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Teacher Name: Mr.

Subject/Course: Spanish Native 1
and 2
Grade: 9/10
Week: 5/31/2016 to 6/3/2016

Digital Agendas

Tuesday (5/31/2016)
Content Standard(s)
B.1.2 Students interpret written, spoken or signed (ASL) language.

Learning Objective(s)
I will be able to
Produce writing using my understanding of grammatical concepts and the diverse stories covered in the

Guiding Question(s)
Espero hayas estudiado para tomar el examen hoy.

1. Test - (61 minutes)

Examen de la unidad 5

Wednesday/Thursday (6/1/2016 to 6/2/2016)

Content Standard(s)
B.3.3 Students present to an audience of listeners, readers or ASL viewers.

Learning Objective(s)
I will be able to
Create a video in which I will showcase my ability to speak Spanish at an advanced level.

Guiding Question(s)

Ultimas semanas de escuela, vamos a recapitular acerca de la instruccin.

1. Do Now - (15 minutes)

En tres oraciones simples, escribe que historia ha sido tu favorita.

2. Whole Class - (? minutes)

Si ya tienes tu video listo para hoy, presntalo.

3. Collaborative Combined With Independent - ( ?

Aqu vas a discutir con tus compaeros y despus escribir, Crees

que los defectos/virtudes

que tienes hoy se te van a quedar hasta la vejez?

4. Closure/Exit Ticket - (Last 5 minutes)

Piensa en que comida te gustara traer para el da cultural y escrbela.

Friday (6/3/2016)
Content Standard(s)
B.3.3 Students present to an audience of listeners, readers or ASL viewers.

Learning Objective(s)
I will be able to
Create a video in which I will showcase my ability to speak Spanish at an advanced level.
Guiding Questions

Ultimo da para entregar el video. Tienes tu video listo?

1. Presentations, whole class - (? minutes)

Hoy van a presentar sus videos.

2. Group Work - (10 minutes)

De terminar los videos temprano, vamos a ponernos a trabajar en los proyectos restantes.

3. Homework
Siguiente semana se hacen los proyectos El Juego y Mi Comida Favorita.

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