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un viaje a otro mundo desperte, no sabia donde estaba, todo era cuadrado, no sabia que hacer.

Este lugar podria ser peligroso y debia hacer algo para sobrevivir. Entonces empece a moverme. Lo primero que hice fue conseguir madera pero ya se hacia de noche y no podia quedar expuesto a los peligros que traeria, entonces hice un agujero y me meti dentro. all pasaria mi primera noche. con la madera que tenia construi una mesa de trabajo, en ella confeccione un pico y una espada. cav toda la noche y pude encontrar piedra, grava, carbon y hierro aunque estaba muy asustado porque escuchaba unos ruidos extraos que venian desde afuera, no pude dormir pensando en que podia ser. Cuando ya era de dia sali del agujero en que estaba ya que tenia que buscar comida, de repente vi algo moverse y me acerque lentamente a el y me di cuenta de que era una vaca la mate y pude conseguir comida y cuero, pero debia aprovechar el dia asi que busqu un terreno plano y empec a construir mi casa tambien consegu lana y pude hacerme una cama. Aunque llego la noche estaba ms tranquilo porque tenia mi casa, pero tenia que saber que ran esos extraos sonidos entonces esper luego de un rato empec a sentir los ruidos de nuevo. Mir para afuera y eran zombis no sabia que podia hacer asi que estuve toda la noche minando y pensando en que cuando mir por la ventana habia visto un portal pero solo se activaba de noche, probablemente el portal me llevaria de vuelta a mi casa. esper a que fuera de dia y con lo que habia encontrado minando me pude confeccionar una armadura de diamante, una espada tambien de diamante y un arco. Solo tenia que esperar a que llegara la noche y empec a sentir nuevamente los ruidos entonces supe que era el momento, me arm de valor y sal. Eran demasiados y no solo eran zombis habian algunos que explotaban y tambien habian esqueletos con arcos. Lo primero que hice fue correr hacia el portal pero los zombis no me dejaban pasar entonces saque mi espada y empec a combatir con ellos, cada vez me acercaba ms al portal pero de repente una criatura extraa exploto a mi lado y me alejo del portal. Pero no podia quedarme ahi, tenia que llegar al portal entonces saque mi arco y empec a darles tiros desde lejos y si alguien se acercaba le pegaba con la espada. Despues de una larga pelea llege al portal pero se acercaba otra criatura explosiva y solo me quedaba una flecha, saque el arco y lanc la flecha pero fall el tiro pero tenia una idea entonces saque mi espada y se la tire. La espada quedo clavada en su cabeza y la criatura cay muerta. Enttre en el portal y llegue a mi casa, mire el reloj y el tiempo no habia transcurrido.

a trip to another world woke up , did not know where I was, everything was square, did not know what to do. This place could be dangerous and ought to do something to survive. Then I started to move. The first thing I did was to get wood but it is towards evening and could not be exposed to the dangers that would bring , then I made a hole and meti me inside. would spend my first night there . with wood that had built a work table in her Compile a pick and a sword. I dug all night and could not find stone, gravel, coal and iron but was very scared because they heard strange noises were coming from outside , I could not sleep thinking that he could be . And when it was day they came out of the hole was and I had to look for food , I suddenly saw something move and I approached him and I slowly realized that I was a cow could kill her and get food and leather, but was to take advantage the day so I looked for a flat and started building my house and I also got myself a wool bed. Although night came was quieter because I had my house , but I had to learn that ran those strange sounds then waited after a while I began to feel the noise again. I looked outside and were zombies did not know I could do so all night I was thinking mining and when I looked out the window she saw a website but only activated at night , presumably the portal would take me back to my house. I waited outside day and what I had found I could make mining diamond armor , diamond sword and also a bow. Just had to wait for nightfall and began to feel again the noise then I knew it was time , I took courage and went . There were too many and not only were zombies had some exploding and also had skeletons with bows . The first thing I did was run to the portal but zombies would not let me go then pulled out my sword and began to fight with them , every time I got closer to the portal but suddenly a strange creature exploded next to me and I walk away from the portal. But I could not stay there , I had to get to the portal then remove my bow and started shooting them from afar and if someone approached him with the sword sticking . After a long fight the portal arrives but another creature approached explosive and I only had one arrow , pull the bow and threw the arrow but missed the shot but had an idea then pulled out my sword and pull . The sword remained stuck in his head and the creature fell dead . Enttre in the portal and come to my house , watch the clock and the time had not elapsed

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