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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

My Busy School
Autor de la unidad Nombre y apellido Nombre de la institucin educativa Ubicacin de la institucin educativa tros datos de la institucin educativa Descripcin de la unidad Ttulo de la unidad: %$e Activities o& t$e Community Places Resumen de la unidad: %$e community places involve t$e surroundin's o& a community or nei'$bor$oods( institutions) recreational places and ot$ers includin' all t$e activities develop inside and outside t$em. Espacio/s curricular/es o asignatura/s *n'lis$ Ao y ni el !"#$ +, level Tiempo necesario apro%imado - periods o& -. minutes. &undamentos de la unidad 'ontenidos The community places #c$ool /ealt$ Center Government +nstitutions 0ecreational #ites t$ers ()*eti os del aprendi+a*e %o identi&y names and c$aracteristics o& institutions and recreational sites and t$eir activities. ,reguntas orientadoras del plan de unidad ,regunta esencial 1$y do you love t$e place 2$ere you live3

Nelson Marqunez C.B. Guillermo Andreve Pma. este Arrai!"n Cabecera

Complete #c$ool

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados.

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

,reguntas de unidad

1$at are some important places around your community3 1$at are some o& t$e activities you and your nei'$bors practice in t$ere3

,reguntas de contenido

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados.


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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

,lan de e aluacin

Cronograma de evaluaciones
Antes de empe+ar el tra)a*o del proyecto Durante el desarrollo del proyecto .na e+ completado el proyecto

Brainstormin' usin' a mind map. 6uestionin'( 7es8no questions and 2$9 questions.

C$art o& activities +ntervie2 0ound table :c$ec; list<


Resumen de e aluaciones

%$e evaluations are &ocus onto bein' a2are o& t$e di&&erent activities o& t$e many places : institutions) recreational places and ot$ers < t$at ta;e place in a community. #tudents 2ill discuss and state t$e di&&erent places and t$e activities t$at ta;e place in t$e community usin' a questions about t$e community to or'anize and ta;e di&&erent roles in t$e searc$in' o& in&ormation to create a sc$ool ne2spaper t$at sum up t$e relevant in&ormation t$at $ave been occurred in t$e community= construct a mind map on t$e 2$iteboard 2it$ t$e central idea Ne2spaper t$en ans/er 0uestions about institutional and recreational activities in t$e community ta;in' into account t$e di&&erent places.. Usin' a listed chart %$at s$o2 several actions t$at can $appen or not in t$e di&&erent places. Ma;e inter ie/s in order to 'at$er in&ormation to 2rite t$e sc$ool ne2spaper= in&ormation 2$ic$ t$ey 2ill select and discard in a round ta)le) t$e one 2$ic$ 2ill be s$ared by t$e leader o& eac$ section stated in class. All students must be a2are o& all t$e in&ormation to ma;e a *ournal dra1t t$at s$o2s t$em. A&ter 'at$er and discuss all t$e in&ormation t$e many 'roups 2ill construct t$e sc$ool ne2spaper 2$ic$ 2ill be evaluated 2it$ t$e &inal ru)rics. ..>?ocuments>Mind Map seminario rubricas.doc@

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados.


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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Detalles de la unidad 2a)ilidades ,re ias #tudents must read and 2rite. Able to $andle or mana'e and basic en'lis$ vocabulary :le@icon and semantic< Able to analyze) discuss y understand t$e di&&erent activities in a community ta;in' into account t$e di&&erent places. *loquence and interest in order to searc$) select and 'at$er relevant in&ormation. Computer s;ills. Creativity in dra2in' and decorations :dra2) cut) paste) 2rite< ,rocedimientos3 son las acti idades redactadas4 #tudents 2ill 2rite related 2ords around t$e tiltle ne2spapers to create a 'roup mind map on t$e 2$iteboard) ta;in' into account t$e mind map students 2ill ans2er questions about t$e activities o& institutional places and recreational places t$at ta;e place in t$e community. +n&orm students o& t$e requirements o& t$eir speci&ic !ob ta;in' into account individual abilities and s;ills on t$e sta&& necessary &or t$e !obs t$ey 2ant to do( 0esearc$in' 'roup) 1ritin' 'roup %a;in' pictures and animation. r'anizin' ne2spaper layout. 0esearc$in' 'roup 2ill use t$e c$art to mar; t$e community activities ta;in' into account places to &asten and &acilitate t$e 2ritin' 'roup 2or;. Use t$e intervie2 questionnaire pa'e to as; teac$ers 2$o deals 2it$ t$e di&&erent institutions and activities in t$e community :sports9recreational) $ealt$) tec$nolo'y) science) cultural< ?iscuss in a round table) t$at involve all t$e di&&erent sta&&) all t$e in&ormation 'at$ered &or t$e animation 'roup and t$e ne2spaper layout c$oose and discard t$e relevant in&ormation to appear in t$e sc$ool paper. :ta;in' advanta'e o& t$is table to 'ive name to t$e ne2spaper<. All 'roups must listen and s$are t$e in&ormation 'at$er in order to ma;e t$e individual !ournal dra&t. %$e &inal product :ne2spapers< 2ill be scored usin' t$e c$ec; list and &inal rubric. .

Estudiante con necesidades especiales 5o hispano6 parlantes

Ma;e sure students 2it$ especial cares necessity ta;e part in sta&& in 2$ic$ t$ey can s$o2 t$eir abilities.
+nclude students to sta&& t$at s$are di&&erent cultural $erita'e in order to $ave a better communicative 2ay to contribute to t$e 'roup.

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados.

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Estudiante talentoso

#et talent students as leader o& t$e di&&erent sta&& in order to or'anize and supervise 'roup 2or;.

Materiales y recursos necesarios para la unidad Tecnologa 7 2ard/are :equipo necesario< CBmara Computadora:s< CBmara di'ital 0eproductor de ?,? Cone@in a +nternet Tecnologa 7 So1t/are :necesario< Base de datos8/o!a de cBlculo ?ia'ramador de publicaciones Pro'rama de correo electrnico *nciclopedia en C?90 M Materiales impresos Suministros Recursos de 8nternet (tros Recursos Boo;s) copies) ma'azines) pictures and p$otos. Dibros de te@to) 'uCas) libros de cuentos) manuales de laboratorio) materiales de re&erencia) etc.4 Color papers and printer *ditor de imB'enes Buscador 1eb Multimedia ?esarrollo de pB'inas 2eb Procesador de te@to tro ?isco lBser +mpresora #istema de proyeccin *scBner %elevisor ,C0 CBmara de vCdeo *quipo de vCdeo con&erencia tro

$ttp(88222.2ordre&erence.com8es8en8translation.asp3spenEimpresora $ttp(88222.2i;i$o2.com81rite9an9Article9&or97our9#c$ool9 Ne2spaper

t$er sc$ool samples) principal o&&ice support) and in&ormatic lab.

Dos pro'ramas de +ntelF *ducacin son &inanciados por la Gundacin +ntel y la Corporacin +ntel. ?erec$os reservados H5..I) Corporacin +ntel. %odos los derec$os reservados. +ntel) el lo'o de +ntel) la iniciativa de +ntel *ducacin y el Pro'rama +ntel *ducar son marcas re'istradas de +ntel Corporation o de sus subsidiarias en los *stados Unidos y otros paCses. J tros nombres y marcas pueden ser reclamadas como la propiedad de terceras partes.

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados.


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