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Materia: Inglés II

Fecha: 29 de Octubre del 2023


Lima – Perú

Persona 1: Good morning guys, we are here for the position of apothecary, do any of you
have experience in this field?

Persona 2: Yes, I have experience, I have been working as an apothecary for years.

Persona 3: This is my first time working, but my training was very good at my institute

Persona 1: This work is divided into two shifts, you have to be aware of the arrival of clients.

Persona 2: I understand, there are two part-time shifts?

Persona 1: yes, they are 6 hour shifts each with breaks for lunch

Persona 3: So we can rotate to cover our shifts?

Persona 1: No, they are fixed schedules,

Persona 2: Sure, when can we start?

Persona 1: Can I choose the night time please?

Persona 1: You can start first thing tomorrow morning. Lost hours will be deducted, you have
to be punctual guys

Persona 3: Yes, then I would be entering from two in the afternoon until eight at night.

Persona 2: In that case I would enter the schedule from six am to twelve pm

Persona 1: Yes, there is a break from twelve pm to two pm for lunch. Is everything clear

Persona 2: For my part everything is fine

Persona 3: For mine too

Persona 1: Okay, on Tuesday we will be receiving them and clarifying each one's salary.

Persona 2: great, we will be here on Tuesday, thank you

Persona 3: Then we'll see you on Tuesday.

Persona 1: This concludes the interview, see you later.

Persona 2: See you later miss

Persona 3: Bye

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