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Recursos para la Investigacin

Herramientas web colaborativas: Marcadores Sociales
El entorno web se ha convertido en un
elemento recurrente para compartir y
descubrir informacin cientfica. Una
herramienta que puede ayudar de
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enlaces a recursos web son los
denominados marcadores sociales.
Tambin conocidos como favoritos
sociales, permiten seleccionar enlaces,
organizarlos, describirlos y compartirlos,
permitiendo que un grupo de personas
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nmero de personas que tambin
los han seleccionado,
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Aqu unos videos tutoriales sobre Qu es un marcador social?, Diigo y Delicious.
Anmate a utilizarlos, as no perders ningn enlace, los tendrs organizados y siempre
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Artculos de Revistas
The age of groundwater : Definitions, models and why we do not
need this term
Suckow, Axel
vol. 50, pp. 222-230, November 2014
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Hydrogeochemical classification of deep formation waters

Bozau, Elke; Sattler, Carl-Diedrich; Van Berk, Wolfgang
vol. 52, pp. 23-30, January 2015
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Contour Connection Method for automated identification and

classification of landslide deposits
Leshchinsky, Ben A.; Olsen, Michael J.; Tanyu, Burak F.
Computers & Geosciences. vol. 74, pp. 27-38, January 2015.
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The first South American record of fossil Eoptychopterinae

(Ptychopteridae, Diptera) from Lower Cretaceous Santana
Krzeminski, Wieslaw; Kania, Iwona; Lukashevich, Elena
Cretaceous Research. vol. 52, Part B, pp. 548-555, January 2015.
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Evaluating the temporal link between the Karoo LIP and climaticbiologic events of the Toarcian Stage with high-precision U-Pb
Sell, Bryan K.; Ovtcharova, Maria; Guex, Jean; Bartolini,
Annachiara; Jourdan, Fred; Spangenberg, Jorge Enrique; Vicente,
Jean-Claude; Schaltegger, Urs
Vol. 408, pp. 48-56, December 2014.
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Earth and Planetary
Science Letters

A 60,000-year record of hydrologic variability in the Central Andes

from the hydrogen isotopic composition of leaf waxes in Lake
Titicaca sediments
Fornace, Kyrstin L.; Hughen, Konrad A.; Shanahan, Timothy M.;
Fritz, Sherilyn C.; Baker, Paul A.; Sylva, Sean P.
vol. 408, pp. 263-271, December 2014.
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Temporal variations in the influence of the subducting slab on
Central Andean arc magmas: Evidence from boron isotope
Jones, Rosemary E.; De Hoog, Jan C.M.; Kirstein, Linda A.;
Kasemann, Simone A.; Hinton, Richard W.; Elliott, Tim R.; Litvak,
Vanesa D.
vol. 408, pp. 390-401, December 2014.
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The Eltanin impact and its tsunami along the coast of South
America: Insights for potential deposits
Weiss, Robert C.; Lynett, Patrick J.; Wnnemann, Kai
vol. 409, pp. 175-181, January 2015.
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The role of tectonics in the late Quaternary evolution of Brazil's

Amazonian landscape
Rossetti, Dilce de Ftima
Earth Science Reviews. vol. 139, pp. 362-389, December 2014.
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Variations in the uranium isotopic compositions of uranium ores

from different types of uranium deposits
Uvarova, Yulia A.; Kyser, T. Kurtis; Geagea, Majdi Lahd; Chipley,
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. vol. 146, pp. 1-17,
December 2014.
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Final Gondwana breakup: The Paleogene South American native

ungulates and the demise of the South America-Antarctica land
Reguero, Marcelo Alfredo; Gelfo, Javier N.; Lpez, Guillermo M.;
Bond, Mariano; Abello, Alejandra; Santillana, Sergio N.; Marenssi,
Sergio A.
Global and Planetary Change. vol. 123, Part B, pp. 400-413,
December 2014.
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The geological history of northwestern South America: From

Pangaea to the early collision of the Caribbean Large Igneous
Province (290 - 75 Ma)
Spikings, Richard; Cochrane, Ryan; Villagmez, Diego; Van der
Lelij, Roelant; Vallejo, Cristian F.; Winkler, Wilfried; Beate, Bernardo
Gondwana Research. vol. 27, n. 1, pp. 95-139, January 2015.
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Retrospective assessment of risk from natural hazards

Velsquez, C.A.; Cardona A., Omar Daro; Carreo, M.L.; Barbat,
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. vol. 10, Part A, pp.
477-489, December 2014.
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The seismically active Andean and Central American margins:

Can satellite gravity map lithospheric structures?
Kther, Nills; Gtze, Hans-Jrgen; Gutknecht, B.D.; Jahr, Thomas;
Jentzsch, Gerhard; Lcke, Oscar H.; Mahatsente, Rezene; Sharma,
Rajesh P.; Zeumann, Stefanie
Journal of Geodynamics. vol. 59-60, pp. 207-218, September 2012
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Tectonic activity revealed by morphostructural analysis :

Development of the Sierra de la Candelaria range, northwestern
Barcelona, H.; Peri, G.; Tobal, J.; Sagripanti, Luca; Favetto, Alicia
Journal of South American Earth Sciences. Vol. 56, pp. 376-395,
December 2014.
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Long-term forecasting of eruption hazards:

approach to merge analogous eruptive histories
Sheldrake, Tom
vol. 286, pp. 15-23, October 2014.
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Journal of
Volcanology and


Knowledge engineering in volcanology: Practical claims and

general approach
Pshenichny, Cyril A
vol. 286, pp. 78-92, October 2014.
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Volcanic hazard impacts to critical infrastructure: A review
Wilson, Grant; Wilson, Thomas M.; Deligne, Natalia I.; Cole, Jim W.
vol. 286, pp. 148-182, October 2014.
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Physiographic and tectonic setting of high-sulfidation epithermal

gold-silver deposits of the Andes and its controls on mineralizing
Bissig, Thomas; Clark, Alan H.; Rainbow, Amelia; Montgomery,
Allan T.
vol. 65, Part 1, pp. 327-364, March 2015.
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Ore Geology Review

A practical classification of gold deposits, with a theoretical basis

Phillips, G. Neil; Powell, Roger
vol. 65, Part 3, pp. 568-573, March 2015.
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Application of high resolution X-ray computed tomography to

mineral deposit origin, evaluation, and processing
Kyle, J. Richard; Ketcham, Richard A.
vol. 65, Part 4, pp. 821-839, March 2015.
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Scanning electron microscopy cathodoluminescence of quartz:
Principles, techniques and applications in ore geology
Frelinger, Stefanie N.; Ledvina, Matthew D.; Kyle, J. Richard; Zhao,
vol. 65, Part 4, pp. 840-852, March 2015.
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Origin and age of rift related fluorite and manganese deposits
from the San Rafael Massif, Argentina
Rubinstein, Nora A.; Zappettini, Eduardo O.
vol. 66, pp. 334-343, April 2015.
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Holocene paleohydrology of Quistococha Lake (Peru) in the

upper Amazon Basin: influence on carbon accumulation
Aniceto, Keila; Moreira-Turcq, Patricia; Cordeiro, Renato C.; Fraizy,
Pascal; Quintana, Isabel; Turcq, Bruno
vol. 415, pp. 165-174, December 2014.
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Marine connections of Amazonia: Evidence from foraminifera and

dinoflagellate cysts (early to middle Miocene, Colombia/Peru)
Boonstra, M.; Ramos, Maria Ins Feij; Lammertsma, Emmy I.;
Antoine, Pierre-Olivier; Hoorn, Carina
vol. 417, pp. 176-194, January 2015.
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Taphonomy and paleoenvironmental conditions of deposition of
fossil whales in the diatomaceous sediments of the
Miocene/Pliocene Pisco Formation, southern Peru: A new fossillagersttte
Esperante, Ral; Brand, Leonard R.; Chadwick, Arthur V.; Poma
Porras, Orlando
vol. 417, pp. 337-370, January 2015.
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Thermal and geodynamic contributions to the elevation of the

Altiplano-Puna plateau
Prezzi, Claudia B.; Iglesia Llanos, Mara Paula; Gtze, Hans-Jrgen;
Schmidt, Sabine
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. vol. 237, pp. 51-64,
December 2014.
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Spatial-temporal distribution of explosive volcanism in the 25-28s

segment of the Andean Central Volcanic Zone
Guzmn, Silvina; Grosse, Pablo; Montero Lpez, M. Carolina;
Hongn, Fernando D.; Pilger, Rex H.; Petrinovic, Ivn Alejandro;
Seggiaro, Ral E.; Aramayo, Alejandro
vol. 636, pp. 170-189, December 2014.
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The origin of the Loncopu Trough in the retroarc of the Southern
Central Andes from field, geophysical and geochemical data
Rojas Vera, Emilio A.; Sells Mathieu, Daniel Fernando; Folguera,
Andrs; Gimnez, Mario Ernesto; Ruz, Francisco; Orts, D.; Zamora
Valcarce, Gonzalo; Martnez, M. Patricia; Bechis, Florencia;
Ramos, Vctor A.
vol. 637, pp. 1-19, December 2014.
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Relative impact of mantle densification and eclogitization of slabs
on subduction dynamics : A numerical
thermodynamic/thermokinematic investigation of metamorphic
density evolution
Duesterhoeft, Erik; Quinteros, Javier; Oberhnsli, Roland; Bousquet,
Romain; Capitani, Christian de
vol. 637, pp. 20-29, December 2014.
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Seismological observations in Northwestern South America:
Evidence for two subduction segments, contrasting crustal
thicknesses and upper mantle flow
Yarce, Jefferson; Monsalve, Gaspar; Becker, Thorsten W.; Cardona
Molina, Agustn; Poveda, Esteban; Alvira, Daniel; Ordez
Carmona, Oswaldo
vol. 637, pp. 57-67, December 2014.
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Minerals & precious stones of Brazil
Cornejo, Carlos; Bartorelli, Andrea
Sao Paulo: Solaris Cultural Publications, 2014
Disponible en Biblioteca, cdigo: 549(81)/C77
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