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Centro de estudios “Letras y Vida”

Kifer Enrique Moreno Tello, Paulina Melany Dávila Silva

Sofia Alexandra Núnez Orrala

2 BGU Ciencias

Viernes, 26 de mayo del 2023

Create your story

In pairs, choose a movie, TV series, k-drama, or a story etc.

Write the introduction, development and the conclusion or the end of that story,

change it and draw the final that you created.

Pay the link of the real story or the name of the book if you choose it.


The story begins by introducing Rue, a teenager who has just come out of rehab after

struggling with drug addiction. Through flashbacks, her path to rehab is shown, as well as her

relationships with other key characters, including Jules, her transgender best friend, and Nate,

a popular and troubled football player.


In this version of the story, Rue is unsuccessful in her recovery and relapses into her

drug addiction. Jules, who had been trying to help her, feels powerless and leaves town in

search of a new life. Meanwhile, Nate finds himself entangled in a series of legal and

emotional problems, including a toxic relationship with Maddy.

Cassie, one of Rue's friends, becomes pregnant and faces the difficult decision of

whether or not to have the baby. McKay, Cassie's boyfriend, feels lost and alone in their

relationship, leading him to make risky and impulsive decisions.

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Meanwhile, Kat, another one of Rue's friends, spirals downward in self-esteem and

self-deception, leading her to participate in dangerous online activities.


The story reaches a dramatic and tragic ending as all the characters are affected by

their problems. Rue, unable to handle her drug addiction, suffers a fatal overdose. Jules, who

had been trying to escape her problems, returns to town to face the harsh reality of her

friend's death.

Nate, tormented by his legal and emotional problems, becomes involved in a deadly

car accident. Cassie, who had decided to have the baby, dies in childbirth due to medical

complications. McKay, unable to cope with his grief, gives in to his impulses and commits


The story concludes with a heartbreaking message about the importance of seeking

help and support in times of crisis, and the tragic reality of what can happen when proper

steps are not taken to address emotional and mental health problems.
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