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Personal Pronouns (Pronombres personales)

I = yo
You = tu o ustedes
He = el
She = ella
It= eso
You= ustedes
We= nosotros
They= ellos o ellas

Me = mi
You a ti, a usted
Him = a el
Her= a ella
It = a eso
Us= Nuestro
You= a ustedes
Them= a ellos o ellas

Possessive Pronouns (Pronombres posesivos)
My= mi o Mis
Your= tu, tus, su, sus
His= su, sus ( el)
Her= Su, sus (ella)
Its= su, sus ( eso)
Your = su sus ( ustedes)
Our = Su (nosotros, nuestras)
Their= Su, Sus ( ellos y ellas)

Mine= Mio
Yours= Suy@ tuy@
His = Suyo suya de el
Hers= Suya suya de ella
Its= su sus ( eso)
Ours = nuestro o nuestras
Yours= suyos suyas
Theirs= Suyos Suyas de ellos o ellas

Reflexive Pronouns (Pronombres reflexivos)
Myself = Yo mismo a mi
Yourself= tu mismo usted mismo
Himself= el mismo
Hersefl= ella misma
Itself= eso mismo
Yourselves= ustedes mismos
Ourselves= nosotros mismos
Themselves= ellos mismos

Demonstrative Pronouns (Pronombres demostrativos)
This= esto, esta este
That= eso esa ese aquel aquello
These= Estos estas
Those= esos esas aquellos aquellas

Uses Of The Definite Article (Usos del artculo determinado)
Whats the name of the restaurant?
The United Estate
The first time

The Indefinite Article (El artculo indeterminado)
A book
An animal
A cuando la sigue es una letra diferente a una vocal
An cuando la palabra siguiente empieza con vocal
A University
A euro
An hour
A hospital
Prepositions (Las preposiciones)
I live in Cali
The cat is in the box
My parents arrive in July on Monday
In 1986
In may
In the morning
In week

Prepositions of Place (Preposiciones de lugar)
Next to ( beside)= al lado de, junto a
The supermarket is next to (beside) the bank
Sit next to (beside) me
By= cerca, al lado de, junto a
I sit by the Windows
Our city is by
Between= entre
The shop is between the river and the park
Behind= detras de
The church is behind you
In front of (opposite) = en frente de
The hotel is in front of the station
The bank is opposite the market el banco esta delante del Mercado
Under = debajo de
The boll is under the chair
The cat is under the windows
Above = por encima sin tocar
The crock is above the table

Prepositions of Time (Preposiciones de tiempo
Before= antes
They arrived before me
After= despues
I arrived after them
During= Durante
I don`t like to watch TV during day
For = Durante
I lived in chile for three years
Prepositions of Movement or Direction (Preposiciones de movimiento o
To= hacia en direccion o movimiento
I go to Chile in two moths
Across= al otro lado
The boat will take across the river
Along= a lo largo
He`s walking along the path
Around= al rededor
Lets go for walk around the park
Down= abajo
I prefer to ride my bike down the hill
Into= dentro
don`t go into your brother`s room
Off= mas lejos
We get off the train at the next stop
Onto= por encima, subir
We can get onto the bus here

Over= sobre, por encima
The cat jumped over the dog
Past = por delante
Walk past the theater on the right and the bank is on the left
Through= a traves
She walks through the park
Towards= hacia
Who`s that women running towards us
Up= hacia arriba
I like riding my bike up hill

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