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Colegio de Postgraduados
ISSN: 1405-3195

Gonzalo Silva-Aguayo / Paulina Gonzlez-Gmez / Ruperto Hepp-Gallo / Pedro
Agrociencia, septiembre-octubre, ao/vol. 38, nmero 005
Colegio de Postgraduados
Texcoco, Mxico
pp. 529-536

Se evaluaron, en laboratorio, siete polvos inertes (0.1%, 1% y
2% (p/p)) para el control de Sitophilus zeamais M. Las varia-
bles evaluadas fueron mortalidad y emergencia de adultos,
prdida de peso y germinacin del grano, y efecto residual. El
diseo experimental fue completamente al azar, los tratamien-
tos tuvieron tres repeticiones y el grupo de tratamientos fue
repetido tres veces. La mayor mortalidad se obtuvo con tierra
de diatomeas a 1% (92.6%), y 2% (98.8%), y con carbonato
de calcio a 1% (70.2%) y 2% (84.2%). La menor emergencia
de insectos adultos se obtuvo en los mismos tratamientos y con
talco a 1% y 2%. La prdida de peso del grano tratado con
tierra de diatomeas y carbonato de calcio fue menor a 5%. La
germinacin de los granos no cambi significativamente, y la
efectividad de los polvos inertes se mantuvo durante 90 d.
Palabras clave: Control fsico, granos almacenados, picudo del
l mayor problema del almacenaje de granos es
la prdida producida por roedores, insectos, hon-
gos y bacterias, que deterioran y destruyen los
alimentos. Este problema es importante para los agricul-
tores de subsistencia, ya que el maz almacenado es par-
te de los alimentos bsicos consumidos durante el ao
(Larran, 1994). Para estos agricultores, el uso de insecti-
cidas organosintticos para el control de plagas no es
una alternativa factible, dado su elevado costo y la baja
rentabilidad de sus cultivos (Lagunes, 1993). Debido a
esto, y al inters creciente de proteccin del ambiente,
es necesario investigar alternativas de control econmi-
cas y de bajo riesgo. En los pases en desarrollo hay
alternativas para proteger los granos del ataque de in-
sectos en el almacenaje (Pez et al., 1990). Una es el uso
de polvos inertes para absorber, solubilizar y diluir el
ingrediente activo de plaguicidas comerciales (Galindo,
. Los materiales inertes mezclados con los granos
almacenados producen grietas en la cutcula de los
CONTROL DE Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky CON POLVOS INERTES
CONTROL OF Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky WITH INERT DUSTS
Gonzalo Silva-Aguayo, Paulina Gonzlez-Gmez, Ruperto Hepp-Gallo y Pedro Casals-Bustos
Departamento de Produccin Vegetal. Facultad de Agronoma. Universidad de Concepcin. Avenida
Vicente Mndez 595. Casilla 537. Chilln. Chile. Telfono: 56-42-208944 Fax: 56-42-275309.
Recibido: Marzo, 2004. Aprobado: Agosto, 2004.
Publicado como ENSAYO en Agrociencia 38: 529-536. 2004.
Seven inert powders (0.1%, 1% and 2%, w/w) were evaluated
in laboratory to control Sitophilus zeamais M. The evaluated
variables were insect mortality and emergence of adult insects,
grain weight loss and germination, and residual effect. The
experimental design was completely randomized, the treatments
had three replicates, and the treatments group was repeated
three times. The highest mortality was obtained with diatomeous
earth at 1% (92.6%) and 2% (98.8%); and with calcium
carbonate at 1% (70.2%) and 2% (84.2%). The lowest adult
insects emergence was obtained with the same treatments, and
talc at 1% and 2%. Weight loss in grain treated with diatomeous
earth and calcium carbonate was less than 5%. Grain
germination showed no significant change, and the effectiveness
of inert powders was maintained during 90 d.
Key words: Physical control, stored grains, corn weevil.
he main problem of grain storage is the loss due
to rodents, insects, fungi, and bacteria that
deteriorate and destroy food products. This
problem is especially important for subsistence farmers
since stored corn forms part of their basic food basket
consumed during the entire year (Larrain, 1994). For these
farmers, the use of organosynthetic insecticides for pest
control is not a feasible alternative due to their high cost
and the low profitability of their crops (Lagunes, 1993).
For this reason, and for the growing interest in
environmental protection, new low-cost and low-risk
alternatives need to be explored. In developing countries,
there are alternatives to protect stored grains from insect
attack (Paez et al., 1990). One is the use of inert powders
to absorb, solubilize, and dilute the active ingredient of
commercial pesticides (Galindo, 1986)
. The inert
materials mixed with stored grains produce cracks in the
cuticle of the associated insects, producing the
Galindo, O. A. 1986. Formulacin de plaguicidas agrcolas slidos. Tesis de Licenciatura. Universidad Autnoma Chapingo, Departa-
mento de Parasitologa Agrcola Mxico. 94 p.
insectos asociados, por las cuales se evapora la hume-
dad corporal, lo que ocasiona su deshidratacin y muer-
te (Paez, et al., 1990). Esto se debe a que los insectos
mueren cuando pierden 60% del agua corporal o cerca
de 30% de su peso (Fields y Muir, 1995). Los que no
mueren quedan con el polvo adherido al cuerpo, lo que
disminuye su habilidad de apareamiento y reduce la
oviposicin (Ebeling, 1971).
Por tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el
efecto de polvos inertes con propiedades insecticidas/
insectistticas, para el control de Sitophilus zeamais
Motschulsky en granos de maz almacenados.
Polvos inertes
Se evaluaron siete polvos inertes: cal, caoln, talco, tiza, car-
bonato de calcio, tierra de diatomeas y ceniza de carbn de espi-
no. Los cinco primeros son formas diferentes de carbonato de
calcio y se compraron en ferreteras de la ciudad de Chilln, Chile;
el polvo de diatomeas, que son restos fosilizados de esqueletos de
algas marinas, fue proporcionado por la empresa Agrcola Nacio-
nal S.A., que lo utiliza como inerte diluyente en formulaciones de
plaguicidas en polvo. La ceniza de carbn de espino (Acacia
caven Molina: Mimosaceae) se obtuvo de restos de un fogn,
propiedad de un agricultor de Chilln, Chile.
Para evaluar la toxicidad de los polvos inertes se utilizaron
ejemplares de S. zeamais. Se realizaron cras masivas en condicio-
nes controladas (252
C y 16 h luz) en el laboratorio de
Toxicologa de Insecticidas de la Facultad de Agronoma de la
Universidad de Concepcin, Chile, y se utiliz como sustrato el
mismo maz usado para las evaluaciones.
Granos almacenados
El maz utilizado fue del cultivar Laredo y se compr en el
mercado de frutas y hortalizas de Chilln. El grano se lav y
limpi de impurezas y se expuso a 4
C por 48 h para eliminar
insectos o contaminantes del grano que pudieran alterar los resul-
Mtodo experimental
La metodologa fue la propuesta por Lagunes y Rodrguez
(1989). En frascos de 250 mL se colocaron 100 g de maz, los
cuales se mezclaron con los polvos inertes a concentraciones (tra-
tamientos) de 0.1%, 1%, y 2% (p/p). Luego, cada frasco se infest
con 10 parejas de insectos con menos de 10 d de edad. Los
insectos se sexaron segn el criterio de Halstead (1963), quien
seala que el rostrum del macho es ms corto, ancho y ms rugoso
evaporation of corporal humidity, which results in
dehydration and death (Paez et al., 1990). This is due to
the fact that the insects die when they lose 60% of the
corporal water or close to 30% of their weight (Fields &
Muir, 1995). Those that do not die remain with the powder
adhered to their body, which diminishes their coupling
ability and reduces oviposition (Ebeling, 1971).
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect
of inert powders with insecticidal/insectistatic properties
on the control of Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky in
stored corn.
Inert powders
Seven inert powders were evaluated: lime, caolin, talc, chalk,
calcium carbonate, diatomeous earth, and espino charcoal ash.
The first five are different forms of calcium carbonate and were
bought in hardware stores in the city of Chillan, Chile. Agricola
Nacional S.A. provided the diatomeous earth, which is fossilized
remains of marine alga skeletons and is used as an inert dilutor in
their pesticide powder formulations. The espino charcoal ash
(Accacia caven Molina: Mimosaceae) was obtained from a hearth,
property of a farmer of Chillan, Chile.
To evaluate the toxicity of inert powders, colonies of S. zeamais
were used. Massive propagation was performed under controlled
conditions (252
C and 16 h light) in the Insecticide Toxicology
Laboratory of the Facultad de Agronomia, Universidad de
Concepcion, Chile, and the substrate was the same corn used for
the evaluations.
Stored grains
The corn used was cv. Laredo which was bought in the fruit
and vegetable market in Chillan. The corn seeds were washed and
cleaned of impurities, and then exposed to 4
C for 48 h to
eliminate insects or contaminants that could alter the results.
Experimental method
The methodology followed the proposal of Lagunes and
Rodriguez (1989). In 250 mL jars, 100 g of corn was mixed with
inert powders at concentrations (treatments) of 0.1%, 1%, and 2%
(w/w). Then, each jar was infested with 10 insect couples that
were less than 10-d old. The insects were sexed according to the
Halstead criterion (1963), which indicates that the rostrum of the
male is shorter, wider and rougher than that of the female. Each
jar was labeled with the corresponding information and placed
inside a Memmert growth chamber, model 800 at 252
C and
16 h light. Each treatment had three replicates, and a control that
SILVA-AGUAYO et al.: CONTROL DE Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky CON POLVOS INERTES 531
que el de la hembra. Cada frasco se etiquet con la informacin
correspondiente, y colocado dentro de una cmara de cra marca
Memmert modelo 800, a 25

C y 16 h luz. Cada tratamiento
tuvo tres repeticiones, incluyendo un testigo que slo contena el
grano y los insectos. Para disminuir el error experimental, el gru-
po de tratamientos se repiti tres veces.
Variables evaluadas
La mortalidad de los adultos se evalu a 15 d de infestados los
frascos. Se cuantificaron los adultos vivos y muertos de cada
tratamiento, segn mostraran o no movimientos coordinados al
toque de una aguja de diseccin (FAO, 1980). El porcentaje de
mortalidad se obtuvo utilizando la frmula de Abbott (Abbott,
Emergencia de adultos de la F1
Se evalu 55 d despus de la infestacin, registrando la emer-
gencia de insectos adultos en los tratamientos y en el testigo. Para
cuantificar esta variable (Aguilera, 2001) se consider como 100%
la emergencia del testigo.
Porcentaje de prdida de peso del grano
Se evalu a los 55 d de realizada la infestacin y se utiliz la
frmula de Adams y Schulten (1976):
% * * PP C =
Nmero granos daados
Nmero total de granos
donde % PP = porcentaje de prdida de peso; C = 0.125 si el maz
es almacenado como grano suelto o mazorca sin brcteas; C =
0.222 si el maz es almacenado como mazorca con brcteas.
Prueba de germinacin
En los tratamientos donde hubo ms de 80% de mortalidad se
realiz una prueba de germinacin del grano tratado para verifi-
car si los polvos inertes influan en el poder germinativo. Para ello
se escogieron al azar 10 semillas de cada repeticin por tratamien-
to y se colocaron en cajas Petri con una toalla de papel hmeda.
Diariamente, y durante una semana, se contaron las semillas ger-
minadas y se consider como 100% el nmero de granos germi-
nados en el testigo.
Efecto residual
En los tratamientos donde hubo una mortalidad superior a
80% se evalu el efecto residual. Para ello se repiti el tratamiento
respectivo, pero usando 1.2 kg de grano con la concentracin de
only contained the grain and the insects was also included. To
diminish experimental error, the group of treatments was repeated
three times.
Variables evaluated
Adult mortality was evaluated 15 d after jar infestation. For each
treatment, the number of live and dead adults was counted, where an
adult was considered alive if it demonstrated coordinated
movements when touched with a dissection needle (FAO, 1980). The
mortality percentage was obtained using the Abbott formula (Abbott,
Adult emergence from F1
Adult emergence from F1 was evaluated 55 d after infestation,
recording adult insect emergence in the treatments and control.
To quantify this variable (Aguilera, 2001), the control emergence
was considered as 100%.
Percentage of grain weight loss
Percentage of grain weight loss was evaluated 55 d after
infestation and the Adams and Schulten formula (1976) was used:
% * * PP C =
Nmero granos daados
Nmero total de granos
where % PP = percentage of weight loss; C = 0.125 if corn is
stored as shelled maize or as ears without husk; C = 0.222 if corn
is stored as ears with husk.
Germination test
In the treatments with more than 80% of mortality, a
germination test was performed with the treated grain to determine
if the inert powders influenced germination power. For this, 10
seeds were randomly selected from each treatment replicate and
placed in Petri dishes containing a humid paper towel. Daily,
during one week, the germinated seeds were counted and the
number of grains germinated in the control was considered as
Residual effect
In the treatments with mortality greater than 80%, the residual
effect was evaluated. To accomplish this, the respective treatment
was repeated but using 1.2 kg of grain with the corresponding
inert concentration. Then, the 1.2 kg was divided into 12 sub-
samples of 100g each, which were grouped in four groups of
three sub-samples that were infested, each one, with 10 insect
inerte correspondiente. Luego, estos 1.2 kg se dividieron en 12
submuestras de 100 g cada una, las cuales se agruparon en cuatro
grupos de tres submuestras que fueron infestadas, cada una, con
10 parejas de insectos a las 24 h, 30, 60 y 90 d. Posteriormente se
evalu el porcentaje de mortalidad, la emergencia de insectos
adultos y la prdida de peso del grano.
Diseo experimental y anlisis estadstico
El diseo experimental fue completamente al azar. Para su
normalizacin, los valores porcentuales se transformaron a
arcoseno x / 100 . Se realiz un anlisis de varianza y compara-
cin de medias mediante la prueba de Tukey, utilizando SAS

(SAS Institute, 1998).

Los mejores resultados se obtuvieron con tierra de
diatomeas en sus tres concentraciones, con 76.9%,
92.6% y 98.8% de mortalidad (Cuadro 1), pero los trata-
mientos de tierra de diatomeas (1% y 2%), no difieren
estadsticamente. Estos resultados concuerdan con los
reportados por McLaughlin (1994), quien con tierra de
diatomeas (1000 g t
grano, 0.1% p/p), obtuvo 99.0% y
Cuadro 1. Mortalidad y emergencia de adultos de Sitophilus zeamais M. y prdida de peso del maz tratado con polvos inertes.
Table 1. Mortality and adult emergence of Sitophilus zeamais M. and grain weight loss for corn treated with inert powder.
Concentracin (%) Polvo inerte Mortalidad

(%) Emergencia (%) Prdida de peso (%)
0. 1 Tierra diatomeas 76.9 efg

20.6 efg

4.2 jk

Cal 31.8 fghi 71.3 bc 8.0 bcde

Tiza 2.4 j 66.3 bcd 8.5 abcd
Ceniza c. espino 19.0 ghij 62.7 bcd 6.7 efgh
C. calcio 58.4 cdef 57.9 bcd 6.2 fghi
Caoln 10.3 hij 63.0 bcd 7.7 cdef
Talco 3.5 j 51.9 bcde 7.5 def
1 Tierra diatomeas 92.6 ab 12.5 g 3.3 lk
Cal 53.2 def 75.2 bc 7.0 defgh
Tiza 4.6 j 84.1 b 9.9 a
Ceniza c. espino 39.5 efg 70.6 bc 6.5 efgh
C. calcio 70.2 bcde 39.5 cdefg 4.9 ij
Caoln 11.7 hij 64.7 bcd 7.2 defg
Talco 19.7 ghij 42.1 cdefg 6.3 fghi
2 Tierra diatomeas 98.8 a 13.7 fg 3.1 l
Cal 54.4 def 62.8 bcd 6.3 fghi
Tiza 8.2 ij 74.0 bc 9.5 ab
Ceniza c. espino 34.9 fgh 68.5 bc 5.6 hi
C. calcio 84.2 abc 30.1 defg 4.9 ij
Caoln 17.4ghij 47.1 cdef 7.2 defg
Talco 32.2 fghi 45.2 cdef 6.0 ghi
- Testigo - 100 a 9.4 abc
Coeficiente de variacin (%) 15.9 14.2 3. 7

Mortalidad corregida (Abbott, 1995) Corrected mortality (Abbott, 1995).

Tratamientos con diferente letra en una columna son diferentes (p0.05) Treatments with different letters in a column are different
couples at 24 h, and after 30, 60 and 90 d. Subsequently, the
mortality percentage, the emergence of adult insects and grain
weight loss were evaluated.
Experimental design and statistical analysis
The experimental design was completely random. For its
normalization, the percentage values were transformed to an arc
x / 100
. A variance analysis and a comparison of means
were performed using the Tukey test with the computer program

(SAS Institute, 1998).

The best results were obtained using diatomeous
earth in its three concentrations, with 76.9%, 92.6% and
98.8% mortality (Table 1), but the treatments of
diatomeous earth (1% and 2%) did not differ statistically.
These results are in agreement with those reported by
McLaughlin (1994), who with diatomeous earth (1000
g t
grain, 0.1% w/w), obtained 99.0% and 99.9%
mortality 21 and 28 d after infestation with Sitophilus
sp. Subramanyam and Roesli (2000) obtained similar
SILVA-AGUAYO et al.: CONTROL DE Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky CON POLVOS INERTES 533
99.9% de mortalidad a 21 y 28 d despus de la infesta-
cin con Sitophilus sp. Resultados similares (67.5% a
92.4%) de mortalidad obtuvieron Subramanyam y Roesli
(2000) para Sitophilus oryzae L., tratado con diferentes
tipos de tierras de diatomeas (0.1% p/p).
Los tratamientos de carbonato de calcio (1% y 2%,
p/p) causaron 70.2% y 84.2% de mortalidad. Estos re-
sultados concuerdan con los de Lagunes (1993), quien
mencion que aplicaciones de carbonato de calcio y cal
(1%) son efectivos contra el ataque de S. zeamais. Segn
estos resultados, el uso de polvos inertes sera una alter-
nativa eficaz para controlar infestaciones de S. zeamais.
Los tratamientos con una menor emergencia de in-
sectos adultos, en relacin con el testigo, son los mismos
que mostraron altos niveles de mortalidad (Cuadro 1).
Con la tierra de diatomeas, en las tres concentracio-
nes se obtuvo 20.6%, 12.5% y 13.7% de emergencia.
Esto concuerda con McLaughlin (1994) quien seal
que la tierra de diatomeas tiene un buen control para la
progenie emergente. Adems, en los tratamientos de tal-
co (1% y 2% ) con 19.7% y 32.2% de mortalidad, los
porcentajes de emergencia fueron menores de 42-50%.
Estos resultados no concuerdan con la idea de que a
mayor mortalidad hay una menor emergencia; por tanto,
en este caso el talco tendra propiedades insectistticas
ms que insecticidas. Esto se refiere a que este polvo
podra dificultar el encuentro del macho con la hembra
al ocupar el espacio entre los granos, o bien que la hem-
bra al encontrar el grano cubierto por el polvo no recibe
el estmulo necesario para oviponer. Tambin puede ocu-
rrir que una vez depositados los huevos stos mueran al
tener contacto con el polvo, disminuyendo la emergencia.
Para los tratamientos con carbonato de calcio (1% y
2%), con altos porcentajes de mortalidad, los porcenta-
jes de emergencia fueron 39.5% y 30.1%. Esto, segn
los criterios sealados por Pez et al. (1990) y Lagunes
(1993), puede ser considerado como bajo. Al aumentar
la cantidad de polvo, la proteccin es mayor. Sin embar-
go, aplicar concentraciones superiores a 5% no es prc-
tico, por la gran cantidad de polvo requerido. Esto se
refleja en experiencias similares donde se aplicaron 10%
y 30% (p/p), lo que equivale a manejar hasta 300 kg de
polvo para tratar 1 t de maz (Snchez et al., 1989).
Prdida de peso del grano
Los tratamientos con mayor mortalidad y menor
emergencia tambin mostraron un menor porcentaje de
prdida de peso. Con los tratamientos de tierra de
diatomeas, en sus tres concentraciones, la prdida de peso
fue 4.2%, 3.3% y 3.1% mientras que en los tratamientos
results (67.5 to 92.4% mortality) for Sitophilus oryzae
L., treated with different types of diatomeous earth
(0.1% w/w) .
The calcium carbonate treatments (1% and 2% w/w)
caused 70.2% and 84.2% mortality. These results are in
agreement with Lagunes (1993), who mentioned that
calcium carbonate and lime (1%) are effective against
the attack of S. zeamais. According to these results, the
use of inert powder would be an efficient alternative for
controlling S. zeamais infestations.
The treatments with a lower emergence of adult
insects in relation with the control, are the same that
demonstrated high mortality levels (Table 1).
With diatomeous earth, at the three concentrations,
emergence was 20.6%, 12.5%, and 13.7%. These result
are in agreement with McLaughlin (1994) who indicated
that diatomeous earth has a good control over the
emerging progeny. Additionally, in the talc treatments
(1% and 2%) with 19.7% and 32.2% mortality, the
emergency percentages were less than 42-50%. These
results do not agree with the idea that a greater mortality
is associated with a lower emergence. Consequently, in
this case, talc would have insectistatic rather than
insecticidal properties. This means that this powder could
complicate the male and female pairing since it occupies
the space between the grains. Or, the female does not
receive the necessary ovipositor stimulus since the grain
is covered with powder. Another possibility is that the
eggs, once deposited, die when they make contact with
the powder, diminishing emergence.
For the calcium carbonate (1% and 2%) treatments,
with high mortality percentages, the emergence
percentages were 39.5% and 30.1%. This, according to
the criteria mentioned by Pez et al. (1990) and Lagunes
(1993), can be considered low. When the quantity of
powder is increased, the protection is greater. However,
applications with concentrations greater than 5% are not
practical due to the large quantity of powder required.
This is reflected in similar experiments where 10% and
30% (w/w) were applied, equivalent to 300 kg of powder
to treat 1 t of corn (Snchez et al., 1989).
Grain weight loss
Treatments with the greatest mortality and lowest
emergence also showed a lower percentage of weight
loss. With the treatments of diatomeous earth, in its three
concentrations, weight losses were 4.2%, 3.3%, and 3.1%,
while in the calcium carbonate treatments (1% and 2%)
weight losses were lower than 5% (Table 1). These results
are in agreement with those reported by Snchez et al.
(1989) who found with calcium carbonate (1% w/w)
con carbonato de calcio (1% y 2%) hubo prdidas de
peso menor a 5% (Cuadro 1). Estos resultados concuer-
dan con los reportados por Snchez et al. (1989), quie-
nes con carbonato de calcio (1% p/p) observaron prdi-
das de peso menores a 10%. Adems, los tratamientos
mencionados muestran diferencias significativas respec-
to al testigo, lo cual no ocurre con los tratamientos de
tierra de diatomeas (Cuadro 1). Para carbonato de calcio
(1% y 2%), no hubo diferencias significativas entre s ni
con tierra de diatomeas (0.1%, p/p), pero s muestran
diferencias significativas con tierra de diatomeas a 1% y
2% (Cuadro 1).
Porcentaje de germinacin
Esta prueba se realiz slo para los tratamientos don-
de la mortalidad fue mayor a 80%, o sea para tierra de
diatomeas (1% y 2%), y carbonato de calcio 2%. En el
Cuadro 2 se puede observar que ningn tratamiento di-
fiere estadsticamente del testigo, que tuvo 86.6% de
germinacin. Adems, los valores obtenidos para todos
los tratamientos estn cercanos a 90% de germinacin,
el cual es un nivel muy prximo al exigido para la ex-
portacin de semillas. Por tanto, se puede sealar que
los polvos inertes no afectan significativamente la
germinacin de las granos.
Efecto residual
Este efecto se evalu en los tratamientos con morta-
lidad mayor a 80%, o sea, para tierra de diatomeas 1% y
2%, y carbonato de calcio 2%.
Los tratamientos mantuvieron, despus de 90 d, una
alta eficacia, llegando incluso a 100% de mortalidad
(Cuadro 3). Por tanto, los polvos inertes seran estables
en su efectividad biolgica, y su accin contra S. zeamais
se mantiene. Ello sera una ventaja en comparacin con
los polvos vegetales que, con el tiempo, disminuyen su
efecto y llegan a ser totalmente ineficaces (Silva et al.,
La emergencia se evalu 55 d despus de la infesta-
cin en cada tratamiento. Los polvos mantuvieron su
efectividad en los cuatro periodos de infestacin,
obtenindose valores inferiores a 20% de emergencia de
adultos (Cuadro 3). Adems, los tratamientos difieren es-
tadsticamente (p0.05) del testigo. Estos porcentajes de
mortalidad y emergencia sugieren que la tierra de
diatomeas y el carbonato de calcio mantienen su eficacia
en el tiempo evitando la infestacin de S. zeamais, as
como una nueva infestacin de insectos al grano por
periodos prolongados.
Cuadro 2. Porcentaje de germinacin del maz tratado con
carbonato de calcio y tierra de diatomeas para el
control de Sitophilus zeamais M.
Table 2. Germination percentage in corn treated with calcium
carbonate and diatomeous earth for the control of
Sitophilus zeamais M.
Tratamiento Germinacin (%)
Carbonato de calcio 77.7

Tierra de diatomeas 1% 81.4

Tierra de diatomeas 2% 85.1
Testigo 86.6
Coeficiente de variacin (%) 24.2

No hubo diferencias entre tratamientos (p>0.05) There were

no differences among treatments (p>0.05).
weight losses lower than 10%. Additionally, the
treatments mentioned show significant differences with
respect to the control, which did not occur with the
diatomeous earth (Table 1). For calcium carbonate (1%
and 2%), there was no significant difference between the
two treatments or with diatomeous earth (0.1% w/w), but
significant differences were found with diatomeous earth
at 1% and 2% (Table 1).
Germination percentage
This test was performed only with the treatments that
showed mortality greater than 80%, which were
diatomeous earth (1% and 2%) and calcium carbonate
2%. In Table 2, it can be observed that no treatment was
statistically different from the control, which had 86.6%
germination. Additionally, the values obtained for all
the treatments were close to 90% germination, which are
close to the levels required for seed export. Consequently,
it can be indicated that the inert powders do not
significantly affect grain germination.
Residual effect
This effect was evaluated in the treatments with
diatomeous earth (1% and 2%) and calcium carbonate
2% which showed mortality greater than 80%.
The treatments maintained a great efficacy after 90 d,
reaching even 100% mortality (Table 3). Therefore, the
inert powders would be stable in their biological
effectiveness, maintaining their action against S. zeamais.
This would be an advantage in comparison with plant
powders that, over time, diminish their effect and are
eventually completely ineffective (Silva et al., 2002).
Emergence was evaluated in each treatment 55 d after
infestation. Powders maintained their effectiveness in
SILVA-AGUAYO et al.: CONTROL DE Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky CON POLVOS INERTES 535
Prdida de peso
Con los tratamientos se obtuvo valores inferiores a
2% de prdida de peso del grano; adems, los tratamien-
tos de tierra de diatomeas (1% y 2%), y carbonato de
calcio 2% fueron significativamente diferentes a los del
testigo (Cuadro 3). Esto demuestra el elevado grado de
proteccin en el tiempo que ofrecen los polvos inertes fren-
te al ataque de insectos en granos almacenados.
Tierra de diatomeas y carbonato de calcio fueron los
polvos inertes ms efectivos para el control de S. zeamais
en maz almacenado.
Los polvos inertes evaluados no afectan significati-
vamente la germinacin de las semillas, y mantienen su
efectividad a los 90 d de aplicados.
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the four infestation periods, obtaining values lower than
20% adult emergence (Table 3). Additionally, treatments
differed statistically (p0.05) from the control. These
mortality and emergence percentages suggest that the
diatomeous earth and calcium carbonate maintain their
effectiveness over time, avoiding S. zeamais infestation
as well as a new insect grain infestation for prolonged
Weight loss
With the treatments evaluated, values lower than 2%
of grain weight loss were obtained. Additionally, the
treatments with diatomeous earth (1% and 2%), and
calcium carbonate 2% were significantly different from
those of the control (Table 3). These results demonstrate
the high degree of protection over time offered by the
inert powders against insect attack on stored grain.
Diatomeous earth and calcium carbonate were the
most effective inert powders for the control of S. zeamais
in stored corn.
The inert powders evaluated did not significantly
affect seed germination, and maintained their
effectiveness for 90 d after application.
End of the English version

Cuadro 3. Variacin en el tiempo de las propiedades insecticidas de tierra de diatomeas y carbonato de calcio para el control de
Sitophilus zeamais M.
Table 3. Variation in time of insecticidal properties of diatomeous earth and calcium carbonate for Sitophilus zeamais M. control.
Infestacin Mortalidad

Emergencia Prdida de

(%) (%) peso (%)

Carbonato de calcio 2% 1 86.6 a

13.4 bc

1.9 b

30 100.0 a 12.2 bc 1.7 b

60 100.0 a 6.1 bc 1.4 b
90 100.0 a 4.8 bc 1.4 b
Tierra de diatomeas 1% 1 83.3 a 7.3 bc 1.4 b
30 98.3 a 0.0 c 1.5 b
60 100.0 a 8.5 bc 1.4 b
90 100.0 a 1.2 bc 1.5 b
Tierra de diatomeas 2% 1 81.6 a 17.0 bc 1.8 b
30 95.0 a 8.5 bc 1.4 b
60 100.0 a 4.9 bc 1.1 b
90 100.0 a 0.0 c 1.3 b
Testigo - - 100.0 a 8.2 abc
Coeficiente de variacin (%) 15.9 14.2 3. 7

Mortalidad corregida (Abbott, 1925) Corrected mortality (Abbott, 1925).

DDA-Das despus aplicacin del tratamiento DDA-Day after treatment aplication.

Tratamientos con diferente letra en una columna, son diferentes (p0.05) Treatments with different letters in a column are different
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