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Introduccin Actividades
Spelling Prepositions A/An Present continuous There is / There are There was / There were Can Present simple Adjectives Question words Going to Past simple

3 4 7 8 10 14 16 17 21 32 35 37 40 43 46

Integration Answer key

Por qu un cuadernillo fotocopiable?
Este material ha sido pensado para acompaar la serie Yes! e intenta ser un aporte con dos objetivos bsicos: Complementar el enfoque didctico de Yes! en el sentido de avanzar hacia la precisin de la expresin, focalizando en la forma, pero sin perder de vista el significado en contexto. Sern los docentes los que determinen si sus alumnos necesitan ms ejercitacin formal de los aspectos de la lengua que la ofrecida en los libros. Responder al pedido que hicieron algunos colegas que concurrieron a los talleres de capacitacin. Creemos que este cuadernillo representa una contribucin al escaso tiempo que tienen las/los docentes para producir su propio material. acompaar el uso de Yes! 1. Estn agrupadas de acuerdo al aspecto gramatical del que se ocupan y organizadas en forma gradual segn el nivel de demanda. Cada una de las actividades viene acompaada de un cuadro en el que se indica a partir de qu momento se propone el uso de la actividad en cuestin. Es importante, sin embargo, tener en cuenta que esto podr ser modificado por el docente segn su criterio personal o las necesidades del grupo considerando el vocabulario conocido por los alumnos. Nota: Si los alumnos estn haciendo Yes! 2 sin haber hecho Yes! 1, sern los docentes los que debern verificar si los alumnos conocen el vocabulario que el ejercicio incluye.

A partir de Yes2 U2

Del material
Como ya dijimos, el acento est puesto es aspectos ms relacionados con la forma, pero sosteniendo siempre al mximo posible la contextualizacin significativa tanto situacional como temtica con el objetivo de que todas las actividades tengan un sentido y as evitar que se convierta en un mero ejercicio mecnico. Recordemos que la ejercitacin reiterada, siempre y cuando se d en contextos significativos, contribuye a la adquisicin de los aspectos formales de las lenguas y es precisamente ste el aporte que intenta brindar este material. Importante: No se debe reemplazar el trabajo con el libro por este material, sino que puede acompaarlo en la medida de la posibilidad y de la necesidad de afianzamiento que presenten los alumnos. La seccin Circle the correct option tiene como objetivo contribuir al Circle the correct option. desarrollo de alumnos ms a / an blue jacket autnomos e independientes ya a / an brown shoes que la verificacin de conocimiento a / an orange sweater les da una sensacin de logro alcanzado, aumenta su confianza en s mismos y contribuye con el desarrollo de la conciencia (language awareness) sobre los usos y formas del lenguaje.

De las actividades
Las actividades son breves y fotocopiables y, en muchos casos, de sencilla reproduccin en el pizarrn. Esto permite asignarlos individualmente o por grupos atendiendo a las diferentes necesidades. Una mencin especial merece la seccin de Spelling. sta fue pensada principalmente para ser trabajada con Yes! 1, aunque tambin se la pueda utilizar con los niveles posteriores. En esta seccin el trabajo est basado, en la mayora de las actividades, en la relacin existente entre la forma de las palabras y su pronunciacin. La reflexin sobre esta relacin, que podra ser realizada por los alumnos por su cuenta, se ver enriquecida por la reflexin en grupos y conjunta con el docente. Esto brindar al alumno mayor confianza e independencia al momento de la produccin escrita y oral. Por otra parte, podra contribuir a fortalecer las relaciones tanto de similitud como de diferencia entre la lengua materna y el ingls. Por ltimo, la inclusin de las ilustraciones de contextualizacin, muchas con los personajes conocidos por los alumnos, tiene por objetivo conectar de algn modo esta ejercitacin con el material de uso diario en el aula.

De las notas al pie

La mayora de las pequeas notas a pie de pgina destinadas a los docentes tienen como objetivo recordarnos que no hay una sola respuesta (contenido) o una sola manera de responder (forma). As, el material intenta atender a la diversidad presente en las aulas. En el caso de las notas al pie con datos sobre aspectos estndar en el uso de la lengua, conviene que el docente las trabaje anticipadamente con los chicos para que despus puedan resolver la ejercitacin solos. Esperamos que este cuadernillo sea de real utilidad y fuente de modificaciones o creaciones por parte de los docentes a partir de las ideas que se proponen.

De la organizacin
El presente cuadernillo ha sido desarrollado teniendo en cuenta los aspectos sintcticos y morfolgicos ms importantes trabajados a lo largo de los 3 niveles de Yes!. Si bien no se trabajaron todos los aspectos tratados en la serie, se ha tenido en cuenta a aquellos que, a nuestro criterio, podan necesitar mayor ejercitacin que la dada en los libros, as como aquellos para los que nunca est de ms toda ejercitacin que se proponga (ej. present simple). La mayora de las actividades fueron pensadas para los niveles 2 y 3, aunque tambin encontrarn algunas actividades para

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Yes! Actividades Complementarias


A partir de Yes1 U8

a) Circle the words.

3 6 5 1 8

9 2 4 7

b) Write the words in the correct place.

1 3 5 7 9 2 4 6 8


A partir de Yes 1 U8

What is the word? Write the word and answer Yes or No.
p e p l sa hi f s u b mhe s r ra g al s d

1 Do you like



2 Do you like

3 Do you like

4 Do you like a

5 Do you like

e h cs e e

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Yes! Actividades Complementarias



Complete the words. Match.


p It is a __lane.

A partir de Yes 1 U4

2 It is a __rain. 3 It is a __ird. 4 It is a __ouse. 5 It is a __og. 6 It is a __at. 7 It is a __ar. 8 It is a __at.

Complete the words with the vowels.

o __ oD 1 F __
3 SCH __ __ L 5 B __ __ K


2 BL __ __ 4 R __ LER

A partir de Yes 1 U8

More vowels. Match and complete.

1 S __ e __ aLS 2 GR __ __ N 3 THR __ __ 4 ICE CR __ __ M 5 B __ __ 6 CH __ __ SE
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A partir de Yes 1 U10


Yes! Actividades Complementarias Fotocopiable


A partir de Yes1 U8

a) Complete with the consonants.

sE h O U __ 1 __
3 __ O __ __O __

2 __ __ OE

s s

h h p

g t h s

h d

4 __ __I __

5 __ __EE __ E

6 __ I __ __ s

h n h s

7 __A __

t g b m

8 __A __ __ __ I __ __
c h r r

d w

9 __A __ __U __ __E __

b) Now group the words in your notebook.

Sh! Quiet!




c) Can you write other words?

A partir de Yes2 U8

Which words sound similar? Write them in the correct column in your notebook.
play house behind mouth train climb cow white fly snail plane ride time cake




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Yes! Actividades Complementarias



Mary and Sally are at home. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use in - on - under - behind.
1 2

1 In picture 1, the cat is


the chair. Sallys picture. Sallys picture. the plate. the door.
A partir de Yes1 U9

2 In picture 1, the pencils are 3 In picture 2, the pencils are 4 In picture 1, the dogs food is 5 In picture 2, the dog is

En la oracin 4 acepte tanto on como in the plate.

Bens bedroom. Complete the answers. Use in - on - under - behind.

1 Where is the apple? It is


the cupboard.

2 Where is the book? It the cupboard.

3 Where is the scarf? the chair. 4 Where is the sock? the cupboard. 5 Where is the plane? the chair.
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A / An

A partir de Yes1 U8

Lets prepare fruit ice cream! Circle a or an.

To prepare fruit ice cream you need: 1 a / an orange, 2 a / an banana, 3 a / an apple, 4 a / an egg, sugar and milk.
Remember! a + consonant a + vowel + plural

A partir de Yes1 U11

This is Bens robot. What parts are not in the picture? Write sentences. Use a or an.
1 2 3 4 5 6

He does not have a

leg. ear. nose. eye. arm. mouth.

Circle the correct option.

a/an nose a/an eye

Check at activity A.

A partir de Yes2 U2

Kate and Sam. Read and colour their clothes.

Circle the correct option.

a/ - /an blue jacket a/ - /an brown shoes a/ - /an orange sweater

Check at this activity.

Sam is wearing an orange sweater, red trousers and brown shoes.

Kate is wearing a purple jacket, a blue skirt, white socks and pink shoes.

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A / An

Mrs. Clay and Mrs. May. Read and complete with a, an or Then colour.

Mrs. May

Mrs. Clay

A partir de Yes2 U2

a purple sweater, 2 ________ pink trousers Mrs. Clay is wearing 1 ________

and 3 ________ brown shoes.

Mrs. May is wearing 4 ________ orange sweater, 5 ________ green skirt and 6 ________ orange shoes.

Draw yourself and describe what you are wearing.

A partir de Yes2 U2

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Yes! Actividades Complementarias


Present continuous
A partir de Yes2 U2

The children are going to a birthday party. Read, colour and write the numbers.
1 2 3

I am wearing a yellow jacket and green trousers. I am wearing my favourite dress. It is red and blue. I am wearing black jeans and an orange T-shirt.

The Perez family is at the club. What are they doing? Look at the pictures and write sentences.
putting on swimming playing taking off reading

Mrs. Perez

Mrs. Perez


A partir de Yes2 U4



1 Mr. Perez 2 Mrs. Perez 3 Jessica 4 Brian 5 Tony

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is taking off his sweater.

. . . .
Yes! Actividades Complementarias Fotocopiable

Circle the correct option. I am/is Brian am/is Check at Rincn de Padres.


Present continuous

What are the children doing at school today? Complete using is/are and write the numbers.

A partir de Yes2 U5

Circle the correct option. I am /is He is/are She is/are It is/are They is/are We is/are You is/are Check at Rincn de Padres.

1 The students 2 The children 3 The girl 4 The boy


doing maths. doing science.

drawing a car. playing the recorder.

Its seven oclock. The children are not at school now. They are playing. What are they doing? Look at the box. Complete with the words in the correct form.
ride play sing play dance

riding his bike. 1 Marcos is ________

2 Jill is ___________ .

3 Julia is ___________ tennis.

A partir de Yes2 U4

4 Cody is _________ the drums.

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5 Sally is ____________.

Yes! Actividades Complementarias


Present continuous

What is Willow doing? Write sentences. Use the correct form of the words climb - run - sleep - swim - jump - walk .

A partir de Yes2 U8

Willow is walking.

A partir de Yes2 U4

What are the children doing? Look at the pictures. Write the sentences.
1 Teo can play the piano and ride a bike. What is he doing now?

is riding a bike He __________________________________.

2 Ana can dance, play the guitar and sing. What is she doing now? She __________________________________. 3 Andrea can play the piano and dance. What is she doing now? She __________________________________. 4 Javier can ride a bike, sing and play the drums. What is he doing now? He __________________________________.
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Circle the correct option. She is sing / singing.

Check at activity D.


Yes! Actividades Complementarias


Present continuous

Danger! Complete with the correct form of the words in the box.
not wear ride cross not ride stand ride

A partir de Yes2 U6

are crossing the street. They are not watching the 1 Lucas and Toms __________________

2 Marcelo _________________ his motorbike in the correct direction.

3 Yanina _________________ her bike with her dog under her arm.

4 Matas and Yanina__________________ their bikes. They _________________ helmets.

5 The dog _________________ in the middle of the street.

Yanina Matas Lucas Toms


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There is / There are

A partir de Yes2 U2

What is there in the village? Circle is or are.

1 There is / are shops. 2 There is / are a club. 3 There is / are two schools. 4 There is / are two bridges. 5 There is / are a hospital.

A partir de Yes2 U2

Two villages. 2

a) Match.
two schools There is There is not There are There are not a school a restaurant a football pitch a train station two cafs in picture 1. in picture 2. in pictures 1 and 2.

b) In your notebook, write the sentences.

There are two schools in picture 2.


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There is / There are

What is there in Bens living room? Complete with: is or are. Answer Yes/No.
A partir de Yes2 U3

1 2 3 4 5 6


there a train ? there a bridge? there houses? there a station? there cars? there animals?


. . . . . .
Circle the correct option

Is/Are there houses? Is/Are there a river?

Check at Rincn de Padres.

Bens room. Write sentences. Use There is There are - There isnt

There arent.
car/cars plane/planes ball/balls robot/robots train/trains trainer/trainers jacket/jackets

There are balls on the floor.

. . . . .
A partir de Yes2 U3

2 3 4 5 6

Hay una ms para poder elegir.

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There was / There were

Yesterday and today. Look at Maras room and complete with There is There are There was - There were.



1 2 3 4
A partir de Yes3 U6

There were

two chairs. one book on the floor. one chair. one computer. two books on the floor. one pen on the table. two shoes.
Circle the correct option Yesterday there is/was a chair. Today there is/was a chair. Yesterday there are/were two balls. Today there are/were two balls. Check at Rincn de Padres.

5 6 7

A partir de Yes3 U10

What was there in Buenos Aires in 1900? Look at the pictures. Write the sentences.

1 2 3 4 5 6

In 1900 there were ships.

Circle the correct option

. . . . .
Yes! Actividades Complementarias Fotocopiable

There was (not)/were (not) ships Check at Rincn de Padres.

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Animals from Africa and Australia. Find the word. Write the sentence using can or cannot.
1 2 3 4 5
r j u

A partir de Yes2 U8

Giraffes can run.

. . . .

p m s i

a l k

Animals from America. Write what these animals can do and cannot do.
1 fly condor swim run cuis fly climb hornero fly swim crocodile jump fly llama jump

Remember cannot=cant

The condor can fly , but it cannot swim.

The cuis

, but

, but

, but

A partir de Yes2 U8
Yes! Actividades Complementarias Fotocopiable

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What can these children do? Read the chart.

Remember cannot=cant

A partir de Yes2 U4

Melanie Teo Gabriel


1 Can Melanie play the recorder? 2 Can Teo sing? 3 4 5 Can 6 Can Gabriel 7 Melanie Gabriel Teo play the guitar? ride a bike? No. ? Yes. ? No. ? Yes.
Correct () or Incorrect ()? Teo can sing? Can Teo sing?


Can you write the questions? Order the words and answer.

1 llamas Can the fly ? 2 the hornero Can swim ? 3 ? elephant the walk Can
A partir de Yes2 U2

Can the llama fly?


4 Can kangaroo the ? jump 5 the Can run and ?


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Which is different? Circle the different one. Write the sentences.

Remember cannot=cant

fish turtles monkeys crocodiles

Fish, turtles and crocodiles can swim. Monkeys cannot swim.

elephants monkeys pumas gorillas

horses lions dogs seals

horneros frogs pelicans toucans

frogs lions kangaroos elephants


A partir de Yes2 U8

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Yes! Actividades Complementarias




A partir de Yes2 U10

Philip Ross. Look at the form on page 66 of Yes 2 and complete.

Philip Ross is
2 1

years old. His birthday is on . His favourite


. .

He can

He cannot


Now you. Complete this form about you.

Remember cannot=cant

Name Birthday

Age Favourite sport

Tick () the things you can do:

A partir de Yes2 U10

ride a bicycle play a musical instrument play tennis

sing swim play football


Write about you.

My name is My birthday is on My favourite I can I cannot . I am . . . . .


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Present simple

Jill and Ben.

planes, cars, biscuits, music, birthdays. birthdays, biscuits, cats, music, birds
A partir de Yes1 U8


Write like or likes.

1 Jill 2 Ben 3 Jill and Ben


cats. planes. biscuits.

4 Ben 5 Ben and Jill birthdays.



Write do not like or does not like.

1 Jill 2 Ben 3 Jill 4 Ben and Jill 5 Ben and Jill

does not like

Circle the correct option. Ben like/likes Ben and Jill like/likes Jill do not like/does not like Ben and Jill do not like/does not like Check at Rincn de Padres.

cars. cats. planes. spiders. English!

Mary and Peter. Complete the sentences.

like do not like likes (x2) does not like

Mary Peter

1 Mary and Peter 2 Mary 3 Peter 4 Mary and Peter 5 Mary and Peter 6 Mary


playing football.
Circle the correct option. Mary like/likes Mary do not like/does not like Mary and Peter like/likes Mary and Peter do not like/does not like

riding bikes. taking photos. reading magazines. writing letters. taking photos.
Yes! Actividades Complementarias

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Present simple

Where do these children live? Look at the map and answer the questions.

Match. Italy Britain Spain USA Espaa EE UU Inglaterra Italia

1 Where does Alison live? 2 Where does Carlos live? 3 Where does Lee live?

She lives in Britain. He No.

. . . . .

4 Does Paola live in Australia?

A partir de Yes2 U1

5 Does Kim live in the USA? 6 Does Andrew live in Spain?


Where do these animals live? Put the words in the chart: camels - snakes - giraffes crocodiles - pelicans.
In deserts In forests Near the water

A partir de Yes2 U10


Now write sentences.

1 Crocodiles live 2 Snakes 3 4 5 . . . . .
Aceptemos cualquier respuesta fundamentada a partir del conocimiento del alumno.


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Present simple

a) What do these animals eat? Look at the chart and write sentences.
A partir de Yes3 U3


1 2 3 4 5

Boas eat birds and rats.

. . . .


In your notebook prepare a memory game for your friends. Ask questions about these animals.

Do frogs eat rats? Do frogs eat insects?

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Yes! Actividades Complementarias



Present simple A partir de Yes2 U5


Children at school. This is Jills timetable. What is she saying? Complete the sentences.

Monday art English maths maths

Tuesday language language gym gym

Wednesday science science social studies social studies

Thursday English art language language

Friday gym gym maths maths

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5

On Monday I have art, English and maths. On Tuesday

. . . .


Look at Jennys timetable. Write sentences about her lessons.

1 2 3 4 5

On Wednesday Jenny has music. On Tuesday and Thursday she

. . . . .

Wednesday Tuesday and Thursday Monday and Wednesday Friday Monday and Friday
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Circle the correct option. I have/has art on Monday. Jill have/has art on Friday. Check at Rincn de Padres.

Yes! Actividades Complementarias


Present simple


Lessons at school. Circle the correct information about you.

Name Lesson
Do you like maths? Do you like science? Do you like music? Whats your favourite lesson?

A partir de Yes2 U5

Tom yes/no yes/no yes/no English

Tina yes/no yes/no yes/no art

Ian yes/no yes/no yes/no gym

You yes/no yes/no yes/no


Now complete the sentences.

Tom likes




.3 He/She does not like

His/Her favourite lesson is Tina likes



. He/She does not like . . He/She


His/Her favourite lesson is Ian likes




Circle the correct option. I like/likes maths. I do not like/does not like Maths. Tom like/likes maths. Tom do not like/does not like maths. Check at Rincn de Padres.

His/Her favourite lesson is I like




I do not like

. .

My favourite


Animals. Read and Match. Circle and write the correct word.
1 Elephants and zebras 2 Guanacos 3 The crocodile 4 Spiders 5 Pumas


in Africa.

have/has are/is eat/eats live/lives have/has

A partir de Yes2 U7

a big mouth and a long tail. eight legs. brown and red.

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Present simple

A partir de Yes2 U2

Tinas day. Complete with the correct word.

goes has plays

has Tina 1________breakfast at half past seven. Then she puts on her clothes.
At eight oclock she 2________ to school. She 3________ lunch at school at half past twelve. She arrives home at half past five. On Mondays and Fridays, she 4________ tennis at the club. She 5_______ home with her father at eight oclock. She 6________ dinner at nine.

Two special animals. Read and complete the sentences with the correct form of the word.
swim/swims live/lives eat/eats have/has

Indonesian porcupines


in the forest. They long


plants and fruit. They

spines on their backs. This porcupine Buenos Aires Zoo.

in the


in the rivers of Australia. They 6



legs and a long tail. They can platypus

A partir de Yes3 U3

but they cannot run. This

in the Wimmera river in

Circle the correct option. Pourcupines live/lives This pourcupine live/lives Check at Rincn de Padres.



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Present simple


Children around Argentina. Complete the information about these children with the right form of the words in the box.
eat climb





A partir de Yes2 U11



in Bariloche. He in the forest.


spaghetti and

milk. He

Martina and Melisa and


in Calingasta. They


mate. They


Alison and

in La Paz, Crdoba. She pizza. She


Circle the correct option.

in the river.
I live/lives


Now complete with information about you.

I live in _______________. I ____________________. and _______________________. I ________________________.
Mateo live/lives Martina and Melisa live/lives Check at Rincn de Padres.

On Saturday Marcos, Sonia, Pablo and Melina go to the park. Complete their routine with the right form of the words in the box.
climb swim ride play go walk have
A partir de Yes2 U10

ride In the morning Marcos and Pablo 1__________ their bikes and Sonia

______________ with her friend Melina. At eleven oclock the four children _____________ football. At half past twelve they 4__________ lunch: sandwiches

and fruit. In the afternoon Sonia and Melina 5_________ in the river. Marcos

______________ trees and Pablo 7___________ a horse. At half past five they ____________ home.

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Present simple

A partir de Yes3 U8

Who eats who? Write the sentences.

Circle the correct option. The ocelot eat/eats Ocelots eat/eats Check at Rincn de Padres.

1 ocelot

eat rats. The ocelot __________ reptiles. Reptiles ___________

2 Emerald boa frogs insects.




The Emerald boa ______________ frogs. Frogs __________________. 3 puma foxes hens.

The puma _____________________. _________________________. 4 seals fish.

Seals _____________________.


What do you remember about these animals? True or False? Circle the correct answer.
1 The kangaroo does not live in Australia. 2 Koalas do not have a tail. 3 The crocodile does not live near the water. 4 The cuis does not have long legs. 5 Giraffes do not eat plants. True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False


Now correct the False sentences.

1 2 3

The kangaroo lives in Australia.

. .

Circle the correct option. Elephants do not/does not have small ears. The elephant do not/ does not have small ears. Check at Rincn de Padres.

A partir de Yes2 U7


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Present simple


Pen friends. Read the letters and compare.

A partir de Yes2 U5

video, Hi! My name is Luca. I live in Monte ily: Uruguay. I am 12. I live with my fam my mother, my father and my two ing. brothers. I go to school in the morn I do not like school. I like plants and s animals. I have pets at home: two dog sic and a cat. I also like music. I have mu tar lessons on Wednesdays. I play the gui and the drums. What about you? Write to me
b) Complete the chart.
name Julin Luca country pets

Hello! My name is Julin. I am 13 years old. I live in a village in Sydney, Australia. I live with m y mother and my sister, Anne. I have no brothers but I have a lot of friends to play with. I also like animals. I have a cat. Her name is Frida. I do not like music. My favourite lesson at school is gym. I love sports. On Saturdays I pl ay hockey with my friends. Write soon!




does not like



live in Argentina.

Julin have hamsters. Luca Julin and Luca like sports. do not does not live in Australia. like music.

Circle the correct option. Luca does not like/do not like Luca and Julin does not like/ do not like Check at Rincn de Padres.


In your notebook write true sentences.

1 Julin

and Luca do not live in Argentina.

Yes! Actividades Complementarias Fotocopiable

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Present simple

A partir de Yes2 U6

Families and friends. Look at the pictures. Complete the questions and answer them.
have tea 1 have lunch 2 have dinner have breakfast 3 go to school

1 What time does she 2 What time do they 3 What time do they 4 What time do they 5 What time does she

have breakfast

? At ? At ? At ? At ? At

eight oclock.

. . . . .


What about you?

1 What time do you have breakfast? 2 What time do you go to school? 3 What time do you have lunch? 4 What time do you have dinner?

Circle the correct option. What time do/does you go to school? What time do/does Tina play tennis? Check at Rincn de Padres.


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Yes! Actividades Complementarias


Present simple

Where do they live? Circle the correct word.

1 Where do/does kangaroos live? They live/lives in Australia. 2 Do/Does the puma live in America? Yes. 3 Do/Does elephants live in Argentina? No, they live/lives in Africa. 4 Where do/does the gato monts live? It live/lives in Argentina. 5 Do/Does koalas live near the water? No, they live/lives on eucalyptus trees.
Circle the correct option. A partir de Yes2 U8

Do/Does kangaroos live...? Do/Does the kangaroo live ...?

Check at Rincn de Padres.


Hamsters. Read about hamsters.

Common hamsters are brown, white and black. They have short tails and short legs. They come from Siberia. They live near deserts. They sleep in the day and play at night. They eat fruit, insects and small animals.
A partir de Yes2 U8

This is Jills hamster. It lives in her house. It is brown and white. It sleeps at night and plays during the day. It eats fruit and special food. It does not eat small animals or insects.


Now complete with do or does and answer.

1 Where 2 Where 3 Where 4 5 6 When 7 When


common hamsters come from? common hamsters live? Jills hamster live?

They come from Siberia .

. . . . . .

Jills hamster eat small animals? common hamsters eat fruit? common hamsters sleep? Jills hamster play?

No es necesario que el chico escriba la respuesta completa. Lo importante es que demuestre que entendi la pregunta.
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Yes! Actividades Complementarias




A partir de Yes2 U7

The wrong clothes. Match the words and complete the sentences.
big small long sweater T-shirt shoes
Circle the correct option. A small T-shirt/T-shirt small. Check at Yes2 U7.





1 Mary is wearing 2 Todd is wearing 3 Ben is wearing 4 Sally is wearing a

a small T-shirt.
. . and .

A partir de Yes2 U7

Lisas drawings are incomplete. Complete the drawings.

1 This cat has short legs and a long tail. 2 This koala has small eyes and a big nose. 3 Elephants have big ears. This elephant has small ears. 4 Spiders have eight legs. This spider has seven legs.

Circle the correct option. A long tail/tail long. Check at this activity.


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The Pink Parrot Gang. Look, compare and answer the questions.
Polly Pip Pam Jem
A partir de Yes3 U10


Pam and Pip

1 Whose skirt is shorter? 2 Whose skirt is darker? 3 Whose legs are fatter? 4 Whose feet are bigger?

. . .
Circle the correct option. Pollys hair is shorter/shortest than Jems. Check at Yes3 U7.


Polly and Jem

1 Whose hair is shorter? 2 Whose nose is longer? 3 Whose trainers are smaller? . . .

Circle the correct option. Pip has fat/fatter/the fattest legs.


Polly, Pam, Pip and Jem.

1 Who has the fattest legs? 2 Who has the biggest trainers? 3 Who has the shortest nose? 4 Who has the longest hair?

Check at Yes3 U10.

Pip has the fattest legs.

. . .

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A partir de Yes3 U7

Animal characteristics. Compare and complete.

1 Which animal is bigger?

The crocodile is bigger than the frog.

2 Which is smaller? . 3 Which has a longer tail? . 4 Which is taller? . 5 Which is longer? .

A partir de Yes3 U10

Lets compare Misiones, Buenos Aires and Tierra del Fuego. Look at the information and complete.







Buenos Aires is Misiones is the


than Misiones.

Tierra del Fuego is the the



of the three provinces.


Buenos Aires is Misiones is

Provinces Weather

than Tierra del Fuego. than Tierra del Fuego.

Misiones Tierra del Fuego

Buenos Aires

Circle the correct option. Misiones is the hot/hotter/hottest of the three. Check at Yes3 U10.


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Question words

Interesting Argentinian animals. Complete using What or Where and then answer the questions.
1 2 3 4


colour is the cuis? does the llama live? colour is the guanaco? does the carpincho live?

It is brown.
. . .
A partir de Yes2 U12

In the rainforest. Complete the questions and answers.

What Where How
A partir de Yes3 U10

Where do these animals live? They live in the rainforest.

long is the adult boa? .

colour is the ocelot? .

do frogs eat? .

tall is the ocelot? .

do capuchin monkeys eat? .

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Question words

A partir de Yes3 U7

Kelvin and Gwen. Look at Kelvins and Gwens forms. Complete the questions with the words in the box and answer them.
Where How What How many How When What

Country: Singapore Name: Kelvin Tam Age: 11 years old and 3 months th Birthday: October 30 . Height: 1.28 metres Family: one sister Dog: Sammy Weather: tropical

Where is Kelvin from? He is from

tall is he? is his dogs name? old is he? is his birthday? is the weather like in his country? .. .

. . .

2 3 4 5 6


7 from? .

sisters does he have?

Where is Gwen
She is from

brothers does she have? .

3 She is 4

Gwen? tall. is her dogs name? .

Country: Jamaica Name: Gwen Robinson Age: 11 th Birthday: February 7 . Height: 1.30 metres Family: two brothers Dog: Rollo Weather: Tropical

is her birthday? .

is the weather like in her country? .

Aceptemos no solo la respuesta completa sino tambin la/s palabra/s que indican que han entendido la pregunta. Fotocopiable


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Going to

What is Mick going to do next week? Complete the sentences.

ride a bike

1 On Monday Mick 2 On Tuesday he 3 On 4 5 6 On Saturday 7 On

is going to clean
in the sea. his homework. .

the car. his bike.

A partir de Yes3 U5

Circle the correct option. He is going to play football/going to football. Check at Yes3 U5

in the park. a book.

Yes No

Paula and Duncan are going to visit Mendoza. What are they going to do?

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Going to


Look at picture B on page 37 and complete. Use is going to/ is not going to or are going to/are not going to.

1 Paula 2 Duncan 3 Paula 4 Paula and Duncan 5 Paula and Duncan 6 Duncan

is going to

take photos. climb a mountain. climb a mountain. play tennis. read a book. swim in the river.


Now write sentences about Paula and Duncan.

read Harry Potter take photos climb mountains swim in the river

A partir de Yes3 U5

Duncan is not going to swim in the river.


3 . 4 .
Circle the correct option. Paula is (not)/are (not) going to... Paula and Duncan is (not) /are (not) going to


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Going to

Present or future? Circle the correct option. Write the letters.

A partir de Yes3 U5

c d e f

1 He is going to buy / is buying a ticket.

2 They are going to take photos / are taking photos. 3 She is going to eat / is eating a sandwich. 4 They are going to climb / are climbing. 5 He is going to run / is running after the train. 6 She is going to swim / is swimming.
En esta actividad contrastamos lo que vamos a hacer con lo que estamos haciendo - el uso de present continuous y la forma going to.
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Past simple

Where were the children yesterday at 5.00 pm?



Claudio Silvana



Alejo Ezequiel


Look at the picture. Write a or a .

1 Vanina was at the caf. 2 Diego was at the museum. 3 Alejo and Ezequiel were at school. 4 Jos was at the club.

A partir de Yes3 U7

5 Silvana and Claudio were at the park. 6 Fernando was at the hospital.


Correct the answers.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Vanina was at the park.

. . . .

Circle the correct option Jos was (not)/were (not) at the caf. Alejo and Diego was (not)/were (not) at the park. Check at Rincn de Padres.


Choose the correct answer.

1 Vanina was / were at the park. 2 Diego was not / were not at the club. 3 Silvana and Claudio was / were at the museum. 4 Jos and Fernando was not / were not at the hospital. 5 Fernando was / were at the club. 6 Alejo and Claudio was not / were not at the caf.


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Past simple

Dinosaurs on Earth. Circle the correct option.

1 In the past, dinosaurs lived / did not live on Earth 2 There were / were not many different kinds of dinosaurs.

A partir de Yes3 U10

Circle the correct option

3 Dinosaurs lived / did not live in the desert. 4 Dinosaurs lived / did not live in the rain forest. 5 There were / were not yellow and brown dinosaurs.
Check at this activity. Dinosaurs did not live/ did not lived in the desert.

6 The cold weather killed / did not kill the plants. 7 Dinosaurs died / did not die because the weather was / was not cold.

The Garca family in Santa Cruz. Complete with the word in the correct form.

climb arrive

watch cross



Remember cover + ed = covered escape + d = escaped

Last January the Garca family They they



Santa Cruz.

at Calafate in the morning. At Calafate, the National Park and the glacier.

A partir de Yes3 U10

Then, they

El Chaltn. They


and ______________rivers but they did not swim in the rivers. The water was very cold. In the evening they 7 _______________ cards and 8 _____________ TV at the hotel.
Circle the correct option In 2005 the Garca family visit / visited Entre Ros. Check at this activity.
Aceptemos respuestas que aunque no sean exactas construyan sentido apropiado.
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Past simple

A partir de Yes3 U10

Volcanoes: the Krakatoa. Complete the sentences. Match the pictures.

was died disappeared (x3) affected erupted opened covered were escaped

Krakatoa is a small island near Australia. In 1883 a volcano


3 4

and part of the island

Gases and ash The sun

from the volcano. behind a cloud of ash.


For three days it

6 8

dark. Liquid rock (lava) the island. Plants and animals in the sea. into the hole. tsunamis after the explosion. many villages.
Aceptemos cualquier respuesta bien fundamentada.

A big hole Boats There They





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More about animals.

A partir de Yes2 U8

Circle the correct word.

This is a 1koala / kangaroo. It comes from Australia. It 2is/are brown. Kangaroos 3has / have a long tail, two long legs and two short legs. In this picture, the kangaroo 4is / are jumping. It 5has / have a baby kangaroo in its pouch.

What do these animals have in common? Look at the pictures and complete.
A partir de Yes2 U12

cuis guanaco llama carpincho

1 Carpinchos and guanacos are 2 Cuises, guanacos and llamas can 3 Llamas and guanacos have 4 Llamas and guanacos can

brown and red.

. . . .

5 Llamas, guanacos, carpinchos and cuises eat

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A partir de Yes2 U7

Game. Complete the questions and guess the animal.






1 What colour It is brown. 2 Does it No 3 Does it Yes. 4 Where does it In Australia. 5 It is a


your favourite animal?

a short tail?



Guess the animal.

My favourite animal is brown and red. It lives in America. It can climb and run. It is a big cat. It is a _____________________.


Write about your favourite animal.

1 Is your favourite animal big or small? 2 What colour is it? 3 Where does it live? 4 What does it eat? 5 What is your favourite animal? . . . . .

Aceptemos cualquier respuesta que den los chicos siempre que el animal elegido se ajuste a la descripcin.


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Tree frogs. Match and write the sentences in your notebook.

1) They have long 2) Tree frogs live 3) They can jump 4) They eat and climb trees. thin legs. in trees. insects.

They have long thin legs.

A partir de Yes3 U3

What do you know about pelicans? Complete. Use these words.

The pelican is a It lives It eats


white and grey

. .



white and grey near the water run fly

A partir de Yes3 U3

Pelicans can

but they cannot

Write about spiders. Use these words.

u nd gro e th
t eyes
mp and climb trees ( ju )


run (


sp ide r


Tarantulas are spiders. They

A partir de Yes3 U3

Tarantulas eat

Atendiendo a la diversidad cognitiva de los alumnos, aceptemos tanto un prrafo como oraciones sueltas en el orden que aparece la informacin.
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Answer key
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 apple pizza ice cream egg milk sandwich chips crisps

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 on under in / on behind is behind It is on It is on It is under

Circle the correct option. I am He is She is It is They are We are You are

There was / There were

2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 There is There is There was There were There was There are

2 3 4 5

2 3 4 5

dancing playing playing singing

fish hamburgers salad cheese train 3 bird mouse 5 dog cat / rat 7 car rat / cat 3 school 5 book

2 a 3 an 4 an 2 3 4 5 6 He does not have an He does not have a He does not have an He does not have an He does not have a

2 4 6 8

Willow is jumping . Willow is swimmimg. Willow is climbing. Willow is running. Willow is sleeping.

there were bicycles. there were cars. there were trains. there were not planes. 6 there were not spaceships.

2 Elephants cannot jump. 3 Crocodiles can swim. 4 Kangaroos can walk. 5 Birds can fly. 2 can run / it cannot fly. 3 The hornero cannot climb / it can fly. 4 The crocodile can swim / it cannot jump. 5 The llama cannot fly, but it can jump. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Yes. Can / sing? Can / Yes. Teo ride a bike? Can / play the recorder?

2 is singing 3 is dancing 4 is playing the drums 2 3 4 5 6 is not riding is riding are riding, are not wearing is standing

2 blue 4 ruler 2 3 4 5 6

green three ice cream bee cheese

Circle the correct option. a nose an eye

Circle the correct option. a blue jacket brown shoes an orange sweater

There is / There are

2 is 4 are 3 are 5 is

a) 2 4 6 8 9

shoe 3 hot dog ship 5 cheese fish 7 hat sandwich hamburger

2 5 a

3 6

4 an

Present continuous
2 3 4 5 1 b 2 c 3 a

Answers will vary.

b) CH: cheese SH: shoe, ship, fish H: house, hot dog, hat, hamburger

2 3 4 5 6

EYE MOUSE NAME behind cow play time house train climb mouth plane white cake ride snail

is reading is playing is swimming is putting on his shoes

Is / Yes. Are / Yes. Is / No. Are / Yes. Are / Yes.

2 are / b 3 is / d 4 is / a

2 There is a car. 3 There is a plane. 4 There arent robots / isnt a robot. 5 There isnt a train / arent trains.

2 Can the hornero swim? No. 3 Can the elephant walk? Yes. 4 Can the kangaroo jump? Yes. 5 Can the and run? Yes.


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2 Monkeys, pumas and gorillas can climb. Elephants cannot climb. 3 Horses, lions and dogs can walk. Seals cannot walk. 4 Horneros, pelicans and toucans can fly. Frogs cannot fly. 5 Frogs, lions and kangaroos can jump. Elephants cannot jump. 1 3 5 2 4

b) 1 near the water. 2 live near the water. 3 Camels live in deserts. 4 Pelicans live near the water. 5 Giraffes live in forests.

2 eat 4 have 2 goes 4 plays 6 has

3 has 5 are 3 has 5 goes

b) Julin: Pets: 1 cat Brothers: 0 Sisters: 1 Likes: animals, gym, sports Does not like: music Luca: Country: Uruguay Pets: 2 dogs, 1 cat Brothers: 2 Sisters: 0 Likes: music, plants, animals Does not like: school c)
Circle the correct option Luca does not like Luca and Julin do not like

Kangaroos eat plants. Elephants eat plants. Frogs eat insects. Monkeys eat fruit.

a) 2 3 4 5

2 eat 3 have 4 lives 5 live 6 have 7 swim 8 lives

Circle the correct option Porcupines live This porcupine lives

Present simple
a) 2 likes 4 likes b) 2 3 4 5

3 like 5 like

does not like does not like do not like do not like

a) 2 I have language and gym. 3 On Wednesday I have science and social studies. 4 On Thursday I have English, art and language. 5 On Friday I have gym and maths. b) 2 has maths. 3 On Monday and Wednesday she has science. 4 On Friday she has art. 5 On Monday and Friday she has history.
Circle the correct option I have art on Monday Jill has art on Friday

a) 2 eats 4 walks 6 eat 8 climb 10 drinks 12 swims

3 drinks 5 live 7 drink 9 lives 11 eats

Circle the correct option I live Mateo lives Martina and Melisa live

2 3 5 6 8

Circle the correct option Ben likes Ben and Jill like Jill does not like Ben and Jill do not like

walks / plays / swims play 4 have swim / play climbs 7 rides go / walk

a) 2 have lunch / half past twelve. 3 have tea / four oclock. 4 have dinner / half past eight. 5 go to school / eight oclock.

1 2 3 4 5

2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6

does not like does not like like do not like likes He lives in Spain. He lives in China. No. She lives in Italy. Yes. No. He lives in Australia.

2 eats, eat insects. 3 eats foxes. Foxes eat hens. 4 eat fish.

live Does Do / live does / lives Do / live

4 science. 5 His 6 English. 7 maths 8 music 9 She 10 science 11 Her 12 art 13 science 14 music 15 He 16 does not like maths. 17 His 18 gym
Circle the correct option I like maths I do not like maths Tom likes maths Tina does not like maths

a) 2 True 4 True

Circle the correct option Do kangaroos live in Australia? Does the kangaroo live in Australia?

3 False 5 False

In deserts camels snakes In forests giraffes snakes Near the water crocodiles snakes pelicans

b) 2 The crocodile lives near the water. 3 Giraffes eat plants.

Circle the correct option Elephants do not have small ears. The elephant does not have small ears.

b) 2 do / (They live) near deserts. 3 does / (It lives) in Jills house. 4 Does / No. 5 Do / Yes. 6 do / (They sleep) in the day. 7 does / (It plays) in the day.

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2 a long / big sweater. 3 small shoes. 4 big / long sweater and big shoes.
Circle the correct option A small T-shirt

Question words
2 Where / (It lives) in the Andes. 3 What / (It is) brown and red. 4 Where / (It lives) in the Mesopotamia. 2 How / (It is) 2 meters long. 3 What / (It is) yellow, brown and black. 4 What / (They eat) insects. 5 How / (It is) about 50 cm tall. 6 What / (They eat) fruit, eggs and insects. Kelvin 1 Singapore. 2 How / (He is) 1.28 metres. 3 What / (It is) Sammy. 4 How / (He is) 11 years and 3 months old. 5 When / (It is) on October 30th. 6 What / (It is) tropical, hot and sunny. 7 How many / (He has) one sister. Gwen 1 Jamaica. 2 How many / (She has) two brothers. 3 How tall is / 1.30 metres. 4 What / (It is) Rollo. 5 When / (It is) on February 7th. 6 What is / (It is) hot and wet.

Circle the correct option He is going to play football

2 arrived 4 visited 6 crossed 8 watched 3 visited 5 climbed 7 played

a) 2 3 4 5 6

is going to is not going to are not going to are going to is not going to

Circle the correct option In 2005 the Garca family visited Entre Ros.

Circle the correct option A long tail

Circle the correct option Paula is (not) going to Paula and Duncan are not going to

a) 2 Pams 3 Pips 4 Pips b) 1 Pollys 3 Jems 2 Pollys

2 3 4 5 6

are going to take / f is going to eat / b are going to climb/ e is running / a is going to swim / c

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

disappeared escaped disappeared was covered died opened disappeared were affected

Circle the correct option Pollys hair is shorter than Jams. Circle the correct option Pip has the fattest legs.

Past simple
a) 2 5 4

Integration More about animals

2 is 4 is 2 3 4 5 3 have 5 has

3 6

c) 2 Polly has the biggest trainers. 3 Pam has the shortest nose. 4 Jem has the longest hair.

b) 2 Diego was at the hospital. 3 Jos was at the caf. 4 Silvana and Claudio were at the museum. 5 Fernando was at the club. c) 2 was not 3 were 4 were not 5 was 6 were not
Circle the correct option Jos was (not) at the caf. Alejo and Diego were (not) at the park.

run. big eyes. run and climb. plants.

2 The spider is smaller than the elephant. 3 The kangaroo has a longer tail (than the wombat). 4 The giraffe is taller than the koala. 5 The boa is longer than the centipede. 2 4 5 6 hottest 3 coldest windiest hotter / sunnier sunnier / hotter

a) 2 have 4 live b) puma

3 eat

2 in trees. 3 and climb trees. 4 insects. 2 near the water 3 fish 4 fly 5 run

Going to
2 is going to ride. 3 On Wednesday he is going to swim. 4 On Thursday he is going to do. 5 On Friday he is going to play football. 6 he is going to walk. 7 On Sunday he is going to read.

2 were 3 did not live 4 lived 5 were 6 killed 7 died, was
Circle the correct option Dinosaurs did not live in the desert.

Circle the correct option Misiones is the hottest of the three.

They live on the ground. They have eight eyes. They can jump and climb trees but they cannot run. Tarantulas eat insects.


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