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nsin "burguesa" de la Revolucin francesa).

Pero contiene tambin dentro de s una concepcin socialista o social demcrata de igualdad del status cvico, implicando regulacin social, derecho al bienestar, y cosas de ese estilo.

Espionaje[editar editar fuente]

En 1999, Le Monde public un artculo donde se informaba que un documento francs de inteligencia, mostr que Kojve haba espiado para el rgimen sovitico durante ms de 30 aos. Las afirmaciones de este documento (e incluso su existencia) son discutidas, y nunca ha sido liberado. Los partidarios de Kojve tienden a creer que si fuera verdad, fue probablemente insustancial espiando per se y resultado de su personalidad megalmana, una pretensin por ser un filsofo de fines de la historia que influy en el curso de los acontecimientos del mundo.

Libros en ingls[editar editar fuente]

Libros y ensayos publicados por Kojve Alexandre Kojve, Introduction to the Reading of Hegel: Lectures on the Phenomenology of Spirit, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1980. Alexandre Kojve, Outline of a Phenomenology of Right, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2000. Alexandre Kojve, "The Emperor Julian and His Art of Writing", in Joseph Cropsey, Ancients and Moderns; Essays on the Tradition of Political Philosophy in Honor of Leo Strauss , New York: Basic Books, p. 95-113, 1964. Alexandre Kojve, "Tyranny and Wisdom", in Leo Strauss, On Tyranny - Revised and Expanded Edition, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, p. 135-176, 2000.

Libros sobre Kojeve, o sobre su interpretation hegeliana del 'El Fin de la Historia': Anderson, Perry, "The Ends of History" in his A Zone of Engagement, New York: Verso, p. 279375, 1992. Butler, Judith, Subjects of Desire: Hegelian Reflections in Twentieth-Century France, New York: Columbia University Press, 1999. Cooper, Barry, The End of History: An Essay on Modern Hegelianism, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1984. Darby, Tom. "The Feast: Meditations on Politics and Time" Toronto: Toronto University Press, 1982. Devlin, F. Roger, Alexandre Kojeve and the Outcome of Modern Thought, Lanham: University Press of America, 2004. Drury, Shadia B., Alexandre Kojeve: The Roots of Postmodern Politics , New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994. Filoni Marco, Il filosofo della domenica. La vita e il pensiero di Alexandre Kojve , Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2008. Fukuyama, Francis, The End of History and the Last Man, New York: Macmillan, 1992. Niethammer, Lutz, Posthistoire: Has History Come to an End?, New York: Verso, 1992.

Roth, Michael S., Knowing and History: Appropriations of Hegel in Twentieth-Century France, Ithaca: Cornell, 1988. Rosen, Stanley, the title essay in his Hermeneutics as Politics, New York, Oxford University Press, p. 87-140, 1987. Singh, Aakash, Eros Turannos: Leo Strauss & Alexandre Kojeve Debate on Tyranny , Lanham: University Press of America, 2005. Strauss, Leo, On Tyranny - Revised and Expanded Edition, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.

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