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Clasificacin de la ATP III para el Colesterol LDL, Total, HDL y Triglicridos -
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Clasificacin de la A TP III para el Colesterol LDL, Total, HDL y Triglicridos



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LDL Colesterol
Total Colesterol
HDL Colesterol

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1. Grundy SM, C le e m an JI, Me rz C N, Bre we r HB Jr, C lark LT, Hunninghak e DB,
Paste rnak R C , Sm ith SC Jr, Stone NJ; National He art, Lung, and Blood
Institute ; Am e rican C olle ge of C ardiology Foundation; Am e rican He art
Association. Im plications of re ce nt clinical trials for the National C hole ste rol
Education Program Adult Tre atm e nt Pane l III guide line s. C irculation. 2004
Jul 13;110(2):227-39. [Me dline ]
2. National C hole ste rol Education Program (NC EP) Ex pe rt Pane l on De te ction,
Evaluation, and Tre atm e nt of High Blood C hole ste rol in Adults (Adult
Tre atm e nt Pane l III). Third R e port of the National C hole ste rol Education
Program (NC EP) Ex pe rt Pane l on De te ction, Evaluation, and Tre atm e nt of
High Blood C hole ste rol in Adults (Adult Tre atm e nt Pane l III) final re port.
C irculation. 2002 De c 17;106(25):3143-421.[Me dline ]
3. Ex pe rt Pane l on De te ction, Evaluation, and Tre atm e nt of High Blood
C hole ste rol in Adults. Ex e cutive Sum m ary of The Third R e port of The
National C hole ste rol Education Program (NC EP) Ex pe rt Pane l on De te ction,
Evaluation, And Tre atm e nt of High Blood C hole ste rol In Adults (Adult
Tre atm e nt Pane l III). JAMA. 2001 May 16;285(19):2486-97.[Me dline ]
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Avast Antivirus Gratis

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