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Anexo:Libros ms vendidos

1 Ms de cien millones de copias

Este anexo provee una lista de los libros ms vendidos

en cualquier idioma. El concepto de ms vendido (usualmente expresado mediante el trmino superventas) se reere al nmero de copias (o a una estimacin del mismo)
que se han vendido de cada libro, y no a las que fueron
impresas o distribuidas gratuitamente. No se incluyen en
esta lista ni cmics, ni libros de texto. Tampoco aparecen
obras polticas, como las de Mao Zedong o religiosas, como la Biblia, el Corn, el Libro de Mormn o Qu ensea
realmente la Biblia? que han sido distribuidas gratuitamente, indicadas en el anexo correspondiente a las obras
ms distribuidas. Los libros se listan segn las ventas mximas estimadas y reportadas por fuentes independientes
y dedignas.

2 Entre cincuenta y cien millones

de copias
3 Entre treinta y cincuenta millones de copias
4 Entre veinte y treinta millones de

Hay varios casos, signicativamente el de El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha (Miguel de Cervantes,
en espaol, 1605-1615), para los que se suele reclamar
un gran nmero de ejemplares vendidos a lo largo de la
historia, presumiblemente el dato ms alto de la lista,[1][2]
pero para los que ninguna fuente able da una cifra concreta. Para los casos ms modernos de las series de Harry
Potter (J. K. Rowling, en ingls, 1997-2007) y Crepsculo
(Stephenie Meyer, en ingls, 2005-2008) el problema es
que no se hallan cifras de ventas de cada libro por separado, tan solo las del total de la coleccin, lo que obviamente no es comparable. Un clculo aritmtico elemental
lleva a la conclusin de que si las cifras totales de las series son correctas, al menos un ttulo de cada una debiera
entrar en el rango de esta lista.

5 Entre diez y veinte millones de

6 Vase tambin
Anexo:Libros ms distribuidos
Anexo:Colecciones de libros ms vendidas
Anexo:Lista Time los mejores 10 libros de ccin
por ao

7 Notas
[1] El Seor de los Anillos se suele considerar un libro nico,
pues eso fue lo planeado y escrito por el autor. Sin embargo, hay quien habla de l como una triloga porque fue publicado originalmente en tres volmenes: La Comunidad
del Anillo, Las dos torres y El retorno del Rey. La decisin
fue tomada por la editorial, por la escasez de papel en la
posguerra y para facilitar la venta del primer volumen con
un precio menor. En reimpresiones posteriores el libro ha
aparecido en un nico volumen, y, al menos en un caso,
dividido en siete. La cifra de 150 millones es una estimacin de 2007 de copias vendidas de la historia completa,
publicada en un volumen, tres u otra conguracin.
[2] Discutible: las copias podran no haber sido vendidas, pues
la referencia entrecomilla sold.


[1] Kingsbury, Paul (otoo de 2005). Lost in La Mancha.

Vanderbilt Magazine (en ingls). Consultado el 17 de agosto de 2012.
[2] A propsito del Da del Idioma. America News. Consultado el 17 de agosto de 2012. Miguel de Cervantes y
Saavedra fue el ms destacado dramaturgo, poeta y novelista espaol, y el autor de la novela El ingenioso hidalgo
don Quijote de la Mancha, considerada como la primera
novela moderna de la literatura universal y el libro ms
vendido y ms traducido despus de La Biblia en todo el
[3] The Best of Times! A Tale of Two Cities to Open at
Broadways Hirschfeld Theatre on Sept. 18. 24 de marzo de 2008. Consultado el 3 de enero de 2011. Since
its inaugural publication on 30 August 1859, A Tale of
Two Cities has sold over 200 millones copies in several
idiomas, making it one of the most famous books in the
history of ctional literature.
[4] Tolkien proves hes still the king. The Toronto Star. 16
de abril de 2007. Consultado el 3 de enero de 2011.
[5] Adamson, Thomas (3 de mayo de 2012). 'Little Prince'
discovery oers new insight into classic book (en ingls).
Associated Press; Consultado el 10 de
abril de 2013. In 1943, the text turned from a scribbled
manuscript by a relatively unknown author, into a literary phenomenon that has since sold 140 million copies,
in about 260 languages.
[6] Tolkiens Hobbit fetches 60,000. BBC. 18 de marzo
de 2008. Consultado el 3 de enero de 2011.
[7] Betting on The Red Mansions. 14 de diciembre de 2005. Consultado el 3 de enero de 2011. Sun said
that the book has sold over 100 millones copies worldwide
so far.
[8] How Much Did Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, and Jiang
Zemin Get Paid for Their Publications?. Chinascope Magazine. Septiembre de 2005. Consultado el 3 de enero de
2011. For Jiang Zemin, according to research, his book
On the Three Representations sold more than 100 million copies. Each member of the 68 million Communist
Party members has at least one copy. All the government
employees, including teachers and doctors also have the
[9] Davies, Helen; Dorfman, Marjorie; Fons, Mary; Hawkins,
Deborah; Hintz, Martin; Lundgren, Linnea; Priess, David; Robinson, Julia Clark; Seaburn, Paul; Stevens, Heidi; Theunissen, Steve (14 de septiembre de 2007). 21
Best-Selling Books of All Time. Editors of Publications
International, Ltd. Consultado el 3 de enero de 2011.
[10] The 20 greatest childrens books ever. The Telegraph. 3
de abril de 2010. Consultado el 3 de enero de 2011. This
classic story has sold more than 85 millones copies in 29
dierent idiomas since its publication in 1950.
[11] Cinema: Waiting for Leo. Time. 17 de septiembre de
1965. Consultado el 3 de enero de 2011. Since then it
has sold 83 millones copies in 44 idiomas.


[12] Browns next book due in fall. San Jos Mercury News.
7 de junio de 2009. That earlier book has sold more than
80 millions copies worldwide, was adapted into a movie
and made hits out of Browns previous novels, including
Angels & Demons, whose lm version is now in theaters.
[13] You searched: J. D. Salinger. Foyles. 4 de agosto de
1994. Consultado el 31 de agosto de 2009.
[14] Film to be made of Coelhos 'The Alchemist'. AFP. 19
de mayo de 2008. Archivado desde el original el 200902-12. Consultado el 4 de enero de 2011. Film mogul
Harvey Weinstein on Sunday announced the screen adaptation of the novel, written 20 years ago and translated into
56 idiomas, with more than 65 millones copies sold.
[15] Paperback books on christian living. Home Health
Education Services Online Inc. 2008. Consultado el 4 de
enero de 2011.
[16] Switzerland - Heidi. Foreign Correspondent. ABC Australia. 5 de agosto de 2002. Consultado el 4 de enero de
2011. Johanna Spyris story has been translated into fty
idiomas and sold fty millones copies, but the marketing
juggernaut shows no signs of slowing down - fat from it.
Heidi now has her own theme park.
[17] Ash, Russell (2002). The Top 10 of Everything.
[18] Mollins, Julie (19 de marzo de 2008). New Anne of
Green Gables book stirs debate. Reuters. Consultado el
4 de enero de 2011. Anne of Green Gables has sold more
than 50 millones copies and been translated into 20 idiomas, according to Penguin.
[19] Roso, Meg (29 de febrero de 2008). Meg Roso introduces Black Beauty by Anne Sewell. The Times. Consultado el 4 de enero de 2011. Fifty millones copies of
Black Beauty have been sold in the years since Anna Sewells publisher paid her 20 for the story.
[20] The Name of the Rose: including Postscript to the Name
of the Rose. Barnes & Noble. Consultado el 4 de enero
de 2011.
[21] USA today (15 May 2006)
[22] Walden Media. Consultado el 31-08-2009.
[23] Workers Press acknowledge Frederick Warnes intellectual property rights. 10-07-2003.
Consultado el 31-08-2009.
[24] An early press report claimed that more than 72 millones copies of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"
had been sold within the rst 48 hours of publication
(New 'Potter' sells 72 mil copies worldwide. 24-07-2007. Archivado desde el original el 2007-08-23. Consultado el 31-08-2009.). However, there has never been any evidence provided for this
claim beyond the original source and it is almost certainly
an error. All follow-up sales gures (for instance, those
discussed on the separate entry for "Harry Potter and the
Deathly Hallows") are consistent with total sales gures
well below 30 millones during the rst month of publication. For example, according to Scholastic publishers,

there are only 14 millones copies of the American edition currently in print, and not all have been sold. At the
same time, sales of the American edition were originally
reported to be comparable to or greater than the number
of copies sold of the British edition. As of 18 September 2007, fewer than 4 millones copies of the British edition had been sold in the UK along with a comparable
number sold in other countries (Allen, Katie (19 de septiembre de 2007). Sprechen Sie Potter? How Harry is
spreading the Ingls language. London: Guardian. Consultado el 31-08-2009.). Thus the total number of copies
sold as of September 2007 appears to have been approximately 20-25 millones. Translations into other idiomas
began appearing in late September 2007, substantially increasing the estimated number of copies sold worldwide.
In June 2008, Forbes magazine reported sales had reached
44 millones.
[25] The Celebrity 100 #9: J. K. Rowling The nal one, Harry
Potter and the Deathly Hallows, has sold 44 millones since
it was published last de julio de, including 15 millones in
the rst 24 hours.
[26] Powells Books. 12-08-2009. Consultado
el 31-08-2009.
[27] Michael Fleming (20 de abril de 2009). Columbia moves
on 'Symbol'. Variety Online. Consultado el 1 de noviembre de 2009.
[28] (03-01-2000).
"" | XX :
. . Consultado el 31-08-2009.
[29] Repubblica Italiana on Le Avventure di pinocchio: "The
Adventures of Pinocchio translated in more of 260 idiomas. (1 de julio de 2001)
[30] The New York Times on You Can Heal Your Life: "You
Can Heal Your Life immediately landed on the New York
Times best-seller list. More than 35 millones copies are
now in print around the world. (4 May 2008)
[31] The Guardian on Kane and Abel: Kane and Abel, rst
published in 1979, is Archers bestselling novel Pan says
it has sold around 34m copies worldwide. (15 June 2009)
[32] Fox News on Het Achterhuis: Thirty millones copies of
her diary have been sold, and it has been translated into
65 idiomas. " (29 March 2007)
[33] The Orlando Sentinel on To Kill a Mockingbird: Thirty
millones copies of To Kill a Mockingbird have been sold
since that coming-of-age novel, about a Southern lawyer
who believed that no man should be denied justice because of the color of his skin, was rst published in 1960 to
critical acclaim. (11 June 2006)
[34] The Daily Mail on Gone with the Wind: The book has
sold more than 30 millones copies in the decades since the
publication of Margaret Mitchells gripping tale of the Old
South gasping its last breath, as the U.S. was torn apart by
Civil War and its bitter aftermath. (4 April 2008)
[35] The Walrus December 2007 issue

[36] March 6, 2007

[37] ABC News on The Purpose-Driven Life: His book, The
Purpose Driven Life, has been translated into 56 idiomas
and has sold 30 millones copies. (7 March 2007)
[38] Wales Online on The Thorn Birds: Her original novel, published in 1977 following a battle between two publishing
houses that both wanted the manuscript, has sold around
30 millones copies worldwide. (11 April 2009)]
[39] Greenville Online on Think and Grow Rich: One of his
books, Think and Grow Rich, which he penned in 1937,
sold 30 millones copies and continues to serve readers today. (1 April 2009)
[40] The Continuum Encyclopedia of American Literature, p.
559, on The Revolt of Mamie Stover: "The Revolt of Mamie
Stover (1951), which sold almost thirty millones copies
worldwide, [...]" (2005)
[41] Winnipeg Free Press on The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo:
The rst book sold 30 millones copies and is available in
44 idiomas. (15 April 2010)
[42] The Telegraph on The Very Hungry Caterpillar: It has
been translated into more than 50 idiomas and its sales
have now surpassed the 30 millones mark. (3 April 2010)
[43] W.W. Norton and Company. Consultado el 31-08-2009.
[44] The Global Times on Who Moved My Cheese: Who Moved My Cheese has sold over 26 millones copies, staying
on the New York Times bestseller list since its release in
1998. (23 November 2009
[45] The Columbus Dispatch on The Wind in the Willows:
More than 25 millones copies of the book have been sold
in 70 countries since 1908, according to the Copyrights
Group, which is presently promoting a new edition. (4
May 2008)
[46] The Philadelphia Inquirer on Nineteen Eighty-Four: Nineteen Eighty-Four has sold 25 millones copies, is still
read in high school and college, and remains the bestknown example of anti-utopian literature. (22 June 2009)
[48] The Age on The Celestine Prophecy: it has sold in the vicinity of 23 millones copies since its publication in 1993
(22 March 2008
[49] The Toronto Star on Mario Puzo: According to the Ocial Mario Puzo Library website, the book sold 21 millones copies in hardback and paper by 1997. (21 de julio
de 2007)
[50] Playbill on Love Story: Erich Segals best-selling novel,
which has sold 21 millones copies worldwide in 33 idiomas[...]" (23 de julio de 2010)
[51] The Financial Times on Wolf Totem: Since it rst appeared in 2004, Jiang Rongs Wolf Totem has sold as many
as 20 millones copies. (15 March 2008)


[52] The Philadelphia Inquirer on The Happy Hooker: He said

he found it fascinating that her book, which has sold 20
millones copies to date, is still being picked up today.
(26 June 2008)

[67] The Financial Post on Dale Carnegie: Dale Carnegies

How to Win Friends and Inuence People, the gold standard of the genre, has sold more than 15 millones copies
since it was rst published in 1937. (5 April 2008)

[53] The Times on Jaws: Jaws stayed for 40 weeks in the bestseller charts of The New York Times, eventually selling
20 millones copies [...]" (13 February 2006)

[68] The Patriot Ledger on Perfume: Yet the scene, like the
movie, is so daring, so challenging, you cannot help but
respect Tykwers unerring desire to remain true to the
source novel, a book that has sold 15 millones copies and
has been credited with inspiring Kurt Cobain to write the
Nirvana classic Scentless Apprentice." (5 January 2007)

[54] The Huntsville Forester on Love You Forever: The childrens classic Love You Forever has sold over 20 millones
copies worldwide and is in its 65th printing. (29 October
[55] on Sophies World: W&N is already planning to reissue the 1995 classic Sophies World which has
sold 20 millones copies and has been translated into 50
idiomas. " (9 April 2009)
[56] CBC on The Womens Room: It sold 20 millones copies
and was widely translated, despite poor reviews. (5 May
[57] The Australian on What to Expect When You're Expecting:
What to Expect When You're Expecting, in its fourth
edition, was rst published in 1984 and has sold more than
20 millones copies. (27 October 2010)
[58] The Irish Independent on Where the Wild Things are: Although consisting of just 10 lines of text in total, the book
has endured (with some 19 millones copies sold) as a -if not the -- denitive story about the power of a childs
imagination. (4 December 2009)
[59] The Hindustan Times on The Secret: The book became
an international best-seller, with a reported 19 millones
copies in print and translations in 46 idiomas, and continued to hold spots on best-seller lists through 2009. (16
de julio de 2010)
[60] The New Yorker on Erica Jong: Erica Jong, the novelist,
essayist, and poet, has long lamented that Fear of Flying,
which has sold more than eighteen millones copies worldwide since it was published, in 1973, has overshadowed
the remainder of her sizable oeuvre. (14 April 2008, online 7 April 2008)
[61] Playthings (1 April 2007)
[62] RJM LicensingUso incorrecto de la plantilla enlace roto (enlace roto disponible en Internet Archive; vase el
historial y la ltima versin).
[63] Forbes on Covey: The original title has sold more than 15
millones copies worldwide (15 May 2003
[64] Time 26 November 1990.
[65] Golden Books : Poky Little Puppy (Little Golden
Book). 01-06-1992. Consultado el
[66] CBS on Ken Follett: But since it was published in 1989,
The Pillars of the Earth has become an international
sensation, selling 15 millones copies worldwide. (7 October 2007)

[69] The Forres Gazette on The Horse Whisperer: Mr Evans is

the author of The Horse Whisperer, which sold 15 millones copies worldwide and was made into a Hollywood
lm in 1998 directed by and starring Robert Redford.
(10 September 2008)
[70] Irish Times on The Shadow of the Wind: "[...]his novel
The Shadow of the Wind has sold more than 15 millones copies worldwide, writes Arminta Wallace (13 June
[71] The Toledo Blade on The Shack: The Shack, originally
self-published, has sold 12 millones to 15 millones copies
since Mr. Young and two friends started a compa-ny, borrowed money, and printed 10,000 copies in May, 2007.
(17 April 2010)
[74] USA Today on Tuesdays with Morrie: The book has sold
more than 14 millones copies worldwide since 1997 and
became an Oprah Winfrey-produced TV movie. " (8 April
[75] Erskine Caldwell Biography. 11-04-1987.
Consultado el 31-08-2009.
[76] The International Herald Tribune on Follow Your Heart:
But Susanna Tamaros Follow Your Heart, the biggest
selling Italian postwar novel, with more than 14 millones
copies sold, according to its publisher, Baldini Castoldi, as
it was known then, sold barely 25,000 copies in the United
States. (3 August 2008)
[78] Fox News on The Outsiders: According to Viking, a division of Penguin Group USA, The Outsiders has sold
more than 13 millones copies and still sells more than
500,000 a year. (29 September 2007)
[79] Los Angeles Times 15 de julio de 2005
[80] Associated Press on Norwegian Wood: More than 10 millones copies of the book have been sold in Japan alone,
with 2.6 millones more sold in another 33 idiomas. (2
September 2010)

[81] The Toronto Star on Grace Metalious: It sold 100,000

copies in its rst month and went on to sell another 12
millones copies, was made into a lm and eventually into
a prime-time television series that made the young Mia
Farrow a star. (21 de julio de 2007)
[82] Britannica on Dune: the epic Dune (1965; lmed by David Lynch in 1984), which was translated into 14 idiomas
and sold some 12 millones copies, more than any other
science-ction book in history;" (24 November 2007)
[83] China View on La Peste: Translated into 28 idiomas, the
book has sold more than 12 millones copies around the
world. (9 April 2008)
[84] Yomiuri Shimbun (21 April 2009)
[85] The Sunday Herald on The Naked Ape: Morris is still
abbergasted that the book caused such a furore, although
the publicity helped it sell 12 millones copies. (11 March

[96] The Telegraph on Wild Swans: Selling more than 10 millones copies and topping the most borrowed historical
biography chart in British libraries year after year, it proved a publishing phenomenon (21 de julio de 2007)
[97] Britannica on Santa Evita: Martnez was best known as
the author of two classics of Argentine and Latin American literature: La novela de Pern (1985, The Pern Novel, 1988) and Santa Evita (1995, Eng. trans., 1995); the
latter was translated into 30 idiomas and sold more than
10 millones copies. (22 November 2007)
[98] The New York Times on Night: Indeed, since it appeared
in 1960, Night has sold an estimated 10 millones copies
three millones of them since Winfrey chose the book
in January 2006 (and traveled with Wiesel to Auschwitz).
(20 January 2008)
[99] The Times on The Kite Runner: His rst novel, The Kite
Runner, sold 10 millones copies. (11 April 2008)

[100] on Yun Da: "" (14 April 2008)

[86] The Novel. 30-04-1998. Archivado desde el original el de julio de 12, 2008. Consultado [101] ABC News on The Total Woman: One of the rst books
to address the issue was Marabel Morgans The Total
el 31-08-2009.
Woman, which sold more than 10 millones copies to wo[87] The Standard on Chinua Achebe: That Things Fall Apart,
men of all religious persuasions, making it the best-selling
published in 1958, would sell about 11 millones copies in
nonction book of 1974. (15 April 2008)
about 45 idiomas?" (14 March 2008)
[102] Waseda University. Consultado el 31-082009.
[89] The Wall Street Journal on The Exorcist: Back in the [103] (2 August 2005)
1970s, those smaller, rack-sized paperbacks were the
blockbusters of the business, led by such best sellers as [104] U.S. News and World Report on What Color is Your Parachute: Today, Parachute is one of the all-time bestselling
William Peter Blattys The Exorcist (11 millones copies
books, with more than 10 millones copies of 37
sold); Peter Benchleys Jaws (more than nine millones
editions snapped up since 1970. " (1 October 2008)
copies), and Sidney Sheldons The Other Side of Midnight (six millones copies plus). (14 September 2007)
[90] The Telegraph on The Grualo: "The Grualo has sold
more than 10.5 millones copies, been adapted for stage in
both the West End and Broadway, and in 2009 was made
into a 30-minute animated lm (3April 2010)
[91] 'Catch-22' Author Joseph Heller Dies. 13-12-1999. Consultado el 31-08-2009.
[92] Carlos Ramet in Ken Follett: The Transformation of a Writer page 44 on Ken Follett: The rst two editions alone
sold over 10 millones copies worldwide (1999)
[93] The Telegraph on Stephen Hawking: Prof Hawking is the
author of A Brief History of Time which has sold 10
millones copies and is currently writing two books.
(27 April 2007)
[94] The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on The Cat in the Hat:
There are more than 10 millones copies in print today in
more than a dozen idiomas, including the Latin, Cattus
Petasatus."" (14 April 2007)
[95] TVNZ on The Lovely Bones: Published in 2002, Lovely
Bones is the second novel by Alice Sebold, and has sold
over 10 millones copies worldwide, remaining on the New
York Times hardback bestseller list for over a year. (5
May 2007)


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