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Monarquías y dictaduras

5.2B La evolución de la monarquía

Este capítulo
  Language Grammar Skills Page

5.1 La dictadura de Understand the Revise the Improve your 90

Franco impact of the civil preterite skills in
war tense speaking and
Discuss life under writing about a
Franco’s dictatorship historical
5.2 La evolución de la Describe and Form and use Recognise and 94
monarquía en España discuss the changes the imperfect use ordinal
from monarchy and subjunctive numbers
republic to
Describe the
transition from
dictatorship to
5.3 Dictadores Discuss Use a Read for gist 98
latinoamericanos dictatorships in Latin sequence of for
America, particularly tenses comprehension
in Panama, Chile
and Argentina
Repaso 102
Esta página
Spread number 5.2 B (pages 96–97)
Language Describing and discussing the changes from
covered monarchy and republic to dictatorship
Describing the transition from dictatorship to
AQA Theme Aspects of political life in the Hispanic world
Topic Monarquías y dictaduras
Skill Recognising ordinal numbers
Vocabulary Page 106
Audio files and 5.2B Student Book audio: Activity 2
transcripts 5.2B Student Book transcript: Activity 2
Unit 5 Bilingual vocabulary list
Unit 5 Bilingual vocabulary list audio
5.2B Skills worksheet: Ordinal numbers
1a Lee la información sobre algunas fechas claves
del reinado de Juan Carlos I y decide si las
afirmaciones a continuación son Verdaderas (V),
Falsas (F), o No mencionadas (N).

 Reading activity. Students read the information on the important dates in

the reign of Juan Carlos I and decide whether the statements are true
(V), false (F) or not mentioned (N).
 Answers
1N2V3F 4F 5V6V
1b Traduce las siguientes frases al
 Translation activity. As well as summarising some of the content of the
information text, this activity gives students an opportunity to practise
forming past tenses correctly.
 Suggested answers
 1 Desde el principio de la dictadura hasta 1977, el partido comunista
había estado prohibido.
 2 Muchos españoles recuerdan el 23 de febrero de 1981 cuando hubo
un intento a derrocar al gobierno democrático.
 3 España se convirtió en miembro de la Unión Europea en 1986 e
ingresó en la eurozona en 2002.
 4 Por otra parte, el 2004 fue un año muy triste a causa de los
atentados en Madrid.
2 Escucha esta información sobre la reina Letizia y
luego escribe en español un resumen de unas 90
palabras. Utiliza tus propias palabras.

 Listening and writing activity. Students listen to the information about the
Queen of Spain and write a 90-word summary in their own words. They
should include the following information:
 Born 1972; daughter of a journalist and a nurse; two sisters, one of
whom committed suicide; divorced.
 Studied Information Science and audiovisual journalism; studied for a
doctorate in Mexico and worked on the newspaper 'Siglo XXI'; has
worked on other newspapers and in television; has won various prizes
including best journalist under 30.
 Married Felipe in the cathedral of la Almudena in Madrid in 2004; two
daughters, Leonor (2005) and Sofía (2007).
 A transcription of the recording can be found on Kerboodle associated
with Unit 5.2.
Recognising ordinal numbers

Read through the information on ordinal numbers and draw students'

attention to examples they have encountered in the unit so far:
Segunda Guerra Mundial, Felipe VI (sexto), Juan Carlos I (primero),
Alfonso XIII (trece). Point out the use of roman numerals, and the
tendency to use cardinal numbers from 11 onwards, including for
A worksheet is provided on Kerboodle for extra practice.
3a Lee este texto sobre el apoyo de los
españoles a su familia real y empareja el
vocabulario con su definición.
 Reading activity. Students read the text about the Spanish people's
support for their royal family and match the vocabulary items with their
 Answers
1c 2d 3a 4e 5f 6b
3b Traduce el primer párrafo del
texto al inglés.
 Translation activity. Students translate the first paragraph of the text into
 Suggested answer
 Recently the monarchy has received record support in Spain. In just one
year of Felipe VI’s reign, the approval of the Spanish for the type of State
established by the Constitution has reached 61.5%, a higher percentage
than the 60% enjoyed by the Crown in King Juan Carlos’ most buoyant
times, before the crisis generated by his trip to Botswana and even
better than the data produced in 2014 on the eve of the abdication, when
the monarchy teetered with only 49.9% support.
3c Haz una investigación para descubrir a qué se refiere “la
crisis generada por su viaje a Botsuana” y escribe un párrafo
de unas 80 palabras en español describiendo lo que pasó y
cómo reaccionaron los españoles.

 Research and writing activity. Students should find out about Juan Carlos'
visit to Botswana in 2012, the controversy it caused and the reasons for
this, and write a short account. They should mention the following key
 The king went on an expensive elephant-hunting trip at a time when many
Spanish people were suffering due to the impact of the financial crisis and
high unemployment.
 The Spanish people only found out about the trip because the king was
injured and had to be brought home.
 There were protests from animal rights groups and the king was removed
from his position as honorary president of the WWF as a result of the
 Popular support for the king fell after the crisis and he abdicated two years
4 Trabaja con un(a) compañero/a. Considera la siguiente
pregunta: ¿Es necesario tener una monarquía en España hoy
en día? Considera los puntos positivos y negativos de tener
una monarquía.

 Speaking activity. Students use the information from the preceding

pages in order to engage in a discussion of the Spanish monarchy in
 The positive points might include the fact that historically the monarchy
has brought unity to the country and smoothed the path to democracy;
the king has set an example for Spain and is respected both at home
and internationally; the monarch is an ambassador for his/her country
and brings investment to it; he/she stands outside party politics and can
step in at times of need, e.g. as Juan Carlos did during the 1981
attempted coup.
 Negative points could include: Nowadays the monarchy is powerless
and irrelevant to a modern, democratic society with the goal of equality;
it constitutes a huge expense for taxpayers; the monarch does not
always set a good example (e.g. in the case of the Botswana trip).

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