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Ciclo de Cori o Ciclo del cido Lctico


Sntesis de Glucosa en el cuerpo humano

Gluconeogenesis- principalmente hgado y corteza renal Tejidos que usan predominantemente la glucosa y que no tienen la maquinaria enzimtico para sintetizarla:
Cerebro Msculo esqueltico Medula del rin Eritrocitos Testculos

Liver Glucagon stimulates glucose synthesis and export Muscle Insulin stimulates glucose uptake and consumption High Blood Glucose Pancreas Insulin Muscle Glycogen Glucose Pyruvate Glucagon Low Blood Glucose Liver Glycogen Glucose Pyruvate


The Bodys Fuel Stores

Fuel Amount Energy (MJ) Number of days supply

Carbohydrate Free Glucose Glycogen Fat Triglyceride Protein

12 g 450 g 15 kg
12.5 kg

0.2 7.65 550


30 min 18h 55

Metabolismo de azucares,

glucogeno, glucosa, fructosa

Los intermediarios de la Glucolisis

G-6-P puede formar ribose para nucleotidos F-6-P amino azucares-glucolipidos and glucoproteinas G-3-P/DHAP lipidos 3PG serine PEP amino acidos aromaticos, pirimidinas, transaminasas Pyr-alanina Estas rutas metabolicas no son importantes solo en el metabolismo de la glucosa, sino que generan muchos metabolitos intermedios
G-6-P = glucose 6 phosphate, F-6-P = fructose 6 phosphate, G-3-P = glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate, DHAP = dihydryoxacetonephosphate, 3PG = phosphoglyceraldehyde, Pyr = pyruvate

La glucosa se forma a partir de compuestos glucognicos que alimentan la gluconeognesis. Categoras: A) de la conversin directa neta a glucosa sin un proceso de reciclaje significativo como los aminocidos y el propionato. B) los productos del metabolismo parcial de la glucosa en ciertos tejidos y que se transportan al hgado y el rin para la sntesis de glucosa.

Ciclo de Cori
Forma glucosa a partir del cido lctico.
Los eritrocitos que no contienen mitocondrias producen de su gluclisis cido lctico. La gluclisis del msculo por va anaerobia tambin produce lactato.

Ciclo de Cori

Cori, Gerty Theresa

de soltera Radnitz;

1896-1957) Bioqumica checoslovaca nacionalizada estadounidense. Estudi en la Universidad Alemana de Praga, donde conoci a Carl Ferdinand Cori, con quien contrajo matrimonio en 1920. En 1922 ambos cnyuges emigraron a Estados Unidos y en 1947 compartieron el premio Nobel de Medicina y Fisiologa con Bernardo Alberto Houssay por sus trabajos de investigacin sobre el metabolismo de los hidratos de carbono y la influencia hormonal en la interconversin de azcares y almidones en el organismo (ciclo de Cori).

Gerti and Carl Cori

Gerti and Carl Cori won the 1947 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for their discovery of the course of the catalytic conversion of glycogen. In layman's terms, they isolated the enzyme that starts the conversion of animal starch to sugar. The Coris joined the University faculty in 1931. Gerti was the first American woman to win the Nobel Prize. The Coris weren't the only successful researchers in their lab; in the ensuing years, six future Nobel laureates worked in the Cori lab early in their careers.

From Washington University in Saint Louis

Glucolisis Anaerobica
Cuando el proceso respiratorio no puede llevar suficiente oxigeno al tejido para que la glucosa se oxide por completo.
COO| C=O + NADH + H+ | CH3 Piruvato COO| HO - C - H | CH3 L-Lactato


+ NAD+

Metabolic regulation during anaerobic exercise

1. Brain signal acetylcholine released at muscle muscle contraction 2. ATP utilised stores of ATP (1 s) phosphocreatine (4 s)

3. Rapid breakdown of glycogen Ca2+ from sarcoplasmic reticulum and increase in Pi (from ATP breakdown) activates phosphorylase

Metabolic regulation during anaerobic exercise (2)

4. Rapid increased flux through glycolysis allosteric regulation of PFK1 (AMP and Pi) and substrate cycling
5. Production of lactate and H+ leading to decrease in pH and increased fatigue 6. Dietary supplements creatine (5 g/day) and sodium bicarbonate which buffers H+ and delays fatigue





Fermentacin homolctica

Posibles rutas para el piruvato

Etanol (fermentacion) Acetyl coA (mamiferos) Krebs cycle Oxaloacetato - gluconeogenesis Lactato (mamiferos)

Producto final de glucolisis anaerobica

Gluconeogenesis en higado via el ciclo de Cori

Substrates Lactic acid (exercise / Cori cycle) Some amino acids and especially alanine and glutamine (alanine cycle and glutamine cycle used to transfer amino groups from muscle to liver for urea synthesis). Fructose (from sucrose) Glycerol and propionate (from odd chain fatty acid b-oxidation) are the only components of triglycerides that can be used for glucose production.


2-Oxoglutarate Alanine Alanine

Amino acids
2-Oxo acids

Amincidos Alanina

Glucosa Ciclo de Cori



Ciclo de Krebs

Fosforilacin oxidativa




Piruvato Piruvato

Lactato Lactato



Amincidos Alanina

Glucosa Ciclo de Cori



Ciclo de Krebs

Fosforilacin oxidativa

Cori Cycle

Cori Cycle
After intense activity, heavy breathing continues.
O2 is used for oxidative phosphorylation in liver.

ATP generated is used for gluconeogenesis from lactate, which arrives in blood from muscle. Glucose formed in liver returns to muscle to replenish glycogen stores.

Enzyme classes
Oxidoreductases Transferases Hydrolases Lyases Isomerases Ligases

1. Oxidoreductases
Enzymes that catalyze oxidoreduction reactions The substrate that is oxidized is regarded as the hydrogen donor Systematic name:
donor:acceptor oxidoreductase

donor NAD+





2. Transferases
Enzymes that transfer a moiety from one compound (donor) to another compound (acceptor)
X-Y + Z = X + Z-Y

In many cases the donor is a coenzyme Systematic name:

donor:acceptor grouptransferase

Recommended name:
donor grouptransferase or acceptor group transferase

Example: serine hydroxymethyltransferase

3. Hydrolases
EC number 3.x.x.x Enzymes that catalyze the hydrolytic cleavage of C-O, C-N, C-C and a few other bonds.

Hydrolases can be viewed as transferases (the transfer of a specific group to water as the acceptor)
Recommended name:
substrate hydrolase

Example: thiolester hydrolase

4. Lyases
Lyases are enzymes cleaving C-C, C-O, C-N and other bonds by elimination, leaving double bonds or rings, or conversely adding groups to double bonds Systematic name:
Substrate group-lyase

Recommended names:
decarboxylase (elimination of CO2) dehydratase (elimination of water)

If the reverse reaction is more important

synthase (do not use synthetase, reserved for Class 6) Example: tryptophan synthase

5. Isomerases
Enzymes that catalyze geometric or structural changes within a molecule. The molecular weight of the substrate does not change. Examples:
Epimerases (e.g. ribulose-phosphate-4- epimerase) Isomerases (e.g. ribose isomerase)

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