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The Catholic Church of Sanger and Del Rey


828 O Street Sanger, CA 93657 Masses/Misas: Saturday 5:30 pm; Sbado 7:00 pm; Sunday 7:30 am; Mon & Fri 7:00 am No masses on Tue, Wed, & Thu. Reconciliation/Confesiones: Thursday/Jueves 6:00 pm-7:00 pm; Saturday/Sbado 2:15 pm & 6:30 pm. Other times, call for an appointment.

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

October 2, 2011
First Reading -- The vineyard of the LORD is the house of Israel (Isaiah 5:1-7). Psalm -- The vineyard of the Lord is the house of Israel (Psalm 80). Second Reading -- God's peace will guard your hearts and minds (Philippians 4:6-9). Gospel -- The kingdom of God will be given to those who will produce its fruit (Matthew 21:33-43) QUESTIONS OF THE WEEK Adults: How does this Gospel expand my u nderstanding of respect for life? Children: How can I take better care of Gods creatures?

27 Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

2 de octubre de 2011
Primera lectura -- El Seor busca una cosecha de justicia (Isaas 5:17). Salmo -- La via del Seor es la casa de Israel (Salmo 80 [79]). Segunda lectura -- Mora con pensamientos de pureza y justicia y sabrs lo que es la paz (Filipenses 4:6-9). Evangelio -- La piedra que rechazaron los constructores se ha convertido en la piedra angular (Mateo 21:33-43). PREGUNTAS PARA LA SEMANA: Adultos: Cmo amplia el Evangelio mi respeto hacia la vida? Nios: Cmo puedo cuidar mejor de las criaturas de Dios? ANNUAL BLESSING OF PETS October 2, 2011, Sunday All are invited to the Annual Blessing of Pets in honor of St. Francis whose feast we celebrate on October 4. The blessing will be between 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm at the grounds next to the hall, at the corner of Cherry & Bethel avenues. BENDICION ANUAL DE LAS MASCOTAS 2 de octubre de 2011, domingo Todos son invitados a la Bendicin de las Mascotas en honor a San Francisco cuya fiesta se celebra el 4 de octubre. La bendicin ser de las 2:00 p.m. a las 3:00 p.m. en los terrenos a lado del saln de Santa Mara, en la esquina de las calles Cherry y de Bethel.


12050 E. North Avenue Sanger, CA 93657 Masses/Misas: Espaol Domingo 8:30 am y 1:00 pm English Sunday 10:30 am Bilingual Sunday 5:00 pm


5375 Carmel St. Del Rey Masses/Misas: Sbado 5:30 pm; Sunday 9:30 am; Primer Viernes 5:30 pm Confesiones: Sabads antes de la Misa

Rev. Peter Quinto, RCJ, Pastor Email: Rev. Philip Puntrello, RCJ Email: Rev. Salvatore Ciranni, RCJ Rev. Rene Panlasigui, RCJ Email:

Office Address: 828 O Street (PO Box 335) Sanger, CA 93657 Office Hours: Tuesday through Friday 10:00 am-5:00 pm (Closed from 12 noon-1:00 pm) Tel: (559) 875-2025 Fax: (559) 875-2618 Website:

PRO-LIFE MEMORIAL DAY PRAYER VIGIL October 3, 2011, Monday Join us this Monday, October 3, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm, at the corner of Sanger High School. This is for Adults, Youth, and Children to come Youth Mass Sunday together in peaceful prayer for the 5:00-6:00 pm end of the Culture of Death. For more Life Night after Mass information or if you would like to 6:00-8:00 pm (Hall) help organize, please call Christi Domingo Pro-Vida English 3rd Year Confirmation Garza, 289-8902 any day after 7 pm. Parent Orientation Meeting Vayan al frente de la Escuela Secundaria de Sanger por la calle Bethel el lu6:00-8:00 pm (Church) nes, 3 de octubre, Da Memorial Pro-Vida, de las 6:30 a las 7:00 pm para una No regular Parent Session today. vigilia de oracion para el fin de la cultura de muerte.

THE GIFT OF THE REIGN OF GOD Matthew's Gospel today expands on Isaiah's ballad considerably. A comparison with the same story in Mark's Gospel clearly shows us that here the author is busy teaching this community of Jewish Christians: "This is a story about Israel a long time ago; this is also a story about Jesus and the skeptical leaders." Jesus as much as told these Jewish leaders that they were the tenants who first stoned their own prophets. And he told the leaders they were the tenants who would soon even dispose of him--Jesus--and, in doing so, would forfeit their privileged place of presenting to the world the promised Messiah. "And this," says Matthew's Gospel, "is a story about you, the inheritors of what was first offered to Israel." The reign of God was first opened to Israel and is now given to the whole world, but it must be received as a gift. The first Christians are the new tenants in the vineyard. The deeper reality of the reign or kingdom of God is that it is available to everyone on the face of the earth--Israel included. EL REGALO DEL REINO DE DIOS El Evangelio de hoy segn san Mateo ampla considerablemente la balada de Isaas. Una comparacin con el mismo relato en el Evangelio segn san Marcos muestra que aqu el autor se ocupa de ensear a su comunidad de judo-cristianos: "Este es un relato sobre el Israel de antao; y es tambin un relato sobre Jess y los dudosos lderes". Jess lleg a decir a estos lderes judos que ellos eran los viadores que primero apedrearon a sus propios profetas. Y le dijo a los lderes que ellos eran los viadores que pronto se desharan de l, Jess, y que, al hacerlo, renunciaran a su papel privilegiado de presentar al Mesas prometido al mundo. "Y ste", dice el Evangelio segn san Mateo, "es un relato sobre ustedes, los herederos de lo que fue primeramente ofrecido a Israel". El Reino de Dios fue abierto primero para Israel y ahora es ofrecido a todo el mundo, pero debe ser recibido como un regalo. Los primeros cristianos son los nuevos viadores. La ms profunda realidad del Reino de Dios es que est a disposicin de toda persona sobre la faz de la tierra, incluso a Israel. Page 2


O - St. Marys Church on O Street B - St. Marys Church on Bethel avenue DR - St. Katherines Church in Del Rey
Saturday, October 1 2:15 pm-Confessions (Fr. Philip) O 5:30 pm+Paul Casellla Fr. Rene) O 5:30 pm+Chris Lopez (Fr. Peter) DR Daniel & Noelia Lopez-50th ann. 6:30 pm-Confessions (Fr. Rene) O 7:00 pm+Francisco Alvarez (Fr. Philip) O 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 2 7:30 am-Pro populo (Fr. Philip) O 8:30 am+Catalina Valdez (Fr. Peter) B 9:30 am+Mario Morales (Fr. Rene) DR 10:30 am+Lennie Padilla (Fr. Sal) B 1 pm+Catalina Trinidad (Fr. Rene) B 5 pm-Maria Nuez y Familia (Fr. Philip) B Monday, October 3 7:00 am+Benditas Animas (Fr. Rene) O *The following Masses on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday will be offered by Fr. Rene during the Masses at the Priests Retreat in Three Rivers. *Tuesday, October 4 7:00 am+Rusty Garza (Fr. Rene) Three Rivers *Wednesday, October 5 7:00 am+Vasquez-Bautista Families (Fr. Rene) Three Rivers *Thursday, October 6 7:00 am+Victor & Caroline Pistacchio (Fr. Rene) Three Rivers 5:00 pm-Hora Santa (Fr. Peter) O 6:00 pm-All-Night Eucharistic Adoration-O Street Friday, October 7 7:00 am-M. Padilla Family (Fr. Rene) O 5:30 pm-Misa (Fr. Sal) DR 6:00 pm-Misa (Fr. Peter) B Saturday, October 8 1:00 pm-Crystal Garcia-15th (Fr. Peter) O 2:15 pm-Confessions (Fr. Rene) O 5:30 pm+Omar Alvarez (Fr. Peter) O 5:30 pm+Chris Lopez (Fr. Sal) DR 6:30 pm-Confessions (Fr. Sal) O 7:00 pm+Lino Acosta (Fr. Rene) O +++++

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 9 The Lord invites us to a banquet (Mt 22:1-14), one of the favorite images of messianic times (Is 25:6-10a). This banquet is spread before us (Ps 23:1-6) and can fully satisfy our needs (Phil 4:12-14,19-20), yet how often have we refused the Lords invitation to share in the riches prepared for us (Mt 22:1-14)? +++++ DAILY LITURGICAL ASSIGNMENTS (Oct 3-7) 6:40 am Morning Prayer: Ruth A. 7:00 am Lector: Betty G. Resp. Psalm: Dan L. EMHC: Fritzie C. 7:30 am Rosary: Lupe P. +++++ READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Jon 1:1 -- 2:2, 11; Lk 10:25-37 Tuesday: Jon 3:1-10; Lk 10:38-42 Wednesday: Jon 4:1-11; Lk 11:1-4 Thursday: Mal 3:13-20b; Lk 11:5-13 Friday: Jl 1:13-15; 2:1-2; Lk 11:15-26 Saturday: Jl 4:12-21; Lk 11:27-28 Sunday: Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23; Phil 4:12-14, 19-20; Mt 22:1-14 [1-10] LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Domingo: Vigsimo sptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario; Domingo Respetemos la Vida Martes: San Francisco de Ass Jueves: San Bruno; Beata MarieRose Durocher Viernes: Nuestra Seora del Rosario; Primer viernes Sbado: Iom Kipur (el da judo para la expiacin); Santa Mara Virgen SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time; Respect Life Sunday Tuesday: St. Francis of Assisi Thursday: St. Bruno; Blessed MarieRose Durocher Friday: Our Lady of the Rosary; First Friday Saturday: Yom Kippur (Jewish celebration); Blessed Virgin Mary LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS OBSERVANCIAS Domingo: Vigsimo sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

Send, O Lord, holy apostles into your Church.

Lunes: Santos Cosme y Damin Martes: San Vicente de Paul Mircoles: San Wenceslao; San Lorenzo Ruiz y compaeros Jueves: Los Arcngeles Miguel, Gabriel y Rafael; Roshashan (el ao nuevo judo 5772) comienza a la puesta del sol Viernes: San Jernimo Sbado: Santa Teresita del Nio Jess; Primer sbado October 4 +3 Oct. 1226; noted for his charismatic personality, deep passion for all, and love for Gods creation; renounced wealth to follow Lady Poverty; deacon; founded the Franciscan Family which is made up today of the Friars Minor (Capuchins) [numbering about 11,130 religious], Conventuals [c. 4,520 religious], and those of the Leonine Union [c. 15,250 religious], Poor Clares, Third Order Religious, and the secular Franciscan Order; wrote Canticle of the Sun; received the stigmata 14 Sept. 1224; canonized only two years after his death; patron of ecologists and of Italy. +++++ THE HOLY FATHERS OCTOBER 2011 INTENTIONS General Intention: For the terminally ill, that in their sufferings they may be sustained by faith in God and by the love of others. Missionary Intention: That the celebration of World Mission Sunday may increase in the People of God the passion for evangelization and the support of missionary activity through prayer and economic aid for the poorest Churches. INTENCIONES DEL SANTO PADRE PARA EL MES DE OCTUBRE DE 2011 General: Por todos los docentes, para que sepan trasmitir el amor a la verdad y educar en los valores morales y espirituales autnticos. Misionera: Para que las comunidades cristianas dispersas en el continente asitico proclamen el Evangelio con fervor, dando testimonio de su belleza con la alegra de la fe.

PRAYERS ORACIONES + Have been requested for the intentions of: + Por las intenciones de:

Maria Acosta, Joey Almeraz, Cora Alvarado, Francisca Alvarado, Michelle Azpiraz, Dalvin Baker, Henry Banuelos, Jose Antonio Becerril, J. J. Benavides, Jose Calavera, Nathan Cantu, Ofelia Castellanos, Angie Castillo, Daniel Cerda, Albert Cisneros, Kendra Constance, Lupe Cortz, Hilda De Anda, Santos De La Fuente, Dolly Dodson, Joey Franco, Amber Frausto, Raymundo Frausto, Vera Fuentes, Ronnie & Nicole Gallardo, Joe Galvan, Mike Galvan, Angelica Gandara, Brianna Garcia, Miguel Garcia Jr, Jackie Gardner, Cindy Gonzalez, Elvira Gonzalez, Juanita Gonzalez, Linda Gonzalez, Roy Gonzalez, Ruben Gonzales, Johnny Guardado, Jocelyn Guerra, Benny Hernandez, Josefina Brecenio Hernandez, Maria Elena Ponce Herrera, Paulita Ibarra, Esther Infante, Raymond Infante, Alberto Lacayo, Gabriel Lara, Gustavo Leon, Maegen Lopez, Ruben Lucid, Rosalinda Mancilla, Victor Hugo Mancillas, Blanca Martinez, Jeanette Martinez, Daniel Mata, Monica Merlo, Josephina & Jose Montes, Magdalena Moreno, Aurora Murillo, Isabel Murillo, Hilda Nicacio, Eduardo Padilla, Lydia Pedregon, Raymond Perez, Ric Perez, Robert Perez, Jr., Jennifer Pichardo, Joseph Puente, Sarah Quinn, Joe Resoer, Gina Reyes, Noe Reyna, Estella Rico, Mike Rico, Julian Rocha, Arthur C. Rodriguez, Carlos Rodriguez, Irma Romero, Angelita Ruiz, Ismael Ruiz, Patricia Ruiz, Antonio Salazar, Edward Sandoval, Nellie Scholar, Kellie Smith, Sandy Smith, Genaro Solorzano, Frank Soto, Connie N. Tacata, Elisa Toledo, Lourdes Valeriano, Manuel Vargas, P. J. Vauter, Nick Velasco, Valerie Villagomez, Patricia Villarreal, Roberto Ybarra, Isabel Zavala

nandez, Salvador Hernandez, Rolando Iglesias, Iban Marin, Craig Mulligan, Gabriel Nieto, Christopher Ohano, Michael Ortega, Celerino Pealoza, Michael Anthony Perez, Javier Saenz, Sofia Sanchez Silva, Jesse Sandoval, Tom Siqueiros, Donald Sombat, Michael Teel, Rafael Torres, Michael P. Tortorete, Matthew Valdez, Fernando Zapata ***To all whose loved is in the military, please call the rectory (875-2025). Care packages will be sent to them from Sanger if you provide us their address.

STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE CO-RESPONSABILIDAD DE TESORO September 24 & 25 St. Mary $ 2,75600 St. Katherine 585.00 Total 3,926.00 Church Maintenance Fund 700.00 May God bless you for your continued support of our church. Que Dios les bendiga por su apoyo generoso. SECOND COLLECTION SEGUNDA COLECTA Todays second collection is for Church Building Fund. La segunda colecta es para el fondo del mantenimiento de la Iglesia. OURS In recent times, politicians, corporate leaders, bankers, and others have acted with outrageous greed and selfishness, and with devastating consequences. Has there ever been a worse time than this? The answer is yes: history reveals a procession of disasters, wars, and bloodthirsty tyrants. But there is room for hope. Matthew was writing his Gospel for Jewish Christians whose new faith separated them from other Jews. All were living under oppressive Roman rule. The vineyard Matthew speaks of is the world. God is the landowner who created it and made it fruitful. The evil tenants in Matthew's community were those power-hungry Jewish leaders who collaborated with Rome and cooperated in killing God's Son. Those who wreak havoc in God's world face justice in this life or the next. Our task is to tend the vineyard with deeds of charity and ethical and moral behavior, and to welcome the forgotten and oppressed. Never lose heart, never give up; the Kingdom is ours. Pgina 3

Joe Aguilera, Cliserio Avalos, Gilbert Avila, Benedict Balagtas, Bill, Daniel Campos, Juan Carlos Campos, Johnathan Cardiel, Jonathan Chacon, Joe Contreras, David De La O, Eloisa Delgado, Martin Ellison, Mark Roy Espinoza, Maribel Fernandez, Amy Fidalgo, Seth Fidalgo, Rudy Flores, Tanya Florian, Stewart Fowler, Kimberli Fuentes, Cole Herron, Karisa Garza, Manuel Garza Jr., Patrick Garza, Aaron Gonzalez, John Guerra, Joseph Her-

+++++ + For all those who are serving in the military + Por el personal militar

Enva, Seor, apstoles santos a tu Iglesia

LIVING STEWARDSHIP NOW "Great works do not always lie in our way, but every moment we may do little ones excellently, that is, with great love." --Saint Francis de Sales (1567-1622), bishop, missionary, and patron saint of writers ES NUESTRO Vivimos en unos tiempos en que los polticos, los directores de empresas, banqueros, y otros grupos de personas han actuado con una avaricia y un egosmo que rayan en lo escandaloso, y las consecuencias han sido devastadoras. Habrn habido otros tiempos peores que stos? La respuesta es que s. La historia nos revela una procesin de desastres, guerras y tiranos sanguinarios. Pero an hay lugar para la esperanza. Mateo escriba su Evangelio para cristianos judos cuya nueva fe los separaba de los otros judos. Todos vivan bajo la opresin del gobierno romano. El viedo al cual se refiere Mateo es el mundo. Dios es el propietario que lo cre y lo hizo fructfero. Los viadores malvados en la comunidad de Matero eran los lderes judos, ambiciosos de poder que colaboraban con Roma y eran cmplices de la muerte del Hijo de Dios. Aquellos que causan estragos al mundo de Dios se encontrarn con la justicia en esta vida o en la prxima. Nuestra tarea es atender el viedo con obras de caridad y con un comportamiento tico y moral, as como con nuestra acogida a los abandonados y oprimidos. Nunca te descorazones ni te des por vencido; el Reino es nuestro. LA CORRESPONSABILIDAD VIVIDA AHORA "No siempre se nos presenta la oportunidad de hacer obras grandes, pero en todo momento podemos hacer obras pequeas de una manera extraordinaria, esto es, con un gran amor". --San Francisco de Sales (1567-1622), obispo, misionero y patrn de los escritores ENGLISH BAPTISMAL CLASS This Friday, October 7, Room #1 of the Faith Formation Center, North & Bethel, from 7 pm. ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE REGISTERED may attend this class. The celebration of baptism will begin with the Mass at 10:30 am. Come early! Page 4


There will be no Parent Session/ Adult Faith Formation class on the Revised Roman Missal this week. All priests will be at the Priests Retreat in Three Rivers from Monday through Thursday. Please remember all those who will be attending this retreat in your prayers this week. The parent/adult sessions will resume next Sunday, October 9. Last Wednesday, we had our third session (which will be repeated next Sunday) dealing with the Gloria and the Liturgy of the Word. The Gloria is our response to Gods kindness, compassion, and mercy which we have just celebrated in the Penitential Act. The revised translation of this ancient hymn expresses more literally the sentiments of the Latin original. While the previous translation had us singing Glory to God in the highest, and peace to his people on earth, the revised text will have us singing Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. This is not only faithful to the Latin original, Gloria in excelsis Deo, et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis, but it better connects with Luke 2:14. Those familiar with the Christmas story will hear in the opening line of the Gloria an echo of the angels announcing peace at the birth of Jesus. After the Introductory Rites, we are now ready to encounter the Lord in the Liturgy of the Word. The peoples part during this point will have no change at all, except for the response at the priests/deacons greeting before proclaiming the Gospel (And with your spirit as in the Introductory Rites) and the Creed (which we shall tackle in the next session). Session #3: The Gloria and the Liturgy of the Word Sunday, Oct. 9, chapel 9-10:30 am (Bilingual) 11:30 am-1 pm (Bilingual) 2-3:30 pm (Spanish) 3:30-5 pm (Bilingual) Session #4: The Profession of Faith Wednesday, October 12 (Hall) 4:30-6 pm & 7-8:30 pm No habr la Sesin sobre el Misal Romano para los Padres y Adultos esta semana. Todos los sacerdotes estarn en el Retiro para Sacerdotes en Tres Ros de lunes a jueves. Recuerde por favor todo los que asistirn a este retiro en sus oraciones esta semana. Las sesiones para padre y adultos reasumirn el prximo domingo, 9 de octubre. El mircoles pasado, tuvimos nuestra tercera sesin (que ser repetida el prximo domingo) tratando con el Gloria y la Liturgia de la Palabra. El Gloria es nuestra respuesta a la bondad, compasin, y misericordia de Dios que acabamos de celebrar en el Acto Penitencial. La traduccin revisada de este antiguo himno expresa ms literalmente los sentimientos de la original latina. Mientras la traduccin anterior nos tuvo cantando "Gloria a Dios en el cielo, y en la tierra paz a los hombres que ama el Seor, el texto revisado nos tendr cantar "Gloria a Dios en el cielo, y en la tierra paz a los hombres de voluntad buena". Esto es no slo fiel a la original latina, "Gloria en el excelsis Deo, et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis," pero mejor conecta con Lucas 2:14. Los que son familiarizados con la historia de Navidad oirn en la lnea de apertura del Gloria un eco de los ngeles que anuncian la paz en el nacimiento de Jess. Despus de los Ritos Iniciales, estamos ahora listos para encontrarse con el Seor en la Liturgia de la Palabra. La reforma litrgica hizo posible que la comunidad de creyentes conociera los evangelios de Mateo, los de Marcos, Lucas y Juan. En nmeros claros, antes del Concilio Vaticano II slo se proclamaba el 5% del Evangelio de Marcos y, del Antiguo Testamento, slo se proclamaban 258 versculos, de los 25,044 versculos que lo componen, es decir, slo el 1%. Un gran paso, sin duda. VENGAN A LAS PLTICAS PARA CONOCER MS TU FE. Los padres de los nios y jvenes que asisten a la doctrina DEBEN participar a estas plticas. En espaol, 9 de octubre, 2-3:30 pm

Contact Fr. Rene Panlasigui, RCJ for information on Vocations: 618-0257

Parish and Diocesan News

BASIC CATECHIST TRAINING October 6, Thursday The next session for Echoes of Faith is for Module 3 on Prayer & Spirituality-Part 2 from 7-9 pm at the Faith Formation Center. ALL-NIGHT EUCHARISTIC ADORATION October 6, Thursday Could you not keep watch and pray for one hour with me? (Mt. 26:40b) from Thursday at 6:00 pm to Friday at 6:30 am, at the old church on O Street. ADORACIN EUCARSTICA De jueves, 5 pm, a viernes, 6:30 am De modo que no pudieron permanecer despiertos ni una hora conmigo? En la iglesia chiquita por la calle O, #828. ANNUAL ICF DINNER October 9, Sunday, 11 am-4 pm St. Marys Hall Mark your calendars for this years Italian Catholic Federations Spaghetti & Meatball Dinner. Bring the whole family to enjoy a great meal in the company of friends. Vengan a cenar en el saln el prximo domingo, 9 de octubre, entre 11 am y 4 pm. Este evento es patrocinado por la Federacin Catlica Italiana. HOPE SANGER October 15, 9 am to 12 noon, at Sanger Park We are giving out blankets and jackets as well as other items. All the churches are asking for donations of blankets and jackets. A box will be available in the church next Sunday for your donation. 65TH ANNIVERSARY OF ORDINATION October 14, Friday, Visalia There will be a Mass and dinner honoring Fr. Manuel Pascual who served here at St. Marys in Sanger from 1977 to 1978. Mass will be at 5:00 pm at St. Marys Church in Visalia. Dinner at 6:00 pm at Dade Hall at St. Marys. Dinner is deep pit barbecue, tickets are $5. To order tickets, please call Pam Thomure at 5922465. Parishioners who have photos or anecdotes about Fr. Pascual, please contact Pam. LIVING ROSARY FOR VOCATIONS October 15, Saturday, 8:30-11 am St. Marys Church grounds Families and groups are invited to form a bead of 10 persons who will recite the prayers. To sign up, please contact Fr. Rene Panlasigui, RCJ. Todas las familias son invitados a rezar con nosotros el SANTO ROSARIO VIVIENTE, el sbado, 15 de octubre, de las 8:30 am a 11:00 am en frente de la iglesia grande. 23RD ANNUAL DIOCESAN CONGRESS October 15, Saturday Every year this diocesan event continues to draw more attendees from varying ministries as well as lay Catholics wanting to learn more about their faith. This year there will be 67 different speakers throughout the weekend with workshops again being offered in seven different languages. It is a beautiful experience to celebrate such diversity as a community at our event. On Saturday evening all Young Adults are invited to participate in the Young Adult Night offered in English and Spanish. CONGRESO DIOCESANO 2011 14-16 de octubre de 2011 Centro de Convenciones de Visalia Ya estn disponibles los libritos para el Congreso, la reunin de tres das de personas ofreciendo enriquecimiento educativo y espiritual y el crecimiento en la fe para todos los catlicos. El viernes es para los catequistas; el sbado es para todos los fieles; y el domingo es para la juventud. Los del tercer ao de Confirmacin en las Iglesias de Santa Mara y Santa Katerina son obligados a participar al Da Juvenil, el domingo; su inscripcin es a travs nuestra oficina. Los dems, inscrbase hoy: Who is invited to attend? - All people in the pews - All people interested in learning more about the Catholic faith - All who want to learn how to teach others about an all-embracing God On Line Registration You can register on line until October 7, 2011. If you do not have internet access or need assistance using online registration, contact the Office of Ministries by phone by calling (559) 488-7474. On-line registration and credit card registration will not be available after October 7, 2011. Faxed registrations will not be accepted. YOUTH DAY October 16, Sunday Youth Day is our largest gathering of High School Youth in the Diocese of Fresno. Sponsored by the Office of Ministries Youth and Young Adult Office, we seek to foster in our young people what an amazing and privileged place they occupy in the life of the Catholic Church. Last Year nearly 1,400 youth and their chaperones participated in Youth Day. The event offers great speakers and opportunities for prayer and worship. Registration for Youth Day, REQUIRED for St. Marys & St. Katherines Confirmation Year Classes, will be through the Faith Formation Office, North & Bethel Avenues. Parents, make sure your third year Confirmation student is registered by this Sunday. Parent Permission slips must be turned in TODAY! WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER October 21-23, Friday to Sunday Marriage Encounter weekends provide a setting for spouses to be alone as a couple, to rediscover each other, and to focus together in their relationship. Our next weekend is October 21-23 at two locations: a hotel in Modesto or the retreat house in San Juan Bautista. For more details contact 831-704-6322, email Page 5

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Noticias de la Parroquia y la Dicesis

YOU CAN HELP YOUR MARRIAGE! Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille helps couples through times of trouble, disillusionment, and misery in their marriages. There is HOPE for your marriage. For confidential information about and/or to register for the next weekend retreat, please call 1-800-470-2230 or visit the website at RACHELS VINEYARD If anyone desires the return to Jesus love and merciful forgiveness, which seems lost as the result of an abortion, there is help through Rachels Vineyard Ministries. An Englishspeaking retreat is scheduled for Sep. 30, Oct. 1-2. For more info, call 877-629-6626 or email Basic Information Cost: $20 before 9/21; $25 after 9/26 Ages: 9th-12th grade high school students Location: Visalia Convention Center Time: 10:00 am-5:30 pm; Check-in at 8:30 am WORLD MISSION SUNDAY This years World Mission Sunday will be observed on October 23. WERE ALL MISSIONARIES. Do you know the date of your Baptism? Well, on that day, you became a missionary, called by our Lord to share your faith with those around you and to be part of the Churchs mission to the world. We are not all able to travel to foreign lands as St. Francis Xavier did. However, we can all make effort in our daily lives through prayer and sacrifice to support those men and women who are called to leave their homeland and preach the Good News of the Lord in a foreign land. On World Mission Sunday, we have the opportunity to be part of the Churchs missionary work in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Pacific Islands through our prayers and generous help offered to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Pgina 6 TODOS SOMOS MISIONEROS Sabe usted la fecha de su Bautismo? Bien, pues en ese da usted se convirti en misionero, porque fue llamado por nuestro Seor a compartir su fe con aquellos a su alrededor y a ser parte de la misin de la Iglesia al mundo. No todos podemos viajar a tierras extranjeras como lo hizo San Francisco Xavier. Sin embargo, todos podemos hacer un esfuerzo en nuestras vidas diarias, a travs de la oracin y el sacrificio, para apoyar a aquellos hombres y mujeres llamados a dejar su patria para ir a predicar la Buena Nueva del Seor en tierras lejanas. En el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones tenemos la oportunidad de ser parte de la labor misionera de la Iglesia en Asia, Africa, Latinoamrica y las Islas del Pacfico, a travs de nuestras oraciones y generosa ayuda ofrecida a la Sociedad para la Propagacin de la Fe. MISSION TONALA BOUTIQUE October 23, Sunday Mark your calendars for this annual fundraiser to benefit the Rogationist Mission in Tonala, Mexico. Aparten sus calendarios para el domingo, 23 de octubre. Vengan a hacer sus compras de Navidad para ayudar a la misin Rogacionista en Tonal, Guadalajara. Juntos hacemos una diferencia en el mundo. ROGATIONIST FUNDRAISER The Rogationist Fathers have a drawing to visit their Formation House in Tonal, Jalisco Mexico. The 1st prize is a trip for four to the Rogationist Formation House with a guided tour by Fr. Antonio Carlucci Drawing will be held on Dec. 3, 2011 Contact Juan Lomeli to get your ticket today (875-9429, 349-2851) or Martha Lomeli (278-0252). SORTEO ROGACIONISTA Los Padres Rogacionistas les invitan a participar en un sorteo y visitar la Casa de Formacin en Tonal, Jalisco Mexico. El primer premio ser un viaje para cuatro personas a la Casa de Formacin guido por el P. Antonio Carlucci. El Sorteo ser el 3 de Diciembre. Favor de llamar a Juan Lomeli para comprar el boleto (8759429, 349-2851) o a Martha Lomeli (278-0252).


Lord Jesus Christ, shepherd of souls, who called the apostles to be fishers of men, raise up new apostles in your church. Teach them that to serve you is to reign, to possess you is to possess all things. Kindle in the young hearts of our sons and daughters the fire of zeal of souls. Make them eager to spread your kingdom upon earth. Keep our present religious and seminarians healthy, both physically and spiritually. Grant them courage to follow you, who are the Way, the Truth and the Life, who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen. MISSION STATEMENT As faithful disciples of Christ, we, the Catholic Community of St. Mary & St. Katherine, proclaim our three-fold mission: to worship God, to share our faith, and to serve those who are in need.


Dios de Amor, Tu muestras tu favor hacia nosotros y nos das tu gracia en el Bautismo. Bendcenos con valor para llevar a cabo la misin de Jess. Concdenos corazones abiertos y generosos para que viendo las necesidades de los dems respondamos con compasin. Que la Iglesia sea bendecida con mujeres y hombres que se dedican a Ti en el matrimonio, la vida clibe, el diaconado, el sacerdocio y la vida consagrada. Es en Cristo y por Cristo que nos ofrecemos a Ti ahora y siempre. Amn. NUESTRA MISIN Como discpulos de Cristo, nosotros, los feligreses de la Comunidad Catlica de Santa Mara y de Santa Katerina, proclamamos nuestra misin de tres-doblez: adorar a Dios, compartir nuestra fe, y servir a los que son necesitados.

Favor de llamar al P. Rene Panlasigui para preguntas sobre las Vocaciones: 618-0257


Sunday/Domingo Oct. 2

PRAYER FOR A NEW BISHOP Almighty God, send your Holy Spirit to guide those who will advise the Holy Father in the selection of the next Bishop of the Diocese of Fresno. May he have the zeal of Saint Paul, the priestly gifts of Saint John Vianney, the wisdom of a loving father and brother, and most of all, the heart of your Son, Jesus. We ask that the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for us, and Saint Therese, our patroness, join us in this prayer, which we make through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

9:00 am Family Faith Formation Formacin de Fe de la Familia 11:30 pm Family Faith Formation Formacin de Fe de la Familia 2:00 pm Formacin de Fe de la Familia 2:00 pm PET BLESSING BENDICIN DE LAS MASCOTAS 3:30 pm Family Faith Formation Formacin de Fe de la Familia 6:00 pm Life Night/Grupo Juvenil 6:00 pm 3RD YR CONFIRMATION PARENT ORIENTATION (ENGLISH) church
Monday/Lunes Oct. 3

5:30 pm Hope Sanger (Ciranni Center) 6:30 pm Pro-Life Prayer Vigil (SHS) Vigilia de Oracin Pro-Vida (SHS) 6:30 pm Grupo de Oracin (saln) 6:30 pm Capacitacin de Animadores (Del Rey) 7:00 pm AA Meeting (FFC #5) 7:00 pm Ensayo del Coro de 8:30 am (FFC#8)
Tuesday/Martes Oct. 4

ORACIN PARA UN NUEVO OBISPO Dios todopoderoso, enva tu Espritu Santo para guiar a los que aconsejarn al Santo Padre en la seleccin del prximo Obispo de la Dicesis de Fresno. Que l tenga el afn de San Pablo, los dones sacerdotales de San Juan Vianney, la sabidura de un padre y hermano amoroso, y sobre todo, el corazn de tu Hijo, Jess. Que la bienaventurada Virgen Mara interceda por nosotros, y que la Santa Teresa del Nio Jess, nuestra patrona, nos una en esta oracin, que hacemos por Cristo, nuestro Seor. Amn.


ALTAR SERVERS Fr. Rene Panlasigui, RCJ 875-0416 ALTAR SOCIETY Carmen Alonzo 875-3827 APOSTOLATE OF LIFE Christi Garza 875-2812 GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP Charlene Biedermann 875-7741 CABALLEROS DE COLN Cesar Torres 303-5474 CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS Maria Ramirez 875-9685 CHOIRS Adult English 10:30 am 2nd & 4th Sun Divina Voluntad 7:00 pm Sbado Teresa Castillo 875-4297 Adultos Espaol 8:30 am Domingo Mary Lombardo 875-4827 ngeles de Mara 1:00 pm Domingo Rolando Rodriguez 875-6639 Juan Carlos 286-8087 Children 10:30 am 1st & 3rd Sunday Beth Musgrave 876-3936 DIVINE MERCY MESSENGERS Erlina Rogers 876-3562 ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL MUNDIAL Juan y Maria Martinez 394-1531 ENGLISH BIBLE STUDY Fr. Philip Puntrello, RCJ ESTUDIO BIBLICO Hna. Reyna Maldonado, MEMI 888-2889 FAITH FORMATION PROGRAM St. Mary, North & Bethel, Sanger Elementary 875-6340 Jr. High & High School 875-6340 Adults (RCIA) 907-2881 St. Katherine, Del Rey English: Julia Flores 888-2903 Spanish: Maria Ontiveros FR. HANNIBAL HOUSE 1501 14th Street, Sanger (PO Box 37) Tel. 875-0564; Fax 875-8815 Email: Call for the schedule GRUPO DE ORACIN Memo Jimenez 312-3050 ITALIAN CATHOLIC FEDERATION Michael Quiroz 360-1574 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Cesar Gonzales 875-5823 LAY ROGATIONIST VOCATION ANIMATORS (LARVA) Francisco Javier Luna LECTORES Y COMENTARISTAS Martha Lomeli 875-9429, 349-2851 LECTORS & COMMENTATORS Anna Galvan 875-6091 Art Mendoza 304-7040 LEGION OF MARY Sal Rodriguez 875-8002 MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE Javier & Isabel Luna NA MEETING Yaya 709-9498 PADRES Y MADRES ORANTES Angel V. & Gloria M. 875-5424 ROGATIONIST SEMINARY Fr. Rene Panlasigui, RCJ 875-5808 SOCIEDAD GUADALUPANA Jaime Garza 876-3603, 876-3707 ST. MARYS GIFT SHOP Lulu Torres 303-5451 YOUTH MINISTRY Edge (Junior High) Millie Muoz 875-6764 Life Teen (High School) Efrain Santos 618-5808

5:00 pm Legion of Mary (Seminary)892-3031 6:00 pm Padres y Madres Orantes (capilla) 7:00 pm CDA (Ciranni Ctr)
Wednesday/Miercoles Oct. 5

4:30 pm Family Faith Formation Formacin de Fe de la Familia 7:00 pm Family Faith Formation Formacin de Fe de la Familia 7:00 pm Grupo de Oracin (Del Rey) 7:00 pm Grupo de Biblia (Ciranni Ctr)
Thursday/Jueves Oct. 6

5:00 pm Misa y Hora Santa (Calle O) 6:00 pm Silent Adoration (O Street) 6:30 pm Capacitacin de catequistas (Del Rey) 7:00 pm English Adoration (O Street) 7:00 pm RCIA Precatechumenate (FFC #7) 7:00 pm RCIA Catechumenate (FFC #2) 7:00 pm Echoes of Faith (FFC #1) 7:00 pm Ensayo del Coro de 1:00 pm (FFC5)
Friday/Viernes Oct. 7

5:30 pm Ensayo del coro (Del Rey) 6:30 pm Familia de catequesis (Del Rey) 7:00 pm Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial (FFC #4) 7:00 pm English Baptismal Class (FFC 1)
Saturday/Sabado Oct. 8

9:00 am Catecumenado en espaol (FFC) 3:30 pm Catequesis para Nios y Padres DR

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