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A continuacin har un resumen personal de las charlas dictadas por Taku Sakaushi y Yoshiharu Tsukamoto en su visita por Buenos

Aires, en el mes de Mayo. Yoshiharu muestra una foto tomada en India de un seor sentado en el semicubierto de su casa, viendo la gente pasar. Pareca ser su lugar habitual Lo que cuenta a continuacin es que en Japn fue encontrado un hombre fallecido haca varios das. Nadie haba notado su ausencia. Se pregunta si esto le hubiese sucedido al seor en India Se pregunta qu tipo de arquitectura generan para que esto suceda? Tuskamoto Tsukamoto explica la evolucin de la vivienda en el mbito urbano de Tokio, a travs de 4 generaciones .La primera generacin, eran viviendas cuyos terrenos tenan 280 metros cuadrados. A lo largo del tiempo estos terrenos se fueron reduciendo. Cules fueron las razones para que esto sucediera? El costo de los terrenos: En la dcada de los 80, hubo en Japn una burbuja econmica. Despus de las guerras mundiales, Japn implement polticas para incentivar a la poblacin a ahorrar su salario. Con ms dinero en el sistema bancario, los crditos se hicieron ms fciles de obtener. Las empresas japonesas pudieron crecer y los productos japoneses fueron exportados ms fcilmente generando un crecimiento econmico. La perspectiva de bienestar econmico, y mucho dinero para invertir, deriv en la especulacin tanto en la bolsa como en el mercado inmobiliario. Los bancos comenzaron a dar crditos inmobiliarios y los precios de los terrenos se incrementaron. Los niveles de precios llegaron al punto que sola decirse que en Ginza el precio por metro cuadrado rondaba los U$215.000. La bolsa y los valores inmobiliarios cayeron, dando lugar a la llamada dcada perdida. La burbuja estall y los precios comenzaron a descender. El impuesto a la herencia: Al ser el precio del terreno muy alto y el valor de este impuesto muy elevado, muchos dueos tuvieron que subdividir el terreno original de ms de 200 metros cuadrados para poder pagarlo. Se generaron terrenos ms reducidos , tipologa con forma de bandera(pasillo lateral, terreno al fondo)

Las consecuencias social y espacial de estas circunstancias hicieron que los espacios de socializacin fueran desapareciendo: semicubiertos, jardines, etc. Tokio actualmente carece de lugares de interaccin dentro de terrenos privados. cul es la solucin que plantean? El espacio alfa: determinado para la interaccin y vaco. Un espacio compartido por vecinos donde interacten y socialicen, con una actividad determinada pero que a la vez puede ser cambiante: por ejemplo una biblioteca de da y bar de noche.

Sol quera mencionar que se inaugur el da 22 de Mayo, la sky tree en Tokyo. Otro da hablar de esto. Te paso info de la pgina oficial. Color Design
A "White Tower" transcending time sends messages as a friendly future city TOKYO SKYTREE is designed in an original color, "SKYTREE White", representing harmony with the surrounding scenery, its name and the design concept: "The creation of city scenery transcending time: A fusion of traditional Japanese beauty and neo-futuristic design". SKYTREE White It is an original color based on "aijiro", the lightest shade of Japanese traditional indigo blue. The color of SKYTREE also replicates the technique of indigo dyers, with a hint of blue added to the white color, giving a delicate pale blue glow, like that of white celadon ware. Colors created by indigo dyers represent the legacy of Japanese traditional craftsmanship as conserved in the downtown area housing the tower. Encounter the tower and this artisan culture will become the starting point for the creation of a new culture. Dressed in "SKYTREE white", the new tower will stand tall against the blue sky in downtown Tokyo and transcend time with eternal brightness.

Highest Point: 634m

Decision of the Height of 634m The height of the TOKYO SKYTREE was originally specified at approximately 610m in the original project. However, it was planned from the beginning to be the world's tallest free-standing broadcasting tower. After careful discussion and research on high-rise buildings that are being built around the world, it was finally decided on 634m, to become the tallest free-standing broadcasting tower in the world. Thus, the 634m-high TOKYO SKYTREE was recognized by the Guinness World Records Company on November 17, 2011 as the tallest tower in the world.

Impressive Figures The decision on the figure "634" for the height was based on the concept of choosing a figure that would be easy for everyone to remember with the world's tallest tower that has also become a symbol of the area. The sound of the number "634" when read in old Japanese numbers is "mu-sa-shi", which reminds Japanese people of Musashi Province of the past, that used to cover a large area, including Tokyo, Saitama and part of Kanagawa Prefecture. Historically speaking, the area where the TOKYO SKYTREE stands belonged to Musashi Province. From the Observation Decks, the landscape of the old Musashi Province spreads out before you and reminds visitors of the locality and history of the area lying east of Tokyo, i.e. east of old Edo. We believe that the use of a familiar figure for the height of the TOKYO SKYTREE will make it easier for everyone to remember.

Digital terrestrial broadcasting and the role of TOKYO SKYTREE

Outline of TOKYO SKYTREE The major role of TOKYO SKYTREE is transmission of digital terrestrial broadcasting. Digital terrestrial broadcasting has already been in use since December 2003 in the Kanto area, but due to the many tall buildings rising over 200m high in central Tokyo, it has become necessary to build a new tower higher than 600m for broadcasting transmission purposes. When the role is totally transferred to the new tower in the 600m class, the volume of digital terrestrial broadcasting transmission will be doubled, and thus mitigate the impact of the ever-increasing number of high-rise buildings. It is also expected to widen the area of coverage for ""One Seg"", digital terrestrial broadcasting for mobile terminals that has been in operation since April 2006. It is also expected to assume a role as a tower with a disaster-prevention function at times of natural disaster.

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