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El viejo grun

El viento soplaba con fuerza moviendo los rboles del parque: varios abetos, dos acacias, dos moreras y unos cuantos falsos pltanos. El parque era muy pequeo, pero dispona de todo lo que tiene que tener un parque: rboles, csped, farolas, muchos asientos, un pequeo espacio para el ocio infantil, con su tobogn y sus columpios y dos fuentes. El viejo grun mir por el ventanal del comedor, lugar desde el que se divisaba cmodamente sentado en el sof la mayor parte del pequeo parque. -Vaya, hoy no hay perros Malditos animales El viejo grun, no es necesario decirlo, odiaba a los perros y por extensin a sus dueos. Desde la altura de su casa, pareca que el suelo del parque era llano como una hoja de papel, pero la nica vez que baj comprob que el suelo inclinado no iba muy bien para su cojera. En este parque slo se ven perros! Sentenci, y no volvi a pisarlo. El anciano vigilaba atentamente el parque a cualquier hora. Observaba si los dueos de los perros no cumplan con sus obligaciones higinicas y entonces comenzaba la funcin: Sinvergenza! No sabes que tienes que recoger la mierda del perrucho! As, as, ponle el morro que chupe bien la fuente para que luego vengan los nios y chupen tambin! La verdad que el viejo grun en ocasiones llevaba bastante razn. Muchos dueos de los perros no cumplan con sus obligaciones: No les ponan bozal, no recogan las deposiciones que hacan, dejaban que chupeteasen las fuentes y los asientos, no impedan que orinasen en cualquier esquina del edificio Un da, el viejo grun, al salir de la puerta del piso, coincidi con los vecinos tomando el ascensor. Vio correteando por el suelo algo parecido a un ratn grande, que se desplazaba de aqu para all como un coche teledirigido. Entraron juntos en el ascensor y no pudo por menos que fruncir el ceo cuando la duea dio un amoroso beso en la boca al pequeo chihuahua. -Vaya (pens el viejo), lo que nos faltaba. Hay que conocer los detalles para comprender la actitud del viejo grun. De nio un hijo del viejo grun fue operado de un quiste hidatdico, y ese hecho le puso muy en contra de los canes. Tan famoso se haba hecho en el barrio el viejo grun por su animadversin a los perros que muchos vecinos se dirigan a l con frases como esta: - Es una vergenza como dejan todo. - No hay derecho. Haba que quejarse al alcalde. Con la llegada del buen tiempo, el viejo grun, que a pesar de la cojera andaba grandes trechos, gustaba pasear por la zona de nueva urbanizacin, entre el camino de los Royales y la Avenida de Valladolid. Es una zona estupenda para pasear, da el sol permanentemente, porque con la crisis no se han construido pisos pero se realiz la primera fase de urbanizacin y hay calles asfaltadas, aceras y jardines. El viejo cierto da paseaba su soledad cuando un perro labrador de color amarillo sucio y nariz rosada comenz a seguirle a distancia. El viejo grun se apercibi de su presencia mir con cierto desaire y continu su camino. El perro le sigui con una mirada triste. El anciano mir una y otra vez. De haber tenido una piedra a mano se la hubiese lanzado, pero casualmente meti la mano en el bolsillo y haba un pequeo mendrugo de pan. Se lo lanz, el perro se lo comi y en sus ojos tristes se advirti un brillo de agradecimiento. El viejo grun se puso contento y una sonrisa apareci entre las arrugas de su cara. El perro deba estar abandonado pero tena algn cobijo. Al da siguiente el viejo volvi por el mismo camino, previamente haba guardado en una bolsita unos huesos. Su corazn se alegr cuando vio a lo lejos al perro que comenz a seguirle. El hecho se repiti durante toda la primavera. No creamos que el viejo depuso su actitud, desde su atalaya, si adverta que alguien no recoga las cacas del perro o lo llevaba sin bozal, segua gritando como un energmeno: As, as no recojas la mierda, para que pueda revolcarse en ella cualquier nio! Pero ahora, despus del comentario una sonrisa emerga en la cara arrugada del viejo grun recordando a su nuevo fiel amigo.

The grumpy old man

the wind was blowing hard moving trees in the park: several firs, two acacias, mulberry trees and a few two plane trees. The park was very small, but available all you have to have a park: trees, grass, street lights, plenty of seating, a small recreation room for children, with swings and slide and two sources. The grumpy old man looked out the window of the dining room, a place from which could be seen sitting comfortably on the couch most of the small park. - Well, today there are no dogs fucking animals The grumpy old man, needless to say, hated dogs and by extension their owners. From the height of your house, it seemed that the floor of the park was flat as a sheet of paper, but the only time I found that the soil down sloping was not going very well for his limp. In this park are just dogs! Sentenced, and did not step on it. The old man watched intently the park at any time. He noted if the dog owners did not meet their obligations and then began hygienic function: Scoundrel! Do not you know you have to pick tyke shit! So, so, put the nose to suck good source for the children and then come suck too! The fact that the grumpy old man sometimes was quite right. Many dog owners did not meet their obligations: Do not put a muzzle, no stools that were collected, allowed pacifiers sources and seats, did not prevent urine at any corner of the building ... One day, the grumpy old man, leaving the front door, agreed with the neighbors taking the elevator. He saw something scurrying across the floor like a big mouse, which moved to and fro like a car remote control. They walked into the elevator and could not help but frown when the owner gave a loving kiss on the mouth of the small chihuahua. -Go (thought the old one), what we lacked. You have to know the details to understand the attitude of the grumpy old man. As a child, a son of the grumpy old man underwent surgery for a hydatid cyst, and that fact gave him much against the dogs. Had become so famous in the neighborhood the grumpy old man for his aversion to dogs that many residents turned to him with phrases like: - It is a shame as they leave everything. - There is no law. We had to complain to the mayor. With the arrival of good weather, the grumpy old man, who despite the lame walked long stretches, like walking in the area of new development, including the Royal Road and Avenida de Valladolid. It's a great area for walking, the sun shines constantly, because the crisis does not have built floors but there was the first development phase and there are paved streets, sidewalks and gardens. The old man walking his lonely one day when a yellow labrador pink nose dirty and started to follow him away. The grumpy old man he became aware of his presence looked with some slight and continued his way. The dog followed him with a sad look. The old man looked again and again. Have had a Handmade stone had released, but casually reached into his pocket and had a small piece of bread. He threw the dog ate him and his sad eyes noticed a glow of gratitude. The grumpy old man was happy and a smile broke through the lines on his face. The dog had to be abandoned but had some shelter. The next day the old man turned down the same road, previously stored in a bag a few bones. His heart was glad when he saw how far the dog began to follow him. The act was repeated throughout the spring. Do not believe the old deposed his attitude, from his vantage point, if someone did not contain warning that dog poop or had no muzzle, still screaming like a madman: So, so do not pick the shit, so you can wallow in it any child! But now, after the comment a smile emerging on the wrinkled face of the grumpy old man remembering his new loyal friend.

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