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Benjamin Franklin (Boston, 17 de enero de 1706Nota 1

-Filadelfia, 17 de abril de 1790) fue un poltico, cientfico e
inventor estadounidense. Es considerado uno de los Padres
Fundadores de los Estados Unidos.
17 de enero de 1706 Boston,
Trece Colonias
FALLECIMIENTO: 17 de abril de 1790 (84 aos) Filadelfia,
Bandera de los Estados Unidos Estados Unidos
NACIONALIDAD: estadounidense
Inventor, cientfico, poltico
CONOCIDO POR: Inventor del pararrayo
Benjamin fue el decimoquinto hijo de un total de diecisiete hermanos (cuatro medios
hermanos de padre y el resto hermanos de padre y madre). Hijo de Josiah Franklin
(1656-1744) y de su segunda esposa Abiah Folger. Su formacin se limit a estudios
bsicos en la South Grammar School, y apenas hasta los diez aos de edad.
En 1723, con 17 aos, se comprometi en matrimonio con Deborah Read, de 15
aos. Finalmente, se casaron en 1730. A los 24 aos, Franklin reconoci la paternidad
de un hijo ilegtimo llamado William, acogindolo en su casa.3 La pareja tuvo adems
dos hijos legtimos, Francis Folger Franklin, que muri a los 4 aos vctima de viruela
y Sarah Franklin, nacida en 1743, quien procre a su vez siete nios. Franklin era un
jugador experto de ajedrez, llegando a escribir ensayos sobre el juego. En sus ltimos
aos de vida, Franklin enferm de obesidad, un mal que le caus numerosos
problemas de salud y se agrav la psoriasis que haba padecido durante toda su vida.

Benjamin Franklin (Boston, January 17 1706Nota 1
-Filadelfia, April 17, 1790) was a politician, scientist and
inventor. It is considered one of the Founding Fathers of the
United States.
BIRTH: January 17, 1706 Boston, Thirteen Colonies
DEATH: April 17, 1790 (84 years old) Philadelphia, Flag of
the United States United States
Nationality: American
FIELD: Inventor, scientist, politician
KNOWN FOR: Inventor of lightning rod
Benjamin was the fifteenth son of a total of seventeen brothers (four half-brothers of
father and brothers rest of father and mother). Son of Josiah Franklin (1656-1744)
and his second wife, Abiah Folger. His training was limited to basic education in the
South Grammar School, and just to ten years old.
In 1723, with 17 years, he promised in marriage to Deborah Read, 15. Finally, they
married in 1730. At 24, Franklin acknowledged paternity of an illegitimate son named
William, welcoming him in his casa.3 The couple also had two legitimate sons, Francis
Folger Franklin, who died at age 4 smallpox victim and Sarah Franklin, born in 1743,

who fathered seven children in turn. Franklin was an expert chess player, coming to
write essays on the game. In his last years of life, Franklin became ill with obesity, a
problem that caused numerous health problems and psoriasis that had suffered
throughout his life worsened.

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