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Uma Durairaj

La Dedicatoria
Por Seora Vasquez, mi maestra de espaol y mi socia bho aficionata.
Captulo #1
rase una vez, haba un unicornio que no tena una familia. Desde que l fue un beb, viva con
diferentes familias temporalmente. l siempre estaba triste porque los otros nios nunca queran jugar
con l. Se burlaban de l mucho, y siempre lo excluan. Eran malos con l porque todos eran caballos, y
el unicornio se pareca a un caballo pero extrao con un cuerno.

Once upon a time, there was a unicorn that did not have a family. Ever since he was a baby, he lived with
different temporary families. He was always sad because the other children never wanted to play with
him. They teased him a lot and always excluded him. They were mean to him because they were all
horses, and the unicorn looked like a weird horse with a horn.

Captulo #2
El unicornio se llamaba Bambi. Tena pelo largo y rosado. l tena crin de color lavanda. Su cuerno era
morado, y sus cascos tambin. Sus ojos eran muy grandes y brillantes. Los caballos se llamaban una
nia porque sus colores eran de una chica. l siempre quera salir y estar liberado.

The unicorn was named Bambi. He had long, pink fur. He had a mane that was the color of lavender. His
horn was purple and his hooves also were. His eyes were very big and shiny. The horses called him a
little girl because his colors were girly. He always wanted to leave and be free.

Captulo #3

Uma Durairaj
Bambi siempre haca desorden y sus padres temporales no les gusta. Entonces, un da, cuando Bambi
quebr un lmpara, sus padres le dijeron a l, < Nosotros no queramos ms. > El unicornio estaba muy
triste y lloraba mucho. Los caballos le rean a l y Bambi lloraba ms. A las seis de la maana, Bambi
decidi que l necesitar salir. l hizo una maleta con ropa y comida, y sali la casa.
Captulo 4
El unicornio sala la casa y caminaba por muchas millas. l caminaba, y caminaba, y caminaba.
Caminaba por delante de la escuela, y caminaba ms all de la tienda, y caminaba encima del puente, y
caminaba por toda la ciudad.

The unicorn left the house and walked many miles. He walked, and walked, and walked. He walked past
the school, and walked past the store, and walked over the bridge, and walked over the whole city.

Captulo 5
Mientras el unicornio camin por la ciudad, l encontr un bho. El bho se llamaba Amanda. Amanda se
vea el unicornio en bosque y quera estar amigos con l. Cuando el bho se vea Bambi, le dijo
< Hoooooo hoooooo >. El unicornio tena miedo y corra en el otro direccin. Corra en medio del bosque,
y estaba completamente perdido. El bho buscaba el unicornio, pero no encontrarlo.

While the unicorn was walking through the city, he met an owl. The owl was named Amanda. Amanda
saw the unicorn in the forest and wanted to be friends with him. When the owl saw Bambi, she said
Hoooooo hoooooo. The unicorn was scared and ran in the other direction. He ran into the middle of the
forest and was completely lost. The owl looked for the unicorn, but didnt find him.

Uma Durairaj
Captulo 6
Cuando Bambi se daba cuenta que estaba perdido, comenz a llorar. l llor, y llor, y llor. Finalmente,
Bambi dorm debajo de un rbol en el bosque con una hoja larga para una frazada.

When Bambi realized he was lost, he started to cry. He cried, and cried, and cried. Finally, Bambi slept
under a tree in the forest with a leaf as a blanket.

Captulo 7
Por tres horas, Amanda busc el unicornio. Cuando ella oa los gritos de Bambi, sigui el ruido de Bambi.
En la noche, Amanda encontr Bambi, y le dio un almohada y un frazada real. Ella le dejaba comida y
agua para la maana y esperaba para Bambi despertarse.

For three hours, Amanda looked for the unicorn. When she heard Bambis cries, she followed the noise.
At night, Amanda found Bambi, and gave him a pillow and a real blanket. She left him some food and
water for the morning, and waited for Bambi to wake up.

Captulo 8
Cuando Bambi se despertaba, l vio Amanda de pie sobre de l. l grit y quiso huir, pero vio que
Amanda intent a ayudarlo. Despus, l se levant y le pregunt, <Cul es tu nombre?>. Ella respondi,
<Mi nombre es Amanda. Y t?>. l dijo, Soy Bambi.

Uma Durairaj
When Bambi woke up, he saw Amanda standing over him. He screamed and wanted to run away, but
then saw that Amanda was trying to help him. He sat up and asked her, Whats your name?. She
replied, My name is Amanda. What about you?. He said, Im Bambi..

Captulo 9
Despus de hablaban, Amanda y Bambi caminaron de paso del bosque. Bambi le habl de su pasado y
Amanda le consol. Bambi y Amanda decidan que queran ir a una aventura. Amanda subi el lomo de
Bambi y ellos viajaron juntos.

After talking, Amanda and Bambi walked through the forest. Bambi told her about his past and she
comforted him. Bambi and Amanda decided they wanted to go on an adventure. Amanda climbed onto
Bambis back and they rode off together.

Captulo 10
Un ao ms tarde, Bambi y Amanda estaban enamorados. Pasaron el resto de sus vidas juntos, y
vivieron felices para siempre. Bambi aprendi que el amor se encuentra en lugares extraos, y que todo
sucede por una razn.

One year later, Bambi and Amanda fell in love. They spent the rest of their lives together and lived happily
ever after. Bambi learned that love is found in strange places, and that everything happens for a reason.

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