), George R. R. Martin
1974 - La muchacha que estaba conectada (The Girl Who Was Plugged In), James
Tiptree Jr
1973 - El nombre del mundo es Bosque (The Word for World is Forest), Ursula K.
Le Guin
1972 - La reina del aire y la oscuridad (The Queen of Air and Darkness), Poul
1971 - Aciago encuentro en Lankhmar (Ill Met in Lankhmar), Fritz Leiber
1970 - Nave de sombras (Ship of Shadows), Fritz Leiber
1969 - Alas nocturnas (Nightwings), Robert Silverberg
1968 - (ex aequo)
Jinetes del salario prpura (Riders of the Purple Wage), Philip Jos Farmer
El vuelo del dragn (Weyr Search), Anne McCaffrey
1967 - El ltimo castillo (The Last Castle), Jack Vance
1962 - Invernculo (Hothouse), Brian Aldiss


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