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dossier de
poesía visual

archivo digital artístico literario II
[ parte 0]

Mayo de 2008
La Habana

Poema visual. Mario Cervantes.
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Poesía visual

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II Menú
Principal parte 0 general parte 2
Dossier de poesía visual norteamericana
(Inéd Yolyanko
Presentación del dossier ito) Ex-ergo (corto fílmico
animado) /Dibujos
Pájaros en la playa (por el
/ Nota
grupo de teatro
parte 1
preliminar por Carlos M.
El Ciervo Encantado) (Inéd
Luis / Dossier
Jorge Enrique Lage (Inéd ito)
Selección de texto con
Doce ito) muestras en video tomadas (Inéd
microficciones del libro inédito César Reglero
Octavio Armand e una de sus puestas en ito)
Vultureffect (Inéd Envoltorios,
Dos semblanzasito) y un escena
regalos y deslices
autorretrato (manipulaciones gráficas,
Ernesto Carrión Thomas Ville
Fragmentos poéticas y visuales)(Inéd
del libro de poemas Demonia ito)
Little life
Factory, (Inéd Juan Carlos Castillón
Rosana Fernández
reciente aparición editorial
The hammer and the tickle de
Juan Zur éd
/Imágenes en(In Ben Lewis (reseña
4 piezas de música
ito) Orlando
literaria) Luis Pardo Lazo
diapositivas / Dibujos ito)
electroacústica El ruido histórico de la
Alejandro Arango Milián (Inéd diá(s)poratura (reseña literaria)
Teatro: El patio de miito ) o The
casa We are porno (Inéd
flesh failures (continuación) Dossier sobre elito)
YZO (Inéd primer evento
Timeline Retrospectiva
ito) internacional de arte
espacialmente confeccionada pornográfico en La
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier por desliz
Carlos M. Luis me sugiere una nota introductoria al dossier de poesía visual
norteamericana contemporánea, preparado por él y por John Bennett para este Nota preliminar
segundo desliz. Más por cortesía que por tener algo que agregar a un conjunto que por
se vale por sí mismo, y que además lleva una presentación del propio Carlos, accedo
a escribir algunas líneas para contar un poco de cómo se llevó a cabo este trabajo. Carlos M. Luis
La idea, por supuesto, de Carlos M. Luis. Es él quien me habla de hacer un dossier
de poesía visual de autores norteamericanos vivos para la revista. Sería un trabajo
Dossier de
conjunto entre un escritor y poeta visual cubano (Carlos M. Luis) y un poeta visual y poesía visual
escritor norteamericano (John Bennett). Escritor y poeta visual son categorías que norteamericana
pueden coincidir en una misma clasificación genérica (el poeta visual es, según el
arbitrio del lector, un escritor o no), pero ya sabemos que tales clasificaciones no
son igual de satisfactorias para todos los artistas y/o lectores. Dejamos abierta la
opción -¿la pregunta?- para el que lee. En cualquier caso John Bennett y Carlos M.
Luis reunieron la antología que presenta desliz hoy, para los lectores de distintas
partes del mundo, pero principalmente para el público cubano. El dossier tiene entre
sus valías la de consistir en una realización de confección dual entre un
representante del país al que se dirige -Cuba- y otro del país del que provienen las
obras -Estados Unidos-; esto y el arrojar un muestreo del quehacer cultural
norteamericano en una rama que es poco conocida y que tiene también pocos
seguidores en Cuba.
¿Cómo se llevó a cabo el dossier? Vía e-mail, e-mail, no cabe duda; los mensajes
electrónicos cruzándose de un lado a otro del continente. Sesiones tripartitas, a
ratos, sesiones de dos para comunicar a un tercero. Por lo demás, les deje hacer. El
dossier fue todo suyo, para que ahora pueda ser todo nuestro. Si hay responsables
de que esta excelente propuesta esté ahora en nuestras manos, esos son Carlos M.
Luis y John Bennett. Le fueron de gran ayuda además, los poetas Bob Grumann y
Scott Helmes. De ellos el desliz, secundado por todos los autores norteamericanos
participantes, a quienes agradezco.
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Nota preliminar por Carlos M. Luis

Inédito BREVE RECUENTO página 1
del dossier
“La casa del ser” que Martin Heidegger le atribuía al
lenguaje, no es suficiente para albergar la infinitud del Ser. Dossier de
Quiero decir con esto que la palabra contiene en sí misma poesía visual
límites que nos convierten en una suerte de autistas de la
expresión. En una de sus conversaciones con los ángeles, el
cabalista y mago John Dee (1527-1608), recibió la siguiente
respuesta: ¿Cómo podemos hablar con sonidos mortales
cosas que son inmortales? La tradición hermética sabía que
existía el lenguaje de los pájaros o el lenguaje verde como lo
llamaba Cornelio Agrippa (1486-1535). Ese lenguaje era el de
la Antigua Sabiduría incluida en la Cábala, la Alquimia, la
Astrología y el Tarot. Los cabalistas creyeron que el mundo
había sido hecho a través del alfabeto Hebreo, una forma de
ver en la palabra instrumentos simbólicos que sirven como
emanaciones de la Creación. Por otra parte, detrás del
lenguaje universal del simbolismo y del lenguaje de los
pájaros, se encuentra la geometría sagrada, y subyacente a
la misma, el número, que Pitágoras (500 AC) veía como una
forma geométrica perfecta y universal.
La tensión pues entre lo que necesitamoscontinúa…
expresar, lo que
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Nota preliminar por Carlos M. Luis

Inédito BREVE RECUENTO página 2
del dossier
Sólo en la poesía, bajo sus distintas manifestaciones, así
como en las corrientes herméticas, pudo la palabra Dossier de
rebelarse en contra de sus limitaciones. poesía visual
Desde fecha temprana en la Grecia clásica, los juegos
entre forma y lenguaje comenzaron a ser compuestos por el
poeta Simias de Rodas (siglo IV AC) a quien se le atribuyen
los primeros poemas visuales, como antecedentes a los
famosos caligramas que Apollinaire habría de crear en el
siglo XX. En Roma, Julius Hyginus (64ac-17dc) realizó
“poemas astronómicos” siguiendo el mismo estilo. Durante
la alta Edad Media autores como Publio Optaciano de
Porfirio (540-600), o Rhabanus Maurus (784-856),
confeccionaron una serie de textos llamados Carmina
Figurata que integraban imagen y contenido. Los maestros
iluministas crearon en sus breviarios -libros de horas,
salterios, tratados de teología, etc.- una caligrafía donde la
figura y el dibujo se confundían. The Book of Kells (siglo IX)
o The Lindisfarne Book (finales del siglo VIII al IX), con sus
intrincados ornamentos celtas, son un buen ejemplo de ello.
Durante el Renacimiento y en la época Barroca, autores
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Nota preliminar por Carlos M. Luis

Inédito BREVE RECUENTO página 3
Los alquimistas, por su parte, contribuyeron en el 1677 del dossier
con un “Mutus Liber” o libro mudo, compuesto únicamente Dossier de
por imágenes. Influidos por las ideas del alquimista Michael
Maier (1568-1622), quien había expuesto en La Obra Secreta
poesía visual
de la Filosofía Hermética que “los filósofos se expresan más norteamericana
libre y claramente, a través de caracteres y figuras
enigmáticas, así como por un lenguaje mudo, que por
palabras”, los adeptos usaron las imágenes como
significantes. Las fachadas de las catedrales góticas, se
convirtieron también en verdaderos libros mudos, al estar
cubiertas con símbolos herméticos que sólo los iniciados
podían descifrar. Fulcanelli (1839-) escribió al respecto dos
obras fundamentales: El Misterio de las Catedrales y Las
Moradas Filosofales.
Otro aspecto importante que reflejaba las tensiones que
se produjeron en el campo de la expresión literaria fue el
uso de la cábala fonética. El teórico de la alquimia Eugene
Canseliet (1899-1982), discípulo de Fulcanelli, hizo por
ejemplo un estudio de la famosa obra de Jonathan Swift
(1667-1745), Los Viajes de Gulliver, donde demuestra la
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Nota preliminar por Carlos M. Luis

El siglo XX por su parte, marcó una ruptura radical con la del dossier
tradición que aún conservaba vestigios del apego
Dossier de
renacentista hacia la belleza clásica. Pronto esa ruptura se
hizo sentir en el lenguaje. Tanto la revolución cubista, como poesía visual
la demoledora aparición del Futurismo y el Dadaísmo, norteamericana
intentaron dar al traste con la estructura del discurso
poético y hasta con la palabra misma. A esa ruptura se
unieron los constructivistas rusos, asentados en el
abstraccionismo geométrico. Estas tres corrientes
contribuyeron a romper el orden establecido por el
lenguaje-como-medio-de-comunicación para sustituirlo por
una nueva concepción del mismo como instrumento de libre
expresión, idea que Tristan Tzara (1896-1963), había
puesto en circulación en pleno auge del dadaísmo. Los
experimentos cubistas, futuristas, dadaístas y
constructivistas, utilizaron el azar, entre otros
procedimientos, para la creación de textos que ponían en
juego el uso utilitario del lenguaje. Estas corrientes de
vanguardia sentaron las bases para que durante las
décadas de los cincuenta a los sesenta, la poesía concreta y
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Nota preliminar por Carlos M. Luis

El poeta e.e.Cummings influyó por su parte en la
del dossier
corriente letrista, que se difundiera en Francia durante la Dossier de
década de los sesenta promovida entre otros por Isidoro
poesía visual
Isou (1925-2007).
El Surrealismo no se atrevió a romper definitivamente
con la estructura de la palabra. Aunque André Bretón
(1896-1966) había proclamado que era necesario hacer un
“uso surrealista’ del lenguaje, este uso era de otra
naturaleza. Para abrir las puertas de lo maravilloso, había
que mantener una cierta coherencia en el discurso poético,
coherencia que el manejo de las analogías le facilitara. El
caso de Antonin Artaud (1896-1948) dentro de la corriente
surrealista fue distinto. Afectado por la locura, Artaud logró
un lenguaje propio sacado de la glosolalia que los dementes
y los místicos en ciertos casos profieren. Benjamín Péret
(1899-1959), quien llevara el lenguaje surrealista hasta sus
extremos, escribió algunos textos hechos exclusivamente a
base de fórmulas matemáticas. Otro autor que perteneció
al grupo surrealista, Raymond Queneau (1903-1976), continúa…
compiló una importante antología de “locos literarios”,
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Nota preliminar por Carlos M. Luis

del dossier
Desde Raymond Roussell hasta William Borroughs (1914-
1997) y el mismo Queneau, otro proceso condujo a la Dossier de
deconstrucción del lenguaje mediante el uso de artificios poesía visual
mecánicos. Sus antecedentes se encuentran en el Ars
Combinatoria de Raimundo Lulio (1232-1315) o en Jonathan
Swift. Estos autores concibieron unas máquinas que como
las que aparecieron en los Gullivers Travels, cambiaban sin
orden preconcebido alguno las palabras que se introducían
en su mecanismo. Raymond Roussell intentó hacer lo mismo
con un aparato que “ayudaba” a leer las combinatorias
fonéticas de su libro Nuevas Impresiones del Africa.
Prosiguiendo por esta vía William Borroughs y Brion Gysin
(1916-1986), realizaron una serie de experimentos: sus
conocidos “cut ups” fueron eventualmente aplicados a la
computadora para la confección de textos con infinitas
variantes aleatorias. El libro de Raymond Quenau, Cent Mille
Milliards de Poémes, publicado en 1961, representa uno de
los experimentos más radicales que se han efectuado en la
confección de un lenguaje aleatorio.
Todos estos procedimientos que he mencionado
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Nota preliminar por Carlos M. Luis


página 7
del dossier
Las primeras pautas iban dirigidas hacia el concretismo
que ya comenzaran a vislumbrarse en 1897, año en que Dossier de
Stephan Mallarmé (1842-1898) publicara su Coup des Des. poesía visual
En los juegos tipográficos y espaciales que el poeta asentó norteamericana
en su poema, existían además intermedios de silencio que
compositores como Antón Von Webern (1883-1945) o Pierre
Boulez (1922-) adaptarían a sus respectivas obras, hasta
llegar al “silencio” que John Cage (1912-1992) propusiera
en su 4’33”. Pero fueron las características visuales del
lenguaje que Mallarmé propusiera en su poesía, así como el
famoso poema consistente sólo de una W de Kurt
Schwitters (1887-1948), las que en definitiva encontraran
su vía de expresión en la llamada poesía concreta. La letra
comienza a percibirse entonces como una categoría visual
independiente, con la cual era posible componer un poema.
La relación entre esa poesía y la música dodecafónica como
la del Arnold Schönberg (1874- 1951) de Pierrot Lunar o las
de Antón Von Webern se hizo evidente, al romper ambas
con la “melodía” lineal de la composición, a favor de una
atomización del sonido o la palabra.
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Nota preliminar por Carlos M. Luis

Inédito BREVE RECUENTO página 8
El término de “poesía concreta” no provino de los del dossier
promotores principales de Noigrandes -los hermanos Dossier de
Augusto y Haroldo de Campos (1931-) (1929-2003)
respectivamente, Decio Pignatari (1927-), y Alvaro de Sa (-
poesía visual
2001)- sino del poeta boliviano de origen alemán Eugene norteamericana
Gomringer (1925-). quien junto a los brasileños ha realizado
una intensa labor poética y teórica en esa dirección.
Aunque se ha intentado equiparar la poesía concreta con
la visual, existe en la primera un elemento arquitectónico (y
no olvidemos que la arquitectura es música congelada como
se decía desde la antigüedad clásica), que no se encuentra
presente en los experimentos visuales de los poetas que
surgieron posteriormente. Más cercana pues a la
arquitectura, la poesía concreta toma elementos prestados
de las corrientes abstractas que florecieron en la década de
los veinte, promovidas en Holanda por el grupo De Stjil y en
Rusia por los contructivistas y suprematistas. El
minimalismo inherente en la poesía concreta pone de
relieve la endeble relación que existe entre el significante y
los medios verbales que se requieren para manifestarse.
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Nota preliminar por Carlos M. Luis

página 9
“La poesía Inobjetal”, del uruguayo Clemente Padín del dossier
(1939-), quien además es uno de los principales promotores Dossier de
del “Arte Correo”. El brasileño Eduardo Kac ha realizado la
poesía visual
“Poesía Holográfica” y el argentino Ladislao Pablo Gyori “La
Poesía Virtual”. La variada producción de Edgardo Antonio norteamericana
Vigo (1927-1997), también argentino, incluye la confección
de objetos transformables en poesía visual. Fabio
Doctorovich (1961-) por su parte, realiza con los avances
tecnológicos que proporciona la computadora poemas
“gestuales”, que requieren la participación del lector.
La llamada “Poesía Asémica” que como su nombre lo indica
se refiere a un tipo de escritura caligráfica carente de
significado alguno, constituye una de las corrientes más
activas dentro de la poesía visual. Practicada desde la
antigüedad como nos demuestra el manuscrito Voynich,
(escrito entre 1450 y 1520) llamado así en honor a Wilfrid
Voynich, quien lo descubriera en un monasterio italiano en
1912, ese tipo de escritura ha llegado hasta nuestros días
inspirando a numerosos artistas y poetas contemporáneos.
Un buen ejemplo que prosigue esa línea, donde la caligrafía y
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Nota preliminar por Carlos M. Luis


página 10
del dossier
La práctica de la escritura asémica continúa viva a través
de los trabajos de poetas que tuvieron a un Henri Michaux Dossier de
(1899-1984) como ejemplo. Las escrituras ondulantes poesía visual
llamadas “agrafísmos”, del español José Miguel Ullán norteamericana
(1944-), representan dentro de ese movimiento una variante
que lo aproxima a las pinturas de un Cy Twombley (1928-),
Mark Tobey (1890-1976), Leon Ferrari, (1920-) o a las
“escrituras sin papel” de la escultora Gego (1912-1994). Por
su parte la argentina Mirtha Dermisache (1940-) ha creado
toda una escritura personal típicamente asémica en forma
de palimpsestos que provienen de culturas perdidas. En
Australia Tim Gaze ha realizado además de una labor
poética, otra de difusión de estas escrituras en
publicaciones de folletos y en Internet.
La introducción de elementos visuales dentro del texto
poético y la substitución eventual de éste por meras
imágenes, no fueron por lo tanto una invención exclusiva del
siglo anterior. Pero fue durante ese siglo que lascontinúa…
barreras al
fin se rompieron entre texto e imagen creando una nueva
forma de poesía que a la larga fue denominada “visual”.
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Nota preliminar por Carlos M. Luis

Sin llegar a comunicar verbalmente lo que un poema del dossier
tradicional intenta lograr, consigue sin embargo abrir un Dossier de
campo semántico nuevo, donde se conjugan la imaginación
poesía visual
que despierta la imagen en sí misma con el enigma que
provoca una sentencia o los restos de ella. En algunos casos norteamericana
no es ya la palabra escrita sino la introducción del elemento
caligráfico o fragmentario, lo que le añade otro componente
al poema. En suma que la muestra va recorriendo caminos
que inesperadamente nos llevan a un encuentro con “otro”
idioma, incitándonos a variados métodos de desciframiento.
Existe en todo esto una especie de labor arqueológica que
va introduciéndose por los resquicios del idioma para
descubrir nuevos significados.
El valor de esta antología, que dista mucho de ser
completa, radica precisamente en el reto que propone y en
las puertas que abre. En los Estados Unidos la poesía, y
mucho más la poesía experimental, florece soterradamente.
Quiero decir con esto que en un país cuyo sistema de vida
pragmático posee una noción del tiempo Ver Referencias
basado en su
“precio” y no en su “valor”, la poesía carece de un espacio
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Nota preliminar por Carlos M. Luis
Inédito Referencias:
Entre las antologías que deben consultarse se encuentran:
-Emmett Williams: Anthology of Concrete Poetry , Something Else Press, New York, 1967
-Text-Sound Texts, editado por Richard Kostelanetz, William Morrow and Company, New York,
1980 Presentación
-Writing to be Seen, Volume One, editada por Bob Grumman y Crag Hill, Runaway Spoon Press del dossier
y Score Publications, 2001
-Imagining Language, an Anthology,
Anthology, editado por Jed Rasula y Steve McCaffery, MIT Press,
Cambridge, Mass. 1998. Dossier de
Entre las obras teóricas se encuentran: poesía visual
-Dick Higgins: Pattern Poems: a Guide to an Unknown Literature, Suny Press, 1987
-Johanna Drucker: The Visible Word, Elemental Typography and Modern Art (1909-1923),
University of Chicago Press, 1994
-Johanna Drucker: The Alphabet Labyrinth, the Letters in History and Imagination, Thames and
Hudson, London, 1995
-Clemente Padín: Poesía Experimental, Factoría Merz, Barcelona, 1999
-Willard Bohn: Modern Visual Poetry University of Delaware Press, 2001
-Rafael de Cózar Sievert, Poesía e Imagen. Poesía Visual y otras formas lite- rarias desde el siglo IV
a.c. hasta el siglo XX. Puede bajarse del Internet: http ://boek861. com / lib_cozar / portada.htm
-María Mencia: From Visual Poetry to Digital Art, University of the Arts, London, 2003
-Belén Gache: Escrituras Nómades, Del Libro Perdido al Hipertexto, Limbo Ediciones, Argentina,
Adriano Spatola: Vers la Poesie Totale, Editions Via Valeriano, Marseille, 1993
En el Internet existen varios sitios que pueden ser consultados:
-Los sitios Kaldron y Ubu Web mantienen una extensa información acerca de todas las diversas
corrientes de poesía experimental.
-El poeta Geof Huth publica un “blog” donde diariamente brinda una amplia información acerca
de lo que está sucediendo en el mundo de la poesía visual. Su blog contiene además numerosos
enlaces con otros sitios entre estos con el del poeta y teórico Bob Grumman.
-Boek861: Boletín oficial del Taller del Sol: http :// www.boek861 . com / castella.htm # GENERAL
-Para la poesía asémica puede consultarse el sitio de Tim Gaze en Googles.
-También debe consultarse el sitio que Ruth y Marvin Sackner donde muestran su extensa
colección (posiblemente la más importante del mundo) de poesía visual.
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Baron is a retired art educator.
BFA from The Cleveland Institute
Presentación del dossier Of Art. MS from Case Reserve
University. Is currently doing
Nota preliminar por Visual Poetry (mostly). Has been
Carlos M. Luis involved with Performance,
Autores Mail Art, Video and Installations.
por Work included in the Library of the
orden Baron Museum of Modern Art,
alfabético: Avant Writing Collection of the
Bob Grumman Library at Ohio State University,
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett
Geof Carol Library of The Cleveland Institute
Stetser Of Art, The Japanese Museum Of
Huth Contemporary Poetry and others.
Guy R. Greg
Baron's Mail Art Collection is in
Beining Evason Special Collections at
John Jim The Cleveland Public Library.
Byrum Leftwich
John M.
John Vieira
MailArt Collection at SUNY,
Bennett Buffalo, NY.
Marton Karl (Includes much Visual Poetry.)
Koppany Kempton

Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz Baro poema visual
Helmes Sheila n tres
Spencer Murphy de
Wendy Collin Sorin
Luc Fierens & Baron
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Baron is a retired art educator.
BFA from The Cleveland Institute
Presentación del dossier Of Art. MS from Case Reserve
University. Is currently doing
Nota preliminar por Visual Poetry (mostly). Has been
Carlos M. Luis involved with Performance,
Autores Mail Art, Video and Installations.
por Work included in the Library of the
orden Baron Museum of Modern Art,
alfabético: Avant Writing Collection of the
Bob Grumman Library at Ohio State University,
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett
Geof Carol Library of The Cleveland Institute
Stetser Of Art, The Japanese Museum Of
Huth Contemporary Poetry and others.
Guy R. Greg
Baron's Mail Art Collection is in
Beining Evason Special Collections at
John Jim The Cleveland Public Library.
Byrum Leftwich
John M.
John Vieira
MailArt Collection at SUNY,
Bennett Buffalo, NY.
Marton Karl (Includes much Visual Poetry.)
Koppany Kempton

Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz Baro poema visual
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy de n
Wendy Collin Sorin Jonh M. Bennettt & Baron
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana Baron is a retired art
Presentación del dossier BFA from The Cleveland
Institute Of Art. MS from
Nota preliminar por Case Reserve University. Is
currently doing Visual Poetry
Carlos M. Luis
(mostly). Has been involved
Autores with Performance,
por Mail Art, Video and
orden Baron Installations.
Bob Grumman Work included in the Library of
the Museum of Modern Art,
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett Avant Writing
Luis Collection of the Library at
Geof Carol Ohio State University,
Stetser http://
Guy R. Greg /
Beining Evason Library of The Cleveland
John Jim Institute Of Art, The Japanese
Byrum Leftwich
Museum Of Contemporary
John M.
John Vieira
Poetry and others.
Baron's Mail Art Collection is
Bennett in Special Collections at
Marton Karl The Cleveland Public
Koppany Kempton Library.
Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E. MailArt Collection at SUNY,
Petra Lindsann Buffalo, NY.
Backonja Richard (Includes much Visual
Scott Poetry.)
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy Baro
Tercer poema visual
Selby n
Wendy Collin Sorin de tres
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana Bob Grumman supports himself and his
cat, Shirley, as a substitute teacher while
Presentación del dossier annoying others with (1) visio-
mathematical poems, (2) literary criticism
Nota preliminar por specializing in poetry mainstream critics
ignore, (3) a lifework-large, 172%-
Carlos M. Luis
uncertified theory of psychology, (4) daily
Autores babble at his po-X-cetera blog, (5) furious
por arguments against those who believe
orden Baron someone other than William Shakespeare
Bob Grumman wrote the plays and poems of WiIliam
Shakespeare; and (6) incredibly poor
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett tennis in a seniors doubles league. His
Luis Runaway Spoon Press has been in
Geof Carol operation, publishing his own work and that
Huth Stetser of dozens of similar wacks, for 20 years.
Guy R. Greg His four full-size books are Shakespeare
Evason and the Rigidniks, Of Manywhere-at-Once,
Beining From Haiku To Lyriku, and a collection of
John Jim
mathemaku recently published by Otoliths
Byrum Leftwich called, April to the Power of the Quantity
John M.
John Vieira Pythagoras Times Now. He hopes to have
Bennett a sci-fi novel, The
Marton Karl Atlantreality Box, out
Koppany Kempton before 2009, too.
Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann Bob
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz
Primer poema visual
Helmes Sheila n de tres
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana Bob Grumman supports himself and his
cat, Shirley, as a substitute teacher while
Presentación del dossier annoying others with (1) visio-
mathematical poems, (2) literary criticism
Nota preliminar por specializing in poetry mainstream critics
ignore, (3) a lifework-large, 172%-
Carlos M. Luis
uncertified theory of psychology, (4) daily
Autores babble at his po-X-cetera blog, (5) furious
por arguments against those who believe
orden Baron someone other than William Shakespeare
Bob Grumman wrote the plays and poems of WiIliam
Shakespeare; and (6) incredibly poor
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett tennis in a seniors doubles league. His
Luis Runaway Spoon Press has been in
Geof Carol operation, publishing his own work and that
Huth Stetser of dozens of similar wacks, for 20 years.
Guy R. Greg His four full-size books are Shakespeare
Evason and the Rigidniks, Of Manywhere-at-Once,
Beining From Haiku To Lyriku, and a collection of
John Jim
mathemaku recently published by Otoliths
Byrum Leftwich called, April to the Power of the Quantity
John M.
John Vieira Pythagoras Times Now. He hopes to have
Bennett a sci-fi novel, The
Marton Karl Atlantreality Box, out
Koppany Kempton before 2009, too.
Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann Bob
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz
Segundo poema visual
Helmes Sheila nde tres
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana Bob Grumman supports himself and his
cat, Shirley, as a substitute teacher while
Presentación del dossier annoying others with (1) visio-
mathematical poems, (2) literary criticism
Nota preliminar por specializing in poetry mainstream critics
ignore, (3) a lifework-large, 172%-
Carlos M. Luis
uncertified theory of psychology, (4) daily
Autores babble at his po-X-cetera blog, (5) furious
por arguments against those who believe
orden Baron someone other than William Shakespeare
Bob Grumman wrote the plays and poems of WiIliam
Shakespeare; and (6) incredibly poor
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett tennis in a seniors doubles league. His
Luis Runaway Spoon Press has been in
Geof Carol operation, publishing his own work and that
Huth Stetser of dozens of similar wacks, for 20 years.
Guy R. Greg His four full-size books are Shakespeare
Evason and the Rigidniks, Of Manywhere-at-Once,
Beining From Haiku To Lyriku, and a collection of
John Jim
mathemaku recently published by Otoliths
Byrum Leftwich called, April to the Power of the Quantity
John M.
John Vieira Pythagoras Times Now. He hopes to have
Bennett a sci-fi novel, The
Marton Karl Atlantreality Box, out
Koppany Kempton before 2009, too.
Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann Bob
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz
Tercer poema visual
Helmes Sheila n de tres
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
C. Mehrl Bennett comes from a
fine arts background; B.A. in
Presentación del dossier painting and drawing.
Her current art medium
Nota preliminar por combines a creative spirit of play
Carlos M. Luis using digital software with a
Autores longtime interest in visual poetry.
por Her word art has been published
orden in Lost&Found Times,
Baron Vispoeology, Otoliths,
Bob Grumman
Womb, Word For/Word, and
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett Black Box, and is available as a
Luis full color book at
Geof Carol
lunabisonteprods She lives in
Huth Stetser Columbus, Ohio, USA, with her
Guy R. Greg spouse, the poet, John M
Beining Evason Bennett.
John Jim
Byrum Leftwich
John M.
John Vieira
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempton
Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann C. Mehrl
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz
Primer poema visual
Helmes Sheila de tres
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
C. Mehrl Bennett comes from a
fine arts background; B.A. in
Presentación del dossier painting and drawing.
Her current art medium
Nota preliminar por combines a creative spirit of play
Carlos M. Luis using digital software with a
Autores longtime interest in visual poetry.
por Her word art has been published
orden in Lost&Found Times,
Baron Vispoeology, Otoliths,
Bob Grumman
Womb, Word For/Word, and
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett Black Box, and is available as a
Luis full color book at
Geof Carol
lunabisonteprods She lives in
Huth Stetser Columbus, Ohio, USA, with her
Guy R. Greg spouse, the poet, John M
Beining Evason Bennett.
John Jim
Byrum Leftwich
John M.
John Vieira
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempton
Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann C. Mehrl
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz
Bennettpoema visual
Helmes Sheila de tres
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
C. Mehrl Bennett comes from a
fine arts background; B.A. in
Presentación del dossier painting and drawing.
Her current art medium
Nota preliminar por combines a creative spirit of play
Carlos M. Luis using digital software with a
Autores longtime interest in visual poetry.
por Her word art has been published
orden in Lost&Found Times,
Baron Vispoeology, Otoliths,
Bob Grumman
Womb, Word For/Word, and
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett Black Box, and is available as a
Luis full color book at
Geof Carol
lunabisonteprods She lives in
Huth Stetser Columbus, Ohio, USA, with her
Guy R. Greg spouse, the poet, John M
Beining Evason Bennett.
John Jim
Byrum Leftwich
John M.
John Vieira
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempton
Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann C. Mehrl
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz
Tercer poema visual
Helmes Sheila de tres
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier
La Habana, Cuba, 6 de
Nota preliminar por
septiembre de 1932.
Carlos M. Luis Vive en NY de 1962 a 1979; en
Autores Miami del 79 en adelante.
por Estuvo en el círculo de amigos
orden Baron de Orígenes y especialmente de
Bob Grumman Lezama. Alrededor de 1950
descubre dos obras, “del
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett socialismo utópico al socialismo
científico” de Engels y “el
Geof Carol surrealismo” de Cirici Peciller.
Stetser Poco después accede a un libro
Huth de “collages” de Max Ernst.
Guy R. Greg
Evason Todo esto confirma que tanto el
Beining socialismo como el surrealismo
John Jim
habían estado siempre dentro
Byrum Leftwich de él. A fines de los 90 descubre
John M.
John Vieira la poesía visual.
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempton
Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann Carlos
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz
M. Luis
Primer poema visual
Helmes Sheila de tres
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier
La Habana, Cuba, 6 de
Nota preliminar por
septiembre de 1932.
Carlos M. Luis Vive en NY de 1962 a 1979; en
Autores Miami del 79 en adelante.
por Estuvo en el círculo de amigos
orden Baron de Orígenes y especialmente de
Bob Grumman Lezama. Alrededor de 1950
descubre dos obras, “del
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett socialismo utópico al socialismo
científico” de Engels y “el
Geof Carol surrealismo” de Cirici Peciller.
Stetser Poco después accede a un libro
Huth de “collages” de Max Ernst.
Guy R. Greg
Evason Todo esto confirma que tanto el
Beining socialismo como el surrealismo
John Jim
habían estado siempre dentro
Byrum Leftwich de él. A fines de los 90 descubre
John M.
John Vieira la poesía visual.
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempton
Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann Carlos
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz
M. Luispoema visual
Helmes Sheila de tres
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier
La Habana, Cuba, 6 de
Nota preliminar por
septiembre de 1932.
Carlos M. Luis Vive en NY de 1962 a 1979; en
Autores Miami del 79 en adelante.
por Estuvo en el círculo de amigos
orden Baron de Orígenes y especialmente de
Bob Grumman Lezama. Alrededor de 1950
descubre dos obras, “del
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett socialismo utópico al socialismo
científico” de Engels y “el
Geof Carol surrealismo” de Cirici Peciller.
Stetser Poco después accede a un libro
Huth de “collages” de Max Ernst.
Guy R. Greg
Evason Todo esto confirma que tanto el
Beining socialismo como el surrealismo
John Jim
habían estado siempre dentro
Byrum Leftwich de él. A fines de los 90 descubre
John M.
John Vieira la poesía visual.
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempton
Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann Carlos
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz
M. Luis
Tercer poema visual
Helmes Sheila de tres
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier

Nota preliminar por

Carlos M. Luis Carol Stetser
Autores is a photographer,
por mail artist, and artist's-book
orden maker, who has been
Baron making visual poetry for 20
Bob Grumman
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett
Geof Carol
Huth Stetser
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason
John Jim
Byrum Leftwich
John M.
John Vieira
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempton
Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann Carol
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz
Primer poema visual
Helmes Sheila Carol Stetser & Andrew Topel de tres
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier

Nota preliminar por

Carlos M. Luis Carol Stetser
Autores is a photographer,
por mail artist, and artist's-book
orden maker, who has been
Baron making visual poetry for 20
Bob Grumman
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett
Geof Carol
Huth Stetser
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason
John Jim
Byrum Leftwich
John M.
John Vieira
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempton
Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann Carol
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz
Stetserpoema visual
Helmes Sheila de tres
Spencer Murphy
Carol Stetser & Andrew Topel
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier

Nota preliminar por

Carlos M. Luis Carol Stetser
Autores is a photographer,
por mail artist, and artist's-book
orden maker, who has been
Baron making visual poetry for 20
Bob Grumman
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett
Geof Carol
Huth Stetser
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason
John Jim
Byrum Leftwich
John M.
John Vieira
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempton
Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann Carol
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz
Tercer poema visual
Helmes Sheila Carol Stetser & Andrew Topel de tres
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana Geof Huth is an American who
has lived on most continents
on earth, as well as the
Presentación del dossier Caribbean. Over the years, he
has created visual and other
Nota preliminar por poems in a wide variety of
Carlos M. Luis formats: lineated verse, prose,
Autores object, painting, drawing,
por voice, and film. His work has
orden been published in venues as
Baron diverse as The American
Bob Grumman
Poetry Review, Dreams and
Nightmares, Kalligram, Lost
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett and Found Times, Modern
Luis Haiku, ZYX, and atop
Geof Carol
bandaids. Huth edited &2:
Huth Stetser an/thology of pwoermds, an
Guy R. Greg
anthology of one-word poems,
Beining Evason and his most recent books
John Jim were a box of pages entitled
Byrum Leftwich water vapour and a tiny
John M.
John Vieira perfectbound book of
Bennett typoglyphs entitled Out of
Marton Karl Character. He writes almost
Koppany Kempton daily on visual poetry at his
Nico Michael blog dbqp: visualizing poetics
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann
Backonja Richard Geof
Scott Kostelanetz Huthpoema visual
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy de siete
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana Geof Huth is an American who
has lived on most continents
on earth, as well as the
Presentación del dossier Caribbean. Over the years, he
has created visual and other
Nota preliminar por poems in a wide variety of
Carlos M. Luis formats: lineated verse, prose,
Autores object, painting, drawing,
por voice, and film. His work has
orden been published in venues as
Baron diverse as The American
Bob Grumman
Poetry Review, Dreams and
Nightmares, Kalligram, Lost
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett and Found Times, Modern
Luis Haiku, ZYX, and atop
Geof Carol
bandaids. Huth edited &2:
Huth Stetser an/thology of pwoermds, an
Guy R. Greg
anthology of one-word poems,
Beining Evason and his most recent books
John Jim were a box of pages entitled
Byrum Leftwich water vapour and a tiny
John M.
John Vieira perfectbound book of
Bennett typoglyphs entitled Out of
Marton Karl Character. He writes almost
Koppany Kempton daily on visual poetry at his
Nico Michael blog dbqp: visualizing poetics
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann
Backonja Richard Geof
Scott Kostelanetz Huthpoema visual
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy de siete
Wendy Collin Sorin
O id of Q
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana Geof Huth is an American who
has lived on most continents
on earth, as well as the
Presentación del dossier Caribbean. Over the years, he
has created visual and other
Nota preliminar por poems in a wide variety of
Carlos M. Luis formats: lineated verse, prose,
Autores object, painting, drawing,
por voice, and film. His work has
orden been published in venues as
Baron diverse as The American
Bob Grumman
Poetry Review, Dreams and
Nightmares, Kalligram, Lost
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett and Found Times, Modern
Luis Haiku, ZYX, and atop
Geof Carol
bandaids. Huth edited &2:
Huth Stetser an/thology of pwoermds, an
Guy R. Greg
anthology of one-word poems,
Beining Evason and his most recent books
John Jim were a box of pages entitled
Byrum Leftwich water vapour and a tiny
John M.
John Vieira perfectbound book of
Bennett typoglyphs entitled Out of
Marton Karl Character. He writes almost
Koppany Kempton daily on visual poetry at his
Nico Michael blog dbqp: visualizing poetics
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann
Backonja Richard Geof
Scott Kostelanetz Huth
Tercer poema visual
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy de siete
Wendy Collin Sorin PG
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana Geof Huth is an American who
has lived on most continents
on earth, as well as the
Presentación del dossier Caribbean. Over the years, he
has created visual and other
Nota preliminar por poems in a wide variety of
Carlos M. Luis formats: lineated verse, prose,
Autores object, painting, drawing,
por voice, and film. His work has
orden been published in venues as
Baron diverse as The American
Bob Grumman
Poetry Review, Dreams and
Nightmares, Kalligram, Lost
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett and Found Times, Modern
Luis Haiku, ZYX, and atop
Geof Carol
bandaids. Huth edited &2:
Huth Stetser an/thology of pwoermds, an
Guy R. Greg
anthology of one-word poems,
Beining Evason and his most recent books
John Jim were a box of pages entitled
Byrum Leftwich water vapour and a tiny
John M.
John Vieira perfectbound book of
Bennett typoglyphs entitled Out of
Marton Karl Character. He writes almost
Koppany Kempton VMWt daily on visual poetry at his
Nico Michael blog dbqp: visualizing poetics
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann
Backonja Richard Geof
Scott Kostelanetz Huthpoema visual
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy de siete
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana Geof Huth is an American who
has lived on most continents
on earth, as well as the
Presentación del dossier Caribbean. Over the years, he
has created visual and other
Nota preliminar por poems in a wide variety of
Carlos M. Luis formats: lineated verse, prose,
Autores object, painting, drawing,
por voice, and film. His work has
orden been published in venues as
Baron diverse as The American
Bob Grumman
Poetry Review, Dreams and
Nightmares, Kalligram, Lost
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett and Found Times, Modern
Luis Haiku, ZYX, and atop
Geof Carol
bandaids. Huth edited &2:
Huth Stetser an/thology of pwoermds, an
Guy R. Greg
anthology of one-word poems,
Beining Evason and his most recent books
John Jim were a box of pages entitled
Byrum Leftwich water vapour and a tiny
John M.
John Vieira perfectbound book of
Bennett typoglyphs entitled Out of
Marton Karl Character. He writes almost
Koppany Kempton daily on visual poetry at his
Nico Michael blog dbqp: visualizing poetics
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann
Backonja Richard Geof
Scott Kostelanetz Huthpoema visual
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy de siete
The Capital Letter Bamboo
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana Geof Huth is an American who
has lived on most continents
on earth, as well as the
Presentación del dossier Caribbean. Over the years, he
has created visual and other
Nota preliminar por poems in a wide variety of
Carlos M. Luis formats: lineated verse, prose,
Autores object, painting, drawing,
por voice, and film. His work has
orden been published in venues as
Baron diverse as The American
Bob Grumman
Poetry Review, Dreams and
Nightmares, Kalligram, Lost
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett and Found Times, Modern
Luis Haiku, ZYX, and atop
Geof Carol
bandaids. Huth edited &2:
Huth Stetser an/thology of pwoermds, an
Guy R. Greg
anthology of one-word poems,
Beining Evason and his most recent books
John Jim were a box of pages entitled
Byrum Leftwich water vapour and a tiny
John M.
John Vieira perfectbound book of
Bennett typoglyphs entitled Out of
Marton Karl Character. He writes almost
Koppany Kempton daily on visual poetry at his
Nico Michael blog dbqp: visualizing poetics
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann
Backonja Richard Geof
Scott Kostelanetz Huth
Sexto poema visual de
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy siete
Selby Bro cold
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana Geof Huth is an American who
has lived on most continents
on earth, as well as the
Presentación del dossier Caribbean. Over the years, he
has created visual and other
Nota preliminar por poems in a wide variety of
Carlos M. Luis formats: lineated verse, prose,
Autores object, painting, drawing,
por voice, and film. His work has
orden been published in venues as
Baron diverse as The American
Bob Grumman
Poetry Review, Dreams and
Nightmares, Kalligram, Lost
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett and Found Times, Modern
Luis Haiku, ZYX, and atop
Geof Carol
bandaids. Huth edited &2:
Huth Stetser an/thology of pwoermds, an
Guy R. Greg
anthology of one-word poems,
Beining Evason and his most recent books
John Jim were a box of pages entitled
Byrum Leftwich water vapour and a tiny
John M.
John Vieira perfectbound book of
Bennett typoglyphs entitled Out of
Marton Karl Character. He writes almost
Koppany Kempton daily on visual poetry at his
Michael Pollen over Glass over Fabric blog dbqp: visualizing poetics
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann
Backonja Richard Geof
Scott Kostelanetz Huth
Séptimo poema visual
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy de siete
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana GREG EVASON lives in the suburbs
of Toronto where he mostly writes
and does visual art and dabbles with
Presentación del dossier the piano and guitar. He
continues to submit his various texts
Nota preliminar por and drawings and collages to
Carlos M. Luis magazines around the world.
Autores Sometimes a piece or two gets
por accepted.
orden He has also started to submit his
Baron longer works such as a novel called
Bob Grumman
another called BORING DO about
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett which one
Luis editor called the writing "imaginative
Geof Carol
and sparkling and fun." EVASON
Huth Stetser is presently working on 2 novel-length
Guy R. Greg
works called YOGA and WALD ORN
Beining Evason BAGY-BAGGIE, ESSAY #82 in a
John Jim series of numbered experimental
Byrum Leftwich essays,
John M.
John Vieira and a short short called THE
Bennett STONED WHISTLE, all of which he
Marton Karl works on
Koppany Kempton daily along with at least one hour a
Nico Michael day devoted to the writing of
Peters poems. He also adds daily to his blog
VassilakisOlchar E. called PROJECT 51.
Petra Lindsann
Backonja Richard Greg
Scott Kostelanetz Primer poemaEvason
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy de tres
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana GREG EVASON lives in the suburbs
of Toronto where he mostly writes
and does visual art and dabbles with
Presentación del dossier the piano and guitar. He
continues to submit his various texts
Nota preliminar por and drawings and collages to
Carlos M. Luis magazines around the world.
Autores Sometimes a piece or two gets
por accepted.
orden He has also started to submit his
Baron longer works such as a novel called
Bob Grumman
another called BORING DO about
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett which one
Luis editor called the writing "imaginative
Geof Carol
and sparkling and fun." EVASON
Huth Stetser is presently working on 2 novel-length
Guy R. Greg
works called YOGA and WALD ORN
Beining Evason BAGY-BAGGIE, ESSAY #82 in a
John Jim series of numbered experimental
Byrum Leftwich essays,
John M.
John Vieira and a short short called THE
Bennett STONED WHISTLE, all of which he
Marton Karl works on
Koppany Kempton daily along with at least one hour a
Nico Michael day devoted to the writing of
Peters poems. He also adds daily to his blog
VassilakisOlchar E. called PROJECT 51.
Petra Lindsann
Backonja Richard Greg
Scott Kostelanetz Evason
Segundo poema visual
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy de tres
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana GREG EVASON lives in the suburbs
of Toronto where he mostly writes
and does visual art and dabbles with
Presentación del dossier the piano and guitar. He
continues to submit his various texts
Nota preliminar por and drawings and collages to
Carlos M. Luis magazines around the world.
Autores Sometimes a piece or two gets
por accepted.
orden He has also started to submit his
Baron longer works such as a novel called
Bob Grumman
another called BORING DO about
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett which one
Luis editor called the writing "imaginative
Geof Carol
and sparkling and fun." EVASON
Huth Stetser is presently working on 2 novel-length
Guy R. Greg
works called YOGA and WALD ORN
Beining Evason BAGY-BAGGIE, ESSAY #82 in a
John Jim series of numbered experimental
Byrum Leftwich essays,
John M.
John Vieira and a short short called THE
Bennett STONED WHISTLE, all of which he
Marton Karl works on
Koppany Kempton daily along with at least one hour a
Nico Michael day devoted to the writing of
Peters poems. He also adds daily to his blog
VassilakisOlchar E. called PROJECT 51.
Petra Lindsann
Backonja Richard Greg
Scott Kostelanetz Tercer poemaEvason
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy de tres
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana Guy R. Beining's work has recently
appeared in Chain, Ep;phany,
Perspektive (Germany), New Orleans
Presentación del dossier Review, and The New Review of
Nota preliminar por
Carlos M. Luis
orden Baron
Bob Grumman

Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett
Geof Carol
Huth Stetser
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason
John Jim
Byrum Leftwich
John M.
John Vieira
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempton
Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Selby Guy R.
Wendy Collin Sorin
Primer poema visual
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana Guy R. Beining's work has recently
appeared in Chain, Ep;phany,
Perspektive (Germany), New Orleans
Presentación del dossier Review, and The New Review of
Nota preliminar por
Carlos M. Luis
orden Baron
Bob Grumman

Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett
Geof Carol
Huth Stetser
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason
John Jim
Byrum Leftwich
John M.
John Vieira
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempton
Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Selby Guy R.
Wendy Collin Sorin
Segundo poema visual
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana Guy R. Beining's work has recently
appeared in Chain, Ep;phany,
Perspektive (Germany), New Orleans
Presentación del dossier Review, and The New Review of
Nota preliminar por
Carlos M. Luis
orden Baron
Bob Grumman

Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett
Geof Carol
Huth Stetser
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason
John Jim
Byrum Leftwich
John M.
John Vieira
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempton
Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Selby Guy R.
Wendy Collin Sorin
Tercer poema visual
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana author of Dirt, Doubt, Sample
Example, The Textasifsuch,
Presentación del dossier Pulsing
Swarms & Squiggly Diagonals,
Nota preliminar por Gathering The Clock, Shrimp
Carlos M. Luis
Trashpo and Art Bang
por collaborative works include
orden Sound Dirt, with John M.
Baron Bennett, Acts,
Bob Grumman
with John Crouse, Telephone
Poles, with Jukka-Pekka
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett Kervinen, iTOPIA,
Luis with Scott MacLeod, and
Geof Carol
Shadowed Truth, with Andrew
Huth Stetser Topel
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason editor of the print magazines
John Jim Juxta and Xtant (1994 – 2005)

Byrum Leftwich since 2005 editor of the blog

John M.
John Vieira zine Textimagepoem
Bennett http://
Marton Karl
Kempton /
Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E. Jim
Petra Lindsann
Backonja Richard
Primer poema visual
Scott Kostelanetz de tres
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana author of Dirt, Doubt, Sample
Example, The Textasifsuch,
Presentación del dossier Pulsing
Swarms & Squiggly Diagonals,
Nota preliminar por Gathering The Clock, Shrimp
Carlos M. Luis
Trashpo and Art Bang
por collaborative works include
orden Sound Dirt, with John M.
Baron Bennett, Acts,
Bob Grumman
with John Crouse, Telephone
Poles, with Jukka-Pekka
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett Kervinen, iTOPIA,
Luis with Scott MacLeod, and
Geof Carol
Shadowed Truth, with Andrew
Huth Stetser Topel
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason editor of the print magazines
John Jim Juxta and Xtant (1994 – 2005)

Byrum Leftwich since 2005 editor of the blog

John M.
John Vieira zine Textimagepoem
Bennett http://
Marton Karl
Kempton /
Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E. Jim
Petra Lindsann
Backonja Richard
Segundo poema visual
Scott Kostelanetz de tres
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana author of Dirt, Doubt, Sample
Example, The Textasifsuch,
Presentación del dossier Pulsing
Swarms & Squiggly Diagonals,
Nota preliminar por Gathering The Clock, Shrimp
Carlos M. Luis
Trashpo and Art Bang
por collaborative works include
orden Sound Dirt, with John M.
Baron Bennett, Acts,
Bob Grumman
with John Crouse, Telephone
Poles, with Jukka-Pekka
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett Kervinen, iTOPIA,
Luis with Scott MacLeod, and
Geof Carol
Shadowed Truth, with Andrew
Huth Stetser Topel
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason editor of the print magazines
John Jim Juxta and Xtant (1994 – 2005)

Byrum Leftwich since 2005 editor of the blog

John M.
John Vieira zine Textimagepoem
Bennett http://
Marton Karl
Kempton /
Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E. Jim
Petra Lindsann
Backonja Richard
Tercer poema visual
Scott Kostelanetz de tres
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana I like to say that I am
interested in our situation;
that I am studying what we
Presentación del dossier know, the status of knowing
and of the known, how that
Nota preliminar por relates to the unknown, and
Carlos M. Luis how we know what we
Autores think we know. I often
por describe some of the things
orden I make as visual poetry. My
Baron work can be found in
Bob Grumman
chapbooks, gallery shows,
and many small zines.
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett Since 1986, I've published
Luis contemporary poetry as
Geof Carol
Generator Press. For the
Huth Stetser past several years, the
Guy R. Greg
press made work available
Beining Evason on the website:
John Jim
Byrum Leftwich
John M.
John Vieira That website may not be
Bennett accessible for long, as it is
Marton Karl scheduled to expire in
Koppany Kempton November, 2007.
Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra John
Backonja Richard Byrum
Primer poema visual
Scott Kostelanetz de cuatro
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana I like to say that I am
interested in our situation;
that I am studying what we
Presentación del dossier know, the status of knowing
and of the known, how that
Nota preliminar por relates to the unknown, and
Carlos M. Luis how we know what we
Autores think we know. I often
por describe some of the things
orden I make as visual poetry. My
Baron work can be found in
Bob Grumman
chapbooks, gallery shows,
and many small zines.
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett Since 1986, I've published
Luis contemporary poetry as
Geof Carol
Generator Press. For the
Huth Stetser past several years, the
Guy R. Greg
press made work available
Beining Evason on the website:
John Jim
Byrum Leftwich
John M.
John Vieira That website may not be
Bennett accessible for long, as it is
Marton Karl scheduled to expire in
November, 2007.
Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra John
Backonja Richard Byrumpoema visual
Scott Kostelanetz de cuatro
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana I like to say that I am
interested in our situation;
that I am studying what we
Presentación del dossier know, the status of knowing

Nota preliminar por any phenomenon, and of the known, how that
relates to the unknown, and
Carlos M. Luis how we know what we
i.e., any situation think we know. I often
describe some of the things

available to [an]
orden I make as visual poetry. My
Baron work can be found in
Bob Grumman
chapbooks, gallery shows,

awareness, can
and many small zines.
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett Since 1986, I've published
Luis contemporary poetry as
Geof Carol
be considered as
Generator Press. For the
Huth Stetser past several years, the
Guy R. Greg
press made work available
John Jim
Byrum Leftwich
an ‘art object’. on the website:

John M.
John Vieira That website may not be
Bennett accessible for long, as it is
Marton Karl scheduled to expire in
Koppany Kempton November, 2007.
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra John
Backonja Richard Byrum
Tercero poema visual de
Scott Kostelanetz cuatro
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana I like to say that I am
We have convinced ourselves that we are interested in our situation;
that I am studying what we
Presentación del dossier aware of states of affairs evolving over
know, the status of knowing
time. and of the known, how that
Nota preliminar por We have convinced ourselves that many relates to the unknown, and
Carlos M. Luis of the states of affairs of which we are how we know what we
Autores aware occur outside ourselves. think we know. I often
por We have convinced ourselves that we can describe some of the things
orden describe those states of affairs of which I make as visual poetry. My
Baron we can be aware. work can be found in
Bob Grumman
We have convinced ourselves that the chapbooks, gallery shows,
and many small zines.
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett states of affairs of which we can be aware
Since 1986, I've published
Luis are as we have come to describe them, at
Carol contemporary poetry as
Geof least approximately and provisionally.
Generator Press. For the
Huth Stetser We have convinced ourselves of the
past several years, the
Guy R. Greg existence of our descriptions of the states press made work available
Beining Evason of affairs of which we can be aware. on the website:
John Jim We have convinced ourselves that the
Byrum Leftwich occurrence of states of affairs is a matter
John M.
John Vieira of our description, and also that states of That website may not be
Bennett affairs occur independently of our accessible for long, as it is
Marton Karl descriptions. scheduled to expire in
Koppany Kempton We have convinced ourselves that the November, 2007.
Nico Michael states of affairs we describe evolve over
VassilakisOlchar time.
Petra We have convinced ourselves that our John
Backonja Richard ways of describing change over time. Byrum
Cuarto poema visual
Scott Kostelanetz de cuatro
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy continúa…
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana I like to say that I am
We have convinced ourselves that we use interested in our situation;
language to describe the states of affairs of that I am studying what we
Presentación del dossier know, the status of knowing
which we can be aware.
We have convinced ourselves that we and of the known, how that
Nota preliminar por relates to the unknown, and
become aware of states of affairs by means
Carlos M. Luis how we know what we
of our languages of description.
Autores We have convinced ourselves that our
think we know. I often
por awareness of states of affairs causes us to
describe some of the things
orden I make as visual poetry. My
Baron form the elements of our language, which we work can be found in
Bob Grumman then use to describe those states of affairs. chapbooks, gallery shows,
We have convinced ourselves that our and many small zines.
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett awareness of the possible configurations of Since 1986, I've published
Luis states of affairs constrains the possibilities of contemporary poetry as
Geof Carol
language, and also that the possibilities of Generator Press. For the
Huth Stetser past several years, the
Greg language constrain our awareness of the
Guy R. possible configurations of states of affairs. press made work available
Beining Evason on the website:
Jim We have convinced ourselves that states of
John affairs of which we are not aware may occur.
Byrum Leftwich
John M.
John Vieira That website may not be
Bennett We have convinced ourselves that we may accessible for long, as it is
Karl someday become aware of some of the scheduled to expire in
Marton states of affairs of which we are not currently
Koppany Kempton November, 2007.
Michael aware, and that we may then find ways to
Nico describe them.
VassilakisOlchar E. We have convinced ourselves that states of
Petra John
Lindsann affairs we cannot describe may exist, and
Backonja Richard that we may some day find ways to describe
Cuarto poema visual
Scott Kostelanetz de cuatro
some of them.
Spencer Murphy
Selby … final
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
John M. Bennett has published over 250 books
Presentación del dossier and chapbooks of poetry and other materials.
Among the most recent are rOlling COMBers
(Potes & Poets Press), MAILER LEAVES HAM
Nota preliminar por
(Pantograph Press), LOOSE WATCH (Invisible
Carlos M. Luis Press), CHAC PROSTIBULARIO (with Ivan
Autores Arguelles; Pavement Saw Press), HISTORIETAS
por ALFABETICAS (Luna Bisonte Prods), PUBLIC
orden CUBE (Luna Bisonte Prods), THE PEEL (Anabasis
Baron Press), GLUE (xPress(ed)), LAP GUN CUT (with F.
Bob Grumman A. Nettelbeck; Luna Bisonte Prods),
INSTRUCTION BOOK (Luna Bisonte Prods), la M
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett al (Blue Lion Books), CANTAR DEL HUFF (Luna
Luis Bisonte Prods), SOUND DIRT (with Jim Leftwich;
Geof Carol Luna Bisonte Prods), and BACKWORDS (Blue
Stetser Lion Books), NOS (Redfox Press), D RAIN B
Huth LOOM (with Scott Helmes; xPress(ed)). He has
Guy R. Greg
published, exhibited and performed his word art
Beining Evason worldwide in thousands of publications and
John Jim venues. He was editor and publisher of LOST
Byrum Leftwich AND FOUND TIMES (1975-2005), and is Curator of
John M.
John Vieira the Avant Writing Collection at The Ohio State
Bennett University Libraries. Richard Kostelanetz has
called him the seminal American poet of my
Marton Karl
generation. His work, publications, and papers
Koppany Kempton are collected in several major institutions,
Nico Michael including Washington University (St. Louis),
SUNY Buffalo, The Ohio State University, The
E. Museum of Modern Art, and other major libraries.
Petra Lindsann His PhD (UCLA 1970) is in Latin American
Backonja Richard Literature.
Scott Kostelanetz
Helmes Sheila John M.
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin Primer poema visual
de tres
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
John M. Bennett has published over 250 books
Presentación del dossier and chapbooks of poetry and other materials.
Among the most recent are rOlling COMBers
(Potes & Poets Press), MAILER LEAVES HAM
Nota preliminar por
(Pantograph Press), LOOSE WATCH (Invisible
Carlos M. Luis Press), CHAC PROSTIBULARIO (with Ivan
Autores Arguelles; Pavement Saw Press), HISTORIETAS
por ALFABETICAS (Luna Bisonte Prods), PUBLIC
orden CUBE (Luna Bisonte Prods), THE PEEL (Anabasis
Baron Press), GLUE (xPress(ed)), LAP GUN CUT (with F.
Bob Grumman A. Nettelbeck; Luna Bisonte Prods),
INSTRUCTION BOOK (Luna Bisonte Prods), la M
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett al (Blue Lion Books), CANTAR DEL HUFF (Luna
Luis Bisonte Prods), SOUND DIRT (with Jim Leftwich;
Geof Carol Luna Bisonte Prods), and BACKWORDS (Blue
Stetser Lion Books), NOS (Redfox Press), D RAIN B
Huth LOOM (with Scott Helmes; xPress(ed)). He has
Guy R. Greg
published, exhibited and performed his word art
Beining Evason worldwide in thousands of publications and
John Jim venues. He was editor and publisher of LOST
Byrum Leftwich AND FOUND TIMES (1975-2005), and is Curator of
John M.
John Vieira the Avant Writing Collection at The Ohio State
Bennett University Libraries. Richard Kostelanetz has
called him the seminal American poet of my
Marton Karl
generation. His work, publications, and papers
Koppany Kempton are collected in several major institutions,
Nico Michael including Washington University (St. Louis),
SUNY Buffalo, The Ohio State University, The
E. Museum of Modern Art, and other major libraries.
Petra Lindsann His PhD (UCLA 1970) is in Latin American
Backonja Richard Literature.
Scott Kostelanetz
Helmes Sheila John M.
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin Segundo poema visual
de tres
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
John M. Bennett has published over 250 books
Presentación del dossier and chapbooks of poetry and other materials.
Among the most recent are rOlling COMBers
(Potes & Poets Press), MAILER LEAVES HAM
Nota preliminar por
(Pantograph Press), LOOSE WATCH (Invisible
Carlos M. Luis Press), CHAC PROSTIBULARIO (with Ivan
Autores Arguelles; Pavement Saw Press), HISTORIETAS
por ALFABETICAS (Luna Bisonte Prods), PUBLIC
orden CUBE (Luna Bisonte Prods), THE PEEL (Anabasis
Baron Press), GLUE (xPress(ed)), LAP GUN CUT (with F.
Bob Grumman A. Nettelbeck; Luna Bisonte Prods),
INSTRUCTION BOOK (Luna Bisonte Prods), la M
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett al (Blue Lion Books), CANTAR DEL HUFF (Luna
Luis Bisonte Prods), SOUND DIRT (with Jim Leftwich;
Geof Carol Luna Bisonte Prods), and BACKWORDS (Blue
Stetser Lion Books), NOS (Redfox Press), D RAIN B
Huth LOOM (with Scott Helmes; xPress(ed)). He has
Guy R. Greg
published, exhibited and performed his word art
Beining Evason worldwide in thousands of publications and
John Jim venues. He was editor and publisher of LOST
Byrum Leftwich AND FOUND TIMES (1975-2005), and is Curator of
John M.
John Vieira the Avant Writing Collection at The Ohio State
Bennett University Libraries. Richard Kostelanetz has
called him the seminal American poet of my
Marton Karl
generation. His work, publications, and papers
Koppany Kempton are collected in several major institutions,
Nico Michael including Washington University (St. Louis),
SUNY Buffalo, The Ohio State University, The
E. Museum of Modern Art, and other major libraries.
Petra Lindsann His PhD (UCLA 1970) is in Latin American
Backonja Richard Literature.
Scott Kostelanetz
Helmes Sheila John M.
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin Tercer poema visual
de tres
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier

Nota preliminar por With a passion for poetry

Carlos M. Luis and related visual-verbal
Autores arts John Vieira has made
por poems, including
concrete/visual poems, for
orden Baron the past 3 decades--
Bob Grumman working in various media
from regular word-
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett processing software to
Luis large-scale serigraphs,
Geof Carol worded photos, computer-
Huth Stetser generated imaging, rubber-
Guy R. Greg stamp miniatures, etc.
Beining Evason
John Jim
Byrum Leftwich
John M.
John Vieira
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempton
Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz
Helmes Sheila John
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin Primer poema visual
de tres
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier

Nota preliminar por With a passion for poetry

Carlos M. Luis and related visual-verbal
Autores arts John Vieira has made
por poems, including
concrete/visual poems, for
orden Baron the past 3 decades--
Bob Grumman working in various media
from regular word-
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett processing software to
Luis large-scale serigraphs,
Geof Carol worded photos, computer-
Huth Stetser generated imaging, rubber-
Guy R. Greg stamp miniatures, etc.
Beining Evason
John Jim
Byrum Leftwich
John M.
John Vieira
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempton
Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz
Helmes Sheila John
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin Segundo poema visual
de tres
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier

Nota preliminar por With a passion for poetry

Carlos M. Luis and related visual-verbal
Autores arts John Vieira has made
por poems, including
concrete/visual poems, for
orden Baron the past 3 decades--
Bob Grumman working in various media
from regular word-
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett processing software to
Luis large-scale serigraphs,
Geof Carol worded photos, computer-
Huth Stetser generated imaging, rubber-
Guy R. Greg stamp miniatures, etc.
Beining Evason
John Jim
Byrum Leftwich
John M.
John Vieira
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempton
Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz
Helmes Sheila John
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin Tercer poema visual
de tres
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana karl kempton’s visual poems have
been nationally and internationally
Presentación del dossier published and exhibited since
1974. his work has evolved from
Nota preliminar por typewriter to computer b&w to
color and now mixed media
Carlos M. Luis
works with use of a slr digital
Autores camera. gum is from fotos taken
por in san luis obispo’s gum alley.
orden Baron kempton edited and published
Bob Grumman KALDRON between 1976-1990
and is co-editor of on-line edition
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett published by karl young http://
Geof Carol kaldron.htm
Huth Stetser some of his works can be seen at
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason
John Jim minimalistconcretepoetry/

Byrum Leftwich

John M.
John Vieira blackbox.html
Karl http://
Koppany Kempton /archives.html
Nico Michael
Petra Lindsann
02 HE EH
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy Karl
Selby Kempton
Primer poema visual
Wendy Collin Sorin
de tres
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana karl kempton’s visual poems have
been nationally and internationally
Presentación del dossier published and exhibited since
1974. his work has evolved from
Nota preliminar por typewriter to computer b&w to
color and now mixed media
Carlos M. Luis
works with use of a slr digital
Autores camera. gum is from fotos taken
por in san luis obispo’s gum alley.
orden Baron kempton edited and published
Bob Grumman KALDRON between 1976-1990
and is co-editor of on-line edition
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett published by karl young http://
Geof Carol kaldron.htm
Huth Stetser some of his works can be seen at
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason
John Jim minimalistconcretepoetry/

Byrum Leftwich

John M.
John Vieira blackbox.html
Karl http://
Koppany Kempton SNAP. 1 /archives.html
Nico Michael
Petra Lindsann
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy Karl
Selby Kempton
Segundo poema visual
Wendy Collin Sorin
de tres
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana karl kempton’s visual poems have
been nationally and internationally
Presentación del dossier published and exhibited since
1974. his work has evolved from
Nota preliminar por typewriter to computer b&w to
color and now mixed media
Carlos M. Luis
works with use of a slr digital
Autores camera. gum is from fotos taken
por in san luis obispo’s gum alley.
orden Baron kempton edited and published
Bob Grumman KALDRON between 1976-1990
and is co-editor of on-line edition
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett published by karl young http://
Geof Carol kaldron.htm
Huth Stetser some of his works can be seen at
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason
John Jim minimalistconcretepoetry/

Byrum Leftwich

John M.
John Vieira blackbox.html
Karl http://
Koppany Kempton /archives.html
Nico Michael
Petra Lindsann
Backonja Richard 144 BASHO ANSWERS HAKUIN 2
Scott Kostelanetz
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy Karl
Selby Kempton
Tercer poema visual
Wendy Collin Sorin
de tres
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier

Nota preliminar por

Carlos M. Luis Márton Koppány is a poet,
Autores translator and editor living in
por Budapest, Hungary. His latest
orden book in English, Investigations &
Baron Other Sequences, was brought out
Bob Grumman
by Ahadada Books in 2003.
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett "Colon No. 2 - for Bob Grumman"
Luis and "Ellipsis No. 10 - for Geof
Geof Carol
Huth" were first published in
Huth Stetser Otoliths. "Ellipsis No. 8" was first
Guy R. Greg
published by
Beining Evason
John Jim ulptors.slaves.
Byrum Leftwich
John M.
John Vieira A few links to his work online:
Bennett minimalist concrete poetry
Marton Karl Eratio
Koppany Kempton Otoliths
Nico Michael
Colon No. 2 - for Bob Grumman
Petra Lindsann
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy Marton
Selby Koppany
Primer poema visual
Wendy Collin Sorin
de tres
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier

Nota preliminar por

Carlos M. Luis Márton Koppány is a poet,
Autores translator and editor living in
por Budapest, Hungary. His latest
orden book in English, Investigations &
Baron Other Sequences, was brought out
Bob Grumman
by Ahadada Books in 2003.
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett "Colon No. 2 - for Bob Grumman"
Luis and "Ellipsis No. 10 - for Geof
Geof Carol
Huth" were first published in
Huth Stetser Otoliths. "Ellipsis No. 8" was first
Guy R. Greg
published by
Beining Evason
John Jim ulptors.slaves.
Byrum Leftwich
John M.
John Vieira A few links to his work online:
Bennett minimalist concrete poetry
Marton Karl Eratio
Koppany Kempton Otoliths
Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann
Backonja Richard Ellipsis No. 10 - for Geof Huth
Scott Kostelanetz
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy Marton
Wendy Collin Sorin Segundo Koppany
poema visual
de tres
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier

Nota preliminar por

Carlos M. Luis Márton Koppány is a poet,
Autores translator and editor living in
por Budapest, Hungary. His latest
orden book in English, Investigations &
Baron Other Sequences, was brought out
Bob Grumman
by Ahadada Books in 2003.
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett "Colon No. 2 - for Bob Grumman"
Luis and "Ellipsis No. 10 - for Geof
Geof Carol
Huth" were first published in
Huth Stetser Otoliths. "Ellipsis No. 8" was first
Guy R. Greg
published by
Beining Evason
John Jim ulptors.slaves.
Byrum Leftwich
John M.
John Vieira A few links to his work online:
Bennett minimalist concrete poetry
Marton Karl Eratio
Koppany Kempton Otoliths
Nico Michael
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz
Helmes Sheila Ellipsis No. 8
Spencer Murphy Marton
Selby Koppany
Wendy Collin Sorin Tercer poema visual de
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana The “writing” attributable to “Michael
Peters”--his poetry, his visual poetry,
his fiction, his critical writing--has
Presentación del dossier appeared in publications such as
SleepingFish, Word for/Word,
Nota preliminar por Lungfull,
Lungfull, Xtant,
Xtant, Tool a Magazine,
Carlos M. Luis Spinning Jenny,
Jenny, Posted,
Posted, American
Autores Weddings,
Weddings, and Kostelanetz's
por Dictionary of the Avant-Gardes,
Avant-Gardes, to
orden name a few. He is the author of
Baron VAAST B1N (Calamari, Fall 2007), his
Bob Grumman
first book. His visual poetry has
appeared in galleries, anthologies,
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett and exhibits, and can be found in
Luis special collections and avant-garde
Geof Carol
libraries, among these: The Sackner
Huth Stetser Archive. Peters has scored,
Guy R. Greg
performed, and recorded with the Be
Beining Evason Blank Consort. As a musician, most
John Jim notably in Poem Rocket, his
Byrum Leftwich recordings have been released on a
John M.
John Vieira variety of independent labels. In
Bennett 2007, Atavistic (the avant jazz and
Marton Karl rock label based out of Chicago),
Koppany Kempton released Poem Rocket's fourth full-
Nico Michael length recording, a double-CD titled
Peters Invasion!
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann Calamari page for VAAST B1N:
B1N: http://
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz
Helmes Sheila Fluke illumination
Spencer Murphy Michael
Selby Peters
Wendy Collin Sorin Michael Peters & John Bennett Primer poema visual
de tres
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana The “writing” attributable to “Michael
Peters”--his poetry, his visual poetry,
his fiction, his critical writing--has
Presentación del dossier appeared in publications such as
SleepingFish, Word for/Word,
Nota preliminar por Lungfull,
Lungfull, Xtant,
Xtant, Tool a Magazine,
Carlos M. Luis Spinning Jenny,
Jenny, Posted,
Posted, American
Autores Weddings,
Weddings, and Kostelanetz's
por Dictionary of the Avant-Gardes,
Avant-Gardes, to
orden name a few. He is the author of
Baron VAAST B1N (Calamari, Fall 2007), his
Bob Grumman
first book. His visual poetry has
appeared in galleries, anthologies,
Carlos C.
M.Mehrl Bennett and exhibits, and can be found in
Luis special collections and avant-garde
Geof Carol
libraries, among these: The Sackner
Huth Stetser Archive. Peters has scored,
Guy R. Greg
performed, and recorded with the Be
Beining Evason Blank Consort. As a musician, most
John Jim notably in Poem Rocket, his
Byrum Leftwich recordings have been released on a
John M.
John Vieira variety of independent labels. In
Bennett 2007, Atavistic (the avant jazz and
Marton Karl rock label based out of Chicago),
Koppany Kempton released Poem Rocket's fourth full-
Nico Michael length recording, a double-CD titled
Peters Invasion!
VassilakisOlchar E.
Petra Lindsann Calamari page for VAAST B1N:
B1N: http://
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz
Helmes Sheila Think in at most spheres
Spencer Murphy Michael
Selby Peters
Wendy Collin Sorin Segundo poema visual
de tres
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana The “writing” attributable to “Michael
Peters”--his poetry, his visual poetry,
his fiction, his critical writing--has
Presentación del dossier appeared in publications such as
SleepingFish, Word for/Word,
Nota preliminar por Lungfull,
Lungfull, Xtant,
Xtant, Tool a Magazine,
Carlos M. Luis Spinning Jenny,
Jenny, Posted,
Posted, American
Autores Weddings,
Weddings, and Kostelanetz's
por Dictionary of the Avant-Gardes,
Avant-Gardes, to
orden name a few. He is the author of
Bar VAAST B1N (Calamari, Fall 2007), his
Bob Grumman on first book. His visual poetry has
appeared in galleries, anthologies,
Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett and exhibits, and can be found in
M. Luis special collections and avant-garde
Geof Carol
libraries, among these: The Sackner
Huth Stetser Archive. Peters has scored,
Guy R. Greg
performed, and recorded with the Be
Beining Evason Blank Consort. As a musician, most
John Jim notably in Poem Rocket, his
Byrum Leftwic recordings have been released on a
John hJohn M. variety of independent labels. In
Vieira Bennett 2007, Atavistic (the avant jazz and
Marton Karl rock label based out of Chicago),
Koppany Kempto released Poem Rocket's fourth full-
Nico Michael
n length recording, a double-CD titled
Peters Invasion!
Vassilaki Olchar E.
s Lindsann Calamari page for VAAST B1N:
B1N: http://
Backonja Richard
Scott Kostelanetz
Helmes Sheila Go in poem
Spencer Murphy Michael
Selby Peters
Wendy Collin Sorin Tercer poema visual
de tres
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier

Nota preliminar por

Carlos M. Luis Nico Vassilakis lives in Seattle.
Autores He has curated concrete/visual poetry
por exhibitions; edited magazine of visual
orden poetry and shown his concrete videos
Bar globally.
Bob Grumman on
His new book TEXT LOSES TIME
Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett
M. Luis is now available, as well as,
Geof Carol
Huth Stetser
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason
John Jim
Byrum Leftwic
John hJohn M.
Vieira Bennett
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempto
Nico Michael
Vassilaki Olchar E. Nico
s Lindsann
Backonja Richard
Primer poema visual
Scott Kostelanetz de dos
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Selby continúa…
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier

Nota preliminar por

Carlos M. Luis Nico Vassilakis lives in Seattle.
Autores He has curated concrete/visual
por poetry exhibitions; edited magazine
orden of visual poetry and shown his
Bar concrete videos globally.
Bob Grumman on
His new book TEXT LOSES TIME
Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett
M. Luis is now available, as well as,
Geof Carol
Huth Stetser
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason
John Jim
Byrum Leftwic
John hJohn M.
Vieira Bennett
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempto
Nico Michael
Vassilaki Olchar E. Nico
s Lindsann
Backonja Richard
Primer poema visual
Scott Kostelanetz de dos
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Selby continúa…
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier

Nota preliminar por

Carlos M. Luis Nico Vassilakis lives in Seattle.
Autores He has curated concrete/visual
por poetry exhibitions; edited magazine
orden of visual poetry and shown his
Bar concrete videos globally.
Bob Grumman on
His new book TEXT LOSES TIME
Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett
M. Luis is now available, as well as,
Geof Carol
Huth Stetser
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason
John Jim
Byrum Leftwic
John hJohn M.
Vieira Bennett
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempto
Nico Michael
Vassilaki Olchar E. Nico
s Lindsann
Backonja Richard
Primer poema visual
Scott Kostelanetz de dos
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Selby … final
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier

Nota preliminar por

Carlos M. Luis Nico Vassilakis lives in Seattle.
Autores He has curated concrete/visual poetry
por exhibitions; edited magazine of visual
orden poetry and shown his concrete videos
Bar globally.
Bob Grumman on
His new book TEXT LOSES TIME
Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett
M. Luis is now available, as well as,
Geof Carol
Huth Stetser
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason
John Jim
Byrum Leftwic
John hJohn M.
Vieira Bennett
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempto
Nico Michael
Vassilaki Olchar E. Nico
s Lindsann
Backonja Richard
Segundo poema visual
Scott Kostelanetz de dos
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy continúa…
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier

Nota preliminar por

Carlos M. Luis Nico Vassilakis lives in Seattle.
Autores He has curated concrete/visual poetry
por exhibitions; edited magazine of visual
orden poetry and shown his concrete videos
Bar globally.
Bob Grumman on
His new book TEXT LOSES TIME
Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett
M. Luis is now available, as well as,
Geof Carol
Huth Stetser
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason
John Jim
Byrum Leftwic
John hJohn M.
Vieira Bennett
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempto
Nico Michael
Vassilaki Olchar E. Nico
s Lindsann
Backonja Richard
Segundo poema visual
Scott Kostelanetz de dos
Helmes Sheila continúa…
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier

Nota preliminar por

Carlos M. Luis Nico Vassilakis lives in Seattle.
Autores He has curated concrete/visual poetry
por exhibitions; edited magazine of visual
orden poetry and shown his concrete videos
Bar globally.
Bob Grumman on
His new book TEXT LOSES TIME
Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett
M. Luis is now available, as well as,
Geof Carol
Huth Stetser
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason
John Jim
Byrum Leftwic
John hJohn M.
Vieira Bennett
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempto
Nico Michael
Vassilaki Olchar E. Nico
s Lindsann
Backonja Richard
Segundo poema visual
Scott Kostelanetz de dos
Helmes Sheila … final
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Olchar E. Lindsann is a
member and co-founder of the
Presentación del dossier Post-NeoAbsurdist Anti-
Collective, and the editor of the
Nota preliminar por Post-Neo, Visual Poetry, and
Carlos M. Luis Mail Art journal Synapse,
Autores under his impress mOnocle-
por Lash Anti-Press. He is neither
orden Tristan Tzara nor Lautréamont
Bar nor Raoul Vaneigem nor
Bob Grumman on (usually) Luther Blissett nor
Antonin Artaud nor Jacques
Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett Derrida nor J.-K. Huysmans
M. Luis nor Robespierre nor Arthur
Geof Carol
Cravan nor William Blake nor
Huth Stetser Hermes Trismegistus nor
Guy R. Greg Vincente Huidobro nor any of a
Beining Evason hundred heretics. So much the
John Jim worse for him, perhaps.
Byrum Leftwic
John hJohn M.
Vieira Bennett
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempto
Nico Michael
Vassilaki Olchar E. Olchar E.
s Lindsann
Backonja Richard PrimerLindsann
poema visual
Scott Kostelanetz de tres
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin Olchar E. Lindsann & Chi-Kit Kwong
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Olchar E. Lindsann is a
member and co-founder of the
Presentación del dossier Post-NeoAbsurdist Anti-
Collective, and the editor of the
Nota preliminar por Post-Neo, Visual Poetry, and
Carlos M. Luis Mail Art journal Synapse,
Autores under his impress mOnocle-
por Lash Anti-Press. He is neither
orden Tristan Tzara nor Lautréamont
Bar nor Raoul Vaneigem nor
Bob Grumman on (usually) Luther Blissett nor
Antonin Artaud nor Jacques
Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett Derrida nor J.-K. Huysmans
M. Luis nor Robespierre nor Arthur
Geof Carol
Cravan nor William Blake nor
Huth Stetser Hermes Trismegistus nor
Guy R. Greg Vincente Huidobro nor any of a
Beining Evason hundred heretics. So much the
John Jim worse for him, perhaps.
Byrum Leftwic
John hJohn M.
Vieira Bennett
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempto
Nico Michael
Vassilaki Olchar E. Olchar E.
s Lindsann
Backonja Richard SegundoLindsann
poema visual
Scott Kostelanetz de tres
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy Olchar E. Lindsann & John Bennett
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Olchar E. Lindsann is a
member and co-founder of the
Presentación del dossier Post-NeoAbsurdist Anti-
Collective, and the editor of the
Nota preliminar por Post-Neo, Visual Poetry, and
Carlos M. Luis Mail Art journal Synapse,
Autores under his impress mOnocle-
por Lash Anti-Press. He is neither
orden Tristan Tzara nor Lautréamont
Bar nor Raoul Vaneigem nor
Bob Grumman on (usually) Luther Blissett nor
Antonin Artaud nor Jacques
Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett Derrida nor J.-K. Huysmans
M. Luis nor Robespierre nor Arthur
Geof Carol
Cravan nor William Blake nor
Huth Stetser Hermes Trismegistus nor
Guy R. Greg Vincente Huidobro nor any of a
Beining Evason hundred heretics. So much the
John Jim worse for him, perhaps.
Byrum Leftwic
John hJohn M.
Vieira Bennett
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempto
Nico Michael
Vassilaki Olchar E. Olchar E.
s Lindsann
Backonja Richard TercerLindsann
poema visual
Scott Kostelanetz de tres
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Olchar E. Lindsann & John Bennett & Bela B. Grimm
Wendy Collin Sorin & Warren Frye & Thomas L. Taylor
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier

Nota preliminar por

Carlos M. Luis Petra Backonja lives and works
Autores in Madison, Wisconsin.
orden Bar
Bob Grumman on
Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett
M. Luis
Geof Carol
Huth Stetser
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason
John Jim
Byrum Leftwic
John hJohn M.
Vieira Bennett
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempto
Nico Michael
Vassilaki Olchar E. Petra
s Lindsann
Backonja Richard PrimerBackonja
poema visual
Scott Kostelanetz de tres
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier

Nota preliminar por

Carlos M. Luis Petra Backonja lives and works
Autores in Madison, Wisconsin.
orden Bar
Bob Grumman on
Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett
M. Luis
Geof Carol
Huth Stetser
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason
John Jim
Byrum Leftwic
John hJohn M.
Vieira Bennett
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempto
Nico Michael
Vassilaki Olchar E. Petra
s Lindsann
Backonja Richard SegundoBackonja
poema visual
Scott Kostelanetz de tres
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier

Nota preliminar por

Carlos M. Luis Petra Backonja lives and works
Autores in Madison, Wisconsin.
orden Bar
Bob Grumman on
Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett
M. Luis
Geof Carol
Huth Stetser
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason
John Jim
Byrum Leftwic
John hJohn M.
Vieira Bennett
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempto
Nico Michael
Vassilaki Olchar E. Petra
s Lindsann
Backonja Richard TercerBackonja
poema visual
Scott Kostelanetz de tres
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier

Nota preliminar por

Carlos M. Luis
Bob Grumman on
Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett A LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER
M. Luis
Geof Carol
Guy R.
Beining Evason
John Jim
Byrum Leftwic
John hJohn M.
Vieira Bennett Variations
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempto
Nico Michael
Vassilaki Olchar E. Individual entries on RICHARD KOSTELANETZ appear in Contemporary Poets, Contemporary
Novelists, Postmodern Fiction, Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, A Reader’s Guide
s Lindsann to Twentieth-Century Writers, the Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia of Literature, Webster’s
Backonja Richard Dictionary of American Authors, The HarperCollins Reader’s Encyclopedia of American
Scott Kostelanetz Literature, and the Encyclopedia Britannica, among other distinguished directories. Living in
Helmes Sheila New York, where he was born, he still needs two bucks to take a subway.
Spencer Murphy
Selby Richard Primer poema visual
Wendy Collin Sorin
Kostelanetz de dos
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Peligroso es ver más estrellas de las que hay. From
Ramon Gómez de la Serna
Presentación del dossier It is dangerous to see more stars than there are.
Translation & design:
Nota preliminar por Los árboles solo saben que existen gracias a su sombra. Richard Kostelanetz
Carlos M. Luis Trees know only that they exist thanks to their shade. & Martin Zotta
por La luna es el único viajero sin pasaporte.
orden Bar
The moon is the only traveler without a passport.
Bob Grumman on Los ríos siempre están escribiendo al mar la más larga carta.
Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett The rivers are always writing the longest letter to the sea.
M. Luis
Geof Carol La única que guarda un secreto es la ceniza.
Huth Stetser Only ashes can keep a secret.
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason Sólo el poeta tiene reloj de luna.
John Jim
Only the poet possesses a lunar clock. Richard
Byrum Leftwic
John hJohn M. Kostelanetz
Vieira Bennett Miércoles: día largo por definición.
Marton Karl Wednesday: long day by definition.
Kempto continúa…
Nico Michael
Vassilaki Olchar E. Individual entries on RICHARD KOSTELANETZ appear in Contemporary Poets, Contemporary
Novelists, Postmodern Fiction, Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, A Reader’s Guide
s Lindsann to Twentieth-Century Writers, the Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia of Literature, Webster’s
Backonja Richard Dictionary of American Authors, The HarperCollins Reader’s Encyclopedia of American
Scott Kostelanetz Literature, and the Encyclopedia Britannica, among other distinguished directories. Living in
Helmes Sheila New York, where he was born, he still needs two bucks to take a subway.
Spencer Murphy
Selby Richard Segundo poema visual
Wendy Collin Sorin
Kostelanetz de dos
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Cuando la mujer pide ensalada de fruta para dos, perfecciona el pecado original.
When a woman orders fruit salad for two, she perfects original sin.
Presentación del dossier
El agua se suelta el pelo en las cascadas.
Nota preliminar por Water lets down its hair in the waterfalls.
Carlos M. Luis
Autores Un marinero es un colegial interno del ingenuo colegio del mar.
por A seaman is an interning collegian at the ingenuous college of the sea.
orden Bar
Bob Grumman on No hay que dar la verdad desnuda. Por lo menos, hay que ponerle un velillo.

Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett

The truth should not be given naked. At the least, one should give her a veil.
M. Luis
Geof Carol Los profetas hablan por teléfono con Dios.
Huth Stetser Prophets talk over the telephone to God.
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason
Jim La estrella parpadea porque tiene sueño.
Byrum Leftwic The star twinkles because it’s sleepy.
John hJohn M.
Vieira Bennett El beso es hambre de inmortalidad.
Marton Karl The kiss is the hunger of immortality.
Kempto continúa…
Nico Michael
Vassilaki Olchar E. Individual entries on RICHARD KOSTELANETZ appear in Contemporary Poets, Contemporary
Novelists, Postmodern Fiction, Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, A Reader’s Guide
s Lindsann to Twentieth-Century Writers, the Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia of Literature, Webster’s
Backonja Richard Dictionary of American Authors, The HarperCollins Reader’s Encyclopedia of American
Scott Kostelanetz Literature, and the Encyclopedia Britannica, among other distinguished directories. Living in
Helmes Sheila New York, where he was born, he still needs two bucks to take a subway.
Spencer Murphy
Selby Richard Segundo poema visual
Wendy Collin Sorin
Kostelanetz de dos
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
El mono no entiende, pero está siempre queriendo entender.
Presentación del dossier
The monkey doesn’t understand, but it is always trying to understand.
Nota preliminar por
Carlos M. Luis Nadie como el padre sabe extender la manteca en el pan de los hijos.
Autores No one can spread butter on the toast of kids like a father.
orden Bar
El espejo de afeitar es fríamente maligno, porque no está deseando más que ver si nos cortamos.
Bob Grumman on The shaving mirror is coldly malicious, because it desires only to see if we cut ourselves.

Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett Los sordos ven doble.

M. Luis
Geof Carol The deaf see double.
Huth Stetser
Greg El matrimonio es la carta certificada del amor.
Guy R.
Beining Evason Marriage is the certified message of love.
John Jim
Byrum Leftwic El ascensor esta lleno de seriedad.
John hJohn M.
Vieira Bennett The elevator is heavy with seriousness.
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempto … final
Nico Michael
Vassilaki Olchar E. Individual entries on RICHARD KOSTELANETZ appear in Contemporary Poets, Contemporary
Novelists, Postmodern Fiction, Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, A Reader’s Guide
s Lindsann to Twentieth-Century Writers, the Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia of Literature, Webster’s
Backonja Richard Dictionary of American Authors, The HarperCollins Reader’s Encyclopedia of American
Scott Kostelanetz Literature, and the Encyclopedia Britannica, among other distinguished directories. Living in
Helmes Sheila New York, where he was born, he still needs two bucks to take a subway.
Spencer Murphy
Selby Richard Segundo poema visual
Wendy Collin Sorin
Kostelanetz de dos
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Scott Helmes‘
Helmes‘s books include 3
Presentación del dossier Visual Poets: Ernst, Helmes,
Rosenberg and Thought Bubbles
(Helmes and K.S. Ernst). He has
Nota preliminar por
been published in over 80
Carlos M. Luis magazines in 17 countries, including
Autores such publications as Paris Review,
por White Walls, Against Infinity
orden Bar Anthology, WestEast Anthology,
Bob Grumman on
Minnesota Monthly, The Midwest
Quarterly, Dictionary of the Avant-
Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett Gardes 2nd Ed., xtant, and fugue .
His work has been collected in
M. Luis
Geof Carol numerous museums, including
Stetser Museum of Modern Art-New York,
Huth Victoria & Albery Museum-London,
Guy R. Greg
Evason Biblioteque Nationale de France-
Beining Paris, Museum for Kunsthandwerk-
John Jim
Frankfurt, Museum of Contempory
Byrum Leftwic Art-Chicago, Yale University,
John hJohn M. Harvard University, Brown
Vieira Bennett University, and the Minneapolis
Marton Karl Institute of Art.
Koppany Kempto
Nico Michael
Vassilaki Olchar E. Scott
s Lindsann
Backonja Richard
Primer poema visual
Scott Kostelanetz de dos
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Scott Helmes'
Helmes' books include 3 Visual
Presentación del dossier Poets: Ernst, Helmes, Rosenberg
and Thought Bubbles (Helmes and
Nota preliminar por K.S. Ernst). He has been published
Carlos M. Luis in over 80 magazines in 17
Autores countries, including such
por publications as Paris Review, White
Walls, Against Infinity Anthology,
orden Bar WestEast Anthology, Minnesota
Bob Grumman on Monthly, The Midwest Quarterly,
Dictionary of the Avant-Gardes 2nd
Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett Ed., xtant, and fugue . His work has
M. Luis been collected in numerous
Geof Carol museums, including Museum of
Huth Stetser Modern Art-New York, Victoria &
Guy R. Greg Albery Museum-London, Biblioteque
Beining Evason Nationale de France-Paris, Museum
John Jim for Kunsthandwerk-Frankfurt,
Byrum Leftwic
Museum of Contempory Art-
John hJohn M. Chicago, Yale University, Harvard
Bennett University, Brown University, and the
Vieira Minneapolis Institute of Art.
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempto
Nico Michael
Vassilaki Olchar E. Scott
s Lindsann
Backonja Richard
Segundo poema visual
Scott Kostelanetz de dos
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier

Nota preliminar por

Carlos M. Luis Sheila E. Murphy has been
Autores actively engaged in visual poetry
por since 2002, and has been widely
orden published as a textual artist
Bar since the late 1970s.
Bob Grumman on She and K.S. Ernst have a
volume of collaborative visual
Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett poetry forthcoming from
M. Luis Luna Bisonte Prods.
Geof Carol
Huth Stetser
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason
John Jim
Byrum Leftwic
John hJohn M.
Vieira Bennett
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempto
Nico Michael
Vassilaki Olchar E. Sheila E.
s Lindsann
Backonja Richard PrimerMurphy
poema visual
Scott Kostelanetz de dos
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier

Nota preliminar por

Carlos M. Luis Sheila E. Murphy has been
Autores actively engaged in visual poetry
por since 2002, and has been widely
orden published as a textual artist
Bar since the late 1970s.
Bob Grumman on She and K.S. Ernst have a
volume of collaborative visual
Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett poetry forthcoming from
M. Luis Luna Bisonte Prods.
Geof Carol
Huth Stetser
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason
John Jim
Byrum Leftwic
John hJohn M.
Vieira Bennett
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempto
Nico Michael
Vassilaki Olchar E. Sheila E.
s Lindsann
Backonja Richard SegundoMurphy
poema visual
Scott Kostelanetz de dos
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier

Nota preliminar por

Carlos M. Luis Sheila E. Murphy has been
Autores actively engaged in visual poetry
por since 2002, and has been widely
orden published as a textual artist
Bar since the late 1970s.
Bob Grumman on She and K.S. Ernst have a
volume of collaborative visual
Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett poetry forthcoming from
M. Luis Luna Bisonte Prods.
Geof Carol
Huth Stetser
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason
John Jim
Byrum Leftwic
John hJohn M.
Vieira Bennett
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempto
Nico Michael
Vassilaki Olchar E. Sheila E.
s Lindsann
Backonja Richard TercerMurphy
poema visual de
Scott Kostelanetz dos
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier

Nota preliminar por

Carlos M. Luis Spencer Selby has lived in
Autores the San Francisco Bay Area
por for almost 30 years. During
orden that time he published eight
Bar poetry books, four
Bob Grumman on collections of art and a
study of film noir. His visual
Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett work evolved from collage
M. Luis and the love of found and
Geof Carol
archival material.
Huth Stetser
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason
John Jim
Byrum Leftwic
John hJohn M.
Vieira Bennett
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempto
Nico Michael
Vassilaki Olchar E. Spencer
s Lindsann
Backonja Richard PrimerSelby
poema visual
Scott Kostelanetz de dos
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier

Nota preliminar por

Carlos M. Luis Spencer Selby has lived in
Autores the San Francisco Bay Area
por for almost 30 years. During
orden that time he published eight
Bar poetry books, four
Bob Grumman on collections of art and a
study of film noir. His visual
Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett work evolved from collage
M. Luis and the love of found and
Geof Carol
archival material.
Huth Stetser
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason
John Jim
Byrum Leftwic
John hJohn M.
Vieira Bennett
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempto
Nico Michael
Vassilaki Olchar E. Spencer
s Lindsann
Backonja Richard SegundoSelby
poema visual
Scott Kostelanetz de dos
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana
Presentación del dossier

Nota preliminar por

Carlos M. Luis Spencer Selby has lived in
Autores the San Francisco Bay Area
por for almost 30 years. During
orden that time he published eight
Bar poetry books, four
Bob Grumman on collections of art and a
study of film noir. His visual
Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett work evolved from collage
M. Luis and the love of found and
Geof Carol
archival material.
Huth Stetser
Guy R. Greg
Beining Evason
John Jim
Byrum Leftwic
John hJohn M.
Vieira Bennett
Marton Karl
Koppany Kempto
Nico Michael
Vassilaki Olchar E. Spencer
s Lindsann
Backonja Richard TercerSelby
poema visual de
Scott Kostelanetz dos
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana Cleveland Heights resident Wendy
Collin Sorin received her B.F.A. in
printmaking from the Cleveland
Presentación del dossier Institute of Art in 1993. She has
taught waterless lithography at
Nota preliminar por Zygote Press in Cleveland and
Carlos M. Luis Kent State University. Her work
Autores has been exhibited regionally,
nationally and internationally. In
por 2000, she was an artist-in-
orden Bar residence at the Grafikwerkstatt in
Bob Grumman on Dresden, a yearly exchange
program sponsored by the Ohio
Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett Arts Council between the German
M. Luis printmaking workshop and Zygote
Geof Carol Press. From 2004 - 06 she was
Huth Stetser project co-director and curator for
Guy R. Greg Foreign Affairs: The Ohio and
Beining Evason Dresden Printmaking Residency
John Jim Exchange, a traveling
retrospective exhibition and she
Byrum Leftwic coordinated the two accompanying
John hJohn M.
Bennett bilingual catalogues. Sorin recently
Vieira curated Connections II: Ohio
Marton Karl
Artists Abroad for the Ohio Arts
Koppany Kempto Council. A film project with Indiana
Nico Michael
n filmmaker Alfred Eaker entitled W
Vassilaki Olchar E. (or; Strange Things Begin to
s Lindsann Happen When a Meteor Crashes
Backonja Richard in the Arizona Desert) will be out
Scott this spring.
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
Primer Collin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana Cleveland Heights resident Wendy
Collin Sorin received her B.F.A. in
printmaking from the Cleveland
Presentación del dossier Institute of Art in 1993. She has
taught waterless lithography at
Nota preliminar por Zygote Press in Cleveland and
Carlos M. Luis Kent State University. Her work
Autores has been exhibited regionally,
nationally and internationally. In
por 2000, she was an artist-in-
orden Bar residence at the Grafikwerkstatt in
Bob Grumman on Dresden, a yearly exchange
program sponsored by the Ohio
Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett Arts Council between the German
M. Luis printmaking workshop and Zygote
Geof Carol Press. From 2004 - 06 she was
Huth Stetser project co-director and curator for
Guy R. Greg Foreign Affairs: The Ohio and
Beining Evason Dresden Printmaking Residency
John Jim Exchange, a traveling
retrospective exhibition and she
Byrum Leftwic coordinated the two accompanying
John hJohn M.
Bennett bilingual catalogues. Sorin recently
Vieira curated Connections II: Ohio
Marton Karl
Artists Abroad for the Ohio Arts
Koppany Kempto Council. A film project with Indiana
Nico Michael
n filmmaker Alfred Eaker entitled W
Vassilaki Olchar E. (or; Strange Things Begin to
s Lindsann Happen When a Meteor Crashes
Backonja Richard in the Arizona Desert) will be out
Scott this spring.
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy RETURN-PATH 2
Selby Wendy
Wendy Collin Sorin
Segundo poemaSorin
desliz Inédito
II Dossier de poesía visual
deslizarse norteamericana Cleveland Heights resident Wendy
Collin Sorin received her B.F.A. in
printmaking from the Cleveland
Presentación del dossier Institute of Art in 1993. She has
taught waterless lithography at
Nota preliminar por Zygote Press in Cleveland and
Carlos M. Luis Kent State University. Her work
Autores has been exhibited regionally,
nationally and internationally. In
por 2000, she was an artist-in-
orden Bar residence at the Grafikwerkstatt in
Bob Grumman on Dresden, a yearly exchange
program sponsored by the Ohio
Carlos C. Mehrl Bennett Arts Council between the German
M. Luis printmaking workshop and Zygote
Geof Carol Press. From 2004 - 06 she was
Huth Stetser project co-director and curator for
Guy R. Greg Foreign Affairs: The Ohio and
Beining Evason Dresden Printmaking Residency
John Jim Exchange, a traveling
retrospective exhibition and she
Byrum Leftwic coordinated the two accompanying
John hJohn M.
Bennett bilingual catalogues. Sorin recently
Vieira curated Connections II: Ohio
Marton Karl
Artists Abroad for the Ohio Arts
Koppany Kempto Council. A film project with Indiana
Nico Michael
n filmmaker Alfred Eaker entitled W
Vassilaki Olchar E. (or; Strange Things Begin to
s Lindsann Happen When a Meteor Crashes
Backonja Richard in the Arizona Desert) will be out
Scott this spring.
Helmes Sheila
Spencer Murphy
Wendy Collin Sorin
Collin Sorin
Tercer poema visual de
Usted llegó al final de la
primera parte de
desliz II

Para continuar deslizándose

diríjase a la Primera Parte



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