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La constitucin China seala en sus artculos 136, 137 y 138 que la bandera de su

nacin est compuesta por un lienzo de color rojo el cual simboliza la revolucin
llamada Guerra Civil China que se dio de 1927 a 1950 y es el color del comunismo.
Las cinco estrellas de color amarillo tienen cinco picos cada una de ellas, las tres
pequeas representan a la poblacin y la ms grande al partido comunista.
Todas las estrellas se encuentran en la parte superior izquierda y representan la unin
de los habitantes con el partido comunista de China. Las estrellas chicas tambin
simbolizan las cuatro clases sociales en las que se divide al pas, los empresarios,
intelectuales, trabajadores y campesinos.

The Chinese Constitution stated in articles 136, 137 and 138 that the flag of his nation
is composed by a canvas of red color which symbolizes the revolution called Guerra
Civil China that occurred from 1927 to 1950 and is the color of communism. The five
yellow stars have five peaks each, three small represent the population and the largest
Communist Party.<br>All the stars are in the top left and represent the union of the
people with the Communist Party of China. Girls stars also symbolise the four social
classes in which is divided the country, businessmen, intellectuals, workers and


El "sobre rojo" (, hng bo en mandarn), tambin llamado Lai See (en cantons), consiste en la
entrega a nios o parientes ms jvenes que uno, como deseo de buena suerte, un sobre de color rojo
que contiene una pequea cantidad de dinero.

Los Chun Lian , coplas antitticas, o coplas de la "fiesta de la primavera", como tambin se
conoce el ao nuevo en China, para diferenciarlo del occidental. En los se escriben en buenas
caligrafas, aquellos caracteres relacionados con la abundancia, la felicidad, prosperidad... que
acompaarn a la familia en el ao que entra.

Guardianes de las puertas: representacin de figuras en actitud defensiva, colocadas en las puertas de
las casas para defender a los moradores de la posible entrada de Nian.

El pez, y , es homfono del carcter y para abundancia, por lo que es frecuente la colocacin
de estos animales en las casas. De color rojo ahuyentarn a Nian.

Colocacin del carcter f (felicidad) boca abajo. Esto es debido a un juego de palabras, ya que
"boca abajo" en chino (, Pinyin: do) es homfono de "llegar" (, Pinyin: do) en la lengua china. As "la
felicidad (f )" colocada boca abajo (do ) se interpreta como "la felicidad (f ) ha llegado (do )".

Dios de la riqueza, que se presenta con barba y ataviado con una tnica roja y un saco amarillo a la
espalda. Se presenta en las casas y reparte imgenes, los moradores de las casas regalan propinas a
esta figura, todo ello acompaado de tambores y gongs.

Hacer platos tpicos como los raviolis chinos (jiaozi) para la cena de "noche vieja".

Wu Shi o Danza del Len y "Wu Long " o "Danza del Dragn", conservadas desde tiempos
antiguos, se originan de las artes marciales y sirven para ahuyentar a los malos espritus.

"On red" (, hong bao in mandarin), also called Lai See (in Cantonese), consists in the delivery to children or
younger siblings that one, as a wish of good luck, an envelope of red color which contains a small amount of
money.<br>The Chun Lian , antithetical couplets, or verses from the "Spring Festival", as well as known the new
year in China, to differentiate it from the West. In the is written to those characters related to the abundance,
happiness, prosperity and good calligraphy... that they will accompany the family in the coming year.<br>Guardians
of the Gates: representation of figures in defensiveness, placed on the doors of houses to defend the inhabitants of
the possible entry of Nian.<br>The fish, yu , is homophonous character yu for wealth, so that the placement of
these animals in the houses is frequent. Red they ahuyentarn Nian.<br>Placement of the character fu
(happiness) upside down. This is due to a play on words, since "upside down" in Chinese (, Pinyin: dao) is
homophonous to "arrive" (, Pinyin: dao) in the Chinese language. So "happiness (fu )" placed upside down (dao
) is interpreted as "happiness (fu ) has arrived (dao )".<br>God of wealth, that occurs with beard and dressed
in a red tunic and a yellow sack on his back. It occurs in houses and distributes images, the inhabitants of the
houses give tips to this figure, all this accompanied by drums and gongs.<br>Make dishes such as Chinese
(jiaozi) ravioli for dinner of "Eve".<br>Wu Shi lion dance and "Wu Long " or "Dance of the Dragon",
preserved from ancient times, originate from martial arts and serve to scare away evil spirits.

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