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Childrens story and coloring book / Cuento infantil y libro para colorear

Two goats were making their way over a narrow path on the mountains. One was ascending the trial, the other descending. Dos cabras transitaban por un estrecho sendero en la ladera de la montaa. Una de ellas ascenda mientras que la otra vena en sentido contrario.

The goats had to pass at a point where the trail was so narrow that there was room for only one goat.

Tenan que pasar por un punto en que el sendero era tan angosto que solo poda pasar una de ellas.

The animals rounded a turn in the path which brought them in full view of each other. They backed up, as though ready for a lunge, and then the most amazing thing happened! Ambos animales dieron la vuelta a una curva del sendero y se toparon frente a frente. Retrocedieron unos metros como para embestirse. Pero entonces sucedi algo de lo ms curioso.

The goat on the trail below laid down in the path, while the goat above him walked over his back.

La cabra que vena ascendiendo se acost en el sendero mientras la otra pasaba por encima de ella.

The first animal then arose and continued his journey up the trail.

Luego se levant y continu el viaje.

Show kindness to others, and take time to work out your differences with love, and youll get along well with others, and everyone will be happy. Procuremos resolver con amor y consideracin los desacuerdos que tengamos con los dems. As nos llevaremos mejor con ellos y todos seremos ms felices.

Goats cabras Mountains montaas Narrow estrecho/angosto Ascending ascenda Descending bajaba Trail/path sendero Lunged embestirse Laid down acost Over por encima
Cuentos bilinges para nios
Text and artwork The Family International

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